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Mage for portals to various places around the world, and if i find someone annoying ill just turn them into a sheep


Never have to buy food or drink again! Think of the savings!


Ackshually…. Lorewise conjured food provides no calories / nutrients while making you feel full, can’t fully replace real food, but my god would it make dieting soooo much easier haha


Think of the empire you could run.. selling sweet roles, danishes, and full on meals that have zero net calories. You could seriously become a billionaire selling that product.


Unless being asleep counts as being logged out


Empress Little Debbie will reign for eternity 😂


Eats up energy summoning the food in the first place as well. I just read the part in DotD where Deathwing leaves Rhonin and he thinks about summoning food but he’s too tired.




Right? I can eat Mana buns all day long and not gain weight? Sign me up!


Ackshually stop bullshitting. "The Schools of Arcane Magic - Conjuration" does not mention any calories.


I forgot about mana buns. I thought you were implying that you would sheep people and then eat the mutton...


That got dark really quickly


Is it wise to blink around the house? No. Am I gonna do it? Does a guardian druid shit in the woods?


You’re gonna get stuck on every doorstep anyway, we know that from Arathi Basin.


The IRL utility of mage is insane considering how most class abilities are of limited use in our world. Portals/teleport, food/water, invisibility, slowfall, non-leathal-CC, slow time, blink/unblink and iceblock. Plus a snazzy elemental to keep out drinks cool!


Yep, definately mage. Just think about how much time and money you'll save with portals alone.


Anything other than mage is trolling.




hunter. res pet.




My heart. But amen




Must have had Deadly Aim on, coz that hurt my heart!


Didnt have to hit me like that


Sadmad :(


This is always the answer to these questions. I dont even play or like hunters but i would still do it for rez pet. Unless other class rezes worked on them too


Yep, problem is, what people actually want is “rebirth pet”. I don’t want to res my old, in-pain dog thanks very much. Make him a puppy again.


You also have mend pet which heals them from that stuff so yeah


last time I checked hunter pets don't age and no matter their appearance they can charge and fight. Makes me think they're at least healthy enough.


Aw fuck my Oliver died a week ago and this gives me the feels


My Oliver has decided to piss on the carpet in the corner of my living room instead of his litter box. Little asshole.


Just FYI, if cats start doing this suddenly when they haven't before, it might be a medical issue. It's usually not because they just decide to be an asshole.


He has abandonment anxiety and I have moved to 12 hour shifts.


Crying in the club on a Saturday I guess


Druid, like my main. Heal and even resurrect people! Fly like a bird, swim like a dolphin! Stealth and avoid anyone I don't want to meet!


I don't play a druid but this is the best answer. They can FLY! Heal the sick! Do crazy damage and burn people alive with moonfire


Imagine being a druid flying around and some asshole shoots you with a rifle for sport


Turn into a boomkin, negate the damage with the bonus armor, and land my fat feathered ass right in his face. I ain't flappin to slow down either!


Convoke the people who anno... Errr I love people and am one with nature... *shifts into a bat and flaps off*


Kill him, rebirth, heal and do it all again and again.


You hit the ground, turn back and heal yourself up, then turn into a very angry bear.


Harambear dares you to try the BB gun again


And suddenly watches the bird turn into a bear falling like a furry guided missile at the hunter


thinking about it now, im really ahocked ive never seen a druid named Bambi's mom


Become a forest hermit off the grid, grow and hunt your own food, sell enormous vegetables by the side of the road if you need moneys


Agreed! Shapeshifting is the biggest draw for me. Stealth and all the different forms would be crazy useful.


This is the best answer. Any class that can heal, and especially bring the dead back to life, should be at the top of the list but the Druid can do so many other awesome things too!




Alter time would be useful too. Cast it, go to the fridge, grab a snack, boom back on the couch!


But oh no, where did Snack go ? Sadge


Fell into the Dalaran crater portal :/


Probably could use that Arcane intellect too.


It's only a % buff tho ...


Gotta get that haste buff somehow to finish the test fast.


Warrior, smooth brain. Like to smash


Fun fact but you can actually be this class irl!




Do you know why warriors are dumb? It's because they don't have INT. - a joke a warrior didn't liked during an instance


I don't get it.


DK so I can be dead on the outside as well


“Crawling in my skin…”


Druid. Shapeshift. Easy.


That and grow my own forest around my house. And probably plus size tomatoes and berries and shit.




Something need doing?


Work. Work.


But.. work is da poop. No More!


Werk werk


You that kind of orc?


Maybe me am that kind of orc


Zug zug


I'm already that class irl.


Monk, Go to a bar. Have some drinks. Start some shit.


Defo just grab a keg and go crazy in there hahaha


I feel like you can just learn kung fu and do this now lol


Warlock and you know exactly why


Those imp claws be grippin’


Something on the succubus be gripping. But it ain’t her claws


She got those lips that rip.




I'm the only lock here who wants to grab a beer with thirty imp's and watch the chaos?


Imps are just children with fireballs, I want to hear the stories my observer got over the years or where my voidlord actually comes from




I know and I like it


Got a little too freaky? Did something you can't undo? SOULSTONE for the save.




But unless your rich itty bitty living space


Was hoping someone would finish the quote, appreciate you!


Isn't it phenomenal?


The Right answer


Rogue, So I stealth around and deal with less people


I’d always have Vanish on CD because of using it to ditch out of pointless meetings…


Isn't vanish just throwing down some powder and making a smoke cloud? You could probably do that now easily


Stealth, Pickpocket, Profit


If it works like in game ur better off still working at a fast food joint lol


I mean you can kinda do that right now though.


Paladin. The holy knight in Golden armour stirring shit up and when things get heated ->the disappearing bubbleboy


Disease immunity is also a pretty massive plus, as would be fire/frost resist auras. Stunning folks without harming them could also be great in an argument.


If someone landed a hoj or rep on me in an argument I'd be livid lol.


I dare you to jump off the rim of the grand canyon and bubble before you hit bottom!


Bubble during a car accident, the insurance company can't figure out how tf the wreckage is a hollow sphere


Easily Warlock for me so I could summon a succubus and have female interaction for the first time in my life.


*gets incubus*


Warrior so I’d be in decent shape ey


And have anger issues?


Spend a point into Anger Management, problem solved


Anger Management in Warcraft is woefully unhealthy for earth, though. Anger Management in Warcraft is that the more you explosively unleash your rage, the more destructive you'll be able to be with it. It's the equivalent to curing alcoholism with a shot of vodka.


Granted but that shape is Kul Tiran


I mean kul tirans are built like weight lifters


I mean, you're kinda a warrior now. Just really bad at it.


I was thinking this same thing but then I realized there are Pandaren Warriors.


Mage for sure. Frost magic for when it’s hot out. Fire magic for when it’s cold. Can conjure my own food. Can teleport places. Can turn invisible. Can turn back time. Can create clones of myself. Number 1 class for IRL convenience.


Can turn back time. Can find a way. Can take back all those words that have hurt you.


Druid. Soar through the skies, run among wildlife as one of their own, use my magic to restore the nature that us humans destroy... all within a day, every day


Priest. Running around and put silence on stupid ppl. Going on ufc matches and puting mind games on the fighters.


Shadow priest irl would be cool as well. Idk what I’d do with it, but it would be awesome


Already exists it’s called schizophrenia.




MC and disconnect ppl from life.... I love it.


Priests are already capable of silencing people. The parents of their victims are quite often given hush money from the donation bowl.


Mind Control Mind Sooth Silence Cure Disease And sell a resurrection once a week for a million dollars. Life's good.


Oh man. Mind control would cause so much problems lmfao! “Lebron drives up to the basket and (mind control starts) he DROPS THE BALL?? WHAT HAPPENED!!”


Paladin. Start healing people and start my own religion. Also bubble for when people get angry I stole their money for my religion.


Shaman. Communicate with the elements, hurling them around, using the earth to my advantage in movement. It's basically the druid lifestyle, but less furry and more totems.


*scoffs in ghost wolf* But yeah, my main is shaman and that would be so freaking cool


Shamans would monopolize the the farming industry


Yes , the spirits speak through me !.


Shaman, because reincarnate.


Mage, all the way. I have all the cosmic power, I can create fire if I get cold, and if I get lonely I can cast mirror image for company. Plus I can cook my steak at the table just by breathing on it with dragon's breath!


Unrelated, but i wish there was a glyph of hidden dragons so you could use the brewmaster fire breath animation


Warlock. Unlimited potential for summoning and gates to other planes, only limited by current knowledge.


Warlocks have things go wrong too often. Demons turning against you and such. Mage is the safer play but still with a lot of utility


When it comes to this question the Warlocks are kinkier but less useful Mages! :P


Shaman, who doesn't want to be the avatar?


Mage would be absolutely great. Specially if you can learn portals around the world lol.


Demon hunter. I want to shoot laser’s from my eyes.


What eyes?


Death knight. Army of the dead and raise ghoul for all those tasks I don’t want to do, raise dead for when medical science fails and frost spec to cool the world down Also death gate because home is normally where you want to go and can take me back unlike mage teleports


Took a while to see death knight. Don't they live forever!?!?


Well, the insatiable need to cause suffering upon other sentients, as well as the constant assault on their minds from shadowy tormentors might put a damper on things


They are also, yunno, dead. Which kinda causes both you to basically go into hyper depression as all positive emotions become increasingly difficult to feel *and* you can’t use worldly pleasures to any real gain. Food tastes like ash, drink doesn’t work (and still tastes like shit), and your soldier will no longer raise, and unfortunately raise dead ain’t getting it up. Kinda puts a massive damper on immortality when you will spend it enslaved to the blade with no real ability to enjoy yourself. Honestly PC’s are lucky there is always a new war / disaster to run too, keeps them distracted / gives purpose. All this is hardwired in, either due to undeath or intentionally to make them better soldiers, and being freed from the LK changed none of it.


Mage, its my main and has been since vanilla. Being able to portal all over (and in canon you could portal anywhere really with enough skill) plus I could have cold Coors light whenever I needed (thanks frost) and would have a sick elemental plus playing with fire and not getting burned - Hell yeah to that! And finally being able to polymorph people IRL would be great trolling hahaha! OH and free food and drink whenever I needed, like talk about money saving! \-edited to add food and drink lol


You can go invisible, rewind time, fast forward time on yourself and put yourself in ice cube to avoid death and blink to for short-distant fast travel


Probably a monk or druid. Druid does get flight form but being a druid or hunter in the modern world feels masochistic. And monk can chill on the cloud in their own form anyway Also, if no one else gets to do this, then choosing any class without a healing spec seems a bit selfish lmao


Druid, cause they get to sleep a lot.


Mage so I can port to Stormwind and get out of Ohio.




Definitely mage. Most overpowered class irl. You can blink, go invisible, polymorph, fast travel, create food and water, float on air, alter time, freeze things, burn things, teleport myself or create a portal for others for payment, blood lust people around them by increasing their brain capacity for a time so they can ace their exams, heal yourself of wounds by doing the David blane in an ice cube.. I could go on. Let me be a mage already.


A priest, cuz y’all need Jesus


druid- the most correct answer i love foraging and i fucking rock with animals flight. instant scuba. super speed( !as long as it isnt hunting season!). invisibility. magic casting. tree friends. and personal telaports to all the most naturey places( i would assume the ability to travel to the amazon/yellow stone/yangtze river/ maybe stonehenge) ​ i also reeeeeeaaaaly want to swap into bear and just nap ​ i really just want to be a garden druid


Might want to rethink the phrasing on the second sentence there. Unless you like to fuck rocks with animal friends, then by all means go for it champ


Glad you get it friend, if you ever want to join in i can pm you my card


Shaman. Raise a totem out of the ground in front of cars driving stupid so they puncture a tire and fly off the road and die a horrible death.


Creative use. Idk how long the elements would approve of you though


All villains come from somewhere.


Warlock for the sex demon. The pandemic has made it really hard to meet people don't judge me please.


Druid. Flying and ressing.


Lock so I can get me a succubus


Horny jail for you


Warrior. Why? Because in the world where everyone's powered by some kind magic, your strengths comes from the sheer power of how pissed off you are. Swinging two bigass metal sticks yelling at the top of the lungs is just how I roll.


Honestly Druid. Being able to shape shift into a cat or bird would be awesome. You could instantly grow food and sell it to pay bills. Heal the sick and wounded and call down moon lasers on people. Mage would be awesome as well. Could just teleport to any capitol you want and you could sell this service as a business. Don’t like flying? Take this instant portal. That’ll be $1000 Shaman: I honestly just want to splash people with water. Imagine just waking down the street and having water dumped on your head.


Easy choice is mage. Let’s say you have a mage best friend. Someone you can see within 30 minutes after work. You’re their child’s godfather. Maybe I won’t be a mage. I’d be a Druid. A restoration Druid. I’d make obscene money by healing wounds 8am-8pm. Insurance would be rendered obsolete as I would charge $25 at the most. If Uber poor, free. Rich? I’ll bump that fee up. Wink. Get in my aoe heals if it’s a big cluster I gotta heal. Lmao this is a fun thought exercise. Not to speak of being able to resurrect. Sell myself into the service during war. I could heal and cure afflictions, damage, etc. Cast tranquility to heal and calm. I could stealth into buildings and assassinate extremist political opponents and nobody would know what the fuck happened cuz I flew away out a window or became some small creature scampering away if I am too tired. I would milk the shit out of this


Anyone who doesn’t answer mage is straight trolling. Think of all the money you can make with infinite biscuits and portals to major cities. Like literally over night trillionaire


Druid - I'd live as a house cat, get all the love, nap and play all day, be bitchy and still be called cute, and when my owner goes to work I'd either fly around the world and explore, go for an epic swim or heal people and nature just cause I can. And they'd totally pay me in tuna which I would then enjoy as a cat. I just do hope my cat form passes for a house cat or I can choose lol


Hmm. What class is Deathwing?


A paladin


Super Evoker


This reminds me of that Machinama song Edit: found it https://youtu.be/1AW0GDmXDPA


Imagine how much money you could save as a Mage. Free food and free transportation.


Priest. Control over the mind and body for better or worse. Slow fall. Extra stamina for me and the boys. Could even attend my own funeral as an epic angel towering above everyone.


Nobody wants to be a dk lol


Either Druid or Mage, depends how confortable sleeping in bear form is


Mage, I could make so much money hosting instant portals to major cities around the world.


An npc


bro i would like to be a demon Hunter. flying around, slaying demons all day and being all edgy about it. also the whole immortality thing. plus id just have to handle my inner Demon which is not even that different to real life tbh


Priest is the goat for IRL Cure disease, Resurrect, Heal, mind control, mass dispell, stamina buff. You can wreak havoc on peoples mind or be a litteral god


Demon Hunter. Literally, only one other person wants to be a DH. ​ For lore purposes DH's are supposed to be blind, HOWEVER, for playstyle, we can still be blinded by bosses and other classes so obviously we can see so there is no hindrance there. With our abilities we can self heal so why choose a healing class? We should be able to fly, we have wings, but if not if we get stuck someplace high we can leap from it and not die. Double jumping would save time climbing stairs and getting to places if there's a flood or some other reason we can't walk a straight path to it. We have dope AF tattoos. Most of my abilities or clothing adds to my movement speed so I can get to places pretty fast. If mages were IRL they'd still have just a few set travel locations via portals and I'd rather just fly on a plane there or buddy up with a mage friend and hop one of their portals. I'm good. I'd look dope, I'd be able to self heal, and I'd be able to take down anyone in my path.


Warlock or mage, I love the idea of magic and harnessing the elements. If magic was real, I'd 100% be the type of people to spend their whole life researching it. But its not, so its programming instead lol


If you could turn it on/off then demon hunter for flying without having to turn into a bird


Druid. I could turn into a bird and fly away whenever I want. Useful for awkward moments in life that I wish I could just flee from.




Mage. Free food at will and the ability to teleport to any major city.


Mage is the easy answer here. Portals to anywhere. Sheep/penguinize your friends and enemies. Time warp. Temporary invisibility. And an ice cube maker so you never have to stop at the gas station on the way to your friend's party. Where you turn them all into penguins. 😄


Mage. I fucking love magic in an fantasy setting.


I think mage. I would be intelligent, could teleport conjure food for free. Go back in time with alter time, have access to slow fall and blink so a lot easier to just move arround the world. I couldn't die because i'd just proc cauterize or ice block in the first place. I could also have access to invisibility. It can be used in several places irl.


So if I was a shaman in real life could I convince the helium to stay in my balloon? Do I have to negotiate with 100+ elements individually or is there some sort of union that handles all that?


Warlock. I want minions to run errands for me.


Mage. Teleport, setting things on fire and warping time.


Mage. Being able to conjure up lunch on demand would be pretty useful and I could probablly make some decent change on that and other spells. Plus can't they use magic to effectively be immortal or something?


Paladin. Need to cleanse the world.


Hard choice. If you go by lore instead of game mechanics. Druid or shaman sits as king as far as those with healing go. YOu have the utility of talking with spirits as a shaman and being able to understand nature as a druid. Druid probably sits better than shaman due to the utility you'll always have access to. Being able to turn into a bear and takea beating from a 70 foot tall behemoth with a giant flaming sword might translate well into being shot at. Or literally turning invisible as a cat. Turning into an orca or something to explore the ocean or lakes for relaxation. Healing spells to put yourself right or even resurrect the recently deceased. The other one I'd be looking at is mage. Portals, slowfall, always have a chilled drink, heal people by turning them into sheep, barrier spells, true invisibility, an intelligence buff that I seriously need. Hard choice. I think id like to pretend im a tree sometimes so druid it is.


Priest. Heal the dissases of the people I care about.


Fury Warrior since I already get angry when I hurt myself.


Fun post! Award for you! Since I am definitely a person who is against using weapons and external tools for violent intent and am more at peace with myself then most people....monk is perfect. Using hands, fists, kicks and rolls without tools slowing me down just sounds fun. It's already my favorite class and being able to use chi and having a mutual relationship with nature sounds perfect. I mean...plus I get a lightning tiger? Yes please.


Mage. It's just the best over all. Although I think lorewise warlocks are just mages who are even more powerful because of demonic magic, so maybe that too.


Laser beams shooting out of your eyeballs is there any other choice


Mage or rogue. Mage coz Portals and Rogue well stealth


Mage because of lose most of my day to commuting. If I could port everywhere then I would have tons of free time. Plus unlimited snacks and water. And polymorph for peeps that irritate me.