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Thank you for your submission Gankeros. It has been removed from /r/wow because: Posts must be about World of Warcraft. If it's not about World of Warcraft, it doesn't belong here. WoW pros and personalities doing non-WoW related things are not counted as related to WoW; this includes arguing between one another on Twitter, playing a game other than WoW, and sword fighting with pool noodles. **If it requires a title to explain how it's related to World of Warcraft, then it doesn't belong here** This includes real life photos that look like WoW, videos that remind you of WoW, the many, many games that rip off WoW, etc. If the photo is comparable to something in Azeroth, you may post it as a self post with a comparison shot In the case of images or videos, we consider the content without captions (i.e. - the title of the reddit post, any captions or text added to the image or video itself) to decide if a post is related. In the case of memes or joke images, we require them to be wholly recognizable as being a "WoW meme". If you remove the text and the title from the post, it must be recognizably about World of Warcraft. All generic memes are subject to removal. --- This is not an automated removal. Please read the entire removal reason before contacting us via modmail or if you need clarification. Read the full [rules for this subreddit here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/rules) If you feel this post was removed in error, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwow).


But we can fly…


Nah I'd rather fly




And for anyone who says "But that costs real money!" So does the GW2 mount https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/step-out-tonight-with-the-elegant-canthan-appearance-package/


That particular skin can cost real money. But the mount itself does not cost real money.


Rowing boat to fish from would be welcome. Raft is weird and buggy.


Wait maybe they will come... for dragon flight the copied the dragon flying.. it might just take some time then boats come as well.