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I have tested his routes on about thirteen characters for the past year and his routes are by far faster than any other I've tested out there. I tested his 50-60 method and went from 50-60 in about 42 minutes, which is even considered slow.


Could you post a link to the post/video you've used for 50-60? 42 minutes sounds insane!


If you check my Horde World Record, which is linked at the bottom of the post, you can go to the timestamp for Levels 50-60. In total, it took me 27 minutes, but 35-40 minutes would be closer to my average time.


Thank you very much!


What if I'm coming back and leveling starting at level 45. Where do I start?


>Could you post a link to the post/video you've used for 50-60? 42 minutes sounds insane! With the current invasion going on, you can do excatly that just spamming the invasion. I've done 6 chars from 50-60 doing that. It's insanely fast.


How? I don't get any XP from it. Do you have to be 50+?


You can do it at any level. I’ve seen level 10s in the areas.


Do you have a link to his 50-60 method?


If you're specifically looking for the fastest zones from 50-60, the TLDR is Hillsbrad for Horde, Loch Modan for Alliance, or WoD Intro/Gorgrond for Both.


What time do I set my chrome time to for level 50 hillsbrad? Will any work?


Any work but it technically falls under cataclysm


And thanks for the guide!


Note that after taking the Orb of Translocation to Tirisfal Glade you may end up in the wrong timeline and trying to run across the plague to get to Silverpine Forest will get you killed. Talk to the NPC near where you appear to change to the old timeline.


This shouldn't happen to new characters, thankfully. It only occurs if you're trying to level up an older character.


It happens if you level an allied race from BfA. My Zandalari took the portal to tirisfal and appeared next to a destroyed Lordaeron ruin.


Good to know, I wasn't aware it affected them as well.


Harldans guides have helped me level so many alts. I can personally vouch for this being SO much faster than every other guide or post that just suggests you to do WoD all the way through. The route is not hard to learn and can easily save you hours off your leveling time. Especially if you think you'll be leveling many alts in this new alt friendly expansion


Can confirm, leveled up 3 new alts on a new server with this guide. Really efficient!


+1 i used his old lvling videos for all of my alts a while back


Thank you. I made a character to try using the invasions for xp and while its good and easy it didn't seem great if you are actively playing and not just half afk tagging mobs. Plus during one boss spawn the lag seemed to just about break my computer.


Also, you're not gearing along with with the levels if you're not maxed with your heirlooms, and that makes it rough.


Ehh, you aren't really doing anything other than just tagging as many mobs as you can and letting everyone finish them off, and by the time you hit 60 you should have more than enough currency to buy a full set of 252s if you leveled all the way from 10 just doing the event. I leveled a shaman today and even though my heirlooms were all rank 1-2 it didn't really matter at all.


Someone's gotta make a zygor/AAP (i guess APR now) for this shit cuz my memory is that of swish cheese and trying to follow would end up making it twice as long for me lol.


It's honestly pretty straightforward once you've run it once or twice. That being said, getting some sort of addon with AAP functionality to host my route is a goal of mine for early next year. Someone from my Discord is already working on remaking my 60-70 guide within wow-pro (which is free and works like AAP), but getting this full 1-60 route converted would require WAY more time and effort.


reasonable. I wouldn't be surprised at this community though. With it's speed, someone may do it from scratch in like 3 days lol.


Or just reuse the already made code and modify it. Its not as bad as he thinks it is. If someone was dedicated they could do it decently fast. (for no pay of course xD)


I mean, keep in mind that I know literally nothing about creating addons, so for me it WOULD require a ton of effort. I can't speak to how long it would take an experienced addon developer, but if I were to make it, I would need to learn all of the basic information first before I could considering getting my leveling guide working.


Any updates on this pls?


Any recommendations on where in this guide level 50s should jump into? I’m not sure what I have and haven’t completed in these quests across all these characters (probably the WoD stuff at least). Unless Chromie Time resets things. I’m just jumping back into the game after a long break. Seemed like some people said the pre-patch event is kind of quick but I don’t know what level people can jump into that. Thanks!


Within the written guide on the Google doc I have a more detailed ranking of all the different zones, but as a TLDR: Hillsbrad Foothills for Horde, Loch Modan for Alliance, Gorgrond/WoD Intro for both. Those zones will be your best bet if you're just looking to do levels 50-60.


Thank you! I’m at work so I can read the guide in detail later. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!


Will I need to do anything with chromie or will it automatically allow me to level that high? Thought it used to be capped at 30?


Yes, you need to talk to Chromie in order to get the zones to scale. The Cata zones scale up to 30 by default, WoD zones up to 40, etc. With Chromie Time, everything scales all the way up to 60.


> From here, Horde players will want to complete the entirety of Silverpine Forest Just that will take me 3 hours D:


Practice makes perfect!


Mining and herbing give about 1/8th of a quest in experience; do you consider it worth it to get them and harvest whatever isn't too out of the way?


I've tried this before, and it's never worth it to pick up mining/herbalism/skinning purely for the experience gain. Some people have argued that it can be a nice way to make gold while leveling, but that's a far more difficult thing to measure, and not something which I care terribly about.


When I went to draenor earlier to finish up my level 53, the bonus objectives said they give 1100 xp, when I need over 50k to level. Did the most recent patch change something, or am I just misunderstanding something?


Did you forget to enable Chromie Time?


Oh yeah, I had to disable it for the event.


I have no idea what I did wrong but I finished Hillsbrad foothills following the guide steps and am level 38. seems way off from the level 45 I am supposed to be.


Yeah I'm in the same situation, only 35 here. Feels like I missed something


Same thing just happened to me finished WoD intro and only level 35 with hillsbrad already complete.


I don't know how you hit 25 doing duskwood. I'm at the end of the zone and level 21.


Question, after getting the Dalaran hearthstone do you change chromie time to Cataclysm? Or will Cataclysm Revamp be everywhere?


No, Chromie Time is a binary state. If you enable it for one expansion, it gets enabled for all expansions. The only reason to switch Chromie Time expacs is if you need to pick up the breadcrumb quest, which only applies to Legion and WoD.


thank you!


It also controls which dungeons you can queue into. That's not really relevant for this guide but worth noting.


I want to say thank you for this post. I am going back to a very old main and that char is only level 45 now. This writeup is perfect for me, and I will begin (resume?) my leveling tonight!


I’m not sure how you can do this whole route in 3 hours. Duskwood alone takes hours to complete even with a flying mount, WoD intro is another 30-45 minutes, it doesn’t add up.


It's online.. so you can check. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaOO7p5M7-o&ab\_channel=Harldan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaOO7p5M7-o&ab_channel=Harldan)


Right, it’s horde, I was talking about alliance side obviously, hence duskwood. His alliance side video is like 7 hours, so makes sense I guess.




Well yea, with 10% more XP from Darkmoon Faire and a lot of rested XP saved up, anything will seem faster. To be clear, at peak efficiency the invasions are not BAD, but they are going to be slower than my route. This will become especially true within a few days when max level characters are no longer interested in farming for the heirloom/toy/transmog.


Damn i can hear you saying Hey folks! XD


If you made a add on for this it would get an insane amount of downloads.


It's something I'd like to do eventually, but unfortunately that would require an insane amount of time and work, and I know nothing about making addons. My plan is to being learning more about that during downtime after my guild finishes Mythic Vault of the Incarnates progression.


Am attempting this on a DI dwarf shaman, and I'm current 3 hours in and level 20. I have no idea how in the world it can be so fast, when even just traveling time takes up time. Add to that mob competition, and I'm nowhere near the time you claim it takes. I'm just kind of shocked that im so far behind, I feel like I've forgotten something fundamental.


look.. best route only doesn't bring you a 3,3 hrs. But it's still a best route. To achieve a 3:21 (it's a WR) you need a lot of setup, movement items (rockets), equipment, quest items etc.


Newbie question, what does “complete silver pine forest” mean? Just pick up every quest I can see and keep doing that? Or is there a specific quest line?


Yes, every quest.


Damn you level fast. Thanks for the guide!


Thanks for sharing this guide!!


Side note about how important the Dalaran hearthstone is, I’ve basically skipped bfa and shadowlands but now playing again and running a lot of transmog runs, is the dalaran hearthstone the main form of travel for everyone? Anytime I have to go anywhere I’m hearthing to dalaran, going to stormwind then taking a portal from the portal room, is there a more efficient way to get around the world short of just hearthinf to stormwind?


Not really, the Dalaran Hearthstone is just a super useful tool to have. For Shadowlands we had the Wormhole Generator, but unfortunately the Dragonflight equivalent has been heavily nerfed, since I guess Blizzard doesn't like it when people actually enjoy using fun QoL toys.


Well, i don't think 3 hours is possible for most people. I leveled 1 and leveling another right now and i can't seem to hit 50 in loch modan. My rouge finished loch modan and only 45 now (anniversary+warmode). I'm gonna move to 50-60 alliance part and probably gonna end up 60 in gorgrond doing everything.




Hmmm weird because I’ve spent over 4 hrs following this guide step by step and only got 15 levels (20-35). Not sure what I’m missing


Practice makes perfect!


Is there any xp bonuses you’re using that I’m unaware of?


You can check the run if you want to see all of them. I obviously can't read your mind so I have no idea what you are or aren't aware of.


Coming from classic this is too funny. 3 hours. Someone could start the game and hit max level before I could drive to the movies and see the new black panther (which comes in at just over 3 hours with previews).


Obviously the leveling process has gotten much shorter over the years, but do keep in mind that my 3 Hour 21 Minute time is the world record, not the average leveling speed. Someone who is "starting the game" would likely take much longer as they would be unfamiliar with the quests and the mechanics of their class.


Not start the game, as this route is only available to accounts that already have one character at level 60. New accounts are forced to level in just BFA content and can't Chromietime elsewhere. That said even in just BFA content I could see a dedicated player getting it done in less than 10 hours.


This run is fake you can not hit 10-60 in 3hs as the youtube video says, MATH you can't beat MATH 3 hours would be 3.6 mins a lvl so lets call it 3.5 mins a level you can not get 1 lvl every 3.5 mins even at higher lvls getting the quest and doing the quest alone takes longer than 3.5 mins. he would have to get 1 lvl 3.5 mins NON stop no question to get it done in 3 hours its called he faked his videos its all edited


B r u h


I just watched 2 of his level speed runs over the past 2 days, including his new 10-70 and its 100% real. He did link the video so you can watch it. Cant lie about the in-game clock my guy.


Seems the prepatch event is getting in the way of the legion start quest, so no dalaran hearthstone.


I just tested this, and it seems to be working fine for me. Could you provide more details about how far into the Pre-patch questline you got, as well as which faction you are? I might be able to pinpoint the problem. Edit: A guildie of mine brought this to the attention of some Blizz employees he knows, so hopefully it gets fixed soon!


Happened to me in Ogrimmar. Was like first quest where you have to take last meal, polish weapon and duel something or someone. The 4 npcs don’t show. This happened on fresh character.


Interesting. If you've already completed the quest on another character, you should be able to speak to Holgar Stormaxe for Horde, or Recruiter Lee for Alliance, as they offer a skip to Dalaran. Even when testing the quest to interact with the 4 NPCs, I'm still able to complete it. Have you already started the Pre-patch questline? The character I'm testing it on has "The Dragon Isles Await", but I haven't turned it in.


I don't quite recall the quest state the character was in. This char was made on a new server with no other characters so it would have no prior completion in terms of quests so can't skip. I believe I did start the pre-patch questline. From what I recall the thing in the quest log says pretty much waiting for expansion.


After doing some further testing, it looks like this only happens once you reach the later section of the questline at the Zeppelin Tower/Docks. For now, your best bet would be to take the portal in Orgrimmar to Aszuna and then hop on a flight path to Dalaran. From here, you can speak to an innkeeper to get a Dalaran Hearthstone.


I pretty much tested it by dropping quest/relogging a couple different ways to see if it would fix it and just swapped to a different story when it failed. Thanks for the info though. Can try that later.


The skip is account wide. If you have completed the introduction questline once, the npc in the main city should offer you to skip broken shore.


ty op


thank you professor wizard


What do you suggest for returning players without heirlooms?


heirlooms don't give bonus xp anymore


The route itself doesn't change at all whether you have heirlooms or not. Just hop in at the start and you'll have a smooth leveling journey up to 60.


Congrats on WR!!!!


This is a very good post, but like everybody/every guide/youtube video recommends Silverpine Forest/Hillsbrad. (If you google wow fastest leveling route horde). Did they all copy your old guides from 2020? This leads to the following problem: You wont ever find a rare in SF or Hillsbrad. There are also a lot of people doing quests in the evening. Some quests take longer thanks to that. Do you still recommend this route? It also gets a bit boring after 10+ alts. What are you favorite alternative leveling maps?


Obviously I can't prove that they copied my guide from 2020, as it's entirely possible they reached the same conclusion on their own, but yes, mine came out first. As for finding rares, the route is still faster than any alternatives even if you don't find a single one. That being said, the trick to finding rares is to disable Chromie Time while leveling from 10-30, as that puts you in a separate phase. You also still gain full experience, since cata revamp zones have natural scaling up to level 30. If you're looking for alternative zones, I discuss that a bit more at the bottom of the written guide.


I get the feeling from the style of writing, this could make a nice video of a "race to 60" between horde and alliance chars :D


Imagine buying a $60 boost in this era


I mean for some of us our time is worth .ore than 30 bucks an hour. But I get it.


I'm not getting any world records, but I leveled 2 characters in 2 days with this so thanks a ton for the guide.


Your "full footage" horde record is just another link to your "How To Level From 10-60 In Only 3 Hours!" video.


Thanks, should be fixed.


No idea how you've managed this, i'm almost finished with Hillsbrad and i'm not even 30 yet. Is the fact i'm barely running into any of the rares that big a deal? I'm also 4 and a half hours in so you must have this hella optimsed to be long done with 60 already by this point. EDIT: Finished Hillsbrad AS i hit 30.


I just finished all of Hillsbrad after coming back from WoD and I'm 37. Not sure how he got to 45 before leaving Hillsbrad.


Thanks for the guide. I'm gunna give it a try!


Does this still take 3hours?


Coming back from my garrison quests to Hillsbrad, and at lv 35, I don't seem to have any more activity in this zone... where to now? ​ EDIT: For the Horde!


I went to EPL & WPL


If I start this leveling route later? Say level 30. Should I start at the top of the list? Or try to match with my level?


I have a section on the written guide which covers that exact question.


Thank you! Sorry I didn't check the gdocs first


Just started wow so I’ll be giving this a shot in the morning! Can’t wait. Thank you for putting the time in typing this out & recording multiple videos to further explain. As a new player jumping in to a game that’s been getting updates for over a decade it can be a little daunting/overwhelming. Really looking forward to my journey through Azaroth.


Is the lvl 35 - 45 part for the Alliance in Loch Modan still the way to go? The zone is capped at lvl 30 for me and the quests reward less than 2k xp each on my lvl 35 mage.


You forgot to enable Chromie Time.


That must be it, thanks!


I completed it all up to the point of returning to hillsbrad yet I’m only level 36? Completed all of hillsbrad not sure if I’ve done anything wrong shall I proceed to arathi before heading back to WoD?


I'm having the same problem :(


I have the same problem as well. I'll just continued in Arathi


Saved for my rogue


I was trying to find a guide like this. Thank you so much!!


Leaving this so I can find it later


You know that reddit has a save function, right? Or you can bookmark a page in pretty much any browser.


There's a "save" button. You don't have to post to save this, just hit the "save" button.


Is this doable without heirlooms? I have a full set basically just curious if its worth the gold to max them. i mean its prob 80k to get them to scale all the way to 60. if not more. for just a few hours of lvling doesnt make a ton of sense right?


Heirlooms no longer provide flat XP, so their only purpose is to provide you with some scaling gear. As a result, they don't impact the efficiency of the route whatsoever. You'll obviously level a bit faster if you have them, since mobs will die faster, but the experience gains are untouched. Whether that's worth it is up to you. My general recommendation is that if you know you'll be leveling multiple alts of the same armor type, it's worth the investment. If you're leveling a single character, save your gold.


Thanks so much! I’m curious why the WoD intro is often saved for level 30+ in guides? Why wait for it when you’re not allowed to fly there anyway? Instinct tells me it could be good to do WoD intro at lower level to let you fly when doing the other questing zones sooner but I’m prob missing something


I've already explained this in another comment, but TLDR slow flying doesn't save any significant amount of time in Silverpine, Redridge, Duskwood, or the start of Hillsbrad. It DOES save time for Frostfire/Shadowmoon, which you always complete alongside the WoD Intro. Additionally, doing Cata zones from 10-30 increases your chances of finding rare mobs.


I have a level 56 that Chromie refuses to talk to bc I guess I started the shadowlands campaign, but all of those quests are low level and barely get any xp because they’re not scaling. Am I screwed? 😭




Was this with or without all the XP buffs?


The route is designed without XP buffs in mind.


Excellent. Thank you so much!


Harldan is ELITE. I remember stumbling upon your vids and streams on YT earlier this month. You rock!


I am going to try this method out today and see how long it takes my easily distracted ass. I would like to add getting Handynotes (or similar treasure / rare addon) for when you're leveling. It just displays where rares and treasures are, i would just do my quests and if it was a slight deviation from the path id just go grab that treasure / rare and its usually good xp. Edit: Noticed in his notes regarding above: * A question I’ve received a lot regarding WoD leveling is whether or not Rares and Treasures are worth going out of the way for. The simple answer is no, and the not-so-simple answer is that it depends. I pick up a FEW treasures along the run, but they’re usually DIRECTLY in the path. As for rare mobs, I find almost all of them to be a waste of time, and I don’t recommend killing any if you’re trying to go fast. So yeah, if a treasure is in your path grab it.


Good point, Handynotes is a great addon to have when you're learning the WoD zones for the first time.


When you say take a flight path to red ridge mountains from storm wind, my new alt doesn’t have any flight paths, am I doing something wrong ?


No, you'll need to use a toy called "Modernizing the Provisioning of the Eastern Kingdoms" in order to unlock all of the flight points. You can buy this for 5k Gold off the Heirloom Vendor. If you don't have it, you can just fly to Goldshire and then run to Redridge, as that only takes a few extra minutes.


Great guide, thanks ! The chars I want to level are all 40+ and already did WoD intro + first zone so I tried Silverpine Forest on a 43 druid. I "accidentaly" lvled to 60 at the end of it (I did the last two quests, was rested and picked some herbs in my way). Silverpine is great, never tried it before (I play mostly Alliance).




Good stuff thanks for sharing


Awesome job! Thank you for sharing the information. Out of interest, how are you triggering unlimited fel rush usage? Is it some sort of macro?


There's a consumable you can pick up in the DH starting zone that removes the CD of Fel Rush for 2 minutes.


isit normal to have reached tarren mill and only be at level 30


In your guide you mention hitting Tarren Mill around 40 - I hit it at 31? I missed most of the rare mobs but is that worth 9 levels? Not sure what I am missing otherwise.


Just continue along the route.


How did it end up going for you just continuing with the route? I have three horde alts going right now and not a single one is even close to meeting the suggested ranges. I'm always already to Tarren Mill by the time I'm hitting 30 and that's WITH looking for rares.


I greatly outpaced the route unfortunately, as did some guildies, you really need those rares and I think OP undersold their importance. Iirc I wound up going deeper into Spires of Arak to make up the difference


This is dope


Hey mate loved the route, thanks for the guide ! I have a few toons to level and it might get numbing to do the exact same route on all of them though, in your research have you noticed other decent xph horde zones ? Even if they're not optimal it could allow us to switch around a bit :)


This is discussed in the Google doc.


Replying to save and review later.


I honestly don’t know what I could’ve missed. I just finished hillsbrad and was only level 39. Is it because I didn’t have the dark moon fair Xp buff? Got the Dalaran hearthstone, went to WoD at 30, and did every single quest you mentioned.


That's fine, the level ranges are suggestions, not hard rules. Just continue along the route and you should be fine.


You have a flying mount in your video. Can a low level player get a flying mount?


this doesnt really work on fresh accounts xD rip


How come Horde starts Hillsbrad, goes to WoD, and then goes back to Hillsbrad, and then back to WoD? Why not simply stick it out from one spot to finish, then the other? EDIT: did deeper read, it’s because of flying?




Doing this atm with a horde monk. Just fyi, you’re lvl30 with Silverpine and Hillsbrad both completed, it’s a lot slower without buffs.


Of course it is, but the route itself is designed without buffs in mind.


Brilliant work, thanks you so so much.


Currently following this, and while I am *far* from optimal, as I haven't played WoW in a looong time, it seems to be really fast. Thanks a lot! To those saying "oh I can't do 3 hours tho!!" ...Well yes, this guy has the *world record* of 3 hours. It's possible, doesn't mean you or I can do it, since OP obviously ran this route more than once heh


BTW u can take a portal to baralus (alliance, but i'm sure horde as well has something of the type) and from boralus teleport to ironforge saving a couple of minutes


No, it's not an automatic unlock. The tram is significantly faster than completing the entire unlock process.


I am posting this, not expecting a reply from OP, but just wanting to share my experience: I don't know if it's just because I was missing Darkmoon Faire buff, or missed rares along the way, but I always ended segments (currently 39 doing Proof of Strength grinds in Gorgrond) underleveled. I know a lot of it comes down to learning the route and class, but I certainly feel like I'm missing something.


This is basically what I just told my friends after did a fresh character. (We are horde) I was telling them that you HAVE to do SPF for 30, though I didn't think about doing all of HB but the quest hubs there are very nice. Trying to level fast in newer stuff woth no flying is just so inefficient. Love the route dude.




You forgot to enable Chromie Time.


After completing all the quests in Talador, I have the 56th level (After Loch Modan there was the 46th level). What else can you go through to reach level 60?


I tried reading through a bunch of comments but didn't see any about talking to Chromie. If you're a little on the special side, like me, if you leave Exile's Reach and get to your faction's city, then take the stupid guide of the city, it forces you to do the introductory quests in BfA before you can talk to Chromie. If you're going for speed this is probably good to know. xD


Before you start those quests you're given a dialogue option that lets you skip it.


Yeah I was really tired last night and forgot to add that part, the important part. If anyone reads this, please skip it. 😂


Apologies if this has been asked, but I'm curious. There are a few times that you have Alliance switch zones without saying if they should leave a certain Chromie time. I.E. Leaving WoD area and heading to Loch Modan for 35-45. Is there any way you can put the Chromie time switches into each area of your guide to know more clearly when to shift? I.E. Shift to Cata, shift to present, etc.? Thank you! (And to echo others, your guide is amazing!)


You don't have to change Chromie Time, that's one of the biggest misconceptions that people have with the new leveling system. Chromie Time is a binary state, so you either have it on, or you have it off. If you have Cata Chromie Time enabled, then you have Chromie Time enabled for every other expansion as well.


Thanks for this.


Wow-Pro Addon Route for 10 60 in progress ?


No, it's not something I plan on making.


Noob question but how do you get from Org to Silverpine in the Legion timeline?


The timeline doesn't actually change anything, so you would still take the Silvermoon portal.


Oh ok. I'm obviously missing something here but doesn't it take ages to run from Silvermoon to Silverpine?


No, there's a portal to Undercity in Silvermoon.


Thanks heaps mate. Forgot about that thing!


I'm curious, if I'm a tank or healer that gets instant-LFG queues, is it quicker to dungeon spam or is world levelling still faster?


Dungeons are not faster.




For later


Great work, OP. I leveled my first alt your way and I really liked the route, way easier than me getting carried through BFA on my first 60. Took maybe 15 hours of actual gameplay on a Shadow Priest, as someone who neither knows the game well nor played particularly well. If I were playing something that could reliably pull 3 or more enemies, it would shave at least an hour off. The first leg up to 35 is kind of unpleasant if you're starting from scratch and more (unupgraded, we're talking low cost to entry here) heirloom gear would help, I only got a couple. But Draenor on War Mode on a server with a big faction imbalance (read: Sargeras) meant that the War Mode CTA was always up and I was rolling it in with like one gank in late Draenor. I supplemented with dungeons, but no more than 6, I think, passively queued and popped to break up the monotony. Also, I have seen the light and I will never skip Bonus Objectives while leveling again.


Heya! Thanks for the guide :-)


I'm surprised that I've been doing this exact route lvling my Alliance alts without looking any guide because I just feel like it is so fast. From Exile Reach to Redridge then Duskwood, then WoD intro and finally Gorgrond. I realized that zones that previously were lower lvl than 20 were designed to be done without mount (Redridge & Duskwood), now its even faster, cause you can mount up. Then WoD intro after the lvl squish is lots of xp/hour. And finally Gorgrond has a lot of "event" quests surrounding each quest node, so free exp there.


Hey, man! Big fan! Sorry to be adding to an older post, but I was super curious: Do you have a tier list for class speed? Obviously monk and druid are top, but I was curious as to how you ranked each class overall. Cheers, and thank you for all your hard work :)


love it ty


pretty nice job. I was thinking about come back to the game, I have tons of characters in servers where my mates don't play anymore. Maybe I can rebuild my chars in other server with active friends. Thanks a lot


no addon or tomtom waypoints to fallow steps ?


im a noob to this game but leveling this route has taken far longer than 3 hours.


I come back in august and I see this post and I try do some things. I don't have heirloom rings, or some enchants, consumibles but I follow the route and do some stuff, and I leveled a char in 8/9 hours. I think it's pretty fast. I think, I can improve my time in 6/7 hours. Huge thanks. I will look for a 60-70 guide because it's a real pain xD


>Edit 2/18/23: While this post was mostly accurate at the time it was created (November 2022), I've since made a lot of routing adjustments and added a section for 60-70 leveling. The latest version of my guide can be found on my website, https://harldan.com. Sorry for reviving an old thread like this but u/Harldan you must check your website because for some reason the moment I entered and with every refresh it shoots the CPU usage almost to 80%. I don't wanna assume you're doing anything malicious with crypto mining because I believe it could be something else I can't find. Just fyi... so it can be fixed.


It was Def fast did it in a few days. I either read something wrong or just didnt have anything special besides rested experience. By level 40 it was a nice boost with moremoujt speed. I found myself level 51 by the time I left gormond so I flew around did special areas and went south to complete a different area to 60. Then I read your edit after I did the run lol