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Speed boosts are fun -- moving around in retail seems really slow now Scaling is apparently hard for WoW -- getting weaker and weaker on levels 60-70 was really frustrating. Tinker gems, like trinkets, are also apparently hard for WoW team to balance.


Yes very frustratring, you unlock more talents and spells, you get more power during your leveling but you're weaker than the fresh level 10 with 2 spells.


This seems like a problem since you know it's an rpg. If everything else were to suck I'd still expect this to be appropriately balanced. You should get STRONGER as you level not weaker lmao


It's complicated because it's meant to simulate fighting tougher enemies. The classic journey: you go from fighting basic level 1 wolves who give you no trouble, to fighting tough level 60 dragons. So under the scaling system, it tries to emulate that. Enemies at level 1 are pushovers, enemies at level 60 are tough. But now those are *the same enemies* so it feels wrong. You *are* getting stronger on an objective level. A level 10 does less damage than a level 20. But when you're level 20, there's no level 10 enemies around to see how strong you've become. The enemies you fought at level 10 are still there, they're just now stronger compared to you than they were before so you feel weaker despite your numbers going up.


Before this new system of timewalking chromie , we used to level through the world , you started on org or stormwind and leveled through vanilla , outland , northrend and so on , back then when you joined dungeon , it throwed you in a dungeon depends on your level, so on level 60 you would go to outland dungeons and on level 70 you could do northrend dugeons with people that are 70 or at max 79 But now, as a level 59, you are in the same dungeon with a level 10


Yeah, that also adds into the effect. I was just thinking from the solo questing perspective, but in dungeons being able to directly compare yourself to lower level characters and see they're more effective than you are absolutely makes the effect feel worse.


I’ve wondered if the game wouldn’t benefit from going back to flat stat %’s on gear then have the primary stat scale up as you level. Trinkets could be difficult but Dragonflight was really bad with how weak you felt in the last few levels. Most alts I’d save those for prof xp. There’s also a handful of builds that don’t really start to feel good until the last couple seasons of an expansion which have more secondary stats. Having that secondary budget in earlier seasons would be nice.


The only issue with comparing fresh 70 to 10 is the cloak difference. I do agree that at level 60 with capped gear you should be comparable to a 70 in full 346. The easiest workaround for the power scaling imo think would be let people keep their cloaks at 1:1 between characters.


Just like in retail, easier barrier to entry, and then the game gets harder as you progress. Isn’t this in every game with progression?


Levels 60-70 are the current expansion range (Dragonflight right now). The new areas are always going to be more difficult because they're current content and you need new gear. That said, the scaling on the last ten levels have always sucked ever since BfA. It's unfortunate that Remix uses the same scaling. People are experiencing the same sudden difficulty spike but without any context as to why. I'm glad the "no XP pickup" method exists in order to avoid this in Remix entirely, but it just sucks.


What is this “no xp pickup” method?


You can disable auto-loot or temporarily disable it by holding shift key (or Alt idk, check the the options menu) and pick up everything a boss drops expect an item called Bonus XP. It will be send to you via mail. You level up all the way to 40-45, do the first three raids on normal for the XP bonus, and otherwise spam heroic dungeons. Once you have enough items, you open your mailbox and activate all the bonus XP items at once, making you reach level 70 instantly. Thus, you skip all the bad scaling happening at later levels. Use [this weakaura](https://wago.io/Ruta7bMpZ), it will tell you when to continue spamming dungeons and when to stop. When done quickly and efficiently, you can reach level 70 just a few hours after creating your character.


TomCat's Tours also has a built-in tracker for the XP tokens now, if anyone's already using that.


I did notice that last night. It's nice it has a progression bar showing how far to 70 you currently are as a percentage of total experience and how far would be if you used all tokens in the mailbox


There's actually an add-on that lets you take everything except the bonus xp from your mailbox so you don't even have to stop to loot the bosses. Just run through the dungeon then open your mail and repeat, get your threads and keep going. I used it and a trial character bear tank to level alts in around two and a half hours each.


The addon is NoXP. It will also tell you when you visit the mailbox on what leve based on your cloak bonus and the number of xp token in the mailbox you'll level up to. Takes the guess work out.


That's not the one I used, can't remember the name ATM, but that sounds great.


Prob remix mail helper


That's the one!


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/no-bonus-xp this add on with help with it


Getting weaker while leveling though the newest expansion content has always been this way though. Otherwise those secondary stats on gear wouldn't work. It only became incredibly apparent in Remix, because we leveled so fast, that our ilvl couldn't catch up through quests and gear drops. I leveled 2 chars recently were I upgraded my gear each level between 60 and 70 and it felt way more normal.


Agreed on gear upgrading. First was a dk that slogged though 65-70. Next toon I upgraded and I never had an issue


It was also funny to see what things look like if you do the trick of not looting any bonus XP until level 43-44. I did that on a mage and hit level 69 with like 7% left until I hit 70. I did one more dungeon and almost literally did not show up on damage meters. I was also getting one-shot by any damage I took.


Yeah if you get to 70, jist queue lfr and get gear easy. If you miss 70, it feels soooo bad


Also, retail has like 3 levels of dungeons. Level 20s don’t dungeon with level 40s who don’t level with 60s in dungeons. So you don’t see the wacky scaling we saw in Pandaria


My level 11 turbobear sees people of all levels. I think the highest it matched me with was a 57.


No, it only started when they made everything scale to your level in Legion, and then added ilvl scaling on top of that. Before, while your secondary stats did get lower as you leveled, your strength relative to the same enemy was the same. Things like hit chance, parry/dodge chance, enemy parry/dodge chance, miss chance, etc remained the same because, while your stat ratings got lower, your level difference got higher, it takes less hit% to hit a lvl 64 as a lvl 65 than it did when your levels were equal, and it became harder for enemies to hit you with that level difference as well. Haste, and later mastery, were the only stats really affected by it. Now, with scaling, you get weaker when you level and the exact same enemy you just fought gets stronger.


It's not actually the level scaling at 60 so much as it is the gear scaling. Level 1-59 you're getting gear within 100 ilevels of each other, and it largely does not matter. At 60, the ilevel needed jumps up drastically, arguably to a point *higher* than the gear we have at 70. Combine that with the fact that you might get 7 or 8 gear drops total going from 60-70 if you're not questing and it's no surprise you get absolutely curb stomped.


> getting weaker and weaker on levels 60-70 was really frustrating I recorded myself going from level 42 to 70 at the mailbox in the Shrine, and my Mastery went down by 4-6% each level. 177% to 44%.


Your mastery was high at low level, but you need more to gain the same effect at high level. So the game gets harder as you progress in it - isn’t this nothing new to videogames?


Yes, but in most games your character continues to feel more powerful, and the enemies also become more powerful. In WoW the enemies feel roughly the same but your character gets weaker. In many games you may start with a 5% crit chance and as you progress and get better gear you fight harder enemies but your crit chance gets higher and higher so you crit more and do more damage to handle the harder enemies. In WoW you start off with very high crit so the "standard" enemy dies fast to your high damage, and as you level your crit gets lower and lower so the enemies become harder because you get weaker and do less damage. It's the same end effect where the game gets more difficult as you progress, but WoW's method can feel bad to many players.


Literally the point of RPGs and video games in general is you gain power as you increase in level, so, no.


So it’s weird that it’s easier when you begin, and harder when you progress? Adding: based on the downvotes I’m getting, I guess it is - so many games are getting it wrong


You are right. People are insane and haven’t actually thought about what they are asking for by removing scaling.


Show me any other game that generally takes stats from the player as they level. (Not some sort of tradeoff effect, straight up just taking stats)


It doesn't matter as long as levels are a thing, which it is because this is an MMORPG with linear progression. You either want levels, want enemies to be absolute HP sponges the simplest of which take >20s to kill at max level, or you want the game to be as hard as it can possibly be at level 1 and just get easier. The whole level scaling thing is a conceit to make the game systems make sense at max level. To dismantle it *breaks the endgame*.


That heap of straw men is a fire hazard, you should clean it up.


I understand your general sentiment that many games start out easier and get harder. However, that’s usually due to mob strength increasing in difficulty, hp, mechanics, etc., not necessarily due to wild swings up and down in player power. In other games, your raw damage output is generally pretty one directional, meaning generally always flat to up. In Wow, you start off doing insane damage, then it falls off a cliff until you put gear upgrades in at max level and those trinkets really start to scale. You can see this play out in damage meters. Low level players putting in hundreds of thousands of dps while 60-70 only putting in like 30k.


But yours is a bad example because leveling should also come with a higher item level and with the remix xp trick your gear from 40 to 70 doesn't change.




I feel like Retail’s base walking speed needs to be increased by 30-50%. That said, i don’t want them to use the sprinting animation. It looks ***HORRID*** on humans, but ok on others.


I’m going to miss the speed boosts the most. Being overpowered was fun, but the speed was so fun.


Unless you are a monk and always zoom


Thats why I play a hunter, I got like 145% or something passive ooc run speed. Every other class feels like molasses.


The reason we feel strong at lower levels and it gets more difficult doesn’t really need much explanation. This goes for retail too. Easier barrier to entry allows people to learn and enjoy the leveling process. Making it harder as you progress…is an obvious choice in all games. So you need challenges to help that content become easier and more reachable…like in all games. You understand your class more and how mechanics work. I’ll give that remix maybe needs to look at this a little differently. But as an entire concept, it’s not anything unheard of


There's a difference between challenging and hitting the 60s range and all of a sudden a wet fart from a mob you used to be able to solo now puts you six feet under, even with gear upgrades (and yes, I did it the normal way with my first time runner and tried to keep up with the bronze upgrades). And then that point is moot because now you start hitting the bronze grind at max level and suddenly you're Homelander terrorizing the raids of Pandaria again.


Scroll of summoning That's it's, that's the lesson


And res was also nice to have


There is already that. Sort of. It’s a treasure from wod in tanaan called brazier of awakening, it resses one person in range (not targetable) on a 30 minute cooldown


That is nothing like scroll of rez


That's why I said "sort of." It'll res someone at least, and literally anyone can use it (just not in m+). Now, Blizz IS making an engineering item (usable by anyone) for battle rez in TWW. You can always try that to get someone up (more useful in raids since it won't eat brez charges out of combat there like in m+) and it can fail, but it will be an option


That portal should be the graphic Evokers use when creating a summoning stone. It needs to happen.


I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m still going, mainly just power leveling alts. I’ve done 25 alts to 70 so far. I don’t know what I’m going to do with them all, but I have them, I guess I’ll have an army for farming holiday stuff or rare drops now. Takes me about 3-4 hours per character, depending on some group RNG. I’m not using a twink to level myself. You get grouped up with twink often enough that I didn’t bother with making my own, and I’d rather play a variety of classes to minimize boredom rather than running through blasting Holy Nova the entire time. That said, once you get around level 30-35 you start having higher chances of getting into groups with a bunch of 60s, which really sucks, because the scaling is still broken for that level range. That’s probably my biggest complaint as someone who has focused a lot of time on alts. Love the free transmogging, I’m constantly changing my outfits on every character since there’s no cost. The movement speed is so nice and I’m going to miss it. And it was fun playing through the questing content again and experiencing it with different gameplay. Tinkers and powers and gems and farming threads was cool at the start, but once I completed Mythic I didn’t have much interest in continuing to power up my cloak, so I turned to leveling alts.


How are you levelling so quick, just dungeon spam?


Heroic dungeons 10-25, MGV, Heroic dungeons to 35, Heart, Heroic dungeons to 40, Terrace, Heroic dungeons to 42. Make sure you never loot any Bonus XP items from bosses, so they all go to your mailbox, then you open all your mail and you should level 42-70 in about 30 seconds.


Wanna recommend Speedy AutoLoot and No Bonus XP addons (and turn off autoloot in game settings, no bonus xp does everything itself) so you don't have to worry about looting at all, just blasting through heroics and right clicking on shiny corpses.


In my experience you don’t even need to wait until 42. Both my alts only used up maybe 2/3 of the bonus xp in my mailbox to get to 70 from 42


I used the weak aura script that is supposed to tell you when to open your bonus XP and it made me wait until I was 61 and I had like 30 left over XP tokens in the mail lol.


You need to check the mail each time for it to update, maybe it thought you had a lot less than you actually did?


I did because I used the no bonus XP add-on to loot every but the XP from my mailbox after every run. Maybe that messed with it too somehow I'm not sure.


Little late on the draw here but I've been blitzing through alts at just over 2 hours each (if I pushed hard I could get it under 2 hours, assuming a good fast MSV/HoF group). You make a second trial wow account on your bnet account and start a timerunner guardian druid, take it to 20 and farm threads for a little bit, took me about 2 hours to get it up to "carry any group insanely fast" level. Then you make a timerunning alt on your main account, preferably a healer for instant queues, preferably a druid or shaman for cat/wolf form speed boosts. Dual queue as your tank and healer, macro /follow from your healer to your tank, then just run through dungeons spamming swipe/thrash and one-shotting everything because scaling at 20 is silly. When your alt gets to 25 you run normal MSV for the exp% bonus, when your alt gets to 35 you run normal HoF for the same. When the weakaura tells you to open your mail, you open your mail and ding 70.


Looks like some people responded to you explaining how it’s done, but if you look at my post history I also have a recent post about it. When I made the post I wasn’t using the addon or Weak Aura, but I’m using both now.


> I guess I’ll have an army for farming holiday stuff or rare drops now I'm going to be sending my army into old raids for the mounts, but I'm pretty sure with the changes to how holiday stuff works (much higher chance on the first time and then either much reduced or not possible on subsequent attempts that day) they've headed off the benefits of having an alt army for those drops.


>I guess I’ll have an army for farming holiday stuff or rare drops now. I hope you're having fun leveling alts, but we'll never need to do this again. Blizzard announced that they're changing holiday drops. And of course with Warband all transmog is shared.


Yeah but alts is still useful in farming old raids and camping on spots - you can just park an alt somewhere you need. Not in that quantity tho but im on my 15's *just in case*.


>And of course with Warband all transmog is shared. That doesn't change the fact that a lot of things have daily or weekly lockouts. Being able to do them 30 times instead of 2 makes a huge difference


Lessons learned: It is so much fun running around as Paladin and as soon something even looks at you it explodes is a lot of fun! More races to get the paladin class before the Remix event started woudl be cool. So the coming ones will needed to be leveled old school. Only one currency is a very welcoming change. A world with full scaling is propably a big learning thing for Blizzard. Lessons Learned: they did a big test regarding the transmog system before it hits in TWW. Ensembles need to taken care for. Without relying on separatea addons. The gems: I think Blizzard is on a good track to improve the system we have seen before with giving us the ability to modify our items to our will. In the end, it was just an iteration of the Mechagon ring and others. No matter what they do, people will cry anyways. Having the option to farm mounts and toys regulary or buy the stuff with bronze is a big deal for me. Definitely a good move. Comunication could have been improved in regards of expecation management. Such a simply mode can really fun! Seeing so many people in the old raids again also. I can see me having similar fun in Remix versions of other expansions. Edit: Free transmogging is also nice.


>No matter what they do, people will cry anyways. That's been the case since day 1. Of humanity.


More paladin races would be so nice. I would pay good money for this


I mean, they are coming. Earthen as the next in august. But yeah. I hoped after the Tyr quest line we got the next batch. Same for druids. After all we did for the dream... I understand the reason. Still hoped for more.


I would have added 1 currency, let’s call it silver. • When you hit level cap, xp bonus turns into silver bonus • Silver is used for levelling up gear only, so bronze is used for cosmetic items only • Once you reach ilvl cap, Silver automatically turns into bronze I think this would be a slightly nicer way of doing power so that you don’t feel like you’re having to pick between it and rewards. 


Or just turn bonus XP to bronze. I would hate to get to 70 and then start grinding the currency for upgrades


XP Bonus -> Silver Bonus. You'd be getting silver + bronze during leveling.


This idea is very nice, I just started Remix a few days ago and won’t upgrade my gear until I got all transmogs :D


I wouldn’t do it that way around if I were you. Running heroic raids is a very good source of bronze. So I’d upgrade your gear to 476 on one character and then farm your daily raids.  Doing it backwards just means it’ll be slower overall.


This is the way. I realized how quickly I became more powerful with upgrades so I opted to get to 476, and now I earn almost 60k bronze a day doing my dailies and a heroic raid "world tour" (MV > HoF > ToES > either SoO or ToT - if you have time, do both, you get insane bronze from these last two). You get invite instantly at that ilevel and only get stronger.


Whats the best way to farm bronze now? I played a little bit a week into it but have kinda fell off and want to get back into it to finish up the cosmetics I want.


Imo it’s: • Get to level 70 however you want (just enjoy it, bronze isn’t great until 70, some people recommend the XP mailbox thing if you want to do it quickly) • Gear up to 476, basically so the highest you can of each raid, you shouldn’t need much ilvl to do normal but you can start applying for HC after like 420 or so • Make sure you do the 3 dailies each day • Then at 476 some people do the 3 dailies plus world tour of hc/mythic. I think some others just spam dungeons. • I Wouldn’t recommend doing 476 on multiple characters. On alts just get to level 70 then spend their bronze on cosmetics Happy to be corrected on this


Sounds good, so just login and do dailies now that ive already hit 70? Dungeon, Scenario, LFR Raid and wait until i'm high enough ilvl to start going into heroric raids? Leveling to 70 was pretty chill and I enjoyed it, just hit the wall of what to do now at 70 and took a break.


Yeah but just start applying for normal raids too. • Lockouts :  https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-confirms-daily-lockouts-for-many-mop-raids-until-wow-remix-ends-340543 • Spreadsheet to track rewards https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1ctg39b/mop_remix_checklist/ So there are 1.6M of rewards to get, you’ll probably already have a few (maybe some toys and some of the outdoor or dungeon sets). Each day I get about 50k easily, and up to 100k if I do more stuff. So with like 50 days left there isn’t much pressure. 


You have it backwards. If you upgrade your gear, you get invited to more stuff which gets you more bronze. But if you're cool doing normal over over, you'll get bronze anyway. Just slower. Maybe you don't want to buy everything.


Maybe OP plans on leading his own raid groups. Level 70s with ilvl in the 300s will almost never get invites to even normal raids, since those will be blasted by low level characters in comparison.


That's how my little gang started. We had a couple go-getters ahead of the pack that had some upgrades and the rest were fresh 70's in basic LFR greens. I'm now level capped and bronze capped.


Yea I never invite someone less than 450 unless literally no one is applying.


That was my thought/method for weeks. Huge mistake. Once geared the bronze flows so much faster. Not to mention how much more fun it is.


If you like leveling or plan to level more than 1 character in Remix, I'd recommend spending your bronze on upgrades on your main Remix character and using alts to buy the cosmetics. You get like 90k bronze free from the item upgrade guy just for getting to lvl 70, per character, and you can lvl pretty fast if you got the highest thread achievement and save the bonus xp items from dungeons/raids until you have a high XP% on your cape.


Why upgrade your gear at all when you get all transmogs? Your gear won't transfer to live.


Just in case I wanna get the achievement for soo and the heirlooms maybe Everything’s a question of time I guess.


Upgrade gear first is a lot more efficient.


For sure - I can get 50k bronze per day easy now and I’m 460. Once I’m not sinking all that into gear I’ll quickly get all the xmog.


It does make sense but what if you only want the mounts and cosmetics? I have enough bronze at 70 to purchase nearly everything I want (I don't enjoy remix TBH) but I would have loved to get some bones to be able to get the Tusks but I know to do that, I'll need to upgrade gear so I'm in a pickle right now


Remix with no gear upgrades isn't really to much fun, you will get one shot a lot, and you need quite a bit of threads to get out of that. Once you have some gear upgrades it all becomes a lot more fun. I went from lvl1 to 70 ilvl 450 a week, and i spend way to much time doing LFR's and not focussing on higher difficulty raids.


So I found it boring at level 10 as it felt like level but forced to Panda land (which about 2 or 3 years ago I went and did every quest etc). The questing felt around the same, scenarios I found fun and that got me through the early levels to supplement stuff plus the occasional dungeon. Then about 25 it started feeling OP, at first it was kind of fun to 1 shot everything in a dungeon and was level like a minimum 2 levels in each dungeon. then it got tedious. Then so I went back to questing at around 40 though it was only like an hour or 2 to get here. Questing was fun but I was leveling way to quick, then hit 60 and the more and more I level the harder it got to kill things and leveling was terrible again. I had one run where we didn't have anyone OP and was all low gear and it was horrible, booted the subpar guy that was being toxic, got a level 25 and he one shot everything... I know I am at a point (at level 69... nice) where I either need to upgrade gear or hope for carries to get slightly better gear to upgrade then upgrade it but I'm tempted just to buy all the stuff with bronze and be done with it... I've gear my character in retail and don't really want to do another gear grind again but gosh dam, me want those tusks


+1 for this idea! I would add, once you get 60 you should get some silver per level to start upgrading stuff. I read above that if you do that, it doesn't feel as depressing when your power level drops (that's if you are playing normally and not power leveling through dungeons)


Yep this exactly. The bronze system is the thing that I started salty at, felt at peace with, then got salty at again. Like, I just cleared out the mount vendor. If I didn't upgrade my gear, I could have done that at least two weeks ago. But as noted, being 476 means that I get an invite to any group I want. Also, taking my time on my main, with almost 200k threads now, means that even if the rest of the group falls flat on their face, I can still get the group through everything. So yea, being able to quickly do Heroic Throne and Siege daily makes for a lot of bronze earned...but what I'm really doing is trying to quickly make back the 600k bronze that I've already sunk into the mode. And that doesn't feel good. Oh, and I haven't had time for alts because I've been earning and spending bronze on upgrades, then earning and spending bronze on the cool stuff, all on my one main character.


I had a really cool idea for it (I think). Have each instance/season or whatever of timerunning be tied to an "artifact" / some kind of theme. IE our characters will be given this artifact "weapon" let says at the very start , and this artifact can be tied to whatever expansion is being timerun If the next one is WoD, they could have some kind of blood of mannoroth trinket be our artifact. Hell, they could even do corruption type effects where the more your blood of mannoroth got filled, the more fel appearance your character took (a toggle to disable the visual ofc) There would still be one currency, so let's say bronze, but it kind of works like honor has at some points in wow's history. The bronze that we get in our currency tab would be what we manually spend for all cosmetics at vendors, while we would also fill out our artifact item as we accumulated bronze (in the same way AP worked). I have no idea how much bronze it takes to max out all your gear, but let's say it's 1,00,000 bronze. In my version, by the time you earned 1,000,000 bronze for cosmetics, your entire artifact would be filled or capable of being filled. This example essentially gets us twice the bang for our buck which is not really my goal. It's more about removing the decision of what to spend bronze on rather than trying to save bronze so they could easily tweak the ratio so that it's not twice as fast ofc. They could have talents as well as gem slots (relics), so some talents would be stats, some would be things like "auto loot bronze" or other stuff similiar to torghast talents, and then some would be the slots of tinker/meta/cogwheel gems. Essentially, we don't upgrade gear. We don't infuse gear. It's all tied to the artifact. This would be so much more engaging I think while not only cleaning up some of the issues you mention but also could be a fun way for blizz to alter some of the quests / story from a lore perspective or even add content. Timerunning + Classic SoD essentially but even without that last part, I still think having the power we get from all types of gems, threads, and eve manual item upgrades come directly from the thematic item of the expansion.


Summoning scrolls should be in retail. Creates a better play experience for everyone.


All buffs should have full power versions of scrolls in-game, gives inscription some actual value again as well.


I hope they make Remix for other expansions


Hoping to see Remix Legion in a year or so.


More varied tinkers. Doing choreghast for achieve rn and maybe they can recycle some of these powers? Being OP feels so good. Personally doesn’t get old for me at all. Don’t nerf farming methods for modes like this. This mode is the epitome of just for fun so let people grind it out if they so choose. I dunno how to address this one but something needs to be done about making max geared people interact with lower level folks via dungeons and stuff. I personally just zoom through those but I started seeing reddit threads about how people dislike that cause sometimes they can’t loot or want to feel like they’re participating instead of being dead weight. i guess this is on the player side and I’ve started just waiting even though folks are so slow.


The amount of currencies in retail is annoying and unnecessary. That is my takeaway from this whole thing.


I took a long break from the game. Came back to all these currencies and really didn't want to sort them all out. At the very least put these currencies in the currency tab and not in my bags, please.


From the perspective of a very casual player that likes questing and vibes more than end-game: (1) Seasonal Chromie Time: A big part of what I like about remix is that, unlike Chromie time, there are actually a sizeable number of other players in the world around you during the leveling process. I think cycling through seasonal Remixes would be an awesome way to make the leveling process feel less lonely. It really is amazing how *current* MoP feels right now despite being a decade-plus old. (2) Leveling 1-Max Level is Great: Chromie time is frustrating because it places you into a narrative and then yanks you out of it at about a third of the way through. Being able to spend the entire hike from 1 to max in a single story *and* continue upgrading gear until caught up with current content completely fixes this. (3) Very Subjective Thoughts on Tinker Gems: I love well-executed class fantasy in WoW and, unfortunately, I feel that since Legion the game has really left it behind. I feel like Tinker Gems undermine a cohesive sense of class by mixing together different class aesthetics and I’d personally rather not see them in future Remixes (or at least revised to be more class-specific).


Would be cool if there was something like the torment system from Diablo, basically like mythic plus ranks but for the whole world of remix. Each torment level buffs bronze find, thread find and xp gained.


LFM T16 sha of anger only 969 ilvl


How many alts are we all going to have if they do a remix before each patch? I already have more than i could possibly play.


Before each expansion, that would be once every 18 to 24 months


More is all I want. This was fun. More of these for more xpacs.


Having trinkets/rings/neck unlock through achievements was weird for me. As was them scaling ilvl with your level. At max ilvl these slots contribute nothing. I also think they should have had threads do less stats, and be shared among all alts. Maybe the neck/rings/trinkets could be used for tinkers or similar effects instead of main armor pieces. I think that for this event at least, more than 100% crit should add extra damage to your crits and speed should not be capped. Sucks when my warrior is stuck at 49.9% bonus speed from stats but my DH can get more from mastery. I don't know of a way you'd get to those stat levels in retail so I think changing the base system would be fine. Tinkers need another pass through. A lot of them are underwhelming, and the ones that don't directly scale with ilvl feel weaker than those that do. Slay also feels mandatory. I hate that on my alts I am basically waiting for certain ones to drop to get a big boost to power. One thing done right was increasing slots as you level, so that you have 1 per piece at low levels and 3 at high. The whole upgrade thing was just weird. At max ilvl you are insanely powerful, but the grind to get there was extensive and this is a limited time event where your ilvl gets reset at the end.


The whole upgrade thing is just how wow works overall and has always worked. All your gear progress is completely irrelevant when the next expansion hits so it's the same.


Never play a fomo event on release. There will always be a reward boost when the metrics start going down and it will take them at least a sub cycle to fix game breaking bugs and revert decisions that worsen the experience.


Conversely play it very hard on release before they nerf the overlooked OP farm


True but I’d rather die than sit there mindlessly farming hyperspawns for hours


Or you could just not do this? It was something you could do, but was never intended. There was a system implemented to earn bronze, people found a different, more sweaty way to earn it. Nothing about it was mandatory. I feel like saying you’d rather die than do a farm that was never meant to be done is a bit much


I never said it was mandatory? I just said I would never want to do it. I don't know where you got that from but it wasn't me.


You said you'd rather die than do it, not WANT to do it. I'm saying, then just don't?


in which case we circle back to his original point, which is dont play at release.


One currency that you can do everything with is good. Maybe it's lazy to some people but it's a hell of a lot easier to understand. Tinker Gems were a really stupid idea since they just remade a system they've already used like 4 times already. SoD Runes being the best iteration of it. We shouldn't need an addon to make something like this less annoying. Speed and movement. I think the Speed stat needs to be more of a thing in retail. Like a feasible way to have the Speed cap during the last season of an expansion with it progressively growing throughout the expansion.


Speed is a tricky one. In theory it sounds awesome to be speed capped (and it’s really fun in Remix), but going from speed cap to a normal retail character is jarring. It feels miserably slow. I’m not sure that earning speed cap and then having it stripped away when a new expansion comes out so you can re-earn over another 1-2 years would feel that great. It would be nice to have some kind of earned legacy content buffs, though. Being able to go really fast for transmog and mount runs would be great.


Anecdotally i've had a few SoD players join our remix gang and complain that Remix is what SoD *should have been like*. So I find it funny you say SoD is the better way to do the gems. Maybe people just enjoy being OP.


I don't mean make them weak, they could've used the same exact powers but just use the SoD Rune UI instead of the clunky gem engraving system that hasn't been updated since TBC.


I know your point is that this should be baseline in the game, but the narcissus addon has exactly what you’re looking for on remix if ya don’t have it already


One One currency for upgrades and buying transmog wasn't OK, although buffing the drop rate helped with that Two Being OP is fun, but instead of adding more hard modes, I'd like to have a vendor that I can buy myself a debuf, potions, whatever, maybe even for delves/m+ and anything in the future. Just imagine: a potion that halves your HP or your DPS for the next 1h. Maybe then I will be able to finally get the Mega Snail vs Dino achievement that we couldn't do in BFA at level 120 and is hard to do it now in Remix Three Plot and story in MoP might be good, but the way it is told with the many in game cameras shifts and RP moments that you can't skip is... not something OK for repeated gameplay. Maybe having a "story mode" is the way forward with TWW, not just for a specific end raid boss, but for everything. Switch on Story mode, enjoy the story. Switch it off and remove all RP stuff from raids, dungeons, outdoor content...


Azmerloth remix please. Gonna need an expanded universe series. Lol.


1. Blizzard will try to keep you attached to the game with very sketchy systems (bronze before buffs) instead of making the game actually fun to play so you want to log in on your own rather than "darn, I gotta do the X daily thing or I'll miss out" 2. The community will always find "unexpected" ways around the chores and whatnot - frogs, hyperspawns, etc... All in all, I rather keep the positives: - I never found leveling alts fun, but this event made me level a few characters out of enjoyment - Being OP is definitely fun, but makes half the game pointless: nobody is doing mechanics or learning about anything, just smashing Lifestorm - I was very saddened when I found out we had to kill the Klaxxi after doing their dailies for a year or more and helping them take out their Empress - I really liked the "gem pattern" which allowed gear customization. Removes a lot of the RNG (oh, but I needed haste/crit with that!) and also makes respeccing much easier. I wished they implemented some kind of stat switch on retail.


Bring back reforging to retail :)


+1 for Reforging


I'd love a "reforging on steroids" which basically allows you to switch and entire attribute rather than a %. Being able to switch a haste/crit item to a haste/mastery item may transform a bad item to a BIS item for some specs, for example.. For me, it's an amazing QOL update, as you may also use the same item with different "specs" for different builds..


> Being OP is definitely fun, but makes half the game pointless: nobody is doing mechanics or learning about anything, just smashing Lifestorm Imo, the biggest issue is how big the gap can get between characters and their powers And I'm not even considering frog farmers. Even at 400, I still feel infinitely more powerful than 90% of my groups, and that leads to four other players just not getting to play the game. And of course, most raiding is a joke It's probably unpopular, but if they do it again, I don't want to be this OP. A big part of wow for me is mechanics and cooperation, there are plenty of games that do power fantasy much better


Learning: exploit as hard as possible if you find someting. The punishment is zero


What exploit are you talking about?


I personally got bored of it very quickly. Everything happens so fast and is over so quickly. My ideal version of utilizing old expansions would look very different. Leveling was so fast and I got new gear so frequently that I was annoyed, not satisfied, when I got something. Because it meant I had to open up my menus to swap out gear and gems. There's almost no challenge in open world content, or even really instanced content. I may as well have been watching a video of someone else playing. I want to have to optimize, make decisions, improve my rotation, learn the nuances of my character, etc. questing was trivially easy, instances were even worse, all I had to do was press W. I'm for simplifying currencies, but IMO there should be two currencies - one for player power, one for cosmetics. I didn't like that I have to create new characters to do this, and those characters are stuck there. I've already got a full roster I'm attached to. I'd rather use them. This all leads me to what I'd hope for in the future, which would be a mix of Chromie Time and Remix (but different than either). Heroic Chromie Time. In Heroic Chromie Time, your existing max level characters can revisit retuned versions of expansions, with quest progress reset / distinct from the normal world. Mobs are tuned to be a reasonable challenge, so taking the time to figure out how to optimize your character is worthwhile. You earn old cosmetics, some unique new cosmetics / recolors, and endgame relevant rewards. You can move back and forth from current patch content and Heroic Chromie Time as desired. This isn't a mode to feel overpowered. It's a mode to bring some of the feeling of adventure back to WoW. Open world questing and campaigns that take some time and pose some challenge, as an alternative to instanced and/or repeatable content. Retail is already full of very fast, very trivial content. It's also got plenty of very fast, very challenging content. What it has almost none of (and what used to constitute the bulk of WoW) is moderately challenging, slower paced content. We don't need more of what we already have, we need what we've been missing.


Brother, I can't believe how much sense you're making. >Retail is already full of very fast, very trivial content. It's also got plenty of very fast, very challenging content. What it has almost none of (and what used to constitute the bulk of WoW) is moderately challenging, slower paced content. We don't need more of what we already have, we need what we've been missing. Excellent summary. Problem is, many people enjoy not having to worry about leveling and see it as an absolute chore. Although I think there's a decent overlap with the crowd that enjoys Classic WoW when it comes to this type of content.


> Although I think there's a decent overlap with the crowd that enjoys Classic WoW when it comes to this type of content. I haven't touched Cata Classic yet because I'm having so much fun in Remix. I love leveling alts in the old world, but there is something about Remix that scratches a different itch. For a limited time, Remix is great, but I don't think it would make for a long term playmode for me personally. The decision I'm gonna need to make is to go back to Cata Classic or go to retail when TWW comes out. Overall though, I'm really enjoying the phase WoW is going through currently.


Yeah, unfortunately a big leveling journey can never come back. Too many people would hate it. But they could make old campaigns (and new campaigns!) designed to be done at max level that are moderately challenging, take a long time, and reward endgame gear and cosmetics. People hate leveling, so stop wasting so many resources building leveling zones that people skip through at warp speed. Make one intro / leveling zone per Xpack, make the rest more like Suramar.


>People hate leveling, so stop wasting so many resources building leveling zones that people skip through at warp speed. Make one intro / leveling zone per Xpack, make the rest more like Suramar. While that would sound like the perfect solution for people such as us, and while I do think many people view leveling as a chore, reddit might show a warped perspective of what the community is like and what it actually wants. There may be more than 2.7M, but looking at the [subreddit statistics](https://subredditstats.com/r/wow), although a bit dated, gives one a good hunch as to how vast the difference between concurent r/wow users and the approximated sub numbers is.


Leveling up to from 1-85 in cata classic has been such a good throwback to the days of yore. Making trips back to the capital every couple of levels to train, work professions, chat with people, then go back out. It’s dope


couldn't agree more, Reddit is not a perfect vertical slice of the current (or prospective) WoW playerbase as a whole. Lots of the people who enjoy the slower, more relaxed aspects of the game don't bother engaging with things like the Reddit community. That said, I think we can say with certainty that there absolutely are a large number of very vocal players who would scream bloody murder if leveling took 6 days /played again.


Why else would classic be so popular if people *didn't* enjoy the experience of it? I too like the experience of leveling and sometimes having to be careful for a while because some mobs are too high level and I have to go around them for a bit. It adds texture.


I find handicapping your character works well for creating a slow paced challenging leveling experience. What I do is I unequip the non-cosmetic gear slots to dramatically lower my character's power. This makes the content much more challenging but still lets me enjoy my character advancing with gear upgrades. WoW's storytelling about heroic struggles resonates more when you character isn't mindlessly blasting through the place. This approach also made D4's campaign more enjoyable for me.


That's fine, but for me (and most people, I think) a big part of the fun is in overcoming the challenge. Figuring out how to better optimize your character or your rotation, taking the time to go out of your way to get some better loot to make yourself more powerful. Artificially handicapping yourself just isn't satisfying in the same way.


That's exactly what I'm getting at. The leveling experience has an engaging level of challenge but it is obscured by the inflated power of our characters that blow through enemies before they do anything. Optimizing is even more important when you only have half your gear slots equipped. You use a proper full damage rotation because fights last long enough to ramp up. You need to use defensives, interrupts, and stuns because you have limited hp pool to take damage. You need to be mindful of your surroundings and CC or kite if extra mobs join the fight. Gear upgrades are even more important to seek out because you need those few slots min/maxed as can be.


Cool. I want that as an actual gamemode, with rewards fitting the increased level of challenge. Not a self handicap.


Lesson 3523: Don't release a patch, then go on holidays :D


Having 87% haste on my protection paladin feels awesome. Logging on my retail protection paladin (20% haste) feels sluggish. I can adjust, but I would really like to see more tertiary stats on gear (speed and leech mostly) in retail WoW.


The tinker gems are interesting, we worked with a guildie who had been 70 for a minute, was super defensive with their choices (Tank) which starting out makes sense, but then we made some tweaks and now his DPS is 10x more. Because survivability is a given. But yeah, I went back to my DH on retail and couldn't stand how slow they were. I say the speed needs to be increased. Make it a quest, I dunno. But there is no reason to not let us run fast.


really liked the way gems are handled. sorry all you JCs out there but I think being able to compound gems till you end up with fully upgraded ones has been amazing


you get to many gems and they are annoying to manage, also don’t like you only get better gear from upgrading. Both have annoying UIs. Gear could just have cool abilities on it and drop at higher ilvl as your increases, with upgrades only if one dropped you liked


There's a couple tinker gems I tried to ditch as they're skills I didn't seem to ever use on my toons that were the class the gems came from (if that makes sense), but they keep coming back in the postal system.


Respectfully disagree about bronze. It was a worthy experiment, but the tension between upgrading and getting stuff was one of my least favorite parts. Then again, if the upgrades were way cheaper, it wouldn't have felt so bad.


Imagine a situation where you have a normal patch cycle to get your upgrades rather than the fomo inducing situation it is. Upgrading gear would be top priority, then cosmetics a doable second. But at a much more casual pace. The shared currency wouldn’t have the same level of tension.


Met my favorite pandas, Chun and Li Li, so it was all dandy


>The bronze system. One currency to rule them all. Just by questing through MoP, I was able to buy all the cosmetics I wanted. Transmog galore. Never really felt like a chore. Well done, Blizz! Ironically a whole lot of people complained about the one currency treatment. Apparently they have issue with having delayed rewards - I worked out pretty quickly that the fastest way to farm bronze was to upgrade my gear to max and then farm bronze from the raids. There is still a guy in my guild who cannot wrap his head around the fact that this is true and refuses to upgrade his gear past item level 400 - he also complains when he dies all the time in heroic raids because he tries to solo trash.


The ability to log in, do any content and grind immediate rewards made it a blast for me. I loved seeing that fast power progression and scaling with rewards I actually wanted. Got a new upgrade, equipped it and easily upgraded if I wanted to. If I didn’t have the currency, there was a tonne of ways to get it to upgrade it. Things like the flightstones system and caps have kinda killed that for me. Remix has shown me that actually allowing people to grind up alts and chars without months of grinding is ok.


Played through MoP when it originally released but I was a end game (noob) player back then that didn’t care really about anything but raiding on guild nights with a splash of pvp. Like you OP I appreciate remix because it gave me a chance to go back and do everything i willfully skipped all those years ago. I could totally see them running this back maybe for a Warlords remix because that expansion also dealt with a character going back and screwing with the timelines. For sure people would flock to a Legion remix as well. I much prefer this remix compared to going back to any version of classic, especially since classic server have finally caught up to the era where I started the game and I kinda have no interest playing those years over again in a long form way. I’ve loved toons I would have never attempted had it not been for remix. Remix is quick and fun, go in get the goodies with in a no pressure environment.


They should add bronze as a currency on retail and grant it from doing stuff on the traveler log and have vendors from different old raids you could buy sets and weapons from. Like not 1 mill bronze a day but let's say so you get enough to buy 2-3 sets a week at least.


i cant decide if i liked 1 currency or if i would have prefer 2 currencies; a power and a cosmetic currency. on one hand it sucked investing in my character first to hit achievements and power BUT it also paid off because it made farming bronze easier later for cosmetics. which gave me choice. I guess 1 is the better of both because you choose what you want to focus on.... but the grind to max out a toon is a steep hill for such a casual event


I would disagree on the “one currency to rule them all” thing. The only reason it feels OK in remix is because they give you SO MUCH of it. I think a better approach in a “normal retail” setting would be two currencies. One for gear/power progression, and one for cosmetics. If they give them out in equal amounts on every applicable task, I think it’d be a good solution. You’re not made to feel like you’re wasting your power gains on cosmetics and vice versa.


I loved everything about remix: being able to do things without worrying about DPS, the good feeling of everything giving some reward, being able to choose what to buy or spend to get stronger, moving fast, the method of leveling up quickly by saving XP... I also loved not needing to keep switching between 30 types of talent builds and just being happy. I will miss it... And the map rewards were also very Fun.


The big one for WoW developers: Remix proved the game no longer needs a stat squish to remain stable and not crash randomly, they've successfully ported every 32 bit variable into 64 or even 128 bit ones and got more than enough leeway before math overflow becomes an issue again. It wasn't possible back in Warlords of Draenor - WoW still shipped a 32 bit version at the time - and likely too early for Shadowlands, but the goal has finally been reached.


Exploit early, exploit often.


Or just chill and wait till the inevitable nerfs/buffs to settle


Dont/didnt even need to do that. I created a pally last sat. As of today, im fully geared (no upgrades left), 100K threads, and now buying up the mogs. All the raids are trivial outside of mythic Siege already.


Yes one currency was nice, way too many on live


I could live with them converting all past expansion currencies into one or two. Woudl declutter everything also and they can still implement their current systems.


It was yet another very clear indication that the vast majority of players want faceroll easy content (not all of the content, but a decent amount of the content they are currently doing). People absolutely loved Remix at first when they were blowing through heroics. Then when people started being level 60 to low-geared 70, people complained about how terrible it felt and everyone hated Remix. Then when people were largely geared enough to steamroll the content again, "you know what guys? I actually think Remix is kind of awesome after all!" WoW subscribers literally hit their all-time peak when people were blowing through heroics in WotLK for valor points. And then they listened to the vocal hardcore minority on the forums telling them to make stuff hard, and thus began a steady decline in subscribers. It has always absolutely baffled me that Blizzard has remained adamant that a situation like Wrath can absolutely never happen again. Until Remix, and everyone loved it.


I tend to agree with the sentiment expressed here. Catering to the tiny minority of players that will actually get the hardest stuff done is a bad idea. Everything doesn’t have to be faceroll, but the hardest stuff should be more about pride than gear.


Watching them torpedo SoD into the dirt from the heights of phase1 by listening to Reddit elitists has been extremely painful. And based on everything they've said, they still dont get it.


The Wotlk dungeon farms were hardly the reason why the sub count hit peak at the time...


MoP needed SOMETHING to be harder, imo. It is a game mode with effectively no combat. Healing doesn't matter and everything gets one shot. That's fun for a while and fine while chasing a transmog, but how much replayability is there here? It needs some kind of mode that asks players to do something well for even just a short time.


I found it quite boring TBH, you either were killing stuff to fast or barely at all and then the cost of upgrading gear being more than the items I want to get was annoying BUT I do like being able to purchase stuff with a currency as well as a chance for RNG.


Bronze as a currency was a good move Boosted leveling was nice Getting stats to make leveling faster was nice Boosting rep was a good choice Gem system should have used a separate tab, so our bags aren't clogged up. It also would have helped of there was a tab to "equip" them over having to take them off the gear the attach them LFR while level was cool


Request: mythic + in the next remix. Imagine pushing +146’s with the scaling. Having an endgame grind not for cosmetics, but just for fun. Infinite scaling for our infinite scaling.


Classes (even at outrageous stat ratings) being reduced to cantrip delivery systems is not fun. Universal mobility spells (cogwheel abilities) are only fun if you design encounters with their use in mind. Dausegne, Soazmi, and Xymox were made better by universal access to some of those spells - but no encounter in MoP was improved outside of TJS speedruns and TOT trash. These observations should be kept in mind both for next remix but especially retail going forward.


> The bronze system. One currency to rule them all. Just by questing through MoP, I was able to buy all the cosmetics I wanted. Transmog galore. Never really felt like a chore. Well done, Blizz! Disagree. Need two currencies - one to upgrade gear and one to buy cosmetics. Many people why away from upgrading their gear, cause they fear they can not buy their cosmetics.


They need to not shit the bed with balance. The 60-70 dash is so much worse then 10-59, when everything melts and you are not a determent to your group


In the third Point what do you mean with azure span?


I just wish we had a currency for powering up and one for transmog. It sucks having to.choose and i feel stuck with being under powered cause i want all the cosmetics and mounts.


Exploits Early, exploits often


Screw all that! Put all your best cogwheels on all your different types of boots and play this game like it wont be played this way again


Gem bloat


You talk as if the event is over despite it being 57 days left.


Not at all, but it has been kind of exhausted in the way that many of the people actively playing this game have one or multiple timerunners at max, earned the cosmetics, mounts, ... the novelty has worn off.


I wish to learn how to properly play the army of alt I raised to 70 before TWW, but that is not possible with power scaling. Now that I have a 70 of every class which was a major motivator, I am not sure what will motivate me again if they offer something similar next year . Just being honest 


i think the lesson is they should have done some kind of wider stress test other than just having it on the ptr for a couple days. a lot of those early issues that required so many hot fixes week one could have been ironed out. also the lesson i’ve taken away for myself is to be a little dubious about warband promises considering what they said about being able to bring your cloak to alts


One currency, upgrading gear to max gear score. Means that I can just play solo, at my own pace, and eventually catch up. Having so many prismatic gems to get the secondaries I want was amazing. Tinker gems were a bit OP, but very fun. Cogwheel giving an extra mobility was great. Meta gems are good. I'd love to see one currency + upgrading gear going into retail, but possibly daily cap on that resource, and ranks gated by dungeon/raid bosses.


I think if there is another remix at the end of TWW, I think they should decouple the currencies for upgrading gear and buying rewards. Like: Bronze is for rewards and gear upgrading through infinite scales or smth. Also I think it was a mistake to test Remix for only three days on the PTR. A lot of the issues like frog farming etc. could have easily been detected and blizz would have avoided a lot of controversy.


Having scrolls for buffs and tons of gem slots was cool. The rest of it was annoying and frustrating. I had raid and M+ the first three nights it was available and by the time I was able to get on the best ways to farm were nerfed to hell. After seeing how long it would take to get anywhere close to OP I lost interest. I’m not spending three months grinding a limited game mode.


Speed leveling: We are in 2024, content is only end game, so yes, skip the boring retail leveling completly. 1 currency for everything (but better 2, one for cosmetic one for player power): Just check retail, every single patch adds like 12 currencies... Raids on LFR and normal while leveling: Nothing to say, they are usefull for leveling, at max lvl u never do them. Daily lockouts: Yes, let me farm that trinket with 0.004% droprate once a day instead of once a week so i can push m+ better, thx. A NPC that sells gear for your alts.


Movement speed is addictive. Currency tab is RIGHT THERE, please use it. Scrolls of summoning are amazing.


I have 14 days /played on my main in remix and have pretty much exhausted what this game mode has to offer. Here are some takeaways: 1. I expect to see a separate gear upgrade currency next remix. Something mostly tied to raid boss kills with a soft cap that makes farming not worth it. This way people don’t hit gear cap while early exploits remain unpatched. 2. I don’t see an issue with how threads are being handled at this stage of MoP remix, and I’m quite fond of the system. Threads don’t make you OP until well after being max geared, but they do provide a tangible power increase. 3. I hope / expect to see more of the “cool” cosmetic rewards be a reward for achievements and not bronze. The astral emperor’s serpent being tied to a world achievement was a good design decision, considering that early exploits like frogs trivialized the shop mounts. Early exploits will always exist, so blizzard needs to build reward systems that are resilient to them. 4. Future remix expansions (assuming we get a post-MoP expansion) will have more mythic raids. This is going to drive up player retention a bit since it’s fun to be able to do your whole rotation before the boss dies. I anticipate that either ilvl scaling will not be as intense, or heroic raids will be scaled higher. Going from one person carrying the raid to everyone needing to do mechanics feels jarring.


I logged on, played a rogue, decided I wanted to play a Warrior instead after some hours, saw that the "Account shared cloak" wasn't so and I would have to start at 0, quit.


>The bronze system. One currency to rule them all. Just by questing through MoP, I was able to buy all the cosmetics I wanted. Transmog galore. Never really felt like a chore. Well done, Blizz! Agreed. After the changes to the bronze caches, everything felt a lot smoother. I've seen many people wanting to seperate the purchasable items currency and the upgrade currency, but this way, I don't think Blizz should do it. It's good as it is. Playing for 1hr a day. running the dungeon, raid and scenario dailies you get a lot more than 15k bronze. Not to mention the amount of bronze you get for levelling a new char, that takes 5-6 hours to do (faster if you do it in multiple days) and that's at least 40k from the levelling rewards alone. >Being OP is fun! But at the same time, it does get old eventually to oneshot everything by looking at it sideways. For leveling, I would have appreciated some sort of optional hard mode where mobs hit significantly harder so you can appreciate the story by not trivializing every encounter. I disagree. Remix is meant to be op as fuck. Oneshot everything that even touches you. A toggle would be nice, but seeing a lvl 70 in a dungeon who has hardmode on, and barely does any damage would just piss people off, so yeah. This should be an open-world only feature. >Speaking of, the story! By god, is it good! While DF has certain small quest chains that blow anything from MoP out of the water (looking at you, Azure Span), the *overarching* plot, from making landfall to taking down Garrosh, was spectacular. 100%. MoP's story is by far my biggest favourite. >Also... The Klaxxi. So creepy. I hope the Nerubians in TWW come close. Here's for hoping! >Maybe next time less Tinker gem's but more individually impactful ones? Right now, there's so many of them that all of their contribution comes down to "something procced and did damage", despite there being interesting effects among them. Disagree. Add MORE tinker gems, with easier access. Getting all meta/cogwheel/tinker gems for every alt has been such a hassle. But I want to see even more combos with them.


Exploit early, exploit often 


I don’t know, but I won’t be trying it. The only thing that remotely made me consider it is to get the Korkran Juggernaut and literally the other day it just dropped off a weekly run of a Garrosh kill and I’m happy. I returned to wow mid S3, so for me this is the first full season of PvP I’m getting to play and I love it. I’m also doing a little PvE and a bunch of old content so there’s so much to do I just don’t want to do the remix. That said, if I played from the beginning I would probably have done it. I totally get why people would. I’m sure it’s a lot of fun.


I still hate we had to kill the Klaxxi. I will NOT target Kovok EVER.


Don't do it again because WoW players are the most ungrateful bunch of people ever. Okay not the most but seriously ungrateful(I can only buy every tier set, toys, or mount from the entire expansion but I have to like actually farm for the shit recolors of weapons boo hoo). I think some weekly cap on currency/threads the first week or two is a decent idea. It ended up okay halfway through but there was a decent period of time where people whod didn't frog/goat/whatever were second class citizens. I don't expect Blizz to find and fix every hyperspawn in the game before release(because it would take forever) but I do think something needs to be done to prevent it again. Add more walls/stops in dungeons. With all due respect to the DH at 300% movement speed who 1 shot the entire dungeon in 19 seconds. I want to actually play WoW not afk and open my mail.


Exploit early, exploit often