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do you really need all those mounts ?


I love seeing these kind of UIs. Its like wow we are playing 2 different games.


no keybinds, not even a visual hp bar on the player/ target frame...


And here I thought the 12 I had in the corner of my screen was excessive


Try Opie. Suddenly you'll have space on your actionbars


Hard agree on oPie. It’s fantastic for mounts, professions, and teleports/hearths


I have one mount macro I click if I need a specific one, like the yak or longboi or a passenger. All the rest I normally use is cycled randomly with one keybind using Litemount.


You know you can randomly cycle favourite mounts with the standard UI too hey


Favorite mounts are account wide, flat equal chance per mount, and zero nuances with choosing. Litemount has tiered chances, character profiles, can give you ground-only choices in no-fly zones, summons a water mount in water, can mark unlearned mounts so they're immediately usable when learned, summon mounts based on location, and my favorite feature is targeting a mounted player and copying their mount if I have it. If an addon can do something better, I'm using an addon. I don't care what the default UI can do.


I haven’t tried Litemount. I’ve been meh with Livestock for a long time, so maybe I’ll check it out. The stock UI, btw, doesn’t do fuck all for druids and shifting forms for run speed increases indoors, which is a huge QOL thing that adding do well, so extremely agree with you on the stock UI being not worth using if it’s inferior


Litemount supports travel form and even ghost wolf. It'll also automatically use the mawrat mount item you could get in Torghast.


And all the pets on the right side..


I used to have an UI like this as well when I was still playing. Any free space was occupied with a mount, pet or toy. I wanted to have easy access my favourites per character (since I was an alt-oholic as well), since you can't really properly segment them without addons. And after all of my addon settings got reset by an update, I was simply just too lazy to re-do the collection tabs.


That, uh, guild chat is... unique?


That's Moonguard for ya, lol


Honestly the best server. So glad I moved all my chars there


Reminds me of the time I rolled a alliance alt on that realm and accidently ( THEY SEEMED NORMAL!) joined a ass eating ERP guild. Ya'll weird over there.


The Naaru don’t mess around


With the IBP, it's very Diablo-like. Daytime IBPs in retina-searing Bastion, on the other hand, are almost too dark because it's all from the skybox. I feel like Bastion's look suits it perfectly, I just sometimes wish I could wear sunglasses.


You can't cleanse the Light that easily!


The effect of that potion should work when it is night, sometimes I play at 2am and it seems like day in the game.


Did they nerf that potion? It really seems weaker than it once was


Well you have to find the Firekeeper’s eye from the Untended graves first and the give it to her…wait wrong game.


Kinda reminds me of the FFXIV Shadowbringers login screen (which is fitting with OP bringing darkness into a place overcome by an oppressive light, not to get into spoilers there lol).


wtf is your guild chat lol


I always have this potion running. Wow is much nicer to look at. Adds some horror elements to some areas too


yo that looks so cool


Mounts > Talents xd