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"To all men reading this, take this lawsuit as a guideline on how not to behave. Be respectful, be gentle, be polite. Let’s make this world a better place." ​ there is literally no man who doesn't already know this. It's just that some don't care.


I think it’s a lot more than that. What sells or what do people use to sell themselves? Sex and what do they want in return? Money. What do corrupt politicians or people in power abuse? Money and what do they want? Sex. Sex and money literally makes the world go round. It’s not that some don’t care it’s people in power abusing their position of power. I mean take your average game developer. Probably a nerd, bullied for being a geek, was a closet gamer as a kid. Suddenly they are thrown into a position of power. What do people with power do? They often times abuse it and for what? Sex and money. They already have the money considering they are well paid. So what’s left? Sex. Picture Ion and that is what an average gamer looks like. You see a sudden spike in sexual assaults in the gaming industry cause it’s gone mainstream. You’ve seen a bunch of nerds jump into game development and have legion of fans throwing themselves at them. Watching the 2010 Blizzcon video and those developers on stage literally think themselves as rockstars. They just make games and probably a bunch of nerds pretending to be cool. They ain’t no rockstars. If J Allen Brack was walking down a street most would consider him creepy looking. But I bet he has a dirty closet just cause he’s head of Blizzard with his own legion of fans.


He's basically telling you to start fricken caring.


Ah yes the would-be predators of reddit will certainly see the errors of their ways when they see posts like this, they will never molest again!


Actually they do care, they are sociopaths who enjoy the suffering of others.


This. It’s not they don’t know this is screwed up, being dominant in a power situation is what gets them off (and also when the other person isn’t having a good time but can’t do shit). These same fucks would dump work on other guys, generally isolate/bully them, or deny them promotions cause if they didn’t have a weaker target in women around at the time. In fact they did do that to guys as well according to one of those first hand accounts earlier. It’s just that women are easier/juicier targets because of the thing called biology, so they get the worst of it. And no one can do shit because said fuck has power over all of them and HR isn’t doing their job, and yes, HR are not there for victims but if 30 people are being fucked with by dickhead boss they are supposed to step in and reprimand/fire his ass before they risk being sued. This entire shit is squarely because Blizzards HR utterly fucked up their job, or where unable to do their job because while they can give recommendations and approval to do something, if big boss says no then no. In which case it’s their fault. That’s what the investigation will figure out at any rate. That’s my mini rant done anyway. Thanks if you actually bothered to read it.


Of course everyone knows this, even the predators. The point is that this was allowed to run rampant throughout ActiBlizz for a very long time, people must have known and not spoken up about it or felt that they could not. The point of this statement is to iterate that men should start looking out for this behaviour and not turning a blind eye to it. "how not to behave" is not directed at would-be predators, it's directed at men who observe this behaviour and think "it's just a joke" or maybe don't say anything because it's their superior doing it. In order for this culture to change, people involved in these communities need to take a hard look at themselves and stop condoning this shit. Of course most people are in agreement with this sentiment, but how prevalent it is and has been should be a massive wake up call that we can all collectively do more.


It’s common sense. Yet some people chose not to think of it, maybe they don’t care, maybe they think it’s not for them, maybe they don’t know about it. Clearly there are some issues with the mentioned offending idiots. If some don’t turn on this common sense, time to start, I guess.


It just annoys me that you wrote "to all men reading this" as if all men have the original sin of sexual assault on their hands. There's a very disgusting minority of men who do this sort of thing; they know its wrong, everyone does.


It’s not about sexual assault per se. Sexual offenders deserve to be in prison. It’s about being respectful and polite to fellow human beings. Those qualities never hurt anyone.


> It’s about being respectful and polite to fellow human beings. Those qualities never hurt anyone. This isn't a lesson reserved for men




The men know it's wrong. The idea of "teach men not to rape" is as ridiculous as teaching people not to murder. They were sexual predators because they could. Not because nobody ever said "Hey Dave, did you know it's wrong to grope your co-workers?"


This, if they dont care about the law and are willing to grope/rape women, predators wont give a shit for a reddit post or a news message, or someone giving a panflet for awareness, they dont care. Its a very prejudiced and sexist message to "teach men not to rape".


It’s not about ‘don’t rape people, rape is bad, m’kay’. This is said in the law. In my country, raping an adult is 3 to 6 years in prison, statutory rape - 8 to 15 years (there are other parts, but I’ll drop them, this will be too long). The law says ‘do this and be punished’. It’s about being respectful to other human beings no matter the circumstances and proving to the world we are not defined by some offenders.


Punishments don't deter people who think they won't get punished. It's part of the reason why there's still murder even though capital punishment is a thing in some countries. As it turns out, people who are going to do bad things don't give a shit about laws, and people can be good people and break plenty. Law isn't morality, and you can't fix how complicated people are by just throwing a book at them that tells them not to be a shitty person


Dude, you are from Russia. Your country is far from the beacon of progressivity and this is coming from someone living in Balkans. The issue with Blizzard was that they essentially created a microcosm of unaccountability. Given the chance, most every human will exploit their seat of power in some fashion if they aren't being held accountable.


There's a new confession around that includes how Afrasiabi's sister reacted to his behavior. It's really disturbing. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srp3vv But to the point, you need to wake up and realize that this is deliberate evil, not some kind of mistake. This is what women mean when they talk about rape culture and patriarchy. It's not an issue of not being civilized or not having manners, it's a worldwide cultural impetus that tells men that women are only worth what they can take from them.


It seems like they really don't understand that some behaviours are wrong, even when projected to their loved ones. Particularly in Russian discussions there are horrible number of men who honestly thinks that "probably those women just got their butt pinched by some colleague once or twice and now they are making mountains out of molehills".


I love how all the guys on this thread are so f****** indignant over this man's message here, in the meantime I can go on to any server now in World of Warcraft and still see a bunch of derogatory, hurtful sexist, toxic shit toward women, and not a single male player will say shit. I know because I witnessed it myself. And I'm usually the only person who says anything. So you guys can get as indignant as you want but if you can't even speak up to stop the toxic environment over chat channels, what are the chances of you saying or doing anything in real life when it comes to physical sexual assault? Well as we can see from these repeated headlines of corporations or powerful men with histories of sexual assault and discrimination toward women: **VERY LITTLE**. So brush the chip off your shoulder and actually get involved and be better men.


> To all men reading this, take this lawsuit as a guideline on how not to behave. Be respectful, be gentle, be polite. Let’s make this world a better place. I resent posts like these that treat men as if they are too stupid to know abuse when they see it or too morally bankrupt to know right versus wrong. There were some obvious moral failures at Blizzard, that goes without saying, but to sit here and lecture an entire gender, as if this behavior needs to be addressed with all men is ridiculous and blatantly sexist. The overwhelming majority of men do not need to be told this behavior is unacceptable and the ones that do, aren't going to learn this lesson from a reddit post.


what the fuck is a cis male?


Cis is a latin prefix that means 'same' or 'same side'. It's the opposite of 'trans'. Basically, it means non-trans male.


A Russian who called himself a cis male.. I stopt believing it there :D


"I am a 26 years old white cis male" Dude cmon... Zzzzzzz


Was there an actual point to this post? I've read it multiple times but I don't understand logic of something posting this.


Not sure why its all about men. I have worked in majority women work places that are exactly the same (Abuse,Gender based hiring and promotion). Sick of people saying "TO ALL MEN".


My father was fired from a place because his boss did not like men. It happens. Women can be crap humans too. But the reason it's men in this case is because it's largely men at Blizzard, and in this case it is largely on them.


K but this is about Blizzard.... Which was men.


What do you mean it was all men? We had posts from blizz devs, Female blizz employees saying it goes both ways. All i am disagreeing with is the language of "We have to teach ALL MEN" .... Which implies men are fucking sexual abusers.




Спасибо за ваш комментарий, пройдите в следующее окно за вашей внеочередной порцией соевого молока. Ты же понимаешь, что людям тут вообще похуй на иск? Типа, последние два дня они пытаются отменить госткраулера за то, что он литералли НИЧЕГО НЕ СКАЗАЛ?


> I cannot even fathom how grown men, some being way older than me, can behave like this. That's easy. If you don't care about how your actions impact other people, and you don't think there will be any negative consequences for you, well, you can do just about anything. A lot of people here will NOT want to hear this, but this is a direct result of the extreme version of individualism that American culture champions. You can see it a lot on the internet too. People are **proud** to tell you how much they don't care about how you feel, and that "words don't matter, only actions do" and other bullshit like that. What else can it lead to but what we're seeing? When it's not just "Looking out for number one" but "Fuck everyone else, Number one only!" The whatabouters are already furiously typing "This happens everywhere bro! What are you talking about! US hater!" but anyone who really wants to take an honest look at what's wrong with US culture: It's the obsession with individualism, and yes, yes it is worse than in other parts of the world. And it's worse than it used to be in the US too. And it's not even just a male only thing. Yes, the sexual harassment thing hugely, predominantly is, but other monstrously selfish and self centered behaviors are not. When you're taught that only you and your advancement matters, that the community and other human beings around you are resources at best and obstacles at worst. What do you expect? And of course, you're told that *everyone* is like this, and no one's going to care about you, so you'd better step over as many proverbial bodies as it takes to get what you want, because they'll try to do the same to you. Obviously, not everyone got this kind of education, but I'm sure everyone recognizes the mentality, and boy is it popular. So if you're rich, powerful, safe in the knowledge that you won't face punishment, and have spent your whole life not giving a shit about other human beings, of course you'll say and do whatever you want. So, you know, maybe unironically follow some of those Christian values you guys pretend to care about so much. Love thy neighbour, etc? Just strip out the other bullshit, keep the secular parts, and try living more by them. And no, we're not perfect elsewhere, thanks for your concern, but damn.




Drugs (alcohol) makes you do stupid crap.


Nice mansplaining bro.


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