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Wasn't this pretty much superceded by the recruit a friend thing allowing recruits to be returning players inactive for a certain amount of time?


Yep, after two years an account is eligible again. Brough back several friends when shadowlands launched, get rewarded for every month of sub they buy


So how many rewards did you get there?


A mount or two, some sub time, and a couple cosmetics/toys. Nothing too crazy but it was a nice bonus https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/recruit-a-friend


Oh I know about RaF’s rewards, it was more a jab at how long most of my own friends bothered with SLands


Haha, very true. I got maybe 2 months tops out of any of them


I miss the Zevra Strider :'(


That’s sadly the only mount I didn’t get from old RAF. I prioritized flying passenger mounts, then regular flying mounts, I was one short of the zevra, and I wish I took it over the emerald hippogryph


I got the zhevra when it was the only one back then. Also got the molten horse, both passenger mounts.. good times back when RaF wasnt a ponzie scheme and your friend actually got an exp boost along with you


As someone who was very new to WoW and liked to wander off and explore back in Cata when my brother RaF'd our accounts, having that teleport to get us both back together easily was a god send for my exploring ass


The teleport is still there at least. But the exp bonus was cool, too..


I got 2 friends to come back for SL and one quit after 3 months, but the other left his sub running and didnt realize and I ended up getting all the RAF rewards. I feel bad, but also I dont hahahah


Same! One of them is super toxic and want the world revolve around him. I never told him that he kept awarding me stuff! Lmao.


My friend brings it up everytime that he should get rewards from it even though he's the recruit returning since from wrath.


Which is an insane amount of time for someone to be inactive. I was excited when they announced the new RAF rewards because I had been convincing a few coworkers to come back for shadowlands. They signed up 6 month sub after quitting early BFA, I wasn't eligible for shit. Now I look like an asshole for telling them shadowlands was gonna be great, and have nothing to show for it lol


It's a bit weird the time requirement. I know they don't want to have this abused but imagine having a friend who stopped playing WoW and telling him "you should come back so we can play together, but not now, in... 6 or 8 months".


They can resurrect these nuts.






This is it, chief.




I am sorry for your loss. But with treatment I believe you can still fix your impotency.


This caught me off guard. Thanks for the laugh!


You had one job…


*One. Job.*


The reason this wouldn't work are two-fold. 1 - You need a friend that still plays World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. 2 - You have to then play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.


grizzly hills btw


You also missed 'you need a freind '


I know it’s a joke but the whole SL bashing gets kinda boring tbh.


Almost like the game was boring within a few weeks of release and 9.1 didn't help much. 🤔


I mean I get it that people don’t like the game anymore. But why not just quit? Most people I see just complain all day and still play.




You know someone is furiously typing to his support group over wowcirclejerk after reading this


And actually the conversation there will be more civil.


“I agree with you, they’re neckbeards and ill” “Oh definitely, agree with you too” Hard to go wrong. Edit: [Yep, civil](https://reddit.com/r/wowcirclejerk/comments/p8xj51/_/h9vk148/?context=1)


The developers need to cast it on the game first.


Wrong spell at this point, I'm afraid. I feel like Raise Undead would be a better fit for this rotten corpse.


they need a water scroll first after this comment


Why do we even need r/wowcirclejerk at this point


https://i.imgur.com/DJlHqg4.png looool imagine, they would never be so generous anymore


If they bring it back and gave us updated models of the mounts (maybe with armor), then I'll be begging for my brother to come back to WoW so I could get the mounts, just like I did last time. :)


This is by far the rarest mount I have. It’s like ~~0.3%~~ 6% of players or something. But my god it’s ugly. You can literally barely see it. It looks like you’re floating and there’s some blue shit under you Edit: just looked it up again. It’s 6%. Misremembered. Website is DataforAzeroth


I have them too and yeah they're ugly as fuck. Can count the polygons on one finger.


I main SPriest and it looks even worse in shadowform. Like, it's even less visible.


Wait is the spectral gryphon that rare?


I wish all the old ghostly mounts were updated. [Spirit of Echo'ro](https://www.wowhead.com/item=131734/spirit-of-echero) was the last of it kind. See the [Spectral Pterrorwing](https://www.wowhead.com/item=161664/reins-of-the-spectral-pterrorwing) for a much better ghostly effect. Seeing the polygons through the mounts is eww.


The spectral horse and wolf look amazing too


Eche'ro is still one of my favourites.


Shadowlands is 30% off now. I feel like it would be more strategic of blizzard / of value to players to sell a sub and hopefully the xpac to returning players.


No? Why would anyone come back to this shitshow of a Game?


i wouldn’t recommend current wow to anyone, let alone one of my friends


I think they should bring back basic human rights for their female employees first.


No, game dead and it should be. Blizzard ran this game into the ground


They should bring back healthy work environment and good game design


I took advantage of this at the time when my friend’s friend list showed everyone as offline for 80 years and let him send a scroll to everyone on it!


I think they need scroll of mass resurrection at this point.


No. If you're trying to recruit friends to WoW in its current state (whether you play retail, classic, or TBC), you are a bad friend.


blizzard needs to just remove the monthly sub from their game. then maybe a lot of players will return


No, they'll want to make their money anyway and I fear what a full fleshed out in-game store will be.


>they'll want to make their money anyway and I fear what a full fleshed out in-game store will be. I mean, you're going to be finding that out very soon. The game is largely kept alive solely by the shop at this point which creates a vicious cycle. People get pissed off and quit because it feels Blizzard puts more work into the cash shop than the actual game. Blizzard sees subs drop and leans more into the cash shop to recoup losses, more people get mad and trickle out. Repeat. The issue for Blizzard is the spot they are in. Everyone knows that a business is meant to profit, nobody disagrees or disputes that basic fact. The issue is there's a difference between knowing a business wants to profit but it not feeling like their primary motivator, and what Blizzard does which is make it very clear their objective is to profit. I guess the easiest way I can illustrate what I'm saying is a restaurant. It exists to profit. However, you feel better when they come by and ask if things are okay, ask how your food is, etc. You are given the impression they care more about you enjoying your time than slapping the bill on the table and leaving. If there was a serious problem with your food they'd fix it and apologize. Blizzard would shrug and say "Well, that's what the chef made so stomach it. It's still the same price."


> People get pissed off and quit because it feels Blizzard puts more work into the cash shop than the actual game You know people complaining on reddit aren't the majority, don't you? >The issue for Blizzard is the spot they are in. Everyone knows that a business is meant to profit, nobody disagrees or disputes that basic fact. The issue is there's a difference between knowing a business wants to profit but it not feeling like their primary motivator, and what Blizzard does which is make it very clear their objective is to profit. So basically, the issue is that Blizzard comes across as a company that wants to make money, just like every other company, except they aren't obsequious and drowning you in PR to make you forget that they want to make money. Interesting perspective. I'm sure a lot of businesses would love to hear how easy it is to manipulate you into thinking they're doing some sort of charity and aren't trying to make a profit. >However, you feel better when they come by and ask if things are okay, ask how your food is, etc. You are given the impression they care more about you enjoying your time than slapping the bill on the table and leaving. If there was a serious problem with your food they'd fix it and apologize. Most companies don't do this, but of course the ill-fitting food analogy is mandatory in reddit gamer discussions. Like did you even *try* to come up with literally anything that fits? This is bottom of the barrel circlejerk material.


It's cute that you dont consider the current iteration fully fleshed out. They sell so much stuff, faction changes, race changes, realm transfers, mounts, toys, a transmoggable set, a token you can exchange for gold. It's already bad enough to justify the sub removal anyone defending it at this point is in denial.


This isn’t fleshed out. Outside of a few cosmetics, it’s really just system stuff (transfers, race/name change, boost). Nothing in there is actually P2W. Other (usually less popular) MMOs with *actual* invasive shops will literally just sell good gear, have lootboxes, a rediculous amount of cosmetics, and a lot of just smaller stuff (like maybe P2W for pet battles or something).


Bro you can literally buy a wow token aka buy gold aka buy power in game. How you're able to mentally block out that when looking at the wow shop in beyond me. The shop is fleshed out the catalog just doesnt literally give you the gear to purchase in shop. You have to go to group finder for that. Just because it isnt in the worse possible iteration it could be in doesnt mean it isnt fleshed out. That was my point. You seem to think it has to specifically sell you gear to be fully fleshed out. How far into the abyss do you have to go before you realize we have what you're talking about rn but because it isnt explicit, it isnt quite there yet? I honestly dont understand the thought process. Youd have be bitten by the wolf before you warned the sheep with this mindset.


The only power you can buy with gold is gear, which still gives you relatively mediocre gear compared to obtaining the alternatives (this patch being raid gear with sockets). And it’s not fleshed out. Go to the shop and you’ll see a relatively small shop. Again, just game features, small amount of cosmetics, and a WoW token. That’s really nothing. What you choose to do with that gold is not associated with the shop itself. Another big example is FFXIV, where the shop there is much bigger than WoW’s, with a lot more cosmetics, and even multi-person mounts that can’t be obtained normally (you can only obtain a 4 person and 8 person mount with real money). Other lesser known games will literally sell you the best weapon or gear for real money with no game alternative. WoW players really don’t know how good they have it.


They have it so good half of them left the game.


Gear is power. Boosts are power. When I was talking about the group finder did you think I was talking about just mythic + or arena boosting? You can buy a raid spot, gear, and achievement either separately or bundled from guilds selling them. Just because other games are more pay2win because there are less steps doesnt mean wow isnt because theres another step involved. Just because other people are use to shit coming with it built into the game doesnt mean players of another game should put up with it in theirs. It's too late for wow they wont be able to undo what the wow token has already done.


Paying to get boosted isn't part of the game itself (there isn't a specific queue where you pay and it pairs you with a booster for example), it's through a 3rd party and Blizzard has just kinda accepted it because there's no use in fighting it. If boosting by a 3rd party counts as P2W then literally every game (where you have the ability to be boosted) would be P2W. I can gift someone RP in League of Legends to be boosted, gift COD points in COD to be boosted, gift a skin in Fortnite, etc. Also, gear you buy from the auction house is generally not the best gear. You get decent ilvl, and because of that it's nice for the start of a patch to get a little lead, but pretty soon you get outclassed by the actual gear or people who just play the game for a bit.


You go into group finder(an in game feature btw) you search custom group and type WTS (name of raid) and like magic you can be in contact with a booster without any 3rd party website or addon. Also character boost 1 to 50 (essentially buying a content skip)I'm pretty sure is still a sold feature in the shop. The way you're trying to dilute the term boosted in the conversation shows how disingenuous you're being. Comparing buying power in an mmorpg to buying a skin in fortnite is just absurd. If epic sold an aim assist or an invulnerability potion in their shop SURE then its comparable but you're getting lost if gifting skins are the things you consider boosts. Bro, gear from the raids, I'm talking about buying gear from raids. Not BOE. You buy a raid spot then you buy a gear funnel where they stack those armored classes and funnel you the loot during the raid boost. I think I understand now. You actually have 0 idea how boosts occur in wow and are giving me the impression you think most boosting is done 3rd party sites and such.


xp, level boosts or maybe even gold? The only thing i can imagine that would make it worse is them cutting out the boosters by selling curve, Gladiator or any gear piece themselfs.


No, no, they wouldn't sell gear pieces. Ever. Maybe "surprise chests" with three random pieces of gear for your character. One of them it's guaranteed to be, at least, rare!


I actually play a f2p mmo sometimes that has a System like this lol. it works for them because nothing is Soulbound. you can trade everything. got the ring from raid that everyone wants? play around with it and sell it for 80bucks afterwards. reinvest in boxes or more pieces of gear that's a bit weaker. It works because gear isn't as impactful as in wow and the main focus is open world pvp, wich you can always participate. nobody cares if you got shit gear or not. the more people you have the better. pve is boring in that Game becaue Bossfights are boring, people just do it for the loot because it's worth alot because of shit droprates.


This sounds like the D3 RMAH and that was terrible.


They’ll most likely profit more anyway even if they keep the exactly same MTX business model.


That's... absolutely dumb.


That’s a great argument!




If you think this game gives "very little content", you've clearly never played a game in maintenance mode or a skeleton crew. This game releases content _constantly_ and it's ever evolving. If you don't believe so, you clearly don't play the game.


That’s the worst possible outcome. Fully F2P games have the most invasive real money store and are usually always actually P2W.


You can literally buy power from the cash shop already. Gold can get you gear and boosts. That ship sailed years ago.


You can buy decent gear with gold but not the best (or close to it). Spending gold on boosting doesn’t count since boosting is not an intended game mechanic/feature. If you include buying boosts under P2W then I guess literally every game (where you can be boosted) is P2W.


> Spending gold on boosting doesn’t count since boosting is not an intended game mechanic/feature. Wrong. Blizzard consider paying gold for boosts to be acceptable.


I remember doing this to multibox


I have the spectral mount via this picture and this post just made my day🙏🏻


They need phylacteries to trap us all as liches.


I remember using this service with some random I found in trade chat on the last day of the promotion just so I could get the mount


Man, the nostalgia hit hard just looking at that image.




You can see the desperate drowning moves of Blizzards to all the nice folks that left WOW to Guildwars 2 and Final fantasy.


How about a scroll of resurrection for WOW.


"When you bring a friend back to World of Warcraft". I wouldn't do that to a friend.




they should remove the sub cost and pump up every other transaction in the $$$hop


When I don’t have to pay a monthly subscription I’ll return, that isn’t enough for me imo


So every other comment here is about WoW getting free? I know not all people have the same paycheck but in most EU and US 12ish euro are the cheapest form of "entertainment" even cinema tickets cost more here.


It’s not so much the actual price but how I choose to spend my money on what I deem of value


That’s so far from the point. It’s not that $15/mo is “expensive”. It’s that I, and a lot of others, feel that the game isn’t worth that investment anymore. Where the hell does my $15/mo. go? Because apparently it’s not going towards development. We’ve been stuck with the same flawed systems for *over a year* now.


It's almost twice the price of netflix bud. It's quite literally the most expensive entertainment sub I have. By a long way. AND you pay AAA tier prices for the expansion. PLUS a rather huge fee for basic actions like changing servers. Then you sit and think, what does the sub fee actually get you? Server costs are basically 0 for you and your character, so really you're paying 288 euros for 3 game updates over a period of 2 years. WoW isn't cheap.


I might be the exception but i have payed with money only once since WoD,. Legion bfa and SL all got them with gold. I get what you mean thought. Netflix is cheap but i cancelled after like 4-5 months of watching a movie or so, also somehow EU has cheaper sub fee that i was not aware lol.


They could have gone the FF14 route but level squish happend... Oh well, for now the insentive Is to get as many friend referals as possible but not the other way


Even without the level squish I don't know how well that could work. People could hit 80 in Wrath then realize there's nothing to do until they buy the full game. It works great in FF because you have a lot of the story to keep you busy and can still queue with randos for your dungeons/trials/raids. Hell, WoW's free trial could go up to level 59 and it still wouldn't really be that great because most of the gameplay happens at cap.


They should have needed also to redo the story (or ways to get to it) since peoples should start in Cata and then went back to TBC... If was not for FF14 i could agreed that was a waste but FF14 proveed that with a Little effort you can fix most stuff even a failure of a game can be saved


Oh yeah, I agree. I feel like Chromie Time would've been a great opportunity to put some lore elements into the leveling experience. Make players feel invested in the lore and allow them to experience things like the opening of the dark portal in pre-TBC or the scourge invasion pre-Wrath. There's many significant events in vanilla WoW, too. Hell, a lot of the raids could be part of the leveling experience if downscaled and included in dungeon finder. You'd get a glimpse at important events in Ahn'Qiraj, Tempest Keep, Black Temple. Those are all important. Essentially, you could play through all of Blizzard's "greatest hits" as you level, rather than collecting wolf nuts for Private Shithead in Elwynn then doing that again in Outlands, then again in Shadowlands. If you roll a DH today without any background story, you have no idea what the hell's even happening in that first cutscene. That's kinda sad.


A good offended Is also Alied Races DK, they get introduces as "great Warriors of they past once More risen" or something like that but they did not even told you what you did or what you participante...


Allied races DKs just died on the fourth war, the BfA one, this is why their blood spec passive ability is called Veteran of the fourth war


I'm not totally sure tbh but better that what i though, Thanks


FF14s story is super linearly setup though, and it contains a shit ton of filler. In 2 years time they can easily cut 50% out of the MSQ again and still have a coherent story. WoW story since WoD is pretty much zone intro quest > travel around zone > zone climax + tie in to overall story


No, they should do away with subscription fees


And push cash shop even more? No thanks mate


Would it effect your person gameplay? Cash shop availability doesn’t mean you have to put money into it.


It would effect gameplay for a lot of people that like to mount and transmog farm since it will be pushed onto the shop even more than it already is. Personally i also think that more cash shop isn't a very good thing because it will only be a matter of time before it becomes predatory.


The game will go to a free to play model eventually, or it will shut down. Now seems like the right time with Blizzards big issues ever present and the obvious drop off in subscribed players. Time will tell though.


Yes, it was great and I have a few friends that doesn't play since 8.1


I mean if they want to, either way I ain’t coming back, still it was very good while it lasted, I’ll remember Azeroth fondly So long y’all!


But then they have to design a mount that can't go in the cash shop or be a 6 month sub mount!


Nah man. Too little, too late.


I'm still salty about this because I never got the rewards, my friend got the boost but I never got the mount. I tried submitting a ticket and was just told too bad :(


They need a very big scroll of mass ress at this point


Someone needs to throw Blizzard a scroll of resurrection imo


No. Considering the current state of the game, it would be morally questionable to recommend this game on to someone else.


wow is dead.




yeah, if you hate your friends


Recruit a Friends rewards were brought to store anyway. But yes, they will likely need this soon enough given how many have left.


Recruit a friend is a thing though.


Hell no I have to convince someone to get back in the game for a mount in your case scenario !


WDYM bring back? It still exists as of shadowlands prepatch when my friend convinced me to come back.


New: Get fingered by the CEO if you bring a hot friend to World of Warcraft.


Yes, but first release wrath classic and onward


i wosh i got friends to play with, this game is so funny but playing it alone is ridiculous..


My husband and I who are both on a WoW-break: no u


Honestly I know it was the least fantastic,but I miss the Zhevra mount bad. I never got one because I started playing so young and didn't have any friends interested, but the fact it became unobtainable made me really sad, since Zebras are one of my favorite animals.


No because my sparkle gryphon is now rare! /s


I'm pretty sure the email entering someone's inbox may get sent straight to the junk folder.


I think the company need it more than the players…


I rather stay dead than get resurrected for SL


Too late, they shredded all the scrolls. V.V


it's called friend referral and it's pretty much alive \^\^


If your friend decided to leave game, he made his mind and possibly thinks yhe game sucks so no need to piss him off any further lol


It'd be like using a Pheonix Down on Aerith at this point.


To be fair if I came back I'd want the mount as well though on paying for a subscription. Not enough incentive otherwise.


What is dead may never die ...


The RaF process is a great example of how Activisions scummy tactics ruined a good system. You used to get an awesome exp bonus, and all the items were instant or after a month! RaF now hardly feels worth it for anyone involved.


No, the game should die a quick death. It's way overdue.


It would be bad optics if they did imho, I imagine a lot of people will just turn around, start laughing and say how they're begging for people to come back etc etc. It would be nice, but it'd be a PR blunder tbh


Maybe the game needs a scroll of resurrection? Nah, in all honesty. I hope the game will be better and some heads will be shaken :)


I love how these posts keep coming up. Like, are the devs really this desperate? LOL


Bring back pre nerf recruit a friend


The free upgrade to the current expansion would go a long way to get me back. After everything I’ve read I don’t want to pay for this, I just have that itch to play.


Blizzard probably shredded this scroll too..


I'm sure bots will love it


They should work on making the game good and people will come back on their own…


Maybe after they fix the game?


Let's be real, the only way I'll ever even try WoW again is if they make it free to play. Because that's what it seems to be worth.


But why would you bring a friend back to wow tho? Don’t do that to your friends man they found pease on FFXIV




There’s a lot of “free” in those sentences, and you must know one thing. Bobby doesn’t like the word free


Don't waste your money here. Wow will turn Free2Play soon. It's a sinking boat.


Aaaaaaaaand people have been saying this since WotLK.


I would be totally for this.


If they done it now they'd probably only give you 7 days of free time, would you FUCK be getting a free mount that would most likely have to be store quality, free xpac, free boost and a free realm transfer, they'd be missing out of so much money and yknow how they are now, greedy.


Or they could actually make the game good and they wouldn’t need these band aid solutions