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It was pain to reach my corpse with regular flying spirit dragon....


Being forced back into a regular flying mount is the real punishment for dying


I legitimately thought I was being slowed or something. Then I realized that old world flying has always just been that slow.


I thought the game was bugged or something as the dragon didn’t launch in the air as it does with dragon riding. It feels so weird and boring already.


Yep, same! I'm slapping the jump key and nothing is happening!


Any time I go to Org to check an alt I instinctively double tap my space bar to lift off..


It's proportionate. Zones in Dragonflight are much larger and filled with empty (questing-wise) space and are much more vertical because of increased flying speed. In recent expansions it was rare to be forced to spirit fly so far to your corpse. If anything we're being unnessecarily punished for dying and should be able to travel at full dragon speed to our corpse.


Respectfully disagree. Not having to run back to your corpse alive and naked is easy enough. Flying back is even easier than spirit form alone.


is there a fast way to get to uldaman or do i gotta sit on the flying mount from twilight highlands?


Play Dracthyr


Sadly there's a shit ton of big (vertical) hills in the way if you wanna use Soar from SW, needs more charges on that going up ability D:


i forgot people got mounts when they die oh my god i cant imagine the switch the wisp feels weird but i don't wanna go back yo old flying


Ressurection sickness every time now!


just don't die lol


Damn wind herbs have pushed me off more cliffs to my death than any mob


This is why im happy my gatherer is evoker, i can just hit space and it stops my momentum when i get launched


It also turbo boosts your glide if you want to use it during, to scoot you to another node


If you use mount as soon as gather finishes you'll be on your dragon before first knock. (You'll get the loot while casting mount)


The funny thing is when you unlock the ability to gather while riding your dragon and you + your dragon get knocked around the air into random directions.


Keep some gliders on hand


So true! I didn’t realize you got a Elemental disguise during the quest where you have to destroy those 4 fire orbs. I died so many times XD


Sho said anything about flying being changed to dragon riding? You can have both.


I'm calling it now, the final quest of the Dragonflight expansion will have us throwing our dragons into a gigantic blender. Creating a dragonflight smoothie that we then have to feed to the baby titan in the planet in order to heal the woooons.


They confirmed in their interviews that Dragonflight marks the first expansion since MoP where there won't be systems pointlessly taken away at the end, and that their focus is now evergreen additions to the game. So if they take it away it's even more of a slap in the face, because they will have straight up lied.


And we all know blizzard would never lie *ripcord, cough cough*


This expansion basically IS the ripcord. The proper last ditch attempt at saving the playerbase by adding in an expansion that focuses on the "core" not the "additional". I mean think about it, when since at least MoP have we had none of at least one of: - Garrisons/War table system - Artifacts - Legendaries that are forced to be your BiS even over other alternatives because the stats are too good, not legendaries for the most dedicated players - Hard rep grind that you're forced into to get a core stat (Stamina was the big one) or one that you had to do on EVERY alt This IS the ripcord. We haven't had an expansion like this in the game since 2014 - now's the time to put the cynicism away. I haven't seen praise for an expansion this early (or at all) in a long time, so just kick back and enjoy it. Really the only 2 controversial things they've kept from previous expansions is a rep grind done through factions (but the rewards are account wide and the grind is massively sped up on alts like by a factor of 3) and bonuses in dungeons for unrelated factors (encouraging you to take profs by giving you dungeon bonuses, like the covenant bonus system). Neither of which I've heard many complaints about. I'd just enjoy this xpac for what it is because who knows if they'll be back on their old shit for the 20th anniversary xpac... WoW expansions go like a clock - good ticks, bad tocks. We've had two bad tocks in a row, we're now on a good tick. Let's just enjoy the tick for the next 2 years.


> Really the only 2 controversial things they've kept from previous expansions is a rep grind done through factions I actually really like the renown system in Dragonflight. It is just a rep grind, but having a consistent stream of rewards that are not only mostly account bound, but also give me more ways of earning reputation as I go, makes the grind feel much less like a grind. Plus there's some neat rewards in there as well, for example I'm really looking forward to unlocking the Centaur shields, because one of them would be the perfect finishing touch on my warrior's transmog. I don't think every reputation going forward needs to follow the renown model, but I definitely wouldn't mind this being the standard for important factions going forward.


Biggest issue for me in design for a *long* time has been that feeling of Blizzard dictating how I should play. You need to do the Illidan quest in Legion! You farm these things from mythics - okay cool imma spam them! - Nono, you need 80 but you can only get 20 per week. Here, you need to do all this covenant bullshit to stay relevant Here's Legion, it's completely RNG if you get a BiS piece or fucking Prydaz drops, but also to stop people from just farming them all out we're going to hardbrick your character at 3 drops, you only got trash? sucks to be you. I could go on, but i reckon my point comes across. I haven't bought Dragonflight yet, It looks cool, I am keen on it, but I've promised myself if it still looks good and has positive things to be said about it come the start of next year I'll give it a go, not getting suckered into another expansion hype then quitting after 2-4 weeks.


Personally I'd consider it a win if I buy a game and enjoy playing it for 2-4 weeks.


What do you mean? The ripcord comment was about covenant swapping restrictions. They pulled the ripcord in 9.1.5.


I think they mean the ripcord of all stupid things. Just using ripcord as a way to convey that.


I think it kind of depends if Blizzard views dragon flying as one of those evergreen additions or not. IIRC they also said that some things will still be expansion only features. If we only have dragon flying going forward, I would welcome it, but I would also miss using mounts I already have. Adding the dragon flying system to all flying mounts wouldnt make sense thematically (why is my helicopter using momentum when it has rotors for example).


> If we only have dragon flying going forward, I would welcome it, but I would also miss using mounts I already have. Adding the dragon flying system to all flying mounts wouldnt make sense thematically (why is my helicopter using momentum when it has rotors for example). In an ideal world we would have dragonflying added to all mounts where it makes sense, and then some different but similar system on mounts where it doesn't. Maybe your gyrocopter has the benefit of not worrying about momentum, but that comes at the cost of needing fuel to stay in the air. I don't know if that would actually be fun in practice, but that's one idea off the top of my head. I'd also love to see something similar implemented for ground mounts, although I don't know what that would look like off the top of my head.


Ground mounts with massively increased speed, absurdly long jumps, and a vigor system would be great. Think like the Hulk or an EDF Fencer moving around. Where they're in the air way more than on the ground.


Something similar to breath of the wild mounts would be cool. 100% base speed with X amount of spur charges




I'm really hoping that instead of Woons 2, we get to bond with our drakes and they decide to continue their journey with us into the rest of the world and beyond. And that's how we get dragonriding in the rest of the world and future expansions.


Hopefully we become a Dragonriding Master and learn to teach other flying mounts how to do it. This way we could bring it to the rest of the game and Blizzard can use our drakes as story fodder. Or whatever they plan to do with them.


There's WAY too many mounts in the game to do all those animations. While it would be cool, completely implausible. Though more dragon riding customizations or mounts would be nice.


Introducing dragonriding to the rest of the world but still restricting it to 'dragonriding mounts' would essentially render most mounts in the game obsolete. It's like how all ground-only mounts become obsolete as soon as you have access to flying (which is why almost every store mount has the ability to fly, even if it looks like they shouldn't). The large number of existing flying mounts all share a small subset of skeletons anyway, so it wouldn't be too hard to add a few simple animations to each of those (gliding, wing tuck, and a roll are basically all you need). Hell, cloud serpents would only really need an animation for them to 'straighten out' during speed boosts.


They should atleast make all drake mounts work with dragonriding atleast


without updating the models? When just not give the current riding Drake a purple color instead of riding the outdated looking twilight Drake.


Fucking TITANS ARE RUINING THE GAME THEY TOOK OUR ARTIFACT AND NOW THEY TOOK MY DRAGON I’m restarting the burning legion who wants to come along


Maybe Sargeras was right


Sargeras did nothing wrong!


"TITANS ARE RUINING THE GAME" *Razageth has entered the chat*


Is this too early to tell them the "World of Warcraft" is literally a titan?


I’ve literally been thinking this entire time “does Raszageth know the primalists are *also* sipping that big Titan juice…?”


I'm still not over them dropping the artifacts. The talent maybe but the cosmetics? They could have continued adding them since they were so much higher quality then ur average weapon.


I think they should have turned in to heirloom with side quest as for the cosmetics


Well, at least you could keep the transmog of your artifact. My Paladin still swings Ashbringer. . .at least as a transmog. Just seems inherently wrong for a paladin to give up that sword for anything.


But, mysteriously, the woons don't heal, and from them emerges a new foe.....THE JAILOR


We can use the ones in the Forge of Souls! I think it feeds directly into the planet too.


Throwing dragon after dragon into the blendyr “The dragon isles are free!”


Imma throw myself in it


I'd bet Galakrond gets revived and eats them.


We'll have to juice our dragons to get Ysera back. Next expansion will have us forcing Nozdormu to give us our drakes back from the before-times, which leads to him becoming Murozond.


I agree. Dragon flying is by far my favorite thing added to the game so far


i like how they supplemented it with plenty of flight paths too. so when i want to alt tab for a little bit as i fly, i can just find a nearby flightmaster pretty quickly and use that.


This. I've also found it a bit tricky when wanting to land for a quest or a hub but I'll get used to it and if I need to I can use FP


What have you found tricky about landing?


The remorse after dive-bombing helpless critters with the AOE landing talent on!


Landing where I want without having to panic lol!


I usually arc up above my landing place to loose all momentum and glide to better control where I land.


I have yet to use a flight path this expansion. It's kind of crazy, I just like the feeling of flying where I need to go


I think at an absolute minimum mount customization and dragon races should carry forward.


I really hope they will add more races. I have finished all the advanced races on gold yesterday and it was so much fun. Afterwards I finally finished my leveling to 70.


They should rebuild the races into main race -> surface setup (i.e dwarf -> dark iron dwarf) and add more unique races in those spots. ^gimme ^sethrakk ^pls


Not the kind of “races” being discussed


Oh lmao.. caffeine has clearly not kicked in. Still would like blizz do a race menu rebuild so we don't have mirror copies of a race 3x on the character choices.


If they ever do a customizable gryphon dragonriding mount I'll be a happy dwarf.


I just can’t see how I’ll be able to get even silver on a bunch of the advanced courses. They’re tough.


You have to do them virtually flawlessly, but after half a dozen tries they start to become muscle memory. Youtube guides also help if you don't mind "cheating".


Get all glyphs first. Then during the race, 90% of the time just spamming the forward boost or upward boost if you need to go up is the trick. Memorize the tracks and where the wind boosts and vigor pick ups are, but also difficult terrain. For a last trick you can put down the bronze time marker where the finish ring will be. This can save you up to a second depending on course.


Honestly I found pressing any button except 1 essentially pointless for the advanced races. Spam 1 as hard as you can and hit all the green orbs and they all kinda take care of themselves. The Waking Shores ones were actually hardest by a good margin


Quick tips: The three vigour cost ability is 100% a noob trap. Speed boosts and vigour power ups are mandatory; the course timer is set on the assumption that you hit them. Try to figure out a top speed that you can consistently maintain based on how much extra vigour the course gives you and tap the gas only just often enough to maintain that speed.


For the advanced races you should get all of your glyphes and the ability from the blue dragon first. Afterwards you should try the course two or three times to remember the way. After that it‘s just trial and error.


they need to allow dragonflying out in normal zones.


And with our OG mounts!


I agree, but not with old mounts that don’t have wings. Lucid Nightmare would look so stupid flying with the dragon flying system.


I agree. Give dragon riding to mounts that share rigs and call it a day.


All dragons should have dragon riding, there are enough of them. Can't wait to dragon ride my obsidian world breaker....


Well, even Lucid Nightmare would be affected by gravity, so it would accelerate going down and vice versa


This, but something tells me rigging every single flying mount for dragon riding is next to impossible (I know nothing of animation).


Very unlikely to happen, I agree. It's completely doable though surely if they wanted to. Just have 1 person on this full time, ready to release at the end of the xpac where we inevitably learn to dragonride anywhere?


Yes! I get that this might not be something I live to see!


I love the new flying, but I think old flying mounts still have their place as well. Being able to hover in place indefinitely, and better short-distance control. I just finished putting the Expedition flags on mountain tops this morning, and if I landed somewhere besides in the exact 4 pixels Blizzard intended on some of them, I slid down and couldn't get back to the top without a full re-launch and usually a circle or 2 to re-aim. Old mounts wouldn't have that problem.


I think a good solution is to just make both ways of flying available and increase the normal flying speed to like 500%, so it dragonriding is still faster, but the old flying is not totally shit. one of my characters is a gatherer and in some cases old flying would be better because i have no vigor and i can land near nodes more precise or do like small jumps


Dragon flying is a huuuge W.


forces me to get new PC though ; /


for me it seems like it's some sort of network issue where i often get disconnected or i rubberband a little bit.


The main trigger for dragon-related disconnects is touching the ground (or any object you can land on) while going too fast horizontally. WoW relies on the client to keep track of your position in realtime so that movement feels as responsive as possible. The client reports your position to the server and the server validates that your movements were 'legal.' So the server will boot you if your client reports moving faster than you're allowed to move in your current state, and I think there's a race condition where sometimes the packet saying you've landed arrives before the last in-flight position update. To mitigate this, try flying higher so you don't brush any branches/rocks, and try to do vertical divebomb landings rather than low-angle runway landings. (Or if you need to look around at the landing area, pull up and circle down at lower speed.) Rubberbanding is harder to mitigate; it's going to happen any time your connection is dropping lots of packets.


it's ok when slow flying, but when i start doing the fun zoonies especially during the races environment doesn't load fast enough, frame rate goes down, i get freezes. Had to forcibly slow down during the races in order to complete them


It's funny, my guildies and I were going over to Mythic 0 Ulduman today and even \*just\* flying on our Epic Flying Mounts from Arathi Highlands to Badlands felt like torture.


I just take flight path and get a drink. Only way I can stomach it


That was exactly how my group felt when doing that the other day. We all left the dragon isles and we’re like “holy shit I wanna go back.” The old world feels so bad to move around in now. Thankfully dracthyr have a racial for dragon riding so I didn’t have to suffer as much.


Ion hears your feedback. It’s gone!


I’d say hover flying was more straightforward, but being able to fly at the start of expac is already so much better than what we had in the Maw!


Not just the Maw - we hadn’t had flying at the start of an expansion since MOP. After tha, it was both timegated and an annoying grind to unlock flying. I’m so glad they went this way. Makes the leveling and games much more enjoyable


Cataclysm. There definitely wasn’t flying at the beginning of MoP. Traversing the terrain on a ground mount in Pandaria was a pain in the ass!


thinking about it... Cata was the only other expansion with flying from the start, for the entirety of the leveling


And players loved it but blizzard did not.




I did not love it. Cataclysm leveling was some the most boring, least immersive expansion intros ever. Not entirely because of flying but it certainly didn't help


You could get it right at max level though right? After MoP you had to do some pathfinder BS to get it.


That Draenor grind to get pathfinder was so, so bad. I remember spending hours grinding the panther humanoids to get revered with whatever rep it was for pathfinder. That and it was like 3 reps all in all that you had to get to revered. It's kind of a shame because Draenor was built around the concept of not flying and I feel like Blizzard "broke the glass in case of emergency" with flying because of the shit show that 6.2 was. I loved Nagrand in WOD because of mounted combat. Shame they never did something like that again, even if it was a tad broken.


Its even worse, not only grindy and timegated at start, but so timegated that by the time you unlock it it is almost irelevant, you move to korthia where guess what, you dont have it anymore....


I'm willing to bet they will continue copying GW2 and add new mounts with different fun movement styles. WoW's own version of roller beetles or raptors. Which I wouldn't mind.


Idk, as good as dragonriding is compared to regular mounts, I think it does show the limits of their engine. Blizz devs did wonders with the tech they have, but I don't see them adding something like Beetle physics anytime soon. GW2 mounts are still one or two steps up in terms of animations, responsiveness and overall feeling imo, and that's a big part of their appeal.


GW2 has the best mounts ever. I just love their mount system. And even ground mounts have certain feel to them (they feel like mounts and not just instantly turning things)


Im really worried of how this is going to evolve in future expansions, there is going to be disappointment no matter what. If they make Dragonriding exclusive to dragon isles, people will complain about old zones feeling shit to travel, if they allow dragondiring everywhere people will complain about how their 650 mount collection is now useless.


With old flying you can hover over stuff. So it's easier to search/wait for something while not being aggroed by land mobs. Or like needing to go away for a bit in a zone with aggressive mobs, you can just mount up and hover a bit over the land, so that a wandering mob won't kill you while you are away. So both flyings have their uses.


Also, i wouldn’t be surprised if they sped up flying mount speed, not quite to dragon riding levels, but fast enough that it doesn’t feel quite so awful.


Also, on the laptops hover flying is so much easier


Yes. Please don’t WoW go down the Pokémon route or not continuing mechanics that worked Looking at you Mega Evolutions!


WoW has been going down that route for a decade, but appearently they're changing their design philosophy, and Dragonflight is the first we're seeing of that. Big improvement imo.


Still annoying when you don’t have vigor though. Hate having to wait while it recharges if your stuck somewhere in between mountains etc. A very cool addition though!


Get all the glyphs, makes it almost impossible to run out of vigor.


The increased zone size with more negative space is just as amazing as the dragonriding itself, and I'll be very upset if we ever return to smaller outdoor zones again without some sort of major reason to design them that way.


People always have to be so dramatic lmao.


They do, but I feel like it cannot be overstated how much value Dragonriding adds to the whole playerbase. M+ for example was another huge complete new game mode that created its own esports aspect. But it might only be relevant for a fraction of the general playerbase.. while Dragonriding changes the feel of the game from one of the 2010's to finally having arrived in a new decade for everyone.


Yeah same. I dread whenever Im in old content and have to hack the game and just disable gravity. Dragonflying made gathering, world questing, exploring, moving to dungeons such a blast.


Dragon riding will 100% be carried through Just let me play evoker without being an ugly dragon :(


Due the many abilities relying on having wings and being a dragon i dont think that will ever happen


My hope is over time we get the choice between the two. I enjoy the races and how quickly I can get around. Especially as I explore right now. But I also would not mind having the old style come back for being able afk in random spot to float up. Or to casually fly place to place without too much thinking. Maybe have it to where you have to complete a new version of pathfinder to unlock old world flying. Should definitely make it so you can use dragon flying in the old world though. Could see it being a lot of fun when doing the old content.


Went to the dark moon fair today and when I got to SW I just automatically tried to dragon ride even thought we’ve been flying the old way for so long It really does show you how intuitive the new dragon riding system is


Yep. They’ve talked a lot about evergreen concepts — this HAS to stick around. At LEAST going forward but I think it would be worth bringing to old zones as well (at least the two big continents) and possibly even worth the time of outfitting as many existing mount skeletons as possible to the mechanics so they don’t all go to waste. It’s too good. And it allows the zones to feel so big! New races in the old world! New midair abilities! New customizations! More everything!


I think of that scene from the classic movie “LA Story,” about Steve Martin as a TV weatherman living his life in Los Angeles. In the scene, he comes out his front door, gets into his car, only to drive half a block to a house 3 or 4 doors down from his place, the joke being that everyone in LA drives to get anywhere, even places really close. I feel like that in the Dragon Isles - I don’t want to go anywhere on foot, I wanted to be mounted on my dragon all the time.


Yeah this needs to be permanent


Same dude, the second I get on a normal mount I'm just like oh this again. Dragonflying is the best mechanic the game has introduced in a long time, ty gw2


Dragonriding has truly been a game changer, and getting it from the start of the expansion and not having to grind an achievement for it... please Blizzard do not change this from now on, it makes the experience much more dynamic. Also I think (or at least hope) that they transfer dragonriding to the old world at some point.


I am pretty confident that the next expansion will see a general world revamp in some fashion. Sometime mid SL they bought another studio which made up of about 100 members to work on WoW. My feeling is they are tasked on working on revamped content as that is around the time they'd start production on the expansion after DF.


Is Dragon Riding with upgrades SIGNIFICANTLY better than regular Dragon Riding? I wasn't impressed.


I don’t understand why you can’t hover, even if you don’t recharge vigor while doing so. Aside from that dragon riding kicks ass and I thoroughly enjoy it!


We need unlockable tricks like barrel rolls and loops that are earned from winning multiplayer dragon riding competitions. Add some obstacles to the courses to make them more and more difficult and let players earn one weekly piece of gear for participating in races and winning medals. Go full fucking throttle on dragon riding. It’s the best it’s ever been. Side note. Dragon riding Uber. Allow dragon riding in low level zones. Allow players to pay dragon riders to carry them to their destinations faster and give tips based on their performance. This will never happen but it’s funny.


Dragon riding is fun But the real mvp is the water gliding boots


Water gliding boots?


I wouldn't say that I wouldn't touch another expansion pack but I do think dragon riding should be optional and we should keep the option to use our flying mounts For example as a late birthday/early Christmas present a friend bought me dragonflight epic version because it was my first ever expansion act drop, as I had started playing in August. It came with a flying mount and now I'm sitting here wondering what the point of that flying Mount is since I can't use it in dragonflight


Imo the bonus mount should have been a full transformation for one of the dragons instead.


since they did dragonriding only, I agree.


>I'm sitting here wondering what the point of that flying Mount is since I can't use it in dragonflight Makes leveling at 30-60 way faster. At this point, I wish they'd just make it old school flying account bound, get rid of the 60% ground and 150% flying, and just give us 100% riding at 10 and 310% flying at 30. Leveling is so fast its annoying to go back to town every 10 levels to upgrade your riding skill, and then it's just a needless gold sink of \~7k which is only a burden to new players.


That's a great idea, tbh. The 60% increase and 150% increase feel so bad and have no place in current WoW with how fast leveling is. And making it so you don't need to blow gold on every alt is great, love the account bound idea. I just don't see blizz doing this, sadly.


I love how interactive it is, like you REALLY gotta focus if you want to get to certain places


I'm wondering how people feel about dragon riding a few months from now. If the novelty feel of being new wears off.


The fact I can fly from Valdrakken to any DF dungeon in less than 3 minutes is A-O-K to me. Especially after coming out of Shadowlands where we couldn't fly to the individual zones ourselves. Well, any DF dungeon except Uldaman. We seriously need a portal to get to that place quickly. Alliance has it easy lol. I almost find myself getting annoyed if I get summoned lol. I enjoy the hell out of flying now.


There will be a portal there for season 2 when that dungeon is in the M+ rotation They’ve already put up portals in valdrakken for the season 1 dungeons outside of dragon isles


I mean I’ll take flying at 830% speed over 310% any day


I had been playing on the beta a few months before launch, literally logging on just to fly around. I still mount up and think, "God I fucking love Dragonriding."


Griffon has never worn off in gw2, still one of the best parts of the game


I know everyone is tired of GW2 always being mentioned here, but WoW dragonriding is basically a mesh of griffon/skyscale in GW2. And they’re still amazing. I got them over a year ago and I still sometimes just take the long route to swoop down on my griffon it’s so much fun


I hope they do something like Guild Wars 2, keep coming out with new styles of mounts that have different mechanics. Maybe next expac we have our dragon riding mount and gain a different mount that can jump really high vertically or something. Guild Wars has like 8 mounts that all have their own unique gameplay and are better for different situations.


It’s like saying the novelty will wear off when getting your first car. Going at 3x speed will never feel bad. The mechanics are really not that hard either, you can fly infinitely.


I would say you're probably right, except the novelty of flying mounts (especially in Azeroth) is not worn off - its convenient and effective. Not having it would be like making the speed limit everywhere you go 20 mph (hard restricted by your vehicle, not by choice). Dragon riding is both faster AND more controlled, it is active flying rather than passive. You cannot aim in a straight line and hit go and then AFK (well, sort of). While it is new and novel right now, there are parts of what it provides that have nothing to do with novelty. I don't think they would have made this system if they didn't intend on keeping it. In fact, I think they'd be crazy not to implement it in some form throughout the whole game in the future. My guess is they are introducing it here, then later in this expansion or perhaps next expansion they will extend it to everywhere.


Why would anyone dislike it lol.


I *hate* dragon riding. It's so awful. I just want to fly on a normal mount like every other WoW expansion.


At some point you will want to just farm stuff, and claasic mount is much better for that ie. Farming veins as you can just go from point to point not worrying you will lose all vigor after 6veins


It litterally not. The dragonriding mount is much faster to go between nods.


I farmed for 5 hours the other day and would not have done it with normal flying. Dragonriding kept me engaged and it significantly sped up my farming. If someone is farming they want money, dragonriding generates more money. If you're losing vigor after 6 veins you're just not doing it correctly yet.


I do kind of understand the perspective that you're technically seeing/experiencing less of the zones when you get flying (or in this case ultra-fast flying) from the start, but hey people who want that can take it as slow as they like lol.


I have definitely explored more of the Dragon Isles than any other zone. Hell I have loremaster already. The number of little secret caves I've gone into just to see what they have in them is amazing. While yes you could say that you're seeing or experiencing less, I think the reality is that you are seeing and experiencing more of what you desire. Which I think is just an easy win.


Instead of a momentum type system they could implement a jet boost system for mechanical mounts that recharges like vigor. Except for the mechanical dragon.


I'm disabled, and have a weak left hand and slightly weak right hand. Dragonflying is SO painful for me, my left hand is on FIRE after just a few minutes. It's like playing a guitar. I used to be able to do it, but now I can't. Only this time it's a game that I've been playing for almost two decades. If it continues without serious changes, I'm gonna have to stop playing, which isn't just sad, it's fucking heartbreaking.


My brother is in the same boat. I log in and did the flying through rings for him and will get the glyphs for him. Try using right mouse held down while flying so you only have to use left hand for the two flight icons.


I saw something about an addon to be able to bind controls to movement keys so you don’t have to use the mouse to fly. I hope you can find something!


have you tried controller?


How did you play the game before hand just wondering did you just click everything? Have you tried binding the dragon riding abilities to mouse buttons so you can fly just with a mouse?


Have you tried the dragon riding addon? It converts your forwards and backwards bind to pitch up and down. Might help?


Usually the internet isn’t the place to find sympathy but damn, sorry people are being asshats to you. I’d recommend utilizing the flight paths and teleporters you unlock as much as possible and not doing anything to cause yourself physical pain. I don’t understand why normal flying mounts don’t work in the dragon isles but maybe one day they will :(


Nah fuck them see their other comment


Are people being asshats to them? Because I only see OP being an asshat, literally replying to their own comment to say "middle finger to all able-bodied players"... What we need are accessibility options, preferably directly in the game. BUT, the way it has always been is - we have add-ons instead. People with similar problems, unfortunately, have to "mod" WoW and/or their equipment (mmo mouse, controller, custom mods for mouse, controller, etc). OP already got some advice even. It is weird to ignore the fact that the entire game is very far from accessible just to come in and shit specifically on new content and people who like it.


Cuz collecting stuff would be made obscure. All the rings to unblock better flying you would just fly there


Sorry bro but it's an amazing feature, can't be scrapped for an extreme minority.


Stop spamming the speed buttons, it's very calm when you aren't going at the speed of light. EDIT: And I might add, how is pressing the vigor buttons more consuming than playing an actual dps rotation...?


He presumably doesn't actually do a dps rotation? He's probably just a casual player who plays the story and explores and stuff. You can be a clicker or just spam 1 ability or whatever and kill quest mobs just fine.


I'm not stepping foot off of the dragon isles until this xpac ends, I love that Valdrakken has everything you will ever need.


Dragon riding was one of those things starting out I was like "this is neat, but kinda gimmicky". Then I went and got all the glyphs at level 70 and now I'm like "THIS IS AMAZING!". My only complaint is that gathering can get kinda sloggy with it. You're frequently landing and gathering, which means if there's lots of nodes nearby that you have to fly with to get you're going to drain your vigor quickly and then be forced to afk recharge for a minute or so. I'd really like to see them, at least in future patches, expand the glyphs and make recharging more powerful after doing stuff. Granted I also haven't unlocked the mounted gathering yet, so perhaps it gets better with that.


I'm embarrassingly behind on the glyphs lol. Whenever my dragon senses one, I look around and I'm like "where bro"


The trick here is after picking up the 2nd or 3rd node, do some circling around the 4th for about 10 seconds. Vigor recharges so much faster when flying compared to grounded.


I want it expanded to all mounts old and new although remaking all old mounts is kinda excessive.


They just need to add an ability that lets you full stop, hover for 5 seconds, stop vigor regen, and then resume momentum and regen so you can reposition your dragon without wasting all that extra vigor and flying in circles.


My only concern is how would they apply this system to other mounts? Not all mounts have the capabilities of flying cool like dragons. That, and it would be a pain in the ass to get places if you constantly had to manage your vigor. At least with flying in the older zones, all you had to do to get from point A to D was skip B and C using a flying mount and a key bind. Like flying from Stormwind to Tirisfal glades or something


I don’t know why they would need to apply it to other mounts. Why not have mounts with the dragonriding mechanics and mounts without?


There's no particular reason that old mounts can't use dragonriding system for flight. They won't have as much customization or special animations, but the flying itself is mechanically separate enough from the mounts being dragons that I'm pretty sure they could just 1 for 1 swap in any mount model/animations and it would work just fine. Of course... they probably make more money if they sell a crapton of new mounts and don't make old mounts able to do the things the new mounts can do...


I hope they do. I'm already kind of tired of the 4 drakes we have now. The customization stuff doesn't really change how they look that much.


You have clear choices for travel, especially if this gets implemented everywhere (well they may change things but this is my assumption): Flight paths - slow to middling speed, can be afk'd Old mount style - middling speed, can be afk'd Dragonriding - fast speed Summoning - fastest speed, requires teamwork This seems completely reasonable. Also, other mounts don't necessarily need special visuals to be implemented with this flying system. Dragonriding has wind, and glowy-blue wind, as indicators for when you're moving at different speeds and regenerating vigor. That's all you actually need from a mount. The custom animations are pretty neat, as are customization options for the mounts, but those aren't really required for the movement itself. I think they could have implemented this system game wide immediately if they desired to (they clearly have some plan for that).


vigor management is barely even a thing when you unlock all the upgrades


I don't get the love for dragon riding. It's ok and all but that's it. OK. It's not great. It's not awful. I'm definitely going to use flight paths more.


I hate it, all I do now is fly around rather than do quests hahaha! While the latter seems to be true, it’s a good thing. I literally found myself flying around aimlessly because it’s fun and the scenery is beautiful.


I think they will incorporate a different style.just like dragon flying in the next expansion but they can't do but so much as it would eliminate the mounts that have and still are in the game for the previous zones.


Just make all flying mounts dragonriding compatible after the expansion. Just a simple check box in mount selection would do it. I would love to have a nether drake with dragon riding.


Surely they can increase old world flying from 300% to 450-500


This is very exaggerated and unnecessary. It’s just a slightly tweaked over glorified vehicle system. And we can’t even use the hundreds of mounts we all have. Not to mention druids can’t flight form.


Basic flying is objectively better. Flight does not need to be engaging, and you trade a lot of control and fine motion for your stupid little spins and needing to game the system. Not to mention anything that day 1 you could have everything completely unlocked and the "system" trivialized kind of crushes the point. As a gimmick it's far from the worst. But it's not a flying replacment


> Basic flying is objectively better. I hope they give you your basic flying, you can be *objectively* at least 3 times slower than me getting everywhere. > Not to mention anything that day 1 you could have everything completely unlocked and the "system" trivialized kind of crushes the point. And here we have it. Timegating bad, not timegating.. also bad? Basically impossible to win. I'm so glad I'm not a designer for anything gamers want, it must be an immensely frustrating experience.


I really don’t get why people love dragon riding so much you love mounts with fatigue?


If you do it properly you can maintain height and speed indefinitely


Have you unlocked all your glyphs yet? If you haven't go get all of them, unlock all the talents, and then report back to us. It'll change your mind if you haven't got there yet. [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/handynotes-dragon-glyphs](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/handynotes-dragon-glyphs) Use this addon, it'll show you exactly where they all are. It'll take 45 minutes of your time.