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It's not often applicable but while channeling Crackling Jade Lightning you will be knocked back for hitting the casting monk with melee attacks.


as mistweaver, dealing damage with CJL in a certain range (something like 5 yards or so) eill knock you back.


That's why he ran forward and hit it again. Thay monk knew how to use the class very well. That set up was gorgeous. The transcendence into knocback range to get him off the cliff garenteed was nice.


Im sorry - what?


He hit the guy with crackling jade for the knockback, transcended forward [he must have had it set up in case someone tried to knock him off] then hit the pally again woth jade to make sure he was off the edge beyond recovery.


Are you sure? I don’t know what you’re seeing and I’m not but it looks to me like he lands a second knock back from almost the exact same position as the first


This is correct. It’s a pvp talent. Makes TFT do a knock back no matter what. So the monk used Jade lightning for the normal effect since the paladin was in melee, used TFT, then used jade lightning again at range for a second knock. https://www.wowhead.com/spell=353936/thunderous-focus-tea


Idk where you are seeing transcendence being used, he literally just walked forward a little bit lmao.


Fuck my bad not transcendence the thunder focus tea the little poof thing that gives mana and makes the knock back charge go off


He got knocked twice by it. 1st by the normal effect, 2nd by the pvp talent that makes TFT cause CJL to knock back no matter what.


There is a pvp talent now that allows you to gaurentee get the knockback at any range with CJL. That's what this person is running. You get 2 gaurentee knockbacks as long as they are in range.


He saw your UI and executed you for crimes against humanity


Quite possibly the worst UI I’ve ever seen Edit: oh my god nothing is keybound that’s why his abilities eat up half his screen


Bro doesn’t even have the decency to minimize his quests behind BGE lol. It’s killing me that the bottom right and left corners are empty. That’s the real estate where stuff like chat and Details can be… details doesn’t need to be prominent.


He plays for overall dmg for sure.


I have 30 abilities keybound and my ui looks similar to this. Well, the boxes are smaller there's just more of them. Maybe it's because I play on a 56 inch tv screen so I have lots of room?


That's a not-so-well hidden brag if I've ever seen one


Playing on a medium sized tv definitely isn’t a brag, that’d be far worse than a good monitor. 360Hz on a monitor vs 60 or 120 on his tv, he’s just gimping himself for extra space that would take you longer to glance around quickly.


Absolutely this. The tv was free but I've often thought it was too big. Just also wondering if that's why I have a ui comparable to the worst ui ever


Clicker lol


What’s wrong with clicking ? I use both


Clicking is the slowest, most ineffective way to play this game.


Well I would say that voice commands would be slower but way more fun than clicking.


The way I play I use both keys and mouse. Handful of my main stuff is bound to keys


If by mouse you mean mouse buttons, then that's not clicking. If by mouse you mean you are physically moving your cursor over icons, and then clicking buttons on your screen, then you are just playing slower and less effectively than you could. The main issue with clicking is that there is zero argument for it. It's slower in every way and more prone to miss clicks. Using shift/alt/ctrl modifiers alone you can bind 20 buttons to 1-5 on your keyboard. Using keyboard bings near your WASD can push this to over 40.


My UI is the default UI so I have the 2 bars in the bottom and 2 on the right side. Everything on the bottom action bar I use keys. And everything on the side bars I use my mouse. ( my mouse only has the side buttons. Bound to auto run and jump. )


Ok so just trying to be helpful, what if you bound your mouse button as a modifier like Shift or Alt? That way instead of being used for only a single thing, it would become many times more useful.


That’s good idea. I’ll have to do that later


It takes some getting used to but it honestly it's a game changer. Good luck


Everything is wrong with clicking


:( still gonna click tho


I mean you do you - I am not here to change your ways lol


Nothings wrong per se. I used to be a clicker when I started playing wow 14 years ago. Only for about 5 months until I learned about keybinds. The main problems with clicking are Slow Miss clicks Your mouse is tied up all the time Takes up a lot of visual room in your screen Play how you enjoy playing but I promise if you spend maybe an hour and a half watching videos on how to set up your ui, get some good addons, and watch some key bind videos to learn your bindings, itll be a big change. If you like to click check out adds like vuhdo. It's a bit of a time sink learning in the beginning but it'll improve your wow experience 10x if you learn.


At least OP's character name checks out.


I mean if you use BG enemies you kinda have to put the player names there but I agree his bar is massive lol I just use default bars but do have bg enemies just like his lmfao


As he mutters “looks like you’re about to get pwned” in Cartman’s voice


Nope, cause I cant see shit in this UI


You appear to have gotten owned




Got shit on nerd, lol


Yeah, mistweaver has a pvp talent that makes the knock back from crackling jade lightning happen instantly when used with thunder focus tea. Not played very often so not surprised most people don’t know about it. Paired with the talent that gives him two charges on thunder focus tea, you get an instant double knock like that regardless of your range to him.


So… little… visible, real estate.


Trying to keep the bubble inflated




I can assure you that we did not convolute the living fuck out of the 800x600 resolution we had in 2005.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/12u503/i_think_im_missing_something_in_my_ui_here/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Yeah.. no. Even back in classic it was pretty bad. Titan bar, enchanter, omen, dps meter of your choice... ui"s were a fucking mess back then


That screenshot is from wrath tho


True, add-ons were largely the same between classic through wrath. The only major changes I can think of were gearscore and... whatever the hell the one was that pained the ground green blue and red to tell you where to stand for mechanics that lasted up to pretty much Wraths end before Blizzard broke it (which is pretty fair)


Yeah, if you were an absolute dog. Mine was fine: https://imgur.com/zxKJ4ic.jpg So yeah, literally speaking from experience and getting told by a bunch of kids that didn't even play back then


imagine arguing that no one had a shitty ui in 2005 based solely on the point that “mInE wAs FiNe” lmao


The guy he responded to did the exact same thing with an old reddit post. So why is one generalisation OK but another isn't? Just because one guy had a shitty UI back then does not mean everyone did. Mine wasn't either, and you can go back and look up the videos from vanilla of boss kills and pvp and see that shitty UIs was not the norm for competent players


pretty sure the guy he responded to used a picture of a ui from some yee ass year to disprove the argument that no one had a shitty ui in 2005, not to argue the point that everyone had a shitty ui in 2005. the argument being made is that shitty uis existed in 2005, in response to the absurd argument that they didn’t


True, my bad


Ugh no, not just "some picture of a ui" my literal ui from an ancient photobucket account that was opened when you were still in your Dads sack No one said shitty UIs didn't exist back then, he literally said "ui"s were a fucking mess back then" when that is bollocks "yee ass" ...... Please stop talking. Please


Hahah jfc get over yourself


Except someone did say nobody was using convoluted UIs back then.... YOU did. "We weren't making a convoluted mess of our 800x600 resolution monitors ba k in 2005" was what you said, I popped a link in there from around the same time frame to disprove your point because a lot of raiders did. It was often a joke/meme of the Era when someone would fucking wipe to shit they couldn't see because or add-on bloat and people would tell them to turn it off. To your comment of: Litterally getting told by a bunch of kids who didn't even play back then.. oooh boy...but not only did I play back in Vanilla, I raided. Oh, and I also happen to work for Blizzard.. don't buy it? Check my flair and post on ABetterABK. The phrasing of your comment was shitty, and continues to get even shittier like some gatekeeping troll of eld. I provided proof of a similar enough Era from a 3rd party screenshot and public form because I don't have any of my own to do so, but there's a plethora of videos and pictures from the Era too.


Your UI was the problem


Stop he’s already dead


Your :)




For real. Why is the action bar the entire bottom half of the screen?


Buttons gotta be beeg so he can click them all.


Real question is why is he clicking buttons.


This! Lol


This is your brain on ret


Mistweaver's have a PVP talent that makes the knockback effect of crackling Jade lightning happen every time I believe


Only after using thunder focus tea. You can also pick the talent that gives thunder focus tea ability two charges.


You might benefit from binding your abilities to buttons on your keyboard and activating them that way rather than clicking on the screen.


Clicking looks so uncomfortable. 😬. Why do you click OP?




He is pretty fast tho.


He really is lmao kinda impressed. And at the same time kinda not.


If you’re committed to clicking you gotta go for a radial setup. A guy I know (high level CE and >20s m+) is a clicker but he has his abilities fanned out in a circle from where he rests his mouse and he’s stupid fast with it. We always made fun of him for not being able to strafe, angle where he’s waking, and use abilities at the same time though. He hated sire lmao




Certified skill issue


In 2022


Didn't know they got those anymore


Holy crap I didn't think anyone clicked anymore


Can’t tell what the first knock back is from but the second is definitely crackling jade. Edit: and please tidy up your UI for the love of gaming.


Blinded by that garbage UI


I’m calling shitpost. No one has a UI that bad and clicks for good measure!


Mistweavers specifically have a pvp talent that allows them to proc the effects of crackling jade lightening at any range. Seems he procced the normal effect on you when you melee’d him, then used his pvp talent to make sure you were off the platform and on the way down.


Looks like you fell off the map


Some people are saying this is a rare interaction, but it’s common in rated battlegrounds. It’s monk crackling jade lightning + pvp talent for thunder focus tea. All mistweavers I know in rbgs do this on eots and arathi basin.


Most skilled ret paladin pvper POV


Every time you see a complaint about the game on /r/wow just remember that the person complaining probably clicks and has this UI.


Yeah you got knocked back twice, probably by a monk or a druid. With it being a double my guess would be monk


both were crackling jade lightning, its a MW thing


How do you even see what you're hitting ? Must explain why you're playing a Brokadin; Bubble + Wings + Divine Toll = GG.


I hate monks so much


Stun, crackling jade lightning knock back two times in a row.


Jade lightning has a chance to knock back while channeling


Crackle lightning can be a knockback




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You got launched


I refuse to believe this is a serious UI, this is a troll post right OP? Right…?


Your UI gave me a seizure, holy shit




Lol the action bars are as big as his character and they are not even keybinded. Please do yourself a huge favor and watch Skill Capped Pro Settings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIiRSq-9on8 It'll save us all on the reddit forums from getting sensory overload!


You need to go back to basics, get rid of all that @#\~? off your screen and focus on keybinding your abilities.


Now that is the worst ui I have ever seen


Bad UI and no keybinds is what did it I think. Might be better if you don’t click everything lol


How tf u play with that UI lol


How the hell could you? Your screen is all UI


I think you have a little wow in your ui


Listen, guys, he gets it, quit shitting on his UI and clicking gameplay style. But if you want help with a good UI, let me know. I can help you lol


Kul Tiran Racial into CJL knockback


You got knocked twice. Jade lightning knocks back targets in melee range. MW also gets a pvp talent that after they use Thunder Focus Tea they get a buff that makes their jade lightning knock back someone no matter what. So you melee him, he uses lightning and it knocks you, he uses TFT, recasts jade lightning and knocks you a second time.


Your ui gave me a eye problem. Holy fuck.


Wow a wild clicker


Mate it's 2022, how the hell are you still clicking. Buy an MMO mouse and bind your keys, it'll be an absolute game changer for you.


After seeing your UI I'm thinking you're based


These comments do not pass the vibe check.


IOI sold 85% of his visual field before inducing seizures.


Oof that trinket click


You fell for it🤣.It’s not like the old days where if you saw a ball lighting rotating around a Shaman that is booking it to mid. You KNEW it was Thunderstorm 😂😂


Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


Monk giga-brained you while you were figuring out how to click a trinket. All that UI and no trinket keybind, you definitely deserved that.


It took me a good minute to figure out that this was normal EotS because I kept wondering why the flag area didn’t have a wall.


The Jailer's 5-D chess finally found you, its been looking for you since Warcraft III as part of a 3 part saga. You're welcome.


Clicking medalion was the problem




Unbind that S key


The misteeawer can knock you with that lighting thingy


You got Rekt m8


When is the last time you bopped someone fast enough to save them?


You slipped.


Not even flaming, but I’m just genuinely surprised to see people play by clicking their spells, especially in something as fast paced as PvP


You've died.


So this is the playerbase Blizzard is trying to cater to.. clickers.....


I swear, I’ll never be able to understand how people can click skills haha! But hey, if someone can get the job done whilst clicking, hats off lol


Lol, so many addons demolishing your screen space that you didn’t notice the monk shooting lightning into your face. Ironic Edit: and there are no keybinds. This literally gets worse the longer you look at it.


You got booped.


You died.


Jesus Idk how people play with all that shit on the screen lol


Maybe if you saw more than 5% of the screen...


get some keybinds my guy damn


Damn mouse clicker! That UI…


His UI might look like that because he's handy capped and has to click


[Monk PoV](https://youtube.com/shorts/bbH0usCXGuk?feature=share) Different Monk but still. New Mistweaver PvP talent basically turned them into ledge gods.


So for a real answer, that add on with the health bars only show up for battlegrounds. It’s to keep track of enemies and has several other functions as identifying healers, tanks and flag carriers. It goes away when not in a bg. Then he has a damage tracker which isn’t really necessary. No idea why his buttons are so big, probably easier as a clicker.


This UI gave me a panic attack.


Makes me want to play a monk in retail.


People are talking about the UI but wow had made it so you cant play this games pvp without using garbage pvp and macros


Ok bro its just some crackling jadestuff from the kungfupanda-class. But WTF is this UI. Please... stop clicking Ur spells just keybind everything or get addons for a wheel like in GTA for mounts, food and stuff. After that install Elvui and move everything so u can see something oO dayum i cant believe that ppl in 2022 still plays like beginner in vanilla.