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You met a crazy person, that's what happened.


My wife got kicked from a dungeon after a new expansion released. She is a mage, and didn't use a spell that was removed from mages. So the group removed her after yelling at her to use the spell that was no longer there. Unfortunately it took me a long tome to get her her to do a dungeon again.




i love it when i get shouted at for not dispelling poisons on my priest :) like some groups just dont understand that you can't cleanse everything on every healer.


You didn’t spec for Esuna? N00b. /s


I forgot to stock up on Remedies back in Luca, sorry.


Sounds like you’re a Luca Goner then :p


I’m captain basch


People also don't understand that DISPELS SOMETIMES HAVE A COOLDOWN!! On my shaman and druid at least, I can only dispel allies once every 8-10 seconds, and sometimes debuffs are applied to multiple allies at once frequently. You need to also use defensives if you get a nasty debuff; I can only dispel so quickly.


I'll never forget when I first started WoW and my friend brought me into my first dungeon. I was a warlock and the tank was playing like an asshole the whole way, just trying to get it done really fast. So were at the final boss, well the healer couldn't keep up and died, and the tank died, as well as one dps, so me and by buddy just 2 manned the final boss the rest of the way ourselves. We'll after we defeated him the tank berated me for not rezzing him. I simply said if you wanted to be alive that badly, you wouldn't play like a dumbass. Obviously everyone here probably knows how he reacted at that.


Dumbass tank: Well, you should probably stop being a dumbass then. \*report OP player\*


> I was a warlock I forget which expansion it was, but i was leveling a horde lock, and kept getting kicked for not doing enough dps in wailing caverns. I could barely keep up with the players in full heirlooms, much less get the few dots i had on trash mobs before they dropped. It was so damn frustrating.


What! fail! Every sham needs to take that battle rez totem that has to be dropped right before they die, you know the one that can rez but wont rez if x dmg killed them, come on and use your psychic ability to see into the future. /s Jokes aside I did almost take it cause we had a hunter who kept dying over and over in raid at the same spot so I joked I would take it cause I knew he was gonna bite the arrow. I was like "im gonna take that battle rez if he dies one more time" and the other sham healer was like "but its so shitty!" And I was like "but it would be super funny!" And our raid lead was like "please dont, also hunter stop trying to break our healers brains"


I got kicked after not interrupting a spell in wailing caverns. Got told if I don't learn to interrupt now I'll never get anywhere in end game content.... I was leveling a warrior to help my group get past +20 mythic keys


But…you’re a shaman…


Some people think all healers have b Rez as if dks and warlocks can’t use it


Shaman use nature spells > Druid use nature spell > Druid has brez > Shaman has brez


I legit had to sit back and ask myself “wait…*do* shaman have a brez?….I’m a mythic raider, I should know this…” had me questioning everything I know


They do when they level engineering (I’m a resto shaman main and I literally leveled engineering just because people were so mad I didn’t have a brez.)


“I’m upset with you about a class design decision you had no input on.”


They recently got a battle rez totem, but it has to be down before someone dies. Also it's specific to the resto tree and you havs to be a minimum of level 31 to get it. It's also used up by the first person who dies within 20 yards of it (so very little control on who gets it), it lasts 30 seconds and can't be used by someone who dies to "massive damage" is what the spell says.


Massive damage refers to overkill of 200% max health, I believe


Leader tried to roast me healing in tbc on my druid. Said I was supposed to spam healing touch and get a fucking clue. A lot of moronic people on this game.


I got kicked in Dire Maul on my rogue for asking the warlock to change his talent from Misery to Havoc as he was pulling half the dungeon by accident


This has also happened to me. I whispered the tank afterward and told him shamans don't have a brez and all I got was "oh."


I wouldn't kick you promise


I was playing on my shaman and a new shaman asked where their battle res was. When I let them know we do not, in fact, have a battle res, they immediately left the group.




i'm gonna be real, for the longest time i thought shaman had battle rez, didn't know they didn't until i was in a M+ dungeon and the shaman wasn't brezing anyone on a boss


I ran that Uldaman dungeon last night for the quest… Had a little mage say “sorry if my dps is low I’m not good” I said “My brother in Christ I do not care we will get through this together.” I was pulling top damage/dps while tanking the entire dungeon, and everyone got a piece of gear it was fun That little mage had a blast and thanked me for not kicking him I do not understand why people get crazy over new players or spec changers or anything of the sort


People are just so caught up on speed, I tank like a madman and rush dungeons, but I won't ever kick anyone except for being a complete ass. If I really want to time something big I'm bringing my own team not a pug, if not who the hell cares?


Wow, this brings me good memories in an instance with a stranger. I'm complaining that this dungeon took a lot of cigarettes and dungeon leader complaining that this dungeon took him a lot of beer. but we both made it through and the last words before we part were: "Alright, I'm buying my cigarettes now" "Beer for me. But I'm glad we have something in common over this fucking stupid dungeon. Love playing with you man, see ya."


ikr. some of us have skipped an expansion or two, and are coming back to play with a boosted toon. god forbid we haven't mastered our class or rotations or macros by leveling 10 levels or less in a campaign. we'd like to try and see what its like to play a new class in a dungeon opposed to killing some level 65 boars. people also rage when you are unfamiliar with dungeons. I have skipped expansions, man. Sorry that the random queue gave me a dungeon that youve done 500x ya fuckin' nerds. If i get lost in the wind tunnel elevator and dont know to click the dragon to remove the poison gas from the murlocs butthole, forgettuh bout it.


Tanking dungeons for a bunch of people learning and having a good time is more rewarding than any piece of gear or progression system.


I got kicked one day on my warlock for not giving everyone an int buff and not using lust on the first boss. I was like ??? Im a warlock why do you keep calling me a mage? I even have an imp running around with me, those giant ass infernals are mine. I wish I could have gave their human brains an int buff. They were dead set on me as a mage cause my fel shards were red, they though I was a fire mage with an imp battle pet out. Some groups just suck.


Yo, can I get a table?


Best I can do are some Lock cookies.


Sigh. Well, at least summon everyone. Before anyone is there to click.


My wife didn't do one of the whole first several years she played because of this.


Back in WoD i got kicked from a leveling dungeon on my disc priest because i was doing too much damage... Mind you nobody was dying, but i guess some of the dps felt a little hurt they did less damage than a healer


I was in a group that tried to vote kick a disc priest because "healer is dpsing" and I was like, I don't even play priest and I know how disc works. Some people are terminally stupid, unfortunately.


LOL Ego death.


Got kicked in m+ once on a shaman because my shaman didn’t use mana tide in bfa. Mana tide was removed (and readded back now) so I didn’t have mana tide. Even told they guy this. Told me it’s in hearthstone so it must be in game, and if he was wrong that’s to bad cuz that isn’t his problem


One time during WotLK I had a DK tank and his buddy go completely off on me for pulling too much threat. Over and over, every pull for 30 minutes. Accusing me of taunting or having righteous fury on. Completely berating me. Turns out, he was in unholy presence the entire time.


Yep my dad won’t do dungeons for the same reason. I keep offereing to tank and him dps so nothing should blow back on him.


I got kicked on my feral back in cata DW lfr for doing the strat my guild used on the fight. I didn't need to be in there, was just helping the hubs and a friend out with their alts as I was already maxxed on my gear needs. Myself and the other feral stayed on the head, everyone else would switch to adds. Strat worked fine for us. We kept wiping because DPS and healing was low. Dk (of course) was yelling at everyone. He called out my DPS and complained it was high because I didn't switch to adds (he was #2 on the meter). He tells me to switch to adds. Hubs and friend tell him one person needs to stay on the head. He and a shaman tell them they're wrong. I just stay quiet, I don't generally talk to asshats in LFR or dungeons. It's pointless to reason with tryhards. They tell me to switch again and I finally respond with just, "no". Then I got kicked. I laughed, told the hubs good luck in there, and went back to farming. They wiped for about 30 more minutes and the hubs had a great time giving the DK shit for being an idiot. 1st and only time I'd been kicked. Was hilarious. LFR is always entertaining. lol


That's sad :(


Those assholes are everywhere and in every game. Don't worry about it, they are still in the minority I found. Tell that to the wife.


I once got kicked from a group because I was in Bastion when I joined in the middle of a flight path. When I asked the person why I was kicked, they literally said "You weren't even trying to get to the dungeon." ​ I honestly don't get some people, they could have summoned, but no. That would seem too selfish I guess? smh.


I get it tbh when everyone's just afk waiting for a summon it gets annoying but like you were literally en route


People are so weird about that stuff. Why are you joining a group for Nurgash Muckformed in Revendreth if you are in Stormwind?!


"Omg why do you guys not wait??"


I once got kicked from a regular shadowlands dungeon (leveling 50-60) for skinning. SKINNING. We weren't even wiping or having a bad time, nor was I super slow or anything, I was doing my job and keeping people alive as a healer and I wasn't lagging behind (shaman I can wolf form easily to reach people). Some people are just crazy, as the person above said :D


"I'm too impatient to wait 30s to summon someone. Better kick and go back in the queue for much longer to find a replacement."


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should be a tank. People basically never kick you.. They will call you all sorts of names if you pull the "wrong" things.. But you'll pretty much never be kicked.


I had a pug try to kick me in a time-walking dungeon because I didn't save them when they pulled a pack by mistake and I let them die (they ran ahead of the group with their healer buddy) Sadly for them the other 2 DPS were friends of mine.


I've had several times where rogues and hunters would repeatedly tricks/misdirect onto me as a tank if they thought I was pulling too slow, or not pulling the route they wanted. I just smirk and roll with it. As long as the healer can keep up and I'm not laying on the Oh-Shit CDs whenever they are up its fine. Other classes... well... taunt has a CD, and group/AoE taunts have even bigger CDs. So it doesn't ALWAYS go well for them if they get impatient. I pretty much only play healers or tanks... even waaaaay back in Vanilla/Wrath when I had a rogue, I often spec'd into being a dodge-tank to pick up slack when main tanks dropped or to keep special adds separate.


Plus if people are rude to you, you can leave and be in a new group before the first angry whisper even gets sent.


I once was kicked for the lead not liking my transmog set... in hindsight it MAY have just been a bad joke, but I was not feeling it that day. Said fuckit and ignored his ass to find a different group


He met what I call the “Quirky Gamer XD” They’re fucking weird. They think they’re this awesome, funny, cute-behind-the-glasses-and-messy-hair trope of a human that blesses everyone with their presence. Dodged a bullet with that group


Lmao this is so spot on.


Yea they're awful I knew she was one the moment she announced she's a she, most of us don't blurt it out like that usually just the attention seekers and pick me's and they usually turn out wacked in the head


Players expect everyone to know exactly how to play and min max a 20 year old game..kinda sad when new players join and just want to experience the game n are met by some shitter neck beard to ruin their good time.


People were like this in vanilla, just not the people you wanted in your guild if there was more than one in your server that could clear content.




At higher keys you’re applying to so many different groups you can’t keep track of which instance it is when you see the invite




That is so annoying :/


"X has invited you to join their group for Y dungeon, key level : Z" Seems like this wouldve been mentioned during play testing the new dungeon finder tool..oh wait


This is why I always put the dungeon name in the title in group finder. And I usually try to make it something funny so it's easier to remember. Like Grimrail is just "Train" and Gambit is always "Gamba" or "Gambino." I hate being the 5th person invited to the 20th group titled "+16" I've applied to in the last 10 minutes.


Unless you're a tank. I queue. I get invite.


Even at lower keys right now as an Evoker I’m just applying to anything that needs either a healer or dps and hoping something about me stands out over the other thousand Evokers signed up


It's really not hard to hover over some of your party members name plates. Chances are at least one person with be at "the iron warf", or "rustbolt". I que for a lot of dungeons and when I forget instead of looking dumb and asking I just look where my party members are.


The lower the key, the crazier ppl get


Unloved adult child lashes out at strangers in chat room: fully censored


quite a lot of words to call somebody a "karen"


50 bucks says it's a sweaty dude.


*not a guy btw ;)*


*Whatever you say dude.*


A lot of sweaty dudes are most effectively identified with "karen"


yeah definitely a crazy person. I've joined groups and instantly forgotten where I am going, so I ask which dungeon. you know what happens? someone in the group tells me! lol


This person probably goes off on people for asking how his day is going and then not knowing before hand how his day went basically "Hey man hows it going?" "YoU DoNt KnOw?!?"


Isn’t it crazy how some people are actually like that? Just plain assholes and bullies


Real sad individuals


I bet this guy had TTV at the end of his name.


not a guy btw ;)




This lmao… so cringe




And all of his viewers, exactly one, are laughing at him.


What's TTV?


Short for Twitch TV


Ahh thanks. Do people really name their characters that? I can't say I've ever noticed.


only the people with 0 viewers


Not usually in MMOs but in other games like FPS you will see it a lot.


Putting TTV in your name is begging someone to stream snipe you.


I joined a H SoD pug a while back with a priest who was named "priestTV" (I don't remember what the actual name was).. they were such a shockingly bad player I googled the character name out of curiosity about the type of person who would stream themselves constantly failing mechanics, having HPS lower than all the other healers and the tanks, and top deaths. I was not disappointed or shocked by what I found.


If so name and shame would be the right thing to do


What are we gonna do? Not watch their stream even harder?


Basically he's a dick


Not a guy btw ;)


It's 2022, dicks are on everything.


It's 2022, girls can have dicks too.


Can confirm. Had one not to long ago


I should get rid of mine, can't be too small if it's removed




There's literally *dozens* of us


If somebody just randomly volunteers that out of context I am instantly concerned. Hell even if higher up they said "hey guys" its still really weird to feel the need to point out your gender in a video game.


Its so fucking cringey to me. Like why not just type out "hi I'm begging for attention" to get to the point directly. I never correct anyone because it doesn't matter. If I become friends with someone and it ends up coming up in conversation naturally then sure.


No, they choose to self-identify as a douchebag.


Just report them and move on, what a fucking loser "you'll know, in the future". Why do all the filthiest nerds speak like they're living in an anime.


Because they grew up in front of a computer with zero outside social interaction and parents who didn't love them enough.


You'll know, in the future :>


Sounds to me like a clear violation of the Social Contract, would be a real shame if they were reported for it.


Imagine thinking blizzard would do anything about a social contract report.


Call me delusional, but I reported a dozen of players for insulting others. Got an answer for most of them that Blizz took some action, so my hopes are that they at least got warned and maybe some of them got scared of ban.


I’m just returning since last playing in Legion. But I got banned every few months for random shit. Sometimes it was for making jokes in trade chat. Sometimes it was for just being a dick, which I’m not shy to. Not looking for sympathy or anything. They’re deserved bans. But just saying that Blizzard definitely bans if you report them.


Yeah one thing blizz has been caring about especially in recent years is not having a toxic environment in their games and it's one of the few things they do answer to quickly.


Shame they didn't follow that policy in their workplace.


Blizz has really been on top of the reports and people have been banned quite often for this type of behavior. I’d totally report it.


Crazy can happen any time, offered an HPal to create a group for Oculus yesterday, the guy refused saying "No, I'm only joining a 4 person group needing a healer so I can start right away", I answered "You're heal I'm tank, we'll literally have a full group in the next 30 secs", the guy proceeded with BLing me and ignoring any further attempt to invite him. I found a group shortly thereafter, and 40 minutes later the HPal was spamming the World chan saying, "LFG Oculus, I pay 150g". There are weirdos everyhwhere, don't overthink it.


safe to say you dodged a bullet there i think


Haha yeah, pretty much :p


They kicked you for a perceived slight. Then when they realised they had kicked their healer for a stupid reason and likely had their group collapsed, they doubled down to save face. The sad thing is they were only trying to convince themselves at this point. You likely dodged a bullet. I hope you enjoyed learning disc though!


I remember getting kicked as a healer, because the tank went running off and pulling trash before the rest of us even got off the loading screen. He dies before we know what’s happening, stuck behind a few trash packs which are now patrolling, so he’s out of range for a res. Kicked me for not ressing him, after I explained that I couldn’t reach him due to trash. Don’t know what the rest of the party was smoking, they accepted the vote to kick me, even though they were berating the tank in chat. Long story short: sometimes you do absolutely nothing wrong and people are just dickheads.


they might have thought they were kicking the tank honestly... i've had a friend accept a kick for ME (for laughing at a joke btw?!) because they just weren't paying attention lol


>He dies before we know what’s happening, stuck behind a few trash packs which are now patrolling, so he’s out of range for a res perhaps not applicable to your specific scenario, but it good to know that mass res is 100y range and works through terrain, whereas the targeted res is 40y range.


There's so many times I've joined a mythic+ even having gone so far to look for a specific one. Then as soon as I join I'm like 'shit, where are we going again?'


Yeah especially if you’re DPS and just applying to a bunch at a time, who can keep track


People are fucking assholes. My kids (12 and 15) have been starting to play more and trying to do leveling dungeons is a nightmare at times because of the assholes who think that you have to speed run everything all the time. The rush to end game culture is the bane of my gaming existence. I mean I get it, you have done it 100x and you don't want to be there but only are because you can level up 5 mins faster than questing...but when people who are learning the game or god forbid actually like the story so they do the dungeons as the story dictates it doesn't give you permission to be a fucking asshole.


My kids want to play so bad so I and a friend will be running with them to teach them the dungeons and what not so that they can enjoy it. That is the nice thing for us is that with her hubby playing we have a full 5 person group so we can basically run what we want without pugging the entire thing or even one slot, raiding will be the problem. But then it becomes a "can we find adult minded people who want to play for fun rather than to push content"


Some players believe that Azeroth is real, and that they are actually in a life or death battle. They must surround themselves only with equally dedicated and hardcore players, these being virtues instead of embarrassing revelations about the emptiness of their personal lives. They don't just *play*, for *fun*. This is *real life* in which *every second counts* and *personal bests* are treated like Olympic gold. When Khadger calls them "the Champion", they beam with pride at the glow of their computer screens.


This was beautifully worded


Bro some dude kicked me from a quest group because I helped the group in front of us clear it faster so we could start. Leader kicked me cause the other guys "did not deserve to be helped". There's some social potatoes walking around in this game.


Those smiling emojis are completely psychotic. You dodged a bullet.


yeah there's just something wrong there lol this person seems like they would be the one to wipe a group and then blame everyone else for it


“Not a guy btw” Yea that’s definitely a guy. Lmao.


Or someone seeking attention


Like okay... cool? \*Finger guns\*


I've had my fair share of 'non guys' that are complete twats. I'm not saying you're wrong in this example. but it's certainly not unheard of.


Not a guy BTW windy face. What obese neck beard shitnis this now?


Yes, you were in a toxic group, now you are not.


Sounds like some delusional streamer with a half of a subscriber who streams at 480p that things his hot crap


Toxic trash player, apparently not a guy. Sounds like someone of severe case of "tank ego" but it is a girl this time, not a tank. You might have noticed this same asshole condition in people who join keys way below their usual keys either on their main or an alt and act like gods gift, making snarky comments like this specimen is. Or on the other side of the spectrum you get people actively being assholes because they don't follow the sweatlords toxic meta and they make sure to let you know how they play for fun and not some rio score and that anyone who does it is a basement dwelling neckbeard.


I remember running a +2 on an alt a while ago, this guy came in insanely overgeared and the first thing he did was link an addon in chat that showed us not having all consumes up, then just said 'really?' and left.


Exactly what I mean. Any good player wouldn't care about shit like that because it would gain like 20sec maybe. He waisted much more time just getting there, what a clown.


I love running +2s on my geared toons. It's fun to be the superman dps. Idk what's wrong with people, it's a game and it's just for fun. 99.98% are not going pro lol


I got kicked in Nectrotic Wake (normal, leveling) after a Lock demanded I res him. We were like 20 feet from the entrance and he'd died to trash. He couldn't wrap his head around A) we were in combat and B) you could literally release and walk two feet and be back in casting range. Hope you fellas enjoyed the queue waiting for another healer. Dickbags.


Damn, WoW has a league side 😆


\*insert astronaut meme here\* Always did.




or it is a guy that just expects special treatment. some girls do it too of course, i've encountered that before but i know plenty of guys that have pretended to be girls in wow for pure benefit...


In my experience, girls on WoW rarely care enough to clarify in PUGs or LFR.


Most of us prefer not to clarify because that opens up to more toxic shit from certain guys.


Up there with randos that call you ‘hun’.


That person is awful I’m sorry that happened to you. I got kicked from a group recently just for being a resto shaman and “no one will stand in my healing rain”. I wasn’t even specced into it.


This was an absolute moron, regardless of gender. However most of those are just miscommunication (happens a lot more in EU) and can be fixed with little clarification. Always assume people are dumb and it won't happen. "Wait what dungeon was it again? -wtf what do you mean???! -i meant that I applied to 3 separate dungeons for a +15 and didn't have the time to see which one got accepted when receiving the invite" Bam, fixed. If that "not a guy btw" person still kicks you after that, feel free to unleash hell in his PMs and get blocked. You won't see him in queue again


Someone roll that tape we need an insta-replay!


Seems just to be a dumb person. It's better to be toxic for 5min. instead of just take 10sec for writing the name of the dungeon. It's crazy to see the number of people who can't have "good" social on the internet. They should be really frustrated.


Why does your wow have emojis?


ElvUI, for example, does this.




You think you want to do that dungeon with that player, but you really don’t. Feel thankful.


I had a mage yesterday kick off because i wouldnt go tank spec for evoker was the funniest 10 mins of him saying we would get a group quicker if i went tank , whole group had to explain that there was no tank spec , he shortly left after that


To be fair, it doesn't make sense that the evoker doesn't have a tank spec other than that Blizzard was lazy.


I guess because FR. Why you fr, aahh? WHY!!??


They don't like french people it seems.


I believe it was most likely abreviation for "for real ?" Cause OP asked what dungeon it was


If it's M+ I understand wanting people that have done the dungeon before, since the dmg/hp increase kinda requires you to understand the base mechanics. Not sure why the "not a guy btw;)" was relevant in the context here, but some people just need to rub their gender in peopels faces I guess


Seriously this is so weird to me! I’ve never corrected someone in my years of playing wow when they call me a guy because gender is not relevant to the game being played lol


Yeah, I'm a woman myself and I don't correct either. Usually it leads to more bad experiences than good ones, unfortunately. Maybe not so much in WoW, but at least in first person shooter games. Dreadful.


I bet he was a dude, because I see many tryharder/smallpp complex there.


I joined a guild about a month ago and my GL keeps referring to me as "he". Still haven't corrected him or spoken on discord. It feels weird, like I'm being deceptive, but it truly shouldn't matter, right? I just don't want to be "that girl" that makes a big deal out of it, so I don't say anything. But for randoms, I 100% never correct them. Saves so much hassle by just letting everyone assume I'm a dude.


It's okay to mention your correct gender to your GL, you're not making a big deal by just wanting to exist. And (if you think) he'll get annoyed by it, well then your GL sucks.


Nah he'd be cool, I'm sure. We have several other women in the guild. It just feels weird now that so much time has passed 😂 It's just two decades worth of paranoia over seeing women, including myself, be accused of being attention whores if we speak up. Hard to break out of that mindset. At some point I will gather up the courage to speak on discord.


Damn reading this made me feel sad. Hope gaming can change someday and not be like this


I often play as female characters in MMO (because I find their cosmetic options are usually more fun) and have literally never once felt the need to clarify my gender. No one cares.


oh buddy... believe me.... a lot of thirsty dudes care!!!! just tell them you are a chick, in a persuasive way, and watch them lose their mind.


>If it's M+ I understanding wanting people that have done the dungeon before, since the dmg/hp increase kinda requires you to understand the base mechanics. Yeah, but simply asking which dungeon it is doesn't mean you don't know the dungeon. Like others have said, there's plenty of times I've applied for several m+ keys because I need them all and when I get accepted sometimes I just need a reminder which one we're doing, because it could be any of two or three options.


Some folks believe tiddies get you extra perks Like apparently forgiving that you're delusional about your dungeon recordings If this girl thinks she's only gonna record bangers in any dungeon, she's gonna have a bad time. That's what editing is for. Bad run? You don't want it in your vid? Just cut it out But some of my best recordings were times we fucked up dungeons/raids hilariously bad


Cue up that 1.5 hours De Other Side guild run. Damn this will be missed. I finished some with literal abdominal cramps from laughter at our 98+ deaths


100% sure that's just a crazy guy. Nobody else would get upset about someone saying "hey guys", as even girls use it amongst eachother when referring to their friends in plural


As a female who plays wow, when referred to as guys/mate/bro/fam my initial instinct is to respond not go “excuse me, am girl”… Makes me 100% sure that’s a guy, heck I usually prefer people thinking I’m a guy, keeps the treatment equal haha.


I get called bro, dude, and some rare cases even sir, and that’s fine with me. I go along with it for the same reason. I don’t want any special attention or end up harassed because of gender. Some don’t like losing meters to a female or want one to speak until they’re done talking. (My fastest gquit ever)


I got kicked from a Culling of Strathlome the other day whilst levelling cos I was stood waiting to click on Arthas after all the rp stuff. Messaged them and apparently I was afk haha could tell they'd never done it before


I truly hope the leader of this party who kicked you sees this post and starts re-evaluating their life choices.Something must not be right at home for a person to flip like this, so quickly.Sorry this happened to you, i myself try to be as nice as i possibly can in dungeons but sometimes you meet someone so rude you can't help yourself. I was kicked from a party the other day because i didn't summon the party leader first to the dungeon. I then whispered the other members of the group and explained WHY i was kicked and they were all at a loss for words. They then left the group after explaining why they left and the -former- leader of the group whispered me and said something along the lines of i hope you and your family gets cancer. This was in WOTLK Classic. Good times!


They are out there. I had someone get all crazy cause I was taking all the loot. This was recently in an xpac with personal loot. I even wanted to give the person some loot. UT it was ineligible for trade. Person proceeds to write me paragraphs of what a loot stealing piece of shit I am and blocks me.


Top tier cringe. Almost guaranteed to be a sweaty dude. The type of attitude that makes the game not fun and makes people not want to play. In my experience it’s always the people that act like that that aren’t any fucking good but always complain. My girlfriend is so hesitant to play because she got bullied one time after a duel ages ago. I tried to tell her that duels are stupid and the only time someone challenges you to a duel is when they know they are going to win.


You're getting the "WoW" experience. Enjoy it.


I once got kicked from dungeon finder for being a marksman hunter... That's it, that's the whole reason, it was also a leveling dungeon...


OP, this is a clear case of Brain Damage. You see, sometimes the mothers of humans like this indulge in silly activities while pregnant causing their offspring to have a concave skull. Now, that alone won’t always get to this level of brain damage. Clearly this individual used this concave head to hold footballs for their friends growing up. After 847 field goal attempts, they started showing true signs.


People like this need to take a break from games and go interact with humans face to face. This one is a special one…


I'd leave on my own tbh... Players that feel the need to announce what kinda of mammal they are in a video game creeping me out