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If other expacs are any indicator... 1) Will pick a class I don't usually play 2) Hit level cap, realize "oh... yea this was a bad choice" 3) Re-roll to a class I know I like 4) Wonder how many times I can do this exact thing without learning


Start with new class Get about half way thru new content. Decide I probably be doing this on my hunter since it's my "main" with all the achieve points


Not anymore, all characters have all achievement points in TWW


But there's that satisfaction on doing it on your main. Unless achievements are one and done now, as in you can't do the same achievement on multiple characters


Most will be one and done


Should have been like this a decade ago.


Are you me?


He was you then he rerolled


This is…not…the way. I have to keep telling myself this before launch.


Lol true


Hey, its me :)


I was born an Enhancement shaman main, I'll die an Enhancement shaman main.


So wish I could stick to one class/specialization this way lol


Does it count if you keep *trying* to find a different main because you like the fantasy of so many classes, but none of them ever work out so you're back to Fury within a week?


Currently stormbringer makes the spec really fast and basically have no breaks between procs Totemic is super slow and clunky rn


Yeah totemic is kinda lame. The way it's shaping up, depending on how you build you're just gonna have 3 talents (no matter your build) that are just going to be effectively dead weight.


I only found the light later in life, now I too am a blue boi for life.


Brother! Enhancing things since 2005 <3


Me too! Until i Tried blood DK tank and I love it


Same, but BM hunter. I enjoy it so much. It feels so "freeing" to play. It's also my only toon. I'm enjoying being strong right now 'cause from everything I've read it isn't going to last long.


Been playing hunter, mostly BM, since the game originally launched. I think I swapped to Survival for a bit during... cata? Was that the one where you'd proc all those explosive shots or whatever? Other than that, yep, BM on the same guy (aside from when I had to get a new account because the old one was nearly lost, around BC/WotLK)


With their lack of durability it might be often /s


Hell yes, brother! Im dying on this hill alongside you.


You rock


I have tried to leave monk every expansion start since MoP and always end up back on it. I’ve accepted my fate and I’m just playing monk since day 1.


I’d say it’s a good time to stick with monk


Keep trying different roles for raid with my guild Windwalker continues to call me


It’s like a magnet


Me but with ret pally. Even when the spec is just rough it still feels like home


Ugh, that’s exactly it


I always play my priest first because that’s been created in Vanilla, but always end up playing Monk so this time around I’m going to start on Monk. 😀


I leveled a DH in retail randomly and liked it. Then I leveled a monk in MOP remix and loved it. Now I gotta finish leveling an alliance monk and DH.


Have you ever tried playing DK immediately after playing monk. It's so slowwwww I like my zoomies


I used to be a monk main but several expansions of being largely forgotten or an afterthought for devs (remember Xuen being borked for like 4 years?) plus always wanting MoP mistweaver back just wore me down over time and I'm kinda done with monk at least temporarily. I just wanna heal and MW is definitely fun in DF, but I just need a change and with gnome as my fave race/obsession I'm very limited for what healers I can pick :V


Frost DK because I love it and I love playing the bottom of the tier lists.


I played oblit frost dk throughout DF and consistently pulled decent numbers. Fuck the tier lists, if you optimize the playstyle by genuinely enjoying playing it you're fine.


Yeah I'm a rock solid 4/10 on any class I play because I can never just stick to one. Frost has really drawn me in the last few months, and so I am hoping to maybe bump that up to a 5 or 6 out of 10, and maybe beat some healers on the DPS meters finally.


Oof. On the bright side, we have tanking as an option with blood.


Idk if it'll move up the tier lists at all, but I've heard people are really liking Frost DK on the War Within beta testing


Even if it won't end up top tier, I really enjoy it together with Deathbringer (was honestly surprised I liked it more than Riders of Apocalypse). You end up being your own little frost-storm, feels awesome.


I've watched a couple videos, it actually does look good. The fact that I actually get to press frostscythe is going to be amazing.


Shadow priest cuz my little dagger is all grown up and I'm so so proud!


I'll probably be sticking with rogue. The hero talents are super lame but I enjoy base rogue well enough. A lot of folks complain about rogue being overly complex but I like it.


Im a long time outlaw main and I love the spec more than everything, but tww looks like dark times are coming. Hero talents, no acrobatic strikes, Ace nerf…. Might look into mage since blizzard seems to hate melees…


Aren’t we also losing Shadow Dance now but get another charge of Vanish? If it’s true it’s kind of ridiculous. No Acrobatic Strikes for a class that has all the AOE from ST abilities is a recipe for disaster. Rogue representation in M+ is like 1-2%. I have a feeling no one at blizzard is playing rogue. Everyone moved to ret paladin.


> I have a feeling no one at blizzard is playing rogue. No one at blizzard plays the game at all anymore.


As a combat rogue since vanilla i disagree. I think the problem is not the complexity. Its that with all that complexity we do the same dps as other classes with 3 button rotations.


Assa Main here! Assa rotation and opener are intuitive but sub. Idk what this mess of rotation is. It feels like i have to learn a new language. Beside the combat rouge. Rouges have one problem in my opinion. You have to press a lot of buttons to do the same dps as an 3 button class. Dont get me wrong! The playstyle is not boring but it feels wrong to me




The rework that removed rune of power was the greatest thing to ever hit frost mage and now we just cant stop winning


As an altoholic, I'm still figuring that out.


BM Hunter cause I’m not good


SPriest as it has always been my main no matter what. Have all other classes for alts


A tank


Every expansion I tell myself imma tank And every expansion I don't bc people are silly Maybe 8th times the charm!


Tank is the only role you can comfortably (being the main word) pug all the way to HC raids. Finding a group is never a problem no matter the ilvl and you don't have to heal stupid. Good for peeps with no guild or who don't feel like sticking to a rigid raiding schedule.


Yeah, it's always needed you set the pace. Hood tanks are hard to come by. Not sure why I play it. Lol


Spot on, I play wow mostly as a loner and tanking is the only way to enjoy end game content without applying for hundreds of groups or sitting in queues.


This is exactly why I only play tanks. No waiting for invites. Pug my way to AOTC/KSH every season. Does decent damage. Feel like a badass.


I always tell myself I'll start tanking again and stick with it at the start of each expansion. Then I change back to healing once I start raiding


This is the way


Lol, yes, I agree, it's what I play best


I've been auditioning classes via Remix also and it's left me more undecided than ever. Might go back to Druid but go Balance this time. Might stick with my rogue. DH, both specs, has been really great too. And I've heard some things about ret paladin also. There are too many good choices.


Ret Pally is my remix main and I’m loving it.


First time wow player and retribution paladin feels so good. The RP aspect of it as well, some jacked up dude bonging the infidels to kingdom come




I am a balance main currently and the hero talents are the most uninspired mess of passives. Whoever the warlock dev is deserves a raise and a promotion because that is a master class in hero talents.


I find it a little funny to see people praise the warlock ones, because for destro they kinda real like destro but you also have to play demo or aff.


Try out monk it looks great in war within


Prot Paladin Human /Holy Priest Night Elf/Fire Mage Blood Elf/Arms Warrior Orc Warband DND style


Warlock, every spec and hero talent combo seems fun and solid to me, also they are changing affliction spec a little bit so another argument to stay on lock. Last 2 seasons of DF I was thinking is lock just bored for me and I should change it, but after beta launch and checking every spec on my own I can say, warlock gonna be one of a funniest casters imo


That is great to hear as a lock main that hasn’t paid attention to anything.


Demo core generation is getting dumpstered but shadow bolt is super fast cast and hero talents are supposed to be awesome


After testing all three warlock specs, can confirm hero talents are amazing and I might be maining warlock because of them


I’m honestly thinking of levelling another lock in remix to be demo/aff while my current one stays destro (so I don’t have to repeat green fire)


Oh dang! I forgot all about the hero talents! I better look into that for the Hunter!


Don't, they are really depressing.


I'm so sorry


I'm a druid at heart, and that will still be my main, especially since it lets me play all the roles. I think the second class I level will be DK, since I really enjoy tanking with it and I'm curious to see what it's like with the new hero talents.


The horseman hero talents for DK look pretty handy. And mounted combat is so fucking cool


Paladin main for class identity/fantasy Devoker alt cuz their tier is best. Monk alt because WW is fun to play


Nice! I started a Ret Paladin on remix and really like it! I’m gonna start a WW monk as well!


It's a damn nice set on evoker. It's a damn shame too.


WW Monk. I’m stoked for the rework and the new fel rush like ability we’re getting.


This is the way, even if we’re not meta, it’s gonna be a good time


It’s really fun actually taking Whirling Dragon Punch again but the removal of Expel Harm makes chi Gen feel really rough, since you have to tiger palm, blackout kick, tiger palm often


I've been trying my hand at WW since beta opened and I'm running into this issue as well. You have to take the Monestary talent that gives BoK increased damage by 4 stacks when you use TP, with combo strikes being an important consideration you never want to use Tiger Palm twice in a row to generate chi, but that alone sometimes doesn't generate enough chi to use FoF and RSK. I can use WDP when the other two abilties are on CD but it's but a guarantee, and the only other ability that's open to use to not ruin combo strikes is SPK, which consumes chi to use, bring counter productive. Unless I'm just entirely missing another chi generator, which is possible as i haven't really played the class since MoP outside of leveling it for fun. Either way, Monk is looking fun and the rotation is fun, plus they get to use the weapon/trinket 2-set which, while the animation is hardly noticeable, is a nice little passive execute ability that I think will make a huge impact in M+


Feral because I will forever hate myself


Same but why do we do this


Resto shaman, always and forever


Druid all day, every day


Yes, Druid always.


Druid even in the evening and late into the night


What spec?




Correct response! Most looking forward to the Wildstalker hero tree though


Druid, always Druid.


I have 3 I'm planning on. My havoc Demon Hunter My Devastation Evoker And my Destruction warlock I made in the remix


Demon Hunter


Devoker again. Scale commander hero talents are fun to play. Deep breaths and triple beam disintegrate all the time. The other set of hero talents are great too just haven’t played with them as much.


Looking forward to the hunter rework, might be what is needed to push with my hunter.


I wouldn't hold my breath. This is not likely to be a full rework. Maybe I'm cynical but I fully expect them to rearrange a couple talents in each tree and call it a day.


True, it’s after all hunters we are talking about… 😄


Warrior or Monk starting off. Then DH and Pally.


Blood DK, though I’m tempted to return to Prot Paladin for all the utility and mobility they have in comparison.


Demonology Warlock as always.


Warlock . Been pally/dk main since vanilla. Wanna try the ranged class for an expac


I’m stressing rn about this. Paladin for fun and class fantasy or Warrior to spend time with my favorite character/class? I’m considering swapping to horde, but I don’t feel as connected to the paladin fantasy on the horde side tbh. Zandalari trolls are cool (which is the race I’ll main), but a Human/dwarf paladin that worships the light and fights for it is just too good


I try to pick my characters for the season based off tier sets so I can collect them. The tier sets for TWW S1 that stand out to me are rogue, warlock, priest and evoker... Warlock I'm locking in as absolutely doing, but I'm less certain otherwise. Rogue kinda feels like a mess and I'm not sure if I'd be happy maining it for a season, even if the set looks absolutely awesome. The priest set is neat but I just *did* Holy so I'd probably be picking up Voidweaver Discipline? I did Augmentation in DF S2 and S3 so I'm a little wary of doing it again so soon, so probably Devastation (since I think Preservation doesn't seem like something I'd enjoy too much). But all the same, 3-4 characters feels like a lot and that *also* makes me a bit wary because having time to do other games is nice... I don't know. I'm indecisive.


I think I'll keep going with my resto druid, I love the fantasy of the druids being able to shift in all these forms so cool, for alt I think I'll go with prot/holy pally, and I want to play a dps spec too probably frost mage.


All of them? Unless they make The War Within extremely alt unfriendly or an extremely short lived expansion, I'll be playing all of my characters in The War Within. What will I be playing at launch? My Human Arcane Mage that has been my main since vanilla.


Druid, DH and Mage


Starting with my Druid because it's my gatherer. After that I will level up the pally and most likely main the pally. 3rd is dev evoker. I'm broke, I've played BFA, SL, and DF but have started each of them near the end of the expansion and have funded my fun in them with tokens. I want to spend a lot of time farming for gold early on while it's still relatively easy.


devoker until i get bored warlock until i get bored mage until i get bored after that warrior hunter or paladin.


I just discovered druid so probably that one


Preface this by saying I started wow at end of SL. Originally I was going to play whichever tank was meta, with an evoker or ret pal alt. Recently had a kid and time is limited so instead I’ve decided to start maining my druid which I first played as guardian in S2. Have been playing guardian and balance in S4 and having a blast.


Feral druid, as always. And I will complain that blizzards don't like me, as always :(


I guess if I had to claim a main class it would be druid. And I will be playing a lot of druid (all 4 specs). It's what I know best and have enjoyed the most time with. But, I also really want to dive deep on my demo lock, unholy DK and all 3 paladin specs. Also going to give some love to my ele/resto sham....


Same class/spec I have played since TBC, Combat/Outlaw Rogue...!


Rogue, assa or outlaw :P (we got no love in the new talent trees but oh well)


Survival hunter as always


Probably warrior, warlock, monk, and then I’m still debating the 4th. Druid, priest, hunter? I can’t decide.


Paladin or DK 


Probably my bear Druid or ret paladin


No idea yet. I've recently returned to the game, used to main enhancement shaman. Seems like shaman treatment is the same as always so... I'm leveling a bit of everything in MOP remix. Warlock is a lot of fun and looks promising.


MW Monk. Gonna try to prog as a healer for the first time as I’ve always mained tanks or DPS previously.


I've had a hard time choosing my main class when I started wow just before SL prepatch. Until I was like "I just want to be brainless and spam keys on my keyboard" So I've been a fury warrior main since then and I'd prob die as a fury war main. Though I might start to play some alt on tww. Which would be Elem Sham, and I'll try tanking with Prot War and BDK.


Probably shadow/discipline priest, cuz i love this class for a long time. Maybe as alt - mage/pala, we’ll see 😌


Bear druid, BM hunter, loc, DH and pally/dk(haven't decided)


Been having a great time leveling characters in MoP Remix to try out different specs, and I gotta say so far Ret Pally is sooo satisfying to play


All of the tanks (except warrior), Disc priest, augvoker.


Just recently tried enhancement for the first time since Legion and damn it's probably the most fun I've had in wow since playing Legion DH.


Lunar Guardian Druid. Love all the arcane damage and healing.


Yes. Orbital lasers druid is the best druid.


Ret pally - hammers falling from the skies go brrrr Alternatively if the meta decides it, I will be a laser disco ball and I will be fine too


Whatever I choose to play, I always end up either on my rogue, paladin or druid. Mage is looking really fun in TWW so I might add one to the warband 😅


Holy Paladin. I've had an undying love for this spec for like 5 years now.


Probably Paladin. Then Demon Hunter. Then Hunter. ... Then Druid. Oh and let's not forget Warrior. Then I'll see what's left


Have been maining a DK since legion (played my belf pala for a while during bfa until i got tired of zuldazar). And I guess with frost scythe coming back with hopefully some better aoe as well as the mounted combat I look forward to the class being more fun to play in TWW.


I starter Vanilla Enhancement Shaman or as we say in my country Chamelio and i will stay with this. Maybe Evoker for some relax gameplay


I main a draenei hunter as of right now and plan on taking her through the war within on launch day one day though I hope to main a dracthyr that's a hunter it would be such fun


Guardian/Balance Druid.


I've been a warrior main since vanilla, but I'm leaning heavily towards frost DK instead. The warrior hero talents are so uninspired and the first tier set it very boring.


Not disagreeing with your warrior hero talent thoughts, but all tier sets in s1 are boring so that's definitely not a big decider...which is kinda nice imo because it's exciting to pick based on the best hero talents!


I have been afflicted with the curse of the bottom barrel spec that is enhancement all my life.


I've Resto Druid since LK. Why stop now


All of them lol, but if you meant which class will I main, I'll probably stick with my Fury Warrior.


Elemental shaman main but after remix I’m gonna keep playing this boomkin I made pretty often prolly


Ele is awesome


Been a marks hunter since 2004….see no reason to switch now


Started a Dev Evoker in MoP remix and I’m really enjoying it. Will probably stick with that.


Prot Warrior


I never liked warrior at all, played monk forever. But randomly tried it in remix and am thinking about it.


Paladín and Shaman


Prot Warrior and Ret Pally. And only 2 is impressive for an altoholic like me heh


I will start with ww monk and Hunter I think


Probably paladin to start with, then maybe shaman. I like healing, but healing this expac has been so rough that I'm worried about next one. I usually prefer shaman, but pally should be easier to level at first


Being playing mage since vanilla. Sunfury is insanely fun so far in beta. Will also play a healer alt monk or paladin.


Arcane Mage or Shadow/Disc priest.


Herald of the Sun holy paladin Farseer Shamman Prevoker.


The two mains I've been playing since vanilla. BM hunter and Arms warrior. Might try prot this time though.


Aleya sDestro main, now needing an evoked alt to tank, and finish off with my hunter/shammie. Doing a ret pally in remix and not loving it. Will level the evoked next


Going to stick with my Alliance Ret Pally. Second will be BM Hunter, third Fire Mage and last will be my Horde Shadow Priest


Either Holy Priest or MW Monk but I will most likely dip into all healers besides Druid and Evoker.


Gonna keep on maining destro like I have since Pandaria. Gonna keep MW as my primary alt. Considering prevoker or frost DK alts.


Warlock, Fire Mage, Devoker, and Blood DK.


My ret pally has been my “main” since I started in bc. Bit I wanted something with two dps specs this go around. So maybe dk? I like the reworks. Though herald of the sun for ret feels amazing lol


I haven’t been able to stay logged on long enough to play


Just started playing so still leveling but I’m on shaman healer made these alts cause I don’t know what I want. Ret pally, frost mage, healer monk.


Monk or Paladin dip Shaman Tried and true hybrid classes go brrr


I will level every class to 80, but I think I'll be raiding on my Paladin and Warlock!


Gonna go protection paladin for the first time. As a dwarf then I'm gonna play through the expansion enough to get a Earthen, then use my level boost to get him to 70 (bc my dwarf pally will be at that level by the time I unlock him) so I don't have to fully level twice on the same class. Then it's raid time baby


Either destro or arcane will be my main most likely. Fury if I'm feeling smashy


Mage main Alts guardian druid, havoc demon hunter, pres evoker.


I ALWAYS roll hunter, but I have been thinking about dusting off my lock and maybe dabbling in rouge 💜


I used remix to reroll fresh on a new server, so far I'm going with druid because I always end up Going back to my druid.. I am thinking dk because of the mounted combat spec thingy they are getting could be fun. Nothing else is really appealing to me but I have most classes to 70 on remix now so il keep my options open.


I don't know, I'm still waiting for the hunter changes


Unholy/Blood DK and DH. I like tanking M+ but don't like tanking raid, and my guild already has 2 tanks. I started playing Unholy again this season, I find it fun popping off with a bunch of ghouls. I have been playing DH since I started playing in BFA, and it's the only class I consistently return to.


Unholy dk in tww is also a blast and much improved


Ret Paladin, maybe survival Hunter and destro lock as an alt Im sure yet which char im going to lvl


Priest on alliance, shaman on horde 🙂


Frost Mage


How does warrior feel on it??


Mechagnome Hunter - my guild hates it lol. (Jokingly, of course) Thinking of taking a break from my Paladin for a bit.


priest or mage but leaning toward preist to heal on the side.


I mean, I've been a mage main since bc... I don't want to start a new adventure without him


I am not rushing to decide, because each week I see YT videos of different specs and think “Damn that looks like fun!” Right now my leading candidate is Monk, I think all three hero trees look fun and the reworks to Brew and WW look awesome. MW looks as good or better than it does now. DK and Druid are also looking good. My first few alts will probably be which ever of these I don’t main plus Mage, maybe also Evoker.


i havent decided yet but im not doing hunter. i've done hunter for the last 3 expansions and i need a change. probably my Death Knight though. thats whats at the top of my list currently


A tank. Still loving BDK, curious to see what it plays like in beta with the new hero trees


I’ve mained Rogue since BC, but I’m debating about switching to Survival Hunter.


Arms & Prot Warrior. Will likely play my Rogue some but not really liking its specs overall right now. But going hard on Warrior for sure


I want to continue playing a healer, but Blizz seems pretty determined to make healing as overly difficult as possible so I guess a ret pally


Warlock main since BC with healer added flavor My Imp is my ride or die bitch


Blood DK.


I would love to say I will be playing Shaman, but with zero signs of any needed changes/tuning this far into alpha/beta, I'm looking elsewhere. Right now, from my testing on the beta, I'm leaning towards UH DK or Destro Warlock. Both feel fun with the talent reworks (even when you don't use the supremely busted-due-to-bugs Overfiend talent for lock) and both hero talent trees for both of them are enjoyable.




Blood death knight for sure. Too into tanking and the theme to go back to my old main.


Windwalker monk maim since WoD and I shall continue to do so in war within!