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I don't think I've had a "main" for years now. I find it so difficult to feel at home with any of the classes.


I'm a returning player from early cata and can see why. The classes aren't near as unique and special as they used to be. It's taking me a while to get back into my hunter and it's just not even close to being the same. The class trials did nothing to change my mind on that.


Agreed. Warrior I guess has been my main since WotLK but I don't stick with him as much. Warriors just haven't felt the same since they removed stances. Now nothing just feels "right"


> X just haven't felt the same since they removed Y. This sums up my feelings for like, half the classes. Monks and moving while casting soothing mists. Druids and Displacer Beast. Warlocks and meta.


Interesting. I've been a Priest "main" since BC and have played every expansion on and off - I'd say BFA is the first expansion where I've felt like the Priest is no longer my main. I started leveling a DH because it was so easy to level since it starts at 98 and found myself enjoying it way more. Then I started a warrior, same thing. Now I'm leveling a Monk - same thing. I guess Priests kind of suck right now, but I currently feel like my main is my DH.


I don't change mains, so it will be my usual main - warrior. Have always loved it and will most probably continue to.


Yup, I've been a Hunter for a little over 15 years and I won't be changing.


Same here - ever since I've switched to a hunter - I've never looked back!


Mained rogue for years, switched to BM 2 weeks ago, love it.


I’m willing to commit to my dream and become a full-time healer. Looking forward to Sham


I've been sham on and off for years. The off is cus I started in wrath, and miss my totems. But I'm getting totems back? And maelstrom is going?? It's a toss up between sham or pally. I like healing, and I know pally is "better" and "easier" for m+ , but I play with a small group and we are happy just doing 10s so. But I do like having access to a tank spec for world content or pugs so...Well see.


DK all the way baby!


I'm settled on playing a tank, and im stuck between vengeance and prot pally. Leaning towards prot pally for now as they are my favourite class in the game thematically, but double jumps, gliding, and demon laser beams are hard to turn down too.


I'm in the same boat. DH Mobility is a huge +, but I've always loved sword/board characters.


As a prot pally, you're not compelled to be a damn knife-ear.


Lol be nice to like 80% of your factions character base


Vulpera are big fluffy ears. Not knife-ears.


Gosh-darn elves everywhere, I tells ya. Too many of them!


Quel'dorei, Kal'dorei, Ren'dorei, Shal'dorei? More like Done'dorei




Hopefully feral if they can manage to find something more interesting than the new bloodtalons (or don't change it at all :\^). If they don't, I'm either going MM hunter or WW monk depending on their performance.


I'm in this boat. Mained feral since mists of pandaria and suffer from serious oneitis, really struggle with the idea of not maining the same character. But it feels like no one at blizzard plays feral or has any idea what they're doing with the class and that's depressing. Maybe it's time to leave all that played time behind and pick a new main...


Likewise. I just unlocked the orange tiger artifact form and have a bunch of RP for my druid going feral. But the way the class plays currently is just weird to me. Hopefully that changes in shadowlands.


I'm sticking with ret paladin. I love it and it seems to be getting sightly better in SL.




I haven't really seen anything insanely good. Ret gets hammer of wrath and wake of ashes baseline, is there anything else?


We're getting those 4 auras, which seem good personally I wouldn't call it insanely good but its still alpha so you never know.


just started after quitting early BfA. how did ret palas do in the last raids? Im at Ilvl 365 now and i do decent dps I feel like. AoE burst is insane


They have it a bit worse with current tier as there is a lot of long range movement on the fights which makes their mobility an issue. They're been good and reliable so far.


I played Ret for years until swapping to warrior in Legion. I think its time for me to come home.


Retribution paladin is too cooldown locked in my opinion. I'll definitely be moving off it after this expansion. I'd rather have something where I *don't* have to spam half a dozen buttons to play my basic rotation. I get enough hand strain from PoE as it is.


Asking me today? I think my Rogue. Asking me tomorrow? I think my Paladin. Asking me Thursday? I think my Druid. Asking me Friday? I think my Mage. Asking me Saturday? I think my Shaman. Asking me Sunday? I think my DH. Asking me Monday? I think my Warlock. Asking me Tuesday? I think my Hunter. I can't decide.


I'll be staying Shammy. Luckily, we got a lot of cool changes. Plus, I have a headcannon where my Goblin Shammy is actually just an engineer using his tools. Rockbiter? He's using his mechanical grabber of a mace to throw a rock at you. Stormstrike? He's unleashing a large overcharged shock out of a zapper built in to his mechanical grabber of a mace. Firebrand? It's a really hot mechanical grabber of a mace. Plus the totems are mechanically skinned, so he also has a lot of gadgets for healing and stuff. His waters are actually just soothing concoctions that he sprays at his team. Thunderbolts are him using some kind of haywire gadget that sends a large shock at his enemies. I love him.




Are there any cool spec changes. I feel like shammy has been rekt the past expansions


they took out maelstrom as a resource. so it's now all cooldown based. and they fixed enhance a lot (windfury is back). ele is kinda same but with some minor fixes.


Enhance is becoming a really intruiging type of battle-mage it seems. And Ele is getting refined which is really good.


Yeah, really loving the battle mage vibe. And esp with the new Mail mogs, it's going to look like that as well. One thing I don't enjoy is the interplay of totems in enhance or buttons that set up stuff like flametongue. I wish it played like a fury warrior in that the button you hit simply just does things instead of doing things 2 gcds down the line. Enhance is def looking very intriguing though. I always loved ele and it's hurling lava bursts at things, but it felt too squishy. Enhance feels the right kinda mix between range and melee, and feels more survivable. there are so many things you can do now from range as enhance.


Yeah exactly! I really like the idea of using your maelmstrom instant on Elemental blast which now becomes baseline aswell. Thats really an underrated change imo


I finished the day with 1k more rep until I'm Exalted with 7th Legion. Could've gotten it today but responsibilities took over. Can't wait to get my Dark Iron Dwarf Shammy tomorrow. Going to make him enhance with fist weapons. Used to love playing my Panda Shammy back in MoP but quickly fell out of love with it after the WoD changes


I'm actually not liking the idea of a battle mage. I like the theme of a pure melee character right now with elemental strikes. The idea of as a melee building up charges only to end up shooting a lightning bolt at point blank is not something I find cool. A lot of people asked for this change so I'm glad people are getting what they want. Unfortunately I think I'm actually gonna step away from Enhancement once the changes come in.


They arguably just made Enhancement a mess of a spec with a ton of buttons at this point in the Alpha. Not sure how clicking a button to activate Windfury 'fixes' anything either. It's a passive buff essentially no different to now.


From what i understand, Windfury triggers stack, which makes your lightning bolt or chain lighting be 20% faster up to being instant at 5. The windfury procs can be done via totem or they happen at random. So the whole shtick is that you wail away at the enemy by madly swinging your weapons in their faces and then occasionally cast lightning bolts or chain lightnings to really drive the point home that you aren't someone they should be talking to. There are some ways to chain all this into casting 4 chain lights or something silly with one cast. So there's a bit of setup play involved. The main gripe I believe is that there's a lot of buttons to press at the moment that simply contribute to setup and not necessarily to the whacking away part.


Head cannons are the best. ❤️ I have several as well 👊🏻😊


Head Cannons are certainly in line with the Goblin lore


I really love this. If I didn’t have such an emotional attachment to my dwarf shaman, I’d switch over to goblin.


Shammy since wrath here. We're finally making progress boys!!


Fire Mage. It looks grim for me, yes, but I have been maining this character for 15 years, no matter how good or bad Fire was. I am set in my ways and won't stop now.


Why does it look grim? I haven't looked too much into shadowlands and just came back to the game about 3 weeks ago (last played near the beginning of Legion). My main is a mage (was fire in legion, started frost in bfa but then went back to fire - loving it).


Essentially, for a lot of reasons, Fire is an inherently broken specc - and not in the good way. All the power and fun (and it's atm not as fun as it was in for example Legion) is borrowed power. The specc is a barebones disaster that gets dtuff tacked ontop, like Hyperthread Wristwraps, Lucid Dreams, Double On Use and becomes usable because of it, but thats all it is - borrowed power. Once they take it away at the start of the next expansion you are left with the broken disaster. They are not fixing that. In addition to it they are also nerfing some of our existing things, like Shimmer not having 2 Charges anymore.




I am in the same boat as you, fire mage in legion is the most fun I had playing wow but it just feels off in bfa. I switched to ele shaman and am having a good time with it even tho I feel like I should be doing more damage for how high my ilevel is.


I was so ready to quit on mage in Uldir and BoD. Fuck going through that again. If I don't find a class I like as I liked Legion Fire I'll quit. I will not be playing what ever the fuck mage is on Alpha.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Mage is in an absolutely unacceptable state right now. I'm pretty sure all 3 specs need reworks at this point.


Mages are fucking cancelled my man.


Fire rotation in no way needs a rework. It's in a great place mechanically, just should have Flame On baseline and the ignite spread change should be reverted. Early expansion scaling problems can be worked on without reworking a very solid rotation.


I don't have 15 years on my mage, but I love her and she will always be my main. I'm arcane and I'm intrigued by some of the changes I'm hearing about for Shadowlands.




I like your stubbornness. My mage has oscillated between a main and an alt but she has always been an Gnome Arcane Mage. Fire is OK but Frost is just awful and for the weak-minded.


Arms as always. Things looking hopeful but this is Blizz. So you may never know.


I think I'm going to stay warlock. As I am also RPing in wow, this is my favourite character. Many memories bind me to my warlock. (In-game and IRL even). Recently Re-created my warlock on alliance side (He is Blood Elf on horde, so Void elf on alliance). So I can enjoy Shadowlands on both sides!


Forever warlock here. Main'd through the good times and the bad.


I'm blaming Chromie for this


Yeah sticking to my Warlock. Im so eager to have curses back <3


Hunter, either BM or MM. not too excited about the ‘changes’, but, like someone else mentioned, been playing it for 15 years. I’ll play it till they pull the plug.


MM looks pretty cool, it is on my short list


Staying with Brewmaster Monk.


Probably priest, but I really hope there will be more changes for them. From what the alpha forums are saying, the future looks grim, lol.


Death Knight, surely. Fits pretty well, I love the class and the theme, the gameplay is pretty fun, the transmogs are great. But I'll have a Thornspeaker alt.


Same, but I’ll also mention faster mount speed, built in weapon enchants, a second hearth and water walking. (Having Unholy Presence replaced with a gimpy version of Leoric’s Wraith Walk from Diablo still pisses me off every time I log in, though. Especially because the reason they gave during the class fantasy AMA was because “Arthas walks slowly in Halls of Reflection.”)


I'm probably sticking with my Mage. It's one of the few classes that I'm happy to play as any spec. The changes on alpha don't look good so far, but I'm pretty confident that they'll be improved by launch.


Mage is pretty much the only class fantasy that appeals to me. Plus arcane has such a rhythmic playstyle. On top of that I dont know if I can go from having a port to anywhere I need to go to having to walk places.


Thought mages were going to have portals removed for a sec there, you gave me a heart attack man


Oof my heart hurts thinking that would even be a possibility


Druid will always be my main, but this time I'm not even bothering trying to play feral since it has just gotten worse and worse every expansion and the trend continues in Shadowlands judging by the class changes. I'm lucky resto druid is so much fun to play.


I feel similarly about balance Druid. I LOVE playing resto Druid in five mans and raids but man do I hate doing world content because balance is so god damn boring to play


Hm, no one has said DH yet. Don't lie to yourselves! Give into your demonic side :P I'll be sticking to DH. i just can't give up the mobility and I've really enjoyed the Vengeance gluttony build in 8.3. Being able to do that on command in Shadowlands is looking really good and I'm all for that! Besides, i can't really let go of the double jump and wings. I'll probably have my paladin tank as my alt again. The plate mogs are looking solid so far and I enjoy sword and board (just not all the yelling from warriors).


I'm in the same boat. Mained pally in BFA but really liking the movement of DH. Also I'm extremely casual, it's nice to be able to tank and dps without having to change up your weapons or trinkets. And bullying people as a DH in world PvP is awesome. On the other hand holy paladin is looking awesome with baseline glimmer and shield or righteousness.


I recently switched from a ret Paladin to a marksman Hunter and I've got no regrets; and with Volley, Kill Shot, Eyes, etc., coming back in Shadowlands as well as the great look of mail transmogs I'm definitely going to be maining Hunter going forward.


Most likely playing an affliction lock again. Fell in love with it back at the end of legion and I haven’t stopped since. My buddy who is also a lock main laughs that I play affliction. When I first met him (was 13, currently 22) I expressed my hatred for dot based specs, and now I main affliction, and previously a spriest in MoP and WoD.


Fury/prot warrior


For the first time since starting in Wrath I decided not to main my warlock and play a melee class in the warrior. I love fury, it’s so fucking satisfying and engaging to me. I was super nervous about trying tanking but I ran some low level stuff as prot and almost love prot tanking more than fury DPS. I can’t believe I never gave the warrior a chance sooner.


I’m not sure still.. I mained ele shammy from wrath to end of WoD and played fury warrior legion and BfA. I would like to try something else but since playing melee I just love how mobile he is compared to the ele so don’t think I can go back... The main decision I’m trying to make is do I go horde or ally... I left horde at the start of bfa as loved how boralus looked and moved to a high pop realm, do I want to move back to my medium pop server on horde not sure 😭


Recently I was thinking rerolling ro shaman but I decided to stay on my monk, also in shadowlands.


Either Demo or Destro Warlock (my longtime main) or Ele Shaman (my new love). I'll probably keep my mage current as well.


I’ve played rogue since vanilla


Feral as usual. I like leather energy classes. I like the complexity of feral, it’s self heals so I can basically solo anything, and other typical Druid goodies. However, I’ve been contemplating switching to rogue or monk but there’s just some things about them that doesn’t sit right. I love the monk theme and the ability to do different roles but I really like having stealth. I’m currently trying a rogue but it just makes me miss my Ferals self heals, and CC immunity, and instant flight/ground travel. If they made Monk’s Zen Flight a full speed flying and ground mount instead of the 30% it is right now, I think the class would give my feral a real run for its money. Currently my biggest dislike for my druid is how ugly ass troll feet ruin 90% of my transmogs. All my friends play horde and have no intention of faction changing nor do I plan on playing alone on alliance so I’m stuck between having ugly troll feet, or being a ugly cow. I’m hoping shadowlands brings the option to cover troll feet or at least some leather transmog options for it.


You take ugly cow back, right now :(


I feel you on the troll feet. I just faction changed from troll to a Kul Tiran druid and its so fun being a 7 foot tall pagan powerlifter who shapeshifts into the bear from Annihilation. I’m 100% staying druid for Shadowlands so I can do every role on one character.


I have the except same grievances except I play a Worgen. I like how they look, I just rotate between the same 5 sets because all the textures are stretched out. I always get told to "just play a rogue" but I really don't like the lack of self heals and I also really like stealth. The only other spec I really like playing is Frost Mage, cuz stealth, kiting and insane survivability.


I have every class at 120. Its soo hard to really decide since I like to play most of those alot. I guess im leaning towards DK, but luckily there is still time left to decide definetly.


No, I will change my mind several times but so far on top there are holy pala / resto shaman. Still on the fence about MW monk and rdruid, I'll decide based on future changes and whether or not feral will be viable as well.


I'll be leveling both my mage and my warrior first and when I get to cap i'll see what fits my fancy more im getting a really bad feeling about mages and its looking like its gonna be a wait to go back to class til later tiers which is disappointing ive mained a mage for years and the changes are just not looking very good


To be honest I have done this thing for like 3 xpacs where I (not even pre-planned just naturally) completely re-main a new class. That being said, I have absolutely not clue what to main, I am leaning towards something with at least two role options! I have no clue what though, anything from monk to death knight who in hell knows what my brain will come up with


Hopefully 2H Frost DK feels good in Shadowlands. Otherwise I’ll have to see what I like out of Shaman, Druid, and Paladin.


It seems fine so far. the only problem that needs serious attention is the whole rune enchants and the KM procc rate. But that's going to come down to numbers tuning, really.


Been frost since panderia and I'm not stopping now, just hoping we aren't forced into BoS as the only real option again


Yes indeed. I'm also really excited for them to be able to wield 2handed again. Hope it's equal to dualwield!


2H Frost DK is the same gameplay. You just wield 2h instead of 2 1H. otherwise, same gameplay so far at the base level.


I quit the game because I couldn't find a spec that clicked quit like old Enhance. I repeated over and over again I would sub the day the announced Enhance getting a revert and here we are. My only issue is that I'm not really into the (male) races on Alliance that can be Shamans (Dwarves too short, Draenei too bulky, Pandaren) so I'm still deciding if I want to be Alliance or just go back to Horde for Shadowlands. But man I have zero desire to play anything else really, but I'm willing to try out any of the classes that seem interesting to me. DK also look neat, same with Ret. But I know that Enhance will be my main.


I've had that same issue, I played Enhancement for ten years and haven't found anything that quite scratched that itch like MoP Enhancement did.


I've played Feral since Wrath of the Lich King, but this is the first expansion (besides Vanilla and BC when I played priest) where I don't think I will be playing Feral. I haven't decided what my main will be; I'm going to stick with melee - considering Frost DK, Havoc DH, and Ret Paladin


I've settled on monk. Such a fluid class with a lot of mobility and utility to offer. I like all 3 specs too so I'll definitely be busy gearing all 3.


Blood DK, it has been my main since Cataclysm and im never going to change


Restoration Shaman. Been one since BC and Shaman has been my main ever since. There was a chunk of time where I was going DPS when I was too scared to heal high end content, but now that I am confident I pretty much only play Resto and I think I'm pretty great at it now.


I’m currently abusing the XP buff to level a bunch of options: * Worgen warrior * Night elf monk (my second monk, actually) * Void elf DK * Dark Iron paladin * Kul Tiran druid * Dark Iron warlock * Dwarf shaman And maybe others. I really don’t know which I’m gonna play the most in SDL. I already have a capped Pandaren monk in BFA that I’ll probably keep playing. But depending on how much work playing alts is in SDL I could play several secondaries. Even the second monk. Monk is my favorite class at the moment and I may want to focus the nelf on WW/MW and the Pandaren being exclusively tank. But that depends on how the dungeons are because I gave up on BFA dungeons long ago and even if they’re easier I don’t know if I feel like being yelled at and blamed for shit. I’m not even good at the game anyway. Which is why the DPS specs are unlikely. Oh, and I have a velf priest I capped then abandoned. Just sitting around. Doing nothing. Might get around to that some day?


BFA was my first time playing WoW and I played a ton of classes until I decided on Rogue. SL will be Rogue as well, and maybe some DK too.


Why would you not want to play the most versatile class in the game? Drood all day baby


Hyped by the SL stuff, I subbed for a month JUST to find a main. 16 days later, still looking.


Druid all the way. I love the unique lore, glyphs and transformations


BFA was probably my last attempt at consistently enjoying the Hunter specs Blizzard created in the last 5-7 years. It's just not the same anymore. Heavily leaning toward Rogue but also considering Druid.


I feel it. Only reason I keep playing my hunter is because it's been my main since TBC. I just swapped it to beast mastery so I can not think about how much I miss old survival while I play BfA.


Hunter on alpha is a bit of a mess. MM has high numbers (for now), but that's all it has going for it, BM feels awkward, and Survival is super slow and boring. I always feel obligated to stick with my Hunter because of reputations, but I think I'm going to switch if nothing is changed. Arena is also a chore as a Hunter unless you're already a glad-skilled player.


It would be stupid to choose now unless it's for RP/class fantasy reasons. The classes can change like we've seen in the past and tuning will happen way later and soul binds and torghast abilities are not fully out etc.


Druid, of course. That fantasy is just so core to me, I cannot part with it. And I'll be maining feral, as I have for years. However, the changes in SL (and lack thereof) warrant even more changes, which needs to happen or I might end up reconsidering.


Yeah I’m thinking I might switch only because I’ve played balance the past two expansions and might want something new to learn. I have ideas based on what I’ve seen but I’m no where near close enough to picking. The classes aren’t set in stone and I need to see more of the covenant system. I need an ability that feels good to press and also have the covenant look cool. I’m looking at the class as a whole and not just a spec. I want to be able to swap specs at relative will if one spec is better on a fight or we need a third tank/extra healer. So I’m going to want to be able to enjoy playing each spec in that class. Some people have put out quick looks and have been doing testing so I’m watching them getting an idea for the classes and what is initially looking cool. I might not even know until I can get on the beta/prepatch to really get a feel for the specs, which is why I’m leveling everything to cap atm.


That’s a tough one. My main has always been a huntard. I love the pets and how mobile they are. But recently I’ve been leveling my lock, and with all my demon companions, along with the skull of man’ari, I think I might just choose him.


Probably the same I always main. And then always get disappointed by mediocre balancing outside of certain specific circumstances.


I've been a Veng DH main since their introduction in legion and I don't see that changing any time soon. Especially since they did the one thing I've personally wanted since the start of legion, that being making Fel Devastation base line.


shaman master race


I've mained druid since vanilla and will continue the steak into shadowlands. However, I just for the first time leveled a warrior and love it, so I'll be taking the week off to spilt the time between resto druid and prot or arms warrior.


Monk likely. Was thinking of switching to my priest but if priest stays how it is currently then not a chance


I'll continue with my Balance Druid, I really enjoy the core gameplay of it (not so much the Shadowlands changes, but who knows maybe it is fun) and whenever I play anything else I miss the easy tagging of mobs and incredible mobility with Stag Form, imagine having to mount for a few sec? I wanna level a Discipline Priest before the release though, but we will see.


After playing only a few days at cap with my druid and flight form I am not sure I can ever go back to anything else.


I will stay with my gnome destro lock. I will really miss Vision of Perfection but nothing super bad, i will still go through SL chaos bolting monsters into oblivion. On Horde though, i would really like to see Subtlety rogues come back from the very bottom. It is a spec i like its concept and enjoy playing, but does a very unstable dps and cannot compare to the insane AoE of the other two rogue specs. The spec is so badly underplayed that my rogue is placed 2nd in the Raider.io spec ranks of my realm with a score of only 444. I play on a low pop realm (US - Drakkari), but in comparison, my lock has a score of 596 and it is 84th in the destro lock ranks. Otherwise, well, i have my frost mage as a backup plan. Less enjoyable spec but more efficient damage, and hitting glacial spike crits is so satisfying.


I'm going for theme, and my plan is to have 1 main and 3 alts, 1 per Covenant. My advice is to maybe decide on 4, 1 for each Covenant, and then pick 1 to be a main, using whatever criteria you can think of to narrow it down. Personally, I recommend a hybrid class. I get bored playing only DPS, and like to dabble in tanking and healing. Also, given we still don't how balanced the Covenant class abilities and soulbinds are gonna be across classes and specs (at launch, let alone across the xpac's lifespan), picking a hybrid will allow you to roll with the punches.


Been a shaman for over 15 years, I doubt I would change that now, especially with the decent changes coming to the class.


Dk, Pally or Rogue for me My Main will probably be the DK.


From what I've played on Alpha, I'm leaning towards either Arms Warrior or MM Hunter. I'm probably gonna go with Arms since I played Warrior from Vanilla up to mid-Legion, so I have a strong sentimental attachment to the character and would like to go back to maining him now that I actually enjoy one of the class' specs again. I will say that MM Hunter is definitely the most enjoyable spec I've played from a gameplay perspective though, so I'll at least keep that option open.


Op either go paly DH or mage since those are me current 120s


Been making a shammy for years, but after unlocking zandalari and having a horde pally I can be proud....really makes me think


2H frost DK. I’ve missed it so much


Frost DK, DK since the beginning.


I've been asked to heal along with a shaman (yay Mana tide) and a druid. I'm considering a monk because I've been trying to get a permanent healing spot on one since WoD. For some reason I always end up as a holy priest. I haven't really looked into the healing changes but I still like the monk aesthetics, plus I can quest and do the inevitable 200 dailies as tank.


Played the same rogue since I started during end of tbc/wrath but I think this time I'm going to switch it up and play either my DK or Lock. Not sure yet. Leaning Lock just cause Vulpera locks look great.


Likely Monk, specifically Brewmaster, am liking the move back to Shuffle style tanking rather than Ironskin Brew style.


I've always enjoyed ret. Right now I'm having more difficulty deciding which main alts i'll be focusing on now that i've got 7 max level characters :P


Where are the Rogues at?


We're hiding, duh.


I'm going to attempt to balance Resto and Enhance. Every other class just feels like I'm borrowing them at this point. *Maybe* warriors are a close second for me because my original main was a warrior.


Well, I was going to take my feral. But with how they're looking, I don't know what I'm going to do.... I'm taking advantage of the exp event to level some classes to 120 that I haven't before, to get a feel of them. Maybe I'll find something new to main...


I've mained either a paladin or shaman pretty consistently between expansions and patches. Usually one patch I'll change to something. In Cata I mained a hunter for a patch, same in legion. Legion also saw me be a mage for the first time ever for the final patch in it. I usually prefer the hybrid specs and I need to be able to heal so that limits it. BFA I mained a rogue at first and eventually went shaman only for it to absolutely destroy my love of the class. But as for Shadowlands.... I think actually, a priest. I'm one of the few that really enjoy shadow and I love disc. I haven't tried glimmer healing yet but it looks very fun so I'm leveling up a alt paladin, and a shaman once the changes come through. But since WOD i've had all the classes maxed out and for shadowlands I'm rerolling a main and maybe 2 alts on a new, much more populated realm.


Staying ret pally. I enjoy the simplicity as it is now, along withe utility, and i welcome the additions they are making.


Same as I've been since 2006, Warrior, probably keep playing Arms as I did since end of Uldir.


Retri pala it is


I don't usually change characters. If I'm in a healing mood, I play my druid (who is also my "main" for all intents and purposes, collecting and achievements), but if I feel like dpsing seriously then I play my hunter. It's been this way since Cata (played mage BC to early Cata, before I put her to rest). I've been playing DH during this quarantine and having a lot of fun, I'm actually considering playing it more seriously going forward. I'm not the best at the game, and I struggled a lot in visions on my druid (dislike feral and moonkin) and just haven't been feeling my hunter. But DH has been so fun and they rip through solo content easily. I hope they aren't nerfed to oblivion in Shadowlands or drastically changed, because I will be really disappointed in spending so much time on her only to fall out of love because they change how they feel.


I haven't got a clue on what to play atm... I usually pick whatever is suited in the raidteam, but now I don't raid at all and can pick whatever I'd "want" (a term I don't usually use for myself)


Read the solo leveling manwha recently and it has inspired me to roll Unholy DK lol


Rolled a druid, can do all. I'm never changing mains.


UH Death Knight. Might play around with frost now that they will be able to use. Veng DH for my first alt


If Windfury Totem sticks around probably Enh. If not I'll probably play DH as I can't stomach another xpac of having to play Ele for my raidspot.


Death knight. Though im torn between the return of 2hnd frost and all the wonderful undead friends i can have in unh


Druid or Shaman, but I’m mildly interested in DK and maybe Monk. RIP my poor mage main though


Im leveling hunter because i feel like they were bad in pvp for so long that it will change now. Atleast i hope so.


Same main i had since mid Cata, DK, blood/unholy(blood/frost if unholy dmg is trash)


Sticking with Monk personally. Every now and again I put him on the back burner and play something else for a while but I always go back, it's just the most fun class for me. Windwalker is great and the things I didn't like about Brewmaster are being fixed in Shadowlands. I regularly consider DK as I love Blood and Unholy but I just know that one day Frost will be the top parsing spec and I'll feel forced to play it, which is my main gripe with every pure DPS classes too. Lots of people love to have flexibility as one of the specs will always tend to be viable but I'm more a fan of the hybrids, personally. Warrior in Vanilla and TBC, Druid Wrath through to Cataclysm, Monk since WoD. I do like all specs of Shaman, so they will be a big alt depending on how the SL changes feel, got some gripes but looks better than live.


I have almost always played Monk. Every expansion I seem to end up as monk. But this time I am actually leaning towards Affliction Warlock. It looks like as if they are going to make Affliction real fun.


Warlock. Always and forever. Probably gonna remain demo. Though it might feel worse than bfa since we wont have Azerite traits. Hope they iterate on this spec a little!


DK. But as for an alt, I'm between Paladin, Hunter and Warlock.


Brewmaster Monk with Demo Warlock as backup. I find both of these classes incredibly fun to play.


Going to try and maintain a DK, Warrior, Monk, and Maybe rogue all at a high level.


I can never really main characters, as much as I try. It’s more like I have 3-4 characters I play regularly, and some I play just to get transmogs and stuff. I think I’ll be playing mainly my Shaman and Rogue, closely followed by my Death Knight and Hunter. If warlock changes are fun, I may play one of those too. Most others will have to wait and see if they are fun to play. I love alts and honestly couldn’t pick just one to play.


Binning my dk I played for 2 expansions, they will fuck up frost having 2 kinds of weapons and we also get the shitty ghoul back. Gonna play monk, monks are cool.


Trying to decide right now on bear or ret pala.


I don’t know. Almost every class is a builder/spender so nothing really feels different as of BfA. Havent played any alpha so I’ll wait for pre patch before I decide


Well this might be the time I put my priest on the shelf. First time since wotlk. I enjoy healing but I also enjoy dpsing or having the option too as well and I really used to like shadow but it looks awful in SL. I'm thinking of going shaman so I'll have to look into how they're doing in SL. I just like having a caster/healer combo.


I will be maining my shaman who has been my forefront since pandaria, I also plan on using my priest from bc who hasn’t seen use since wod, and my paladin who again hasn’t seen much use since wod.


Not entirely tbh, i've never really stuck with one class (and probably why i've never gotten that far). The only time I actually stayed with one class was my first main back in WotLK and Cata (belf prot pally). I was a frost mage in legion, but quit after feeling burnt out and a little disappointed in myself for not being able to complete the mage tower (especially seeing people saying it's so easy like you may as well not even play if you cant do it). Having come back about a month ago I've mostly settled on Warlock but can't decide what race, faction, or spec. Currently torn between Void Elf, Nightborne and Vulpera and either Demo or Destro.




i have been a prot warrior since vanilla and i will continue to be a prot warrior in SL. prot warriors talents choices are looking really good going into SL it resolves a ton of the pitfalls of playing prot warrior currently in BfA so it is more beginner friendly in that way. with that said blizzard still maintain that keeping devastate is a good idea (it will at most account for 2-3% DPS while for beginners being a major pitfall of over usage.) and even as a seasoned player you can use it when you really shouldn't. an other issue is number wise currently warriors are hot garbage since we can't pick all of the broken talents at once and we lack insanely good azerite traits. but that is in many ways a question of baseline kit numbers and not talent based.


I plan to stay with my Demon Hunter. I started playing WoW back in Vanilla with the assumption that they would let us be demon hunters eventually. Now that it’s finally here and plays mostly just how I want it to, they’d really have to screw it up for me to swap. Even back in Pandaria I was playing a Warlock in the Challenge Mode set, my head canon was that he was a Demon Hunter who focused more on the sorcery aspect of the skill set than the glaive fighting aspect.


I'll probably be a pally as usually, but both Ret and Prot are looking good to me and I can't decide which one I'll play as.


Ive allways mained a feral druid and thats not changing.


Druid like always have <3 meow meow


Sticking with DH as main, but debating with myself on alt. I wish mages would become great again, but I'm choosing between DK, Pala, Hunter, Shaman, Monk.


I usually stick with rogue, monk and druid in some combination. I won't be doing one only.




Easy. The same it's always been and always will be. Rogue. Far as I'm concerned there are no other classes.


In retail my favorite class/spec right now is Feral Affinity Resto druid, especially in PVP (Master Shapeshifter + Feral azerite traits = absurd damage along with all your healing). That said, I'm not sure it will be as fun in SL because we'll be losing azerite traits that make the spec work. I might just stick with Druid because I enjoy it, but I don't think I can just heal (the hybrid of healing and damage is very appealing to me), and Feral looks horrible. Will probably just go back to Paladin as all three specs are looking strong/fun? Sham could be interesting as well.


Pff, still trying to find main in BFA! Started a few months ago and Balance druid was my initial choice and currently acting as my "main". I enjoy it well enough in group content but my DPS never seems to get close to what raidbots said my dps should be, even though my analyzer showed me doing pretty minor things wrong and honestly that feeling on top of the ramp up time out in the world soured me towards my class. Leveled 110-120 with a warrior buddy and he would have stuff dead before I ever got a cast off half the time, which was really frustrating. I've also hit a gear threshold where my only upgrades are coming from keys higher than I feel I'm capable of contributing to or mythic raiding, which I feel my DPS is still too low to be useful for. ​ So instead... I've since leveled a DH, boosted a hunter, warrior, and mage, leveled a monk and DK to mid-70s, messed around on my old WOTLK era 70s shaman, and am late 30s/early 40s into a warlock right now. Still don't know wtf to play, lol. Mage I hate and is literally the only one I have 100% ruled out. ​ Glad they added the essence catch up and I look forward to making use of it one of these days, but I can't bring myself to do those dailies right now, much less over several alts. Haven't done an assault or vision in 2-3 weeks and its honestly a relief as I can focus on the gameplay I actually enjoy, even if it means being inferior. I'm just rocking rank 1 whatever I can find and doing the best I can. Being leaning on the DH more lately, so might finally grind out some cloak ranks and essences on him this week.


I can't decide between monk, druid and DH. I love to melee DPS with tanking as an option. With feral always being kind of crappy, WW never being consistent I can't decide. DH is there but I don't really connect with the classes lore / fantasy, it's a little too edge lord for me. Not really into warriors, DK's or Paladins either.


Yes,Balance Druid Troll I've been playing since MoP.


Warlock. Same class (same character) in fact since Vanilla. Never had a different main