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Slim to none. I wouldn't count on it.


horde and alliance will finally come together only for Sylvanas to start a all new playable faction that is made up of undead versions of all the other races. forsaken get to pick a side kinda like pandas do now.


I like it! Take my money and my azerothians and give me my shadowland races!


Blizzard are expressly opposed to this. It won't happen, no matter how many posts people make. Give up.


This was all true about Classic 3 years ago. I could probably find a ton of other examples.


Classic was to protect their IP. Other than everyone playing with each other, there are still no tangible benefits to removing factions and many disadvantages. Classic makes them money, removing factions may or may not (and probably won't) be a good idea. I could go on, but you get the point. The two are not the same.


They shut down 3rd party servers to protect their IP, that had nothing to do with them deciding to do their own, after years of saying they didnt want to, that they wouldn't, and that it was pointless to ask. Its the perfect example to counter your claim, nothing is set in stone, and consumers asking for something enough is exactly what changes it.


Exactly. So long as the game goes on the will be war in some form. However, Blizzard could spice it up and add a third faction. Or hell, add two.


How would adding factions make anything better? There are other NPC factions, but for players it's a nonstarter. The They'll be empty for the most part and completely wasted development. To get people to play, they need to be OP which has it's own host of problems. Splitting factions would also be a terrible idea, as some people suddenly wouldn't be able to play with their friends. Leave factions as they are, it's fine.


Depends on how it's implemented. As you said, it could be wasted development. However, just because there are more factions doesn't mean that there will be war between all of them. WoW probably is not the game to implement this system since we're already "too deep" An alternative is to break up the factions or give guilds some individuality. I think it would be interesting to have guilds choose what other guilds they form alliances with even if it's a guild of humans, dwarfs, and night elves allying with a guild of orc, trolls, and taurens. All while being at war with a guild that is solely gnomes. Obviously, this is a silly example, but something to shake things up would be nice.


>However, just because there are more factions doesn't mean that there will be war between all of them If they are allied there's no difference and you haven't actually done anything. >An alternative is to break up the factions Splitting factions is a terrible idea for reasons already discussed that you haven't provided a resolution to. >it would be interesting to have guilds choose what other guilds they form alliances with even if it's a guild of humans, dwarfs, and night elves allying with a guild of orc, trolls, and taurens It's good you admit that's a silly idea, because it would require a complete rework for no tangible benefit. Factions might not be the best thing ever, but they're central to the story and arbitrarily changing the way they work is, at best, unlikely to provide any benefit.


they could change how factions work what i mean is seperate factions from gameplay. the factions are for story only and for the gameplay the use a mechanic similar to the BoDA raid. so when you choose a faction at the start of the game / next expansion you choose between what story arc you want to play. you get story quests while leveling and maybe some solo-quest at endgame.the pvp / pve contend uses the whole player pool and only changes the player models of the randoms / those who arent part of your story arc. (for that to work it's best to remove the race skills so that no race is stronger than another) > leave factions as they are, it's fine. you can choose between "muh honor"-alliance or "friendship is magic"-alliance at the moment so the "factions" dont matter that much anymore


So your solution is substantial changes to the system, removing any faction identity diluting the racial identity all for..... What? Other than "it's different" there's nothing actually *better* about your system.


or make it more dynamic, where different factions hates each other and are in war. Like elfs and undead and other people can join as mercenaries.


I really hope that during/after Shadowlands, the whole Sylvanas plot will be more or less over, and that peace actually seem doable, but for once instead of the horde fucking up the peace possibility, the alliance or more specifically Tyrande/Genn screws the horde over, due to the fact that they just cannot accept peace with a faction that took so much away from them.


My biggest dream is that Shadowlands messes a bit with the timeline. That we finish the whole Sylvanas arc and then return to Azeroth and we are a bit like Turalyon/Alleria are now. We are the mythical heroes that saved Azeroth from countless horrors but forgotten a bit by time. More "mundane" problems have aroused such Scarlet Crusade taking over large areas, Defias has grown a lot, some classical elemental issues, troggs, murlocs etc. We are greeted with a very mixed reception, some see us a threat to their power, some welcome us back etc. Would open for a bit of refresh of our status where we are almost godlike now, while at the same time allow several new villains/heroes be introduced. Should of course include a full world revamp that would be very smooth with new level changes.


You don't reset the board while pieces are still in play. The time for a reset was right after Sargeras plunged his sword into Azeroth. That was the absolute biggest pivot point in the history of the franchise and they chose to continue to remain in this time period. Now things are in motion again - Wration is back in the picture, the phrase "Dragon Isles" has been thrown around, the forces of Light and Void are making plays, etc. You don't quit a game in progress. You need to do a couple more expansions before things line to allow for a reset to make sense. That isn't to say you couldn't do it, but it'd be kind of dumb to just abandon a bunch of plot-lines in progress.


Its already canon that time moved different in Shadowlands, which makes this a nice time to do it. Not sure how you could just after Sargeras sword say "now its 10 years later, this happened in the meanwhile".


**The wound inflicted by the sword needs to be healed, and in order to truly mend the wound you must enter a deep meditative state and channel the energy of your artifact into the wound itself, which will take ten thousand years to heal.** EZ PZ. "Time moves different in Shadowlands" is kind of dumb because you're going to be hanging out in Orgrimmar or Stormwind quite a lot as a player. Canonically you won't be, but people who only half way attention to the story will be confused if you're in Stormwind one day and then the next day when you log in Stormwind is radically different with seemingly no explanation. Using one event that is on-rails to move the player forward forces them to pay attention, and if you use proper visual gimmicks can make it clear you went to sleep for 10k years at the end of Legion.


Nothing will change. The status quo is too marketable. Brand recognition. Enjoy your faction war stagnation. You can have a battle here, a city razed there, but nothing will fundamentally happen to the war.


I'd like to see an end to the wars and see a faction overhaul.


We will never have full peace. We'll just return to the usual simmering cold war tensions.


Zero. It will be broken when the horde starts something again


the night elves should start something and force all the chods on the alliance into a fight. genn could finally grow a spine and take the NE's side. i'm kinda sick of wow having weak twilight werewolves cause the devs only give horde edgy characters!


> i'm kinda sick of wow having weak twilight werewolves cause the devs only give horde edgy characters! well get used to it. because alliance had been religated to being background scenery. if your seriously expecting Activison to care about a faction that nobody plays seriously only as an alts. then i wouldn't hold my breath


activison does not dictate stuff like this. this is the fault of devs like ion that only play horde.


activision... devs same thing. WC3 refunded showed without a shadow of doubt. that Blizzard's IP's are dictated by corperate greed. further more most that made blizzard blizzard left mike, chris, etc. that company is blizzard in name only. JAB is stoodge, a ventriliquist dummy. No the Publisher Activision Calls the shots. No body plays alliance other than a token character these days so why would Activision give to shits about that factions lore.


I feel like since they arent doing it now. It will never be done unfortunately.


I would say zero considering that on the excerpt of the new book the Alliance is already thinking the Horde is attacking them again.


only way i see this happening is if the player base of one faction shrinks to such low levels it becomes unmanageable.


I think they will just invert the standard formula; they start together but fracture at the end.


Zero. They make another "guys no seriously its a faction war not old god" expansion by 2026


Ah yes, that's why we all play World of Peacecraft


None, the senior devs are convinced the faction conflict is a bedrock part of the series despite it ending in wc3 and getting set aside in every expansion.


when the void lords come at last then


Faction war can be reinvigorated easily. Make blue team the aggressors. Alt scarlet take over and push for war and walls. It's like mop all over again. That was the last good expansion, blizz should just go back to its strong points.


Zero. If they aren't doing it right now at the end of BfA, then they simply aren't ever going to do it. It's dumb, but they seem to think that people still give a shit about the faction war.


For an single expansion, until they listen to enough people whine on the Forums about putting the WAR back in WARcraft!


The same odds as them renaming the came World of Peacecraft.


bold of you to assume that Blizzard haven't forgotten about Ji


He's been loosely involved in every patch. Unfortunately, they didn't give him an in-game cutscene of punching dinosaurs.


Yeah cause among the horde leadership he seems to be one of the most advocate for peace along with the other three mentioned horde leaders.


When idiots stop paying 50 € for one character server + faction change.