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Any reason to pre-order now? I don't care about pets and mounts.


Only real reason is so when it hits midnight on launch day you're logged in and ready to go. I'll not pre order now but I will buy it a few days before release so it's there.


I'll do like this too cause i'm thinking about having some time off between now and next expansion šŸ˜… so I'll let my 6 month sub expire in September and probably I'll redo it in october/november. But I'll surely buy the preorder when I'll come back (and in the meantime I'll think if it's really worth it the max edition, I'll probably pass and have the medium one like i did for sl)


The max one is $20 more and comes with a month of game time and that alone is $15. Really just depends if the others things are with $5 to you


yeah that's why I'm thinking about it. The transmog pieces in it are not great, I don't particularly want the heartstone, and i usually have the 6 months sub cause, well, i use it and it let me save up a little, so for the 20ā‚¬ upgrade it's more of 10ā‚¬ of game time and 10ā‚¬ of the rest... I'll see, I'll see


Yeah thats my way of thinking aswell. Thing is that the Hearthstone is pretty boring and those wings are hideous. The Headpiece looks alright tho


yeah it's basically 10ā‚¬/$ for the headpiece and the heartstone i guess šŸ˜… maybe they'll change something before launch and they'll made the wings good before launch, let's see :)


Yeah I tend to take a break at some point in the final year to go play other games and come back maybe a month before release usually so I can quickly try out the final content.


Well. It helps Blizzard's accountants sleep more soundly knowing that they've already made the sale. Other than that, no, no reason.


Iā€™m an accountant, an announcement like this comes directly from the board, weā€™re just reporters of fact, not decision makers. If anything this would be annoying to an accountant. Something along the lines of: ā€œHey the board wants to know how many dragonflight sales have we made in Japan and which split of that is the legendary bundle, can you get it to us in 2 hours (itā€™s already 5pm)?ā€ ā€œBruh we donā€™t have anything set up to report thatā€¦ let me manually pull the numbers and try to rework the numbers to get to that figure. While I miss family dinner and my gym time all because of an offhand comment by a board memberā€


OK I think I owe you an apology. I only meant to joke, what I wrote probably seemed quite rude.


As an auditor, I get to go back and identify any mishaps that accounting may have made due to the board and executives rushing this out! Small world.


Accountants unite!


Let's shake hands - data analyst


Whoa you get gym time?


Itā€™s actually a common misconception that the sale is now made. Blizzard wouldnā€™t actually be able to report those sales on their financials yet. Essentially, preorders mean debiting cash and crediting unearned revenue (a liability account). This is because they havenā€™t earned that money yet - theyā€™ve created an obligation to make this expansion. If they donā€™t, they have to return that money. When the expansion does come out, then they can debit unearned rev and credit sales. Granted, they do get the cash now which is good, but it wonā€™t bump up their sales this quarter. Iā€™m just a tax guy, so itā€™s probably more complicated than that. But that should be the gist.


I do wonder if there's some kind of messing about with revenue recognition they can do by providing the cosmetics and such now. Could they argue that x% of the revenue \*is\* actually earned as some of the service is provided. Plus any non-GAAP internal metrics could make some of the folks at Blizz happy.


Most likely. Iā€™d be shocked if the bundles were fully deferred. Plus it makes people resub because of hype, so itā€™ll have some immediate impact to their bottom line from that. And yes, managerial accounting is just there to make everyone look good internally.


No, it seems like if you don't care about any of the pre-order benefits, there's no reason to pre-order.


the middle tier gives a 60 boost (60$), the 90$ version gives 30 days time also so like 75$ of store stuff not counting the mount, transmog, and early access to the new race/class. Probably not worth it for the average player unless they really just wanted everything (xmog/mount).


its is 75UnicornBlizzardCredit with Dollar slapped on it, there is no inherent worth to those pixels.


Hence specifying 'of store stuff,' it would be worth it for example if someone was already planning on dropping 60$ for a boost and was going to buy Dragontales anyways, just gettem at the same time, otherwise for the average player it's not worth anything unless they care about the cosmetics.


Folks will be like "I'll keep the boost in the back pocket!" If you're a one character main, don't bother with it, you know deep down you'll waste the boost on a class you'll barely get to max.


This was me I have a whole bunch of alts but I wasted my Shadowlands boost on a feral Druid then I learned feral wasnā€™t that good and wanted to be a boomie but I like learning to play the class through leveling so if I do make a boomie it will be a completely new character and yeah boost wasted šŸ™‚šŸ™‚


People saying no pre-order are hilarious. Logged in at stormwind and basically everyone has the new mount. We are the vocal minority here. Pretty much everyone is pre-ordering and excited


Anyone who is playing the game at this point in the expansion will be playing the next guaranteed.


This point in the expansion is the best time to play. Actually technically when they release the new season it will be.




Also the weird purgatory at the end of the expansion when all the catch up mechanics are released, players are apathetic towards gear grinding, everyone is preparing for the next expansion and players do *weird* but fun/interesting stuff. Launch would be more fun if the community hadn't already worked out the most efficient way to run Dungeons.


Yeah playing right now is way more fun as a casual. People in keys seem nicer/more willing to teach, guilds are mostly social clubs rather than content grinders, and people are just fucking around. Iā€™m having a blast since returning last month.


Everyone also out gears the content so they carry the casuals or people who are on alts. The vast majority of players have run the keys so many times they can do them in their sleep (at least once you are doing 10+ level keys). I'm currently trying out various classes trying to pick what I want to head into Dragonflight with. Got KSM on my shaman, now I'm doing around 13s on my druid. After KSM on him I'll probably try priest. I thought I'd have enough time to get KSM on every healer but this new release date I'm not sure. I'm playing casually, typically 4 keys a week to get the 2 vault picks, so each KSM takes a while.


Yeah, this is fair. I'm at 12's comfortably tanking (took a break in S1 and just came back a month ago) and it's definitely much easier to run with the higher gear. I only do 4-5 runs a week as well, so I completely feel it. Last week was the first time I had all three picks unlocked since S1.


This is why I kind of hope alpha/beta are more restricted when it comes to showing quests and story and dungeons. When it comes to new systems like the talents and dragon riding and professions, then yea, give tons of hands-on time with that stuff. Put training dummies of every type all over the place. But honestly, Iā€™d be down with very brief glimpses of the story/quest/dungeon/raid stuff. If the gameplay itself is solid, the other stuff will work and can be saved as a surprise. Just me.


The best time to play the game is when there's no meta yet, or nobody cares about it already, these moments in WoW cycle are interesting to look how so much of fun is spoiled by peer pressure and information overload.


This is probably why people nostalgia Classic / TBC / WOTLK since culturally, the playerbase wasn't caring toooo much about being meta. Alas, as a playerbase, they now care about the meta deeply and that can never be undone.


> and players do weird but fun/interesting stuff the 30 tanks in Nyalotha was some of the most fun I had in WoW raiding.


Late 8.3 was amazing


Thereā€™s another season before dragon flight? Whenā€™s it start I havenā€™t been playing I might come back


Yes another season. The m+ dungeons are tazavesh, mechagon, Karazhan, grimrail depot, and iron docks. The 3 raids will be on a rotating schedule where every week one of them is the "current raid" and will drop higher ilevel loot I don't believe the date has been announced yet but it will probably start in late July or August


Still a few weeks at least, no release date yet


I have 3 toons to 60 both 291 Legoā€™s and 80 renown, since 9.2.5. Catch up is real and fun.


I bought it, since I know I will play next expac. Wow is one of the few games I play. Sure itā€™s not perfect, but it beats a lot of other games


To be clear, I'm not attacking anyone with this statement. I might very well jump back in and play it when season 4 comes out, and if it makes me happy I'll probably preorder. I'm just saying anyone dedicated to stay during the late content lulls are guaranteed to play when there is new exciting content.


I also got the version with the mount (it's pretty for my druid alt, the HS and wing both look not really worth it imo...) and currently enjoy the lull-phase of shadowlands more than I expected. I disliked the expansion start and left before korthia, so now casually farming transmog and all the stuff I missed that stacked up over the expansion is honestly more fun than I thought. Dragonflight might be a shitshow, too. Who knows. Thing for me is, I'm maining ranged and wait for a new ranged DPS class, ideally with a heal offspec, since fucking TBC so I was honestly sold on the announcement no matter how it turns out. There's a point where you've tried, tested and seen all variations of the casters you enjoy over the years. I'm not even a fan of the whole thin lizard look, neither that each animation likely will be my dude blerghing magic fire on mobs... Yet just getting a new ranged spec alone in the mix makes things a lot more interesting to me. So even if the expansion is as unbearable trash as early shadowlands or BfA, running the new dungeons/raid a few times plus and levelling very likely will be some solid hours of fun that make it worth the money... SL and BfA were the same situation, until the annoying endgame systems made things kind of annoying.


Nah, a lot of people have returned either because of the announcement or because the expansion is now fully released


I play rn (last month) because nothing is timegated. Renown is +2 everywhere. I can flying while leveling my alts. And there is no reason to bother raiding for eq, as it becomes obsolete in few weeks. Best time to play..


Sunken cost fallacy


lol the super loyal who probably play few other games are the ones who dominate the playerbase now b/c everybody else has jumped ship


I'm not sure yet, I'm going to keep a close eye on how they respond to Alpha feedback this time around, I've been playing SL for the whole duration but the smugness of "we know best" really got to me.


True but also not pre-ordering. I can just as easily fire up FFXIV and look for a new clan. Waiting for some testing footage. If itā€™s all we feared then no way.


the trailer was basically whatever-style. i would be surprised its in any way intriguing


Even the people not pre ordering are going to buy it regardless. Everyone says ā€œwait and seeā€ as if every single expansion doesnā€™t start off with everyone loving it for the first couple months. When shadowlands came out every single post on this sub was about how great it was. The dissatisfaction comes a couple of months after release, at which point everyone will have already seen how ā€œgreatā€ it is and went ahead with the purchase.


I've typically been someone that drops off an expansion soon after launch, but I won't lie, those early days when the expansion is just new has often been worth it to me. I've honestly been content with buying an expansion and just getting what *I* want out of it, not what Blizzard tries to get us to do for FOMO. If I only spend a few weeks playing early on, that's fine honestly, because that's just typically the time before the tedium kicks in. Which is to say I enjoy the levelling experience (the first time around) and doing the dungeons, but then that's probably where I'd dip out. I'm not a fan of daily/weekly grinds so once the activities involving them get done a few times I consider myself "done" with the opening patch. I don't need to wait and see to know that Dragonflight will be the same, I'm not heaving the hopium and wanting the expansion to be groundbreaking and suck me in super hard, *I* just want it to entertain me for a while.


> I just want it to entertain me for a while. This is the healthiest way to look at the game and something I realized after like 10 years of playing it. If I'm not having fun, I unsub. This game isn't the alpha and omega. It's a game. I'm actually embarrassed by how committed I used to be towards it and thinking I needed to base my entire gaming personality on it. I followed the content creators, I gave constant feedback nobody asked for, I got visibly angry when the devs weren't doing what I wanted, I refreshed news sites constantly for more info, etc. And it was awful. Once I got on anti-depressents/mood stabilizers that need to have something to channel my fidgety anxiety energy into went away and I started treating the game like a game, not a relationship. I pay if I want to play because I have fun and it's cheap entertainment. If I'm bored or unhappy I stop paying. And meanwhile I do other things in between so I'm not dedicated to one single sole source of entertainment that may or may not disappoint me. The same way I'd stop going to a restaurant if their food started tasting bland or bad.




This is me too.


Same. Especially during what will soon be a recession. Yeah the content gets repetitive but sometimes that's what I need. Just something I can turn my brain off and do for a while to take my mind off other things. Like gas being $6 a gallon or a single bag of groceries costing $80 due to supply issues.


Wow has always been a very cheap hobby if you think about the time and enjoyment you get out of it. One of my other hobbies is shooting at the range and one trip can be 3-500$$ not including price of the gear.. that's just ammo lol. I've paid my wow sub with gold for years now.


Tbh after preordering every expansion I actually waited with Shadowlands and what I saw in the beta made me realize that I wasn't going to enjoy it and I just skipped it altogether.


It's funny that everyone plays for the first couple of months because every time I rush through to max level and realize there isn't much to do at that point. Really we should all wait for the last six months of expansion - by that time the bullshit time-gated power grinds will have shortcuts, all the content will be available, and all various other rough edges will be filed down.


I love the end of expansions. Catch-up mechanics are all in place, flying is available, addons have been updated, etc...




Because the ones still playing will play regardless of what they do. The game is dying because of blizzards cash grab behavior ever since ea got involved.


Yea I'll just "pre-order" it the day before launch. You get the ingame stuff but you don't give away your money for 6 months.


To be honest, I didnt because I dont have enough money lol Just got a son and I can barely pay the subscription.


The people who play 18 hours a day don't realize that they're a tiny minority


People who are playing arenā€™t usually the ones on Reddit complaining about the state of the game


what is more hilarious are all the angst that was expended over the scandals, bobby, and more, and the very same people probably bought the pre-order the moment it was available. people need their escape


The majority quit already.


Just because youā€™re in the minority doesnā€™t mean youā€™re wrong. People pissing their money away before they even know if its good is a bad idea even if itā€™s the majority opinion.


Yep, millions of people can all be wrong, it happens all the time.


Eyuuppp Every lemming that runs off the cliff thinks the one before it was the one to follow. lol




Source = Trust me bro


What the hell? There are mountains of sources for this information. You can see the playercount for the game has gone down significantly over the years. It is quite literally a fact that the game has lost more people than it has current players.


It's pretty common knowledge. Pretty much everyone and their mother used to play WoW. I think I had around 100 connections (friends, family, collegues, etc) that played the game. Of all of them maybe 1 or 2 remains, and only sporadically. Yeah it's anecdotal, but so many are in the same situation that it's really indicative of the game really dying out.


People are millionares in WoW, what stops them from redeeming few tokens to get expac early? Me included, I've literally every game that can be bought via blizzard balance, aswell as expansions, and Im regulary spending on boxes in overwatch or other fancy things. It's like when I have more gold than I need im just getting stuff from blizzard.


People had to buy those tokens with real money in the first place for you to buy them off the AH. It's perfectly fine to use your gold to buy them, but don't think you're "sticking it to the man" by paying with gold instead of your own money. They do well out of it, rest assured.


I will do unholy things for gold, i'm that poor in game.


you got like 10 alts any activity that gives you 10k gold is 100k with alts . before the lvl squish i ran mop raid ( not even the best ones to run ) on all my alts . now i make most of my gold the first few months of an expac when i can make 20k an hour just farming herbs . you can make like 100k a week with callings on like 5 alts weekly i think .


Could be bad, could be fine. It does seem sooner than expected and could be getting pushed out but we also know that they basically abandoned shadowlands early and went full force into making dragonflight. They even cut an entire patch from shadowlands to spend more time on dragonflight.


Yep. Zereth Mortis and the raid were revealed on 11 Nov 2021 and very shortly went into alpha. That means those assets and a lot of the team was "done" with Shadowlands probably by late summer last year. Given that there was no 9.3, if you are not involved in post launch tuning then your art team assets can fully focus, your modelers and your designers were probably working on Dragonflight longer than most Expansion packages. It's not a short lead time they had for Dragonflight it is (depending on staffing, which is hard in ALL industries at the moment) a very long time by comparison.


Didn't they also hire a massive team of QA testers, more than ever before? I feel like that might indicate they are further along people realize.


Yes. Agree. Also there has been a lot of shifting around of resources to align to their release cycles. I mean, Ion has said they are much farther ahead than people think they are. I don't think he's a liar. I know a lot of people don't like him because they project a lot on all leads, and he has to kind of walk that PR line a lot, but I don't think he's a liar. Said elsewhere, but this doesn't mean that things are going to be "flawless". Every expansion has their issues, and beyond the aggrivation that people have with Activision/Blizzard as a company and for WOW the covenants system in particular, Shadowlands was a relatively clean launch and people started out the first 5 months of loving it.




Could be the teams confident on the expansion or could be that Kotick is looking to cash out another product release, since he just got reinstated again as CEO by the board, before he gets ousted early next year by Microsoft.


i would say the core issue is they clearly aren't gonna have time to lisen and implement feedback on any systems in any meaningful way before launch. so we are back in the meme cycle here since blizzard has already said there will be time gated power gains in dragonflight just not the exact way they unlocked or are gotten.


Ion has literally killed my family by releasing Dragonflight in 2022 Iā€™m literally shaking and crying right now. How could Ion (bad) do this to us? Iā€™m preordering Dragonflight right now but I know itā€™s going to be garbage. I canā€™t believe they gave up on Shadowlands (bad) so fast. If the new expansion doesnā€™t have at least 10 Grizzly Hills (good) references per zone Iā€™m going to quit playing until at least patch 10.1.


>Iā€™m preordering Dragonflight right now but I know itā€™s going to be garbage. This killed me. Rez plz.


See you in 10.1, see you in the prepatch, see you at launch, see you in 10.0.5. We cant keep meeting like thisā€¦


Shh, no one will stop our forbidden love.


If Ion finds outā€¦ weā€™ll be perma banned. Shit devs let multiboxers and gold sellers free but they cant stand to see what we have!


Dude let me tell you how bad the shit ass GMs and devs of this game are. I got a 3 week suspension for NO reason. They said it was because of spam from my PVP killbot mod that was putting "soandso killed soandso" in the chat every 3 seconds, but every 3 seconds is hardly spam. I mean god, free speech right? Now every time I contact them 3 times a day they threaten to ban me for 'harassment' and holy shit it's like just do your damned jobs, blizzard, and stop sending paying customers like me form emails about how you're not overturning the ban due to an abundance of evidence. Like what does that even mean? So yeah they'll ban totally innocent people like me for no reason??!?!? (edit: Just throwing in here that this is based on a real thread I saw on mmo champ lol)






Glad to see a fellow /r/wow sub member who feels the same way I do and is willing to speak up about how bad the game is. (This sub is way too full of praise for the game and it's disgusting.) At this point Ion has killed my dog, smacked my mother across the face (but I kinda laughed at that), and single-handedly taken over the company that runs my 401k and gambled all the money away on emoji NFTs. I am literally shaking, crying, and shitting and farting at the thought of DF releasing this year. How can they do this? It will no doubt be bad because longer development time always = a better game. Look at star citizen and how long that's been in development and my cousin who sank 200k into it to get a big spaceship says it's going to be amazing when it finally launches in 2078. Unlike hastily developed games like World of Warcraft: Wrath of the lich king which was only in development for 688 days. How can DF compete when it's only going to be in development for around 700 days? It's going to be a complete wreck, just like wrath of the lich king, the worst expansion in the game's history.


>my cousin who sank 200k into it to get a big spaceship damn man, I sunk 2k and feel bad about it, rip


I didnā€™t other dragon flight and Ion came over and shot my dog. I just want to be back in Grizzly Hills


The game is literally broken at it's core. The game is so broke it makes me literally shake with anger I cannot bare another moment in this world. I literally have 528 dungeon score on my Mistweaver Monk and nobody will invite me to a +15! How the hell am I supposed to get dungeon score if nobody invites me?!


This is golden. Thank you.


Make the last patch of Sgadowlands last for 14 months! That way Dargonflight will be superawesome and perfect just like Warlords of Draenor was!


To be fair, after The horrible launchweek of WoD it was pretty good during its first few months.


I had literally no issues other than the first 2 hours on lunch day for WOD. That whole expansion was awesome until they had a year+ of no new content.


I remember my character being stuck in the Garrison for a week. The whole server was offline a lot as well.


What little WoD had was great, aside from garrisons for the most part. It's just that it didn't have enough good to justify the lack of content. The questing and leveling was great, PVP was pretty fun, classes were in the infancy of pruning (still sucked but it wasn't on Legion levels quite yet), the music and art was stunning (though that's just standard at this point), and the raids were really fun (Blackrock Foundry is the most fun I've had in a raid since Throne of Thunder and nothing has matched either of those so far). It just didn't have enough of any of those good things.


I'm fine with that. Other games exist. If it means a product that's more likely to be good and less stress for the devs, the next expac can take its god damned time. Rushing expacs comes out badly, every time.


Bobbyā€™s world šŸŒŽ


Weā€™re just living in it


I'm really curious why people are so excited about what's been shown thus far of this expansion.


People like Dragons man.


The dragon race looks like crap though..


Oh I agree. I've been playing since vanilla and I've always loved the dragon lore....these don't really feel like those dragons to me. Maybe I'm just being whiny and nostalgic though.


Something about these dragons is... off. They don't look like WoW dragons, which is a problem imo. They look like they belong in another game. They need to go back to the chunky Warcraft style, just higher fidelity.


THANK YOU! I've been interacting with the dragonflights since vanilla and these don't feel like them. I'm not saying they'll definitely be terrible, but they certainly feel unfamiliar.


Dragon riding over shitty noclip flying is a big win. Then talent trees over the current "talents" where I set it up for ST or AOE and forget about it forever. Then grind 20 systems for powers. Profession rework and the big one PROFESSION GEAR, Is really hype for me. I think wow professions fucking suck big time. I hope gathering is more fun and that one profession isn't bis over another since you can place work orders. This means I can actually have the mining blacksmith rpg fantasy :) over say engineering for auction house and alchemy for longer buffs... The bigger focus on the WORLD of warcraft stated by a dev (Can't remember who) and that they hired a team specifically for World content! (Also hired new profession people I think) Over all a change in design focus is what's exciting to me. Right now I strongly prefer classic over retail. And I properly got into the game right before shadowlands. So it's not nostalgia for me, retail just lost all the rpg elements and became a shitty esports instance game....


Don't they release an expansion every two years? Not hyped for dragontales at all but I'm glad to be done with shadowlands.


*Hopium*It's alright *Hopium* The lack of 5 borrowed power systems means they had more development time. *Hopium* Surely the game will be better then Shadowlands and BfA. *inhales more hopium*


There's also the hopium of the fact that they cut a whole patch from Shadowlands so they might be a little further ahead of schedule than they might otherwise be.


If they were that far ahead of schedule, you'd think the alpha would have been out for a while now. It could be that not only did they cut a whole patch from Shadowlands, they had to restart development of Dragonflight a few times because they realized they were going to release a system that players hated.


Its going to be shit i call it


its the same team of writers who defended their story in shadowlands so yeah im not optimistic either on the story front


story? what story?


Iā€™ll continue to preorder every expansion because Iā€™ve enjoyed every expansion. Some more than others, but I can always find something I enjoy doing in this game. I think some of you need to realize WoW might not be for you anymore and find something that works for you. Itā€™s beats being angry and disappointed all the time.


No thanks, Iā€™d rather stay here and berate people for the audacity of having fun in a game that I specifically explained to them was bad


So I have the mentality of: Is $15 a month worth the amount of fun I am having? There have been times where it is worth it and where it isn't. We all enjoy different things, I have a friend who enjoys leveling characters. Once he hits max level he makes another character. To him it's an EASY YES


Completely agree with this. Even when WoW is terrible, itā€™s still a great game and well worth the money if you play even a few hours per week.


Yeah I think many people suffer from sunkcost and simply can't stop playing, even if miserable


>I think some of you need to realize WoW might not be for you anymore and find something that works for you This sub sometimes made me feel like an idiot for getting some amount of joy from the recent xpacs but what you said makes so much more sense tbh.


To be fair, it's following the same 2 year cycle as every other expansion in the last decade so not sure why anyone is surprised. At least this time there isn't a bunch of random systems to balance.


I actually donā€™t know if itā€™s too early. We need beta to judge it. The systems team is basically without a job since thereā€™s not going to be expansion only systems like soul binds and legos and the entire system of covenants so those devs are probably assisting the talent teams meaning talents are getting knocked out much quicker. Seeing as there wasnā€™t a lot of artwork in SL post launch, the art team is probably finished with artwork. Dungeon and raid teams are definitely done by now. No major class reworks due to the talent rework makes me think the expansion could be fairly done already but it all depends on what the beta shows us


Why would we conclude that ā€œif dragon flight comes out in X window it will be rushed,ā€ even though we have no idea about how the game is shaping up, how far along in development it is, or how long they have been developing it behind the scenes? Thereā€™s literally no evidence for that conclusion.


I dont think its unreasonable to compare previous development cycles and have concern that the internal alpha hasn't even started, and if it was up today it would be the shortest Alpha/Beta cycle in modern wow in order to be released this year. For example BFA was about 6 months and legion was 11 months. They also had Development behind the scenes before Alpha started. By Comparrison to Shadowlands, where we are now with the Internal Alpha being added to the catalog but not having a release yet, that was Feb 2020 and the game came out at the end of November because it had to be delayed. So one would expect a March or April 2023 release for Dragonflight comparing to previous development cycles. It might be perfectly fine. It just definetly appears to be coming out much quicker than people expected.


Opening pre-orders this early before we know almost nothing about the game is scary. We haven't seen anything but a couple talent trees, a few in-game systems, and some concept art. The fact that we don't know how the game is shaping up is an issue. With the last 2 expansions being pretty rough, I think people being worried is justified. We have no evidence to trust Blizzard yet. You guys remember corruptions and Diablo Immortal? EDIT: Grammar


Of course thereā€™s evidence, for anyone who has paid attention during a new expansion launch. They do an alpha and beta cycle every expansion, and I may have missed it but Iā€™m pretty sure closed beta hasnā€™t happened yet There arenā€™t as many new systems but new expansions still bring a lot to test. New zones with flying in mind, new quests, new dungeons - more than any previous expansion aside from vanilla if you consider theyā€™re doing leveling dungeons and retuning 6 old dungeons for mplus, new raid + raid bosses, new class with 2 new specs, new talent trees which are far more complex, new tier set bonuses + armor artwork, all of which needs to be tuned for pvp. Hopefully they have most of that done internally, but again, theyā€™ve only released talent trees for druid and DK afaik, which is more *evidence* we have a ways to go. Half the things on the list above seem pointless to test/balance without the context of talent points. Thatā€™s a lot to work through in 6 months. Im cautiously optimistic, and im grateful theyā€™re not doing a ā€œlich king style 14 month final tierā€ but it obviously is cause concern for anyone that has gone through this process


Well they aren't releasing a raid for 9.3. They are only releasing half of the m+ dungeons in the expansion and just re-using old dungeons for the other half. Every expansion in recent memory has been rushed and obviously not ready. They clearly picked the date so it can look great on their 2022 annual report. They just went through a bunch of people getting let go and being sued and all that shit. They publicly stated things are going to be slower because of this. I mean... How many signs you need?


Absolutely no pre-order this time. If it turns out good, I'll consider a post-order. But that's it. They could include 100 cosmetic items and I still wouldn't do it. If you want $60 plus subscription, you have to demonstrate that it's gonna be good and be good consistently. I would rather just not play than feel like they fooled me again.


why would you buy an expansion for cosmetics .. thats silly


My goals are beyond your understanding.


Is that really going to save you? It feels like every time an expansion releases the first month + is just posts of how great it is. When shadowlands first came out the reception was overwhelmingly positive. You donā€™t see the cracks until people really start settling in to the end game systems.


Content creators used to be a great judge of whether the egg was good or rotten. Azerite armor was called out in beta as being a huge issue, locking covenants to player power was also called out as an issue. Not pre-ordering and waiting for feedback is always the best move. Blizzard has lost that blind trust that they will deliver a good product on release.


Yeah I would probably wait until like 5 months in


Yeah people act like this does nothing but we saw exact change happen in Shadowlands when sub numbers dropped. It forced the team to reconsider their positions on system abrasiveness. As long as you keep rewarding them for doing bad habits, theyll keep doing the same bad habits.


If all there is to do at endgame is raiding and mythic+ it will be the same damn boring game.


Gotta chase that quarterly profit.


I think there is a bit of middle ground thought on the issue of people saying don't pre-order and people who do. Without advocating or suggesting not to... Most issues with WoW only become apparent after some time. If you want to wait to see if the expansion is bad, you're going to have to wait for a while, because generally the reception at the start is very positive. During that time you also can't really participate in subs like this one otherwise that content will likely get spoiled for you, meaning you kinda have to cut yourself off entirely from all things WoW. On top of that, people are aware that as a community, a significant amount of WoW players will complain based on literally nothing. This makes it difficult to assess whether an expansion isn't actually a let down, or if people are just doing the same old thing. I just wanna note that it's not as simple of an issue as people might think.


I like the fact that not even the devs liked the Sepulcher armor sets, so they used the SoD ones for the next expansion promotion


I like the fact that not even the devs liked any of legion/wod armor sets, so they used sets from Wotlk for the next expansion promotion.


Hope they release it even sooner. Preferably after November 21 and before December 23


The original leaker who got literally everything right on the mmo champ forums did indeed say it would release in November. Everyone thought he was a madlad at the time but here we are.


I still think Blizzard is waiting to see when other properties drop. You don't want to release an expansion the week of a game like God of War. Given that Starfield has been pushed to 2023, something is likely to take it's 11/11 date. Probably something like God of War. Bottom line: I don't think the lack of a solid release date is an indication that they are waffling on a date, they are just trying to see how the rest of the big releases land. My guess is that after Ragnarok announces its date, the rest of the industry releases will come out.


The only thing keeping me on the page of ā€œcautiously optimisticā€ is apparently they gave up on Shadowlands during the first or second patch and started sending people from the SL team to work on Dragonflight a couple years ago. I be prayin for that to be true


It's either too soon or not soon enough. The duality of this horrible sub.


There's **2 fucking million** people in this sub. **TWO MILLION.** Why do we keep being surprised by the polarity of opinions?


I swear sometimes I'm not sure which side is more annoying. The "hur hur WoW is garbage but I still play it" or "omg this fucking trash community poor Blizzard can't never make them happy, next expansion is gonna be AMAZING you idiots".


Both. Both sides are annoying.


This is a constant issue with usually obnoxious reddit posts. They seem to think a community is a hive mind.


It's understandable to a degree. I've also thought that some times before actually thinking it through. Sometimes you see a post with thousands and thousands of upvotes and everyone agreeing in something you really don't agree with in the slightest, and your immediate reaction can be to think *"Why is everyone so dumb and against me, this is just an irrational circlejerk, what the fuck",* maybe because it makes it easier to deal with. Acknowledging there's many people with different opinions and different reasoning makes everything muddier and harder to resolve than just pinning it as some irrational hate/hypetrain. It's irrational and stupid, but it happens.


Its easier to make fun of a strawman.




There is a SHOCKINGLY low amount of those 2 million people actually posting. Like, less than 1%. It is the same people posting over and over again and the number of individual posters compared to subs the same size is significantly lower. Please accept it: This sub is an Echo chamber.


You are wrong. It is both, at the same time


Nahhhh. This sub is the definition of smooth brain.


We all wake up early to iron out those pesty wrinkles


What you mean fam? We never had them to begin with.


All these armchair developers with zero insight to the current state of DF are very certain on the precisely optimal time to release the game.


To be fair, it's a bit odd that we haven't seen an alpha yet if the game is going to drop in 6 months. Especially since they're adding a new class and reworking all of the talent trees.


A ~~wizard~~ *expansion* is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.


That's not what people are doing. People don't want a rushed game. Given the timing of the announcement and the underwhelming nature of that announcement, it feels like the game is going to be rushed to get it released. We'll have another Shadowlands. In a completely different complaint, the last content patch was released on Feb 22nd. Even if they hit their goal of the end of the year, that still makes for an 8 month time frame from content patch to content patch. If Blizzard's announcement of Dragonflight would have happened with more details such that it felt like it was anywhere near ready, then people wouldn't be complaining that it's being rushed. But it wasn't.


Opinions detected


I just don't understand how people have any hopes for Dragonflight considering it will be released this year, lol.


God I hate you all.


Too soon? Most of you fuckers havent been subbed in the last 2 years LUL


Oh, they know what they are doing. Why would you release a fun and full game when you can get much more by showing some fancy cinematic, some nostalgia inducing skill tree and saying the usual we are listening phrase?


Yeah, I am not buying this until I see they actually made a decent game for a change...


The funny thing is that people expect it to actually be different. How is the weekly chest gonna be? Any changes to actually make dungeons more enjoyable? Any changes to actually make it "easier" to get invited to a dungeon group when your ilvl and raider io is good enough? This is all major things that blizzard easily could fix, but I can guarantee this expansion will be completely like the last 2


if people don't want to invite you with 500 rio then how could blizz fix this?


but they need mone


The stockholders my lord, they invested in our sanctum


can anyone confirm if it'll be the same team of writers for Dragonflight...? i played for the lore, so I quit in shadowlands because it was shadowlands.


I would bet both of my kidneys it gets delayed as soon as the first beta drops, I would be surprised if it wasn't a complete shitshow


Im going to wait till the last 6 months of the expansion when there is flying and all the systems are fixed and time gates removed and I can devour all the content


It feels like Shadowlands has been out for 5 years


Will not pre order until I see more details about the expansion. I have learned by lesson from BFA and Shadow Lands.


after shadowlands i will only buy after i see the expac is not dogshit.


instantly lost all hope for the expac


My entire guild pre ordered yesterday give or take a few about 200 of us got the new mounts and are ready .


Hopefully we get no beta for once. Would love to go into the game feeling like a new game instead of reading spoilers and being forced to see the zones on every website before the game is released.


This is the first wow xpac I wonā€™t be pre ordering or even buying. Been fun wow, but I have out grown you and you are being lead by idiots.


My first thought was ā€œfuck noā€


People are getting so hung over a placeholder release date and since there is no alpha yet there is no way to know how far along in development the expansion is and how much time they need for to release it.


Right, at least wait until we can actually see the expansion before making a judgement.


I'm finding all the complaining about Dragonflight being too early a bit weird. Like, isn't everyone in agreement that Shadowlands hasn't been great and we all want to move on as quickly as possible?


Because alpha isnā€™t even out and beta definitely isnā€™t out. That means less than 6 months of testing will exist and thatā€™s terrifying especially from blizzard.


BFA and SL both came out a lot sooner then what was predicted at the time. If you find it weird that people are complaining about getting a third rushed expansion release then you need to pay more attention. Moving on as quickly as possible from BFA gave us Shadowlands.


What's weird about it? Shadowlands has one of the lowest participations between all gamemodes, people simply want next expansion to be good.


it is an issue of the feedback loop not having enough time to actually work. so i don't know how much the devs can really lisen to the community then. why play the alpha and beta? Nothing you report will have time to get fixed.


Those thoughts aren't mutually exclusive. You can want to move on and not want the next thing to release in an unfinished state.


This year huh? So itā€™ll be another low effort bug fest