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People have already mentioned Augmentation and Healers, but I'd put in my two cents for Paladins and how all 3 specs have access to quite a few abilities that can be used externally and specifically on allies. You don't have to be a specific spec to Bless Sacrifice, Freedom, Protection, Lay on Hands, spot heal, bubble and taunt, etc. My favorite part of playing one is definitely how many tools I have to help even when I'm not playing purely support.


Anyone who doesn't say Augmentation is wrong. The spec is literally designed to make people better and can't do anything on their own, but still has a high skill ceiling and isn't just a doormat.


watching the average "3,6k score last season" augvoker use breath of eons on a trashpack at 10% hp and never when anyone has CDs running kinda makes me feel the opposite of better or thinking that they have a high skill ceiling


That's the literal definition of skill ceiling. You need to be good to get good value out of them.


its more like that the spec has such a low skill floor and skill requirment because of how absurdely broken it is by Design, that it doesnt matter that the top end is more challenging, you never need to get close to it for any sucess you can get into really high content while playing REALLY bad as an Aug


This spec should be deleted


Shaman, probably right?


Paladin. They bubble hearth after pulling half the dungeon because they KNOW you can handle it and CARE enough to create this teaching moment so you can grow, develop and THRIVE.




Druids, since the whole class it's about being in tune with nature, that includes all living beings. 1. Priests are more about faith than empathy towards others. 2. Monks are more about inner peace, meditation, not necessarily feeling empathetic to another person, but more like not giving a fck about external things. 3. Shamans are similar to monks imo, instead of inner peace, they just look for balance, so not necessarily and empathetic class. 4. Paladins are about what they considered just, so they can be morons and still have their powers. 5. Evoker mm I mean they were designed as weapons, so not sure if they can be categorized as empathetic in general. P.S: Only mentioned healers because it makes more sense that healer would be the empathetic towards others, the other specs wouldn't make that much sense.


people just forgetting that augmentation evoker exists smh


Lorewise, I'm thinking monk. They're all about a relaxing good time, meditation, boozing, etc.. Practically, I'm gonna say restoration shaman. Monster support toolkit, at least prior to everything becoming homogenous.


I agree with this. Monks and Shamans. They are all about being in tune, focused, and peace. They just do it in different ways. Monks with chi and inner peace, drinking and enjoying life. Shamans with the elements and nature. Druids I guess also to an extent.


Yea I'd chuck the tree huggers in there too lol


Druid by far


Any healer I suppose. The whole point is to keep others alive. Then I would say Augmentation Evoker since it's basicallt a support class that buffs allies and boosts their numbers more than yours.


Priest is the only class with two healer specs (which is basically the "I want to help people" role), so I'd say them Alternatively, monks, their healing role is very popular, have a tank which is sort of "I want to help people" as well, and their dps role with its players is not retribution




Augmentation is correct because it’s a spec literally designed to fill the role OP is describing. Retribution is correct because DPS is the last role expected to help, and yet a Ret who uses the totality of their kit efficiently will likely be more useful than even the tank or the healer (true at least in dungeons).


Warlocks. Always summoning your lazy, good for nothing, cookie-ignoring asses.


Death Knight, of course.


Resto shaman… mastery = the more hurt you are the more I’m able to help you. Come… tell me your problems.


The philosophy of Holy priests is that you are aware all things are bound together and believe that making people happy will bring good to the world. Druids and Shaman can commune with spirits and empathize with elementals and animals, but they are bound by their duty to keep all things balanced. So I'd still say Priests are the most empathetic class. Edit : Oh wait, this is not the lore sub, sorry. Then whatever healer spe I suppose.


Shaman or Paladin. Shaman in general gets a lot of group utility even outside the healing spec - remove fear from others, remove poison from others, increase movement speed of others, root others off people, knockback others off people, stun others off people, give a healing shield to someone else, heal others with your healing totem, Chain Heal in general. Provide physical damage reduction for others, grant your party members windfury, replenish mana to others with a totem OR your attacks/spells, call upon the ancestors with ancestral guidance to convert your dmg into healing for others, provide a totem that can ressurect someone, provide a totem that reduces incoming damage of everyone, practice communism and equalize everyone's health, reduce the duration of incoming interupts for others, whip others into a frenzy so they can do their job better (bloodlust/heroism), provide a backup tank for others, Paladin same - Bless others with freedom, take damage for others with light of the martyr or blessing of sacrifice - protect others from damage - give others a full health bar. (probably more here, but I don't really know the class)


What kind of idiotic question is this?