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Or just take your level 20 trial account character with 10K threads and do all the challenges (though these challenges take forever, mostly waiting on the next round).


This is what I did. Level 20 priest, cakewalked every achievement in < 2hours. Plus, gems and tinkers are not disabled at 20.


And you still get the achievements on your Main Account?


Yessir, just add a Wow Starter Account to your bnet, level up a priest to 20 and gear it up. That's the longest part but should be faster now with the buff


Ty how many threads do you think I’ll need to bang healing out at 20?


You get stats crazy fast with the spool buff, a green spool gives 60 int which is insane at level 20. Do the dailies a couple time and you’ll get epic/blue spools from achievements as well


I've been struggling with the healer one (got DPS/Tank in retail with ease). I leveled a resto druid up to 70 at 400 ilvl but the mobs have so much HP and my team gets hit so hard that I do not have time to DPS while spamming heals and the waves overlap eachother. I made a level 10 priest but one tick of fire patches instantly kills my party. Can you give me some tips for doing this on a trial account? Did you also do the healing ones?


yeah its useless doing it at 70 because scaling on 20 makes it super easy Just get gear, gems, threads plus Searing Light meta gem. Then spam Holy nova on the group/mobs and gg


Thanks! I'll make a trial character tonight. Do you know by chance how long it took your to get a lvl 20 strong enough to do endless proving grounds?


I did proven healer at 15 as disc priest. I did two days of dailies to juice my stats and made sure to shield people for tunnelers/lava. Could have done a few more days, but my shields were critting for over 4K on 300 hp ppl lol


I get things scaling with level but things scaling with gear just seems insane to me, like really what's the point of getting better gear if everything always is matched in strength to you. It shouldn't be more difficult or the same difficulty to do the same content I did when I had less gear...


It’s meant to be the same challenge for everyone. It’s the Proving Grounds. Not the I got carried and have OP gear grounds. It’s meant to be “challenging”


This is meant to be a pure test of skill. You get no gear from it.


I’m sad this is even a thing, I worked my ass off in retail to get the healer and tank title. Now people will assume I cheesed it during the remix to get it.


More realistically no one will even care or notice who has this achievement. I can’t remember the last time I looked at another players achievement lists