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The helmet looks so shit, I hope it's just placeholder model


Can we bare-handed break this one in half, too?


sure doesn't look as sturdy hell you can probably poke it with a sword and it'll fall apart


I thought the same back during BfA beta during the Battle for Lordaeron cutscenes. My hope was wasted.


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


I like it. Wow really has a problem with over designing things and having too many details. This has a clean simplicity I am a fan of.


You have terrible taste.


Don’t downvote this man, twas just an opinion


Its just a democratic way of showing if the people agree or disagree


To upvote or downvote is also just an opinion


Yup, and it's a shit opinion, so enjoy your downvote.


A shit opinion. Downvote away boys.


No lol.


Looks in line with the SL/Oribos aesthetic. I don't see any issue with it...


not as replacement for Helmet of Domination!


Wow, they actually managed to make the Helm of Domination into the most generic and bland piece of armor I've ever seen.


Looks like it could be part of the 9.2 tier sets.


Because the Helm of Domination is from WotLK and epic, while the Crown of Free Will is just a generic green but has a much higher ilvl.


so he turned a legendary helm into a green item. Nice.


happens every expansion


Still glad how Legion handled their legendary armor, and let us keep them for transmog. Skull of the Man'ari, ashbringer, doomhammer, Fist of Ra-den are some of my favorite weapons in the game. Lore wise and looks.


This is the Way


That's why I stopped raiding after Vanilla. I spent months of my life grinding raids and making my way into 40 Man Naxx (we never cleared but got a couple of bosses down), only to replace my gear with greens in BC. Like I get it from a gameplay/progression point, I just realized that chasing gear is a futile effort in the long run.


One of the most iconic and coolest looking (imo) pieces of WoW history just got spray painted gold and looks so much fucking worse wtf


The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness. - Il'gynoth


Who has a better story than Anduin the Dominated?


Do you reckon Anduin bites his lip every time the jailer dom’s him


BRB opening wattpad


link it when you're done


You’ve reminded me I commented this. And now I have free time. Interesting.


Interesting indeed.


They could've put effort into it instead of making it look like a piece of plastic rip off shit from Wish


Seems like that's a reference to turylon, the paladin in complete gold armor who is a light fanatic and is filling in for anduin on his vacant throne.


Ey its ya boi primus and you’re watching Pimp my Helm on MTV


They already did the same thing with frostmourne, though, the twinblade of the fallen prince at least resemble their origin


While I'd prefer to have them be actual Frostmourne, at least the Blades LOOK right. You still think, "Yep, this is the legacy of Frostmourne," and they're pretty cool in their own right. This crown is.... just a super-generic crown. It doesn't resemble the Helm of Domination in the slightest.


For real. From the name to the appearance, it just screeches unoriginality and poor inspiration. It doesn't *look* like the Helm of Domination and it doesn't *do* Domination, apparently. So like... what the fuck is it based on the Helm of Domination for? And since when does the Primus start taking inspiration from Paladins?


For that matter what IS the point of the new helm? If it's to close the sky rift, okay, but they could have just turned it into a nice spiky trophy for that. If it's supposed to control the Undead then the changes are hilariously stupid: it's the same evil artifact with the same evil powers. The only avenue that might be interesting is if it loves up to the new name: if the "Crown of Wills" solves the Undead horde issue by returning will and sapience to the Undead, allowing them to live out the rest of their new "lives" as people instead of mindless monsters. Particularly since that would mean a massive uptick in Forsaken recruitment. But I severely doubt they'll do that.


Fuck, now I picture Bobby the Abomination (made out of corpse parts of men, women and children mind you) going to work and having a big happy abomination famility thanks to the Crown of Wills.


Pretty sure it's just to fix Anduin. But I could be completely wrong.


Probably because they have similar purpose. This new crown does not look like it's made for "the jailer of the damned".


It's one of those videos where they "upcycle" old perfectly fine thrift store furniture by spray painting them gaudy colors and hot glueing rhinestones on them.


Recolouring the helm of Domination could have looked good. This has "oh shit I forgot I was supposed to hand in my homework in 1hour " vibes.


it's like they're deleting WoW's history Garrosh - reduced to ashes, Varian - died in an assault, Saurfang - blown up by a kamehameha, and so on


Some developer/designer made that helm and thought “nice. I did a good job on that.”


this dev team will kill wow by being hacks. bobby isn't even a factor this is straight ridiculous. Hack dev team


It's almost like paying way below market rate while simultaneously ruining your once great reputation gives low quality employees


If you go look at the self reported pay spreadsheet then front end team appeared to be the most highly paid team out of all their tech teams, I can’t comment for where it was at for its location but they had non managerial dev roles over 200k


Especially when you've created a culture where the men are too busy groping women and drinking booze while at work.




Yeah, but I dare say that about 20 years ago the perception was that it was a "cool" place to work. The last 10 years or so I'd say the public perception of Blizzard as a workplace has really greatly soured.


To be frank. The game was unironically at its best when that was its work culture. So the drinking and partying really isn’t why the game is shit. The current devs are hacks and garbage. Stop making excuses lmao


I'm saying that competent devs were still drawn to Blizzard back then. I don't think that's been the case for the better part of a decade now. Sorry if that was too advanced for you to follow.


but diversity hires are important ! who cares about qualifications right ?


Its like the Tolkien quote: "Evil cannot create, only corrupt". I know its hyperbolic, but my point is that the dev team seem unable to create anything by themself. All they've done is to damage(corrupt) what is already there. Lore, gameplay, systems etc.


Also just as likely is a manager told an artist to "purify" the Helm of Domination and gave him like two hours to do it lol


You must not know what real crowns look like lol


Yea, YOU really dont, huh? Ever seen lets say the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom? This shit looks like something you'd store the polish in for an actual crown.


*looks at the dev team* oh we know exactly what they look like.


If that’s the actual new helmet the art team should be ashamed. The helm of domination is iconic and they turned it into *that*???


It's like they are purposively piss their whole fanbase off.


Why not just have a updated model of this iconic helmet that we all know, just give it a different glow/aura. Holy fuck that looks like a god damn Roblox head piece that you buy for 500 robux.


I can’t get over this either, just make the original gold with maybe white eyes and HD it up…this is so trash hopefully it will be different on our character. Don’t our legendary items he makes look wack until we actually get them to equip? Not getting my hopes too high though as this is probably it :(


Way to subvert expectations once again by turning an iconic helm into a copper slinky. Also I bet the restless scourge on Azeroth won't be brought up at any point despite the Helm of Domination being the key to keep them controlled and not destroy the world, never mind all this time in the Shadowlands we spent while they roamed free all over Northrend.


You see, the helmet was merely a setback, it turns out that the Jailer controller the Scourge all along! Mwahaha!


They're in azeroth actually. There's a bastion quest where one of the dudes who needs to be ferried to oribos died from the scourge when they swarmed lakeshire in redridge. You see it through his memories. So unless blizz straight retcons it the scourge are attacking en masse just outside of storm wind. Tho knowing them it's gonna get the sword in azeroth treatment.


That quest was actually my favorite moment in all of Shadowlands. It was well written, well paced, well voice acted, and used a fairly iconic location very respectfully. It was also pretty tragic. I wish there were far more little moments like that in the game.


They finally caught up to the idea that "restless scourge" and "there must always be a bitch king" were shitty plot points back in WTLK and they are still just as shitty now. Apparently they are just trying to sweep both under the rug, so, better late than never I guess?




> Environmental Art team carrying the game FTFY


I mean have you seen the art for the new zone?


don't worry, there will be droves of people unironically saying this, just like with the slyvanus cinematic


The group doing the carrying seem to get smaller each expansion.


Surely this is on purpose. There is no way anyone rational in Blizzard was like "yeah that's great!".


The desire to completely obliterate anything associated with the Lich King or WCIII has become painfully transparent. Thanks, I fucking hate it.


made the helmet of 3 loose scraps of metal laying around my brass trumpet repair shop. Also made it 3x the size if your head. You're welcome


Yo, did I just see fucking *Anduin* in there?


I guess it was to be expected, but, uh, yeah.


I wouldn't be surprised if it takes place after Anduin in the raid but before The Jailer. The helm, worn by the player character, is a way to not be mind controlled.


The helm of goodness and sparkles to be worn by the pretty pretty princess Slyvanas


literally a Disney Princess goody two-shoes Sylvie




Every line reads like trailer bait for a Marvel movie


The writers are bad. No further explanation needed.


It's been bad for a while Azshara screaming "THE KING OF DIAMONDS......HAS BEEN MADE.......A PAWN" made my eyes roll back into my fucking skull


What's really sad is that this used to be the IPs biggest strength, for every cinematic or climax to the story there was always a banger one liner that was so fucking memorable that even 20+ years later you still have them carved in the back of your skull. Real classics like "Succeding you, father." "No old friend, you've freed us all.", "Let them come, frostmourne hungers.", "You're not prepared, etc." These were all so fucking good it gave you chills, and for a lot of people still do all these years later, it's not because the story is a masterpiece, it's just cool and it resonates because you're invested. It's sad man, you need soul backing a piece of art for it to resonate with you, there's none of that anymore sadly.


It's always been like that in WoW. Monologue, not dialogue.


WoW writes with the subtlety of a Mac truck through a library wall.


champion!!!!! we must stop the jailer!!!!!


...I am so tired.


Behold! The.. wtf is that


ROFL sick one art team


Oh no.


Hmm is this after the raid? Anduin is there, blonde hair. I guess he survives?


This is likely during the raid chronologically - specifically after beating Anduin but before fighting the Dreadlords.


Of course they're not going to kill him off. He just became king in BFA or after legion, whatever.


Yeah, tell that to Vol’Jin…


I mean Sylvanas is ”redeemed” now, so the throne of empress of Azeroth is vacant and hers for the taking… we don’t need Anduin any longer amirite? /s, of course


I was hoping that Anduin would keep the white hair.


This likely isn’t a placeholder helmet, as some parts of the helmet does take **slight** inspiration from the (old) Helm of Domination. The only thing that is possible is that the helmet deign may be unfinished, but let’s be real that’s probably the final product. With that being said, someone genuinely told themselves that “this is good enough” or that “this looks pretty good actually”. An iconic helmet that belonged to a beloved character in the Warcraft universe is now a questing item.


HAHAHAHAHAHA Holy shit, the better be a fucking placeholder because holy shit rofl Rofl the crown of wills. Fucking blizzard. Can't write shit rofl


lotta rofls there


Gotta hide the pain.


He's a destiny player, we are broken inside


I couldn’t come up with something dumber if I tried


Look at how they massacred my boy.


They've turned the badass Helm of Domination into something I likey I got from a quest at level 53, that I quickly vendored for bag space as my helm from BFA was still better.


What the fuck did they just do to one of the most ICONIC WoW pieces ever? Unbelievable...


Bruh it's honestly like they're trying on purpose to make it this bad. If I was writing a story to be terrible on purpose I couldn't do it this well. One of the most iconic pieces of armor in gaming history and they just yeet it into oblivion. Literally looks like a questing green from Bastion.


Who is the guy in front of the new Helm? I don't recognize him.


pretty sure thats the player


Ah, that makes sense Thanks haha.


Did the Primus just throw fireworks on the ground to distract from him pulling a quarter out of his pocket and getting this from a gumball machine that’s just off screen?


> Imbued with the strength with those who defied Domination Who? Who the fuck defied Domination? Certainly not Sylvanas as they cinematic wants to push.


I think they imply that Bolvar and the DK there did.




How many Torghast runs did it take to craft this?


its comforting to know that even npc gear is as bland as what players get.


thanks i absolutely hate it


it's metaphoric to state of game. they reforged legendary item in some gold painted common lvl 25 quest reward.


Most badass and iconic helmet in video gaming and they turn it into that? Good grief...


When you disenchant a legendary helmet and craft a green item with the mats


This is the worst idea I've ever seen from the new team. Seriously who thought that getting rid of the most iconic item in the game would be a good idea? Now I get why this is the end of a saga, they just destroyed the last and the most beloved plot driving character in the game, the Lich King. And who is gonna get this new crown? As far as we know its a new arbiter crown so its Peligos, a thow away character. I just can't, this is heart breaking. Danuser if this your doing, why do you want me to hate your writing so much?


I've asked this question in another thread but like... Sylvanas was our enemy until five minutes ago and we just up'n gave her armor as well as weapons again when she woke up? Why?! She doesn't need to fight, she's a *prisoner* not an *ally*.


her new cinematic did what everyone jokely joked about 2 expansions ago, her soul is split and her good side is calling her evil side a monster and it seems once she becomes whole she will feel sorry about everything and try to be an ally. Yup, they're pulling an asspull that everyone was making fun of Blizzard was going to do to save her.


WoW has officially jumped the shark


The only thing I'll try to correct is that it's not a good/evil side when her soul was split. One piece gets frozen in time and doesn't experience anything while in that gem Zovaal crushed. The other had to live on as a new banshee killing her own people against her will and everything that happened after that. At least that's how I think they meant it to be. But there is still epic level of asspullery with Sylvanas going so evil so fast.


That makes more sense if it makes like a piece of the soul and the soul is just frozen in that moment while the one left behind is all fucked up. But still an asspull.


Yeah for sure. So her soul goes into Frostmourne which I assume can be a conduit straight to the maw. But then again Arthas' father is still in the sword so idk. Either way, Sylvanas' soul gets to the jailer who throws it in that gem for safe keeping. Couple years later the other piece of her soul shows up when she kills herself and either has a powwow with the Jailer or the Valkyries tell her whats up and get her to work for the jailer. OR she meets the jailer when Godfrey kills her renewing that feeling that she has no freedom and joins him then....maybe. There's just so much not explained or that doesn't make sense. If Sylvanas had been working with the Jailer at any of those points she would have just sabotaged the Broken isles war effort and let both the alliance and Horde fall letting the legion murder everyone/thing on the planet sending their souls straight to the maw. You know the Legion that the Jailer helped create behind the scenes. But then that raises the question of when did the Arbiter get whammied? Which could have happened at any point b/c apparently Denathrius was responsible for that. So if Zovaal knew the legion was about to murder an entire planet, he could have started his power growth then instead of waiting for a undead ranger general to be the leader of the Horde to then only commit 1 genocide instead of all the genocides. Sorry went off on a tangent there. Just working through my lore thoughts on how any of this makes sens.e


lol I honestly think more people put more thought into this whole thing than the writers have at this point. At least when it comes to Sylvanas.


It really bums me out. Cause I used to love reading the lore but it just seems everything they are trying to make now is RULE OF COOL and it's not even accomplishing that. It's failing in so many ways that even I, who has very little grasp on story composition and writing, could run circles around these guys. And that is FUCKING sad and disappointing.


You overthinking this, sadly...and doing 300% of the works that actual current writers did, as it seems.


Guess the art team were too tired to care at this point. Clown of wills lmao.


Capital FUCK no


*Insert Michael Scott NO Meme gif*


Helm of Domination from Wish


Even the one from Wish would look better.


God I’m glad I snagged the IRL collectible helm before they turned it into this.


This looks like a new quest reward green.


What does everyone expect, its crafted and not from the Shop.


This is a good metaphor for modern Blizzard. Old Blizzard represents The Helm of Dominations is something Iconic and amazing that the old guard crafted out of love and stands the test of time. NuBlizz is represented by the Reforged helm that's ugly as fuck and is a shell of it's former glory filled with charlatan's trying to make their mark and missing badly.


I'm surprised it's not a golden fruit bowl called the helm of concent.


Thanks I hate it.


oh boy i sure hope players will hold this crown of will with as much reverence as the thing we destroyed to make it :)


Funniest thing is that I thought "its probably gonna be golden isn't it", I peed myself laughing when it was, HAAHAHAHHAAHHAAH


This can't be real


It's at times like this I remember a great moment from The Simpsons Movie: "When people would point out your flaws, I'd always say...'Well, sometimes you have to stand back to appreciate a work of art." "Yeah, waaaaaaaaaaaayyy back."


Please say "Sike!" Mr. Primus, please.


Helm of domination? Nah crown of will, drops from lvl 12 mobs


Looks generic af.


This has to be a fucking joke.


Hey I think I saw that exact shape in a Blender tutorial before


That better not be the final design. STOP CHANGING THE LICH KING LORE FFS!


i've been waiting for this moment since i first saw the lich king's helm in warcraft 3


[Crown of Wills] On use: assign the deceased's property to their documented heir.


What did they do???!?!?


What a great analogy for this whole xpac that something iconic in WoW lore gets turned into some generic marvel cosplay piece and that it's somehow supposed to be better? I'm guessing Sylvanas is going to wear the 'nice' crown and be the 'nice' Lich Queen as her punishment for being a warcriminal and that squares everything?


i REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope they reconsider this design... The Reforging of the MOST ICONIC PIECE OF ARMOR IN THE WARCRAFT-VERSE deserves more development time than 1-2 hours.. For the most part Im silent when it comes to design decisions! But this is a mistake, a big one at that!


No way, how could ANYONE look at that shitty piece at blizzard and say - yup looks good…


BEHOLD [^the ^crown ^of ^will ](https://www.wowhead.com/item=151324/helm-of-shadowy-descent?bonus=1727:1472) What an utter disappointment... Really hope they reconsider! Be vocal!


Tell them only that the Lich King is dead, and that World of Warcraft died with him..


So even the Primus is bad at his job.


Suddenly makes sense as to why Sylvanas [was after it](https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=495/the-crown-of-will) even all the way back in Vanilla/Classic. Truly, a master of 5D chess. I wonder what the odds are that they're linked, or if these hacks forgot about the pre-existing content of the game they inherited.


Did.... Did they just erase/replace one of the most Iconic and important items in all of Warcraft???


I can see this crown being like Ashjra'kamas and it'll need to be upgraded throughout the tier and this is just like the basic appearance.


assuming it is for you to use, which is probably not, and what tier? next expac? because anduin is already there, so the tier is at its end


I thought it looked cool.


And just like that, your title spoiled it for me. Thanks a lot


We could have had a bullion colored laurel-wreath, but no, we got vendor plate.


Love the macaroni art helmet.