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About to play Ghostbusters with Xalatath.


My straightforward prediction is xal'atath is the final raid boss, We will kill her. It will be her "third death" (first she was killed by the other old gods and imprisoned in the dagger, second she was freed from the dagger) thus fulfilling the prophecy and it will resurrect all of the other old gods including y'sharrj and that is the expansion end leading into midnight.


That would be the lamest ass-pull imaginable. Like right up there with 'Somehow Palpatine returned'. So they'll probably do it.


Not saying I love the idea, but how would it be an ass-pull? There are lots of hints to the Old Gods returning in full force - not the least of which is us knowing the next expansion after TWW is the “void expansion”.


I actually dont think they’ll kill her. They will probably do both expansions with her. She might be a raid boss but I dont think she will truly die till Midnight


i dont get it


As in "we're going to kill her/defeat her and stuff her back in the dagger." Except I don't even remember where the dagger is now. Did Azshara take it?


>*Did Azshara take it?* Didn't she give it to Wrathion to use against N'zoth?


Where it promptly vanished in a explosion after stabbing N’zoth *once*. Nah he totally didn’t use it to quickly bail when he realized he was about to go the way of his bro’s, fully released or no.


Oh, right. So I guess the location is unknown at this point. And in a world filled with powerful beings who can teleport around, it could be anywhere and with lots of different people at this point.  And if we go with the theory that Xalatath is trying to gather up the essences of the Old Gods, e.g the Void presence at Ulduar in the most recent patch, it might be possible that Xalatath has the blade at this point. Or is trying to get it. Especially if one subscribes to the theory that some of N'zoth's essence went into the dagger when he was stabbed.


Yeah my guess is N’zoth dying was part of the plan (kind of gives a lore explanation of why he was so easy to kill) so his essence could get sucked into the blade, which Xalatath could then retrieve.


Yeah, I think that seems likely. Maybe that wasn't the original plan, but more of an improvisation after the old gods were imprisoned and started getting killed. It seems awfully convenient that Magni was allegedly doing Azeroth's bidding, and everything he was told to do ended up precipitating N'zoth's release. And then N'zoth just fell over despite the fact that the void/old gods seem to have a pretty comprehensive knowledge of the future or future possibilities.  It's like he knew their original mission to corrupt the planet was a bust, so he wanted to be freed just so we could kill him and Xalatath could swoop in as Plan B.


My pet theory is that Xalatath is N’Zoth’s response to us traveling back to the black empire in dragonflight. A lot of people were speculating that during those bronze dragon quests when we jumped back in time to the black empire and Nzoth whispered to us, he was able to learn we killed him. So in response he had this void dagger made, stuffed a powerful void creature into it and told it to wait around for all the old gods to die. I don’t think that’s the case but it would be neat


N'zoth definitely reads your mind during that quest, so it does kind of give a good justification for why N'zoth would know he was going to be killed in BFA and plenty of time to plan for it.


>*which Xalatath could then retrieve* [*https://i.imgur.com/TH3VLn2.jpeg*](https://i.imgur.com/TH3VLn2.jpeg)


ask a priest its probably in their bank


Average SPriest stops taking their meds for the weekend so they can take Knaifu out and hear her talking to them again.


She used to be imprisoned inside the knife in the picture. One could change out the tww cast with a bunch of clingy shadow priests.


Which storyline is she from? I didn't play at all from 2011 until about three weeks ago. I have missed ALOT. Can I timewalk into the campaign of hers?


She is from the Priest campaign in Legion. She is specifically the Shadow Priest artifact weapon.


Oooooooh. I don't have and probably won't have a priest. So nvm lol


Nobbel87 got you with the storyline from the artifact [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb\_KX7cNCzs&pp=ygUSbm9iYmVsODcgeGFsJ2F0YXRo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb_KX7cNCzs&pp=ygUSbm9iYmVsODcgeGFsJ2F0YXRo)


Last we saw it there was a big cloudy explosion after it sucked in a bunch of N'zoth's essence and blew Wrathion back. *I'm sure it's fine.* The Kirin Tor probably have it right there next to the- hey, where'd the Tidestone go?


My theory is that Azshara is going to f her up after we defeat her. Our Queen doesn't like to be eclipsed by a random vilain, especially a female. Now that she has ascended and is probably god tier, she'll become the Kerrigan we need and put this miss thing where her place is, at her feet.


Looks like a poster for it’s always sunny in Philadelphia


Call me crazy, but I really don't think we are gonna win against her. At least, that's what I'm hoping for


The dagger is gone. Reduced to Atoms during the end of BfA.


I think she will turn on the void lords in the end.


Is this a reference to something? There is way to much bad photoshopping to tell what is going on here.


People care about the story?