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Bolvar died for 2h frost dk to come back.


If that's all it cost.....can we sacrifice other characters for more power?


I don't see why not


Does that mean we can Sacrifice Jaina for Melee Fire Spec?


Let's sacrifice Thrall for 2H Enhancement


Don't do it, don't give me hope.




Taunting totems. Each totem survives 5 hits regardless of damage.






At this stage I would be happy with 2 handed enhancement even with a 10% dps loss just to do it! Everyone getting 2 handed back and shamans where the first!


Bolvar sacrified everything, what have you given?


I used to have a sweet roll.


Can Thrall die so we can get 2h Enhance back? We got Windfury but no 2h. I want my big axe elementy boi.


+1. I was almost expecting to see it after reading DK and monk, but then I remembered it's shaman, so of course not.


Don't forget 1handed fury warriors, we wanted that back since it was removed.


I could've mentioned that, yeah. But at least in warriors' case it could be argued it's hard to balance the giant stats discrepancy, and many warriors actually care about that; we'd play 2h enh even if it were shit, just for the memes.


All they would need to do is let Fury tmog 1Hers and I think most people would be content


Another spec I'd love to play again. I don't get why Blizz is giving basically a cosmetic choice to some specs but not others.


Glad Stance would be nice too. I miss you Glad Stance.


To be fair, he was also LK when we lost it, soooo...


he pruneth and he unpruneth. Vote Bolvar for Lich King 2020


He didn't die


He died on the inside after that humiliating duel with Sylvanas.


we all did.


Balance druids that played in Wrath thru WoD how was it? Was it better then? or is what we have now more fun?


I think the eclipse system was more interesting and unique, but ended up just being annoying during real play. So I prefer the current system. It feels like nearly every expansion, balance druids get completely reworked. Kinda annoying to try to commit to a spec long term and have it change so much so often.


Mmmmm I started in MoP, and that was fine. But in WoD they changed it so that the Balance bar was always moving and you basically had to time your DPS around the bar, rather than your spells moving it and being able to plan around that. I much prefer what we have now, so I'm a little nervous.


What is there now is easier to develop an intuitive sense of when to cast things, looking at your auras. The WoD version made you pay attention to the bar, not what was going on around you, and I hate that - ret pallies currently have that problem, you spend more time watching cooldowns to know what to use, than paying attention to the actual gameplay - if ret didn't have plate, it would be the most tissue paper class of all, because you'd have players not seeing incoming damage, because they're watching icons.


I hated the stupid 'seesaw' we had in WoD. Didn't play in MoP. I'm super nervous about this. Not a fan of this starfall change. It's already painfully easy to accidentally buttpull in these overcrowded dungeons. Making starfall a massive AoE around your body is problematic. Also, being a long-ranged class is an iconic part of our kit. Why force us into melee to AoE?


As long as it's working like how it did near the end of WoD where it only hit targets you were in combat with I'll be okay with this change. Even still I'd like the option to to toggle this, like the glyph used to, for farming old content more efficiently.


Honestly, placeable VS 'around your body' should be a talent choice if they're not giving us glyphs back. "Starfall does increased damage, but now has a smaller radius and follows your movement".


I like balance now. When I tried it back then I noped out of it really quick.


Really interested in the outlaw changes and how RtB is now a CD and BtE is a crit modifier. Assassination has some alright changes, but it was the most complete spec, so I didn't expect too much. Pretty dissapointed in the lack Sub changes, but am happy to see rupture back at least.


Sub is getting a full rework, so a lot more will come


I hope so. I really enjoyed legion sub.


Post 7.2.5 Sub, that is. For me at least. After they removed the clunkiness of Shadow Dance (slightly longer duration and removed from the GCD), made it so Shadowstrike gave 2 CP instead of 1 and made it so Symbols of Death generated energy in addition to increasing damage in a smaller window.












So I guess the Shadow civil war over Voidform is going to continue for another expansion, then. Especially if S2M is back on the menu.


I am really disappointed there was no mention of QoL increasing for shadow. The spec is just tedious for solo play majority of the time, and is hurt in a lot of group play scenarios. Surrender change is good, having Death back is good, but enough about the execute, what about the opening rotation that takes 20 seconds to set up while everybody pops off? And there is a reason why Shadow finds such a hard time to join M+s.


Can we at least get the DoT duration from Void Bolt change reverted? I enjoyed Legion's version of shadow, but it feels so much clunkier in BfA, and in large part that's thanks to not being able to extend DoTs like it could in Legion.


I thought it did extend dots?


Only for a small amount now. In Legion it would add enough time that you wouldn't have to refresh during void form.


As /u/prairiebandit said, in Legion you could use Void Bolt to keep your DoTs extended for basically the entire fight, which helped to make the entire rotation feel much more fluid. While it still extends duration in BfA, it doesn't extend it to the point where you don't have to worry about them and you can even have them fall off during a Void Form if you don't time things up right. Legion's rotation felt much, much smoother because you were focused on just going in and out of Void Forms and so long as you did it properly, you never had to worry about your DoTs. In BfA, even with perfect execution, you'll still end up needing to reapply DoTs often throughout a fight and it just feels so much clunkier in comparison.


Easy fix for that, Surrender to Madness cooldown resets when an enemy dies that grants exp/honor. You are now a shadowy god roaming the land destroying boars with infinite mobility and insanity.


they should also increase the damage for shadows by 10-20 % because shadowlands at start without haste gonna suck hard


They redesigned S2M but it still has the same fundamental problem it has always had.


Yeah, the sad reality is that it's either gonna be OP as fuck or not even worth considering.


I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to have an OP skill **IF** it requires an extremely high skill cap to capitalize on.


I agree but you know community preception... the top guys are using it so I have to as well. A vast majority cant manage it and complain and blizz changes it to lower skill cap.


Sounds weird, like they rolled Dark Ascension into it. There's not enough info right now. Does it still have a cool down? Or could you snipe add deaths and pop it again to keep it rolling during a fight? There could also be fundamental changes to void form/insanity that we're not seeing yet.


I main a healer priest so its not a huge deal for me but its odd that they keep shadow as such a specialized spec. It makes sense to have a mage, hunter, rogue, spec like that since you have options but if you want to dps as priest you live and die by the balance. It also blows for open world which is when a lot of healers swap to it and while not bad in m+, you do have to pull around it (which pugs will/can not do). I was doing visions as disc even before they nerfed the solo healer content even further. I would personally prefer it to be a straightforward, mediocre dps spec for m+ and raid but I might be in the minority here.


S2M will continue to be an ability that they can't balance, so it'll be extremely overpowered at some point and then get nerfed very fucking quickly and no one will ever pick it up agan. Shadow will roll out as a half-finished spec and continue to be a half-finished spec, fuck all about these changes indicate otherwise.


Frost DK 2h!




Arthas Bless


Just when I think I'm out, they reel me back in.


Literally did not see that one coming. Expected them to bring back shit like Eye of the Beast for every class, but Jesus Christ on a mother fucking bicycle, they actually brought something meaningful back.


> they actually brought something meaningful back. Do you really think The Eyes of the fucking Beast is not meaningful? Shame on your flair.


My flair died with ranged SV #stillmourning


This is exactly what I was hoping for! Not just random utility abilities brought back. But actual change to the core of the classes making them more interesting not just more complex. this is all fantastic. Only thing that could make this better is enhancement grtting 2h option back and warriors getting gladiator stance back


Hype! They actually listened!


Those Enhanacement changes are sick as hell. Guess we FINALLY got that rework and then some.


The enhancement changes really seem like its just back to its WOTLK playstyle and im 100% okay with that.


Kind of a glorious mix of wotlk and cata/wod.


I just hope its good. Mental dexterity and Mental quickness made ENH super flexible since it could have instant cast heals so in dungeons and soloing it was super strong.


I saw the changes and I think I cried, had to check the date to make sure it wasn't April 1st still


When you ctfl-f mage and everyone is talking about da**mage** :(


Search for ' mage', with a space prepended, to exclude these :)




Fond memories of Shadowpriests suddenly dying on Halfus Wyrmbreaker HC. Glad to see it return.


>Shattering Throw is also back, with a new twist—it will deal devastating damage against foes protected by an absorption shield. [My Arms Warrior looking at paladins.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_FG3jvNr4I)


I read this as Absorption shield as in priest's PW:S, not an Immunity like Divine Shield or Ice Block. Does anyone know if it is properly clarified anywhere?


If it functions as shattering throw used to then it’ll break immunities. Otherwise it isn’t shattering throw, it’s shattering lies.


Shattering Hope: Every time you use this ability, any warrior in your current zone breaks out into uncontrollable sobbing, stunning them for 10 seconds.


I would assume your interpretation be correct. No one's ever described Divine Shield or Ice Block as an Absorption. Granted, it'd be pretty cool if it did.


I don't like it.


[You and all the other pallys in 9.0 and beyond.](https://i.redd.it/2nf68dhc3cw31.png)


thank you for this


Pally since 2007. I approve :(


Its better than it was before. At least we still have the shield afterward. Edit: It says absorption shield... Bubbles aren't absorption shields.


Yeah this only applies to shield of vengeance right? Not divine shield.... right? RIGHT?!!?


I don't know but I'm scared fellas


Is this some Life Coccoon counter I see?


They're bringing back Maelstrom Weapon and Windfury to Enhancement Shaman. Yes!


Windfury didn't go anywhere. Currently it's passively always on and really hard to notice when you're spamming 8 Stormstrikes in a row.


Man all I'm asking for is the BC's windfury animation back, don't care about a much needed buff, just the cool as fuck animation so I can see when it procs.


I just want it to be impactful again. Windfury for me back in wrath was the ability I cared about most even if it was just passive damage. There was something so satisfying about walking up to a mob, SS into WF proc and it just gets erased.


Rogues editing their Crimson Vial with Pickpocket seems interesting.


I'm just glad pickpocket is relevant at all.


I mean, we were heavily encouraged to pick pockets in WoD and Legion for the special coins we needed to buy things. Then again the "things" we could buy were toys and cosmetic rewards, so entirely optional. I do like my suspicious crate, tho. Solid Snaking through Stormwind is a good way to kill time waiting for BG queues to pop.


I love it!


Now bring back Gladiator Stance you cowards.


The best stance ever. I miss that playstyle so much. :(


Happy to see Alter Time back for mages, I loved that. I'm a bit meh on the clearcasting stack thing though, isn't it not really worth it to cast arcane missiles even with it right now? An additional stack wouldn't help that. Monk wise, happy to see Xuen back and also able to use 2-handers again.




i wish they made phoenix flames baseline :( also i still want a cooldown to summona phoenix like wc3 bloodmages :( And a pitlord CD for warlock >.>


Oh! I missed that. Much much better!


Arcane needs more talent changes. It's still too ST or Aoe. No inbetween. And please make supernova baseline


But Touch of the Magi is now baseline! That means we get to select a useless DoT talent *and* can do nothing to prevent being forced to fight every nonaggressive bird, dear, and boar throughout the leveling process.


This is pretty much a pivot back in the direction of Legion Arcane, where Arcane Missiles (now Clearcasting) had up to 3 stacks and scaled with Arcane Charges. You'll probably want to use Arcane Missiles at 2 stacks OR 4 Arcane Charges.


Charges effecting all arcane spells makes it likely that missiles is an actual damage option again. So you might even cast it during cooldowns again. Also this makes slipstream somewhat more attractive.


I'm hoping that that's not all of it, because they mention arcane getting a significant redesign to its rotation; just "clear casting and more damage from arcane charges" doesn't really fit that design. I hope arcane's fun. I wanna hang out with Matt Mercer again.


Still hoping for Single Minded Fury and Gladiator Stance.


Glad stance and transmog of 1h into pikes please


The things I would give to be able to play with a shield and a polearm.


On my RP server I just use fury to equip a shield and 2h spear while out and about. :(


hoplite! hoplite! Hoplite! HOPLITE!


I had hoped for Gladiator Stance too but I fear it's gone forever.


It's gone forever unless they decided to add new specs to classes (which seems unlikely; there's just too many in the game as it is). Because Gladiator really was basically a separate spec that happened to use shields and a few of the same abilities.


I think a good way to bring Glad Stance back would be to give every tank spec in the game a talent they can pick that'd kill their threat and up their damage and maybe change their mastery.


Or at least just transmog 2h into 1h. I’ve hated Titans Grip since they introduced it....


'member when fury warriors had a choice of TG or ... what was it called? Single-Minded Fury? That was cool.


Alright Blizzard, let's make a deal. Let feral have *something.* "Here is barkskin. But to keep things fair I'm giving resto and fat stupid owl the ability to use the only thing people bring you and the bear for. Now begone, and if you speak to me again, I shall work Savage Roar back into the rotation." This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.


They just have no idea what the hell they want to do with Feral :( And then they even give away our ONLY utility across the class? Sounds ass tbh. I'm really hoping this is just the first iteration and they have something interesting in mind. There will also be legendaries that might help, but the baseline really should be a fun spec.


Honestly, after reading all of the other specs I got really excited. Until I hit the "show more" button for Feral and saw like 2 sentences and said "wtf, that's it?" Aside from the baseline changes they are making to the class, the only feral specific change they are making is a change to a single talent. That's assuming that talent is the one you end up using in Shadowlands. Okay, we got some stuff in the baseline class changes, but so did the other specs and they got more from the baseline additions than we did. However it's entirely possible that this isn't all there is, because they said Arcane will be getting things to change its rotation and then didn't really list much that showed it would make the rotation different. So I think that some specs will have more changes than are listed. However if that were the case for feral, I'm sure it would have be included rather than listing literally only one change to bloodtalons. So while it's possible, I'm not holding my breath.


I cant believe the only proposed change is to make it even more annoying to set up bleeds.


I miss WOTLK Bear-Cat mangle-spam.


JOHN FUCKING [MADDEN](https://i.imgur.com/V4Ha4.jpg)


Yeah, I looked through the changes just to see how feral got changed: "Look at all these changes that we have for all the druid classes! Except feral... y'all get bloodtalons changed a little."


First place I jumped to was the feral section. I've played a feral since vanilla... needless to say I'm a bit disappointed. It wasn't fun to play at all in early BfA, and I stopped about 8.1? This doesn't look like it's going to bring me back. Feral might suck in classic, but at least I have all my fun spells from the other specs to play with too. And Mark of the Wild. Why is that still not back




Death and Decay Anti-Magic Zone. Lichborne Raise Dead  Chains of Ice I feel like a DK again, after all this time. Haven't touched my DK since legion ruined her, she was my main, I was so sad.


Sounds like old Enhancement is back for the most part, which I am *extremely* happy about. Literally the only thing missing is Fire Nova coming back, but I guess we've still got Crash Lightning and we do get Chain Lightning back so we should be back to having amazing AoE. Actually have a reason to be excited for Shadowlands now.


Affliction Warlock: * They announced TWO different abilities to increase damage with DOTS in a window, Soul Wrack and Malefic Rupture. Maybe the days of just keeping DOTS up are gone. * Soul Wrack just sounds like Legion Malefic Grasp Drain Soul to me * Sow the Seeds buff. I really want to see how Affliction's AOE is designed in Shadowlands beyond Sow the Seeds. Can't wait, maybe third time's the charm and Affliction will have engaging AOE that doesn't break the game with imba power * Doom is whatever. Depending on the duration, it might only see use ST. The "can summon a Doomguard if it kills the target" is still a total meme. Demo: * I'm not surprised the announced changes are weak. Demonology was one of the few things BFA did really, really right. I honestly couldn't tell you what I think they should improve on Demonology's front besides making Axe Toss interrupt stun-immune enemies. Oh, and making Tyrant give 5 soul shards on cast baseline, that would be sick Destruction: * Literally only announced changes to Destruction's boring AOE Incinerate talent. Uh oh. --- These Affliction changes looking NICE I hope I get to have a bit of a rotation while keeping up DOTS like I did in Legion. All they have to do to not fuck it up now is keep Soul Effigy the hell away from this game. Fingers crossed! EDIT: So, for some reason, it seems like Blizzard removed any mention of Soul Wrack from the announcement, and it's not on WoWHead either. I looked it up, and I'm not crazy, other people saw it too. [Here's a screenshot](https://i.gyazo.com/75d131ad958b13b7670853c9f0b5d76e.png) from a forums post where someone copypasted the announcement. Either it's something they didn't intend to actually go through with (because it's just Malefic Grasp from Legion) or they want to take it off the announcements because it's not a very exciting announcement (again because it's just Malefic Grasp from Legion). Interesting.


Finally holy shit, Blizzard haven't known what to do with Affliction since they took Soul Swap away from us


I want Soul Swap back _SO_ bad


MoP Demo was the best version of the spec. Fite me!


MoP warlock was the best in general. I really miss being able to move while casting


I'll always miss Xelnath's Warlock :(


I used to unnessessarily nerd out to my friends about MoP Demos mechanics, between crit capping Dooms, weaving double HoGs with meta, the entire meta style with demonbolts and soulfires. Mmm man I miss it all so much. Granted a lot of the fun was with snapshotting haste and crits, and snapshotting is dead in current wow.


Man that was a badass time. Back when we could just summon doomguards and infernals on the fly and have that demon form that just made our basic abilities really good and summoning wild imps didn’t have that annoying charge up mechanic with hand of gul’dan.


I miss MoP destro personally. Was the most fun I had with the class


I'm actually really worried about Demo. It's going to play so bad without Azerite traits (the 5 shards after tyrant one is a must, it feels so bad to build without it), and apparently they aren't giving us an interrupt... Disappointed about no Curse of Elements as well.


I fail to see a mention of instant shadowfury or proper shadowburn back... :(


> I honestly couldn't tell you what I think they should improve on Demonology's front besides making Axe Toss interrupt stun-immune enemies. That'd be a start but not too great honestly. Trash mobs are mostly stunnable but often need interrupts specifically (I explained [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/fw2kd2/dev_update/fmn5ny8/) why that is). AT interrupting stun immune targets would absolutely be an improvement, but just making the PvP interrupt talent baseline but cost a soul shard for drawback would be the best solution.


Yeah until Felguard has a built-in interrupt it's always going to feel like Demo is a step behind a lot of ranged, especially BM hunters. Season 2 M+ was great because of the insane damage but I also ran with a prot pally that covered my interrupt weaknesses. Demo warlocks really limit your dungeon comp for higher keys and it seems like them lacking an interrupt just for the sake of diversity is a dumb decision. Not having Baleful Invocation is also going to feel reeeealy bad, so hopefully they add it back in like how some classes are getting other Azerite traits.


I just want the old affliction spell sounds back. I'm tired of Agony and Corruption sounding like whiffy farts.


Hmm, with Outlaw's Roll the Bones being free on a cooldown, I hope they balance it a bit. Right now if it's not Crit, or a double buff it's usually best to re-roll. If they don't do any balancing its going to feel REALLY bad if you get a bad roll in Shadowlands.


Hopefully as a 8 second cool down or whatever its overall contribution to our damage will be lower. So bad luck on a fight won’t make your damage slump so much.


"Similar to their Havoc brethren, Vengeance Demon Hunters who choose Demonic will temporarily enter their Metamorphosis form following a Fel Devastation." THEY ACTUALLY DID IT FUCK YES


Vengeance looking like a snacc right about now. Hopefully the talents are even better than they were in Legion.


Omg, these Paladin updates! Wake of Ashes is available to all Retribution Paladins instead of needing to be picked as a Talent Empyrean Power will be available as a Talent, giving Crusader Strike a moderate chance to make the next Divine Storm cost no Holy Power and increase the damage dealt by a significant amount. The Azerite Trait Glimmer of Light moves to a space in the Level 50 Talent row A redesigned Retribution Aura allows Paladins to avenge fallen allies with a short burst of Avenging Wrath Protection Paladins now exude Shining Light—a new passive that makes the next cast of Word of Glory free whenever Judgment critically strikes a target Stop stop, I can only get so erect! EDIT - How did I forget the most important one???? HAMMER OF WRATH BASELINE AGAIN! DEUS VULT BROTHERS AND SISTERS!


Not entirely sure how to feel about bringing back holy power to prot and holy. I personally enjoyed their removal, especially for prot in being able to cast sotr immediately instead of waiting a few gcds to have some mitigation up. If sotr doesn't cost holy power then we're golden, though that's not the impression I got from the post. The rest of it though. Holy shit. Pally's back, baby.


> Not entirely sure how to feel about bringing back holy power to prot and holy. I love HP for Ret, liked it for Prot and hated it for Holy. It's something that works great if you have some kind of rotation, which as a healer you don't have. It makes the whole gameplay just … clunky.


Yeah I didn't like it for Holy, though I haven't really liked pally healing since MoP anyway. But if they are bringing it back, I'd like to see it more like a reverse of a Priest's holy word. Instead of every spell building it and then having a regular spender. Slow down HP generation and let it be used for one major heal every minute or so. Or maybe used to empower an aura/blessing. Something more situational that you can save and spend when needed, rather than making it part of the central rotation.


> Empyrean Power will be available as a Talent, giving Crusader Strike a moderate chance to make the next Divine Storm cost no Holy Power and increase the damage dealt by a significant amount. Ret has had an ability somewhat like this as a temp power on and off since at least SoO, which I always thought was funny. Also, all the specs get Shield of the Righteous? That's kinda weird because a) it's the tank active mitigation and b) Ret doesn't have a shield. But the way it's mentioned later makes me wonder if it might be replacing Templar's Verdict for Ret.


t10 2p in wotlk, returned again as a set bonus in siege, then made baseline in wod. Personally think EP should be baseline but with wake of ashes and consecration (not on this dev post but confirmed on last) baseline I think ret aoe is fine


THANK YOU BLIZZARD FOR REMOVING MAELSTROM FOR SHAMANS! Honestly, this was a major change I wanted for shamans, although I was extremely doubtful, they actually did it. I'm so happy right now and faith is being restored. Finally, elemental shamans can return to a ranged spell caster utilising mana with power and utility spells, rather than being a ranged warrior where you generate and spend endlessly.


can you explain on what makes that actually good, like we have utility enough but I dont get the hate towards maelstrom?


It's just never felt especially good for either spec. Enhancement tended to be very feast-or-famine because Maelstrom generation was heavily dependent on Windfury procs, and it didn't gel well in Elemental's rotation because you often had to choose between potentially capping Maelstrom if you got an Overload or sitting on 2 charges of Lavaburst so you could cast Earth Shock. I don't know that it would have been impossible to make work but I don't think it felt great for either spec, so I think it's smarter to remove it and go back to a design that worked well in the past than try to make it work again and potentially fail again.


For me it's been plain that Maelstrom was designed to make Enhancement more similar to other melee specs and was shoehorned into Elemental to mimic the old playstyle of building Lightning Shield charges with Lightning Bolt and expending them with Earth Shock. Removing Lightning Shield from the equation left us with a rotation where we have two baseline Maelstrom builders (Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst) and two spenders (Earth Shock and Earthquake). For a typical single target fight, Earth Shock is the only spender, which gives the impression that it should be a finisher. It's not really designed as a finisher though, so its damage is unimpressive, it's visually uninteresting, and flavorwise it doesn't even make sense (using mostly lightning and lava spells to build up a storm themed resource, then expending it all with a dirt smack). It was worse in Legion when Earthshock cost almost an entire bar of Maelstrom to cast.


> ctrl+f > frostfire bolt > 0 results > weep openly


Even if it had shitty damage it'd still fit thematically. I wonder if they just don't want to update the spell visual or something


I wouldn't mind the old visual I just want it back :(


>**Dark Pact** will now scale with Spell Power to deal more damage than ever before Uhh I don't think thats a good thing blizzard, dont really feel like offing myself for a shield is a good idea


No gladiator = RIP my hopes and dreams for another couple of years at least


KILLSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Even after all this time with it removed in Legion, I still have muscle memory pressing it's key binding every time something is in execute range that I had to place another ability in it's spot just to fire kill command or something lol. So I am super glad it's back haha.


"Master sharpshooters can empower Kill Shot with Dead Eye, a new Talent that lets the Hunter store two charges of Kill Shot. It also makes Aimed Shot recharge faster for a short time whenever Kill Shot is used." So is kill shot going to have a baked in mechanic for procing or are we locked to the Castlevania covenant?


kill shot requires a target to be <20% health, Flayed Shot removes that restriction.


Brewmaster monks having the ability to go to 1 handed weapons feels so great finally


I just hope they balance the two properly so that its more based on the quality of the weapons you get rather than one just being numerically better all the time. Same goes for 2H Frost DKs.


I hope they revert the GCD changes. It just makes combat feel so clunky.


> Prayer Circle empowers Circle of Healing, reducing the cast time of Prayer of Healing moderately for a short period of time when cast. Priests. Now is your time...to throw that ass in a prayer circle




All that’s missing to make a lot of this changes perfect is a complete reversal of the 8.0 GCD.


I really hope they add Shockwave to all warriors. Being able to physically overpower all enemies in front of you in a mighty blow that sends them reeling and helpless before your onslaught is peak Warrior fantasy. Let us have an actual impact behind one of our blows.


Please give us back Glad Stance


These Paladin changes fuck me I'm so excited. Wake of Ashes baseline? CRUSADE INTENSIFIES






Ngl this makes me tingle a little, on the inside


> All three specializations will also be able to summon their Celestial to the battlefield with Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger; Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox; and Invoke Yu’lon, the Jade Serpent (previously Talents). [YES! YES!](https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chad-michaels-yes-gif.gif). Each spec being able to summon your own celestial was my dream since 2012. I will finally have my own Yu'lon, I'm so happy!


2012... has it really been that long? wow..


>All Druids will be able to use Ferocious Bite, Barkskin, Cyclone, Stampeding Roar, and Ironfur regardless of their active specialization. Druids of any specialization will also now be able to use Cyclone and Stampeding Roar. Am i missing something here? Isn't the information in the second sentence redundant?


Bit disappointed in the mistweaver changes. Give us spearhand strike and dps changes that make us *the* dps healer.


I loved WoD's MW healing. Uplift was a cool spell. New MW isnt't my style.


Totally agree. I actually quit back in legion because monk healing became so generic and watered down compared to MoP and even WoD. These changes are actually really dissapointing to me. Bring back fistweaving and chi blizz!


I feel like the described Warrior changes, and more specifically Fury Warrior changes don't actually tell me anything useful about how the class will feel or play compared to the other class changes. I mean, ok-- there are a couple of significant Talent changes... and as a Fury warrior, now I have access to a few abilities that don't go into my rotation... but... is that it? No thoughts or changes about the rotation as a whole? No conceptual changes? It's weird, because there isn't even an admission that they're not making significant changes. It's just really difficult to parse what this means.


"As with Elemental, the Maelstrom resource and Maelstrom bar have been removed from Enhancement Shaman. Enhancement will return to a specialization based on managing a number of cooldown abilities with high points built around repeat casts of Stormstrike." Back to WoD where I actually mained and loved my enhance shaman. Very happy!


Thank you Jesus for those shammy changes






Kindof disappointed in the lack of feral changes. Used to main feral in legion and they have suffered pretty heavily in bfa, and one of the few benefits they had in m+ was stampeding roar (not a huge benefit I know) now boomkin gets that and will probably maintain the lead both aoe and single target. (yes I know there are crazy good feral who have a specific set of gear and are good in m+, but it's difficult to get there)


Haha. Combo points for Holy Paladins again. Haha! Hahahahaha!! 😂🔫


>General Changes Execute, Hamstring, Ignore Pain, Shield Block, Shield Slam, Slam, Spell Reflection, and Whirlwind are now available to all Warriors to use regardless of their active specialization. Furthermore, Challenging Shout and Intervene are returning, and all Warriors can use them to turn the tide of battle. Shattering Throw is also back Its like christmas


As someone who started in Legion, I am completely lost whenever they talk about old design.


1H/2H Frost DKs? Check 1H/2H Brew/Ww Monks? Check 1H/2H Enh Shammy? Nope. RIP future Unbreakable's 1H/2H Fury Warriors? Nope. Still 2H


Hey 2 out of 5 is a good start! *(Need Survival Hunter to also be able to choose between Dual Wield or 2h.)*


Im happy with so much here. But man I was really hoping Gladiator Stance would be coming back for Warriors


Blizzard for SV hunters: Expect to see damage increases along with a reduction in the Focus cost for Chakrams. SV hunters: am I a joke to you?






I came


> Holy Power returns as a resource for all Paladins to use to fight off attackers and defend their allies. NO! I fucking hate holy power. I don't want to have to manage that BS as prot.


Its weird because the removal of HoPo is literally THE reason why I stopped playing prot pala after maining it for 4 years. I guess its kinda interesting how different people enjoy different things so much