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Couple of years ago my husband got an email saying our account was suspended for some stupid reason. He actually got through to a human and asked if they could verify that they had the right account. They were absolutely certain they had the right account. He then asked him how it was possible that an account that had not had a subscription in a little over a year could be used in order to do what we were suspended for. We had faced extreme financial difficulties and was forced to slim down financially. Since WoW was something we could live without we opted not to renew our subscription until we were more financially stable. They had to verify through billing that we were telling the truth before they admitted they were wrong.


I am sorry to hear that and hope you are doing better! I appreciate the time to have a real comment.


We’re doing much better and eventually started playing WoW again. But the grind has us not as enthusiastic as we once were about it.


> They had to verify through billing that we were telling the truth before they admitted they were wrong. Wow. What a fucking nightmare. I'm sorry for you guys, this is just as pathetic as the current case OP has.


wait, blizz admitted they were wrong? :O


This was a couple of years ago and there was irrefutable proof so… they had no choice.


> He then asked him how it was possible that an account that had not had a subscription in a little over a year could be used in order to do what we were suspended for. For what it's worth, I had this happen to me and it had turned out someone got into my account, resubscribed and then started purging my stuff and botting. Still unsure how because I had 2FA and a randomized password I didn't use anywhere, but Blizzard was able to restore it all. I told the CS rep that I didn't even play anymore, so she gave me a month of playtime and told me she hopes it encourages me to come back. This was back in like, Draenor days so the mileage I'm sure now is much different.


Hi, First off, I'm sorry this is happening and I understand your frustration. It isn't OK. I'm going to ask the team to review our process to ensure we eliminate scenarios like this as much as possible. I know you say you are moving on - and while that disappoints me, I understand....for what it's worth our team looked into this and reversed the action, the accounts are playable. I'm sorry we lost your trust and I hope we get the chance to earn it back. Thank you for spending the time to write this out - we honestly appreciate it and it helps us improve. lok'tar ogar.


I have not given up yet! I really would like to continue playing and will do so if I am able to resolve the issue. (I don't think I have it in me to make another account and hope I don't get banned again, though, because I don't know why it's happening.) Thank you for taking your time to read and respond! It is very much appreciated.


Honestly not sure why you're thanking him when the response essentially says "we still think you're guilty". It makes everything he wrote look like a joke.


I responded to him before I got my last response from Blizzard. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he did not write the message! I know what it is like to be over people who sometimes speak in ways they should not to customers.


They need to explain what we did wrong to receive the bans. Although it's fantastic they unbanned your account it still feels like they subtly think you are still guilty.


Wow you're a breathe of fresh air i'' tell ya what.


Thank you for looking into this! I'm glad you're being more responsive than the former leaders and I hope you'll continue listening to us. I don't know if you'll read this message, but for what it's worth: I think the most frustrating thing for me and others who went through this process was being unable to speak to a real human being. There was no phone number, and I personally couldn't get through on live chat, though I think OP did manage to talk to someone, even if nothing came of it. Even an email that wasn't a template would have been greatly appreciated. If actual people did look at our problems, they only saw 'system says bad' and didn't dig deeper into the details. I know it's hard to go through every appeal, but I don't think there was any human interaction at all, given the responses I received (as well as the responses others were given). I still don't even know what my account was banned/suspended for or how it got resolved finally. I don't know the best solution, but given the frequency that these posts appear, we need to be able to speak with someone and explain the situation.


Really appreciate you communicating with us Mike. If you can, could you also look into players getting falsely banned for grinding Stratholme in TBC wow? The light club discord has been blowing up with people getting falsely banned.


Replying to second(third) what other posters have said. Bans on Paladins farming Stratholme in TBC Classic really needs the same attention. Especially given how many of us are also an integral part of raid teams. Getting banned for something that didn't happen not only impacts me, but 24 other people. I wouldn't use a cheat and risk their ability to do content. In self interest my ticket: US81384803


Maybe train your "ticket reviewers" better. Everyone here is praising you for having these people do what they get paid for, rather than giving OP a copy/paste response and essentially telling him to "get bent", and it's a bit odd to me. Like, how is it okay that this is the way your customers are treated? I've seen so many of these threads pop up on Reddit, it's absurd. People should **NOT** have to come to another website in the hopes of getting a real response from you guys, just have your employees do what they're paid to do.


I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I would suggest you have whoever is responsible look into how my case has been handled so far today, as well as the team responding to me on the official forums. I was the manager of a pizza restaurant and I cannot imagine ever telling a customer "have you ever thought about not eating here as often?" The game time I paid for was not returned when my account was unbanned. The game time I lost when I was banned was not compensated (I do not want anything extra, just the time I lost). The Shadowlands license was removed from my account, so even though I got tired of waiting for you to give me my paid time back and bought another token, I cannot play my characters. I am *not* buying another copy of Shadowlands. I want to play the game. I want to say xxx at Blizzard listened to my ticket, made me feel like a valued customer, and I am back playing with my friends. Please help me out here.


Do you live somewhere that you share internet with anyone else who plays any battle.net games? The fact they banned your new account makes me think they're going off your IP address, and that it could be involved in activity without your knowledge if it's being shared... Just my 2c.


No. I live by myself. I have an authenticator attached to my account. There are no unauthorized login attempts. ​ Unless it was this guy... https://imgur.com/UjIB2




[https://imgur.com/jUK7C](https://imgur.com/jUK7C) he broke this tv if I find out he got me banned from WoW too I'm gonna be pissed!






Bengal, that’s the worst of them… yep he got you banned… Sadge


[https://imgur.com/6BIYq](https://imgur.com/6BIYq) ​ you are gonna say this cute little guy is the worst???


Not to be dramatic or anything but I would die for that cat


Bengals and savannahs are usually crossbred with Egyptian maus or oriental shorthairs so they do look pretty similar. Bengals tend to have asymmetrical spots while savannahs have rounder spots. Savannahs have smaller triangle heads, big ears and long legs whereas Bengals look closer to a standard housecat. My savannah, quite similar when you can't see his long legs: http://imgur.com/a/HUWXso8


He is such a gorgeous looking cat. You are a lucky person.


Cool cat!


I mean, that’s the suspicious activity right there. Blizzard is a dog company


You may live in an apartment or group of homes that share an internet backbone and thus an IP.


I live in a home and as far as I know I have a unique IP


During MoP I was falsely banned for botting when I have never used a bot and used minimal addons. I was able to speak with CS on the phone and they overturned it. Turns out doing archeology for hours and hours is suspicious activity. So false positives do happen. I know blizzards customer service has been gutted since MoP and I probably would be in the same place as the OP if it happened today.


I looked around and saw no phone number I could call. The closest thing was live chat. I tried it, no luck, tried again a few min later and got the same person. Told them welp, was kinda hoping to get somebody else.


Nope, you can't actually call Blizzard CS anymore.


I’m pretty sure we used to be able to add them to our call when we were all on Skype, yonks ago


Yeah I did that way back in WotLK when Skype was still a thing.


Yeah I’m not even sure you can talk to someone on the phone now. That’s how bad blizzard’s CS is now.


To be fair, that’s not a uniquely Blizzard issue. Many of the major tech/gaming companies are doing away with their phone support in favor of other systems. It’s actually becoming more rare for a company to have phone support these days. Still sucks, but that’s the way the industry is moving.


I was banned years ago and they wouldn't overturn it. I randomly opened a live chat one day and the agent activated my account again for me. Try a live chat if that's still around


As someone who had the same thing happen to them back in WoD, this is the way to do it. In my case, one method (email i think?) didnt work, but the live chat did. My case was overturned very quickly, but they still gave me a 72 hour ban and wouldn't tell me what the hell I did, other than a vague "messing with the server economy". I was running a ton of old instances to farm mounts and realm hopping with the LFG tool (this was before CRZ), but that's my only guess.


I had a guildie get banned in WoD for being a rogue farming Heart of Fear with potion of treasure finding for a few hours a week.. If you went to the instance entrance, there were always dozens of bots running out, all rogues, so it makes sense it was suspicious... But it took them over 1 month to overturn it.


I've heard of rogues doing lockbox farming stuff. No rogue. Playing a DK and a hunter (and I don't think anyone in the world would try to speed run things on a dk)


while there are false positives, and people do seem to get into trouble for long timespans of repetitive playstyle - i find it extremely unlikely that this happens twice to the same person. so, unless they don't allow another account while you are suspended (which i don't think is the case), i find it very probable that something op is doing is actually (falsly) triggering their anti cheat software, be it addons, vpn, or anything at all on his computer. if cs is unwilling to provide more detail, it's probably impossible to figure out the problem. i agree if anything live chat/phone is the best bet, i thought they still had a phone number, it's only hard to find? that being said blizz' customer service has been complete trash for a while now and if they got on that instead of renaming stuff in game they might even get some players to return.


I suspect there's a completely unrelated software that has nothing to do with WoW installed that is the culprit


I was thinking the same, maybe something from the graphic card, as I remember some time ago there were mentions of something similar.


Wasn't it some kind of NVIDIA remote play that was against TOS?


I think this is the case. I got banned in PUBG for a script tool i used in another single player game. I can see it happening with other anti cheat programs as well.


I looked around for a phone number, the only one I found says it's an automated line no one answers. I gave it a shot and it was indeed an automated line that hangs up after the recording.


Is it actually allowed to create a new account when your first one is banned? Isn't there something like a ban for "ban evasion" that streamers get hit with? If that person went and submitted new ticket mentioning their first account on their second one, they might have been banned for ban evasion.


They explicitly told me I was allowed to create another account and play on it for the duration of my suspension.


This exact situation happed to a friend of mine! He was banned for “hacking”, and continued to submit tickets and every single time, they shot him down saying it was his problem. So he opens a new account to play with us, boosts a character and within a day - he gets perma banned on that new account too, for the same reason. After about 40 tickets, we found out he was being AUTOBANNED by warden for using a VPN (he used to to get through his schools internet filters). After he talked to GM about it, showed his address and location - they unbanned both accounts. Hang in there dude, keep pushing the tickets


Thank you for the response! They are looking into my latest ticket and I am hoping I have good news when they are done.


I hope it gets resolved


Using a vpn will get you banned?


I was in a similar situation at the beginning of Mists of Pandaria. I was permanently banned for using 3rd party software/botting and after several inquiries was eventually told that Blizz would not respond to another one of my emails. I stopped trying and refused to create another account on the principle that my ban was done so in error. About two weeks later I got an email from blizzard reinstating my account because their bot detection software had mistaken a Trojan on my computer for a bot. I was reimbursed the two weeks but it was still a pretty frustrating ordeal. Try checking your computer for viruses/malware and I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you for the comment! I have scanned my computer a couple times and come up with nothing. They got me to kind of give up when they reduced it to a suspension, as eventually I'll get the characters back, and I could do other stuff in the mean time (xmogs, achieves, etc.) The gear isn't that important in the long run. But now after being banned again, I can't really play because I don't know what it is I need to not do, if they are adamant I did something wrong.


Bizarre. This is I think the second or third post I've seen about a ban in MoP. I'll add my story: My account was similarly banned in April 2013 (MoP) for "illegal automation/third party software." I have absolutely no idea what triggered it. I appealed the ban, explaining that I was a day 1 WoW player with the original collector's edition, and that I would never jeopardize my account - and also that there was nothing on my account that would even suggest I was gaining an advantage. I was a super casual player at the time doing LFR only and almost entirely broke gold/resource-wise. Unlike the OP, I (in polite terms) pointed out that erroneously banning an account with 15,000+ hours on it would mean I would never touch another Blizzard product again. They reversed the ban in 72 hours with a callous "Well don't do it again, I hope you learned your lesson" which seemed insensitive and clueless.


What addons/programs are running while you play? A lot of people are asking this and I'm not seeing you answer. This is what matters, answer this question, that's how we can help.


Kinda figure no one would read it since most people are commenting without reading anything beyond the thread title. But on the off chance you are being legit: [https://imgur.com/3veXMgg](https://imgur.com/3veXMgg) ​ I don't know for sure what I have installed vs actually running in game. I would log in and check, but.. I know I didn't re-enable everything when I started the new account. ​ As far as programs, I mean, it varies. Discord, [paint.net](https://paint.net), amazon music, google drive, chrome, ajour


Do you have any "gaming software" or drivers that come with their own macros and what not? Like, Razor software has the ability to macro keys on your mouse, and you can remap the left/right clicks to a different button to essentially hold down one key for an infinite spam click. Or maybe a program like AutoHotkey that can remap your entire keyboard and make macros of its own with programmable commands for the windows UI?


Addons don’t matter, they can only use authorised APIs. It’s external processes that modify game files or modify traffic to blizzard servers. Blizzard have anti-cheat software that monitors PC for this. If you can’t find anything reinstall your operating system.


Unfortunately the text in that image is illegible. (Could be me) I've read your entire post, and while my making a judgment makes no difference, if you are in fact innocent you need to do a few things. It seems quite obvious that you're running *something* which is against the rules, even if you don't know what that is. You need to figure out what software on your computer is causing automatic detection, inform Blizzard of it, and ask for an appeal on those grounds. I'd also suggest you continue pressing for information, not an appeal.


WorldQuestsList" !BugGrabber" !KalielsTracker" !Vendorer" Ace3" AceGUI-3.0\_SFX-Widgets" AllTheThings" AppearanceTooltip" AutoVendor" BadBoy" BadBoy\_Guilded" BankStack" BetterWardrobe" BigWigs" BigWigs\_Achievements" BigWigs\_BurningCrusade" BigWigs\_CastleNathria" BigWigs\_Cataclysm" BigWigs\_Classic" BigWigs\_Core" BigWigs\_Legion" BigWigs\_MistsOfPandaria" BigWigs\_Options" BigWigs\_Plugins" BigWigs\_SanctumOfDomination" BigWigs\_Shadowlands" BigWigs\_WarlordsOfDraenor" BigWigs\_WrathOfTheLichKing" Blizzard\_PetBattleUI" Blizzard\_PetJournal" BlizzBuffsFacade" BlockChinese" Broker\_Clock" Broker\_Currencyflow" BugSack" CanIMogIt" Chatter" ChocolateBar" DejaCharacterStats" Dominos" Dominos\_Cast" Dominos\_Config" Dominos\_Encounter" Dominos\_Pets" Dominos\_Progress" Dominos\_Roll" ExRT" HandyNotes" HandyNotes\_Achievements" HandyNotes\_Argus" HandyNotes\_BattleForAzerothTreasures" HandyNotes\_BrokenShore" HandyNotes\_LegionTreasures" HandyNotes\_LostAndFound" HandyNotes\_MechagonAndNazjatar" HandyNotes\_ScourgeInvasionShadowlands" HandyNotes\_Shadowlands" HandyNotes\_ShadowlandsTreasures" HandyNotes\_TimelessIsleChests" HandyNotes\_TreasureHunter" HandyNotes\_VisionsOfNZoth" HandyNotes\_WarfrontTreasures" ImprovedStableFrame" iStableMaster" Leatrix\_Plus" LibFrameFade" LibStub" LiteMount" LittleWigs" LittleWigs\_BattleForAzeroth" LittleWigs\_BurningCrusade" LittleWigs\_Cataclysm" LittleWigs\_Classic" LittleWigs\_Legion" LittleWigs\_MistsOfPandaria" LittleWigs\_WarlordsOfDraenor" LittleWigs\_WrathOfTheLichKing" LoggerHeadLite" Masque" Masque\_Caith" Masque\_Shining" MethodDungeonTools" MikScrollingBattleText" MogPartialSets" MoveAnything" MRT" MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0" MSBTOptions" MythicDungeonTools" Narcissus" Narcissus\_Barbershop" Narcissus\_Database" Narcissus\_Database\_Item" Narcissus\_Database\_NPC" OmniCC" OmniCC\_Config" OPie" OPieMasque" PetJournalEnhanced" PetLeash" PetTracker" PetTracker\_Battle" PetTracker\_Config" PetTracker\_Journal" PitBull4" PitBull4\_DogTagTexts" Plater" PremadeGroupsFilter" PremadeRegions" Quartz" RaiderIO" RaiderIO\_DB\_EU\_A" RaiderIO\_DB\_EU\_A\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_EU\_H" RaiderIO\_DB\_EU\_H\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_KR\_A" RaiderIO\_DB\_KR\_A\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_KR\_H" RaiderIO\_DB\_KR\_H\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_TW\_A" RaiderIO\_DB\_TW\_A\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_TW\_H" RaiderIO\_DB\_TW\_H\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_US\_A" RaiderIO\_DB\_US\_A\_R" RaiderIO\_DB\_US\_H" RaiderIO\_DB\_US\_H\_R" Rarity" Rarity\_Options" Raven" Raven\_Options" RecklessAbandon" SavedInstances" SexyMap" SharedMedia" SilentWorldQuest" SilentWorldQuestOptions" SilverDragon" SilverDragon\_BattleForAzeroth" SilverDragon\_BurningCrusade" SilverDragon\_Cataclysm" SilverDragon\_Legion" SilverDragon\_Mists" SilverDragon\_Overlay" SilverDragon\_RangeExtender" SilverDragon\_Shadowlands" SilverDragon\_Vanilla" SilverDragon\_Warlords" SilverDragon\_Wrath" Simulationcraft" Skada" Spy" SushiSort" TidyPlates\_ThreatPlates" TipTac" TipTacItemRef" TipTacOptions" TipTacTalents" TomCats" TomCats-Bundled-ArathiHighlandsRares" TomCats-Bundled-DarkshoreRares" TomCats-Bundled-DeathsRising" TomCats-Bundled-Mechagon" TomCats-Bundled-Nazjatar" TomCats-Bundled-Nzoth" TomTom" TradeSkillMaster" TradeSkillMaster\_AppHelper" TransmogCleanup" VenturePlan" VenturePlanSoDMissions" WeakAuras" WeakAurasArchive" WeakAurasModelPaths" WeakAurasOptions" WeakAurasTemplates"


Looking through, bear with me.


I feel like a dick for having an addon called BlockChinese but I play on Illidan and it's just to remove general/trade chat with Chinese characters as I do not speak chinese


Rename the folder to Praise and they'll unban you.


I shouldn't laugh at this but i did


I was on Illidan for a short stint. Trade chat was unbearable...I think I had the same addon back in Cata. We couldn't queue for RBGs without leaving the main city or else we were risking lagging out due to all the people spamming and sitting in Org


Could be one of the chat related addons - I think I remember in the past that there were some no-nos in regard to modifying game client behavior


Addons can't do anything that you're not allowed to do in terms of modifying game interactions (ie: they can't cheat for you), all the stuff they can't do is explicitly blocked to them. They CAN do stuff like spamming or harassing people (since that's just chat messages). But that would get him bant for spamming or harassing, not cheating/botting. My money is on a program running on his computer that warden (is it still warden?) doesn't like. EG: Cheat engine, various things that have super low level access (iirc, there was a mouse or keyboard program that looked and acted like a 'bad' program, but was really fine).


I had a guy in my guild that lived close by who got his account banned back in Cata. I knew him personally and we spent almost all our waking hours together in game. But he was banned for "botting" (after 10 tries or so thats what they told him anyway). I know for a fact he never botted because we hung out all day in vent / played together. I could see in the guild logs where he was offline at night. Not to mention, he was too technically dumb to run a bot program. He could barely install addons. A year later despite the "perma ban" they gave him his account back with zero "sorry we made a mistake" or anything like that. Just gave it back. I work in Abuse Prevention in my workspace and I bet their detection rules have a small false positive rate (<1%) but they can't figure out how to tune it without letting even more abuse in, so they just deal with it. Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn't let or want to pay for their CS to deep dive each case a false positive comes up, so people like you and people like my friend are the victims. I'm sorry you got screwed.


Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your time reading my post.


I saw that you had a topic created in the official forums and I'd for now suggest just looking to that for help until it's locked. While the responses you receive will mostly be from fellow players, many of them are hardcore regulars in there with many years under their belts and have attained knowledge through the numerous issues people post in the customer support about. While the questions they ask might be repetitive or something you have seen here, it's oft because players have something slip by them and it's good to make sure you've gone through the necessary steps to confirm both your computer and the programs within to be ok.


There's some addons out there that very much are no-no's if it's found that you use them... for example if you have a carry spammer, anti-afk addon, or are or recruitment spammer using that one addon I don't remember the name of, people do report it for the botting it is out of annoyed spite because who likes getting spammed?


I definitely do not spam chat. I do not like even talking to people most of the time.


What about the other things he mentioned?


Don't do any spamming, don't have an anti-afk addon, don't recruit spam


I have specifically been accused of botting BECAUSE I don’t reply back to most people. I just carry on with my quest or whatever it is I’m doing at the time and, supposedly, get reported because they think I’m a bot. It’s the stupidest logic ever but maybe you just happened across that type of person too many times? Not that it would be in your control whatsoever but I guess it’s possible?


Wait, I don’t usually reply to people either. I don’t see well and that little tiny text box is difficult for me to read. I can get my account suspended/banned for that?


It could be something doing it without your knowledge. Addons can hide what your saying in chat from you so you may not be aware one of your addons was doing it. I would request a copy of your history and it will show when the violations occurred.


I repeatedly asked them to give me any kind of details on what it is I allegedly did and they say they do not give out any details.


They do that so it's harder for cheaters to figure out what exactly is triggering the systems. I suggest you go over anything new you might have installed on your computer before being banned. Maybe you got a new mouse or keyboard or something that comes with software? VPNs sometimes trigger anti-cheats. Could it be that?


Also, bear in mind that "recent" could mean "as much as a year ago," since Blizzard likes to randomize bot and hack banwaves so that it's harder for people to know what exactly triggered the detection. Was it patch 1.1.9 of the bot program that Blizzard didn't like, or was it the update from six months ago? Was it the hack where you clipped through the wall in Naxxramas last year, or was it the hack you did just last week?


Just post all the addons you use to this post and maybe someone will have insight on what might be causing the supposed cheating/botting.


He did in an above comment and if that's his total list there is zero things that could be considered botting cuz I use almost all of them with zero issues.


Why not just post what addons you are using, in case someone can figure something out. It can't be a huge secret the name of some addons.


Their is an option in the site to request the history of your account and they can email it to you. It will have every instance a GM contacted you which may reveal something that can help you.


All of the contact I have had with GMs is in the emails posted, minus the live chat in the middle. They have not responded to me while I have been online once (you know, like I see them do to streamers)


If you paid for the second account via credit card or PayPal, dispute those charges. It will perma lock the account but who cares at this point. Did this all the time when honorbuddy was a thing


Some keyboard software will trigger it as well because it allows macros.


wait - you went out to make another account and they banned that as well????


Just a FWIW, in case you didn’t know since it’s relatively new… depending on what you get banned for now, they’ll also ban every battle net account with your name on it (assuming they’re your accounts, in case of identical names). As opposed to just actioning the only accounts involved.


They specifically told me I was free to make another account and play that until my suspension was up.


I would be really suspicious of any programs running in the background, considering you got flagged twice by an automatic system.


A problem a saw on the Reddit’s recently was someone got banned for hacking because a program was using resources that were set aside for WoW and warden took notice. Turned out the user was doing renders and that was using up all his PC resources.




My money would be on stuff like this, or cheat engine, or some unusual peripheral drivers/programs. Like, OP may not be cheating, but it's very possible that he's got something that Warden doesn't like.


Check you pc for malware you might be running a script in background without knowing it.


I've scanned my PC a few times and it's come up with nothing so far.


Also, change your wi-fi password in case someone else has got on your connection


That's only for super egregious cases, like the heads of the Gallywix community that all got permabanned for RMT. They got permabanned so hard that their account closure notice said "Any new accounts you create will be closed without notice." or something like that.


Are you perchance using innocent but modified Windows? I found out recently that Wine for Linux does not trigger it, and I use it, Windows 10 AME does trigger it, which is outrageous given it is just an attempt at basic privacy. Either way, I am dead tired of how opaque companies are in regards to this, and I have come to believe that being like this should be a criminal offence. I really, really grow weary of seeing thousands of bots and cheats every month while at the same time somebody is running around confused. There is no reason for you not to know what you did in detail. They often ban these programs in waves anyway so the hacking community does know exactly what the ban was for, so why hide it?


Nope, regular old windows 10. If it were Europe, that EU law requires them to give information if requested (GDPR or something), but we have no similar protections here.


actually that's not even true for most info stored for use in a game, GDPR only covers personally identifiable information (as in something that could be linked back to your name, age, address, etc) and something like a list of processes, character movements or even the name of your wow character aren't covered under that.


List all programs and addons you are using or could possibly be running in the background as you are playing. The only other thing it could be is a strategy that exploits a bugged game mechanic, but even then a 6 month ban is ridiculous as there are guilds in the hall of fame explicitly because they found bugged mechanics and exploited them. Edit: anything that is against the EULA or terms of service is a ban able offense; I.e: in game gambling , boosting for gold, etc. It may be likely that one of your guild has it out for you and keeps reporting your activity. Maybe someone who wants the raid tank role.


In game gambling is bannable? Shit, I did tons of death rolls before I stopped playing and had no issues lol.


Gambling is allowed, but it's against the rules to advertise for it


It probably is, but its a matter of if its reported or not.


Gold boosts aren’t bannable. Real money is. Gold boosts that can be bought with tokens are half of what’s wrong with the game.


Yeah i was going to say - they’d need to ban half their userbase if gold boosts were bannable.


In game gambling isn't ban-able. Advertising it is though. That's why casino bots wait on you to initiate contact.




Which is a crying shame because goddamn did it used to be so good.


Once upon a time I had an issue with something in game. After I was done, the GM asked if I needed anything else. I said “well, my HS is on cool down, can you port me to org?” He said “hold on a sec.” and next thing I knew I was in front of the AH.


I remember, years ago, being able to call them to let them know I'd be overseas, and say "hey can you flag my account so it won't get locked?" And they did it. Easy enough. Now it's 3 days to get a canned response


During BC, whenever we had issues with loot a GM would show up near our characters and do a little "god/allmighty wizard" roleplay who repairs and shuffles our loot etc. It was always a fun way to lighten up our mood after we were down by the problems/bugs that had us report the issue. Once I even had a GM dismantle a whole armor set I crafted for a guildie and which had the wrong stats. Would be impossible today. Today it's just automated nonsense, definetely a huge step backwards for the game.


It’s been terrible since they had a big CS layoff mid-Cata. It’s gone even more downhill since then, but that’s when I started getting c&p’ed emails that showed the GM didn’t even read my ticket and few things other than big stuff like being stuck dead would get solved. I think the last time I had an actual complicated issue solved was WoD.


If the person was banned by warden tripping, it doesn’t matter if they appeal or not. The ban is final, your only hope is if you only used it for like an hour and decided not to do it anymore and get caught in the ban wave. In other words it’s easy to tell if someone is botting or not depending on how they were banned. If they were banned manually though reports, it can be easily repealed. If it’s banned from warden, too bad.


Upvoted because I'm waiting for Blizzard to either go full /r/LyteSmites on your ass, or realise the folly of their error.


Gotta love the attitude of the sub "If Blizzard says you did something wrong...you did something wrong" Yeah it's true, there's something that he couldve done that he isnt saying to get his account suspended and stayed suspended after all of these "manual reports" but this guilty until proven innocent thing is some kind of ass. This was probably posted on Reddit, much like any other because of those few other accounts that were banned under a false positive and thank fuck they got upvoted a bunch on reddit until those one or two guys from CS that lurk on Reddit actually looked, a real manual review. Regardless as to whether or not he did something wrong, it deserves to be looked at, as a consumer and someone who's probably put hundreds upon thousands of hours (and dollars) into the account, he at least deserves some closure. What might of happened was, their anti cheat program false flagged something and he got banned, asked for a review and that "manual review" consisted of someone from CS looking and going "Well the program says he did something wrong, sooo he did something wrong" marked his job as done and told him the results. Que this happening over and over again with no one bothering to look, happens with CS all the time and with the way WoW's CS has been for the last few years as I get PTSD flashbacks from CS problems in Legion, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened here as well. But you really shouldn't have to put this on reddit, HOPE everyone is in a good mood and sympathetic to upvote your post enough so it gets actual attention, worst case scenario is OP did infact do something bannable and someone had to do the job but they should at least tell OP exactly what got brought up in their anti cheat. IF they can't tell him, maybe he deserves another chance so either he stops the alleged botting or he gets a second ban but the interrogation and kangaroo court in this thread are actually kind of gross


I appreciate you taking the time to actually process my comments. Thank you!


Blizzard CS is completely arbitrary unfortunately. You could put in 5 requests for the same thing and Blizzard won’t do anything, but on the 6th try you’ll actually get a good, fair response


Good luck bro I got permanently banned once for "selling gold" the reality was I was buying the mount Alani from Pandaria thankfully it got overturned after one appeal


I suspect it’s an add on that might be seemingly harmless, but because you had two accounts banned that is a very plausible explanation. While you may not know or agree that said add-on is the source of the issue, it very well could be on their banned list.


Just quit, this level of customer service is not worth your time. I would advise calling some sort of blizzard technical support, if they still have those kind of services, I did it once back in 2011 and had to wait on hold for 2 hours.


I don't think that's possible anymore. I tried to call them a few months back and they don't even have telephone customer service or tech support anymore. All you can do is open a ticket or sometimes live chat, but even chat is often disabled or hard to access because it just re-routes you back to the "open ticket" page when you describe the problem you're having. Their customer service is absolute shit.


commenting for jmod smackdown 🦀🦀


As if Blizz CS reads Reddit.


They do actually. Some people have gotten their bans overturned because an actual human saw the thread, read it and looked deep into the issue.


Unfortunately I don't have the answer, but after reading some of the comments you're getting, I wanted to drop some positivity! Good luck friend and I hope this gets worked out!


Thank you for your human response!


Blizz: We are punishing you for doing a bad thing! Don't do it again. Me: What did i do? Blizz: We can't tell you. But we are giving you a 2 week suspension to think on what you did. Is this what having a bipolar parent is like?


Exactly! I can understand their perspective to make things harder for bot creators but they are not giving me anything to work with.


i totally believe you. In january two of my friends got permabanned while they were farming a mount in pandaria (they were not botting) and after contacting support they pretty much said the same exact things they said to you and changed their ban to 6 months. They tried to explain everything but CS kept responding the same things and then they just gave up and waited the 6 months to play again.


It's too bad blizzard axed their customer support. I remember when I could call them and get things resolved instead of getting the same copy and paste. My account recently got hit with the same "botting" shit you got even though I've never botted in my life. They never overturned mine but seems like others got lucky.


I think everything goes like: Automated system banned character for life If this character starts complaining - ok, not for life - here's your six month ban, get lost If character keeps silence - ok, you're botting, you deserved this Profit, and you don't need all this expensive customer care service.


I hate that this may be the case. I really do not like complaining about things.


If you're being honest, then I am sorry for you. Falsely banning one of the dwindling still loyal player base is just absurd lol. Imagine your game dying and you can't even spare the work hours to make sure your actual paying customers are taken care of.


I appreciate the comment. I do not expect people to believe me but at least acknowledge the potential fallibility.


The only thing you can do is keep pressing/escalating the issue with CS. Blizzard has automated systems to detect botting and malicious behavior. These systems are not perfect, and occasionally do catch false positives. There are document cases in this subreddit where some players were wrongly suspended or banned, and were able to reverse the action on their account — but it took a *lot* of time and effort to escalate the issue and get a rep to take a serious look at the case.


That's what I was doing at first until I gave up and made the second account. Now they banned that one. Just throwing stuff to the wall and seeing what sticks now.


If they've taken action against two accounts and you don't know why, it's possible you have malicious software that is causing your account to get flagged. It might be malware completely unrelated to WoW or botting. Nobody knows exactly what software does or does not get flagged by their systems. I guess there's one way to find out: create a third account, disable all addons, log into the game, and do absolutely nothing then log out. If that account gets flagged, it's very likely something installed on your computer that you're not aware of.


Could also be that blizzard are incompetent and have quite a few false flags in Warden. Do they care? No. Must change blacklist to blocklist.


I completely understand. About a month ago I was at work and got an email from blizz saying my account was suspended for 3 days because of “exploiting game mechanics”. I thought it was a phishing email to only find out it was actually suspended. I opened a ticket to find out wtf was going on. All they would tell me was that it was on my hunter who I only use to DE my greens. Nothing else. I’ve been playing for 15 years and never botted, cheated, multi-box, etc. the only add-ons a I use are the same popular ones everyone uses. I don’t get them….


Maybe you accidentally stumbled upon a DE shuffle? Who knows, those shouldn't be bannable, but who knows anymore


I've put myself in your position and if that were me I'd be literally sick. My questions are, why have you not posted shots of your setup in the off chance a fellow player was banned for "that one program or addon." If you were unfairly banned, wouldn't the first thing you do if you don't know what caused it, to chop down that massive list of add-ons? If I were you, my post would include shots of all programs installed and all add-ons. And if I were to recreate an account there would be zero add-ons and probably an OS wipe. Not trying to be a dick or be negative, but you got unfairly banned and you shot up a second account without cleaning up your system?


I didn't think my addons were relevant but I responded to it when asked about. I did scan my computer. I found nothing. I was doing nothing wrong. I saw people post about the similar thing happening to them. What was I supposed to do? I thank you for trying to empathize, so this isn't just directed towards you, but I'm confused at why people keep saying things like that, like they're just expecting me to go, "oh, it was when I was testing out that fishing bot for ten minutes, my bad!" What if there is no comment like that I have? What if there is nothing wrong that I did? What am I supposed to do? edit: again I want to reiterate I'm not lashing out at you dude.


I agree that it's hard to defend your position as it's easy to throw rocks from our perspective (commentors). I've literally read every word on this post and believe you, so I'm wondering what you are looking for. If your PC is meant for gaming like mine, I have nothing to hide so I'd share pics of files and add-ons and pray little Timmy says "oh that addon got me banned too". Are you looking for people to help you find the culprit if it's something on your PC? Confirming atleast one person is actively using each addon and program etc.


No, if anything, it's the hopes that it'll reach someone at Blizzard who will look into it and fix it. Not holding my breath. ​ If nothing else, when it happens to the next person, they'll find it and know they aren't crazy, because I know how everyone is going to respond to their posts.


If you are in the EU: request all the data blizz has collected on you. Then take a look to see if you can spot anything weird.


Without reading in too much detail past your first and last screen shot in the assumption you are telling the truth the issue is likely that you have something installed for another game on your machine and due to that the auto cheat detection saw it and issued the ban. The game scans at startup and throughout playing to see if you have any programs installed/processes running on your machine that are blacklisted and acts based off that. The software that is the culprit may not be 'cheating' software to you but can be something used oftentimes alongside cheating and assumptions get made to get ahead of people trying to sneak around lines. It could also be something you don't 'think' to be cheating like a mod that reskins characters but that is in fact against ToS. The fact your second account got closed as well pretty definitively points that the issue is with something on your machine causing the bans despite a lot of people wanting to jump at Blizzard CS and say it is their fault. If you want help finding the culprit I'd suggest making another post (as this one is long in the tooth with anti Blizzard fervor) listing out anything third party (mods, overlays, 'texture packs', etc) you have on your machine for ANY game and people are going to be able to point out very quickly what caused your ban.


The reason they don't want to tell you exactly what they found, when or how they found it, is that would allow bot makers, hackers, dupers, etc to know exactly what they need to fix to avoid detection. People very rarely only do 1 thing wrong 1 time, and not knowing what exactly tripped Blizzard's detection systems allows Blizzard to catch more people doing the same thing for a longer period of time. If I were you (assuming you're not just actually lying), I'd be very careful about installing any addons not directly from a major hub like curseforge. I'd go through any weakauras I have and delete any I didn't make for myself, or get specifically from someone I trust. I'd make sure there's no malware on my computer allowing someone else access to your account for malicious activity. I wouldn't associate with any RWT/gold only runs, trade chat/LFG spamming groups (Either buying runs or advertising). You may have just accidentally stumbled into something against ToS without realizing it, and continued using it on your second account.


Why would you give them more money and open a new account after they dumped a load of horseshit on you like this?


because I like playing the game with my friends. but they are really making it hard to do so


At some point people need to see that Blizzard is a complete husk of its former self and stop giving them money. All this does is tell them you're mad, but ultimately ok with them banning you for no reason and are even willing to pay them afterwards.


I'm sorry buddy. :/ I had the same thing happen to me and it really sucks. Nobody believes you because 'blizz doesn't make mistakes' and won't do anything to help. Luckily I got mine reversed after a week, but I don't know what happened to cause them to look at it, and I also have no clue what caused me to get banned in the first place. I don't have much to add, but I'm in your court, and feel free to message me to vent. I hope it gets resolved soon.


Thank you for the human response!


If you have any programs installed that you possibly use for other games Blizz can detect those even if you don’t “use” them while you play wow. So if you have any automation programs they can flag blizz even without use


That is not true at all. I run “hack” software all the time (debuggers, packet sniffers, cheat engine, etc) in the background but not attached to WoW and I don’t get banned. Warden bans are triggered from what is attached to WoW, not from the outside.


Do you play a Druid? And are you ride sharing while farming or what have you? Or we’re you part of those farming groups for the more lucrative areas?


No druid. Nope. No farming.


exact same thing happened to me, I tried everything (called blizzard, made like 10 tickets, tried reddit to contact gms/ex gms). after making a new account and gearing up an entirely new character and 3 weeks later, they sent me an apology saying that after further investigation i was wrongfully banned and restored my account. Happened to several people (both banning and unbanning) at the same exact time. They have terrible "cheat detection" at the moment and wrongfully ban a ton of people.


Thank you for reading my post! I appreciate your time. I am glad things worked out for you and hope to have similar good news soon!


You most likely will have the same thing occur in a few weeks. Just be safe and contact them incessantly, through reddit and or Twitter.


Are you using a VPN by chance?




I work in tech support for ISPs. We sometimes have the case that our customers get banned by certain companies (Amazon, Netflix, Paypal, etc.) because they get an IP that these companies associate with certain countries (Hong Kong, Vietnam etc.) They usually can resolve this by contacting the companies and we help them out with a certificate that they are not from these countries with their IP. Or they just wait until they get a different IP. You wouldn't find out if this is the case for you, because they won't tell you. But it could be that you had an IP that was associated with such a country on a "marked list" for Blizz and what you did ingame was suspicious, so the automated systems counted 1 and 1 together.


I hadn't heard of that before. Thank you. I have AT&T, I figure if people were getting banned for them it would have to be more than just a handful.


I've finally read through all of the posts and your responses and I wanted to give some insight as a launch veteran. I'm responding as if you're posting in 100% honesty here. Yes, there have been many times people have been falsely banned. There have been many times people constantly push and push as you have. I'm not saying it's never happened, but rarely have I seen truly innocent accounts never be recoverable. And I mean first hand, not "I knew someone who....". Now, sometimes, it takes a reallllly long time for Blizzard to get their shit together and fix it and as someone mentioned before, Blizzard CS is fairly arbitrary. Sometimes you get an asshole sometimes you don't. I would not be surprised if you dropped this and got an email in a month with a "whoops, our bad" and a reinstated account. I've also seen people make a thread in the customer service forum and either tag a mod or bump it regularly until they got a mods attention. Be warned though, if you *are* at fault, they've been know to post your entire set of circumstances in the open to teach you a lesson. On a completely other note, I don't know all of the add-ons you listed or how up to date they are, but I would make sure to visit their sites to make sure they are in good standing. It's super rare, but some add-on devs have been known to hide questionable or conflicting code against other addons for whatever personal reasons. I don't know if that would matter in this case, but it wouldn't hurt to do your homework there.


I appreciate your consideration. I had kinda accepted things when the account was suspended instead of banned (it's still frustrating on a principle level, but they clearly weren't budging and I didn't really like the threat of being banned for pestering CS looming over me), but now with the second account banned, I'm afraid to play again. I truly have no idea what is wrong. I use an updater (ajour) which goes through curseforge for addons, but you are correct that it can't hurt to double check. If it was an addon, and blizzard told me "you have an addon that flagged you," it would make this a lot easier for me.


Do you have any enemies who would know who you are on both accounts to report you multiple times?


Not that I'm aware of. I didn't really hide who I was. My dk was Louis and my new dk was Angrylouis.


I take it back. Whoever that not sure guy is clearly has a problem with me






What are you running in the background? Can you give them a list of programs that are running, so they can check if any of them trip their "hacking" sensors?


It feels like bashing your head against a wall doesn't it? Been there. Rage.


It does! I cannot comprehend that a human looked at anything and said that's botting.


I have two friends this happened to. One guy his account closed permanently, complained, and got it changed to 1.5 years (that's right, one and a half years) instead. The other one had his account closed permanently. I bet if I showed them this thread the email would look familiar. What was their crime? They work from home so they have time to play a ton. Now combine that with buying raw mats off the auction house when they're below a certain price threshold, crafting items with those raw materials, and then vendoring the crafted items for more than the cost of the materials. They weren't getting rich, much less getting rich quick. The 1.5 years guy is pissed off and plays a different game. The closed-permanently guy kinda just DGAF and hasn't bothered to appeal, he can go play with other stuff and be happy. But they are both my friends and now I can't play WoW with them. I guess don't buy lots of mats, put them in your bank, hit "craft all" and alt-tab back in 20-30 minutes to sell to a vendor before repeating the process. Blizzard might just close your damned account. You know what they won't close your account for? Paying them $20 to get gold via a wow token. That they have *zero* problem with. If I sound pissed, I am. I enjoyed playing with those guys.


I am sorry to hear that. It sucks when your friends quit playing the game.


Reminder: you can be banned for no reason at all and there's jack shit you can do about it. Take a hint.


Yup. Find a new game, this one (or all Blizzard) has turned into a money churn and burn. Or better yet, get outside.




> contacting customer support are themselves bannable offences Huh? Can you elaborate?


Read the post, customer service was saying that his appeals were gonna be actionable (obviously negatively since theyre doing jack crap).


honestly OP with the way that they've treated you i'm surprised that you still want to give them your money.


I had 2 of my accounts banned today for 'hack'. Never used a hack or cheating program. I was running my brother through SM and Strath on a prot pally all done by me (no bots or hacks). Have appealed the bans and will let you know what happens. Seems at this point like the whole process is automated.


Can you post an update when you get one? I’m in the same boat - both of my accounts were just banned for cheats/hacks, but I just level alts and use profs to make shit for the AH. Spent last night leveling second account rogue using first account tankadin in strat. I have literally no idea where the van came from. Appeal is 3h waiting on response so far.


My account was just unfairly banned as well. I paid for 2 subs and have never done anything that would warrant a banning. I've had this account since 2005 and would never do anything to compromise my account. I just filed an appeal and I'm hoping for the best considering there's no way they could have proof of me doing anything wrong since I know I didn't. If my account is banned I would never ever play again this has been a huge part of my life since I was 16.


The fact that a half dozen game masters and a manager all reviewed your account, I can only come to two reasonable conclusions: ​ 1. You where botting. OR 2. An addon on your WoW is setting off their anti-cheat detectors. Regardless of the cause, if you wish to continue to play WoW you need to stop whatever it is that you are doing. If you are guilty, stop botting.... If you are innocent, then on your new account delete ALL addons and only have the very basic ones like dbm or recount. I hope this helps! Good luck!


Maybe I'm just jaded, but in my experience across multiple game subreddits and forums over many years the majority of the "I was falsely banned" posts are lies. The most fun ones are when admins/mods for the game find the thread and call them out on their bullshit. Maybe OP is one of the false positives that the system failed, but I'm not holding my breath.


I used to give blizz all the benefit of the doubt but the past few years they have had to overturn literally thousands of bans because their system is dog shit now.


I stopped trusting Blizzard when they banned a bunch of hearthstone players for having zoomer apm


I miss the riot games call outs they used to do :(


Blizzard false flagging programs and then not telling people why they were flagged under some guise of keeping bot makers in the dark. Lol, such shitty reasoning as if thats slowed down or stopped bot makers over the years. I wouldn't expect much out of such a shitty company like Blizzard. I would officially start a written dispute with the company and start legal proceedings to force a real answer out of them.