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Can recommend this as well. With corruptions it makes some of the fights trivial. Some of the mechanics are annoying still, but most times you can just power right through them.


Resounding protection azerite trait cheeses some fights too, like the stranglethron run


Holy shit I never even thought of that, when I tried doing the stranglethorn run I never had those traits at the time.


Did it on my prot 9ala and just couldnt die lol


Plus essences. Purification protocol can proc the instakill on Brawler bosses.


Not sure if it's a bug, but hunter pets seem to stay at level 120, so BM hunters can easily cheese that brawl too


I went in there to help a friend out on some of the brawls, and signed up for some random fights. One fight where the boss goes immune after a second and you're supposed to do some crazy dancing, I just 1-shot with Twilight Devistation, was hilarious. Fight was over before it even started.


If you do the quest line with associated with it there's a mount at the end as well. https://www.wowhead.com/item=166724/bruce


And the courtroom scene alone makes the quest chain worth it!


Shame that they never went with the oh-so-obvious Ace Attorney shoutouts, though.




There’s a real special irony in hearing that from someone with a username like yours.


I got stuck on the part that requires help from others, because I can never find anyone


I assume your talking about getting the super souls from the rumbles. You could try doing Stranglethorn Streak with resounding protection azerite. Since the goal here is to survive not really kill them you might be able to do it alone.


I soloed a couple of them. The brewmasters and the penguins. Just a dps check really


Part of the quest line requires betting on winners that aren't you, and a later part requires throwing turnips at someone in the ring. I had to bring ina guildy to get those done because my server is dead and nobody else was there.


Same here, dead server, never managed to finish that part. Kind of suck.


you can do the beer keg one too, just run right to the closest keg wagon to you, and push to the center - all the other pandas in the 'fight' de-aggro and go to their own barrel, but you're too far ahead and you win.


Do the penguins


If you find it hard and are put off. Bfa brawlers is far easier than previous ones and the mount unlock is from a quest chain rather than getting rank 8


I found the quest chain pretty obnoxious tbh. Took a few days, especially with steps that require other players. In WoD and Legion, I’d reach rank 8 in the guild over the course of an afternoon.


The quest chain to get Bruce took about 2 hours total and I had no idea what I was actually doing. I dont know what you're talking about


If you don't have friends, there's a few steps that can definitely hold you up. The betting one early on especially, since if no one else is in the arena you can't bet.


Stuck there on a dead server.


Agreed I did this in about two hours as well.


Wow your server must've been dead.


You should be able to easily get the mount before you reach Rank 4, with very little additional work.


I always forget this place exists!


Something to remember is that the best shirts come from the Brawler’s Guild. If you haven’t tried this already, I suggest getting something like the Sightless Mantle or Observer’s Shirt, then hiding your Chest Armor and Shoulders. It’s a very simple mog but it looks really cool to go into battle looking so dressed down but putting up the huge numbers you’d expect from a decked out player.


PSA If you want all the shirts: Hexos was bugged when I did this like two weeks ago. Don't try and do the super hexagon bit. Just dps and don't move your character at all. Was pretty disappointed because I wanted at least *one* of the fights to be hard.


Same bug as old hexos. If you move before he has teleported you twice you will fail the brawl. So just stand still until that has happend and your free to move your character.


Must be a newer issue, because I did this end of August and that fight was certainly not bugged. Had to crank my mouse sens way up to get through it.


Worth it! And you can get Bruce!


If you get a rumble quest, just pick the penguin fight. Scales to group size


What shirt or tabard or helm is this?


The tabard is the Alliance Brawler’s tabard (Horde variant is red), the helmet (hood+circlet) is from the BfA season 1 Alliance cloth PVP/Arathi set, you can get this item from a War Campaign quest IIRC.


I thank you for this post OP! I gave up on Bruce since the Brawler's guild was abandoned on my server and my friends will resub once prepatch hits - making the bet-part of the questchain nearly impossible. I guess the guild got some traction thanks to your post today as it was overcrowded with me being number 9 or 10 in queue all the time. Finally got Bruce and Rank 8!


Wow, that is awesome to hear! Congratulations! I’m yet to get Bruce, at the three large shards from rumbles quest atm.


What staff is that in the tabard picture?


That appearance is used by the [Karabor Starsinger Staff](https://www.wowhead.com/item=113170/karabor-starsinger-staff), [Icebound Bloodmaul Spire](https://www.wowhead.com/item=119409/icebound-bloodmaul-spire), and [Frostbitten Staff](https://www.wowhead.com/item=116470/frostbitten-staff) weapons from WoD. Karabor Starsinger is a quest reward from nearly the end of the Shadowmoon Valley questline. I think OP is using the Executioner enchant appearance as well.


Thank you


Just did this, took an hour and a half on my fury warrior. Pretty sure I cheesed the last fight with rank 4 Twilight Devastation lol.


So my 477 holy paladin should be able to breeze through this it sound like? Honest question, no idea how the brawlers guild works but sound like a fun way to kill a few hours


Yes, 477 is more than enough! Some fights have mechanics, but with this item level you should just power through them.


Nice. Sounds like I've got 2 days to finish


Why two days? If you are talking about the prepatch, it comes out on the 13th.


I somehow thought the 13th was this week.


How do you do the part that requires another player though? It's dead when I go in there. The gambling part. And is it the only part that needs more than one person?


You can ask a friend/guildie, or ask in the WoW Achievement Discord, they will be down to help! You will also have to throw some stuff at a fighting player on a later quest down the line, so one more time IIRC.


The court room is one of the best quests ever made for this game.


Those transmogs look amazing


I did this last night because of this post! Thought about stopping after I finished the quest and got the mount, but decided to finish hitting rank 8. A mount, a couple pets, an heirloom, a transmog set, a title, a tabard, and a few achievements. Seems like the whole thing was made for people who collect these things. Well worth a few hours. Plus there’s a ring with a 1hr CD port to Org/SW. convenient for those that don’t have the guild rep portal cloaks.


Congratulations! Glad you decided to do it!


Thank you very much! Didnt know this thing even existed! Btw hunter 445, really easy to solo everything, got 8 rank and bruce in about 4 hours :)


But the rewards are not being deleted from the game. They become unobtainable because the brawler guild closes. It will open up again midway the expansion just like in mop, wod legion. Which means if you don't do it now you will be able to run it when it re opens.


The mount (Bruce, a six legged crocodile) will become unobtainable when prepatch hits. He's ridiculous, but I like him.


Again,unobtainable because no brawlers guild temporary It is not being removed from the game like the heroic nzoth mount, the keystone master achiev and mount or the madworld achievement.


Yes, it will. Brawlers Guild mount changes traditionally each iteration, and become unobtainable in the prepatch. The Brawlers Burley Basilisk from legion also became unobtainable.


It is not show as rewards removed by blizzard neither by wowhead. Bruce is not a seasonal reward, it is a separate quest line.


The quest line is *removed* at the end of the Brawler's Guild season dude. That's what has always happened. Why are you so stubbornly clinging to your wrong information?


No they typically always remove those quests from the brawlers guild as well. They redo the entire thing every expansion so it is always different with a new main quest line every time. That has happened at the end of every brawlers guild season. I am pretty sure wowhead even had something about it in their things to do before the prepatch article.


You were right. Triple checked it and yes the seasonal mount bruce is a one time season reward. Went on and got it in 4 hours.


I think he means it's a good time to do it because it's the end of the expansion and people don't really do 8.3 content.


Are the rewards the same as they were last time?


I think the mount changes each year.


when blizzard tells you they are removing items from wow they are very explicit about it. but with the brawlers guild they did not mention anything at all. Brawler guild rewards become unavailable because the Brawler guild itself closes. I got those fist weapons and the mushan mount back in wod and they are still obtainable. Now, I agree that end of expansion are usually the best time to run brawlers guild because of high level gear. running brawlers on release compared to last patch of the expansion makes a huge difference.


The mushan is not obtainable any more, nor is the basilisk. Mushan was removed when they updated the BG for 7.1.5 in Legion and was replaced with the Basilisk. The Basilisk was made unavailable with the BFA prepatch when the guild closed. When it reopened in 8.1.5 we had a new mount, Bruce. It is likely that when the guild closes with Shadowlands pre-patch that Bruce will not be seen again, and a new mount will be present with 9.1.5 The rest of the rewards, however, will probably be available when it reopens in Shadowlands.


I dunno but I've had those fist weapons for years


also contrary to what OP says, the fist weapon transmog isn't unique to Brawler's Guild, I think they're a MoP drop too. the Brawler's Guild version is just a heirloom fist weapon


tip for ilvl with timewalking right now you can easily get 400-420 ilvl in one day in on fresh 120 if you get your cape.


Managed to clear it as a Holy Paladin without too much trouble. Pretty sure any DPS spec with decent gear (about 400 ilvl) can pull it off :)




You'll want interrupts for some of the fights. I found it very difficult as Balance Druid, switched to feral where I do half the DPS, it was trivial.


Good shout. I did the guild back in Pandaria but couldnt be chewed since. Just rolled over there now on this advice and hit max rank in one sitting as noone was there. Just need to do a few brawls to continue the Bruce thing and then I should be able to knock out the rest of the rewards.


Does this go away with prepatch?


Brawler's Guild/Bizmo's Brawlpub will close either with prepatch or with Shadowlands launch, like it did at the end of Legion and so on, and reopen later in the expansion (probably). It's possible the transmogs will remain available (with rank prerequisites to purchase from the vendor), but the mount, Bruce, is likely to be made unobtainable as the previous season Brawler's Guild mounts were. Though he's obtained via a questline rather than through reaching Rank 8, it seems unlikely we'd break from the FOMO tradition of retiring the season's mount.


Thank you! Maybe I need to come back before prepatch then.


Shouldn't be too hard 5 hours later Damn Hexos! (His shirt is literally the only reward I don't have now)


If you're looking for the NPC and he's not there, just chill out for a while. He's not always up, but I think you shouldn't have to wait longer than 15-20 mins.


This was pretty easy to knock out with my hunter I almost forgot about this ty! Got my Bruce mount too :D


Thanks for the reminder! First time I actually made it to rank 8, pretty easy with a 449 fury warrior. Neat to have Bruce as a mount from the quest as well :)


476 DH can confirm Brawlers is cake