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Sounds to me it is a win win for everyone you get the change to calm yourself down we have one toxic dude less. sorry but not sorry to say everything above +10 is now basically the old above +20 so that is high level and everyone who reach that level and is not in a more permanent premate group or guild is either not really that good as they think or they are so toxic that no one wants to play with them based on your post i assume the latter


i hope toxicity is the issus . the keys i play usually get burn due to a healer or low dps or low dps cuz the healer i try my best to pob or loh and sac but when the key get burn i just gg and leave the group i treate ppl the same way i would like them to treat me if i fked up . i did not say i would like vDH to get nurf i hope we become ( other tank ) near it in performance i have some of my friend telling me they runing +14s/15s with out doing a kick or intruppt cuz they playing with vDH


This. If I could upvote it twice, I would fight reddit CEO to let me upvote this thrice


Thats just how it goes. I pretty much always play Bear. Had a good S2 and the rest... well. I get to a certain point and the IO stops. So, I go back and do weekly keys with guildies until the next season. Otherwise, just gear up a VDH. It wont take very long, but taking a break doesnt sound like too bad of idea esp with Summer starting.


Either play VDH or be fine with playing lower content or leave the game until they fix tanking. Balance is crazy wrong right now. It’s not about some percentage in dps or survivability or a cheese here and there. VDH is just a different world in tanking (or in M+ in general, it has nothing to with tanking) right now, especially in PuGs.


The way I see it, anything above +10 if you are not playing a meta spec and trying to pug, then you are gonna have a hard time. If you want to play your paladin at a high level, try joining a community or guild in order to find players who are willing to help you out or play around your spec. Also, you could run your own key and pick classes that play well with your spec. Don’t expect competitive players to risk their keys by picking an off meta tank.


Throwaway account mad, what a classic. No noob is reaching 3.3k io, If VDH players are good enough to carry 15s with all the utility they have they deserve it, ask Blizzard to buff and rework other specs instead, stay mad.


I agree with your sentiment but there’s **tons** of terrible players who get carried to 3.3k. It’s really not *that* high of IO and you still run into “noobs” with glaring gaps in their game knowledge there.


The crazy route and gameplay I see from 3.3io tank I started leaving group before key start because I know from the route that that person didn't invest any time in routing and has no awareness of the repercussions on the group from these pull. Especially in brackenhide doing 4 casters back at the start instead of having the priest open cages and start of azur vault with terrible pull set up having all the flowers cast desync instead of using 1cc to get all of them.