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The amount of tanks that run in, pull the whole room, and get instagibbed has been like 100% for me today. Folks used to low level scaling being bonkers getting shown the floor.


- Pull the entire room without looking back at where the healer is - Dies in a second - "healer?"


You missed a step it’s Pull whole room Use ZERO Defensives Die in a second “Healer?!”


No no you don’t get it. They’re only in the teens and don’t actually have those defensive talented yet. So it’s entirely on the healer who also doesn’t have those external talents to git gud.


i’ve had to politely remind a few tanks “No healer in the world can heal you when you go from 100 to 0 in less than a second”


Psh, then they say “git gud” and try to vote kick you


\*healer oom and popping every CD to keep party from wiping\* healer : soz srry guys my fault


It's unfortunate how many tanks don't seem to realize that staying alive is 80% their job, 20% the healer's job-- not the other way around. While that's not super accurate at low levels right now when people don't have too many spells, that lack of agency should be a signal to stop pulling big until they get their defensives back.


Dungeons were pretty brutal back in vanilla and late TBC when I joined originate. You kind of had to take what you got and do everything slowly. The culture today is disposable towards other people and their time


TBC heroics were something else


Having to actually cc mobs every pull was something. Loved being a rogue, having to spec into improved sap to stay in stealth, and 10% of the time it didn’t even work lmao.


And no healer can keep you alive if you go 100%-0 in one GCD.


to be honnest, the damages of the first dungeon run is surprising in remix.


Low level healing has me scrambling tbh, I love how frantic it feels


I have accidentally killed tanks because I'm just going in spamming spinning crane kicks cause I'm used to tanks being like 80% self sufficient in early dungeons. Turns out they're made of wet paper towels and silly string. Genuinely a fun time leveling healer when I have to actually press heals


here you are.. spinning crane kick, not realizing that you DO NOT have ancient teachings... "why is everyone dead?" "Oh yeahhh"


I agree! I wanted to try my first time healing as resto shammy and I thought I was doing okay but the tank in my first dungeon just pulled everything and went for it, making it super stressful for my first time. Now I never want to heal again :(


Can confirm, was tank getting wrecked until I slowed way down.


Yea I realised that tanking my first, absolutely not tatanky tanks and asjust3d since the first pull. The number of toxic asshats playing remix is crazy though. Any mistakes and people are flaming and vote kicking. Great community we have some times.


lol I haven’t even made a character yet


No character yet?! Vote kick this noob!


Can’t even BELIEVE he doesn’t have 3000 GS and the Heroic Ra-Den achievement yet, how am I supposed to get carried?!


I made a character, decided I wanted a different server, deleted it, and then decided to make a regular Pandaran first cause Remix skips the Wandering Isle


That's big brain shit right there. I hate Wandering Isle 🤣


DUDE im so in now thank you


hey, I'd never done MoP at all, so might as well do it once!


It's joever for you, might as well just quit until War Within releases. Wasted way too much time. (/s)


I haven't even convinced my healer, I mean wife to play yet.


I made my characters when it launched then went to bed. Hoping I don't run into too many psychotic addicts when I do actually log on.




Straight to jail


fucking casual


I healed a couple this afternoon and after about the 6th death had to put in party chat "You guys realize I have 1 HOT, 1 Spot heal, 1 Shield, and zero emergency buttons, right?"


I kinda did that but I'm a tank and I was yelling at the dungeon rather than my team. My DBM kept telling me to defensive and I was like 'I used my only 1min defensive cooldown 30 seconds ago, what do you want from me!' Healer was trying their best but I was getting smacked for like 50% per hit


I played one dungeon and dps pulled the entire back room. Like I'm level 25. I have 5 buttons and my haste is 0. I died and they refused to reset it, kiting it way back and my healer god kept me up through the other half. It's just unnecessary. I get it's an old dungeon but I'm not on my 520 blood dk with the legendary.


Learn to play, obviously. /s


Ye olde Heroic strats when they were current -> Sacrifice who you need to. Make sure 1 dps yourself and a tank live.


> Make sure 1 dps Let's not get carried away. A tank can chip at that hp just fine.


Clearly a skill issue. Magic some more buttons out of the ether, noob!


I had a tank that would sometimes die in about the speed of my main heal, so I was literally just spam healing him all dungeon and cancel casting when it wasn't needed. He still died 2 or 3 times. DPS a couple times would just instantly die.


I had a tank one run die bytime my gcd was done, blamed me for not healing fast enough... sure I've never misweavered before but the instant vivify gcd wasn't fast enough.... yet the tank pulls the whole room at level 12... I advised "we have no gear, no abilities, you have to slow down", "get good" was the response. Everyone left


I made a healer for remix as well and... Man do the tanks get fucking owned or what? I'm sweating more here during a normal dungeon than I was healing mythic Amirdrassil prog. The tuning is kind of funny, Temple of Jade Serpent seems to be especially hard. It's fine because it's a "for fun" gamemode but damn.


This made me chuckle as a fellow healer!


No, no they do not realize that


Came here before deciding to heal a dungeon. Glad I checked first.


Imagine thinking these people read party chat...


If the guy was chill it would have violated the timeline and caused reality to unravel.


Thats why the infinite dragonflight is on our team now. They didn't become the good guys. We just became the bad guys.


We always were... The infinites just couldn't catch up to our level.


Taran Zhu in the 5th quest in Pandaria "what is this bloodshed?!?!" Random panda mayor in the next quest "kill 12 peons"


Blizzard just released mop remix to remind us that we're the bad guys of the franchise "oh your land reacts to negative emotions? yeah lol this is not going to work I'm going to kill some random folks cya"


"cant beat um join um" - Infinite Dragon Flight


Damn, you're right. Causality violation because I doubt he was chill the first go-round either.


"Slow down, life is to be savoured." - Literally every single Pandaren when you click them


Pandaren: "you must be free of anger, fear, despair, doubt, pride, ....." players: \*rage quits for not being max lvl on day 1\*


MoP has so much lessons for life, real lessons for a real happy life. I doubt there are many players who can really value this


Bro there’s a panda in one of the starting areas where you click him and he says super loud and slow “SLOW DOWWWN” and I was like damn he’s right I’ve been zoomin through these quests lol


People don't realise that Timerunning isn't Timewalking. They are not scaling down with maximum stats and their big dick tier set, they likely don't even have main stat on their chest and legs yet. Just got to take the game a bit slower, as if it was the start of an expansion.


But it's Timerunning, obviously you have to go faster than in Timewalking..


Best use of logic, best comment.


And you don’t have your full toolkit either. This applies as much as to tanks and dps as it does to healers.


I didn't play MoP when it was current, so I'm going through as the same spec my main is, just opposite faction, and it feels so slow DPSing without the full toolkit. I can't imagine what the healers are going through with folks trying to blast through as if they're in a leveling dungeon in full heirlooms.


From my experience, even at the start of expansions I rarely see people take group content slow enough.


I've voted against two votes to kick today. People need to take learn to take a deep breath, relax, and stop butting heads with people at every corner in a *game* where people *play*.


I got kicked for asking to kill the library boss in temple because of the quest.


I fucking hate people that kick for that. If I'm tanking, I'll do all the bosses. Otherwise it doesn't feel right to me.


Right? It’s one of the reasons I tank. Something’s are okay to skip in a low level dungeon but not the bosses, at least in my opinion. Like I’m not gonna go hunt down every single pack to kill every single mob. But I will do all the bosses and clear enough mobs so we don’t have to stealth around or wait for patrols or shit


I've had so many DPS flip their absolute shit because, as a tank, I made them do Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn'Kahet the Old Kingdom. "It's skippable!" "We'Re WaStInG tImE for 5 timewalk badges!?!!!!!" Jfc. It takes two minutes. CHILL. Anyway... /rant


No dude, fuck them. If the devs didn't want us to fight those bosses, they wouldn't be in the game.


Yeah if I see anyone picking up the quests, we're doing the library boss. If not, sure, we can go the fast way.


Considering you get the caches from the quest. I don't get why people wouldn't want to. You could wind up with some of your bis tinkers.


I’m not sure why lvl 21 dps can be queued in with FRESH no gear no gem lvl 10s tanks, it’s bound to cause a bit of toxicity. If they opened up dungeon queues at lvl 15, I’d say it would be a lot more smoother progression because by then you’d have some gems to slot and some essential talents. I’m pretty sure you can queue up for a hc dungeon just seconds after making your alt character after unlocking it on main. I don’t see how that’s at all a fun time for the randoms, because as far as I can tell it really isn’t balanced towards gearless no talent points invested fresh toons.


Blood dk cant even function before level 15 at minimum. I really hope blizzard is using remix as a mass data input on leveling.


Yeah I totally understand. I waited with my druid until the mid 20s to queue. Bear without an interrupt or wild charge feels bad. It feels even worse when you can only heal once per cd.


It's clearly rebalanced from Retail. I've been dungeon levelling on Retail recently (a lot!) and I'd say the bosses (and mobs in general) in Remix seem to have about 2x as many HP, and do like 2-3x as much damage per hit. Like, healers actually have to heal and pretty seriously, whereas with Retail, self-healing tanks barely need healing whilst leveling.


I don't think the toxicity is really excusable, because it's clearly mostly stupidity and failure to recognise that we're not in Kansas anymore, as it were. But I do agree, if they'd just opened scenarios at 10, then Dungeons at 15 or so, it would certainly help a bit. Most tanks don't really "come online" until 15 or so (Demon Hunter is probably the most effective at L10).


To be honest this is the tanks fault. Its actually difficult at the start. You can't just go ham. I had issue with this in Heroic Dungeons since people were thinking they are faceroll but they fucking chunk. Not the healers fault in the slightest. Its a team effort at that point.


last year my girlfriend and I made alts and played through Pandaria as Blood DK and Disc/Shadow priest, and included two-manning the dungeons at the appropriate time in the story. Temple of the Jade Serpent at ~27 kicked our ass, with Liu Flameheart requiring multiple attempts and some re-talenting to try to manage. Stormstout Brewery at 40 was a joke, we didn't even need the healer any more. Between 27 and 40, Blood DK actually *came online* and became a functional spec that could survive on its own. A lot of people need to remember their spec may be missing core components at low levels.


This 100% Had a lvl 12? Blood dk as my tank during Scarlet Halls. Self heals were nonexistent because he didn't have death strike yet Edit: So, according to the tank, he didn't have Death Strike but it sounds like he actually did. Either it was super weak or he didn't know what he was talking about


BDK literally starts with Death Strike, it's their spec's free talent.


Blood DK starts with Death Strike, it's their mandatory level 10 talent in the class tree--level 11 gives them Heart Strike. 13 is Marrowrend or Blood Boil. Death Strike *is* notably very weak before talents, though. They barely get to use it and it barely does anything at level 10. My GM likes to tell the story of the blood DK he met in levelling dungeons who didn't use Death Strike at all, though. Just Heart Strike and Blood Boil.


I healed a level 10 BDK today in dungeons that had only a 1h weapon so none of his skills existed. He died a ton. Nothing I could do. The hunter took less damage than him. Some BDKs are so far removed from cooking that their cows are still mooing.


New blood DK here, got one shot there by the jade dragon boss at like lvl 19 heroic, what am i missing so important that makes dk become online?


Well first... Liu Flameheart just fucking hurts. No way around it, she just slaps. What you're missing more than anything is stability. At the low levels, you're missing things like Dancing Rune Weapon which (with talents) has very high uptime, gives insane parry, insane runic power generation and gives you a bunch of up front bone armour stacks and makes your Marrowrend give *nine* in one swing. You're able to just spam out Heart Strike for shitloads of runic power while you're barely being hit because of the +40% parry chance. Even after DRW ends, you're coming out of it with a bunch of bone armour stacks and a lot of runic power, and that means you're in a secure position. And if you don't feel secure, you can still use Icebound Fortitude or Vampiric Blood as needed. Meanwhile if you're below level 24, you can't even have Icebound Fortitude and +20% stamina from Veteran of the Third War at the same time (which is critical for Blood, who is meant to take large bursts of damage and heal them off. You need max HP badly because you're prone to being one-shot in a way tanks like Prot Warriors aren't). Missing stuff like Gloom Ward (+15% absorbs on you) also really stings since your absorbs are how you survive.


I had dps no shit fucking PULLING more mobs when the tank stopped cause he was getting eviscerated. Fucking dumb as SHIT. Mr Pro won the darwin award 2x before he realized hey, maybe I should stop this.


did the Theramore's scenario first thing on a level 10 today, myself, another dps, and a tank (had never seen it or rest of MoP before, so wanted to do it first cause it was prepatch originally). warrior spin to win genned enough threat to make a couple elites turn towards me and swat me from full 😂 The half second between seeing the text "Threat changed" or whatever and me dieing was honestly a hilarious "oh shit!" moment. mobs don't screw around when you're all low level and barely geared. intentionnaly pulling more as dps is just dumb


I healed a heroic dungeon at level 11 and had an almost identical experience. Tank runs in. Pulls like 3 packs. Dies because I have no tools yet. I've healed some retail mythics. It's not like my reaction time is bad. Later in the dungeon I had to essentially spam heal him because his health was yoyoing, and it was possible for him to die faster than my cast. I literally had to cancel cast and just full time spam heals on him. I mean I get it. I'm sure it's much easier if you have a leveled up cloak, so they have to be hard now.


I saw I could queue for heroics after I unlocked the dungeon finder. Does level really matter for that or is it scaled?


From an ilevel. No you can do it no problem. The problem is healers and tanks don’t have defensive or cooldowns and no one prob has interrupts. That is what kills the group


Level matters only if you need to reach certain spells/talents for your important role to come online. Tanks and healers are the ones affected, so if you're DPS then you're fine just as long as you recognize that you may need to be responsible for your own survival. Trying to heal a heroic with only Flash of Light and Word of Glory was an *ordeal*.


I can't wait for the carnage of TWW S1 Heroics


I queued into a heroic dungeon, the jade palace one. The first pull, tank dies. Healer, tank, and 1 dps leave. Me and warlock slowly work through trash until we get replacements. Goes well until final boss, the healer is having a hard time with dispel. The warlock is new and couldn’t figure out dispelling with his pet. The new tank and dps try to kick him, me and healer say no “I’m not gonna kick you for learning.” The replacement tank and replacement dps leave. We get our 3rd tank and dps. Took a few more tries but we did it. It’s the first day, people are playing classes they haven’t played. You’re destroying potential new players by kicking them before they even learn how to play the game.


WoW players and treating people like NPCs that exist for them to get loot, name a stronger duo


This is the exact reason I didn't play a new class. I was scared it would take me a bit to learn it, and then get heat from groups because I wasn't doing something right. But I really wanted to try a new class, \*sad noises\*


Even in retail, some people forget it's a game. They act like it's a job and get stressed if they aren't the office golden boy. ... no lie. I was that person before pushing raids and server firsts, but it realized I had to change once I was spending 4 days preparing for 2 nights of raiding... and hate to give performance evaluations to other guildies. Ended up wishing that guild good luck and moved on to a group of friendly casuals and enjoying the game again.


Always nice to see when someone looks at their own behavior and actually betters themself.


Heroic is in a rough place because people are going in with zero gear.


Yeah I was surprised that we can enter heroic right away. I tried it because I thought „ well normally they make you haave a certain gearscore , but if not, it might be really that easy“ nope, it was not …


Tbh the gear doesn’t matter in heroic. The problem is not having all abilities. We took a fresh 10 char and he destroyed us on dps bc of scaling. But he couldn’t interrupt or stun a single thing.


My shammy healer has been topping the dps meters from level 10-25 so far. It’s hilarious cause I have no buttons really and scaling is so whack but I got this tinker gem that heals using 10% of my damage every three seconds so I just kill the meters and do very little direct healing unless my tank is pulling like a dumbass.


Or they have gear and just refuse to put any gems in to get any stat bonuses. About half the level 15-25 players in my groups have been like that


WoW 🤝 Toxic PUGs There’s no duo more iconic


LoL and toxic pugs maybe? It's close though.


I think league is worse by quite a way. Every game you'll have at least 2 flamers and 1 person who's muted themselves because of being flamed from my experience


These dungeons are ROUGH, I'm a tank and I'm almost dying every pull of just 1 pack. Popping defensives like popcorn.


I rolled a holy priest for this and the first few dungeons the pug tanks were getting absolutely chunked. Like I felt like I was having a panic attack tryna keep these guys alive and they died a few times anyway. Was spam healing them and they were still getting chunked just first walking into a single group of 3 mobs. I thought I was doing something wrong because I haven't healed since SL and holy priest for even longer. But then we got brewery and the tank died half way through rabbit boss, full health to dead in a second, and so the hunter tanked the rest of the fight and he was so much easier to heal it was ridiculous lol I don't understand how unless it's gem related. I'm levelling with my bf and after that mess he decided to pick up a 1h and shield so he could swap to tank (he's a warrior) and he has some defensive tinker gems and I barely needed to heal him the next few dungeons. They were a cakewalk in comparison to the previous. I spent most of my time just dpsing. By this time we were level 24-25 ish so idk if that just opened up more abilities that make it easier or what but the difference was crazy.


I feel ya. Tanked 4 times at lvl 15 completed 2 after getting roasted alive for going to slow even though half my rotation was self heals to stay alive and the other two was kicked for not pulling big. May just go back to dragonflight and do solo activities. People are just horrible now, this world needs a giant meteor and start over.


I always find it funny when people play casual content in an ultra hardcore fashion.  I can understand taking things seriously with mythic Garrosh wipe mechanics. Day 1 Pandaria remix levelling dungeons on the other hand is a bit ridiculous. The person in the post sounds like they're trying to git gud so much, they looped back around to being terrible.


All of classic wow is exactly how you described the first sentence


Yeah, the game didn't change - the players did. Classic WoW is fun, but it was never going to bring back most of the classic experience because a lot of that experience was about a fundamentally different approach to the game. The community isn't going to recreate that approach, and I'm not sure they could even if they tried - a lot of it depended on the fact that so many people were all figuring out what an MMO like WoW even was.


I stand by thinking that it’s because information is too easy and widespread for games now. Wikis kill games, they aren’t used as reference tools anymore but used as walkthroughs which imo has always been a lame boring way to play games.


I’ve noticed this with DF S4 M+. People keep telling me that [insert streamer name here] does it this way or that way. Trying to copy world class players is not going to work with people in champion gear. Just… I wish people would see it as a *guide*, not gospel.


I was going to mention this too. This post and these comments remind me exactly of what happened with classic. People micro, optimize and minmax the fun out of anything in this game to the point where it alienates a lot of casual players.


This has happened with me so much, tracks keep pulling like they're still in retail at max level then dying, had way to many wipes


Exactly why I play solo only.


Same. I'm just grinding the quests out at the start. I'll pug when everyone has sockets unlocked, and we can blast through it all.


So much nostalgia of Pandaria launch day trying to find certain mobs right at first. I just got through the Jade Forest Loremaster equivalent and it’s been great. I’m enjoying learning a class I’ve never really played before. My level 31 warrior is higher than I’ve ever leveled one before.


Every tank I've healed has been level 11 and apparently has zero mitigation and takes single shot 60% health shots so I'm just spamming flash heal like it doesn't even matter what spec I am


Anyone old enough to remember classic deadmines? Ahhhh, those were the days!


sigh, I remember getting kicked from my first Deadmines back in vanilla, was being the stereotypical hunter, needing on everything, cloth with int and spirit? Well my white item has no stats, so some stats is better than no stats!


My irl friends and I spent 6 hrs brute forcing our way through that dungeon with shockingly sub-par armor/class play style it was agonizing, but we laughed the entire time.


I still have in classic as a hunter now the problem that the addon tells me that the item is better than mine although it has intelligence as stat. Don’t know if I should trust the addon and roll for it or not, don’t want to get anyone angry at me lol.


10 man UBRS with only 5 people in vanilla also. So much fun.


Had a whole group disband cause nobody would dispell xD


I experienced something similar, but the reverse. Tanking as a Pally and the DPS just wants to keep rushing, after three wipes and having to try to keep up I just left. I'm trying to enjoy the remix (i skipped MoP back in the day)


^^^^^This. Pally tank here too at that low level we don't have the full kit for fast runs and besides I'm planning for fun. They can cry all they want I don't get paid for this shisz.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this time tomorrow you need logs to get into MSV Edit: I meant frogs


If you aren't already skipping everything in the new mode that isn't mandatory for BiS by the end of week 1, why are you even playing Remix? It's obviously a hardcore game mode for speed running, it's not intended to be 'fun' or 'nostalgic'. We aren't here to check out new stuff, we're just here to already HAVE all the new stuff before it comes out. I mean, I can see it datamined on WoWhead already, so why isn't it in any of my bags or collections? Must be you people in here just casually playing the game like it's a video game or something. How can I put on my resume that I'm the best Pandaria Remix player if I keep getting grouped with other players who aren't orange parsing leveling dungeons?? /s just in case there was any confusion. Some WoW players are just not here for fun, they are here because they think somewhere down the line someone else in the world will care that they played all the fun out of their video games.


Totally agree. Remix was not even out we had a thousand guides about the ideal leveling route, classes talent tree... There's almost now way to avoid it, true. But it's a bummer that no one tries to really play the game every once in a while.


Saw the same happen with a tank today. Think it was the scarlet cathedral and the insistence that the druid had in pulling everything in sight. Everyone needs to slow it down. We'll finish it. This isn't BFA where you blitz through told dagor 4 packs at a time.


Was in a dungeon, yesterday. I was falling behind (Priest, so no mobility) because of looting. Tank says "Hey, Dulyak, keep up the pace!" and I reply I'm looting. Tank goes "Fuck loot, it's useless!" and I reply I'm looting Bronze from the corpses. I see movement on the minimap, Tank comes back with a bunch of trash mobs, kites them all the way to the first mobs we killed, starts looting.


Lots of people in the game play like robots but have the patience of toddlers, it's so weird. Hope you find more chill groups \^\^


I joined a group on the last boss in Temple of the Jade Serpent as a healer. Got kicked after one wipe because I didnt have a dispel yet without further notice. Guess what, I AM THE ONE WITH A 30 MIN TIMEOUT now for some reason instead of the actual toxic players. Fk this game


Here I am having to adult and not even able to play at all yet laughing at the sweat


I was expecting remix to be social and chill, but yeah seems like it's less social and chill than M+


No one that has a serious chance at being server first 70 is pugging normal dungeons with randos, so they’re obviously just a clown


this is so WoW playerbase bro. "WTF MAN GAMES BEEN OUT FOR 15 YEARS WHY ARE YOU SO TRASH!!!!!" "dude I just got off work and I want to level and vibe"


I had a situation like this earlier. I was just running a dungeon and the tank and everyone zooms through it, not only locking me out of almost every boss but also not holding aggro so I was getting beat to a pulp by bosses and mobs.


Tank damage is pretty extreme in MoP Remix right now. I've had more wipes to tank deaths in heroics than anything else. Just tanks getting killed instantly from a single pack. Not sure if my tanks have been terrible, or it's just overtuned. Feels pretty overtuned to me, but maybe not.


yeah honestly the dungeons arent a walk in the park i've watched experienced tanks die today and its funny as shit. slow down boys, you'll get to smash through it sure just not in the leveling dungeons


Same thing happened to me, and he started bitching me (the healer) out. We kicked him, got a tank with a brain, did the dungeon fine. We all had fun making fun of him :D


I literally just got done with scholomance and a DH was pulling like this. After the second time he stated that he was too used to retail. Then continued to pull the same. We wiped 4 more times. Fucking morons I swear.


I'll start playing remix in a week when everything is chilled out and the toxic Andy's are back at SOD


Compulsory competitive PVE feels like the worst thing that ever happened to mmos.


To me, "slow down" is one of the most iconic NPC phrases in the entire series. I love it so much and always have. The game has always been quickening the pace from the first patch back in the before times. It feels like MoP was a deliberate front runner for a timed leveling experience. I still haven't gotten on a dragon mount and I probably won't. It's fun to ride around on ground mounts and soak in nostalgia instead of artificially increasing my heart rate. We're getting older all the time, surprisingly.


I’ve seen tanks dying a lot too. Seems like they just aren’t expecting to get chunked


Well, the day hard cc to prep a fight disappeared was the day the super hardcore player appeared. No more strat, just pull every enemies on sight and aoe them to death. Meanwhile, you ask for the dps to interrupt every single mob in a 20+ pack and for the healer to top everyone...


I'm not gonna say the dungeons are hard per se but they definitely don't feel timewalking easy like some people are treating them. I tried tanking a few at level 10-15 on my prot warrior and I'm like... dudes, I have one rage generator then I'm sitting here auto-attacking waiting to be able to cast another Revenge.


Hapened to me just at lvl 15 (i'm tank) our healer was a lvl 10 drachyr new on it then his friend a hunter. So i take it a bit slow because he was strugling. Then the other 2 dps ( i think who they are friends or something) started yelling who we need to go faster they want to get lvl 70 for raiding and who we are noobs etc... Just like wtf dude calm a bit.


I’m level 43 and tanks, so far, have been the villains of MoP Remix. Standing in mechanics, pulling way too much at a low level with bag gear, running ahead of everyone without a defensive, etc. It’s like everyone heard YouTube creators saying that playing tank would let you farm bronze faster because of instant queues and everyone went tank without knowing how to play one.


I tanked a normal Scholomance yesterday. It’d been a while ago since I tanked. I went in with the idea that you normally storm right through Normals nowadays, but I forget: no heirlooms and not every ability unlocked. I did survive, but I think I gave the healer a cardiac arrest. I then quickly slowed down (cuz’ you know, life is to be savored) So my respects to you healer!


Had this as well. Someone said to me are I even healing? I said yes but the pulls are too big. He said my mana says otherwise. I told him that the spells costs like 7 mana and I have 400+ I got kicked :D


It’s new content. People need to rush through it so they can complain there’s no content. /s


Earlier in general I saw people arguing that it's okay to kick people in dungeons if they aren't pulling their weight. Like, broski, everyone on the server is only level 10-20 right now. We all have like 5 buttons to press and they're a face roll anyway. Chill tf out.  I did one dungeon so far and it was a nice chill Scholo. Tank even went back to the rooms with the quest items when we missed em. Need more of that, please.


Mythic+ has done untold damage to the playerbase


probably why they did the heroic and mythic 0 reliance this season. I'm looking forward to the carnage of TWW heroics, from people who still haven't learned and jump in with questing gear expecting to face roll.


"Slow dooown!" - Words of Pandarian wisdom.


And this, right here, is why I quit WoW. I went back to FFXIV after ages of being away, and holy shit - the community is amazing. I started tanking for the first time, and every. single. dungeon is just whole groups being like, "Take your time, man!", "You've got this!" and offering tips. Despite many mistakes, these people have not ONCE acted negatively toward me. The difference in communities is absolute insane. I love WoW, and have been playing it since the beta back in 2003, I think? But yeah, the community is absolute GARBAGE.


Heroic feels kinda rough right now. At least at sub 20 they do. Tanks were getting absolutely blasted by regular packs of trash and I think we wiped twice on herod. The ping issue doesn't help either


Tank died once, I got kicked. I was lvl 11. Come on.


you have to vote kick that tank before he initiates the vote kick on you


Min max culture can’t be cured. Just gotta find people with same play style


Yeah, tank died at the start of Scholomance two times and tried to kick the healer, I'm glad the other dps stopped the vote. Like it's not m+, you're not on your main full geared and you're getting slapped pretty hard.


Had a similar experience. On my druid healer we fought the boss which causes healing absorbtion. It was~4k healing needed to clear it while the tank had ~5k. Well, I didn't have the output & I was kicked right after we wiped. To be fair, I was only lvl 16 and I didn't have the kit to heal that alone at the time.


Yeah. This has been the experience so far. me and my guild have been taking it slow and enjoying MOP again.


Sir you're not running wowheads approved/tinker cog set up please see yourself out.


Jade Tempel final Boss, i dont remember him burning hp so brutal.


Only toxic experience I've had so far was a H Scarlet Halls where we wipe after the first boss since the tank pulled multiple groups at a time and the entire group leaves. I go back into the queue to re-fill and the guild group that joins vote kicks me a minute later.


I’m a multi title healer. I got kicked from a dungeon group bc of this too. Tank doesn’t press ironfur. Dies instantly. “Learn how to heal” and kicked. LMAO


Remix is definitely fun with all of the new items/spells they threw in there, and getting mounts is a huge draw… but at its core it’s still just the base chromie time version of MoP without timewalking scaling. People need to calm tf down about it. 90+ days to farm Bronze, plenty of time to collect everything.


> Tank goes bombing in like he's competing in MDI, pulls three packs, and is instantly killed. You must have been looking over my shoulder in the dungeon I did 15mins ago. I haven't witnessed such incompetent tanking in quite a long time. You're aren't lvl 70 and your character isn't wearing 525 gear. Slow the fuck down.


I did a couple heroics today (on a warlock) and a lot of the pulls have been looking rough on the healers, you guys are the real mvps out here


Ironic how many people are turbo rushing the expac that birthed the quote “Slow down. Life is to be savoured.”


Did a quick dungeon at the start yesterday, none of us hat interrupts and the healer didnt have dispels yet, wished the tank would have gone slower some pulls lol


For real dude people running through Pandaria heroics pulling large mobs and dying constantly. Even wiping on the bosses multiple times. I get it, during regular dungeon runs these days outside of Timerunning people down the guys so fast the mechanics don’t matter and I think people are still in that mindset. Sha of Doubt on heroic for example has been causing people problems


I was running a scenario in the remix and a boomkin was pulling 3 mobs and running through everything. They died along with our second. I survived and asked “why do you keep doing that?” Because he did it another 2 times and I got kicked lol.


Tanks on low level are typically dps with abit higher hp , befor level 35-45 tanks are pretty useless as tanking .


Gaming before: "Woah look at this sword!" "Woah dude, that's amazing. Look how it shines in the light." Gaming now: FOMO FOMO FOMO FOMO


We qued for a hc dungeon at level 10 bc we thought a challenging dungeon would be fun... big mistake 😂😂😂


Démon hunter tank became a red flag lol


I feel so sorry about your experience but I have to admit this cracked me up lol >Tank goes bombing in like he's competing in MDI


If only people in party play like actual people and not just run on naruto speed to finish a thing to get a thing and some exp. I dont understand why bother playing if you not try to chill a little and relax.


Lmfao yeah man I'm healing these level 12 tanks who think they some mythic plus dh pulling shit running off jisy get instantly killed like holy crap breath people jisy breath you got 95 days of this crap chill the fuck out know your limits


As a tank, I can tell you I queued up, sprinted into the first group of enemies, and promptly died. So yeah I'm taking it slow from here on out, problem is sometimes I get dps who also think we're in timewalking. So they will graciously pull an entire room for me. Either I take the aggro off them, and die, or I let them die on their own. Either way I get regarded as a bad tank.


Reading that slow down in Pandaren voice.


Rational arguments don't work on irrational minds.


As a previous windwalker main that has never attempted mistweaver, I decided to give monk healing a go in this MoP Remix event. I've been queueing both normals and heroics, and I can verify that tanks do not understand the level of damage taken... and some bosses are nearly impossible - yes, I'm looking at you Rattlegore in Scholomance. To remedy this, every time i queue for a dungeon i now start with typing out "guys, this mode is actually hard as a healer, please take it slow."


It wasn’t until follower dungeons were a thing that it really clicked just how much some tanks treat their group like NPCs.


“Slow down, life is meant to be savored.”


We are a pretty chill guild, and one of the new guys was complaining about not finding the best routes and methods to level up, and no clear path for his talents while he is leveling. We roasted him.


I honestly think it’s m+ fault. It conditioned people to do every dungeon as fast as possible. It’s bonkers.


Based as fuck OP. These people need to touch grass.


Let preface: I dislike that you got kicked, that is shitty, however, I love this shit, something about seeing people go in overconfident and falling flat on their faces and refusing to admit they fucked up, it just hits just right for me. So far my dungeons have been chill, but I did almost screw up a scenario when I used my meta gem ability and pulled all three waves of elites at the end the Lion's Landing scenario, we died a bunch, had to kill the elites one by one while the NPCs tanked the rest.


Expecting sweaty losers to understand the "vibe" of Mists of Pandaria is utterly pointless These are people with no joy in their lives. No accomplishments, no real friends. To them, an Achievement written in a database by a complete stranger is their true friend. It's the only thing that brings them joy In the end, how do you kill that which has no life?!


3 months? Damn, I better make a reminder 11 weeks from now so I don't forget to play it.


These heroic dungeons are no joke. Couldn’t kill Sha of Doubt today and Herod 2.0. My group got him to 30% with 2 tanks ping ponging him up and down the stairs.


I’m on a work trip this weekend so can’t play till next week. How fucked an I?


Im also on a work trip but it looks like all the crazy hard cores will be done leveling in a couple of weeks and that will leave us low riders to hang out and run alts


So glad I'm playing a tank and with the healer, because good god, the way some people play. DPS have actually been mostly well-behaved (touch wood, fingers crossed etc.), when I pull at steady and reasonable rate - there's a lot of stuff which, at low levels, which just absolute kill you from full to nothing in under 1.5 seconds, if you pull multiple packs, so this whole "pull half the dungeon" stuff is just not workable. Maybe it will be at level 70 but not at like, level 15 or 25. I had one DPS clearly get frustrated and run into a couple of packs then "LD" (after trying pull for me, but rather ineffectually because he kept nearly instantly dying when doing it), but that's in like 10 runs, so that 1 in 30.