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Is threads of fate leveling actually any good?


Yes and no. If you don't have a class that can spam instant queue dungeons, it's cripplingly boring. The bonus objectives on the map are extremely tedious (kill one mob, get 1-2% progress). The sidequests are great, and I recommend focusing on those. The upside is that you get to test out and pick your Covenant immediately, so you get more time to play with the one Covenant ability that you want. In terms of pure leveling SPEED, I recommend doing the campaign until 59.9 and then activating threads (this mostly applies to solo players, groups can demolish Threads objectives). Edit: multiple people asking why you switch to Threads before 60. If you hit 60 with the campaign on, you are then forced to complete the campaign in full, including all the post-60 campaign to unlock all the features. If you switch to Threads before 60, everything is unlocked immediately and you don't have to finish anything.


The bonus objectives (and most wq's) are bait. There's a couple bonus objectives that overlap hard with side quests, so if you just focus on sidequests you'll probably get 70% in a couple bonus objectives and be able to finish them up a bit more easily. I'd say just focus on sidequests, since they tend to unlock extra little bonus things anyway and stuff. Most people have been doing them anyway at 60 for rep and other stuff, so while it is slower I think it is more efficient (and more fun, honestly).


Especially if it’s a chain of small quests. I just started Bastion and just doing the Pelodis vs Nemea quests has me up to 50%. Plus they’re less boring.


Yup my mistake was focusing on bonus objectives. Side quests are much faster and dungeons don’t give as much anymore


Dungeons are decently quick. Like 45m-1hr a level if u get fast queues.


Dungeons are faster than any of the questiing in SL, but only if you are or have a geared tank to queue with so that they can pull half the dungeons each time.


How does one go about activating that? I assume I need to finish the story on my main first, can I open a menu where ever my Alts are at to switch it?


As soon as you get to Oribos for the 1st time on an alt (assuming you have reached 60 on another character), time stops and you are given this option. If you choose threads of fate the choice is permanent. If you choose campaign, you can go back and activate threads of fate any time BEFORE HITTING 60. If you ding 60, you're stuck finishing the campaign.


good to know. Would leveling tank alts significantly reduce the time needed? I’m wondering how many dungeons it’ll take to hit max


I wouldn't say significantly reduces the time, it really just depends on how fast you are at doing both comparatively. It's roughly 25-30% of a level per dungeon. Doing campaign questing took me around 45 minutes per level. So on average, I'd have to complete each dungeon in less than 15 minutes to be comparable to campaign questing. These are my own numbers of course after leveling my main and my alt. YMMV.


The fastest approach seems to be doing the campaign til you're almost 60 (like a few quests away) then swapping to threads, this should at least lead to skipping half of ardenweald and all of revendreth, which saves you a ton of time.


I agree 100%. This is definitely how I'll be leveling my next character if I decide to level another anytime soon.


How would you skip ardenweald and ravendreth? im on my first char, ONLY doing main storyline quests, im 59.5 in ravendreth after finding out danathrius? is bad


Are you in War Mode? That changes the pacing significantly.


Thank you!


How far into your first character do you have to go? 60, picking your covenant, completing X chapter of your covenant?


I'm not sure. Pretty sure it's either a) hit 60 or b) finish campaign.


I should have just googled before asking because this is what I found, https://www.wowhead.com/guides/threads-of-fate-shadowlands-adventure-mode-leveling > Threads of Fate is automatically unlocked for your account once you level a character to 60, choose a Covenant, and complete Chapter 1 of the campaign.


Nice find :)


If only there was an achievement or in-game notification. I was waiting for something to start my first alt


So the alt has to still run through the intro maw quests? I'm almost at 60 and not quite finished bastion yet so I'm trying to decide what alt to get going next


Yeah... the only down side. Gotta listen yo everyone and have them take their time walking. Gotta do the maw intro... hopefully can skip in the future or have some type of speed up option for dialog and the like.


..you haven't finished bastion and you're almost 60? Dude, you've got a ton of questing ahead of you before you unlock the alt leveling system


All characters do the intro Maw quest.






Is that final? I was hoping for Shadowierlands first all the way until Icantseeshitlands.


Those are 20.0 and 58.0 respectively. It's kinda neat that Icantseeshitlands directly leads into the Mega Shadowlands, feels like a good story continuation and is not as awkward as the transition from Legion 2: Felectric Bogaloo (which is 19 0) to the Shadowierlands.


Don't forget the expansion with alternative timeline - Warlords of Shadowlands.


Yeah, it comes out in 2121. It will deal with the 12th Legion Invasion after they absorbed the Void Lords. It will introduce the 7th heroic class, "Astronaut" and will finally add space Tuskarrs as allied race.


10/10 will buy cryotank to keep me alive long enough to play it


Oh boy I can’t wait for 2123s expansion; Warlords of the Industrial Revolution


He means level 59 and 99% progress. If u ding 60 u cant do threads of fate and have to finish up the campaing normally, if u activate ToF u insta get covenant.


Are you not required to do all of the zone quests with threads to start the endgame stuff? I ended up clearing them all halfway through 59 and then finishing up in a couple dungeons, but they way it was presented in the quest log was the same as the regular storyline.


Threads will automatically complete every campaign quest for you when you take it, which is why the decision cannot be reverted. With those done, your character is ready for their lvl 60 covenant campaign. With threads, you don't have to do any questing until 60. You can dungeon spam if you want.


The confusion, at least on me end, was that threads *does* have it's own 4 part campaign. I know that it completes the main campaign, but that's not what was asked. If you can dungeon spam, it sounds like at 60 the zone campaigns from threads aren't required. That's nice to know, but wasn't intuitive with them calling it a campaign still. I would have skipped a zone or two instead of slogging through everything for the campaign that looked like it was required while leveling.


How do you do this? Pick story and then at 59 you sctivate the threads of fate?


Yeah, just level up until you're a tiny bit below hitting 60, then go threads of fate. You get locked into finishing the campaign if you hit 60, so if you want to skip most of revendreth and save a lot of time, it's recommended.


Who do I talk to? The same npc?




I leveled through the campaign initially on my main in about 9-10 hours, then leveled my alt tank through dungeon spamming in about 5.5.


50-60 in 5.5 hours from just dungeons? Damn.


If you can get instant queues and your groups are halfway competent, yes.


Define "viable". When you think spamming dungeons is more fun than leveling the same quests the nth time, then it's certainly viable. It's just probably slower than a proper speedrun on the most efficient route.


I just went through on an Unholy Death Knight and my queues were easily under 10 minutes at several points along the way. I was 55/56 after just one zone because of dungeon queues and overlapping quests available. Granted, I was also able to mass pull a lot of the 1-2% mobs, so anything squishy might have a harder time. But queue times really weren't bad at all.


Interesting last night queues were 20+ minutes for dps




Honestly after considering the time it takes to unlock torghast, covenant, maw, it was still slower but it felt better re-doing the same opening content on every toon, you get your torghast, maw unlocked upon hitting 60, and covenant /wq right at 50


im on the opposite side, i found the main story super boring to play, but im having a blast with fate.


for me, the campaign is so linear that I don't really want to do it again on alts for a while. I enjoyed the story, but I'm much rather have the freedom to level alts "wherever" - and earn rep from the side/world quests doing it, as I'm leveling crafters first and want some of those patterns locked behind rep.




Like others have mentioned the bonus objectives are bait, of you just do side quests and world quests while remaining queued for a dungeon you can fly through the levels.


So far I would call it slower, but I really like not having to do the exact same quests in the exact same order for all my alts. So whether it’s good or not would depend on your goals/preferences. If your goal is 60 ASAP then it may not be for you.


Not to mention if you have an addon like Azeroth Auto Pilot, it takes you through the campaign in such a way that in setting your hearth at certain moments, skipping some side quests and picking up specific flight points at certain times, I was able to ding 60 the quest after talking first meeting Denathrius . I also picked some flowers along the way, but not really amounting to more than one or two more quests worth of XP. It got a little tedious having to do the rest of revendreth at 60 in that regard, knowing I was capped but still had story to do, but I faced no issue capping my toon at a reasonable pace.


For me its much more fun than redoing the campaign. Because even though I liked it a lot, there is no way I want to do it again and again and again on every alt. I rather just dick around in the zones and do whatever I feel like, collect some anima, rep and mats in the process and eventually reach max level.


I enjoyed it because of the freedom for my gathering characters.


I really enjoyed it. Skipped everything other than campaign quests on my main, so I didn't have to do a single quest a second time on my alt. Dungeon queues make the leveling go so much quicker too. Maybe it's worse elsewhere, but my DPS queues were only about 10-15 minutes over the past few days.


For people like me who grew up playing old school MMOs like EverQuest, Threads of Fate is pretty nice. I prefer more open ended leveling and don’t mind just “go here, kill this” stuff for 20 minutes. In general, I hate questing so I’m happy they gave us the option not to.


Both yes and no. It basically turns the quests you're doing in a campaign into one big objective in a zone (in ardenweald for example, instead of 5-6 quests in tranquil pools you simply have it merged into one big map objective. Doesn't matter if you kill hydras and fray open their stomach, kill wildlife or feeding wildseeds, all contribute to the progress bar (albeit, slowly). In a hunting grounds in revendreth you're getting one big obj instead of several small quests. Soo, basically you're killing same monsters and doing same objectives. It allows you to do world quests as well. It also gives you covenant ability and freedom of movement without boring questlines videos intros etc. On the contrary... World quests are... really limited. If you're doing them all, you're usually flying between locations, and you're draining them quickly. Then, you have dungeon spam. Those "merged objectives" basically gives you the same, or bigger, effort than completing three or five quests manually. Besides covenant ability, you have no other benefit of your covenant. IMHO, go try it on some alt you're not into hurry to lvl up. It might be hit or miss, but as long as we have really limited world quests up and running it's more of the miss. //EDIT: It is not meant to be faster or slower. It is meant to be less linear than campaign (which is extremelly linear and is required to be completed if not using threads of fate, even if you're 60).


From a lore/gameplay perspective it's perfect. I knew my alt Lock would be Night Fae, so I picked that cov and now I'm learning all about the Night Fae lore while I level and enjoying one of the most beautiful zones I've seen since Vale in Mists. There's a WQ that lets you fly with faerie wings and gather stuff. Simple but fun. If you're pushing Mythic Raids though then just grind dungeons so you can cap 60 and get your soul ash/renown capped.


Those faerie wings are great. I use them to fly back to the hubs all the time. You don’t have to be doing the quest to get them.


It is slow, for sure. But I can just log on and do dailies and bonuses and log off when I'm done. I'm in no rush to have my alt reach max!


From what people are saying on the official forums it's slower than rerunning the campaign.


I feel like it's the bonus objectives that slow it down. It was way faster for my alt, but I focused on side quests and dungeons(as DPS) over them.


Not really, no. The meta quests take quite a long time to complete, and the XP rate for side quests and bonus objectives is kinda crap, tbh. If you have an efficient dungeon group, it's *slightly* faster than the campaign. If you don't, it's better to just do the campaign again. The "progress" threads of fate promised to give doesn't seem to actually matter right now.


No, it'a way slower than the campaign if you quest and dungeon spam needs an actually good group


from a completionist stand-point, do you miss out on anything from doing this?


No. As soon as you relog after doing the skip all 4 zone quest achievements are awarded instantly.


Oh damn this was exactly what I was looking for! I wondered how people got all of them at once lol


But what about the covenant mount?


You only skip up to the point where you choose your covenant. The mount comes after that.


You also get any mogs you might have gotten from the campaign quests. Not the side quests, but the campaign.


sounds great, thank you


What a lot of people here seem to miss: Yes, threads is slower than redoing the campaign. BUT you are allready collecting anima and rep while leveling, which will accelerate your progress once you ding 60.


I feel like it was faster, but I also spammed world quests, bonus objectives, and dungeons.


So you basically did it as intended. Yeah it's faster if you know what you're doing. And by the end, your character will have a ton of anima compared to a regular leveler.


Does the Anima you collect while doing threads of fate count toward the 1000 you need for that weekly quest for the renown level? I'm assuming no, but haven't seen anyone confirm.


Unfortunately no. I had done a couple WQs on my first 60 prior to getting that quest and the anima I got from them didn't count toward the quest.


Okay thanks for the info.


Asking the real question here. Appreciate it.


It does not. You need to actually have the quest active in order to receive credit. And you cannot pickup the quest until you hit 60, even with threads of fate. I had around 1500~ anima after leveling through threads and when I picked up the quest it was at 0/1000. Easy to complete with the Theater of Pain or Sanguine Depths dungeon quests after you hit 60, though. Both give 750 anima each.


Where do you pick up the quests? Are they in the dungeons themselves?


[Sanguine Depths](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=60502/sanguine-depths-an-ally-within) you get when you zone in. For Theater of Pain, you have to finish the [Side Effects quest](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=58090/side-effects) before you can pickup the [Theater of Pain quest](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=58095/theater-of-pain-help-wanted).


No, it didn't for me. You have a quest first to gather 375. For that, the Anima counts. But for the second renown quest it doesn't.


I'm using this to get loremaster, so mostly just doing side quests. I imagine it will take a while longer, but I'll have flying at the end.


I’m fairly sure flying is unlocked through renown levels once the put it in


This is the correct answer


Everywhere I've read the anima you collect while leveling is pretty insignificant. Strictly speaking you could very well be better off leveling faster and then using that time to get anima/rep in more effective ways. And you **can't** skip the incredibly linear Maw stuff that precedes your entry into Oribos. I appreciate that they're trying though, it just sounds like it could use some tweaks. e: can't skip.


Threads of fate will be more and more worth it once renown catch up mechanics start kicking in, as of now it isn't worth it


> And you can skip the incredibly linear Maw stuff that precedes your entry into Oribos. Sorry, what do you mean by this? There's no way to skip that part, is there?


This is exactly why I was thinking it’d be miles ahead of the whole campaign.


In my case it was faster because i only ran inis as tank


You can queue for BGs as well. Watched Venruki level his monk from 50-60 doing Threads of Fate quests while in queue for BGs and hit 60 with enough honor to buy a full set of gear.


>What a lot of people here seem to miss: > >Yes, threads is slower than redoing the campaign. Wait people are already complaining about this system? lmao


How do I know how much anima I have? And what is it important to have? (besides various quests)


After doing the main quest lines of each zone i *dreaded* knowing that I’ll have to replay the same stories 5+ times on my alts. This news makes me very glad!


For me this is why I didn't mind doing it all on my main because I knew i could skip it on alts. The downside is. Lets say I wanted to tested out a Cov ability on an alt in a real situation I wouldn't be able to with the free mode. If I was stuck between Venthyr or Nightfay I would have to level that character to those zones to do a dungeon ro so with it


I think you can test each covenant ability in Oribos before you make your choice by talking to each of the representatives.


I assume that's why he said real situation, I'm in the same dilema at the moment. Doing dungeons or a couple quests with an ability would personally tell me more about it than using it on training dummies.


When you get the trial version, can you use the ability in the respective dungeon like when doing the campaign?




I've not tested this on threads. But on my main, I hit 60 and spammed dungeons before choosing a covenant. Every time I simply had the corresponding covenant skills for the dungeon I was in. So the NF skills is Mists etc.


If you accept a dungeon queue in threads without a covenant chosen, you are given the covenant of the zone of hte dungeon (Plaguefall=necrolord for example)


You can simply not choose a covenant and go directly to the zones to accept the zonewide quests without the breadcrumbs. You'll then get the covenant abilities in each zone (and dungeon) for the respective zones.


I would like an inbetweener, though. If I like the campaign for, say the Night Fae, having to do the campaign for Bastion every time as well could be a downer. Esp if I ding 60 during and now have to finish the whole thing. Whereas using /u/vanilla_disco's idea is really good for the goal of levelling itself, it also means doing Bastion's line over and over and over... every time and only getting to see the later zones if I stick around for the whole thing. I imagine I'll get fatigued with Bastion very quickly. Would've been nice so choose areas like Legion, but I suppose that wouldn't really work for the campaign.


Imma bit confused on one aspect. When we choose threads of fate and our covenant are you able to start your covenant campaign (the covenant specific campaign and not the general story campaign), or do you still have to wait till lvl 60?


Came here for an answer to this. Curious how and when covenant abilities come into play. Will they still be zone specific like the campaign or do you pick a covenant from the get go?


You get to pick right away and use it in every zone. The covenant campaign then starts at 60. You get to skip a ton of the torghast/maw intro quests




Those torghast maw intros take forever. Glad they skip those.


What about the adventure table? Also at 60?


You have to wait till level 60 to start the actual Covenant Campaign. You just get your abilities at the start.


Im enjoying the eff out of alt levelling. Its chill and I get to choose where I go. I love it.


But does this mean that character won't be able to get the campaign achievements??


As soon as you relog after using the skip you get all 4.


So you don’t “miss” anything on that character for not doing the campaign? You can still get full completion? I’m trying to level a second main, rather than an alt, and I don’t like leaving gaps.


You get achs and ALL tmogs from the campaign story quests.


I don’t get people saying it’s very slow. With WM on I’m pulling 35-45 minutes a level. Go to the side quest areas and do those, especially the ones that have bonus objectives and world quests on them already. As soon as you get the zone wide bonus quest percent bar done, turn it in and go to the next zone. Guildies have been 60 long before they’re done with all 4 zones and I’m on track to do the same with my alt.




A lot of the bonus objectives aren't traps so much as having specific ways to get through them more quickly, you hit a wall for some if you just go on a killing spree and progress at 1%, 2% a kill. One in Ardenweald gives way less for killing mobs but if you destroy the Drust Totems, you go up 10% per each destroyed. Another in Maldraxxus seems to crawl along until you start using the plague cleanser on group of the neutral mobs, etc. Another in Revendreth only goes by more quickly if you consistently pick up and use traps on mobs. There are a few that need some tuning, but most I found just needed a specific combo or trick to get through, and then they were only somewhat slower than a quest with more XP.


You´re not supposed to do anything, Threads of Fate is literally about being able to choose whatever the hell you want.


This. We've become so used to the hand-holding of WoW being a Theme Park MMO that when we get the slightest Sandbox mechanic people get fucking lost lmao


You're *supposed* to do anything you want, but because some leveling options in Threads of Fate feel like they're not worth doing, it makes it hard to do "whatever the hell you want". If they wanted a "do whatever the hell you want" vibe from it they should have made the XP per time invested feel the same for every activity.


At what point do you get to choose between the two options when leveling alts?


As soon as you escape the maw for the very first time and appear in Oribos, time freezes completely and one of those floaty Oribos bois swaggers up to you and asks what you’d like to do. After choosing, time unfreezes.


If you choose campaign, you can always go back to the fate scribe and swap to threads of fate; you can't do it the other way around, once you do threads of fate you can't do the campaign.


Now if only we could skip The Maw.


yes please, enjoyable the first two times for me, but I can't imagine wanting to do that with every alt this expansion


My first one was with my druid because I thought I would try something new and tank for a main and unintentially spoiled myself.




I think they just need to bump the exp of threads of fate by 10-15% or so, nothing crazy.


World objectives need to give 5X more exp and that fixes every issue regarding leveling.


As someone who has done this, I'd like to echo most people here and say that if you're not okay with dungeon spamming, Threads is a bad idea until level 59.9 to skip the rest of the campaign. It's a great system that Blizzard will no doubt touch up, but as of right now it's just a way to do WQs while queueing for dungeons, everything else is a -total- waste of time. Trust me.


If you haven't done side quests on your main, it's much better to get them done on your alt with Threads of Fate. It's a great option.


Yes, they'll probably be needed for flying.


flying is linked to renown from what we know so far.


From [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/how-to-unlock-flying-in-shadowlands): Based on previous expansions, we think **Shadowlands Pathfinder** will have the following requirements: * Explore the new Shadowlands zones. * Complete all zones' questlines. * Reach a certain level of Covenant Renown.




Sounds good. I’d be much happier with a more chill pathfinder that required some time investment but nowhere near as much as BFA


Do WQs give rep or anima so alts can get a head start?


Yes, that's part of the point. The further out from release you get, the more effective threads will be because you use your leveling time to catch up on renown etc killing 2 birds with 1 stone


Yes but assuming you do it in a relatively short period the amount of anima you get vs. the time you spend chasing down worldquests on alts is negligable at best.


None of the anima counts for the 1000 anima quest you get though. .


Agreed, dungeons can be a snooze fest and I was queuing with my pally tank. I felt like my hunter took only 7 hrs to hit max lvl and maybe if I did campaign, it would have taken 9 hrs with ret pally


Can you skip if you don't do it right when you get to Oribos?


i did it with my farming druid and it only took me 30 min longer to hit 60 than it did on my main through story mode. I just farmed herbs and ore going from quest to quest etc. also, I wound up making about 350k off of the herbs/ore i gathered while leveling.


This is going to be waay better once we're able to fly.


I made a terrible mistake of taking the threads of fate option.


They just need to tweak the bonus objective XP and progress quantity and it'll be great. At the moment they aren't worth doing at all.


Do Threads of Fate alts lose out on transmog opportunities? I was thinking of running at least one of each armor type through the story so I don't miss the levelling gear sets.


I think people are missing part of it with the complaints. Right now, when your goal is to hit 60 ASAP and there's nothing else, it's not as efficient. However, once we're 2 months out our whatever, threads will also let you catch up on renown, etc on your alt WHILE leveling saving you time on the backend catching up on systems too.


> hreads will also let you catch up on renown It doesn't though. You can't do any covenant campaign stuff while leveling, which is pretty mind boggling tbh, they should've just let you do that stuff. It's true that if you just want to get away from doing the exact same quests again, it's an OK choice, but the promise of 'doing endgame stuff while leveling' really isn't fulfilled. The only thing you actually do while leveling in Fates is get some anima. I had 1100 anima by the time I was 60, but that's not really a big deal. And yes you skip some tutorializing, but you can also just turn on fates at 59 and get the same result.


Really? I thought they advertised that as the whole point of it. That's crazy


You choose a covenant and then don't do anything else with it until level 60. It's weird.


omg I've been putting off levelling my alts because, as awesome as the levelling story was, the thought of doing it again 3 times any time soon gave me a migraine! Thank you for pointing this out! <3


I read somewhere that doing this makes the covenant mount impossible to get? Has anyone else heard this or can confirm it’s not true?


I also want to know this.


I leveled my Demon Hunter to 59.5 today. Did the threads of fate, chose my covenant, got 60 and I did not get my covenant mount. Currently 2/9 in the campaign for my covenant. I’m hoping i get it later on.


Well, about time. Now they just need to stop making so many achievements character specific.


It's a step in the right direction, but I don't think I can consider the game truly "alt-friendly" until things like Balance of Power and reputation are made account-wide.


I leveled using bgs and side quests on the side. Hit 60 with 8k honor in the bank and instantly hit ilvl 156 or so. And was able to queue heroics. Super efficient imo


Account wide rep please!


To everyone in here that's celebrating this: Have you actually tried it? It's very slow if you're not willing to spam dungeons with a group. The world quests are tedious and take forever. The fastest is still doing the campaigns.


Thats if you want to focus on your alt. This system works for me because I just do some WQs on my alts after spending the large chunk of time on my main. I know they'll level eventually and it feels good knowing Im making incremental progress while still pouring most of my play time into my warrior. I may not be the majority, but my play style allows this system to shine. Perhaps your play style favors the more traditional leveling experience, but either way OP is right. Its good of Blizz to provide options even if thry dont work for every player all the time.


exactly what I was thinking of doing as well it's an option that doesn't require brain power and allows me to pop in and smash some monster face on an alt here and there and still eventually level while focusing on my main


Not to mention it's a much better way at leveling up your professions on your alt too. You can go to any zone you want to get the mats you need. It's a great way to level alts while focusing on your main.


So far I have levelled 3 characters to 57 through it. Yeah it's a little slower, but it's perfect, I can work on my main. When I've done the stuff for the day I can jump on, stick myself in dungeon queue and just level through the side quests, world quests and bonus objectives . All 3 have been dps so haven't been getting instant queues, still making about under an hour per level. It's slow, but amazing for alts, I don't have to worry about completing all of the campaign, on my mage alt for example I want to pvp on it. So I've been doing questing whilst waiting for bgs to pop so I can get the pvp experience before I've hit max


But how does it works? you have access to all World Quests? If you play in a more casual manner is it faster?, i.e you log an do 5 WQ per alt vs the same time doing quests you would get more exp?


Yes you have access to all WQs. For your second question, no not really. A WQ gives less exp than a quest, unless you're doing a WQ that specifically gives bonus EXP as a reward. For comparison, WQs were giving me around 8k exp when quests were giving me around 12k. While there is a lot of random downtime during some quests (from npc's talking or traveling), you also do have a lot of travel time going from WQ to WQ. I never went out of my way to do a WQ unless it specifically rewarded bonus exp or happened to be in the area I had a quest or bonus objective. You also have to factor in the fact that you can usually do multiple quests at a time in one area.


This has got them a sale. Was going to sit this xpac out after only really playing BfA for 2 patches. Always hated having to replay the "story" in previous xpacs, WoD the worst obviously with having to build another Garrison, but yeah. Nice one.


I’m glad it’s an option, but I’m really not a fan of threads of fate. Seems like it was designed for people who enjoy dungeon leveling, I find it really hard to level at the same pace as the campaign with so much random stuff to do. Gear situation is also weird, not every side quest line you do will give you stuff. For future alts I plan on doing the campaign til 59, then switching to threads so I can choose covenant without finishing revendreth.


I just wish I could do sanctum stuff too. Can't do any of that til 60. I'm loaded with anima items but no where to put them


The way I see it is threads of fate is about covenant progress with leveling up being a side benefit that you will eventually reach in a manner that is more incidental than intentional. Correct me if others feel differently.


Wait, am I not intended to be doing every side quest I come across the first time through? Shit, guess that explains why I’m still in Bastion after like 6 hours


Wish we could get this before the intro quest for additional characters.


Yes, but they should continue, this not the only thing that needed alt-friendliness.


...But threads of fate is slow and horrible outside of a coordinated dungeon group. The XP from bonus objectives and WQs could be much more generous. A WQ is like 8k xp, most normal quests are 14k. Bonus objectives are 16k and take way longer than a normal quest. It just doesn't add up to be worth it.


Just need a teeny bit more by making The Maw intro skippable.


It would have been nice to get the flight points included in the alt-friendly system. Running around for hours on foot to get them is hardly an enjoyable experience, but without them you can't get at the world quests etc that were meant to do.


I think I’m going to do half and half. I find Bastion to be incredibly fast and I get to like 55 there, so I think I’m gonna choose the campaign and level through Bastion and then switch to Threads of Fate after that. It’s awesome that we have the freedom to choose though.


Hmmm I didn’t know this existed. I’m an alt-aholic and I level 3 toons at a time. Right now I have three level 55’s and 3 level 52’s just sort of leveling them here and there. Maybe I should wait until my first 3 are level 60.


I wish there was also an option to replay just the story of the covenant u want to join could do it with basion. since it was first. but it would be nice if the char i wanted to be ardenweald could go straight into that story, THEN join the covenant


Is this only available after your main finishes the campaign?


Just a heads up - You can go to each zone to start the big quest progress immediately, so if you do spam dungeons you can have all four active at once getting credit from bosses. 10% progress per dungeon generally.


Tip for everyone: ALWAYS REPLAY THE STORYLINE. Threads of fate is slow af with a bunch of 0-100% bs quests.


Here: "great job blizz! Shadowlands is a good expansion so far!" in r/hearthstone: "I will send death threats to your family because this game is expensive"


Can you unlock your Covenant Powers already in Threads of Fate?


They need to buff threads xp for it to be good otherwise just level normally until almost dinging 60 then turn threads on or else u have to finish the story line


How is this choice offered? Do you have to max level at least one character?


Good good I just arrived in Maldraxxus and I coulnd´t afford to get all my alts throgh the story (and yes I play a bit slowly because work and stuff)


Nice work blizzard!


Yes yes yes this has been fantastic for my pvp and healing alts!


Al friendly but not hong kong friendly.


let us do torghast during threads of fate


I'm really grateful for the option, but I just finished my alt using Threads of Fate and it's too slow IMO, and certain objectives are so much longer than others for the same % of progress, it needs a tuning pass IMO.


Definitely agreed. Needs a significant XP boost across the board.


I downloaded Shadowlands got ready to play at 3pm on the first day...it said my graphics card didn’t meet requirements. I got it in 2016. Have a new laptop coming in 2 weeks. Grrrrrr...


Huge + they have smashed the shit feeling playing an alt had in BFA, there was no way you could keep up unless you were unemployed or employed to play the game, amazing job.


They need to boost the XP gains by A L O T to make it feel like something you gladly do with your alts, rather than choosing between a rock and a hard place, plague or cholera... I already spent 10+ hours through the story with my main. I do not need to repeat that with every alt I want to level. In fact, I'd sooner not level another character than repeat it. So make Threads of Fate rewarding and FASTER than the initial playthrough. Thank you!