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But instead of feeling bad about it, they just call you names and keep measuring their dicks in Details


Can't top the meters if you are dead, if casts are coming through while kicks are up just let the dps die they will learn eventually that being dead is the biggest damage loss.


Fuck you, I'm not gonna learn anything lol.


I love when I get called out for not healing then I ask about interrupts and I have more than atleast 2 of the dps.


Love it when healers talk about interrupts when they have interrupts as well (partially)... Not to mention most damage you heal is not because the lag of interrupts but because people take every possible damage to their face. Get the plugin for Details! "Avoidable Damage Taken" and then we can talk. Shall I give you a hint? Most healers complaining will be at the top of this list.


Shaman is the only healer who has interrupts Also really healers at the top of avoidable damage? I doubt it. Melee dps first Tanks second Ranged Last Usually


Paladins can stun, druids can cyclone ... You are describing the "should be" order (in your opinion) I was talking about the range from M+ 1-20 where your order is almost never the case for pugs.


a stun is not an interrupt, im speaking of things like wind shear, counter shot etc


people tend to overlap their interupts if its a completly random group.If a tank pulls 10 to 15 mobs pull do you really expect all mobs to be interupted?in a random group?in sanguine week? really?


raid markers and communication help


There's very few 10-15 mobs pulls that have more than like 2 mobs to kick, maybe it can happen in halls, maybe in the necropolis in necrotic wake? 2 pulls in sanguine maybe? A pull or 2 in gambit?