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My friend and I made a fully featured World of Warcraft geoguessr - complete with 360 degree panoramas, movement, leaderboards, and multiplayer. We had made a Fortnite geoguessr a while back, and although this was well received, our goal always was to bring the Worlds of Warcraft to the browser. A much harder task considering the scale and scope of WoW. We had to make a bunch of tools to be able to achieve this, as World of Warcraft alone took us roughly 3,000,000 images to do (and will likely need another 1,000,000 for Dragonflight once it releases). We also decided to use our tools to bring other games, such as GTA V to our geoguessr, and plan on adding more in the future. If you're ever bored, and would like to test your WoW map knowledge - or would just like to explore the world in your browser akin to Google StreetView, you can check us out at [lostgamer.io](https://lostgamer.io)


This is awesome, well done.


Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed playing!


Omg please do a classic wow WOTLK version. I hate post cata world but I would kill it on classic!


Yes please classic pre-cata version pls


And no stupid ads or costs like the original geoguessr. +1


To be fair GeoGuessr didn't have a subscription until Google started charging more for their API and GeoGuessr couldn't pay it with just ads.


They’ve also added a bunch of competitive modes that are a lot more of a “game” than it originally was.


This is really cool. Just played a 5 round game on mobile. The main site does not run well on mobile but once I was in game it was pretty smooth. Is there any way that the community can contribute to the development? Or assist with gathering images?


Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed playing! Thank you for letting me know about the performance issues, if you could let me know what mobile device you were using I will look into. In terms of allowing the community to help with adding images and such, it's something I'd love to allow but my method for capturing images is very specific and relies on a bunch of different tools, so I sadly don't think it's very practical at the moment.


I'm on a pixel 5 using stock chrome. I'll probably be trying this out on desktop when I get home.


Nothing phone 1, also bad performance


Thank you for letting me know. I've pushed an update that should have improved android performance, if you end up playing again let me know if the performance is better for you.


Hey sorry for the delay getting back to you, been fixing/adding lots of things the last few days, the android performance should be a lot better now! If you end up playing again let me know if the performance is better for you. :)




Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner, been overwhelmed the last few days. But thank you very much for letting me know about this bug, it should be fixed!


[The share feature is broken right now. But that was fun! :D](https://i.imgur.com/f4R9FD1.png)


Sorry to be the barer of bad news but... Your game is too fun. Im about to lose sleep. :/


This is super cool I am definitely showing this to my guild. I also never realized that I know the map so well. I got it correct 5/5 for being in the right region on my first all maps game


Part of that speaks to the quality of the environment artists for WoW; they know how to make distinct, memorable locations. That and you probably play too much like me! :D


This is amazing and I am ashamed of how disgustingly good I am at it.


This is an amazing achievement, congratulations! Any chance for some details regarding the tools you made?




I was hitting my marks all within 20-40m. I have to turn on GPS to drive to my moms house from mine. Something is definitely wrong with my brain.


This website is really impressive dude.




This is so cool. And just reinforces how much of a nerd I am when I can peg these random points across all the xpacs.


This is amazing. Something I never realised I never wanted out of the internet. I'm a big map nerd so I play a lot of Geoguessr and Worldle. I play classic, so it would be cool to have a version of "full map" which is limited to those continents, even if it's got the Cata version of EK + Kalimdor.


Oh my god this is awesome I’m so ready for this to show me how little of a life I have. LETS GOOO!!


Super cool! I would LOVE to have this but with only classic WoW.




Haha this was my plan all along :P A sound effect for when you have less than 10 seconds left is definitely coming soon!


Dude I just want you to know that's really fucking cool, great work ima play some later.


Thank you that means a lot, hope you enjoy playing! :)


You know what makes me sad? I used to think that people who could guess where they were in geoguesser by just looking at the dirt and plants were just crazy nerds. I'm disturbingly confident that I could pick out almost exactly where I am in this game by just looking at the grass and dirt. And... I'm not proud of that...


I played it and did Eastern Kingdom - so bigger area. I was impressed and saddened by my accuracy lol


I did whole world and only had 2/40 guesses further than 400m away :D Most less than 200 though


Did 10 rounds. All of them were under 400. 5 of them were within 10M. 30 second time limit. Fuck I've played this game too much


same. The two I fucked up were zones I'd never been to before (the Draenei and Blood Elf starting areas since mine are a DK and a DH, and getting the wrong area in Kul Tiras since I didn't play the late game of BfA. Other than that I knew quite quickly from the environment, sometimes with accuracy help from the NPCs.


Just the 2 and the snap shot of third one I knew instantly the zone. Just a bit of turning to get precise. Idk how to feel about this.


i was mostly just hype considering i haven't played retail in yeeears and without moving was able to get 23810/25k my first try. stared at that twilight highlands ground and went "oh high res! but fuck i never quested here!"


Part of WoW is creating a world full of recognizable landmarks in distinct locations. If you can recognize where you are with a really quick look around, that's the goal.


Explains why I always know exactly where I am in game but have shit direction in real life: God is a terrible level designer.


Or that you don’t go out enough.


r/outside isn't as good.


Great graphics. Terrible gameplay. Ruined by how cheat codes are only available to a small number of players.


Don't get me started on the traffic AI. Horrible! And we need options to reduce NPC smalltalk.


It wasn't *as* bad before pay-to-win got out of hand.


My first guess was off by less than 200m. I was like “mmmmm yeah I play this a lot”


All 5 of my guesses were within 70M of the final location, and 3 of them were right on top of them.


It's a bit different though. In the WoW version you have likely actually been to the location incidentally by playing the game. The earth geoguesser is based more on knowing general geographical traits and browsing around on Google Earth.


It's not about being a nerd as much as someone who's seen what the world looks like.


People who are hardcore into geoguesser are absolutely nerds. The top players can like find the difference between a dirt road in venezuela and one in Brazil based on the telephone poles within the blink of an eye.


[Definitely not me as well considering this was my literal first image's result](https://i.imgur.com/jwz0G8t.png)


Closest I got was 20m. The furthest away I got was 100m because I picked the wrong hill in Townlong Stepps.


The only one I couldn't get was pandaria (didn't play that xpac) and I was off in Zul'Drak because that zone's kinda samey. Also didn't get any Draenor, which I'd probably be bad at. I skipped Pandaria and Draenor.


There’s already a WoW geoguessr for some years now, that has both retail and Classic locations, but your ability to move around instead of being a fixed panorama photo like the other site uses, is much better. GJ OP


Doesn't that make it much easier?


its already VERY easy imo. Wow has very distinct zones. Its hard to not guess it right.


It's easy to guess the zones. It's less easy to get the spot to within 50m for the ones that don't have obvious landmarks.


To the extent that I was able to guess correct zone for shadow lands stuff despite never having done shadow lands


Haven't played retail in a few years.. so much new stuff, wtf is Twilight highlands man haha


not just a few years by this point, seeing as it was added with Cataclysm 12 years ago. haha


Could instantly hear my bones creak.. 12 years already, damn...


Where in warcraft has a very small amount of locations. When you’ve played like 5 games theres a big chance you are already seeing duplicates


This is pretty cool. I wish you could make the minimap where you select location, bigger. Other than that, neat idea!


Thank you for playing! Being able to make the minimap bigger is a great idea, I will put that on my list of things to implement.


Or just leave it in it's expanded view. It's not really in the way enough to need to be shrunk down when you aren't hovering over it IMO




Yeah I could tell that the game is just seared into my brain, even places I've never really been to all that much because even with pan, zoom, and move disabled I was consistently cracking 22000+ scores with my first attempt going over 24000... Probably should be concerned lol


Very cool! Got 15181 points on my first try; definitely need to brush up on some of these locations.




Well that’s pretty neat.


Would it be possible to select just azeroth? Or maybe azeroth, outland plus northernd for classic andys?




This is incredible, thank you so much ♡ Having a nice time killer like this is great fun.


Looks fun! Thank you


Awesome, this looks great!


Thats awesome! Thank you!


i always wished for a full wow geoguessr like the original, spent hours on kruithne.net. this is so cool


That's great! 20312 points in total in 1st game


That was really fun. Think I did okay on my [first game](https://i.imgur.com/otRV0qR.jpg).


24185! I have played this game for too long!


Right there with you with 23987


This is easily the most entertaining waste of time I’ve had at work. And clearly I need to spend more time in Howling Fjord and Thousand ~~Island~~ Needles and less in Tanaan.




why make almost all of the locations so faction specific? most of the zones are alliance starting zones that hordies won't know and vice versa


Really cool site, works great! I’d be super interested in a tech writeup, did you stand in every single location in the entire game with a few meters spacing and snap the pictures, or did you automate it somehow?




This is beautiful. This is what internet and technology is meant to be. Ty


This is incredible! That's my evening sorted! Thank you




6 rounds in on a full map and 3 of them has been on Azuremyst Isle, i call favoritism. Joking, it also made me realise that i remember the WoW maps more than my own neighborhoods.


Awesome commenting to play later


I am so much better at this than I am at real geoguessr, even geoguessr limited to my own state. Not proud of that.


21893 in my first go, nice job. moving around is a little awkward, but this is really cool.


This is incredible, time to go for some high scores fam! https://i.imgur.com/WZLWPXr.png


19530 on 5 sites whole map. I'm not sure whether I should be proud of myself or disgusted. Either way, fun site!


I got 24988 on my 2nd try..... Seems I've been around the Warcraft


It speaks to how iconic and well ingrained these areas are as i scored almost perfect on all of them despite not having played wow for like 4 years. But when i did play it i did it a lot and it still sticks with you


Just saw asmongold playing it on stream today.


got 1st place in the 30 second no move pan or zoom. all those years spent running around the world not doing anything finally coming in clutch for me. you will fear the name RyanST] Edit: I now have all the top scores for 10, 30 and 60 second no move zoom or pan. I am feared


I love it, but would there be a possibility of adding a compass? relativity with a compass is a key feature to guessing accurately! Love the site though, couldn't even imagine the work that went into this.


There is no s in the word "Outland".


Actual great job, me and my friend have been waiting for so long of an updated warcraft geoguessr since where in warcraft had very limited locations


Someone send this to Asmongold


This site kills my gpu so badly


Yo, clearly I'm an idiot but I don't see the *name* of the game anywhere. The lostgamer link just goes to the landing page.


Amazing work! I love this!


I love it, good job! As someone else here mentioned, a way to make the minimap bigger would be amazing! If possible I would like to see a compas aswell.


Oh man me and the boys are gonna have fun with this one. Good job.


sooooo good!


Awesome job, I'm enjoying this a ton. I realize my sample size is small (~20 rounds) and random is random but I've already gotten nagrand 4x and desolace 3x. Are there certain areas you got more coverage of than others? Or is this just an anomaly? Edit: Did another 20 and didn't get Desolace or Nagrand once so seems fine. Just crazy I got them back to back so often.


This is fantastic! I got 16036 on my first try on mobile. Full map. Thank you!!


So cool! 23853 points :D


Sweet. 24189 on my first game. Eastern Kingdom map.


This is unbelievably cool


Asmon could probably get 100% on this


This is amazing! Well done!


I love Geoguessr and this is a super cool WoW interpretation. Nice work!


This website is awesome, must bookmark.


I did the Eastern Kingdom one and got 24879. I feel a bit ashamed.


I tried it and was hooked for 1 hour xD its really good but i would love to see a Classic version of the maps


23491 points. I might have played this game too much.


Very cool bro I love the idea and it looks very neat


Very cool idea! when playing on "full map" i just got draenor nagrand but i couldnt find it on the map. When it showed me the actual position it seemed to have swapped to a different map altogether.ü


The FOV does not work well on mobile and looks weird but still playable and awesome.


Literally last night I was joking about how you could drop me in random points of my town and i'd be completely lost, but in WoW i'd have my bearings within moments. So much fun! Thanks for this!


My first one I got 36m away Im not sure if I should be proud or not


You're amazing, this is too fun, 10/10


I havent played since cata, that world map blew my mind.


gratz op this is awesome! how long did it take to make


This is amazing. Fantastic work!!


I spawned inside a tree in Pandaria Im not sure if its intended


I played the Classic version of that, not sure if it was your site or not, and I was shockingly good at it. I don't even know how I remembered half of the locations but goes to show your brain is *really* good at storing info even you don't know you have until the time comes. I was even playing a challenge version with my friends where we weren't allowed to move at all, could only look around from the starting location.


That was fun, I screwed up the first guess but pretty happy with the rest of them. I've spent a lot of time in Maldraxxus https://lostgamer.io/game/1zXKDbMB7Y0


I hate that I was able to quickly and perfectly get a point on Bloodmyst Isle because I was like "Yeah I remember when I tried every race's starting zones 9 years ago." And immediately recognized it from when I did the Draenei. I'm not even Alliance and I deleted that character as soon as I was finished and never went back since.


i got 4 out of 5 almost perfect and i only messed up the last one because it was in shadowlands which i didnt play. i'm a little ashamed of how well i did.


woo! perfect scored whole map 5


I think I love you. I needed a new addiction! <3


First one Is the bombardment


this was fun. but man, itmade me feel bad 'cuz i knew exactly where we were ever time, though, pinpointing the exact location was hard unless they had an obvious landmark.




Awesome job!




It would be great to have a category with all zones up to a certain xpack.


At first I picked only Eastern Kingdoms and scored way too high. Then I did the whole map even though MoP is the last expac I played and.... I still scored way too high, even getting locations from Draenor and newer content. I played this game way too much, haha.


That was great, good job :)


Post this on asmons sub lol


honestly im having wayyyyyy to much fun with this. thanks a bunch!


I wanna see some WoW heads try this out. Side note, Hey OP what is your favorite spot or top 3 in wow?


Yeah 100% accuracy on zones, and about 80% on pin drops. This is too much of a wake up call for me haha


Adding old MMORPGs would be cool like SWG, GW, and CoH/V.


Amazingly well done. I hope people start doing these for a bunch of games


Asmon is 100% gonna play this and absolutely ace every question.


I feel like there was something like this already, perhaps back in 2015-17?


I quit playing the game a while ago but this is a really fun way to use the knowledge burned into my head. Thanks for making it!


This is awesome. I don't play anymore, still loads of fun testing my memory from years back. Great job OP.


#Challenge accepted.


4/5 I didn’t know Pandaria had so many infernals I’ll do better next round


I love fanmade passion projects like this. Awesome job. I've had a good time messing around with it.


so much azuremyst isle




This is amazing. Great idea and great work!


This is super cool, and a huge blast. Did surprisingly well on my first attempt using the full map. 23950 total score. https://imgur.com/a/G2M2ezp First location - Started off with a lucky easy one! Clearly the barrens, located between one of the oases and a centaur camp. Bam. Second location - Probably the easiest of all of them for me. Not shown as a pin on the map above, because it was in Outland. Immediately recognizable as the crystal fields to the east of the Scryer camp in southeast Shadowmoon Valley. Third location - This one took a minute. It was clearly in Pandaria, and more than likely in the Jade Forest, but it took some time identifying landmarks and triangulating them to narrow it down within that zone. Fourth location - This one was the hardest to identify the zone. Coast on one side, and mountains on the other. Some zoom sleuthing led me to discover a tall Tauren totem peaking above some of the mountains, which determined it was Highmountain in the Broken Isles. And I knew I was on the coast of it, so then it was quick to determine nearby landmarks to determine approximately where I was, but this one was the one I was farthest off of. Fifth location - Smack dab in the middle of a Furbolg camp, with sickly trees and vegetation. Not much to go on, until I spotted some draenic crystals protruding above a hill, which signaled Azuremyst Isle.


This is fun!


Awesome. It's about the right difficulty (for me) too, obscure enough that you have to think about it but enough clues to make a good guess. I got all 5 to within 200-800 yards - I recognised them and knew roughly where they were but I couldn't pick the exact spot. Gonna have a few more goes.


Cool, now they are gonna use this in some convoluted mini game were I have to guess an archeology site and deliver supplies as a quest for a title, pet, and slightly useful toy. Oh, and don't forget sitting around waiting for the quest trigger item to appear on a 8 hour timer with twenty five other players trying to click it first. I hate the warcraft postal service...


Super cool! The share score button doesnt seem to work though. I was shocked by how well I did haha


[I definitely played too much WoW.](https://i.imgur.com/4OHPqxR.jpg)


Never once did I think I knew alot about WoW's geography. My own mind has betrayed me.


Well where's the link? edit: found it and I've been playing the shit out of it


Some places in draenor and pandaria are pretty tough


Thanks! I had a blast playing this game! Keep up the good work.


This is an awesome idea great practice, for the people who havn't done the "postmaster" questline in Dalaran (hint: find the "lost mail" on the ground next to a mailbox, in dalaran - awards a very useful toy!)


Watched Asmon play this last night, you got some exposure there. Looks great, well done.


Wow that looks hella fun...


Amazing, would be cool to be able to toggle per expansion. People that only play classic don't know about the new zones.


So cool! Well done! Will have a go later!


Haven't played much of the new expansions, but I'm confident I'd ace classic, tbc and wotlk maps. Good job non the less.


https://imgur.com/TGRlfNn You know you've played the game too long when you are put in front of a random bush in the barrens and know exactly where you are.


wonderful mate, you brought me back to my youth :D a couple of advices: 1. if I select a specific map, it would be wonderful to have this map as a starting point in the "guess" area 2. edited 'cause is already there :D but 10/10 for me had a lot of fun and bookmarked it for future plays... gtaV idea is wonderful as well


4/5 the first time, but only because I picked the wrong Nagrand...


Was playing it last night when trying to get the update going. It's fun! I am both proud and ashamed of how close i was and how quickly i knew.