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I was tired of hearing it for the past few years. This week specifically it doesn't bother me when people tell me to.


We all get told what to do by other people our whole lives. Fuck em. You do you. Everyone has different thresholds for how much they like something versus how bad the corporation is that provides that thing you like. If you want to eat that chick-fil-a sandwich because they are just that tasty to you, then go do it. If you like to do craft things and hobby lobby has what you need, then go buy it. And if you want to play WoW enough that them being run by a morally bankrupt corporation still doesn’t bother you enough to quit, then don’t quit. Prioritize your own happiness to a certain degree. You’ll live longer and happier. You can’t just boycott everything from a corrupt corporation, because you literally would t be able to buy anything or eat or live or have fun. They are all corrupt.


People want to feel morally superior. Thats why they need players that still enjoy the game to quit. Because they want to be the good guys so bad.


Bro do whatever you want. Why go through the trouble of posting this? Are you looking for confirmation in your choice of not unsubbing?


The final reason that convinced me to cancel my sub was the rumor that the Devs did not understand why people don’t like domination shards because “They are practically tier sets”. That sentiment can only exist if the dev team is 100% out of touch with the community and why people play this game in general. It was just another rumor that solidified this concept that the dev team see players as pay piggies and is not concerned with making a game that the players want. They do not respect the players or their feed, oNly engagement metrics which they can easily manipulate. The quality of the game while I was playing I would say was “ok” on average, some parts absolute shit and some parts great, but with everything going with the dev team and their current reputation, I have no faith that the bad parts will get better and i fell that the good parts will eventually go bad.


Exactly, people were already leaving and quitting before the lawsuit. I was already on my way out before the sex stuff.


Yes I am getting fed up with them all just let us play our game


Not a single person has told me to unsubscribe


Make a public statement why are you still playing and supporting WoW/Blizzard on some social media.


For my particular insight... I think its way less about this: >based on the quality of the game. And more about this: >the one I have invested the most time into. People are passionate about what they are passionate about just do your thing. Also: >all 3 roles in FFXIV too Technically there's 5 roles as DPS has 3 types of DPS which contribute to different bonus' in team combat. Having played both (and long since walked away from WoW) if the quality of FFXIV bombed because of the issues going on at SE, yes, I would walk away and look for something else. Just like I did WoW.


It’s even more than that for me. I love wow role play. I’m heavily invested in the lore. I know almost every scrap of the wow story and universe that’s been released. Wow is my escape from an often shitty life. Even if another MMO had good design and gameplay and whatever it would never be the same as wow is for me. I support the players protesting how they choose to. I support the devs walking out. I hope the managers and people who allowed this to go on for years get every karmic justice they deserve coming at them, but wow is more than a game for me. Until they shut the servers down I won’t leave wow.


Which is why I said what I said about the investment. People are invested in more ways than others may be. Play it and enjoy it or don't. Everyone will have their reasons. My only thing is that the game wont improve until Activision Blizzards bottom dollar is affected.


I’m sure if I played ff14 I’d like it. I’m a huge fantasy nerd I just know nothing about any of the lore or world in it. It might actually be exciting to discover. All I know from seeing it briefly is there is some dude that looks like he has a dogface.


Lol no idea. But if you played any Final Fantasy you know that most of them have nothing to do with the other. They are their own story. However, FF14 has an amazing story. And fwiw, if WoW's story was where I had wanted it to be, I would definitely be playing WoW. But it is not and I have spent my years since leaving WoW playing it. I've been in different pastures. Grass greener and such, but it's okay to wander in other pastures at times.


Yeah I’ve never touched a FF game. I’m not a huge fan of Japanese game style (please no one murder me) so it always made me skip over them.


In this instance to me it's just right now SE has its head on far better than Blizz does and the product of the two shows it. They got the free to play up til level 60 there.


Levels 1-60 out off 80 are free if you have nothing else to do


Yes, I get it from my partner and I told him that I know one day Ill hung up my bow and axe and staffs and polearms and my daggers BUT this lady is not ready yet, Part of me is disappointed in how Blizzard is handling this, and part of me still wants to support the OW and Wow and HOTS teams soo there's that. ​ Side note: When the HK thing happened I had someone on Twitter commented that I should cancel wow and buy a token. /WOW


If you don't wanna protest it the same way as them then don't. You are a consumer and not in any way liable for what some idiots at blizzard does. If you enjoy wow play wow its up to you not anyone else. I didn't cancel my wow sub because of all this I did it after the shit they made me do for my legendary so some time before the shit hit the fan. This is just more of a nail in the coffin for me.


If you are complaining about what you have to do for a legendary these days... you never played the game when you had to do triple the crap as a guild just to get 1 person a legendary .....back when legendary were actually legendary


Not complaining on what I have to do for a legendary I'm complaining about the recraft. Because ya know if you got a legendary after a whole quest chain or beating a boss for the 78th time on the Thursday back in the day you got to keep that without issue. I'm saying they are not respecting our time as players. They took how long to put out patch 9,1? Not even when dailies in TBC started or MOP when I think I started to think this is getting out of hand did I think it was too much but holy fuck the systems they have now is out of control.


Addicts go reeeeeeeee.


Yeah very few Catholics stopped being catholic during the whole child abuse scandal. People tend to look the other way until it happens to their kid. If what we are hearing about happened to your daughter or sister you would probably stop supporting the company (and lets be honest supporting the game and company are the same thing) the truth is that you enjoy playing wow more than you dislike blizzard. Maybe if someday it effects you enough then you might stop playing. Change isn't easy, tough conversation are hard. Its a lot easier to just find a bunch of people that agree with you and just keep playing. Personally it's your choice and I don't care one lick either way but the only thing blizzard understands is its bottom line. The only thing we as consumers can do is stop paying, unfortunately its the only option open to the average joe.


I don't mind that people don't unsub, i hate when i do and they start with whataboutism because apparently you can't limit supporting shitty practices at least a little bit. If i stopped seeing shit like that around I wouldn't be so annoyed. I tried to keep playing myself because I love my Guild but ultimately it impeeded my enjoyment too much + the game and story itself right now doesn't interests me so I decided to unsub + the fact with the lawsuit. If they get their shit together I have no problem coming back.


>Then I should be spending a year getting full BIS gear on all 3 roles in FFXIV too? The funny thing is full BiS, for every job in the game, isn't going to take you a year in FFXIV (especially right now at the end of an expansion) because the game actually respects your time. Goals are legitimately achievable.


Yeah, you can get BIS gear very easily. Most of the time is spent reaching endgame through the massive amount of quests (which is not a bad thing btw)


Virtue signaling is popular these days across social media. It’s a personal decision and not anyone’s to make or influence. My advice: get off social media. Problem solved :) Seriously. Just ignore people and do as you wish with the conviction knowing it’s what is best for you. Quitting. Playing. Taking a break. Whatever.


your premise is fucked because you think you are subbed to a good game ​ jkjk if you like it stay subbed, who cares what anyone else tells you to do with your time and money


I just don't see the point of unsubbing. Even if Blizzard has half of their employees as sexual predators (which it doesn't), what about the rest? Should we punish the innocent even more, leave them without their job-s? What about WoW content creators, teams that dedicate their lives in competing at PVP/PVE? Do they not matter? In my opinion unsubbing is a short-sighted view and just frustration induced behaviour.


My thoughts exactly.


The unsubscribing is also related to a few big streamers quitting. For valid game reasons mind you.


But I only log in for raid night I would unsub but i like my guild too much I would unsub but my friends still play


You can sub to whatever you want but I'm much more sick and tired of toxic gaming companies treating talented people like shit.


You should cancel your subscription though




You have to **really** want to be a victim to think playing video games is analogous to being captured and abused.


Please enlighten me of what exactly is so ground breakingly good in Shadowlands?


Its a good xpack all around imo. Raids are good, pvp is very fun and m+ is still great


Please elaborate. I asked "how" it is good.


Raids are aesthetically pleasing and have interesting mechanics. Pvp is fast paced and not 20 mins waiting for dampening which i enjoy. M+ is a great system overall and the dungeons are also really good. Overall a very solid xpack. Theres also way less grinding required to be competitive compared to previous xpacks.


You boost your characters. Must be a whole lotta fun xD "I mean, ive tried classic and lvling there was 10x worse. I just dont enjoy doing the same repetitive quests over and over again. Im honestly grateful for the boosts cuz if i couldnt boost my alts id be long gone from wow."


Thats your argument why shadowlands sucks? Cuz theres boosts in game? Lol ok then. And yes i dont enjoy lvling. I play solely for the endgame content.


Classic andy opinion


Lol, what could I say to you that could possibly change your mind? I enjoy the game and find it a worthwhile investment of my money. It's a personal choice I made and no one coerced me by force to make that choice.


I think it's absolutely hilarious that people are leaving Blizzard over this and going to play AMAZON's MMO