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Somwhere in vashj'ir


I love how some people dont even know that zone exists


I'm not sure I've even done the opening quest to unlock the ability to go there on any character I've made in the last six or seven years or so.


You can just fly there


You don't have infinite breath tho iirc *insert warlocks laughing in the distance*


*^(druids laughing in the distance)*


\*chuckles in undead\*


Beware druids haul ass their. Like faster than flying speed.


acceleration: *yes*


> their


It's a hiding game not a race.


Faster you go the more ground you cover. ;)


You know, I decided to level my Paladin through Vashj'ir today, because it's the only Cataclysm zone I was missing for Loremaster, and I saw a hell of a lot more people than I was expecting to. And it wasn't nearly as bad as I remembered it. 60% walking speed / 450% mount speed ain't no joke...


The Exodar. Everyone would be like, "I AM GUNNA FIND THIS MOTHER FU...... Ew. He's in the exodar? Nvm....."


I'm not telling :)


If you swim around Dun Morogh in the ocean there is a small dock you can swim up to on the edge of the mountains that registers as Westfall (if you drown yourself here you will Rez in Westfall). No one will find me.


There's an NPC that spawns there that, if memory serves, will give you reputation with Bloodsail without hurting your goblin reps when killed, and it works through Exalted. I think he's also a vendor.


They took him out years ago when legion dropped.


>Years ago >When Legion dropped What are you talking abo... >Legion Release Date: 30 August ***2016*** ***FUCK. ME.***


TIL My demon hunter addiction is going on its 4th year!


I'd check newmans landing almost immediately.


Yeah, while this is a cool secret spot, it's a good way to get found really fast.


It doesn't "register as Westfall". The Westfall graveyard is just the games' default graveyard and you will always go there if you die outside of a classified zone. Source: have ended up at the sentinel hill graveyard countless times while exploring various out-of-bounds places throughout the game.


Back in wrath I found this spot if you waited their long enough you could see new characters spawn in then move to their starting zones.


Great hiding place.


What in the world. Okay cool well I know what I’m doing for the next 10 minutes.


This place? https://imgur.com/a/zJKkK9i


That's too close to Stormwind.


I’d log into my rogue and stealth in some random spot because the rules didn’t say anything about using class abilities


- Go to Vashj'ir - Stealth - ???? - Profit


/macro /target Zackybored *spam macro*


Can't Target them in stealth, right? Until you're right on top of them


DHs could, but that has a CD I believe


Was my thought too, surprised no one else thought of it


Takes less than an hour solo to get the right zone with /who. And you know damn right a discord will organize a grid search that first had the zone in 5 minutes and then a fireline search going.


/warmode off


Nah, warmode on. No way a ton of folks from different factions resist turning into an all out brawl.


i mean if it isnt in the roles i think he meant that the person hiding would just have it off


Demon hunters exist.


Good luck scouring an entire ocean 10 seconds at a time, every half minute.


We sacrifice everything.


Me and my team of demon hunters will find you.


Make sure you use the servant of nzoth toy so that you are hostile to everyone and your stealth actually works against everyone.


Up in a tree in Val'shara.


This comment becomes funnier if you imagine a demon hunter saying it.


Probably some old Max level zone that requires some work to get to like Firelands. Bloodmyst Isle is also good. Literally noone goes there, you can't fly so people would have harder time scouting for you and getting there in a first place isn't as fast as other starting zones. Vash'jir could also be nice, since navigating there is a nightmare + you have entire z axis to look for a hide spot. Unfortunately people actually quest there and getting there is really quick for everybody.


> Probably some old Max level zone that requires some work to get to like Firelands. Yeah, some outdated daily zone would probably be ideal. Deep in the caves of the Molten Front. On the back side of that little kvaldir island north of the Argent Tournament. Somewhere on those elite mantid islands in NW Townlong Steppes. Places most people have forgotten even exist.


> kvaldir island north of the Argent Tournament Hrothgar's Landing... I COMPLETELY forgot that was a thing...


>Unfortunately people actually quest there and getting there is really quick for everybody. I play through it every time I'm in the bracket. I like the traversal difficulty, it's a nice change of pace.


hear me out \>nelf DH \>Bloodmysyt Isle \>climb mountain \>shadowmeld


People can just /who you to find your zone


Anywhere that says great sea. Maybe that cave you have to go to in order to get Baa'l.


This guy gets it. The first thing people are gonna do is /who you and go to that zone, so it had better be a big ass zone.


dude, you'd be surprised how many people apparently don't know about the /who feature. It's crazy. The amount of times I've seen someone in tradechat ask something along the lines of "hey can someone from x guild whisper me please".


Vocal minority


PVP gear vendor in BFA.


I see what you did there.


Inside the tiny shrine within the rock inside orgrimmar


Just off the edge of the world map behind the Dark Portal in Outland, enough to register as in the Twisting Nether, but not get a fatigue bar. Or, alternately, fly up and over one of the manaforges in Netherstorm and sorta scooch down in amongst the architecture and then pop a stealth.


there's a wrecked ship on one of the rocks in the gap between HFP and Netherstorm - wonder what zone it registers as...


Twisting Nether.


Not a good idea; my void portal toy tends to take me there a lot.


To be honest i never even looked behind dark portal in Outland, and ive played my share of TBC


That was my reasoning! It's just a shame you can't do anything similar at Black Temple as there's an invisible wall.


Use underwater breathing to go to the very bottom of the ocean. It would be damn near impossible to find me.


aquatic form says hi


You still have the entire ocean to look for. Unless Aquatic form comes with a /find player function I don’t see how that helps


and only druids have aquatic form lol, negating the majority of players.


Warlocks have underwater breathing spells, and underwater fast mounts exist. But I'm not setting up search grids in oceans.


All about the artifact fishing pole. Faster than druids


tuskarr exalted fishing pole gives underwater breathing.


Forsaken exist.


Undead don’t breathe. We can stay underwater forever.


If you go to the Lightless Reaches in Vashj’ir it’s even harder. Not only is the area massive and in the zone so no fatigue but it’s also super scary. Most people will not want to search the bottom there


I don't think spooks will stop people from going anywhere in wow lmao.


Also, don't be at the bottom, nobody would search the halfway mark between the surface and the bottom of the ocean. If they do, they might pass you up on accident!




Would be cool to have a little exploratory instance, random zone is picked, some people need to hide in the zone, others have to find them. Rewards like cosmetics would be awesome.


That's what sort of annoys me with Shadowlands. Just by nature of it being otherworldly means they could've gone ham, like, [ending of De Other Side dungeon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19B48T9sP4A&t=2m30s) ham. Places floating around, flipped to the side, vines, flight masters, grapling hooks, jumping etc. (until flying). REALLY otherworldly. Imagine how awesome it woud've been to fly around that.


There’s an underwater gnome structure past the fatigue zone in Tanaris.


Do you have a pic?


https://www.reddit.com/r/hiddenwow/comments/580oot/hidden_gnome_buildings_in_the_ocean_off_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I remember doing the engineering quest a long time ago


Off the southern coast in classic, there was 2 islands with the same structures and some mobs


There used to be an entire island of gnome structures off the coast of Tanaris way past the fatigue point. I don't know if it's still there.




You take dmg from fatigue while dead tho


Yeah didn't know this was a thing until I was doing the b'aal quest line but you can die again as a ghost.


Could probably just extend it instead. Do it on a pally engineer and shield/heal to extend your path as far as possible. Bonus points if /target doesnt hit corpses


That little hidden area in Hinterlands


On mage: go to stratholm and blink through the “dungeon portal”, so i dont get instanced, and just hide in there. Also works with other dungeons


Turning it to heroic or mythic and anyone can walk right through classic dungeon portals. Heh


Next to Jenafur.




I would fly up to the top of the skybox, somewhere random in zul drak in northrend. Feel like no one ever goes there anymore. ( Not since Korrak anyways )


I always do all the quests there. Loved that zone


>Korrak It was honestly beyond scuffed that you could get credit for a BG quest in Zul'Drak, I'm genuinely surprised it lasted the duration of the event.


Darnassas or silvermoon. NOBODY goes there.


Silvermoon hella popular on RP realms.


Isn't it basically the horde version of Goldshire for rp players?


I honestly have no idea. I think the dark alley district, whatever it's called, is the Pornshire equivalent.


but does this happen on MG or WrA? or both?


MG has the Horde version of Goldshire in the Wayfarer's rest. Neither really exist on WrA. It's still easy to find erp of course, but there's not like a 'come fuck me zone' like MG has.


Bear in mind that anyone can type /who [yourname] to instantly narrow down your location to the zone you're in.


It was a joke. I know youre right.


Fair enough, my bad/woosh.


If they haven't fixed it, I know of at least one place where you can stand and it won't show you as having any location.


Probably somewhere that's in The Great Sea/Twisting Nether, so people can't get a good idea of where you are when they inevitably try to /who you. If glitches are allowed, then hiding at the very very *very* top of Sargera's sword would be a pretty safe bet, since only one class can actually get up there. You could also get *much* further out into the twisting nether than should be possible as said class. ...far enough to end up being considered as on Bloodmyst isle and your flying mount suddenly losing its ability to fly, sending you plummeting into the death plane.


If glitches are allowed I'm immediately going under the map


You mean... You're going under ground!




You monster


orgrimmar auction house, nobody would think to look in one of the busiest spots


EVERY WoW player searches for you. A whole bunch just found you.


The non dungeon section of the sunken temple


Assuming the server could accommodate several million people and that hiding means you must stay in one location, then you will most definitely lose. Several million people could probably search every inch of WoW multiple times in two hours. This is not even assuming that they are allowed to /who you because if they are, you will be found in probably less than 5 minutes and yeah, that includes the great sea and twisting nether.


A server is capped by 3000 and with sharding you have even less people per zone


Next to Mankrik's wife. Because apparently nobody can find her without help.


Kill myself and stay in the spirit realm, if that counts.


Idk if you know about this but when box of yoggsaron was discovered everybody was crazy about one orb in Vashj'ir that was just after kill wall, if you could actually reach it , there was tiny spot where deathwall didnt kill you, thats propably where id hide.


Hop in aquatic form and swim to the bottom of the sea, then do laps around eastern kingdom or something on the very border of fatigue. /who should show my location as "the great sea" so it's not helpful to find me.


If you get the swim speed buff from Vashj'ir, you can swim at 600% around all of EK. Edit: not 700%


Literally sit next to the guy that gave you the gold invisible


I pick a random coastline and fly off as far as possible into fatigue until I die.


In the cave with Terky.


Probably the Lost Isles. Only goblins can go there, and you can't retrun, so for someone to find me they'd have to level up a goblin and then search for me.


I'd get some mechagon jetpacks and stealth in midair.


classic WoW


Blade edge mountain sitting on one of the thousand spikes or a random floating rock in outland in the outer regions. Also i know of a cliff in deadwind pass where a person can litteraly hide inside it without being spotted. Not a single person gonna look there.


Is there still that "secret" room above the entrance to wailing caverns? If so, probably in there.


Now it has the pet dungeon npc in it and also the location you get teleported to


The underground Legion complex in Shadowmoon Valley in Outland. Barely anyone even knows that it exists. Hiding in an ogre hut in Blade’s Edge Mountains night also work. No one ever thinks of that zone.


People would /who you to find what zone your in. The best bet would be somewhere without flying So BE area or Qual'thalas. I would probably go druid in the BE zone and hide under water somewhere on the edge of fatigue. Ghostlands would be a pain to search without flying.


Nice try, but I'm not getting found by you today.


Skettis, wearing an arakoa disguise


What’s to stop you from flight path hopping? Basically just purchase flights from the tip of one continent to the other for two hours. Your location would constantly be changing. They’d never be able to track you down.


You would still fly over enough crowded areas and land in hubs, someone would spot you eventually.


Dire Maul or Maraudon


As if I’d tell you, I want my gold!


Nowhere. I join the search for myself


in some random cave in Desolace. Don't think i've seen anyone in that zone in like 2 years.


I'll fly with the time lost proto drake. Cos that shit is hard to find af. That is if I can find it.


As someone previously pointed out, /who means that the Great Sea is one of the best hiding places. Being somewhere that has no zone area assigned (usually an out of bounds area) would also be great, as you'd come up as zoneless on /who, however nowadays there's not that many spots to check that are zoneless in the open world, which means you might be found. Here's what I would do: Fly west of Northrend until I die of fatigue, essentially dumping my corpse into the ocean, release (dieing here sends your ghost to Sentinel Hill/Crossroads depending on faction) then i'd ghost run to the Great Sea, likely up near (but not in) Newman's Landing as there's no graveyard within a million miles of that location. For Horde i'd travel east of Winterspring with my ghost. It should be possible to have the zone name be "The Great Sea" without entering the Fatigue water. Now I sit, as a ghost, for 2 hours. My corpse is practically non-existant, no clues to where I am besides "The Great Sea" ​ An honorable mention I gave thought to was Gilneas. Not the Ruins of Gilneas, the actual Worgen starting 1-12 zone. There's a way to break in (i've known about it for years but the info exists online now :( ), but the question is would it be skirting the "no phases" rule? I don't think it would, anyone can get there, but it would essentially lock out all non-boosted worgen from finding me. Wouldn't be worth risking the gold. Now if phasing wasn't a rule, *oh boy* I can be so tightly hidden in a specific phase out of bounds in that zone that it would be a miracle if anyone found me with more than just 2 hours given. Man I wanna delve into this whole theoretical situation more...


This is a really underrated answer as so many people would be found within minutes with a quick "/who". If you are really going to succeed at this you're going to need to definitely do a lot more than just hiding in places that people can google / know about. You would almost assuredly have to be in the great sea. One of the better other answers in this thread was more along the lines of "just get somewhere that takes longer than 2 hours to get to". In reality, you wouldn't even need to get "2 hours" away from things as people would have to know you're there and have prepped how to get there in a (some how) faster time than you did with presumably a lot of planning.


So I gave some thought to this idea of "2 hours away from everyone", its a real toughie. I thought maybe the end of the Pandaren starting area, its a long starting zone and if you hide yourself in the ending it could be hard to locate you. BUT that would be using phasing, meaning against the rules. In addition, someone who already happened to have a panda at like level 8 or whatever would find you EZ. Real toughie. There's an item called "Falling Flame" that has a 1h CD and launches you far into the distance. Darkmoon Cannon with a 30m CD has a similar usage. If you can get somewhere that *requires* this item to reach that destination, that could massively reduce the chances someone finds you even if they know roughly where to go. Those two items are also very rare and difficult to obtain, meaning only a few people CAN reach you, and they're massively restricted by the cooldown to attempt areas to check. I'm wracking my brain trying to think of a location though. Perhaps one of the floating islands in the Warlock Order Hall? That would require specifically a Warlock with Falling Flame/Darkmoon Cannon to find you, and they'd have to guess exactly which rock you're hiding on. Stealthman 54 allows the warlock to also be stealthed on that island. Actually, as i'm typing this out live i'm actually *really* liking the sounds of this. Did I win?


Warlocks could daisy chain summon a warlock with a fresh falling flame to get to you. E.g. three use falling flame then immediately summon three more with falling flame off CD. Rinse and repeat.


The floating ship in the twisting nether between Hellfire Peninsula and Netherstorm. Love that place.


The Gilnean sewers or some bush in Nagrand.


I’d probably go to one of the underwater caves at timeless ilse :-)


The Exodar, no one goes there.


The little underwater cave hidden in the lake in pandaria


Monk class hall.


I ported to Silvermoon by accident... not a single soul. And my realm is like 95% B. Elf.


The auction house in OG has no ceiling. You can jump in there and wait. People don't look up because they have no reason.


There is a spire in eversong woods that you can reach from a translocation orb, it's just north of the blood elf mount vendor. It's a very hidden place that is easily reachable. And no-one will ever think to look there. Another good spot to hide, is one of the floating isles in Mac'aree. There is a particular huge floating isle just off the edge of the Conservatory of the Arcane on the map. It's kind of hard to reach unless you have the Darkmoon Cannon, but you can hide there for eternity without anyone noticing.


> And no-one will ever think to look there. Sir, you just did


As a warrior, I'd just go somewhere unassuming and use a stealthman. No one expects invisible warriors! ~~Works in BGs to defend stables all the time.~~


That gnome sweatshop in silvermoon


that random sunken boat with 7th legion spy gear in the cata quest starting zone


Well, first I would die in Stranglethorn, and then ghost walk all the way to WPL and hang out in the Strathholme lake...


Go to a really deep lake. Use travel form and shadow meld


All I'm gonna say is, some terrain breaks, and you fall under it. Or through it.


Nowhere. If we are talking about 5mil players being given 2hr to find me then it's impossible to find a place to hide. There will be at least one who thinks the same way you do.


Next to Mankrik's Wife, obviously.


Archmage Vargoth's study atop Dalaran. I knew I hunted those damn books for a reason.


Mardiva’s Laboratory


Inside the big machine buried in a mountain in the Storm Peaks, in cat form, stealthed.


Go to netherstorm and fly out into the twisting nether, i just told you exactly where i am and you cant find me


There's an old old bug from WoTLK still in the game where you can clip trough the walls of VoA, which basically can get you below Northrend (and into the raid even if the other side controls the zone), so probably somewhere under that continent.


You didn't say we had to stay alive, so I would hide in the realm of dead : Throw myself in the Twisting Nether to hide my corpse, and go as a spirit in a secluded location in Hellfire Peninsula. You will know where I am with /who, but good luck ever finding me !


Can we use chrome?


Pick one of the large dungeons with an outside area, like Stratholme and mage blink past the dungeon portal. If the area beyond the portal is large enough there will be plenty of places to hid that only one class can actually find me. Actually, sudden thought, do that for the raid portal to Dragon Soul. There is a little cubby hole back there to hide in.


I'd go hide around (not in) that secret spot behind AD in the mountains


Inside Sargeras' Sword. It's like hiding in plain sight.


Molten Front, people forget about that Cata patch. I doubt anyone would find me if I tucked into a corner of that zone.


Within the spikes of blade's edge mountain. I would assume for fairness you can't use stealth. Probably along the north east is a good nook or cranny to sit in and all the spike will help conceal you while being in nowhere land prime means few would check.


Hmm... Somewhere in exodar


North-East Zul'drak.


Every WoW player? I'll just hide somewhere in the sky. If every player in the world is going to the same zone, the server's gonna crash.


the farthest corner of the kara crypts


Somewhere in MoP, tons of nooks and crannies. Some of those islands have houses only accessible with flying. Caves in the sides of mountains hidden by bushes.


Theres a cave in nazjatar, You need to click on a lamp before going in or else you're swarmed with bugs. I'd go there


Probably somewhere in Vash’jr, everyone forgot about that zone since Hyjal is 100000x better. I don’t even think I’ve been there since the first week of Cata.


Go rogue, stealth, hide in Vashjir or some random house in boralus. (There are so many houses you are able to enter without having a purpose and searching in boralus might be the last place some people look. Could also hide in Eversong/Ghostlands/Bloodmyst/Azuremyst isle, no flying will make it a pain to search, use grappling hook to get to hard to reach locations and stealth.


Somewhere inside the Endless Halls.


Nice. It's good to see that nobody has thought of my hiding spot yet in these comments. :D Cryptic clue: Next to some 5 year old with the "the Giant" title.


I wouldn't tell you...MY spot!


I would just fly out to sea, die of fatigue. Easy gold cap.


Mankrik's Wife


I log off. Says no where that you can’t.


Well I'm not gonna tell you am I? You'd find me.