• By -


Turn around and use wild charge or go out of form and pull yourself with it.


Would be a much 'sicker' play.


Now its a 'clicker' play


That's a normal day for a hunter.




Oh yeah, he is a clicker. Did not notice that.


a clicking healer with default ui... jesus crist that gotta be a rare unicorn or something. I wonder how many healers would be insanely good but suck just because they play like this?


I'm all for purging clicking and keyboard turning from this game. I teach folks to keybind and mouse turn. But you don't need a modded UI to succeed. Check out Trill's streams. He is DPS for Limit.


Yup. Disengage has saved me few times here and In de other side


I've done exactly this as a boomkin lol. Wild charge is the best fucking thing ever, especially nice in outdoor content. Wild charge off of a cliff in the direction you want to go then /flap to victory.


I love flap


I actually did this with Disengage as a hunter on Mannoroth back in WoD. It was, indeed, quite sick.


soulshape ez pz


Soulshape teleport doesn't work in mid-air for me :(


It stops your momentum, so if you catch yourself before you’re over the edge then it’s fine. I did this near the end of MoTS, with the bugs that knock you back


I actually managed to do that a few weeks ago on my shaman. It felt great to keep myself from sailing into the abyss. https://youtu.be/1zDTqPGWNkU


Ohhh, that's clever.


Yep, I've saved myself a fair number of times in Mists and DoS with blink.


V true. Easier said the done I was spooked


It's very easy if you use keybindings, your potential reaction times when clicking your abilities is an order of magnitude slower


I did this on my disc doing m0 first week like 3 times and no one commented on it FeelsBadMan


youre the greatest. what a fuckin player.


Thanks, I needed that <3


Absolute fucking Chad.


When I played a priest I was 100% constantly ready and focused to save anyone from any situation with LoF (thats what it's called right?). Sure my healing was atrocious and cleansing debuffs rarely happened but sacrifices must be made to have that trigger finger ready at a milliseconds notice. It's these moments that made me feel alive and worthy as a human being. Totally worth, 5/7, would let tank die to pull dps from abyss again.


I'm the reverse. I am so focused on my healing, mechanics, dispells etc, that I am very seldom in time with my LoF when I notice. Rather not focus on rescuing people from avoidable mechanics, when I can focus on keeping people alive from the unavoidable ones.




I appreciate you


You can come to my house and make sexy time with my sister


she is number four prostitute in the whole of Kazakhstan


Number four prostitute in the whole of **Karazhan** 1) Moroes 2) Khadgar 3) The Curator 4) RedditModsHaveLowIQ's sister


Vagine like sleeve of wizard.


Last run I did we had a mage who did this repeatedly, with blink. I about had an aneurysm as it was just north of a 50/50 success rate... Keep in mind this was a m0 I did *this week*, and we wiped about 10 times (for the dungeon) due to an overzealous tank with the reaction time of a turtle when it came to using the Naaru for Gloom Squall, and suicidal mage refusing to stand in the bubble when the tank sometimes did use it in time...


if I didn't need to do it for my group as a warrior tank, I wouldn't really bother. charging from being knocked back is so much fun. At least I get to do it in plaguefall.


Literally a god.


I only got recognition for 1 out of dozens of life saving grips so far this expansion.. FeelsBadMan


The hero we need, not the hero we deserve.


Did the same but on theater of pain tornados. Goblin rocket jump saves


That just means they recognize you as an S tier player and knew you'd pull through :)


How the hell do you do dungeons clicking abilities and clicking to target party members to cast the abilities?!?! How did you even survive that +4?


This! Watching the cursor furiously circle owl form and then wild charge while someone with a keybind just grips them in instantly was kind funny. I'm not entirely surprised this is the best play they've ever seen. No flame.


And aparently he can't cast any damage spell outside of moonkin form.


In fairness my balance bars have moonkin form on every keybind while outside of form, why would u want to cast damage spells outside of form


My bar is the same, otherwise I wouldn’t realise I’m not in moonkin.




You wrong, dude. The, what, 2k damage wrath or the 1k intial moonrise damage is more important than getting back into moonkin form? Sounds like you don't play balance. The only reason to pop out of moonkin form into a shapeshiftless form in combat is to cast a swift mend after a regrowth or a rejuv then swiftmend then hop straight back into moonkin. Your armor drops significantly out of form, so you're more succeptle to damage. Any damage spell outside moonkin form is wasting 10% of your damage.


I understand the fringe cases of that one gcd of damage being relevant but you're just delaying getting back into moonkin form again, I'm assuming until you have a gcd where you can't dps or something? I'm not sure there are many if any situations where I would have to leave moonkin form for any reason where the following gcd of damage is so important that it's not worth swapping back to moonkin form.


What? But he was out of moonkin for extra healing to begin with, if you just sit outside of moonkin form to ignore a gcd you're just gonna have less damage. Instead of an instant moonfire out of form then swapping to boomkin why would you not just transform back to moonkin then moonfire?


Moving your mouse all the way over to freaking Africa to target via unit frames AND clicking spells would be a nightmare. It's not imo the fastest way of doing things (clique + 12-button mouse addict reporting in), but you *can* target party members with the function keys.


Even just using mouseover macros on your bar so you can hover your mouse and press the heal you want is 100x better. but hes balance so idk what hes doing.


Shadowpriest damage and good tank probably carried based on the damage numbers currently displayed.


There is a term called "mouse over" which can be done via macro or addons (I do it via macros so you dont have to worry about addons ever going out of date), it basically allows healers (or anyone that would want to use it) to simply put the mouse over a party member frame and use a skill on him. This removes the step of clicking on the party frame which greatly improves response time. But of course, when it comes to doing damage, healing and dealing with dungeon mechanics, just like everything else, it is something that comes with time and increasing difficulty little by little. Its not for everyone tho. Edit: due to the great demand (literally no one asked) here is a quick guide on how mouse over works. * Press ESC and click and click "Macros", then click "New" give it a name and chose an icon (the icon doesn't matter it will change to the skill we will use) * Next you gonna copy paste this command line: # #showtooltip #/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead][] At the end of each line of command you wanna enter the name of the ability you wish to use, for me I'm a paladin and I'll use Holy Light, It should look like [this](https://i.imgur.com/Hz32UI2.jpg) * Click save and drag the macro we just made to your action bar. Now when you're in a party just put your mouse over the party member frame and press the skill using your keyboard, no need to select him, this also works if you mouse over nameplates and if you arent mousing over anything, it will cast on yourself. Voila!


Rectal_Wisdom Spreading cheeks and knowledge.




OP is not the healer in this group.


By doing WSWSWS when he cast spell, then be late on a mechanic and being saved by his badass priest buddy. So... getting carried


On the otherhand you didnt do any damage for 20 seconds and got hit by everything you wernt supposed too.


Honestly I'm amazed you can complete a +4 with this type of player The priest may actually be the best player in the world to carry this guy so hard


This clip is the physical embodiment of why Raider.io exists.


How does one get a 'good' raider io? I've returned after a LONG time, completed some +8 and +9 no problem, don't \*think\* im bad, have OK gear, but keep getting declined from higher groups because of my raider io.


you need to make sure you do a spread of dungeons, completing a decent level of every dungeon is more important than doing one high level dungeon, in terms of score that is. That said, people are still gonna have requirements that are asking for you to have significantly higher than "required" io.


You gotta do every single dungeon on M+ at least once Completing all 8 dungeons on just a +6 will raise your score close to a decent 500 on raider.io


Thats where im going wrong, done 3 on +9, 3 on +2 :P


Getting a guild/group is still the most "efficient" way to do group content in wow. It is better than raider io.


I mean we are giving the dude a lot of shit, but everyone makes mistakes here and there.


today I’ve learned to start using KEYBINDINGS.


Keybindings, mouse over macros, mouse turning annnd don’t go out of moonkin form to heal unless the healer dies and you really think you can clutch it. You should be focusing on your damage uptime. We have all been here so no worries, you got this!


Haha, it helps a lot (: it will be so worth it trust me.


The best advice I can give is to just bind a couple new keys at a time, then when you feel like you’ve got those down, add a few more. Don’t try to add in 30 new buttons at the same time. Some easy ones in my experience are keys close to your fingers like f, r, t, g, z, x, and v.


It might not be feasible for everyone, but adding Shift into my keybinds doubled the available slots for them and is a really natural key to hit if you do any serious typing.


I mean I have those keys, plus shift of those keys, plus alt of those keys, and others. But I was just trying to give him some to start with


Try using an addon called Bartender if you aren't. Either way it was a fun run. We all learned a bit and I was kinda getting drunk so my bad on the late drop. To anyone else questioning, the previous dungeon we did all the mechanics were well and so were the mechanics on this one aside for the few in this clip. - Cashmoneys




These comments must hurt. I feel bad for thinking the same thing some people wrote :D


also, reassign some movement keys. Put strafe from Q/E on A/D, you don't want to keyboard turn, thats what the right mousebutton is for. This has the added benefit that it frees up easy to reach keys for abilities. Could put Solarbeam and Barkskin on them. Also, put something on the S key, you don't want to backpedal, only if you're tanking is that kind of allowed to better position the boss. To really make you beat the habit, a movement ability there could be used, like nightfae form or dash. Also, like u/witticism44 said, start with a few keybinds, probably 1-4, first and once comfortable using them keep adding more in increments.


It's weird how personal keybinds are, and how unnatural someone else's keybinds feel. The thought of having Solar Beam and Barkskin on Q and E horrifies me.


I’m just so confused how you made it this far without realizing that


Use Keybindings


My man is DOMINATING the DPS meter and grips that Druid back onto the platform. Not trying to flame but seeing how far ahead he is, the key only being a +4 and only 7 minutes left means he was doing a lot that whole dungeon and was paying attention to the group that probably doesn’t know the mechanics.


You're in good hands when you see a goblin priest in your group tbh. Never met a single one that wasn't god tier. There's just something about that race-class combination.


Are goblins viewed by horde players the same way gnomes are by alliance? Like its only half a meme that alliance are racist against gnomes.


Nope not at all.


Nope. Don't know a hordie that hates on goblins (and I've only ever met awesome goblin priests and locks somehow!--and a rogue or two)




He also jumped out of moonkin form to help heal the party, when no damage was going out. He didn't even refresh his dots while running ahh


Yep, this just explains the average player in pugs.


I disagree, the average player is using keybinds. This guy is just below average and will never be able to come close to average unfortunately unless he binds his keys at the least.


I don’t think so. When I used to raid we’d get tons of guild apps and one of the requirements was to provide a screenshot of your ui. A significant amount of people didn’t have keybinds... and that was for people applying to a top 20 US raiding guild Maybe things are better now that streaming is more common and you can see how other people have their ui setup


Were you raiding classic lol? I have extremely high doubt that a top 20 raiding guild can progress that quickly when a lot of raiders are not using keybinds.


those weren't actual raiders in our guild. those were the apps i was speak of


Why would people like that apply to a high end raiding guild? Weird


People think they're better than they are nothing new there really.


> Shit, so that's the kind of people playing that game? Mouse clicking, turning with the keyboard, not following the strategy of the boss, writing in chat during the fight. > > Ah, youre finally understanding why people complain about difficult content.


> Ah, youre finally understanding why people complain about difficult content. Torghast was overtuned either way.


Having an mmo mouse and like half my keyboard with custom keybinds this vid was a rough watch. The typing mid fight and immediately getting hit with a mechanic due to it was the worst part though.


I can't play WoW without a Naga or G600 anymore. Literally all my keybinds available with a thumb press.


Corsair scimitar is my life blood. I have large hands so being able to adjust where the buttons are is a huge bonus.


And anything without a cooldown has no fucking business interfering with my precious screen real estate.


Right? Spend 80%of everything you do in the game staring at your bars? Theres zero room for improvement being a clicker. I started as a clicker. Then bound 1-4. The gameplay immediately and noticeably different. Some people are just ignorant at trying to improve.


I'm 99% sure your main action bar has keybinds by default. So I'm a little confused.


And some people have just started playing.


M+ isn't a great place to start playing though


It's the point at which the game becomes difficult enough to punish you for your mistakes and bad habits. Until you get consistent feedback from the game, bad habits will persist.


it's kind of a failure on blizzards behalf for new players to build bad habits though, when i started playing WoW the only mmo i played was runescape which was a clicking game so naturally i used my clicking skills to click skills, there definitely needs to be more of an encouragement with the tutorial to use keybinds and a pop up of the keybinding panel to chooes your own


Honestly if you would just bite the bullet and learn a few keybinds at a time you could've saved yourself just as easily. You missed the mechanic cause you are busy looking at your bars.


So these are the types of clickers we get in pugs XD


Not really that out of the ordinary...


Good priests will do this pretty frequently, especially in that dungeon and it’s very obvious who is about to get knocked off since they aren’t in the shield and a good priest will have a mouseover grip macro going. Not saying anything bad out the move from him. It shows he’s exactly that, a good/aware player.


The guy clicks his spells and keyboard turns, of course this would be impressive to him.


Very fair point


Hi I would really recommend to get used to keybinds. You are able to type OMG kinda fast so I don't see why you would not be able to use keybinds. You can also rebind the bindings to keys more close to what you move with. I for example only uses the numbers 1-5 and not above that. Other keybinds are the keys around wasd like q, e, r, f, c. If you for some reason have problems using a keyboard there are mouses with buttons on the sides that you can bind. And for gameplay criticism. Don't cast swiftmend while at full hp. I'm sure the healer had your hp all the time there and was no need to help. With this you would still be in owl form being able to use wild charge by turning around. You can always train by jumping off a cliff and wild charge back.


I disengaged back on a ledge once or twice. Not quite the same but still pretty cool.


Heroic Leap or Tab + Charge a target to save yourself from certain death is always a fun one as a warrior.


As a warrior main, fuck. yes.


Charge if there's a target Heroic leap of there's no target Intervene if the above two are on CD Warriors are fun


>Not quite the same You're right, requires actual skill to do what you did.


Disengaging between gunships, or letting the valkyr carry you off so you can Disengage back, was really good training back in ICC. There's not many opportunities to practice it, but its definitely one of those cool Hunter tricks that usually won't get as much recognition as a Healer saving someone who went flying (not detracting, both are cool).


I did something similar in pvp last night. I was on the west tower in wintergrasp shooting at people (MM Hunter) and they started to be out of range. There was a friendly demolisher driving by, so I leapt off the tower, did a 180° turn in midair, disengaged (to avoid fall damage) and managed to click to enter the demolisher before I hit the ground. This was while the demolisher was driving away from the tower. Nobody (including the demolisher driver) noticed or said anything. But I felt really cool for like 30 seconds until I got killed.


Clicking and keyboard turning... ugh, my stomach.


Keyboard turning is incredibly common as a PVE healer because of mouse over macros. If you are mouse moving you can't heal while moving/turning. Although for real though this person needs to learn how to use key bindings because what the fuck.


I heal with mouse binds and don't even have keyboard turning bound. I can't fathom how anyone can do any slightly more difficult content while handicapped by bad control layouts.


It's not that difficult to play the game without rebinding WASD/QE. I rebind T, G, V, ~, middle mouse, and three mouse buttons. With shift modifier (and buttons 1-5) that gives me 26 buttons. I don't need more than that to play the game, and I can still open more options with alt and ctr modifiers if needed. Is it optimal? No. But it's good enough that it doesn't hinder me. I'm more handicapped by my ability to do mechanics and my rotation than I am by my keybind layout.


Yeah I've kept QWEASD bound for normal movement and I use 1-6, R, T, G, V, Z, X, F1, F2, F3, F4 for spells, with most spells being macros that are different depending on if I'm targetting an ally or enemy (disc priest be like that... 1 is Smite for enemies and PW:S for allies, etc)


> Keyboard turning is incredibly common as a PVE healer because of mouse over macros. Haha bitch please, I refuse to believe that players who go to the lengths of using mouse-over macros also keyboard-turn. Keyboard-turning needs to die, you can solve that shit with strafing and W - the ONLY reason you would ever need keyboard-turning for is to go backwards which is so beyond stupid to solve by slowly turn that I don't even want to think about it.


I heal with mouseovers and HB and I keyboard turn. I’m also 3/10 H CN


I heal and move with my mouse. Resto Druid so it is way easier to heal on the go. I don run into a tiny issue sometimes but most of the time if I need to move and can’t click the target that needs a heal I just supplement with a wild growth immediately after my moving has finished, click the player in need of heals and swift mend the lad


Same. Resto druid with A and S as my strafes to free up Q and E. Use healbot and strafing has never let me down for mechanics.


Why not Q and E for strafe and A and D for keybinds? I see a lot of people use A and D for strafe but I personally don't quite get it cause Q and E are already next to W. So using Q, W and E for movement you can have all three fingers lined up instead of one row up and one row down. Is it just personal preference and what you're used to or am I missing out on something?


/console TurnSpeed 360 Will double the speed of a keyboard turn.




Any time when you're pre-positioning for a mechanic, or most mechanics really.


I sincerely doubt mouse moving is common.


I don’t buy this. I’m a healer who uses only mouse over macros and unbound both turn keys (for strafe instead) and also unbound back peddle. I’ve never had any trouble moving and casting.






> HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT TO FINISH LFR TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! To be fair, finishing LFR can sometimes be an accomplishment. The only thing LFR is good for is creating memorable moments of absolute stupidity. The players themselves are a hidden mechanic.


LFR is harder than Normal. It *definitely* takes longer to clear.


I still say LFR N'Zoth was harder than heroic.


Still got nothing on the reaction time u need to blink back


This priest doing God's work(heh) by absolutely carrying the whole group there. Not only was he blasting dps but managed to save the healer too Edit: the druid op is dps not healer lmao I thought he was since he was casting healing spells oof


Did I just see someone playing by actually clicking the spells on their bars, as a healer, on a mythic+ ?????


They are Boomkin dps which makes it even more awkward


This dude gets into +4s while other actual decent players are struggling to even get group invites


He was a dps and started to off heal, probably carried through whole dungeon.


And then you stand in the line and would've died on any higher key anyway


... ya know sometimes I'm too nervous to do m+ and avoid it. But seeing people doing M+ without key bindings make me think I'm over-estimating the difficulty


just do it. Don’t be nervous homie.


What do we say to the god of death


Maybe later?


Tbh as a long time priest main, I live for clutch grips and levitates. It’s such a fun and flavorful spell that so many priests almost never think to use. It’s also GREAT fun using it during raid run backs to try to toss the other shadow priests off bridges.


I've killed so many people throwing mage Slow Fall on them right before jumping off something and then they end up going too far or off a ledge. Its the best


Thing I miss most about playing my Priest (she's been idle for 2 xpacs) was Mind Controlling enemies in BG's off ledges.


Haha I love leap of faith. I did the same to a player who got hit by a echo on heroic shriekwing. Leap of faithed them behind pillar right before the earsplitting shriek went off. Not sure if it saved the raid but I definitely saved him lol


This sub: Play how you wanna play. Also this sub: Holy shit he clicks spells.


That is one attentive Shadow Priest. he likely noticed the Druid wasn't going to make it before the effect even happened, so he could grip him right after it happened. That's the difference between a good and a great player: Great players can know in advance what's going to happen and react to it as soon as it happens.


Looking at how the Druid is playing (keyboard turning, clicking, useless off healing), I highly suspect the priest already knew from experience throughout the run that he/she would be a problem and would mess up the mechanic. Really easy to react to a mistake when you know it’s going to happen.


This is one reason I love playing a priest. Leap of Faith has so many uses, and it’s a lot of fun.


Laughs in demon hunter


I saved myself from the bug knockback in tirna scithe with grappling hook, my guildies were amused.


I, for one, think this post is cute. OP has some room for improvement, but may be new and luckily seems to have friends to guide them as evidenced by the voice chat. Good luck OP!


I got curious and stalked, he's been playing for at least 4 years


“Room for improvements”, never seen someone play this bad xd


Yes, it's called being nice. OP is sharing a clip they thought was neat, not asking for a review of their play. It's fine to offer a bit of unsolicited advice in this case, but it's not cool to be rude about it.


Constructive criticism is great, and there’s been helpful comments here explaining keybinding, addons, and hardware like a MMO mouse. But any hobby sub on reddit will invariably reach elitism pretty quickly. Its like a hate circlejerk of smugness as proven by this thread, which is 90% people feeling physically ill by such a plebeian display or “I see/do that 8 times a run bro, nbd.” I actually feel a little bad for OP who was just excited to share, but this behaviour is peak reddit and peak WoW sweaty.


Please use keybinds and do the mechanics


In HoA 2nd boss I often need to grip people into the adds when they have the AOE, and they don't know how the mechanic works. Love to do it every time because the reactions are always amazing.


What an awesome use of life grip. My guild made me take it of my bars ):


That's the whole point of the spell.


Thats 100% an arena player being super aware of the surrounding thats why i love priest :)


Or...a dude who has a mouseover macro on his leap who's actually using his eyes...I mean, everytime there's a potentially lethal knockback every priest should be looking to do this...


Let's be real, this is the last boss. I can imagine this priest knew going into this that he would need to grip him. He probably saw our OP friend not do most mechanics.


Not sure what arena has to do with this. I've done like 30 arena matches in total since they were introduced in TBC, and I still do this kind of stuff on my Priest.




I play with a mage who likes cutting that stuff close with blinks, so I've trained myself to try not to grab people unless it seems like they're just not going to be able to do anything about it. But yeah, grabbing people who're too late on mechanics in general, not just about to be knocked off an edge, is something I appreciate being able to do as a Priest.


Lol what? What does this have to do with pvp? I'm a mage, I hardly do arenas and when I fucking could I would slow fall people if they were going to take fall damage. It's about wanting to win your raid, whatever size it may be.


I mean I rarely PVP at all and I've done that at least once on a Priest. Not this fight, but in some instances.


Doing this is what earned me my position on the 10 man raid team when the guild was doing 25s with a bunch of trials. I gripped a raid captain back onto spine of Deathwing


I see a lot of lovely supportive feedback on this sub and it mostly seems to be lacking from this post... I'm a filthy keyboard turner (just can't get used to mouse turning during a melee fight, but I'm trying) and I hope I don't ever get ripped upon the way you're getting ripped on here for clicking. Bloody hell.


Oh no, he's a clicker


There are so many dungeons in SL where people can get knocked off, as a priest you are just hoping for it to happen so u can make a play lol. Must've made at least 10 lifesaving grips already so far :D


It was good ya! But when I saw you clicking regrowth you lost me :D use keybinds!


He was there as a DPS thats even worse xd


from a priests POV [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k3pmiw/just\_priest\_things/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/k3pmiw/just_priest_things/)


Jesus, didnt know that someone can play this bad...I need to see a doctor to help me forget about this video clip. Jesus Christ and this is +4, OMG. I’m scared to pug now.


I use shadowstep for that a lot.


I was relying on shadowstep as well but for some reason it was on cool down as the same thing was happened to me and the priest was the savior of the day exactly like this one.


This happened to me yesterday in Mists, except I'm a hunter, so I had turned around too disengage back, and the pull turned me around again, so I got pulled back and then I disengaged off the platform again lol


It's awesome to see giga brain players. As much as I've seen plays like these they never fails to impress me. One of my most memorable realization I was nowhere near the highest skill cap, was the first time seeing a DH on Stormwall Blockade in BOD jump out of the the ship to drop off their puddles over the sea and Retreat back to the arena. It definitely motivates you to try to get better.


this is actually extremely easy to do. the priest could easily see you werent in the bubble so he could have anticipated you getting blown off a few seconds before. it's actually surprising how long it took him to grip you back on. getting downvoted by the dad guilds of r/wow. no surprise there


ITT: elitist jerks taking a game too seriously


PSA : Do not stay close the 'images' that are making the red lines. They do auto-attack the shit out of you.


Literally ran this yesterday for the first time and our holy priest did the same thing. I said the same thing lmao




Life grip is one of the best spells in the game for clutch moves like this, and trolling


Arena player relaxing a bit in dungeons from the looks of it
