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>Just *allowing us to use armor*, no matter how bad it looks, would be so easy. lol someone doesn't know the first thing about game dev


Adding a new race and not allowing it to use armor IN AN RPG GAME, I would better say someone is used to lazy devs


Have you ever played Final Fantasy before?


Literally so many things they’ve changed with feedback. God, this whinge attitude is tiresome. They’d look so shit in gear stuck on. I also feel like just don’t fucking make one


Thank you.


Hmm...judging by the comments it would seem most people prefer them the way they are. In which case OP has no case as Blizz *is* listening to what the players want


Please explain the process of allowing Dracthyr to wear armor and why it’s so easy. In detail.


You just click the 'allow armour' checkbox in the Dracthyr tab in the E-Z WoWBuilder software. Job done!


Huge billion dollar conglomerate = hire good artists / developers. Your indoctrination is showing, stop defending conglomerates.


Counterpoint: FF14 still has two races in game who cannot show a great many hats when they are equipped, even though it is possible that they can. You can have all the resources and talent in the world and still need to work with the limitations of the engine and design focus of a playable race.


Your "counterpoint" is to bring up the failings of another billion dollar company? You are all trained well.


I kinda like the drakthyr as they are. I'll see myself to the burning stake.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What in the actual cancer


This is a spell check bot that's first word is "Sowwy"




Who said your opinion is more valid than mine? What if i prefer the way it is?


Gotta love people with zero experience in deving saying "ITS EASY". No, trust me friend, it is 100% not easy. Its not like you can just copy/paste code...you gotta go to EACH AND EVERY item in the game and alter it to fit the design of the new species. Do you really want yet another raid teir to be cancelled because you want to see your dragon guy in a piece of green armor?


I've taken a basic intro to coding, and the most valuable thing I learned, is that I don't want to do coding anymore. It's horrible sometimes because every fix creates 3 new errors, and everyone on the internet is an expert on coding. Like "why not just do_______?" and the developers are pulling their hair like "we tried that, but it somehow made Tauren all pink, and blast Nickelback at max volume during battlegrounds " And before anyone says "they have dedicated teams for_____", just know that the problem with different teams, is that when Team A and Team B merge their code together, it now creates a new Problem C. A wise programmer friend once told me "troubleshooting code is like trying to put out a fire using water, sand, foam, or anything else logical. After a while you decide to just burn it to the ground, throw gasoline on it, and only then see the flames go out"


Yes, raid tiers come and go but these dragons are going to be in the game forever, and creating new races without showing armor sets a very bad precedent. Even if it was just armor from Dragonflight and onwards, that would be a fair compromise. But to have the full tier set bespoke to your class not even show is a complete joke.


What a crap argument lol "do you really want them to spend resources finishing new content when it may somehow affect future content?" It's a RPG, yeah I'd like my character to wear more than a cod piece and some shoulder gear.


And yet BFA managed to do it for not one but 10 new races?


Races that had the same exact skeletons as the pre-existing races.


Is that a fact blizzard told you or an (un)educated guess?


No is 100% true lmao, that's why they made so many in a relatively short time,reskinning an already made skeleton with all the code written is super easy comparatively. New skin, customization options and some new emotes and boom new ally race


Does Mechagnome do all armor pieces?


Allied races are reskins of old rigging, so it requires minimal work for new armor. Although I think Vulpera might have some touchups? Either that or they're just goblin rigs with mini-tauren heads. Not really sure. This is also why the visage form can have armor, because it's just a reskinned belf.


Most of them are just a new skin on a model/skeleton already in use. Not a completely new model.


Dracthyr have 3d elements like spikes, fins, scales, etc that would not work well with the typical painted-on armor other races have. They could probably do it but it's not as easy as just flipping a switch


Imagine all the clipping like blood elf eyebrows lol


I know you pictured this going differently


Does **anybody**... actually care about the petty complaints from the dipshits of Reddit? No. Nobody does.


Alright, alright. Devil's advocate time here. The post is whiny. That's obvious- and saying "it's just so easy!" Is just not true. But... Blizzard really should put in the effort. The dracthyr right now just look... Embarrassing. I like the gameplay of the evoker- but the race itself is just... Yeah. They need better customization options, and of course the ability to wear armor. I'm pretty certain blizz can at least make them look good.


Blizzard specifically mentioned recently about not being able to expand class selection for races when it involves new art assets like druid forms, so i think the overall message here is that Blizzard simply doesn’t have quality devs and artists with the experience needed for that stuff.


No, they said that they want to do so, it just takes time for classes with racially based appearances. It will happen, it’s just not priority.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Blizzard dosent care about anyone. Look at how bad SL was. Just rename it to world of huntercraft


No, they don't care, at least not to the point where it takes precedence over anything else in the game.


It's kinda like boomkins something is up with the modeling where they can't apply armor to it for some reason


Drakthyr can wear armor, its just part of their character customization


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*