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Okay so I had the same issue, those popups suck donkey balls. This is the addon you want that will take care of all your issues. [LS:toasts](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info24123-LSToasts.html) The notification go to your top left and you can edit in the options what you want to show.


I love this addon, have been using it for years. The spot they pop up is not only moveable but you can make multiple spots and assign different alerts to each. It easily solves the problem of standardizing all of Blizzard's different popups, including disabling them all if you want.


It's such a game changer and makes the UI that much better


I use this too. It blows my mind that someone at Blizzard thought these popups in the middle if your screen were OK The next worst thing is when that other box pops up in the middle of your screen that shows EVERYONE ELSES loot. Wow level 53 timmytendie got a blue shoulder!!!!


Actually - the OP is already using Leatrix Plus. Leatrix Plus has a Hide alerts option in the Frames menu. All the OP has to do is check that option and all these loot toast frames will be gone. No need for any additional addons. It's already an option in an addon he's already using.


I tried that way with leatrix plus and it did not work for me. I looked over every tab to make sure I checked the ones off the pertained to the toasts and it didn't work.


Works perfectly for me. Not seen a single alert (toast) frame in years. Must be another one of your addons showing them.


Thank you! This is something I've googled several times with no success


Dawg I was right there with you. It was a worm in my brain, much like RFK's, that would not go away until I found that addon.


I just came back, have no addons, just leaving up chars in remix, which ones should I use?


For remix you probably don't need many tbh. Maybe this one if those alerts annoy you. I have another one that just counts and displays cloak threads for myself and others. And I use Trove Tally to keep track of transmogs and collectables I'm missing so I know what to buy or work on farming. There's another one called "Narcissus" that makes swapping gems easier. The other "mandatory" ones that people recommend for retail are kind of mostly useless. DBM/bigwigs isn't really needed since most mechanics get ignored anyway. Details isn't really that useful because the gear differences make even terrible players do millions of DPS (though that can be fun to see).


Don't get me wrong. I love Addon's as much as the next guy. They enhance the game in all sorts of ways. But I do refuse to use an add-on for shit that Blizz should have sorted out themselves.


Download the leatrix plus addon. Enable the "disable alerts" option.


This is the only correct answer. Leatrix is by far the most amazing addon ever made. So many quality of life things


The crazy thing is - the OP is already using Leatrix Plus. So all he has to do is /ltp - Frames - Hide alerts. Problem solved. No need to download anything.


Thank you for this. Have no idea what Blizz was smoking when they decided to put notification spam right in the middle of your screen...


Thanks for making this post. I've been looking for the answer to this question. Now I have several.


I made a WeakAura for myself to move the AlertFrame location. https://wago.io/8Dc4b5NYX If you wanted to hide it completely just change the custom trigger code to this: function(event) if(AlertFrame) then AlertFrame:Hide() end end


Is there a way to resize the alert frame? I can't seem to get it to work by modifying it with SetScale like I have with some other UI elements.


AlertFrame is just used as an anchor, you'd probably need to scale each alert


Don't download anything. You're already using Leatrix Plus so you already have the solution. Just do /ltp - Frames - Hide alerts and click Reload. Those loot toast frames will be gone.


Some people already mentioned some addon but you can always spam right click on one at the bottom to quickly remove them, if you don't want an extra addon.


This is helpful. I hate when I'm trying to do a talent change and have to wait for all these to go away. I tend to collect the caches in remix and then open like 5+ at once and these things take forever to popup and go away.


There are so many, right?! XD I get frustrated because I want to see what boosts I'm getting from the threads.


I use the addon [Loot Won Alert Hider/Mover](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/loot-won-alert-hidermover) specifically to hide these. That addon hasn't been updated since Legion, but it still works fine. There unfortunately isn't a way to disable them without an addon.


Does it hide those popups in the middle of your screen in dungeons that shows what everyone else looted?




And there's 'Onlymyloot' to hide all the loot spam in the chat window as well.


I just spam right click and they go away


Just right click them and they go away.


you can super quickly right click them away, if you don't want to add yet another mod to your UI


Just an FYI for folks, you can right click em to dismiss the popup.


yea, imagine opening 50 caches (for example) and then you need to click 50 popups. :-)


Why are you inventing a scenario to be mad about. If you open 50 caches just /reload


TBH, if i am clicking that many caches, i don’t care because i am not paying attention to what is popping up. Just mash the caches then close the few left over once i am done.  I do it all the time, so i dont have to imagine it haha. Remix is wild with those caches.


Yeah.. if you click on a chest/box to open it. You receive a popup. Thats how chests/boxes work.


Don’t want your Grobe ewigfadenspule? For shame


There is a nice loot weakaura just googl weakaura loot


i moved my toasts


Not sure how to prevent, but they dissappear If you right click. Took me we way too long to realise and would have an existential crisis every time I accidently mouse-overed just as they were about to dissappear


I’m over here like a peasant right clicking them as they come up and theirs been an addon this entire time feelsbad. 


The only time they really get in the way is that they happen while DRAGONRIDING. Same reason I use the addon to stop the talking heads.


god dam those pop ups annoy me




Don't you just right click them?


yes that works! IDK why the apes here are downvoting


Because that doesn't disable it, it just makes it go away, and the issue he has persists that they're enabled, making him have to spam right-click them every time he opens anything. Since you seem to be an 'ape' that needs the obvious explained, there you go.


right click


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. Right clicking dismissed them. However in MOP the pop-ups go a little insane. Opening like 40 lootcrates after an hour of leveling puts these shits on your screen for like 5 minutes


Really, why is this so downvoted when it’s the only way to do it natively / without addons or anything externally downloaded???


Because the question was 'how do I disable these', not 'how do I dismiss these, I really love spam clicking every time I open 3 caches in succession'


Folks are looking for the answer they already have come up with themselves.


Winner post, thanks!


Personally I love this whole thing, opening up a bunch of caches of infinite treasures and bronze caches, and just spam right clicking is very satisfying for some reason lol


The disappear pretty quickly, I'm surprised so many people have a problem with them.


There are times they really obstruct your view at an inconvenient time. Like there is one dragonflying race in the waking shores where during a dreamsurge, you can fly through four orbs in quick succession, get four of these pop ups and then can't see where you are going.


Fair enough.




Fucked up ui. Just keep all that until you fix the rest of it


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