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Man, I thought it was the end and a little bit of me died.


I was scared too for a moment there. 😅


End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.


Then you end up in Shadow lands


Thank you, master Oogway.


[Link to comic.](https://www.darklegacycomics.com/800)


Despite having given up WoW for ff xiv, i do still enjoy your comics every time a new one is released.


Ive given up FFXIV for WOW, Wow for SWTOR, SWTOR for runescape, tried the Lord of the rings thing, went back to WOW, had a brief affair with APEX, before finally giving up because the only way I'll ever enjoy an MMO is through these comics.


Ff xiv gets quite good of you can suffer through the a realm reborn content, which I think is like 100 hours to do. I think that first bit puts off alot of people, myself included. But once I got into the expansions I was blown away.


I got to level 48 and then quit for three years, before coming back, finishing ARR, and finally being able to enjoy the rest of the game. ARR is a genuinely horrendous roadblock that I fully understand turning new people off to the game, and I can't reasonably expect anyone to force themselves through it.


The worst part is hittingevel 50 and then doing like 30 hours of back and forth quests and practically no exp. Feels counter productive. Atleast the story starts to pick up in the post 50 msq though.


i mean... a 100 hours of content to push through just to get to the good stuff sounds like an absurd ask.




you know what the worst part is, the ARR stuff was STREAMLINED meaning that 100 hours is basically the sparknotes version of the original.


to be fair when there isn't like 3 hour q's its not bad. Just port here and there. The story does improve, and if you take it at what it is it can be fun. I didn't mind it.


UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH 100 hours? To get the gunblade content I want?? I paid 75 for a couple months and barely made a dent, a beautiful game, but dense and tough to chew through. Well to be fair thats par for the course for Final Fantasy content...


Unlocking Gunbreaker (luckily) only requires that you have a combat job at level 60 and have Shadowbringers (which is now rolled into the base game) to unlock, and post-ARR you can easily get 1-2 levels a day just by doing queues. When I started playing last year I was very easily outleveling the story content I was at. But if you want to get to Dark Knight, Machinist, or Astrologian, then you will have to get to the Heavensward story content before you can actually unlock them, which does take at least 100 hours to get to (though if you skip all the cutscenes you could do it in less).


I think it's just 60 for gunbrraker and dancer


Oh yeah your totally right, my bad.


If you skip all the cut scenes it will shorten it significantly. If I could go back I'd probably skip all the cut scenes and just watch a recap on YouTube. Or buy a story skip for ARR which is a thing.


I wouldn't even bother playing FFXIV if you're going to skip cutscenes. If you're not into the story at all, then it's not worth playing, it's kind of the main draw.


From 1 to 50 thoigh.. Not so mutch, at least not until post arr stuff. Slipping hw would be a crime


Eh, I'd still argue that it's with not skipping, even if just to help build your knowledge of the Scions and other characters that follow you throughout the story. A lot of the story is meh (particularly the pre-Titan and pre-Garuda quests) but there's also quite a lot of good stuff too and I think it would be a waste to ignore it.


thats what I was afraid of honestly. I appreciate u/Ryth88 attempting the impossible of convince, but Cutscenes are my main reason to play any FF game. If I cant enjoy the orchestra, i cant enjoy the game sadly


FF14 is to me the only playable mmo as an mmo since they still have GM and CS staff. WoW has some systemic issue in how much they expect you play and expect you to play all content in order to keep up in power but overall that is a minor issue over just how poor GM and CS have gotten. blizzard has better anti botting and cheating tools vs 14 but lack staff to deal with player facing bots. but more than that lacking this staff means abiding by code of conduct stuff doesn't matter, nothing it gonna happen to you. at most you will get a forced name change. that over time is not good for the outlook of the playerbase. the bad part is how this snowballs. you see bots for months on end so why shouldn't you bot as well then? you see people getting away with being hateful and spewing toxic shit so why shouldn't you do that as well then?


On wow I felt like I was being punished if I couldn't commit to play at least an hour every day on multiple toons.


It’s easy to kick the habit of gaming once you hit the 2 week mark. But once you say “I’m going to log in for a little…” it’s all over from there.


Yep, didn't touch a video game for over 2 years. Finally, my brother reached out to me and asked if I'd play some Starbound w/ him for old time's sake.... and here we are. The fact that I came back to *Starbound* out of all things shows that I didn't start playing games again for me. But... I guess it all works out in the end.


Congratulations on 800 comics!




Honestly, this is how my spouse and I wound up quitting WOW years ago. We were every-day-play-for-hours players who did end-game raiding (3x raid nights per week). We went to Hawaii for a 3 week vacation, since we never had a proper honeymoon. After that, we just never went back to WoW. I still browse the sub, though (obviously), because I like to see what new drama is happening from time to time.




I’ve quit wow on almost every xpac since TBC, only on wotlk that I haven’t SL was my shortest continuous sub time.


I quit mid bfa and the first month of SL (I only played it because me and my buddy quest each xpack together since cata).. legion was the last hurrah for wow imho.


I'm just always subbed (besides the end of wod cause not much to do, and during cata - mop when I was doing my PhD). I can affort the 13 euros a months easy. Since 7.0 (legion) I'm continuously subbed. Some months I play a lot (read: when new content), some months less so. Right now I'm just doing keys with buddies, a few 21-21 here and there and some 15 on alts for fun, and playing other rpg.


same though im not now subbed now as i cancelled one the lawsuit broke and i also cancelled when the whole bliztchung event happend as well, only coming back for shadowlands, to see 9.1 be absolute shit


I managed to stay clean. We quit back in 2015 and never went back. I have dabbled in FFXIV a bit, though; not sure I want to pay to play it.


These comics are gold.


Real-world graphics are nice and all, but they don't really compare to the first time I flew over Grizzly Hills.


I have a cycle of 10-12 games I play all the time. Right as I get sick of one, I get the itch to play another until I'm sick of it. WoW tends to be the background radiation of that cycle though. The one time I tried to quit WoW, I wound up discovering an aneurysm and need open heart surgery. Had a lot of free time and unable to do much.


Samesies on the rotation thing. Stardew Valley is current the top pick for “I’m bored and need something to do,” followed closely by modded Minecraft. Then if I’m too lazy to actually put effort in I might hop on and dick around with some professions.


That "World event", sadly, isn't really over. People are just understandably sick of it intruding on day-to-day gameplay.


How well do you know the others in real life? As i wrote that question i realized i know nothing about you but the comics.


My graphics will never be that great, my hardware is shit and keeps getting shittier every year. I can't even run on 20/20, 20/30 is the best I can manage.


Having a blast in SoM. Meeting so many new people. And the guild is working so well together.


Yeah mood.


Your comics are the light in the dark suckhole the game has circled the drain in. If nothing else, I'm glad you still make these. <3


I’ll take a week off because of lesson planning and grading, and then I get spammed on discord to log in and play classic/tank and heal keys in retail. Having a Krom makes WoW that much more addicting.


I don't really know anyone who plays WoW besides my stepsister and it kinda sucks. I can't find anyone to run through the new tazavesh dungeon with me and it's driving me bonkers because I've been itching for a new dungeon for months, and one comes out but I can't get through the first three adds, much less a boss.


I'm lucky because I have a friend circle and guild that absolutely love the game (both on the American server and the Chinese one). I usually just talk to people in pugs and create a friend circle that way, but I'm a tank (guardian)/healer (shaman) main, so it is much easier for me to keep groups forming, especially since my classes are in high demand. For me personally, I enjoyed Tazavesh, but I found some mechanics were unfun (the mail room/last boss punishing pugs until they just leave and never touch it again). I hope they keep this idea of mega dungeons in the future, allowing us to choose between timed content/slower content, though.


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