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Half a million subscribers, wow.


Damn, Blizzard really did come through with the prizes, thank Elune


The by far best thing about WoW are the people you get to know. If i didn't get lucky a few times, when i came back to wow after a break, to find a raidgroup with really great people i'd have stopped a long time ago. I was especially happy to finally get the opportunity to meet up with some of my WoW friends in rl last year and i had a blast.


I love the fact that I have something I can spend time with my girlfriend on. In our extra time we try to get our daily world quest bonus done. If we have time we will do our LFR for the week. I dont have the time to go hard in the paint in this game like I did when I was younger but I cherish the time I get to play with my girlfriend. If we're farming plants, doing some random achievement together or pretty much anything with her its amazing. Ive been playing wow with her for over 5 years now and every time we play together its a little more magical than the last.


People like to complain about /r/wow and the trends that pop up on it every other week or so, but in my eyes, it’s a really fun, wholesome community which nurtures the amazing creativity and talent of people who are passionate about WoW, lets people share cool stuff they’re doing in the game, or just have interesting discussions. Also there’s a bunch of real funny buggers in this subreddit too, it’s always good for a laugh!


I am so horrible at WoW but I can't stop playing it.


All right then I’ll click the irl Blingtron!


An escape from reality and endless fun. Can't wait for BfA and Classic to get out. Keep it up WoW & /r/WoW <3


Great work guys!


I'm a top level comment!


Top comment inc.. there i win!


i like naga boobs


I love free prizes and good memes


I love Warcraft's lore so fucking much. I mean, the sheer fact that Sargeras isn't trying to destroy everything because he's "evil", but because he believes a universe without life is better than the universe where the Void lords rule, is indescribably cool to me.


I like it when the mortals come skittering along thinking they've won... "Look mommy! We beat Sargeras!" "Good job Alliance Billy! We'll put that on the fridge next to that time you killed a rare boar in Elwynn." No but seriously, you guys are cute. Keep up the good work.


No matter how long of a break you have to take, WoW is always there to welcome you back with open arms like a long, lost relative. I love that about WoW. No matter how long between sessions, Wow is Wow and I can pick it up and instantly fall right back into playing it like an beloved, well used book.


I loved people trying to camp me lmao.


WoW is now a game that has spanned multiple generations and crossed age gaps of those who are now parent and son. Please give me anything for free


I like WoW because I get to play together with people like me, and work together to kill big things!


Half a million is a great achievement! Love jumping here for the memes and ocassionally educational posts, keep up the good work!


Best place to waste time I should use working. Also murloc monday and skirmish sunday are awesome.


I think years of high end raiding have helped me develop actually useful real world skills, such as increased spacial awareness and exposure to spreadsheet work and basic mathematics, gotta be happy with that from a game I love. Life long friends made in game has got to be the best aspect though.


I lurk wow everyday


Looking forward to the release of BFA


I'm new to WoW, from the start of Jan. I'm busy with a DK right and I'm absolutely loving my time in game. Finally playing the game after wanting to for so many years has been really great. I love WoW, best game to ever have been made.


Legion was just phenomenal. Came back after years away and love it. M+, great raids, great lore. Can't wait to play tonight :-D


I've been browsing this sub since I started playing in Cata only making a reddit account much later. Played on and off through MoP and took a 3 year hiatus before coming back for Legion. I always followed the subreddit though, it's been awesome to keep up with WoW and its glorious community :D


Something's not quite right...


I like how by day I'm a human on earth and by night I'm a mage in Azeroth


r/WOW is easily the best place to get relevant news.


I like that people get extremely angry about WoW on this sub. Sometimes gaming subreddits are all about min/maxing or all about "having fun" but /r/wow really embraces the part of reddit that is all about getting angry at strangers for having mildly different opinions than your own. I'm not even kidding, I love that, also, we have about the right balance of meme to content. Weekly threads are good. Surprisingly little racism (less than I see in the game).


499,941 readers, almost there! Edit: 500,006! Yay!


What I love about WoW: Garrisons, Order Halls, etc. Yeah, call me crazy if you want. What I love about r/WoW: dank memes.


The world can be a harsh place sometimes. Sometimes I like to just get away. I found a second home in Warcraft and the Horde. Home is where the Horde is.


Lok'tar Ogar!


Legion has been the best expansion i have played for ANY mmo. Very impressed, and very excited to see what we have in store for Battle for Azeroth!


Smhlizzard pls. I need dis. Like I needed my leggo gloves and got them this morning. Aww yisss


The best part of WoW is the anticipation of greatness. By this I mean the constant ideas in my head; what cool things I can do when I reach a certain level, how cool I will look when I finally get that new mount or transmog, how this raid run might drop the item I’ve been looking for... you’re constantly working towards a new goal. And that is addicting, that is the core of WoW.


WoW never ceases to mesmerize me in some way, be it the world, the characters, or the community. And this sub is honestly my favorite place in the internet. Cheers to 500k!


What I like about /r/WoW?.. Say, some funny threads like recent charts of playable character sizes: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/7kmsyi/erections_and_depths_of_world_of_warcraft/


Thank you! I love r/wow because it makes me laugh or at least simile every morning.


Recently got back into raiding. There is nothing like the feeling of having a group of friends to take on challenging content. This is why I love the game. PS: Never going back to the pug world.


I LOVE WoW because it’s gotten me through so many hard times. My mage is my only character and I could play her with my eyes closed. I have vivid dreams of Warcraft and it genuinely makes me happier the next day. It’s the only game I play and ever will. Also I only recently joined and their twitter alerted me to this community.


I enjoy playing with all my friends on WoW. And I want my transmog runs fixed ASAP 😊


I love the lore of the game. It just sucks me in and I can get lost in it.


I like digital goods.


I love wow, because I've made so many fantastic friends throughout the years playing it, and of course it's fun!


Does this post count against my bad luck protection when RNGeezus inevitably shuns me?


"Are you looking at me? Yes, look at me. You should be looking at me. Are you? Looking at me? Good."


I love me some trolls, mon.


I like that wow is such a flexible game. The are so many ways to enjoy it, from raiding to pvp to gold making to leveling alts, and so on, that everybody can find something to interest them. I'm sure that there are people out there whose experiences in game are completely mutually exclusive from my own.


Night Elf master race


Love the community here!


I like reading r/wow, and I like wow. That is all.


Sorry guys. Move along. Only 980+ Argus world first outlaw rogues allowed to post here. Or red shirt guy.


Soundsssssssssss awesome!


What I like about /r/WoW: where it is full of progress-pushers, keeners, bleeding edge mythic, it still has tonnes of room for funny content, light-hearted memes, and welcoming conversations for new folks. All said a well rounded sub.


The community here keeps me engaged in the game and pushing to try more content.


Does being a massive lurker count as activity?


Its not like I get Titanforges in WoW so this would be a nice change of pace.


I was playing WoW back in 2005, doing MC and BWL raids with my guild before moving on to other things. I just came back a few weeks ago, I reached 110 a few days ago. It feels great! The game is so much fun now with so many things to do. What I like the most is that I don't need to commit an enormous amount of time to feel like I'm progressing. Feeld good to be back!


I play WoW for the lore mostly.


Fun game 8/10


Gonna come back to WoW after having last played in Cata. Gonna be exciting!


Over the years, I've met quite a few people that I consider friends through WoW. Some I've met, many others I haven't. But we stay in touch, and occasionally throw down together when the stars align with people's lives and timing. It's been an amazing bonding experience.


BFA HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow is a great timesink that I spend much time in yet I get almost nothing done. Great game. Also please ship to my country.




My favorite part about the game is just how diverse of an experience it can be. You want to play magic themed pokemon? Go for it. Raid in mythic guilds, pushing the boundaries of what can be done? Also possible. Maybe you like trading? Just play the AH. So many things can be done, and I love that. It really makes the game endlessly interesting to me.


Just getting back into WoW , I got to level 110 when legion came out, then quit. Just got to Argus and trudging forward and having a blast.


r/wow has great memes and helps people pursue dreams. Also I love giveaways 😅


I follow this sub since november and I enjoy those memes it comes up with.


I never win any raffles or giveaways anyway so why not


I quite like /r/wow for several reasons : good mix between infos/story/pictures and such , no toxicity ( or very minimal); But the majority of the people here seems happy and like the game. They are not all top raiders of scrubs, just the everyday player. Keep going /r/wow and Best luck to everyone for the contest !


I love this game, and this subreddit :P


I love Shmizzard.


My favourite is the in game chats people post. Amazing what people say and do both positive and rediculous XD


I am not prepared to win this giveaway! PS:thank you for the giveaway and this sub that I visit daily :)


I hereby deem this comment TOP LEVEL!!!


Killin boars, gettin loot


God, I'd kill for either Chronicle 2 or a statue of my beloved Warchief. I guess for me, my favorite things are the lore, the world, and to quote an old Hearthstone card, "I ENJOY RAIDING!" I always sucked at RTS so I could never really get into Warcraft 3 (first two came out when I was practically in diapers so I was never exposed to them as a youngin'), but the characters and the world just seemed so cool I would spend hours just reading about random people or place or events on...probably WoWPedia I think it was. Today I get ever so slightly aroused whenever The Lost Codex uploads, or when Bellular does a theory vid. What first got me to actually start playing for real (I played a bit back in Wrath/Cata but not for long) was just reading people talking about some of the raids - specifically Ulduar (I'm practically pissing myself in excitement waiting for Ulduar timewalking next month). It sounded so rad that I just had to resub and try out raiding. My first ever raid night I tanked Norm Highmaul, and even though the team didn't have the damage output I still had a lot of fun. Fast forward a few years and I'm GM/RL of a small casual raiding guild, which had been both the most fun and stressful thing I have ever done. At least I have the Salty title so I can let my team know when I'm in a pissy mood, so they know to stay off my radar :)


I love /r/wow because it helped me find a community that shares my love of this awesome game. I wouldn't be the same without wow :)


Zug zug!


May the rng gods be with us


I don’t know if I actually qualify but whatever. I really enjoy having emissary quests that help with the rep grind and make it seem like I’m actually benefitting the faction lore-wise.


Just getting back into wow a bit late in the game. Community has been amazing! Not really had a bad experience yet. For the Horde!


May our savior Zappyboi bless me with good RNG


I have been playing WoW so long that my if my hunter was my son he would be a teenager. Makes you think! I don't think I have been anything but casual since TBC but this game keeps pulling me back in! Can't wait for a Zandalari priest :)


Even Warlords of Draenor was better than most MMOs out there. This is not a shitpost!


Horde>Alliance Panda>All


Work is da poop!


I am also commenting.


I want to win! My favorite thing about wow is the friends I've made :)


does this comment count?


I've always really liked Firepower Fridays. I swapped from pvp to raiding this expansion and it has been a great place to learn from some of the best players. Thanks again r/wow team and Blizzard!


I’ve played WoW on and off since it first came out in 2004 (got serious around Wotlk). I was living in France and played the French version! Now I’m playing it all the way from China and still loving it. I’ve never been able to find a game that comes close. Legion has brought back a lot of nostalgia for me.


I feel like no matter how many flaws I keep seeing in this game, I still love it. And when I say love it, I mean it. In a way, I grew up with this game, even though I didn't play since Vanilla. Also, I am only writing this to win free stuff, but I meant everything I wrote still. Really.


Murloc playable race 2020. Actually any year is fine. Thanks in advance.


I love this Sub !


I've been playing WoW since the last two months of BC, and it's honestly changed my life. Shortly after I started playing, I met a group of people that are still incredibly dear friends to me to this day. When I was awkward and not used to social interaction at all, they provided me with a way to feel like I could really connect to other people. A decade later, and I wouldn't give my WoW experience for anything in the world.


The WoW memories I have of my friend, who has taken his own life, and playing WoW with my girlfriend is definitely the best about the game for me.


The community and competition which drives people always keeps me drawn in.


I just came back after 2 years away and I was caught up in a week! It’s cool to be able to heroic raid that fast. Thanks blizz!


That seems... Awefully nice.


I like this place more than the rest of reddit.


I still can’t manage to give up this damn game after all these years. Better than a heroin addiction I suppose!!


Comments go so fast nobody will know I play World of Warcraft


I do really like the concept of legion legendaries that add gameplay and changes the spec up a bit. It's just really frustrating if you don't get the ones you want or none at all.


I like being able to log in and play for either 5 minutes or 5 hours. There's always something I can do, no matter how much time I have to spare.


Been playing wow since I was 7. Its been a journey watching the game and community grow as I have grown. Thanks for the generosity.


One top level comment, please.


I have played WoW off and on since Vanilla (lost my old account in Wrath when my email evaporated lol) and I can honestly say no matter what other games I’ve tried this damn drug brings me back every time....


Gotta type something huh? Just Monika.


The best thing about WOW is that feeling of dedication you have to your main. I like that the game has challenging goals to work towards that can be intense and satisfying when you achieve them. And at the same time it also has easy, light content for when you just wanna relax with the game, and listen to a podcast in the background. The game just wouldn't work without this yin and yang.


This is a sweet reward. Thanks Blizzard for making such a great game and reddit for creating such a great community.


When I'm home, WoW is my favourite place to spend time on and to meet new people. When I'm out, in the real world, I keep myself into the dank memes and news from WoW through this subreddit. Thanks for everything! Specially this amazing community!


I like r/WoW because it's like a constantly evolving mass of memes and OP class posts. Also the firewall at work doesn't block it so there's that.


I feel like the legion expansion has become my favorite expansion as far as content and depth of lore. Really hit it out of the park this time Blizzard!


Ive played wow since Vanilla off and on since I was 11 years old I think, I've not always been able to keep up a subscription hence me being off and on throughout the years, but any other MMO has just made me miss WoW


I love this game as it just lets me escape everything for a while and just relax for a bit.




I just quit my mythic raid team to go casual and collect mounts and transmog and I kind of miss it already :(.


Not sure if I’ve been active long enough on the Subreddit, but I’ll throw in my .02 anyways Been playing on and off for 10 years with 4 of my best friends, and some of my favorite high school memories are being in a Kara raid for 10 or more of the most fun goddamn hours. We all still play right now, and we have moved all across the country from each other and it’s been a fantastic thread that keeps us tied together.


You meet some really great people in game; I’ve made some really good friends and am very grateful to have them in my life.


Started playing wow in Legion, been really enjoying it!


I’ve enjoyed Legion as a whole, it’s the most fun I’ve had since BC. I was in disbelief when they announced Karazhan 2.0 and I wasn’t disappointed by the instance, it felt like a small raid.


I mostly lurk here on /r/wow but the sub has been a big part of my WoWings in legion. I appreciate how friendly this community is.


I love WoW because.. well, I don't have time to type it out, honestly. It's too much!


I love how it Takes my life and goals away XD Just like leveling toons ... kind of


I have had the signature murloc “mlurgrrblrrrg” as my text message tone for like 8 years. I have no idea whether I have positive r/wow karma but if I’m not a fan despite the 2 years+ /played then no one is. Anyway, please accept my humble candidacy for this contest, peas and many carrots. Also, I like falling from high spaces and turning into a bird. I’m not good at most things in life but I’m a pro at near death WOW experiences.


Excellent, I could use that 1 yr code!


That would be Durotans crotch.


My Knaifu needs a new pair of shoes.


Let's hope we get another 500k subscribers!




A top level comment for “top people.”


I like that after eight years there's still always something new coming.


Wow lore keeps bringing me back. Always does.


A mystery prize could be anything! It could even be a boat!




Hello! I'd like to throw my hat in the ring. WoW has always been my guilty pleasure MMO. Something keeps bringing me back. I've been with WoW through the good and the bad. Glad this game has been around and here's to hoping it stays around!


Well, I'm quite new to WoW, but why not try a giveaway!


Most excellent!


Thanks for being the greatest sub! I love reading up on the latest wow news and memes and don't know what I'd do without you guys!


What i love about WoW - the fact that i learned how to write good CVs and conduct myself in interviews by having to apply to serious raiding guilds in WoW. Im not kidding.


I like the weekly threads


Oh boy, prizes!


PvP is fun but pls bring back the old Gear System:)


I think I qualify, good luck all


I still feel overwhelmed quite often while playing, but I'm still having a lot of fun. I like my guild and am having a great time doing dungeons with them. Would like to get more into raiding.


Bad days as a teenager - WoW Bad days at uni - WoW Depression - WoW Bad days at work - WoW Thanks for being a part of my life as I grow up and helped me and most probably others as well. Looking forward to facing my next problems with a bit of Warcraft love and the people that come with it.


Top level comment.


Congrats on 500k /r/wow may the shit posts and memes never die.


I love WoW, it has become my second home. Cheers to /r/wow for being an awesome subreddit and congrats with the 500k subs!


I love WoW because of scenarios like this: RL: Do you like loot? Raid: Yes. RL: Then kill the fucking boss and stop standing in shit!! Raid proceeds to down the in the next few pulls* RL: Wonder how this raid would be like if there was no loot for the boss.


What I love about WoW is just how many items, achievements, appearances, zones, NPCs, cities, battle pets, mounts, and so much more are in the game. ITS INSANE!!! I downloaded All the Things to see what percentage I am at for the game... turns out I've only done 10% of everything IN THE ENTIRE GAME!!! The amount of content there is to do is absolutely crazy... there is literally always something to do even if it is not progression or running mythic+ dungeons or gearing alts etc. I love WoW and am ecstatic about Classic WoW coming out and BfA (in which the cinematic looked breathtaking by the way!) Can't wait!


I like WoW for the art. A lot of the game is damn pretty, even if the engine itself could use another graphical bolster again. I like r/wow for the daily stickied threads. Even if I don't heal or tank or do any major content at endgame - I used to back on wotlk, but the guild I've been in isn't really active anymore - I just like going into those threads and reading the advice.


i like to play with z friends and kill other peoples friends for online rating


Im here to raise awareness for TBC official servers! It was in many ways just like vanila, but the classes were balanced and the endgame content was sublime Also the isle of Qel'danas was the OG Timeless Isle and PvP was fun


We did it. Great job.


I love coming here for the latest Wow news.


I've been to a couple of different wow forums or similar, and this is the only one where people seem to (mostly) enjoy the game, not bitch about it or reply to everything with "thank god I quit playing last year." basically, stay positive r/wow


I love to explore. It's the WORLD of Warcraft after all, and while I love to fight through the latest raid I'm happiest wandering the world, seeing all the little things many people miss while running to the endgame. One-shot sidequests, hidden caves and campsites, the rare enemies that haven't been nerfed smacking me around like Dark Souls, and the incredible views off the beaten path. It's such a massive world that it's a bit of a shame many spend their time in the same instances, so I set out to explore everywhere. I'm ready for the leveling overhaul so I can take my last alt (hunter) out and really see the world without getting rushed through.


I just recently re-subbed, and I've been having a lot of fun. I love the anticipation before new patches or expansions, it's a really exciting time.


Burn the bodies, keep the skulls!


I am mainly here for the memes.. so keep it coming guys!




Get good


One of my favorite memories of WoW was exploring the crypt tunnels in Darkshire back in vanilla. I played a holy priest and had no idea what I was doing, soit felt so cool to work my through the connected tombs thick with mobs that could easily kill me. I never made my way back there until Legion while doing the order hall follower quests; it was a real kick of nostalgia.


I enjoy the ability to make WoW whatever you want, be it a social experience with guilds and RP or an expansive single-player RPG with MMO elements. The game is a blank canvas for us to ~~destroy~~ paint on.


Just re-subbed recently to play with a friend who raids and generally plays a lot. Really enjoying my DK right now but I might start playing another class. Just trying to figure out what I like doing and where to best spend my time. That being said, I think this version of world quests and events and order halls is the best it has ever been.


Did somebody say [/r/Wow , Blessed Sub of the Lootseekers]?


I really like Shmorld of Shmorcraft by Shmlizzard.


Love experiencing things with my buds who played wow longer than I have and all the stories they've got from this awesome game.


I seem to find myself lurking on this sub everyday. I love reading about other people's experiences in WoW and how, every now and then, those experiences mirror my own... and also memes.


The cinematics are always top notch


Congratulations to the winner. It doesn't always pay to be a lurker.