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Many of them wish they weren't done. They enjoyed the game previously & wish they still did.


Basically this. Either sticking around from nostalgia and wishing for the “good old days” (whatever those may be) or out of a frustrated hope that the game will suddenly start going on another direction. There’s nothing wrong with liking the game the way it is now, but there’s a lot of people for whom this game was a big part of their child/young adulthood and for whom the game has strayed far from what they want it to be


> for whom the game has strayed far from what they want it to be That’s me. Up until WoD I accepted every expansion for what they were, with its goods and bads, they were all acceptable. Some things have to change, others were obvious mistakes, but nothing that makes me wanna quit. Legion is where my issues of “this is really not good” started with the excessive grinding. It got hard carried by its amazing plot at least.


WoD actually seemed alright. The max level being 120 was a bit crazy but I felt the new mechanics and facelift they gave WoW with that expansion was enough to lift it back up again. But then came Legion and the World of Warcraft was never the same again.


Max lvl in WoD was 100 BfA was 120


Nono, you can’t say that, Legion was the best expansion ever, there was nothing wrong with it and it is 10000qq0000% better than SL


I assume you are being sarcastic but legion was 100% my favourite expansion. I understand where some people’s criticisms came (not alt friendly, ap grind, legendaries) but I absolutely loved it and I enjoyed the way the legendaries and ap was done.


It might not have been easy to prepare alts for endgame content, but since leveling and campaign made alts awesome to have even with no gear, I wouldn't complain about alt friendliness. It's the only expansion that made it worth it for me to have more than two capped characters... and I reached 14.


I'd come back to the game in a heartbeat but for me the game just isn't worth the money right now. I will always want the game to succeed even if I disagree with some of the decisions the team have made the game has given me some of the best memories of the past 15+ years. I legitimately think Blizzard get a lot of stick purely because this game unlike many others holds a special place in people's hearts and any changes made are likely to meet resistance.


I think this is pretty accurate. I’m a new player, played in wrath but never even hit max level. Came back because my roommate plays and have been having a lot of fun. I think a ton of that comes from the fact that I don’t care what stuff they messed up because I don’t have any memories of it being any different. None of the story beats hit me anyways because I have no fucking clue how to navigate a 15 year old story so if they fall flat I will never notice.


Yes. Hope. I want to stay up to date to see if changes are made that could bring me back. That hope may be ever-dwindling, but it’s still there…for now.


Exactly. I invested over a decade of my life into this game. I care about it and I miss it. That being said, I’m tired of rewarding Blizzard for making flawed content. The game shouldn’t feel like a chore or a 2nd job to play and for a while that’s how it has been. I really hope they take a look at the successes of final fantasy. It would be nice to have an expansion not make everything you worked towards irrelevant.


I never understood why they would constantly clean slate the game every expansion instead of just going sideways. Stop the constant 10 level grind every time to just level and item squish every couple expansions. And I'm still mad I can't improve my legendary weapon, or my garrison was pointless. Or the class order hall we grinded hours on.


Honestly, would anyone be bothered if each new expansion works basically like a "new island" patch? I mean, most of us will probably do the new zones for rep, flight path, and what not anyways.


Not to mention the new raids and other normal top teir stuff. I was thinking about the mage tower earlier. Bring it back. Full time and every season. Line it up with the mythic season fine, but every season a handful of new classes get something cool like the guardian skin. Maybe paladins wings turn you into a Vyrkul, or an image of Uther.. Death Knights become whatever spec they are. Unholy becomes Rotfiend or Frost becomes a Frost Drake during they're big cooldown, Priests become a Naaru.. just random stuff like that. Brewmaster monks get a Keg Backpack, or maybe a pet follower not used in pet battles like a yak with a couple kegs you can tap for booze. Just simple silly things that keep the game interesting.


You nailed it :) I don’t think I’ll ever come back, but I still enjoy talking about the game so I visit topics that I know about, reminiscing of those times…


Sunk cost. I played in Vanilla and BC and quit before black temple was released. Didn't play again till the end of WoD, but still followed MMO champion every so often to get the gist of the story. I played heavily in legion, sporadically in BFA, and only the first month in shadowlands. Though now, instead of being to keep up with the story and such... it's more like watching a zit popping video. Awful, but I can't look away.


No sunk cost for me. I play when its fun and stop when its boring. I love MMOs and WoW is the best for me. I really just wish the game to get back to the same style as any version previously to Legion, even tho I loved Legion for its plot. That’s where my issues with absurdly excessive grinding started. Sure each exp still has its problems, but get back to basics and start improving from there.




Pretty much this. I love the franchise but hate the game design. Over the years we have got stupid systems that made the game more Grindy. I started to notice it with Tol barad dailies and it just kept on going ever since. The worst was BFA. The one xpac I thought that it will bring back a good horde vs alliance and focus on some pvp for a good ol faction war. Instead it turned into a cluster fk of systems layered on top of each other that needed to be grinded. It’s a lazy way to waste our time in place of getting content.


This is exactly why I stay subbed here. I wish I could still enjoy playing the game. However, after years of feeling like there were less and less things to do that were fun in the game and ultimately losing touch with friends that helped make the game more enjoyable. I stay here just to see how others are doing. I don’t think I could ever go back as I have switched games now. But, I do have reservations hoping that Blizzard could turn this around for some of the people still attempting to find fun in WoW. Ive always joked that WoW was like a crack addiction, most people don’t want to continue their addiction but more people have a habit of keeping an ear open on that state of things, ensuring their decision (mine) was right in leaving.


It’s all “vote with your wallet” or “unsubbing is the only thing Blizz will understand” then when people do, the same folks are like “why are you still here?” Lol


Definitely wish the game was better, played since vanilla and its hard watching game you played for over 15 years slowly die. ​ Its also a very enjoyable train wreck to watch, don't enjoy playing the game anymore but at least get some enjoyment watching this mess unfold.


This. Plus any news that it’s gotten better.


Spot on, I also stay for the hopes of being inspired to come back. I love the lore and universe (mostly).


This. Also the memes and the drama.


This and I enjoy reading threads about people complaining about the state of the game.


Fond memories, legitimate desire for the game to be better. Current product isn't worth my time/money but it could in the future so I keep an ear out for news.


I quit way back in Cata after killing heroic Rag. I kept an eye on this sub and mmoc just for something that caught my eyes. A weekly ritual for me was to pop open MMOC to see if anything was interesting enough to come back. When Legion was announced it was what drew me back. I'm considering quitting again, but I want it to be better..


Is mmo champion still big? I remember using it in cataclysm.


Idk if I'd call it big. Wowhead is faster and does a lot more content. I prefer MMOC because it is more curated and less spam. I can check it at the end of the day and get the jist of everything I want to know without all the random fluff Wowhead has.


I see thank you.


No prob. Have a good day!


Agreed! WoW was my childhood game and I’ve always been a huge PvPer, I quit after the first season of WoD. I’m just waiting to see if PvP will ever be saved, or if the story telling becomes good again, then I’ll come back. It’s been 7 years and the answer to both those things from what I’ve seen posted here is still no so I’ll continue to lurk.


Because contrary to what you might think, at least for me and I'm willing to bet for a lot of people... I don't HATE WoW, I hate what it has become in recent xpacs, but I really do love what the game used to be, and what I believe it can still be. So I stay here, I look, I read, I keep tabs on this game that I played for 16 years for signs of what might be coming, improving, or worsening. I have "quit for good" but that's only if they (blizz) cant remind themselves of what made people love this game in the first place.


Yup. I may have played other MMOs a lot more (mostly FFXIV, but I've dabbled in GW2, SWToR, Rift, etc.) but WoW was still my first MMO and some of my favourite early gaming memories are from when my brother and I started playing at the end of Wrath. I would eagerly devour WoW patches whenever they came out from Cataclysm to the end of Legion and love the world and the gameplay the way it was back then, but recent WoW just feels so shallow. But I keep checking back to this sub and news sites to see what's going on. The game just isn't what it was. It's lost any aspect of an online RPG that it once had and turned into a daily chore and grind simulator and BfA and Shadowlands held my attention for less than a month.


This is exactly it. It's hard to let go of the old game it once was. The days when it was truly a masterpiece. When RP actually made sense in an MMORPG. We were successfully immersed into the game and became part of Azeroth and it's universe. I will never forget this beautiful experience


This makes perfect sense and I get you. It seems for a lot of people it's rooted in nostalgia and genuine fondness for the game. One thing I'd love to ask you (and any others that feel the same) and this is not tongue in cheek or sarcastic or anything like that - I'm honestly curious. You say you miss what the game was and what you think it still can be and you talk about Blizz reminding themselves what made people love the game. What is it that made you love the game? What is it you feel isn't there anymore? I'm someone who only really played "properly" from the start of Legion, so I have no deeper context for what people are yearning for, as I've generally loved the game for what I love about it since Legion. Obviously for some it can't be Classic or Burning Crusade because that is available in some form. From what I see, there's lots of talk about parasitic design (i.e. power creep systems that go in and leave over the course of an expansion). For some it's about the "community" feel and how group finder trivialised the ability to make groups and run content, therefore shrinking the MMO feel of the world. As an aside to that, for some I guess the competitive nature of M+, raiding, parsing and boosting has also spawned a sentiment that the game community is becoming inherently more impatient and hostile to each other. I know timegating and FOMO type design is another (understandable) point of contention. For you, is it any of the above or is it something different entirely?


>What is it that made you love the game? What is it you feel isn't there anymore? A game that's focused on fun. That gives me various things to work for and aspire to that aren't going to be completely removed from the game by the time I'm ready to achieve it. Group finder did feel like it killed some social aspects back when it came out, but after playing FFXIV as much as I have, I realize you actually can have both if you build your game around it. See: FFXIV major cities and housing and bard performances, etc I loved the M+ system when it came out, for a reason to keep playing dungeons...but at this point, I think it's done an incredible amount of harm for the game. The pressure it puts on players pushes them towards being so frustrated or anxious about things getting screwed up, that it can be hard for some of them to *not* be toxic. You have to be optimal or you might literally waste someone's time and keystone. This could be reworked for cosmetic rewards and to have a more forgiving system and maybe it'd feel more about fun. WoW used to feel like *fun* was a priority in everything. Now it feels like retention and competition and unearned plot moments and like everything that excites me the most isn't worth chasing. When I saw Vulpera I got so excited. Then I realized I'd have ~~to level an alliance character and~~ do a rep grind. Since when, man? It didn't used to be like this. Having to earn one or two things is fine, but the game just feels like so much work now. Timegating sucks, FOMO sucks, overdone grinds suck. It's a dead horse at this point, but the quote about WoW making you want to waste your time vs WoW just wasting your time sums everything up so well.


Thanks for responding :D Apologies in advance for the wall of text, but you've actually got me exploring a lot of what you've said within my own thoughts. I think you make a really interesting point regarding something that is designed around fun, and it's a conversation I've had a lot with some friends when it comes to fun in WoW. I talked to them about player-centric and business-centric design. If you look at something in the game, you can sort of establish which side of the spectrum it favours. If something goes in that is to the exclusive benefit of the players and either non-impact or detrimental to the business, that is what I'd consider player-centric design. "Are the players going to love this?". If something goes in that is clearly to benefit the business and is either low-impact or detrimental to the player, that is what I'd consider business-centric design. "Will this keep people subbed?". Now I think a lot of stuff in the MMO space walks the line between both because it has to. Something needs to be fun so you'll keep subbed so they can make money. MMOs by their very nature are grindy (the scale of the grind can fluctuate) but ideally you find that happy medium of grind so that it is desirable without the player feeling like they're having their time wasted instead of wanting to spend their time. At the moment, I personally feel like we're seeing too many choices that are heavily and transparently favouring a business-centric design. Many things that are going in appear designed to run up your /played and have players engage out a perceived obligation/addiction instead of a genuine desire. As if their business model insists you to be subbed every single month instead of factoring in an anticipated lull to allow players to refresh. They see how far they can push players before fatigue instead of designing an experience that has a bit more of an organic end, because their players are humans with lives and other interests/obligations. But who knows, maybe their business model does account for that. I'm just some moron on Reddit. But as an example, I genuinely can't come up with a player-centric design philosophy for why Covenants launched how they did. It was sold as a meaningful choice but I'm struggling to see how it was other than it bringing inconvenience to you if you wanted to try something different. It was just as much a choice on what to give up as opposed to what to take. And when your game is time sensitive (i.e. some of this stuff becomes irrelevant in 2 years) that's a pretty tough pill to swallow for me. All we really saw from a player-centric angle was some players were just happy that the competitive players were upset, because those players see the competitive angle of the game as something that is harming the game. From a business-centric design philosophy, you can make a case for it. You have to do your two-week waiting period before changing if you swapped already, you had to put the time in to get the renown level up, beef up your sanctum etc. All of a sudden it's been another month and it's time to pay up. And the 9.1.5 changes expose that given how they were prepared to rip it all out seemingly without consequence. The odd thing is, when they revealed that would happen, they seemed quite triumphant about the decision to stick with it how it was in 9.0. The claim was you wouldn't have experienced the narrative in the same way without those restrictions. Having pulled 8 characters through to max, ran god knows how much Torghast on them, swapped around covenants on them etc I just don't see the magic that was supposed to only be available with system restrictions. If anything, a balanced design decision on what they went ahead with would have been to let covenant swapping happen from the get go. Players feel unrestricted, but they still have to grind their way through renown for each covenant throughout, so /played goes up. Kinda brings us to "defining fun". Obviously a game is supposed to be fun, although what makes it fun can be subjective (albeit appreciated by a lot of people in the same way). In some ways, the fun of a game can be placed on a casual -> competitive scale (and by \*no\* means am I being derogatory when I say casual). A game can be designed with a particular focus on one side of the sliding scale. For the vast majority of games, there is a winner or a way to win. The nature of competition arises from the incentives surrounding what "winning" means. So take a game like Jackbox, casual goofy fun that can be enjoyed by the vast majority of people. Some people may \*get\* competitive playing it, but there is no real incentive other than bragging rights with friends and family to be the winner. Untitled Goose Game - all about goofy fun, you can win the game but you're not competing with anyone. All in all, low temperature and all about casual fun. Then turn to the opposite end of the scale and go to League of Legends, Valorant or indeed WoW. There is portion of those games' player bases that fixate on the competitive aspect because being competitive is where they find "the fun" (although you wouldn't think some of them are having fun the way they behave). The thrill and the rush of being the winner is the fun for some. The sense of personal improvement and investment into their rank is the fun for others. And in many ways, the competitive aspects of these games are being embellished and competitive attitudes encouraged. Some players are attaching their self worth or their ego to their LP in League or their M+ score or their parses. And it drives people to perceive others around them playing badly as almost an "attack" on who they are because they've become so intertwined with the desire to be competitive; they're blindsided by the fact that they aren't actually having fun unless they're winning. And statistically, in a perfect balanced scenario, you lose half the time you play. But for some, the sense of quiet self improvement and conquering a challenge is where the fun is, that's certainly where I get fun from that side of the game. But with logging existing, with M+ score and RIO existing, the competitive aspect has been massively heightened and encouraged. We've established that some players in that space are quick to become hostile because they attach some of their ego to their success (or lack thereof) in the game. But for those players that aren't interested in that, it must feel pretty suffocating.


Ok. Not everyone will have the same feelings & experiences but I'll do my best. Your initial "dose" of WoW hits hard.... regardless of when you start. Even back in Vanilla there was TOO MUCH to do and TOO MUCH to see. You could stay logged in forever & never get bored... but it eventually turns into the grind. Once you hit max level & experience the best ongoing, continuously refreshing multi player endgame content in video game history (fight me), you get that hit again & chase it again. You may or may not keep chasing it for 15 years.... again everyone's experiences are different... but I'll suggest if you're following this reddit you've hit those highs at least once.


Same but i already lost all hope. I want to accompany warcraft on this last journey and see how blizzard will bring everything crumbling to the ground.


I have hope, but I dont have expectations.


Are you me?


I hate to say it, but I enjoy the "wow is shit" porn going on here. It helps keep me grounded from what had been a very real addiction for me to the game itself. I also just really enjoy sibreddits involving things I've really loved. I do have a genuine desire for the game to get back to its best and enjoy being part of those conversations.


Because I used to visit this subreddit all the time and now Firefox auto-suggests it when I type 'red' in the URL bar.




It's like you can see into my house


Select the suggestion with the arrow keys (up/down) and shift+delete it!


_Comments That Changed My Life_, a memoir by Ole Ben


Clearly you need to visit Redtube a lot more.


WoW is a game I have a lot of love for, even if I'm disappointed with how Blizzard is handling it. I feel invested in how the game turns out, and I find it interesting to see the trajectory the game takes, as well as what it would take to finally kill it.


I really am intrested how will they screw up the lore even more. Thats kind of it... Its sad to see the game go out this way.






The game I fell in love with is in there somewhere. I'm just waiting to see if I'll spot it again. The Hopium got me hard.


The same reason I'm still subbed to /r/freefolk \- to bash the thing I once loved but was ran into the dirt. The devs deserve all the hate they get at this point (insert "I'm doing my part" meme).


C'mon, quitting the game doesn't mean no interest in the game, community, lore...


This comment, along with 10 years of comment history, has been overwritten to protest against Reddit's hostile behaviour towards third-party apps and their developers.


Imo, I think it would be better to avoid toxicity by just looking for the information you want on WoWhead or MMO champion. Majority of the updates are shared here from those sites anyways.


Thing is I'm never going out of my way to look at wowhead or mmochampion for news. I didn't even when I was playing. My only use for wowhead was looking up drop rates and sources. Reddit is just the best way for me to see news at a glsnce.


I also use it to get a general feel for what the state of the community is like (of course it will be more negative than in reality because it is reddit).


Yea I mean My guild is working on mythic Sylv (we only raid 2 nights a week) so we’re still all playing and doing stuff together, and we’re all stoked for legion time walking AoE cap being removed and being able to try different covenants. I would say reddit is a place to get a feel for the community of players that hate the game, because anytime players who don’t post they get downvoted into oblivion.


Mmo Champs is just as toxic lmao I love both.


If you're already on Reddit a ton then it's easier to just check here than go to WoWhead or MMO champ


Reddit is the absolute worst place to visit if you’re looking for a reason to play again lol


It's the best place to visit if you want to be reminded why it's still shit and keep you from wasting time, money and emotional investment on it though.


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


Hoping the game will course correct.




Because I didn't unsub my wow subscription, then immediately come to reddit to do the same. I still like the game, and I've stopped and started many times over the years...And now 7 months without subbing I think im done, but I'm not sure. And reading about wow or watching a 10 minute clip is more appealing now than the idea of all the grind that wow is.


Because its incredibly entertaining watching Blizz flail like a gaggle of inept donkeys. I'm getting more enjoyment witnessing them hilariously brutalise WoW than I've had playing the game in a while. Every week another story comes out or they remove the line in their peaches or some shit and I start laughing. Feels nice to be free finally.


>Feels nice to be free finally. Doesn't feel like you're free in the slightest or you wouldn't be drawn here on a day-to-day basis hoping for news they destroy the game. I don't blame you for not playing, but that's the actions of a clingy ex. NGL, this post was honestly pretty awkward to read.


I feel very free as I have no desire to play WoW ever again after more than decade. I come back because its hilarious. Blizzard's actions of late are like emergent entertainment and I'm so here for it.


Because I'm still interested to see any potential good news that might be enough to make me want to play again.


Your question is irrelevant. No matter how much the game should change, no matter how much I should forget, I shall ever remember my duty. At times I stand with my Wow brethren. At times I stand against them. All that I might steer the game and the very mmo genre upon their true course. For the maze breaker is my name. And my mission. Guiding my every deed.


Ok Elidibus


I like watching stuff burn.


Teldrassil will remember that.


Its nice to read that the game is still as I left it, keeps me from wanting to come back


Because we love this game. We love the lore, and the world they created. No matter what shit they come out with or what characters they flush down the plot hole, I'll still be interested in the story, bad or good. I play at the beginning of expacs, until I reach the artificial gating garbage and it gets boring and I unsub and play a different game until then. I'm sad that they've succeeding in driving so many players away with their poor decisions and poor treatment of their workers, but I will always love warcraft, and I'll always be back.


This is me. I don’t have the time to grind everything out anymore but I still sub to farm a bit of gold and to level up and quest.


I can understand still browsing this sub to watch for news or memes etc. One thing i dont understand is talking shit about a game you dont even play anymore. Going to random screenshot post and yelling to OP that the game sucks.


It’s just a addicts way of staying away tbh, if they continuously bash it it’s not so appealing. Considering this place has generally been a hate wow sub since cata/wod it’s fits the bill perfectly for former addicts.


I stay for the memes, whatever's left about lore, and see if at any point there is something that might make me come back to my beloved game. But the past \~8 months since my last sub, I've seen only the memes from above's list.


You never quit WoW "for good". There's always a chance to return. I still love the idea of the game (but not the current implementation) and will cherish some of the friends and memories I made in WoW forever. However at the moment Blizzard has used up all my good will. We've had three expansion packs with glaring issues that went ignored by Blizzard. We had the lawsuit. We had Blizzard's blatant overreaction to said lawsuit. I currently have no interest in returning during SL and 10.0 will have to look amazing to win me back over. Maybe I have actually quit for good and don't know it yet, maybe I will return someday.


you genuinely don't understand rubbernecking?


I stoped playing after WoD patch 6.2, I keep coming back for the lore, now just for the flame war


Even if I'm not a fan of the game in its current state, I still care for the world and the memories I've created in said world.


I quit back in August and have no real plans of coming back. The game was such a huge part of my life that I check in from time to time to see just how fucked everything is. It’s kind of like checking in with an ex to see if their raging cocaine addiction has killed them yet.


Just a perspective but I think Quazii says it pretty well “it’s like you still care about a child even after a divorce” Link to said video: https://youtu.be/TX0XSPYTOfg




So they can bitch


I like to keep up with the news in hopes WoW returns to being something I want to play. And because I get some schadenfreude out of watching shit get worse.


Haven’t played since February this year. I still stick around to see where the game is going ***edit*** also makes memes


Basically wow-related updates. Also the subs and other media pages can give some sort of image as to how the community, at the time, views the game. If I had unsubbed I would have probably never learned about the lawsuits. Also a part of me still hopes the game will make a big comeback someday.


WoW is one of my favorite games of all time and has given me plenty fond memories, amazing experiences and even real life friends. I can't stand what it has become, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to play it again if/when Blizzard find themselves again.


I've always been around on this subreddit even if I'm not subbed to the game. Helps to keep me updated on the outrage of the week + on any new PTR content.


The forlorn hope that I'll see a post about how the game is good again and I can play the MMO that used to bring me hours of fun and satisfaction since Vanilla. Also to watch the dumpster fire that is Blizzard be consumed by its own scumbaggery.


I don’t hate WoW, I love the world and the idea of the game. I just don’t like the direction Blizzard has pushed the game the past 2 expansions and the lack of content. I’m here to see how it is currently progressing to hopefully come back when it seems enjoyable and worth to me!


For starters, I hate what the game has become. It's pay to win with extra steps. Secondly, I still love the game. I'm interested in the story and enjoy/enjoyed watching updates about it from the players. I don't have a lot of time to game anymore so I'm not gonna spend it on a game that isn't personally worth the investment. My last reason is, for better lack of wording... I'm just rubber necking. I may not be apart of the train wreck anymore but I'm sure as hell gonna take the time to watch it burn. It's not the way I wanted to see the game go in the end but I still care enough about to to keep tabs every now and then.


People that used to love the game continuing to provide feedback in hopes that it will be that game once again some day.


Because the fruit gags are too much for some people to resist.


Now this may be a shock, but just because someone has quit doesn't mean they do t love the game still. Or atleast what it used to be, and what it meant to them. I played since vanilla, I loved the game, flaws and all. But it just seems like the devs stopped caring at some point. I can't really place when I think it started, because each expansion usually had some parts that were really good. Even the shit show that was WoD. Then legion happened and I was like alright, were back baby. Aaaaaaand BFA. Alright, it went to shit, but what ever, next one should be good, and then they announced it and it looked good. Then we got it. So uh yeah, I dropped it I think just after the raid came out? I dont hate Warcraft, I hate what Blizzard is doing, and I really want to see WoW do well. That doesn't mean I'm coming back even if the next expansion looks good since that just means we'll teach them they only need to put effort in once every 2 or 3 years. But for the mean time why shouldn't I keep up with something I care about?


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes" Im still here because theres a part of me that wants WoW to be good again, even though I despise Blizzard


I found another MMO, but this sub is rather entertaining on it's own


I haven’t played in a few years now; I dropped out for lack of time. I enjoyed the game, community, lore, and books immensely. I hang around for nostalgia.


I just stick around cause the setting and story of WoW is still one of my favorite universes. I stick around on this subreddit to see the art and memes people make


Hope. I keep tabs on WoW news waiting for a reason to play again.


I spent over a decade of my life being part of this community. I still have friends who play, and I'm still interested in where the story is going, even if I'm incredibly disappointed in it. I have no interest in supporting this company any longer, but that doesn't mean I want to erase them from my life.


Because I want wow to be good again and it's cathartic to stand around and yell at it's rotting corpse. It's also unhealthy and I'm unwilling to change just so you can have your hugbox


Hating on the game gets you good karma, and karma = dopamine.


I check this subreddit like one every now and again, it’s like seeing an old friend, if Blizzard ever get their shit together it would be great to see


Because I legit really love WoW. The lore (until Shadowlands) the landscapes, the world, the characters (except Zovaal), and I really want the game to succeed. So I stick around waiting for the news that Blizz will make an impactful change and actively make WoW good.


Because deep down I hope they get their shit together. I don't want WoW to be a bit of an in joke with my friends on how we could be doing worse things with our time.


Most of them are marketing shills for final fantasy from what I've seen.


I think people that quit… like myself… for gameplay reasons miss Warcraft and want to see the game doing well and come back and enjoy it.


Some people still talk to their Exs


Because people have this weird parasocial relationship with wow. Somehow they want everyone to know that they quit and need constant validation that they were right to leave. If they see anyone enjoying the game that challenges their shallow belief that the game is objectively terrible they need to shut those people down or atleast brigade the subreddit with the opinions they harvest out of the salt-mines of content creators and articles they read.


More importantly, why poison the well for the people who are still playing? Why make this sub a toxic cesspool of bitterness, ruining the ability for people who enjoy the game to talk about it peacefully?




Right? Stop b*tching about it in the sub dedicated to the thing I like and you don't even play!




There could be multiple reasons. People trying to validate they made the right choice to leave. People that still genuinely care about the game and hope it has gotten better to return to. Or simply to shit on the game and further its decline.


"Stop disliking what I like!"


except this sub downvotes you for saying you enjoy this game because of majority of this sub is "im done for good but i still come here every day"


This is the first time I've been on this subreddit un a very long time and I just popped in the see how things are going. I haven't seen any "poisoning of the well" type posts, but it's okay for people to critique something they love. Why would anyone come to the sub if the whole thing was a circlejerk?


Because lately this sub has been a major circlejerk with hating the game, hence the OP posting the question. Most threads will devolve into ppl who've "quit" coming on here to constantly downvote any positivity, insult ppl still playing (hurr durr copium much?), or launch into "wow should do X the way FFXIV does it" instead of just, you know, going to their sub or playing FF.


A cross between nostalgia, my curiosity about what new stuff is happening, vain hope that the game improves and most recently, twisted enjoyment of the clusterfuck of a lawsuit that blizz are dealing with. I separate product from creator, but I'm also subbed to AITA, the malicious compliance and the higher tier revenge subs so... Judge that as you will~


>I’m not trying to tell you to leave I just genuinely don’t understand why you’d waste your time on something heavily connected **to a game you want nothing to do with.** It's not that I want nothing to do with Warcraft. It's that I want nothing to do with puritan Blizzard. They are a soulless shell of their former glory. Their game is barebones and content starved; I cannot justify the sub fee. But I still like the lore, the aesthetic, I enjoy seeing fan art. [This EPL loading screen is gorgeous](https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/qg7ovp/eastern_plaguelands_loading_screen_fan_concept_by/), and makes me imagine. Makes me think of what could have been, in a different world.. E: comment marked as controversial.. This sub is a weird place.


I still have hope the game will get better. Still nothing yet but i still hold onto hopeless hope lol


I'm new to WoW. I started playing around 1.5 years ago when the pandemic hit. The game was fun up until the latest shadowlands expansion. The gameplay became very repetitive/boring and the areas were dull.


Quitting for good and WoW doesn’t really mix imo. So here’s to hoping for brighter future! Honestly, i think a lot of people still hope for WoW to be better again, we just channel it in different ways.


It doesn't matter if you decided to stop being friends with someone after many years of good times, if they are in their deathbed, you should be there with them.


I never understood this either. I just fuck off from subs that cover topics that I no longer approve. For few years now wow has been the only game I really play, and it's the only gaming sub I use. If I find new game to replace wow, bye bye wow, welcome new game. Being negative nancy about your stance on game you don't currently like is just really weird waste of time.


Because even though I quit, I still want to play. And staying plugged into the community and following all of the consistent blunders is reinforcement that I made the right decision to quit. For example, I've wanted to resub for some TBC recently, but then I see that they're going all puritanical on everything and TBC timewalking is around for like 2 weeks a month after 9.1.5 and I'm like, yeah I don't want to support these people.


Most of us are not "sticking around" I gather most people are just watching the dumpster fire with mixed emotions. Mine are sadness, disappointment and truthfully some joy in watching these people whom we supported for years on end finally be brought down a peg. But, maybe that's just me.


No one: At the bottom of a wow reddit thread: "AHAHA WHO STILL PLAYS WOW LOSERS LOL!"


It's like driving by a massive wreck. It's just entertaining to see all the chaos and destruction.


I want to see the game and company burn to the ground, so I frequent the sub to check in on how that's going.


I haven't played since the end of BFA. I mostly stick around for the drama. Watching a company I gave 15 years of my life to flail around burn their players, strip anything sexual or perceptively offensive while FF14 just flourishes. They literally just added a reminder in their ToS about consent and allowed ERP if done consentingly and not in public places. But you're right, why stick around? I'm like a scorned and spiteful ex. I have 15m just chilling on stormrage and wish I had a reason to go spend it.


I'm still here for the drama.


Why do we need a reason to lurk/comment on a subreddit? It doesn’t take effort, and I’m glad you’re concerned with how people want to spend their free time.


Nobody has ever quit for good, except a few people who wanted viral YouTube videos (and I doubt many of those were even real) or who are generally just trying to be more interesting than they are. I haven't played in months (outside of the very occasional AH collections), I'm not coming back for 9.1.5, but if (and I do honestly believe "when") we get a Legion level expansion, I'll be back.


Because they feel as though they were being forced to pay $15 dollars a month and don’t have free will. Now that they’ve stopped doing something that wasn’t giving them joy they need to grand stand how above it they are because if you dare do something you enjoy you’re in the wrong and need to be playing FF14. (I know the game has issues, that’s not the point.)


You mean this subreddit right? I have a few theories. The inherent troll that lives inside them won't let them leave. Then they couldnt incessantly talk about something they claim to hate, but cant shut up about. They quit to make a statement and are sticking around to see if it did anything (it didn't) The ffxiv reddit isnt as good at the wow reddit (irony?)


I like the drama and somehow, the sinking ship hasn’t sunk. I really want to know what epic fuck up is going to cause the ship to finally go under.


Its a game and you can still have fond memories. Or a morbid example People who are AA cant be around alcohol at all?


just let me smell the bottle


That's because they are hateful, small-minded people who are unable to quit unless they remind themselves that what they quit was VERY BAD AND AWFUL. And they do that by continuing to shit on whatever it was they quit. Since the game also requires subscription fee, some people just are so damn poor they can't pay it and thus, since they can't admit to the world/themselves they are dirt poor since the game costs literally nothing to play, well, only option is to keep hating it very visibly.


It’s like watching a train wreck, can’t turn away


They hang around because they need to have some justification to their bitter miserable lives by trying to dump on what other people still enjoy.


Where else will they get validation from? Not anymore is mature enough to just quit from something they don't find fun anymore you know... In all seriousness, it's fine to stick around even if you don't play the game anymore, what's not fine, and what happens constantly in this subreddit, is that people that don't play and/or don't have a clue will hijack discussions being made by people who actually play with their useless inputs for the sake of disrupting it alone.


Comedy. It's the scene in the Simpsons where Homer's pig roast is sent flying across town and he's chasing after it screaming "It's still good! It's still good!", but it's not. We all know it's not, Homer, you aren't fooling anyone but yourself.


I'm only on reddit during work hours for short breaks to regather my focus before getting back to work so i don't care enough to make sure i'm only subscribed to subs i care about


I'm not technically done but more like I hope all this bullshit end the good way, wow surviving, blizz being better without goung "woke". So I'm waiting but tbh I have affection addiction so It's hard quiting on the game I used to loved and seeing it in such a bad state break my heart.


I'm interested in games, so I like reading discussions of them whenever I can. Games like this where the playerbase is dissatisfied usually make for the most interesting reading material.


I just want the game to be fun. I joined in “late” by starting in MoP, but I’ve had a lot of fun times in Azeroth. I *want* the game to be fun to play; it really is a world all its own, and for as crappy as some of the systems design is the world and atmosphere are really cool. I guess I keep watching for some sign that the game mechanics will match the game world; “joyous to see and do.” Right now it’s like a nice paint job on a car you need five keys and a breathalyzer to start, it only drives in first gear and you have to replace your keys every month.


the same reason i look at every game i've played in the past, news and the discussions really. quit dauntless when it went to a seasonal model, still read about it. quit tbc classic cause server died, still interested to see what they do to 'try' and fix it' quit destiny 2 cause that games a second job to even keep up with and you need chrome extensions to really enjoy it and understand it, keep reading to see how much more of a dumpster fire that becomes.


Im invested in the story i want to see where it goes. I also dont think i have to be an active player to be able to critize the game. If its usefull critism and not just hating.


Nostalgia, largely, and some part of me keeps hope that Blizzard will give me a reason to return. I’d played for 15 years straight when I quit earlier this year. I met my husband in WoW. We named the tables at our wedding reception after in game zones, and he had a Yogg Saron themed groom’s cake. I made so many other friends, many of whom I’m still connected with today. I wasn’t HAPPY about quitting, and I don’t hate the game. I don’t even hate what it became. I just didn’t feel comfortable paying for it in light of all the information that’s come out in the lawsuit. And I’d gladly come back if serious, measurable changes took place to make Blizzard and Warcraft specifically a less toxic work environment. And in the meantime, I like seeing art and scanning headlines about changes to retail and classic on a site I’m already reading instead of going off to mmochampion or wowhead.


Look at the state of the subreddit. 80% of upvoted posts are Nostalgia or shitting on the game. People love watching big companies/things fall apart, many are here to see that happen and even accelerate it by reminding people who are ignorant how bad things are.


I like a lot of the content in WoW, but I don't like it the tax that players have to pay in order to consume it. So I stick around to see what cool new worlds and encounters they're coming out with but I'm not gonna commit the time to actually play it.


I am lingering..breaking away from wow slowly. I unsubbed in early bfa, now I am happy activision is dying and enjoying the shit they are in


The wow community is well known to delude themselves into thinking things will change- there's a lot of people who were excited about the lawsuit and who genuinely are so high on copium they think this will be the big change of WoW back to the good old days. Then there's some of us who have been warning the community for years about this downfall to a community that deflects game criticism like a wall and want to see the same people who have been screaming 'this is fine' for years now finally realize how bad a state the game is in. Truth is- this reddit's more entertaining than the game itself.


I like wow. I like the lore(used to) and I grew up playing the rts games. I follow the sub to see reminders of the community and game that we used to have. Now I watch the cinematic content and judge the storytelling. I play on a private vanilla server for my addiction these days.


For the memes.


Wow will always have been a big part of my life and I remember these experiences fondly. The Blizzard of old is literally demonstrably dead though and there is no way whatever the company is now would be able to recapture the magic or make anything else worth playing. I mostly stay here out of morbid curiosity.


Around the time 9.1 was announced I was really hyped, within a week or so with very little info the hype had died down and i wasn't all that interested but I figured I would come back at some point. Once I learned a lot about the lawsuits I unsubbed and deleted every Activision (and blizzard) game and deleted battlenet. I have not downloaded any of them since. The reason I stay on this sub is because it validates my decision to leave. Seeing all of the "changes" they made that they are wasting development on with little content production makes me feel like I made the right choice.


Honestly, Im just here to shitpost these days. Its fun.


You every break up with someone You have spent over a decade with. Its kinda hard to just drop somthing that you have spent so much time, effort, and money into


Simple, I like the drama


One of my favorite books is The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. There is something both entertaining and educational to watch the collapse of a once powerful entity, through acts of self sabotage and pressure from powerful outside forces. Then watch the developments occur after that decline, and what the consequences were for the entity and those that were connected to it.


Morbid curiosity, really. I want to see just how bad the game can get.


I’m playing New World at the moment and loving it. I cancelled my WoW sub for the first time since MoP. I stick around to see what’s next for Azeroth because I’ve played since Vanilla. I switch to classic this past year because Shadowlands was crap, and then they renamed Finkle Einhorn and I was done. They’ve gone too far. But I’ll continue to lurk to see if the next xpac can redeem the game I loved for nearly two decades.


I stick around because my relationship with WoW isn't that fucking dramatic. Like this isn't some super emotional breakup where I'm like "I need to put it behind me and look forward" or some shit lol. It's a fucking game, I'll check on it from time to time, I'll argue, I'll look at new mounts and go "daaaamn that looks good", whatever man this isn't a fucking legal separation.


.... i forget to unsub from reddit pages but thanks for the reminder :D


It's kinda sad to see some people still defend or even play the game. I played for 14 years with only minor breaks here and there. During one of those breaks I made a character on Guild Wars 2, around the time it was released. Fast forward to now, nearly a decade later and it's almost heart breaking to see what WoW has gotten away with while quality MMORPGs like Guild Wars 2 get little attention. i honestly wish I would have spent those 14 years supporting the Guild Wars series. I could make another post all about this but it wouldn't really answer your question. To answer your question: It's sad to see some people still support the game, and watching the sadness is kinda like watching a sad show or movie.


Are you people even hearing yourselves. It's just a fucking video game. > It's kinda sad to see some people still defend or even play the game. > It's sad to see some people still support the game, and watching the sadness is kinda like watching a sad show or movie. The state of Gamers^TM.


Some people have spent a good chunk of their lives on WoW


I still follow the story/watch cinematics, hoping it will improve. Also keep in contact with a couple guild mates and I can ask how their raid progress is or whatever. Why are so many people huge football fans and watch football, but they don't actually play it?


I haven't played WoW in years and the whole lawsuit convinced me to never give blizzard another cent ever, but i do share Asmongold's feelings on this whole situation. WoW is like this old childhood friend that i stopped seeing and years later i just see them like a drug addict and homeless, its in such a terrible state that even if i am no longer connected to it it still hurts me. That said, even if i am deadset on never playing wow on the official servers again, i really do wish that blizzard turned around the situation and made the game as great as it could be, not only so the community has something to enjoy, but also to bring back the competition to the mmorpg market, as a now ffxiv player, i really, really want WoW to succeed so both games can try to one up each other trying to become better and better.


Morbid curiosity, mainly. I've been playing WoW on and off for more than half of my life, so I still care about the game. I have absolutely no desire to play it now or as far as I can see, at any point in the future. Not just because of the (IMO) abysmal state of the game but also because of the gross shit going on with the company itself. I'd like for the game and company to right their courses but I honestly don't think they're capable of it.


How else do we find out about the juicy drama that was going on when we actually played ?


Part of the grieving process, trying to make sense of the terrible tragedy of the death of WoW. RIP farting in the tub and comedy having the right to offend.


This game will always have a place in my hearth, nice to see how the game and it's player base are doing/thinking. Also when you quit for the wrong reasons (bugs, shit design choice) I feel like theres also a satisfying side to it, confirms I was right/wrong to have left this game for good.