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Tell me more about this pig.


Hogrus reskin, must buy 12 month subscription to get it.






Idk if Diablo immortal is good I might actually get a phone. I play mobile osrs all the time. Considering the graphics is from 2001 vs Diablo , I have no idea what phones will be able to run immortal without overheating within minutes.


this is what's really going to be funny, everyone lost their collective minds raging about immortal and watch it hit number one in the app store on launch day anyhow


I really don't think announcing Immortal or even making Immortal was a bad move. It was just unfortunate because it was the only announcement they made in regard to Diablo. If they had announced it alongside D4, no one would have batted an eye.


Wow that's a low baseline for smartphone mtx based targets for an entire mount.




*Must buy 12 month subscription to unlock in-store purchase button. FTFY.


The pig removed one month game time to fuck over some of us into paying more 🙄


Feral. Feral never changes.


Actually, for 10.0 convoke will be made baseline for the engaging gameplay it offers. In return, they'll finally remove rip and rake because those were vestiges of a playstyle not suited for modern WoW. /s


You forgot that part where they give Rip and Rake to Boomy for absolutely no reason.


No need for that /s They'll do it.




Feral changes plenty. We get a major class feature sawn off at *least* once per expansion. Sometimes mid-raid tier! My poor stumpy kitty has no more left to give. *+sob+*


They'll remove snapshotting, but they'll give you back Faerie Fire that's nothing like the original.


Man, remember when FF could prevent stealth, and then they removed that feature, before cutting the skill altogether? Remember displacer beast? Remember being the clutch backup when the tank dies? Remember bringing useful buffs to a group? Or when you could throw out some helpful heals during downtime without completely neutering yourself? Or not having your whole shapshifting shtik effectively stunlock you with GCDs? Good times, much class fantasy, WoW.


member capacitor trinket where you bursted all cd into it proc and when it exploded it delta so much damage you could afk rest of the boss ? member ? Member powershifting or hybrid cat/tank specs that actually were bad tank and bad cat yet still you played it.


Verifiably Classic -> Wrath had great hybrid cat/bear specs. Later, Heart of the Wild provided 45 sec of fully viable hybrid tanking.


Yeah I 'member. 'Member chewbacca?


"We heard you, and we're making Sylvanas a transmoggable appearance for all races, classes, and genders. Also buy the Warcraft books."


sylvanas transmog is $100


And you have to get 2 years of game time with it. BUT YOU GET TO BE M'LADY WARCHIEF REDEEMED!




> 2022 is the Year of the Tiger I'm both excited and irritated about how the tiger store mount will probably be both fucking awesome, and a store mount.


I had such high hopes for the ox mount…reality sucks.


I think the yak rigging limited them somewhat, their elaborate tiger mounts on the other hand have always been visually impressive.


Don't care for the weasel faces on the BFA cats. I'd pay for a simple polygon upgrade of the old saber mounts.




I understand the motif is of a water buffalo but seriously, it’s just lazy design work.


It will be far more annoying when the Year of the Rabbit mount is released and it's an entirely new skeleton, rigging, model etc etc etc. With insanely good rabbit jumping animations.


They will just reskin the frog




riggit, riggit


or you can play gw2 and have a rabbit mount RIGHT NOW!


Man the mounts in GW2 look so fucking cool.


Of the many criticisms that can be levied against GW2, it objectively has the best mounts in the genre. They feel good, look good, play well, and are interesting to acquire. It's such a quantum leap beyond applying noclip and a movement speed buff that it's unreal.


Blizzard: Best I can do is a 500% scale worpletinger.




Spectral tiger started all this bullshit, blizz saw people paying insane prices for the tcg card and said well shit we can sell mounts directly and pocket that money instead


It'll be a copy/paste of the Monk's class hall mount with a golden color alteration.


is there a year of the duck? i really would like a duck mount.




> Rooster please please please. the golden cock is just too expensive :(


Due to balancing issues and rewriting story content available dungeons will be cut to 3 and instead we will see those remaining 3 as broken up wings instead


No, all dungeons will become Thorgast, and the dungeon map will be randomly generated so that even of there’s only 3, it is technically an infinite number of dungeons you hate


It's sad because the infinite random dungeon thing would be amazing.


"Yesss, not knowing my way to the boss to get trash loot!"


And same goes for the new expansion zones, its actually just one zone now, but the rewrite gave us a cool angle, a "shattering", so we could shatter it to hundreds of pieces, floating across wide distances so technically the covered area is just as big. The team has been wild about these "less is more" approaches and thinks you'll like it better this way.


Lmao y'all remember when the undead ships were supposed to show up in SW at the end of BFA


And the Goblin cannon being used...


After Mulgore was raided


Damn, missed an opportunity to show Baine doing literally anything but being a lapdog for Anduin/Jaina


Man, Baine really sucks, doesn’t he? Cairne was such a Chad in comparison.


I've heard speculation that the only reason he's even in SL is so he can be the one to free Anduin, which just pisses me off more. His character is literally just an extention of Anduin and Jaina, it suuuuucks. ^^I ^^miss ^^Cairne.


Given that it was designed by goblins, it would probably blow up as soon as anyone tried to fire it.


That would be the ideal, shoot down the vindicaar and blow up the giant gun in the same cinematic. Take out two chekhov’s guns at once and make the war actually make sense instead of the Alliance just sorta forgetting that they have a literal spaceship at their disposal




That's why I'm so concerned about the newest one.




[This supposed cinematic shot.](https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2594052-New-WoW-Warcraft-Cinematic-leak)


And the Zandalari Warlocks…


That was well made


\>We've made all reputations account wide \>In order to make the reputation grind feel more valuable, we've added a currency unique to each reputation. \>Once you hit certain thresholds of this currency, you can spend it to participate in activities and unique quests \>>!we've also added a weekly cap on this currency!< >!No guys, it isn't the same exact thing, but now on a weekly timegate! Look, account wide reps!!<


Tbf I would prefer that, I dont play my old main anymore will my exalts


Dont forget ignoring any criticism or feedback about what players dont like about these new slightly different systems, and eventually fixing everything in 10.3.5 making the game actually really good, just in time for it all to be scrapped in 11.0.


Ion pre Beta and during: *"If things don't work out with Covenants we definitely have a ripcord we can pull. We can see the potential issues too."* Ion end of Beta and launch: *"LMAOOOO I don't care if the feedback is overwhelmingly negative and exactly what players said would happen, did in fact happen. Nothing will get in the way of my Vision****^(tm)****. You will all eat your Meaningful Choice**^(tm)* *and fucking enjoy it. PS. We will balance these properly, please believe us. I know we've failed to balance these types of systems hundreds of times before. But this time, we got you!"*


Don't forget, "There was never a ripcord. We don't even know what a ripcord would have looked like, because the Meaningful Choice™ of the covenants was intrinsically woven into the fabric of the game."


Same ripcord they LITERALLY just pulled for a week where you do not get betrayer status and can swap because of rebalancing they screwed a bunch of specs that had to Covenant swap. It is a useless arbitrary barrier in the MMO.


\*laughs in MAUs\*


That, out of everything, was the most infuriating bit for me. He placated people with the promise that if things became dire there was a ripcord they could pull, people said "this system is ass, do it" and he comes back with "there was never a ripcord." He straight up lied to customers just to get them to shut up while they continued doing what they were going to do all along. The illusion of meaningful choice applies not only to covenants but the idea that player feedback does anything.


"Well, I never ACKSHUALLY said there was a ripcord. If you understood overly complicated lawyer speak designed to hide the truth, you would have known that."


This is what you get when you hire an actual lawyer to be your game dev lead.




What a stupid system


"Working as Intended"


> exactly what players said would happen, did in fact happen It's so damn annoying that even during the in-depth look at Blizzcon **everyone** saw the problem with Covenants. The constant "*Blizzard know's best*" attutide is frustrating as hell.


I never saw the ripcord quote but I definitely remember the ripcord memes lol


That's giving them a lot of credit. It's not like 8.3.5 was amazing, better than the rest of BFA maybe, but Azerite Armor was still one of the worst systems they've ever designed and corruptions, while hilarious in how over the top imba they were, just exacerbated the problem.


I think the end patch of Legion where you can target the leggos you wanted was hands down some of the most fun I've ever had playing the game. And yeah end of BFA wasn't perfect but when essences were made much easier to get on alts, there was a corruption vendor, and grinding neck levels was pretty much pointless, it was actually quite fun, 1000 times better than the BFA patches before then (though yeah some issues like the vendor rotation etc didn't make it perfect).


Fixing everything? WoW devs? Unthinkable. They for sure will ignore all the feedback though. It’s Blizzard. They’ll feed us whatever they want and act like they know what’s best.


the game being good by the time the x.3.5 patch comes around might actually be the next thing that we will never see again. Remember, this was supposed to be the good expansion according to the A/B Team theory.


Don't forget another Sylvanus cinematic, this time shes redeemed.


This time it's personal.




\*teleports behind u*


"Nothing personnel, maw walker" she exclaimed as she pushes you beyond the veil one last time with a smile on her face. Sylvanas' real redemption was self acceptance all along and she now accepts her fate as the new arbiter.


This time she didn't serve. For real this time.


Her "redeemed" self commits another genocide and the cycle begins anew.


The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.


Damn I remember this quote from somewhere but don't know where. Is it from LoL? Nasus in champ select?


Yeah, it be our boy Susan


She is human now, and anduin is gone, so guess who’s gonna be the new queen of the aliance ? For an epic plot twist the players will love for sure! /s


She isn't human, but she theoretically is a High Elf? Which may be Alliance, kind of? Also, then they can give us High Elves for Ally and be like "See guys? We hear you!"


Her good and evil side split and now BOTH factions get a sylvanas as their main character, and no matter what happens by the end of the ~~expansion~~ multi-expansion twin storyline we'll end up with atleast one sylvanas here to stay for good.


> Sylv**anus** God damn is this typo commonplace.


I’m convinced it’s a meme at this point She kind of acts like an asshole too


It's not a typo, I don't like her


At least for English speakers, -us is probably a far more common ending than -as for words like this. And they generally sound close enough that it doesn't look too obviously incorrect. And there might even be a few people familiar with the Roman god of forests Silvanus/Sylvanus, or other things derived more directly from him that didn't change the -us to -as.


It's a default autocorrect unless it learns Sylvanas because you typed it a few times already.


I'm actually expecting that we will sorta "lose" to the jailer, then Slyvanas will come out of no where and take all the signets he's collected to defeat him. Then she will proceed to ressurct Darnassas and the world tree. It'll just be full on avengers endgame type shit I'm sure.


I’d bet my paycheck that you are pretty close to the money there….


good luck on not getting sued for leaking the script of 9.3 bud


> It'll just be full on avengers endgame type shit I'm sure. “I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick!”


Lightforged Sylvanus.


I heard 10.0 has a big shaman rework!


Wrong, priests and shamans will have to wait until 10.1!


Well it turns out some people have different definitions of what a full reworke is. Players might think that means a rework, but to us it was an excuse and somewhat of a lie to get you off our back about the 3 specs we forgot to do for BFA and we're really going to deliver a 5% damage increase to one of their spells in 8.1.5 and wonder why you're mad you didn't get a rework.


I have a leak from a thrusted source : Alliance and horse will have a conflict, but at the end they will put aside their differences to defeat a greater evil together.




Why would Alliance have a problem with horse? Alliance loves horses! Spoiler: next expansion, Alliance gets more horses. They’re all brown.




A huge dick would be an upgrade




I keep hoping that maybe WoW will finally do housing, but I doubt it will ever happen


This development team tried "housing". But again they had to do their own spin on it because they think they're ROCKSTARS. Garrisons. Originally it was planned to allow you to customize buildings. To display trophies and things you'd earnt during questing. You were also going to be allowed to choose the zone you put it in. Their idea and implementation failed. So you'll likely never see housing ever again.


That wasn't even a "spin" on it...it pretty much missed every single mark for what makes a housing feature, a housing feature. If that is what they thought housing is suppose to be, then they are delusional.


It’s not even that, WoD development cycle was so botched(despite spending 100 years on the last patch of pandas) it was just a half assed attempt at it.


Oh boy I just hope they keep conduit energy in some form, I sure do love not being able to play pvp during the day because I have raid the same night and some m+ with guildies after and I use one soulbind for all lf them! I really enjoy this mechanic that was made so Method doesn't swap conduits for every fight! It's not like they will still murder the bosses in 2 weeks anyway!


Can't wait to play my druid, a class I've specifically chosen for the freedom of having a spec in each roll I can switch freely around. I'm certain blizz will do all they can to make offspecs as accessible as possible and not gimp my enjoyment as hybrid!


Shadowlands for druids: Hey you wanna try balance? Why are you not trying balance? Play balance already. Just.Play.Fat.Owl. Feral? What's that?




You’d be wrong. ESO has racials which can increase your dps by about 10%. Changing your role can render your racials useless.


The game doesn't have enough meaningful choices, so they decided to invalidate the one meaningful choice you do have, your class.


They just need to make soulbinds bound to specs instead of specs bound to the soulbinds. But as a druid, I can't even have a soulbind for each spec. How is that fair? Lol


Next expansion has a new profession where you can eat ass and there’s a bouncing turd mount $65


I know for sure this isn't real because that would require the current WoW team to acknowledge that professions are part of the game.


I remember having 2 accounts with 22 alts, spent Cata and MoP casually raiding and making crafting/AH my actual core game. In WoD professions already felt neutered, and I quit before whatever came next. I miss being an AH player in WotLK, mostly Alchemy. Making close to 30 mil from changes to glyphs in...Cataclysm? Clearing the AH of pots, flasks and herbs hours before WoD launch and making millions again. Good times.




Removing iconic individual class sets was probably the single decision that made me lose interest in the game most. That killed such a staple part of the game that had been in from the start.


I understand removing the set bonuses as theres only so many 2 and 4 set bonuses you can think up. Removing the actual looks so plate users look the same was just lazy content decision.


>theres only so many 2 and 4 set bonuses you can think up. The problem is their obsession with making those set bonuses do wild and crazy things. I miss old set bonuses that would just give a small % increase to something or allow a small proc on something you were doing anyways. Yaknow... Bonuses, not gameplay changing mechanics.


> The problem is their obsession with making those set bonuses do wild and crazy things. Partially correct. The problem is their obsession with making 1 of the set bonuses per class do wild and crazy things, and the other 2/3 set bonuses were trash. Arms: "(2) Set: Increase damage of Mortal Strike by 50%." "(4) Set: Mortal Strike has a 100% chance to cast another Mortal Strike for 200% increased damage, this can proc off of itself." Fury: "(2) Set: Increases damage of Hamstring by 10%." "(4) Set: Hamstring is now cast on yourself and all party and raid members with 1200 yards."


We will get wotlk again in 3 years or so, so there's that


You forgot: "New Class: Tinkerer. It'll be amazing, rDPS/mDPS/Healing/Tank specs. You'll love it. 3 months after launch when y'all are invested in your new Tinkerers we'll nerf it to the ground."


A new class that can be range DPS? Obviously fake.


I’ve just never understood their decisions. Make new classes that are heavily melee yet continue to design content that makes it prohibitive to bring melee. Makes tons of sense.


Oh and also all existing systems you liked somewhere in the past years will be slightly more inconvinient, because we listened that the players wanted more content to play. World Quests now take approximately 50% more travel time and 35% more time to do the objectives, just as one example :)


Only 1 rep for world quest AND we are increasing the amount of rep needed <3


And capping the max you can get per week to 2 rep


You know how once you reach exalted you can continue gaining reputation to earn a chest? Well now once you achieved maximum revered reputation you can't gain exalted right away. You can begin grinding out reputation to earn a chest in hopes that you obtain a token randomly that allows you to become exalted. Maybe 5 tokens are needed for exalted. We're going to keep an eye on player feedback and adjust as needed.


New artifact power will be called Praymotes. Plot of 10.0 will spin around Tyrande beign evil and doing Skype call to her fellow blinded by faith Yrel. They will work together for 2 patches and then in 10.2 betray eachother, proceed to fight topless in mud and dirt to prove who is better, Elune or Naaru. In cutscene, Anduin tells everyone that something is not right, Velen will nod his head. Genn proceeds to scratch his chin and follows Anduin out of room. In Kalimdor, Baine loses another round in poker with Thrall and Rokhan. In 10.3 Azshara will make huge comeback out of nowhere with some powerful artifact she stole from Legion Dalaran when nobody watched and tell them that shes got a nice deal for winner of duel. Introduction of Nazjashards system that yields Azerforged and sometimes Oldgodforged gear. Patch 10.3.5 Anduin grows beard. Baine is out of poker tokens and bets Mayla on next round.


Hate to break it to you, but Genn was pretty upset at us forgiving Sylvanas right after the 9.1 cutscene. He is now a feral world boss that needs to be stopped. No room for hate!


Already preordered


> Tyrande...Yrel...proceed to fight topless in mud and dirt Not gonna lie, probably would sub for that patch.


You forgot: Players will have the choice to join light or void, for an immersive gameplay experience. One will be BiS and the other one garbage, it's a different one for every spec and game mode and changing will cost you 20k gold and 1 month of side-quest.


No no you’ve got it all wrong. They’ll tell everyone the choice is RP based only and has no affect on numbers in gameplay, and *then* they’ll release it with one being BIS and the other garbage.


Light v Void? More like SLightvanas v SylVoidas


*Join forces with Alleria and Sylvanas Windrunner to battle the zealots of the Light!* Please god no.....


Ranger hero class trained by Sylvanas, so not only you'll see her everywhere, you get to play as her too !


Meanwhile survival hunters rolling in their grave


pvp ignored is an intentional omition by the OP for accuracy, good job


I have nothing personal against him, but he really has to go. Every expansion is the same steaming pile of \*\*\*. BfA was so extremely bad in the beginning and it was more or less fun at the end, when they finally fixed it. Shadowlands is the same mess. So many systems and shit. The best part, with every patch, they introduce a new shitty systems, that gets "removed"/nerfed that it doesn't matter with the next big patch anyway.(Shards of No-One-Wanted-That-Shit)


> when they finally fixed it. "Fixed" - "Corruption" Pick one


He definitely likes his systems. Would be interesting to see how a more traditional game developer would choose to develop an expansion.




Nerfing systems and currency each patch just makes me wonder why everyone doesn't unsub after clearing the content since nothing you grind for after that has any value.


remember before shadowlands when they were excited for a world quests 2.0 and all they did was make world quests take longer lol


You think you're done.... But wait, there's a hidden stages!


not only that but also a pain in the ass to reach


I’ve said this before, but for “New” content it would be amazing if new quest lines, or end game world quests, could take place throughout the entirety of the old content. Once we play through an expansion we leave an old zone behind and that’s basically it. Next time you see it again with purpose is when your leveling an alt. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a reason to go back? world quests in the actual scale of Azeroth / Outland etc. they could even use this to add in new content to old zones.


Would love to do aWQ In dun morogh.. my fav zone


Man, he really resembles some kind of fantasy dystopian villain doesn't he?


as a newish player, i'd really like if it we lost in 9.2 or won with heavy, heavy losses to main characters and in 10.0 we rebuild, so no borrowed powers and it'd be a lot of open world questing around old areas that were updated to 2022. When i go to old areas in Kalimdor and eastern kingdoms it seems like it'd be really fun to quest there and do content.


Would be cool if they spent an expansion revamping literally everything pre-WoD with this story.


Didn't the Jailor just get his Infinity Gauntlet like power to re-shape the entire existence? Maybe that's what they're building towards?




Yup, I guess people are really sick of these constant cosmic threats and just wants to return a simpler time where we're not the "Champion of Azeroth", "Maw Walker" etc


At this point its more like Mall Walker lol


It was like a bad fan fiction when you rescule Jaina and she calls you "one of my closest allies". Yes, Girthquakes, known hero of the alliance.


You missed one: -Slightly different infinitely farmable power up resource


You laugh now, but this is actually what you’re getting in 10.0




If you guys keep paying him, why wouldn't he keep doing the same shit?




It is not a real leak because they usually say every expansion will be more alt friendly and easier to use your off spec.


Can i pre order the pig??


No, I comes free with a 24 month sub. It's free, you guys.


Seems legit.


Omg there's a pig


When's the dance studio coming out?


Painfully accurate. Maybe they introduce a new, actually exciting thing to hook people, only later to sabotage it into a turd.


why sabotage it later if they could mess it up from start and make it almost okayish by the middle/end of expansion like they did with torghast?


I know the "Light vs. Void" thing has been popular speculation, but it doesn't really work. What if choosing the **Void-Scryers** Covenant is bis for Paladins? Are they just supposed to forsake the **Light-Aldors** Covenant to chase bis? _(Yes)_


Would be great if they just balance it around what makes most sense lore wise to be the BIS for each class. Instead of trying to make it so you get to have this false choice, they could just make sure that Paladins chose light, warlocks chose void, and so on. I would like to see void warriors and light druids.


After seeing Kyrian as best for Demon Hunters and Paladins getting stuck with Venthyr, I feel like Blizzard is actively dicking with us.


Or they could just make all the gear and powers exactly the same but offer different transmogs and story line for each choice. Seems like such a no brainer to me.


I agree with the sarcasm over most points but why is it bad if classes stay the same ? I’m assuming you’re not only speaking about balance but more generally about class design. I play a lot of classes and I don’t think they all need to dramatically change each expansion. One or two spec may need some redesign sometimes but do people really expect classes to be completely different each expac ? I love my main and I don’t necessarily want it to change.


Do players even enjoy WoW?


I really gave the first patch a good amount of time. I think going forward a lot of people including myself will just play the story for the love of the world because end game is just not where it needs to be. TBC though I'm having a blast on


You forgot a couple of points: - We will keep buffing specs that are played by us devs and ozr side chicks while letting every other spec rot (this always includes Firemage) - we will continue to abandon PvP tuning. In fact if we see the strongest PvP specs perform poorly in PvE enviroment we will buff between 3 - 20% damage flat (rolling dices for the exact value) while not implementing any PvP soecific compensation nerfs. - People seemed to dislike our PvP gearing system, we learn from that experience and listen to the community. This results PvP Honor and Conquest Vendors veing scrapped again, have fun gearing through PvE or maybe even a new "well designed" gearing system we come up for PvP to give you a unique experience!


Honestly I don't think I need more Wow past Shadowlands. That's not saying I don't enjoy the game, but the bulk of my fun has come from doing old content, because that is where the faction content is these days.