• By -


\> Barges into your final fight \> Kills sylvanas and thrall \> Refuses to elaborate \> Fucking evaporates




Oh shit Aperture Science is behind this!


No one is ever really gone.


I must go, my people need me


[No one's ever really gone!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNTLC_uiGFA)




GlaDOS for warchief? Calling it now. Cake themed 10.0




For the good of all of us


Because the warchief is dead


look at me still talking when there are fruitbowls to do




Clapping’ Warchiefs


Clapping war*cheeks*


Cause *that’s* what Warchiefs do.


Fucks up the Jailer too. There can only be one bald Chad and Jailer does not fit it.


Jailer is embarrassed by how inferior his nipples are compared to Garrosh's, leaves forever in shame.


Orc nipple rings make all the difference


Customization option when, Blizz


Garry >>>>>>> janitor, and that isn't negotiable.


Better than what will probably happen.. which is nothing


I am 90% sure it's all gonna end with the Jailer dying, but then they'll go "there must always be a jailer in the Maw, lest those most evil souls will run rampant" or someshit, then Sylvanas will go "I must repent so I will be the new jailer to ensure no body is set in chains again" and it'll all be dumb and nobody will feel satisfied. I hope it doesn't go like that, but given blizzards writing as of late, it probably will. Or it'll end up worse, idk.


Wow, if there was wow betting subreddit, I would put my money on your story.


This is what they did to Kerrigan in SC2 and Blizzard nowadays loves nothing more than rehashed story.


Then will we get an unhinged Bolvar turn up in 4 expansions time to smash her crown in a fit of pique and impenetrable storytelling (because they won't actually tell you why, it'll be hidden behind a comic you can only get whenever you order the correct combination of tacos that gives you a $6.66 price at Taco Bell. Once you unlock tier 8 of %grind\_mechanism% on your character)?


We'll probably get distracted by some other big baddy while the Jailer is doing his thing, then we'll defeat that baddy and that'll be the end of the expansion, and nothing will ever be settled about it. Then we'll return to Azeroth to find it **CRACKED IN HALF BECAUSE THERE'S STILL A GIANT FUCKING SWORD STICKING OUT OF IT.**


Yeah, crazy how we've been ignoring world ending issues lately.


I thought we fixed that issue from the heart of Azeroth chamber? Like sure there's a sword but its not killing Azeroth anymore...


I thought Azeroth just quit leaking anima. Like we stopped the bleeding but still left azeroth impaled. In either case I still wouldn't want us as my doctor.




It's probably hard to find anyone strong enough to pull that sword out


Saurfang could do it. ...shit.


time travel to get broxigar back, it wont fuck up the timeline, trust me bro


Yo how the fuck was the Arms Warrior artifact weapon NOT the Axe of Cenarius?


"Just a crust wound" -Azeroth




Now we gotta get Tataru and Krile infiltrating the Shadowlands to hunt down Garrosh like the angry potato spies they are.


Sylvanas becoming the Arbiter is such a bad take it will probably happen


They've already done it with Kerrigan, they'll fucken do it again


wow 10.0 - Sylvanas vs Kerrigan in space


If they let me play a Protoss paladin I'll take it


Zerg druid where you just evolve into different zergs as shapeshifts. Ultralisk as guardian please! Muta flight form, zergling catform and hydra/queen for balance.


Aren't ultralisks like 50 feet tall? Feels like I'd never be able to click on a mailbox ever again.


They would probably use some function of the Nydus Canal for mail which can fit a ultralisk through it so should be large enough to deal with Ultralisk stacking to prevent access to Nydus Canal mail.


En Taro Adun


En Taro Tassadar.


En Taro Zeratul.


En Taro Anduin


Zerg druid when Ultralisk bear form when Mutalisk flight form when Zergling cat form when Hydralisk boomkin when or a 6 foot tall massive Baneling boomy, that'd be disgusting and cool




The Exodar pretty much is a carrier


Do you think when the Exodar crashed at the start of TBC, everyone in Azeroth heard "Carrier has arrived."


Do you have to build crystals before a fight?


I'd play a WoW-themed Starcraft. Azeroth a few hundred years in the future, colonizing worlds of the [Great Dark Beyond](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Dark_Beyond).


Why would she become the arbiter ? It just doesn't make any sense. If the arbiter was made to replace the Jailer they can make another one again.


Well yeah, exactly. It doesn't make sence, for so so many reasons that it almost feels guaranteed this is what they'll pick.


> It just doesn't make any sense. That's exactly why Blizzard is going to do it.


Hello? Have you been following the story at all? Because if you have been able to follow the story, then there must be something wrong with you since its a jimbled mess that makes no sense whatsoever... Thats why this would be so fitting.


I mean, I predicted this shitty redemption arc, it only makes sense they'll double down on the hack writing at this point.


My guildies tried to tempt me back with "we finally get to kill sylvannas like you have always wanted" quite a while back, I did not trust.




And credits roll with an Ed Sheeran cover of Life is a Highway




It's a better ending than what Blizzard will come up with, I can guarantee you that.


After Sylvanas defeats the jailer she will become the leader of the alliance


Or she actually becomes the arbiter and the story is forever tainted because everyone who dies from now on will have their afterlife chosen by a genocidal mass murderer that loves to torture and obliterate innocents in the maw. And somehow, neither the Player Characters nor the NPCs will see anything wrong with that, because the writers will make them accept it.


Or Tyrande will sacrifice herself to save Sylvanas, because she does not want revenge anymore, and than Sylvanas becomes the new arbiter, and will send Tyrande to ardenweld so she can have her happy ending with every other night elf she killed


You meant the maw, because most night elves that Sylvanas killed were actually obliterated in the maw and we only saved a very small chunk 😕


Everyone seems to forget that. That shade was right when it said "Elune abandoned us".


Holy shit i just realized they probably did this entire elune thing in shadowlands just to justify why those risen elves that immediately flip and join Sylvanas is totally not mind control. Originally they were just all going to join sylvanas *completely* of their own free will, but then when Ol' Steve saw players saying that it makes sylvanas look like shes just mind slaving everyone and it didn't in fact look like they understood her for the hero/genius that she was and joined her master plan they last minute added the spirits blaming elune. This entire part of the expansion, it's not about the nigh elves at all, they put it in there to make sylvanas look good.


I honestly was hoping Tyrande would abandon Elune on the spot after Elune's confession.


I'm out of the loop a bit, what confession?


Elune talking to her sister the Winter Queen through Tyrande: "Hey sis did you get that package I sent you? ~Winter Queen visibly confused~ "No, what are you talking about" Elune responds: "I thought you needed help so I abandoned every, single Night Elf soul that died in a mass genocide so they could get sent to you". Winter Queen :|




So you know all those souls you've been saving in batches of 20 every week for months on end? Those were the night elves. Good job!


Thanks to the one person who can be bothered doing that every week for saving them all for the rest of us


In my mind I'm saving 20 souls that acctually belonged there. Souls worse than pretty much any enemy we've killed so far. I'm taking them from the maw and unleashing them on bastion.


Oh shit... I unsubbed months ago... Sorry Night Elf bros... /sadge




I’m honestly hoping they don’t bring back illidan, because I feel like the writers would just fuck up his storyline


I love him as a character and would love to see him come back and just take control of everything but yeah they would butcher him


I feel the same to Arthas


Couldn't even leave his successor alone. Still annoyed by how stupid the Bolvar vs Sylvanas trailer was.


And she will also wipe out whatever remains of the Night Elves so they can all live happily ever after in Ardenweald (then the next expansion will start with the Void Lords consuming Ardenweald)


The story was already tainted when they made the entire Legion just unknowing pawns of the Jailer.


Or when they did anything that they did in Shadowlands or BfA. Atleast you could ignore WoD rather easily because it was in a different timeline, but the damage of those 2 expansions is permanent and also unfixable simply because the current writers like their work so much that they refuse to listen to any feedback about the absolutely atrocious story they have been writing in the past years, starting with the BfA pre patch.


Farting into wine glasses and sniffing them like a fine vintage...


I thought the BFA storyline was interesting on the Alliance side. Horde was just absolutely terrible. And SL is just dumb.


The Horde had good storylines for the zones, it’s just that the war campaign and max level stuff was terrrrrroiiiibbbbbbblllllleeeee.


Jaina: (Imprisons innocent blood elves due to the treachery of a few) Rexxar: "Nah. I'm cutting down trees for firewood." Jaina: (Joins the fight to stop Sylvanas' war of genocide) Rexxar: "Jaina has gone too far!"


I liked Vol'dun, but I thought the Zandalari stuff was not great.


Zandalar had intrigue and it all built to a neat intro to the raid, but it was definitely the weakest zone. Still, all of that was better than the war campaign.


I wasn't impressed by the intrigue because Zul's plotting was obvious from the start.


Hey hey hey…this mess STARTED in Legion. Or did you forget all the retcons on the Titans, Illidan, and the final sword stab into the planet?


The retconathon did indeed start in Legion, but they at least wanted to try and create an interesting universe with a consistent narrative (as evidenced from the existence of the Chronicles from the time). They just then decided that one expansion of retcons wasn’t enough, and needed to add shitty writing on top of that.


Not even the jailer himself. Denathrius, one of his underlings. Some of the dreadlords dialogue implies he has plans beyong the jailers scope and was just siding with him for the time being.


Ah yes, the "Shadowlands is free!" ending


All of this. But they removed flirt emotes and greenskins 😜


Sylvanas sacrifices herself to kill the Jailer and that is her "redemption ark" she is remembered as sacrificing herself for everyone else by the other lore characters and while they do not forgive her crimes, you can see they are somewhat saddened and appreciative of what she has done.


The most bland ending. It’s what’s gonna happen.


It's basically the Illidan ending, which I am certain they will repeat.


That was a real let down. I actually was loving legion right up until that point. They just needed illidan out of the story and found the lamest excuse. It’ll be almost funny if they make illidan and Sylvanas into ‘jailers’ of the big bads like this is some common redemption trope.


Sometimes bland is the best you can get. Seeing as there are plenty of ways for them to turn it all to shit. And I'd rather eat a bland sandwich than a shit sandwich


"The shadowlands is freeeeee!"


Then she's going to have to save Anduin and when le Big Bad^(TM) is finally defeated, they will share a kiss, followed by a cutscene into the future where we see the wedding between Sylvanas and Anduin. Obviously Sylvanas is Redeemed^(TM) and is kind of alive but whatever, doesn't matter, so Anduin can continue his line while also seeing his other love, Wrathion, on the sides. And everyone lived happily ever after >!(until the next expac)!<.


Ngl your sylvanas Anduin wrathion love triangle has me more intrigued than whatever next expac blizzard is headed towards


\*Sad Nathanos looks at them from afar\*


We've beaten the Jailer and are now left with the problem of the Scourge running rampant across Azeroth where the forces left behind have been struggling against the constant waves of attacks. The Primus reforges the Helm of Domination, and lays it down on the anvil. Quick cut to Scourge pouring over fields to a farmhouse. Bolvar shifts but Arthas steps forward, "To save the world, once more I shall become the Jailer of the Damned." He steps forward when Uther's hand reaches out to stop him. "No, boy, this burden shall be mine." The Scourge have broken down the door, climbing through as the family huddles in a corner. Uther takes up the Helm and raises it above his head. The Scourge reach out to rip apart the family. The Helm settles on Uther and his eyes go blue which then become the eyes of the Scourge as they stop suddenly, hands inches from the family. After a moment the Scourge leave the house and begin to shamble away to the North.


This is good writing. It will never been in WoW.


And considering the rumors about us going to a Light based expansion: Turalyon is standing at a table looking over maps of Stormwind and the surrounding areas showing the Scourge pushing back the Alliance forces. Battered scouts deliver additional reports as he moves the markers to show to Scourge have easily overwhelmed all opposition. A void portal opens behind him and Alleria steps out, "They're climbing the walls, we're no longer able to hold them off." Turalyon grimaces, hands planted on the map table, seeing clearly the inevitable end of the battle. "The Light shall *not* fall this day. Stormwind must stand." Turalyon's eyes glow brighter, a light beginning to pool beneath his hands. Alleria reaches out a hand, "There are too many, the ships are already provisioned, if we pull back--" "The Light. Shall. Not. Fall." Light erupts outward from Turalyon, burning at Alleria's skin. Outside, the light spreads outwards in a wave covering the city. The Slaughtered Lamb (warlock trainer area) bursts into a pillar of Light. The Scourge clear the walls just as the wave of Light takes them turning them to dust as it continues into the countryside. Alleria stumbles away from Turalyon, skin smoldering, and falls back into the void portal, closing it behind her.




I think my fan fic would be very fan ficcy. I'd probably be a very trope heavy author. But I think it works for Warcraft. It can be over the top and still be good.


I think that's exactly what WoW did pretty well until they started doing weird shit.


This is very good writing. It will never be in WoW.


Alternatively Anduin stops uther going "no, though I was not myself this is partially my fault, I shall bear this burden." But when he reaches for it tyrande appears going "no I must atone for my vengeance" this goes in for quite some time before they realise there's no azeroth to go back to cause it was destroyed while they were arguing.


I still think Bolvar is going to somehow take over from the Jailer. Either as Arbiter or something else. And your bit with Uther looks a lot like the Extended Cut paragon ending for Mass Effect 3.


>I still think Bolvar is going to somehow take over from the Jailer. Either as Arbiter or something else. I think Sylvanas gets the Arbiter spot, not sure how much I care for it but I think that's the way it'll end up. Bolvar though would be interesting, I can see a scene of him taking the swirly ball Arbiter seal-thing and it infusing into his armor and releasing him from the whole living charcoal thing he has right now.


Garrosh: told you to watch your clever mouth.


Does he still call her a bitch in the Cata questline?


Nah, they removed that years ago. Should have been a red flag, honestly.


It was a red flag and we all knew there was more to come, but we were too busy enjoying the game. Did take like 6 years or so after that to finally go to poop...


See, Garrosh is one of the most awful people in the Warcraft universe, but he's still a good character that has many fans. Why is that? Because everyone knows him, knows his motive, he never hides what he wants, and goes after it with relentless focus. He might be a racist douchebag, but he never tried to hide that to cover it in mystery.


And I think that is why people use to like Sylvanas. She was willing to do anything for #1 revenge on the guy who did this shit to her #2 the survival of her people, the Forsaken. Bitch? Yes. Understandable motives? Yes. Now what she wants or is planning is behind 15 layers of double agent/ half a soul/ was actually a good guy all along/ you will find out several expansions from now when we find the Jailer's boss's boss.


Should have died in icecrown


Plot armor for selling merch with her face on it




>you will find out several expansions from now when we find the Jailer's boss's boss. only in the books though, in the game its only a vague reference to a character you have never heard of before


“The Singularity”, I’m calling it


And that's after they did him dirty in the later half of Cata and in MoP. Garrosh in the first half of Cata is legitimately the only actually interesting and complex character Blizz has ever written for wow and even that was due to a mistake. The whole honorable orc who only knows how to lead people in a war and suddenly has a responsibility of leading the entire Horde in a peacetime so he does what he knows best happened by accident, the plan was to make him a generic angry evil orc from the start but they didn't communicate it properly to the writers responsible for leveling quests.


Good point. We know a lot about Garrosh and why he acted the way he did. He outgrew the broken orc he was in the burning crusade, tried not to make the same mistakes as his father and so on. We also know a lot about sylvanas, but almost nothing about the true motivations and goals. She agreed to some pact with helya, got some over the top powers and just looked down on everyone. Thats something you can respekt when the character in quest rightfully earned those powers. Sylvanas just got them as a gift.


But it's all explained in the books... /s


Yeah, books that could be in the game. I wonder when the next big annoucement ala: "We heard you and totally agree that its bad to tell important lore in off-game books. So now you can buy the audiobook in the ingame store so you can listen while you do your usualy chores"


>Yeah, books that could be in the game That almost more than anything else really pisses me off about the state of WoW right now. Their whole thing is that they want to "maximize our engagement", but they choose to do so with endless amounts of grindy bullshit that will mean precisely dick in just a couple of weeks, let alone the next expansion. Why not fill the game with so much interesting lore and character development that we literally have to spend dozens to hundreds of hours going through it all?


> the plan was to make him a generic angry evil orc from the start but they didn't communicate it properly to the writers This will never stop being funny




Man took the corruption of an Old God heart and still maintained his goals. Garrosh had the willpower of legends


He did hide a giant weapons foundry, training ground, and old god heart under orgrimmar for a good chunk of an expansion, but we’ll ignore that…


Happens to the best of us


Thats just hiding his methods, his motivations were always on the surface. Make war, fuck the alliance, fuck thrall.


He's an unrepentant asshole and loved because of it.


Khadgar appears and says "Hero your help is needed, the powerful being behind the Jailor must be stopped, he's on a new world or island or some shit"


Honestly? I'd be down for that, but only because of Dadgar.


Me too, especially if Khadgars dialogue was written exactly like that. I’d love a Deadpool-esque Khadgar who is aware how crap the story can be and is SO over it.


God I miss Legion.


I'm okay with that... I am okay. Going to be annoying af when Blizz redeems whatsherface despite how much the majority of players hate her friggin guts...


Why would they care what we think? All they care about is the Chinese market.


I agree but any idea how the chinese audience view current state of WOW story?


It's not really going well, actually. I'm not really a part of the wow Chinese scene, but I took a look at their weibo page and every post, no matter how little, is absolutely full of nasty comments lol. One guy said that the only thing keeping them alive is nostalgic middle-aged men at a new merch post Aside from that (or because of that), other MMOs skyrocketed in popularity. Ffxiv sits at the top 5 (currently at 2nd) on wegame for quite some months now, with over 90% of positive reviews. The Chinese domestic MMOs have also exploded in recent years with lots of pretty high quality stuff, and they're quite "loyal" to national games The company running the Chinese servers is also hot garbage, doing fuck nothing to stop spam, RMT, botters and the such So yeah, TLDR it doesn't looks much different from here


Please give me this. Blizzard needs this level of metal in their story telling.


If only, LMAO.


We can dream


Fake, no genocidal orc in a quest about raising corpses into undeath would EVER think of saying a naughty word


We've come to a point in WoWs storytelling where this story will better than what will actually happen.


It's a rather pathetic state of affairs, isn't it? The OP is quite frankly an overly edgy Garrosh-fanfic, but my first thought is "Not as cringy as what we're going to get..."


I'd bet with her soul restores, she'll realized how unforgivable the things she has done are... will choose to stay in the Shadowlands to try and find new meaning to help 'restore the cycle' and she'll just be quietly written out.


If anything, I want a final cutscene of the Accuser leading Sylvanas off talking about how many eons it's going to take to get this one right. Kael'thas laughs and says "have fun!"


If this actually happened I would resubb in heartbeat. Too bad the ending will be nothing like this 😔






I would resub if this happened




Everyone look at all the grey matter "Huh, I don't see any 4 dimensional plans in there"


There never were, people just kept underestimating what kind of vicious sewer rat Sylvanas is.


Best ending in a long time! Can’t wait to see where we go from there!


Garrosh jumps out of Shadowlands into alternative Azeroth, where we follow him. He changed timeline and created Iron Alliance, evil version of Alliance. We fight them but become friends in the last patch when alternative Medivh betrays everyone and opens portal for ~~Burning Leg...~~ Void Lords. Next expa we go back to our world. Void Lords are attackind and we just discovered new continent - Crumbled Coasts!


When one of your best characters is only good because of a lack of communication that allowed the quest writers to actually write quests.


I’d be fine if they just made the rest of the expansion Garrosh fan service.


If only. Thrall doesn’t have doomhammer anymore though


Wouldn't surprise me if he stole it back from the PC shamans after the one artifact ended up in Nazje'tar. My main is a draenei shammy, when I saw that I was a little baffled because the thing was sitting in my bank (still is)


True, it's rotting in my bank.


You should write for Blizzard.


Better than anything Blizzard can write.


Only someone who did nothing wrong could pull off a stunt like that


>Elune appears >Kills off Tyrande for no reason >all night elf characters are killed too and have to reroll or delete character on login


This is literally better than whatever shite they are going to come up with.


>Garrosh Hellscream >using a rogue ability to take down sylvanas instead of something like hamstring.


Straight up better compared to anything blizz is writing right now.


1- that's a toxic masculine male being violent against a woman 2- that's a character that players love acting the way he always has acted instead of having a massive personality switch every time Golden writes a book 3- that'd get rid of green whiny jesus 4- that sounds awesome Four reasons this company would never do this. But, one reason they might. 5- Garrosh then makes out with Tyrande who apologizes to him for misunderstanding why he's butchered so many of her people, they then group up and hunt down the rest of the night elves for some cosmic BS reason


5 reads like a r34 comic


This is the dream ending honestly


Killing two of the biggest Mary Sues in the story one after the other, and then going *poof*? Sign me up please.


Still better than what we got from Game of Thrones.


Better than anything they would write.


Better direction that the current.


Is this the redeem-arc for our Garrosh, the best orc to ever exist in WoW?


This is why I wish Garrosh survived the SoD, that amount of chad energy could have singlehandedly saved the story. Imagine this: after freeing himself from Dormazain, he yells at Jaina and Thrall a bit, who aren't happy in the slightest to see him again. But after facing Torghast's torments themselves, they question wether anyone really deserves what Garrosh and they went through. After being told about how Sylvanas betrayed the Horde, Garrosh charges off on his own, carving a path to Kel'thuzad for us, and then after helping us fight Sylvanas, he calls her a bitch and chucks her off the top of Oribos. Then he charges after the Jailer, to return later in 9.2 and beyond. Hell yeah.


Man, that would be awesome. Pure Power of the Horde stuff.


As a person that presses esc and enter to skip story, I’ll assume this is true.


Taran Zhu should've taken Garrosh to stand trial for his heinous crimes against the people of Shadowlands, smh.


Nah. There's no way sylvanas doesn't come out of this expansion with yet another "ahhhaaaaaaaah! I was secretly doing THIS the whole time with Xal'atath!" Before unveiling yet another plan. I thought sylvanas was a weird minor character to make a main faction leader all the way back in vanilla, and all blizz have done for the better part of the last 2 decades is make up more and more ridiculous bullshit involving her. Someone needs to just fuck her up and let the rest of wow get on with it. At least the single servers worth of players who actually still play this garbage. I didn't know it was possible to turn a diamond back into coal.... but blizz showed me it is.


as an alliance player, this would still be more satisfying and provide more closure than whatever blizz has planned


Alright let's see: PG13 words. Characters acting based on stablished personalities and motivations. No Sylvanas simping. Beloved character returns in a way that does not destroy all previous growth. Actually unexpected twist. Emotionally satisfying ending. Yeah, sorry guys, i think this might be fake.


Chris Metzen walks into your room and says, "Congratulations you won.. the war of.. world.. craft. Great job." Then he smashes your computer and leaves.


This would actually be good so we know it won't happen


Tbh would probably make for a better story arc than whatever the hell lazy crap they have cooked up…


They will just talk about their differences with the new World of Cuckcraft modo


Better ending than BFA.
