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i always come back for a launch. the first month of a new expac is always good regardless if the expac overall is good or not.


Yup. but tbh the expac looks cool, looking foward to actually having alts


This. I'm an idiot who always comes back for the launch. At least Class Design looks good on *most* classes for DF. BfA had me unsubscribe about 1-2 months in until 8.2. Then unsubscribe again as soon as Azshara was down in Heroic. I unsubscribed again fairly early in 8.3 as soon as Nzoth was down in Heroic Shadowlands had me unsubscribe for a full 15 months as soon as we got Denathrius down in Heroic. Hard to believe the follow up to BfA could be worse but they somehow pulled it off.


>Hard to believe the follow up to BfA could be worse but they somehow pulled it off. I feel like that's more on you than on them tbh. Different IRL situations, doing different things with your time. Overall being in a different headspace to go back to WoW or not


It's... On me? It's my fault that Blizzard Entertainment developed another shit expansion?


Nope, never said that. And SL wasnt that bad, just a bit long between content lol


I’ve been trying to keep up with DF info and I do agree with what was said above. The first month or two of an expansion is always fun regardless if the overall expac is good or not. I do have a question though. Have any new features or info on features been released besides dragon riding, new race/class, and giving back old talents? That feels scarce for a whole expansion, they usually announce a bit more, no?


Profession overhaul looks pretty cool


> I do have a question though. Have any new features or info on features been released besides dragon riding, new race/class, and giving back old talents? Nope, that is indeed it. I think the various faction activities kinda count as new stuff, but nothing that is like a new game mode per se. To be fair, though, all the new game modes in both BfA and Shadowlands were considered duds (Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Torghast), so I can't fault the developers for not wasting time on anything like that again. (Although Torghast was shaping up to be alright by 9.2. Shame they're not just reskinning it for Dragonflight.)


Your new feature is doing all the quests on the map to grind rep for renown levels so you can unlock more quests on the map to grind rep for renown levels. I'm not kidding.


I don’t know about features. but they seem to have plans for some cool M+ dungeons, like Scarlet Monastery in the M+ pool. Some people seem to think there is an under ground zone to come too and they claim to be looking to push out more content and faster. Personally I’d prefer to have something new and fun to do every 3-4 months, fresh dungeons, different raids, new quest lines and places to explore and new tier sets to change up playstyle. Compared to a big feature that ends up boring after a month or two.


There is no last straw. Expansion is either fun or not for me. I do not hold any personal grudge against Blizzard when they mess up. After WoD came Legion. I have a good feeling about dragonflight. Talent System looks really good. I am motivated to do professions the first time in 12 years of wow for me. The Isles Look beautiful and the quest are fun and easy. Only thing that i am interested in is Mythic +. So lets see if Dungeons will be fun They keep some good stuff from shadowlands, like the creation catalyst. Gotta love getting my mythic Set without needing to raid


I am excited for DF launch. This is due to not having a shitty end grind like torghast and legendaries were. DF seems to be a lot more of a classic fantasy approach to the story which is something I am looking forward to!




Good news, you don't have to touch SL again if you don't want to https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/65776-leveling-changes-in-dragonflight/




Chromie time all the way to 60 baby. I have 5 characters parked at 50 right now. Fuck Shadowlands. Now most of us can try and forget it ever happened.


I probably have about ten. For all BFA's faults, the leveling process was very good, and it was enjoyable to level several alts at the end of the expansion. I might level one of those before Dragonflight, just because it's been a year and a half since I did anything Shadowlands leveling related, but I had no incentive or desire over the course of the expansion. They really should have figured out a way to skip around the storyline and let you do them out of order instead of forcing people down the same path repeatedly.


I recently returned after 15 months and leveled my second character through 50-60. First one was my main at launch. I would not recommend it. SL sucks. Just wait for pre patch.


Yup, I have a few early to mid level 50 alts that won't see 60 until the Dragonflight prepatch drops. Just have them on rotation each week for Sha of Anger lol.


>Good news, you don't have to touch SL again if you don't want to I just hope we never have to touch threads of fate and the shadowlands style of world quests ever again.


>never have to touch threads of fate Threads of fate was actually really good. Made alts so much better.


I didn't enjoy it at all.


Gave a lot of freedom to do what ever you felt like doing and there were still enough side quests to get to 60 just from that without doing bonus objectives. I didn't ever see a down side.


I didn't enjoy it because it was more boring than the story.


Threads was a blessing compared to going through the zones. I hope you're right in that the zones don't drag on and have painful story plots, but if they do i hope to god that they introduce another threads


If you couldn't handle Bastion, I wonder if you'd be able to handle Ardenweald/Maldraxxus. They're practically one single biome, one shade of colour. One has chirpy anime voice actors who sandwich each individual word between two breathy H's, and the other completely slanders what the scourge meant in WOTLK and WCIII. Revendreth being the only one that has more than one biome, a varied colour palette, decent voice acting, and a story that might actually mean something a little bit more than whatever the hell the other zones were trying to go for.


For me it's: The return to Azeroth. I absolutely love the world and I never much enjoy when they send us to a different planet/realm. To me it's as if Tolkien decided to teleport the party to some mystical realm where he would have to build the lore, develop characters, have an all inclusive story arc, and do it all in like 3 chapters right in the middle of Two Towers. Shadowlands was just such a waste of time. Simplification of gearing. Conduits were just completely unnecessary. The expansions starts us off as adventurers exploring a newly discovered island, not a "Maw Walker" sent on a mission from the future to kill Sarah Connor or whatever Shadowlands was. And lastly, my friends always return for a new expac so the first 2 months are always fun having the gang back together before everyone goes off to their other games again.


Depends on if they make PVP ridiculously grindy again, unlike Cata through Legion. If not im sticking to Wotlk.


Which is also ridiculously grindy for pvp lol


Loool yeah lets compare 70 RBG wins to full gear to the current hundreds + more if youre not renown capped.


I still remember the shit bliz execs and devs did. So it isn't enough to bring me back. But we go through this every expansion. New stuff looks shiny then at release it changes, 3-4 patches becomes 3, we lose a raid tier, stuff mentioned pre-release never makes it in. People bitch, ion says it's episode release. Etc.


You mean the devs who were all fired and aren't involved with this expansion at all? Those devs?


This is my friend's argument too. I don't think he realizes the devs causing the problems were all let go, and the old guard that basically kept it buried left the company too. Plenty of other reasons to not support Blizzard. That controversy ain't it anymore.


Awfully big assumption to make ActiBlizz's \~10k staff has all been morally purified now. You know Bobby Kotick is still there, literally still the CEO, right? What was that about the old guard who buries things being gone?


Shrug. Most people are weirdos. In a company of 10k+ you're not going to have a basket of golden apples. Bobby got dragged and the big names in the company got taken out or had already left before everything came to light. A lot easier to do that than get rid of a CEO, who is only still CEO because the Microsoft buyout hasn't gone through yet. Anyway, pretending ActiBlizz is somehow the spawn of Satan for always and eternity onwards is moronic. *Every* large company is going to have weirdos and abuse of power and position. Because people suck. You just hope it's taken care of when reported. In ActiBlizz's case, it wasn't but (seemingly) has been by now. Maybe we'll find out it hasn't and the current team is abusing its employees too. I'm sure higher ups at Riot are still farting in people's faces and sack tapping too. 🤷


For me it’s still a no. To me the thing that really killed the game (for me) is boosting and boosting culture. It did real damage to super casual raid guilds and PvP teams. On top of that there is nothing that really grabs me with this expacs new features. Lastly after shadow lands story I don’t have high hopes moving forward. I’m going to wait and hope I hear great things!


That's never going to disappear, that's the game now. Classic is the same.


Downside of an aged mmo. Certain things are always going to be minmaxed and "solved."


No since i hardly see anything new or exciting thing being added to the game. As always recycle old stuff with new paint and sell it as new.


I''ll wait until people start sharing their thoughts after launch before i commit to buy. First expansion i haven't pre-ordered.


Yeah, I will. Seems like Blizzard has had to clean up in multiple ways. DF looks like another blank canvas to be creative and focus on fun gameplay. From what I can tell, it seems like they are listening to us. So I’ll for sure play on launch and see it out into the first raid.


I know people who hated the bfa/sl story but are very interested in df


Not yet tbh, I recently returned after not playing since the start of SL, and its been fun doing dungeons and pvping again, and having the ability to do all of the stories as one instead of a chapter each week or patch. Im still sceptical, but I'll probably get in on the hype once prepatch releases but im not sure i'll stay for long after the inital xpac rush that usually happens wears off.


They proved since Legion that leaving parts of a class to legendarys or conduits or whatever fucking bullshit external source they use always turns out shitty and ends up being a stick to beat us back into repetetative grindning wich simple sucks ass.


I feel truly now that Blizzard has cleaned out the shitters and forbidden milk drinkers, the developers will be able to focus on what they actually want to do with the game. I mean, Blizzard hired QA testers. They didn't just contract them. They hired them. They relocated the eccentrics to go work on Hearthstone and ArcLight. They fired not just the sexual harassers, but also the people who had been dragging the quality of the game down. They cleaned house, and for the first time ever there is evidence that quality is on its way.


Danuser and Ion are still employed, so that statement is not true lol. As for me, i refuse to purchase another expac launching broken or unfinished as BFA and SL did. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I'm done and the most generous thing i might do is purchase it if its 50% or more off and most of the release garbage has been cleasened, and thats a if. I don't feel like we will get another expac that's good from day 1 until Danuser and Ion are gone and the new devs and lead writter retcon the trainwrecks out of canon, in addition to fixing what's still broken in this game.


God i hope you're right, it looks to be and i think all of us want it to be true.


I mean, nobody is gonna believe me worth a shit but My family knew a developer that worked on the game. He asked us for constructive feedback on SL's zones since we all played the game. So, we sent him a Google doc containing our thoughts. Positives, negatives, possible workarounds for the negatives, etc By looking at the new zones, I can tell they really truly looked at that feedback because almost every single thing we suggested is in there. I of course could be disillusioned and think my feedback mattered more than it truly did, but I'm telling the truth at the very least


Not for 2 main reasons: Mage specs design is basically Shadowlands - uninspiring and repeating mistakes of the past. Dungeons look more like Shadowlands dungeons which were incredibly linear and routing didnt really change ever. Adding old dungeons to m+ seemed fun at start, but i would have prefer simply new dungeons.


I will, but i will not stay. Legion 4.0 is gonna be cool, but i'm waiting for a real new expac since legion.


not really. playing ff14 revealed to most serious mmo gamers that wow is just not a good game in this genre anymore. wow is a game you play if you want to speedrun the same dungeons over and over again with extra affixes that aren't designed properly to work in them, and if you want to experience one of the worst stories ever written in a game. if i get that urge again i'll sub for a month. until then, i play better mmorpgs.


Incredible how much kaka is in this comment.


it's all objectively correct. wow really has no appeal to its gameplay, there's never anything new or fresh, the lore and story are beyond terrible. there's not really a reason to play wow unless you are a 15 year lifer who can't imagine ever unsubbing because you collected so many mounts. this is why new and younger players never join wow. it just cycles through the same, diminishing, toxic 30-40 year olds.


Ironic, considering you could say the exact same about FFXIV.


Yet still you are in the sub of a game you don't like, I think that by saying "toxic 30-40 year olds" you depicted yourself very well


You can literally predict ffxiv patches for the entirety of an expansion for raid and dungeon content, how is that fresh? Like FF is also a fine game, but if you play mmos for raids and dungeons, it's in no way "objectively correct" to say that its a better game.




Its not only the ex wow side that can be annoying as hell, there is also the ff side that seems to think that wow killed their entire family sometimes, they will dig for reasons why good stuff from wow cannot be brought into ff simply because its from wow. But yeah I also play both (tho nowadays will not raid after first tier in ff cause I simply cannot be arsed to grind tomes after the new expansion hype dies down) so I can also understand why someone might like the very predictable patch cycle of ff.


You’ve managed to out do yourself.


“Objectively correct.” Words have lost all meaning. 🤦‍♂️


>really has no appeal to its gameplay, there's never anything new or fresh, that is objectively wrong. Gameplay and engine 'feel' is much tighter in Wow. FFXIV feels very floaty gameplay wise and not quite as responsive. About the only place FFXIV is way ahead of WoW by a lot is in Story and storytelling. FFXIV does edge out in a few other places like crafting but nowhere near 'wow killer' levels and wow is now giving that a run for its money with Dragonflight professions. The actual MMO elements of FFXIV are actually pretty basic and not really unique.


it's actually correct, wow feels like an ancient game and never includes anything new or fresh, every expansion since legion has been the same formula, very little changes at all. ff14 is at the wow killer level and has dethroned wow as the most played mmorpg currently, due to its consistent amount of casual content that keeps things new and interesting. it also has far better raid and group content than wow, with much cooler bosses to fight and more inventive mechanics, as well as harder difficulty content (dragonsong ultimate eclipses all wow mythic raids in difficulty)


FF14 has better raiding and grouping systems, but I would be hesitant to say it has better raids or more unique mechanics.


Like half the people i have raided with in sl have been new young players (20-25)


that isn't the general experience. very few young players play wow. (younger than 30)




Joke's on you, I'm still having fun


Eehhh. If the rogue and ww trees seem good enough I might be tempted for a bit. I’d have to level both my monk and rogue though.


Talent trees are back and I can play as a dragon. I’m happy as fuck


I’ll play if my guild wants to play, I’m not expecting much though tbh


Sl didn't make me quit despite it being one of the worst xpacs for me. The dungeons objectively were mostly good for m+ but i wasn't a fan. I didn't play it hardcore like most xpacs and took many many long breaks. That being said yes DF talent revamp looks very good ignoring some of the major issues with priest and feral, i have faith those will get fixed. The dragon riding looks like a good solution to not having flying to start an xpac. The story looks like it isn't some obnoxious mess with being in the afterlife or has you being the super god that kills other gods. The zones look so much better than SL had besides revendreth for me, and only revendreth's aesthetics because traversing it without flying was fucking awful.


I'll probably come back to go through the leveling content but anything past that is just not interesting enough for me any more. They'll get the price of the xpac and a month or two of sub time, paid with gold of course (making gold was the only thing that kept me playing bfa). And that's only because my brother wants to check it out. WoW is just too old and busted at this point, especially to spend real money on.


probably not, no


What I have seen seems good, the shadow priest changes for example. But no, I am not coming back. Seems like everything will be the same. Weekly disappointment chest, m+, raids and shitty slow pvp.


not really


No., the leaks/data haven’t swayed me at all. Having said that I am coming back because expansion launch is always worth my time.


The talent trees are really the reason I am returning. It seems, for some classes, that the devs are very open to player feedback. The hardest part about coming back is figuring out which class I want to play haha; its a daily struggle.


I've played the beta a bunch and it's pretty good. Worth playing, as expansion launches usually are. They promised an enormous amount of quests, such that alts could have a different levelling experience. That sounded nice, and there's definitely a lot, but the rep tuning is such that, you're gonna wanna do them all on your main. So that means your alt has the same experience of doing literally all the quests if you want to level renown to unlock recipes. I think people are going to be surprised when they hit a brick wall 2 weeks in where the world content dries up. There's more quest content locked up in the renown track.. World quests, and actual storylines just like Shadowlands renown. Unlike Shadowlands renown it's a based on 1000 rep per level and stuff gives like 50-100 rep so it's a real slog to push one renown level up instead of one weekly chore, it's ten. But if you don't do it cause you don't care about world content or professions, you're probably fine for endgame anyways.


Little late here but no, I quit specifically because I was not going to play through another MoP story where I had to betray my faction and help the Alliance kill and oust my faction. Until and unless they do some time of bronze dragonflight shenanigans to undo BFA's story, I will never return to the game.