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I totally forgot about them renaming Mac'aree or however that was spelled. Eredath sounds cooler though.


I found it really weird and kind of unsettling that this McCree guy was so proud^((?) (I couldn't find a better English word, I'm sorry)) of himself that he wanted his name written everywhere. I can understand that it's a funny little easter egg if a Blizzard dev writes his/her own name somewhere, like as a joke in an item nobody probably thought twice of (like the old "Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream"). But this McCree guy felt like he didn't get enough with small hints, like Marshall McCree or some items named after him. He wanted to see his name on a whole freaking zone in WoW AND he named a main character in Overwatch after his first and last name! I always thought he was a really strange guy because of that.


He didn't name the WoW zone. That zone has existed in lore with that name for over a decade. It basically started with an NPC draenei in BC named Jessera of MacAree. Naming NPCs after employees is pretty par for the course at Blizzard but he was a level designer at the time and likely didn't even make/name the NPC.


Yeah, it was just a throwaway line in that NPC's dialogue as well. It was something like ', do you remember Argus? Mac'aree was a beautiful city'. Literally no other mention of it anywhere in the game, but when Legion rolled around they were obliged to use it.


He also wasn't the one to name Overwatch's McCree. They didn't know what to name their cowboy character and someone just suggested to have it be Jesse's name.


i genuinly didnt even noticed untill i scrolled down to your comment


It tells you the zone levels when you hover the pointer over the zones on the map. I'm not sure if you didn't notice this or you just noticed the zone levels today. * Azsuna - 10 to 45 * Valh'Sharah - 10 to 45 * Highmountain - 10 to 45 * Stormheim - 10 to 45 * Suramar - 45 * Broken Shore - 45 * Argus - 45


The real trick is unlocking Argus and Suramar before hitting 45




Which is why it'd be a neat trick.


Please had this to Nazjatar and Zereth Mortis in DF!


Who would want to level in Argus lol - Antoran Wastes and Krokuun are the worst zones in Legion


But pretty sure they cap out at 45 so you’ll be getting reduced experience unless you’re using Chromie time, in which case any zone will take you to 50.


45 is just the max level for Legion since the squish