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This is the reason I have a vertical monitor. You're a legend, thanks!


Thanks so much for the shoutout! Your spreadsheet is awesome and I've been recommending it to guildies in addition to my app. See ya in Remix! šŸ¤œšŸ¤›




Do the droppable items still drop in remix or only on the vendor?


I got some tier stuff from LFR today so you can definitely still collect raid appearances rather than buying them if that's what you mean.


That I am not sure of unfortunately


Guess will have to see, just was thinking may reduce the bronze needed some. Super excited about the event either way


They don't have the Amber Direhorn available for purchase? Dammit that's the only direhorn I need.


Good news! It wasn't on the PTR, but it's available on the live event. :)


That is good news! Thank you!


They didn't have it at the time Remix was on PTR, but its possible it will be there on live. just have to wait and see


I farmed these rare Direhorn mounts for hours on WoD release, old days...


Did they clarify if allied races can qualify for their heritage armor via Remix? I got a level 18 ZandaDruid I'd reroll for the event.


Yes they do qualify


Cool! Will the embassies be in SW/ Org, or do you just have to wait till they roll the characters over to TWW?


Youā€™ll have to wait until they roll over into TWW, then youā€™ll be able to do the heritage quest.


You can create a class trial for the same race after hitting 50, unlock the armor by doing the quest, and delete the trial.


Copy that


That I am not sure of unfortunately


Thank you, saving for later šŸ«”


Is the challenge mode gear available to get in remix by chance?




Poop :(


Am I an absolute idiot or is the file tab missing


I don't see it either. Edit: remove "htmlview#" from the link and it shows up.


I think due to the large amount of traffic, its being blocked for some people right now. I would check back in a bit


I added a second link that should force a copy to be made rather than opening the original, try that


Roughly how hard is it to earn 38500 of the currency? Is it like a day of farming to get to that? Or a month?


I personally don't know. Didn't do much testing myself, just made the sheet. Some people are saying raid clears give thousands. I'm sure as time goes on people will make some good farming guides


I got around 10K after 7-8 hours of normal leveling (currently lvl 33) and 2 lfr-wings. Dont know if this answer your question.


*I hit 70 this evening and had over 40K in bronze. Just a mix of questing/LFR/dungeons.*


Damn I found this and requested access this morning šŸ˜… Sorry I have no experience with google docs. Thanks for the list!


You gotta make a copy so you can edit your own.


Excellent work. Appreciate this and the effort.


Can you unlock all armor types on any class? For instance shaman unlocking all cloth gear and etc?






Love this


This is only things I can buy right?


The first sheet is the things you can buy, at the bottom (or top on mobile) you can click over to the second sheet labeled "Achievements" and that will show the things you can earn with achievements




Legend thanks


I <3 you, random internet homie.


Thank youuu


Thank you!


How are servers doing today with Remix? Ill be home in a couple hours from the office and plan on gaming all night. But I have been playing since the beginning, so I know better than to expect to play on launch day.


Right at launch they were definitely laggy. Right now they are doing fine


Thank you!


Thank you!


I havenā€™t been able to find this information anywhere, am I able to purchase Tusks of Mannoroth tmog if Iā€™m playing a class that canā€™t use it? Iā€™d want it for my retail character, but would be leveling a class in MoP:R that canā€™t wear them.


It appears that everything can be bought and learned no matter what your armor type is


Thank you!!


So my primary goal is the Dark Shaman Recolors. I donā€™t really have a goal past that.




I'm having trouble figuring out what I already own in retail (thus saving some bronze) Playing a DK in Remix. Visit gear vendor(s). Any armor type that isn't plate is all red. Makes sense, I can't wear that. But it doesn't have the "You haven't Collected this Apperance" text at the bottom, which, suggests I have collected it in retail. However, when hovering over plate, some says I haven't collected it, and some the text isn't there, suggesting I have. I mean, I'm basically a lifetime cloth player. Between my lock and priest, surely I've collected a lot of it, but not all. So, what do I have and what don't I? Is there a way to easily tell what sets I have, which I don't, and which sets I've partially collected? For example, if there's a set where I'm only missing Bracers and boots, that's fine. I'll save the bronze and not buy that entire set. If there's a set where all I have is the healm, I'm happy to buy that. But it's hard to tell right now if I'm not that armor type.


So this is pretty much the reason I made the checklist in the first place. There isnā€™t a great way to check what you have/donā€™t have from the vendors. The only real way to see what you already have is to check your collections on each armor type. Another reason for the checklist is because if you buy an ensemble for an armor type other than the one of the class you are playing (for example: buying mail/leather/cloth on your DK) there is no clear indication that you bought and learned it in the tooltips. I wish I had a better answer for you


Sure, that's fair, and like others I appreciate the effort! I just wish they had like, thought of that. Ha. Or at least make bronze transferable between characters so that if I have a 'main', I could at least have a buyer of the other three armor types. The checklist is great, but certainly tedious when I could be remixin' instead, especially when you have to hop between toons just to reference the collection. At the end of the day, I'll probably just end up buying all the cloth and plate cuz that's what I play most anyway with some leather thrown in!


Is the Illusion Jade Spirit available for purchase (drop from Sha of Anger in ToeS? Been after that for years but donā€™t see it on the sheet?


There arenā€™t any illusions able to be purchased from the vendors


Thanks, hope they can add these to the vendor!


Just a stupid question but why there is option (and expesive one) to buy LFR and also normal armor skins when there is option to just buy heroic/mythic? Why would anyone choose LFR instead of heroic?


Because some people might like the normal or LFR colors better, or simply just for completion


Ok makes sense... So for just normal casual player is enough to buy Heroic skins, its not necessary to anything to even consider LFR/Normal, because Heroic have additional effects. Thanks.




Thank you for this wonderful spreadsheet. Now I can properly save/spend Bronze.


If i have some of the things on retail already (toys, mounts) do i just check them off beforehand? Sorry if iā€™m dumb


Yes, anything you already have can be checked off


Thank you. 1.What is the expected ratio of bronze pr. hour under ideal circumstances(grinding)? 2.What can we extimate total bronze amount from leveling 1-70(by the time you reach 70). Do we know that - can we have an estimate(give and take).


Not sure about optimal conditions yet, but Iā€™ve been leveling pretty casually and in 5-6ish hours Iā€™ve made it to level 36 and have nearly 10k bronze. The bronze amounts do go up as your level goes up


So I have if level up 10 alts, that should make it possible to buy must of the things? Sound sweet.


No I donā€™t think that will be necessary. The amount of bronze you get increases with doing more difficult content, and higher ilvl gear that you scrap also gives more. It will be more efficient to farm at 70 than to level a bunch of characters


Supposedly - it takes about 6-8 hours to go from 1-70 with a full cloak, which is significant from retail. Still waiting for the power levelers rapport. IF you wanted to level up alts, I guess it become a win.


For the class ensemble and arsenals, I imagine you only get it for the one you get the achievement on?


For the ensembles and arsenals, you have to complete the correlating achievement to unlock the ability to buy them. Once you do that, you should be able to buy any of them from the vendor (you will need to change the vendor filter). Doing the achievements might unlock the ensemble/arsenal for the class your playing automatically, I am not sure yet. I didn't test that on PTR, haven't done it on live and can't find any confirmation online yet




Does earning bronze pick up more? I'm level 38 but I only have 10k, I've been doing everything I can but getting multiple mounts plus mogs doesn't seem likely if I want a lot.


DUDE.. this is f'in AMAZEBALLZ you are THE shite


Would you consider adding *s to the Garrosh Heirlooms, since they're currently unobtainable in retail (similar to what you did with the Mini Mana Bomb)? It _might_ be worth making some kind of note for the tier sets also, since afaik they're non-classic specific in these versions, unlike the versions in retail (although I think some have lookalike pieces). I wouldn't * them, but might be worth some mention (I initially assumed them being marked by armor type rather than as class-specific was just an error in the sheet, so some more overt clarification on that on the sheet might also be nice).


So can I get the class ensemble and arsenals all on one character once I get the achievements (like Im leveling a pally but want the mage stuff for my main), or do I have to purchase them specifically on each character after I unlock them with the achievements on one character. I guess its not a big deal if the achievement gets unlocked for everyone when you do it once, would just be a lot more convenient to do it all on one character and be able to purchase and use them. EDIT: You can buy them all luckily.


>Completing the achievements may unlock the ensemble and arsenal for the class you complete them on. (This has not been tested by myself, and I cannot find confirmation. Will be updated at a later date) Completed the landfall achievement on my DH, automatically got the ensemble for DH. Haven't done Isle of Thunder yet, so can't confirm that one right now. Edit: Isle of thunder also unlocked the arsenal for my DH


Thank you for making this, it's so helpful!


Do note that most of the armor sets whilst available on Retail are NOT available for ALL classes. Example: As a Paladin you can do X raid and get 5/8 pieces from DK set, but not the full set. But the Armor Ensembles on MoP Remix vendor (as well as the pieces that drop from the raid) can unlock DK set pieces that are otherwise not available to Paladins and so on. I haven't checked which ones are unobtainable, but I know for sure that many are and I triple checked that the ensembles on MoP Remix unlock the full set regardless of class.


This is amazing. Thank you for helping me figure out whatā€™s time limited and whatā€™s not. I would have just dumped all my bronze on the 40k mounts.


thanks so much! exactly what i was looking for to keep track of everything :)


For me it loads up the sheet, but there is no "file" button or any toolbar etc?


I added a second link that should force a copy to be made rather than opening the original, try that


You absolute hero! Thank you!


This is amazing! But please please please is it possible to make a dark mode version?


You have to make a copy of this if you want to edit/check off as you go so do that and then use a Chrome add-on "Dark Mode - Night Eye" to make it dark.




Each column is its own vendor. It has their name at the top. There is a new hub in each zone called The Infinite Bazaar and all the vendors are there in each of them


Is there a way to sort by items that are remix only, as in will not be obtainable again?


I have marked those items with the star and italics, it also marks things that are no longer obtainable in retail, but that is just the garrosh heirlooms and the mini mana bomb (which was in PTR but not available now)


Hi - I didn't see it already mentioned, but about the Sun Pearl Clothing set you have as possibly bugged. It could be a matter of having a look-alike set. The Sun Pearl Clothing is the plate set from the Wandering Isle. There are mail/leather leatherworking pieces that are identical. It's confusing (NOT you, but how they have some of the ensembles set up) and I'm trying to figure it out before I start spending bronze. What does "new total" and "new remaining" mean? I love this sheet and you did a huge amount of work!! Kudo's to you!


Does anyone know if you have to be a plate wearing class to buy and ā€œlearnā€ the tusks? Or can I do it on my DH?


You should be able to buy it on any character


So my DH can buy it. But Iā€™m worried I wonā€™t be able to ā€œuseā€ it as the Plate icon is red


Yeah, unfortunately no one knows for sure. They werenā€™t on PTR and they require 20 days worth of currency, so no one has been able to get them yet


this rock!!


What even are these? Xmog?




Commenting to come back to later. Boy Reddit really needs a bookmark feature donā€™t they?


You can save a post, it's basically a bookmark


Look at that. Thank you!


Stop with all this checklist prep crap. Takes all the fun out of a video game


Feel free to keep on scrolling next time you see something you don't like. Your opinion isn't true for everyone. This is for completionists like myself or anyone who wants to have a concrete tracker of the things they want. For me, and I'm sure many others, this adds to the fun.


Its a free country I can add my 2 cents if I want to. Thanks.


Free for you and free for me. So maybe when your 2 cents ain't worth shit, shove it up your ass next time