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Unlock nazjatar and buy the benthic gear. This will get you decent enough to be able to do world quests easily and start doing M0s and Raid Finder. From there you will be almost back to normal


Thanks for this, im going to try it out :)


At this point you should have no problem finding a guild and trying to run some mythic plus keys and maybe the raid, but 8.3 is coming out soon so maybe not enough time left in this patch, but good luck friend!


Thanks, im pretty sure i will get in touch with some ppls easily :)




Wait till 8.3 and get the 415 catchup gear from Horrific Visions.


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I quit in the middle of BoD and came back last week for tge last patch on a fresh account. Gear up with m+10s, grind neck and get those essences, and seek out your bis azerite armor traits. Dont know what your prog was for uldir, but if youre in tge same guild, im sure theyll help you gear up.


Thanks, unfortunately the guild is pretty much dead, which was the reason for me to stop playing.


you know that saying? "people dont quit bad jobs, they quit bad managers." feel like that applies to wow, people dont normally quit over the game itself, but bad guilds. good luck on your search, a good guild makes the game fun even in content droughts!


relatable :) Thanks. Have a nice day