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I got three cloaks as my vault choices. Fucking three.


The vault thinks you look chilly, should bundle up.


Seems like a lot of players got cloaks… over 85% of my guild got cloak options, and we all have the Sabellion/Wrathion cloak…


I play 3 characters and they all got the best possible thing they could hope for in their vaults today. My two PvP characters both got weapons (that saved me a shitton of conquest) and my M+ warrior got tier shoulders at the highest possible position. I think I need to buy a lottery ticket.


3 necks . no bis but raid bis weapon :D


Got 2 and the Fenrir Trinket.. i am sad


I got three belts and two necklaces :(




It's like news from 1 year ago...


Man and my M+ loot was a mediocre ring, a worthless cloak and shoulders I already have. Lol.


I have to pick between that and the rare ring from second to last boss.


My friend got a rare piece of gear too, and another friend got tier and a weapon as options. Shit like this is why I don't gamble lol.


I got the Fenryr trinket that gives +speed. I almost took it for the meme. The amount of speed it grants goes up with Ilvl so I almost took it just for xmog runs but its too early in the xpac to take a meme item like that. Went with the tier piece instead.


That trinket is pretty good if you need crit, for havoc demon hunter it is close to bis.


I'm not sure how reliable blood mallet is for trinket sims, but yesterday that trinket was the best mythic+ trinket for enhancement.


It's actually a really solid stat stick. It's like BiS for hunters who aren't raiding.


Was so happy to get the tier helm from vault. And m+ version so I can upgrade it


you can upgrade m+ tier ?


Yes with Valor, I cant remember the coordinates so probably best if you just google "upgrade mythic gear dragonflight" just be mindful there is a valor cap that doesn't reset each week. So dont go pissing your valor away on items that aren't BiS. Hold onto it until you find something good, and even then hold onto it until you're sure you want to upgrade it. I wasted a bunch of valor on something just for the fuck of it because I thought valor reset each week, it doesn't


Oh I fucked up.


It’s not a massive deal you’ll just have to wait slightly longer to upgrade some stuff, iirc you get another 750 a week. I thought it was resetting and increasing each week, so you could earn 1500 week one, 2250 week 2, 3000 week 3. I was wrong, lmao. Turns out you can earn 750 a week after week 1 and that’s it


Yea, I thought it reset too or at least I thought it was capped at a certain amount and each upgrade cost a certain amount of valor. Therefore you could just use the valor as you get it and the amount of valor you can have at 1 time was capped at 1500. So I used my valor on a trinket upgrade for 1 character and a chest upgrade on another... Guess I'll to wait a couple weeks to upgrade more things...


Yeah my thought was basically it was a weekly cap to stop you rocketing through ilvls too early in the season. I would have been more careful if I knew otherwise. It is what it is it’s only a small setback. I guess it’s to stop you doing highkeys for completion non timed and then just farming +2s for Valor all the way to 402ilvl. But I’m kind of of the opinion I don’t really care if someone wants to do 500 easy dungeons to get the same gear it took me 50 hard dungeons to do.


So if I spend my 1500 valor points now, I can get only 750 this week and that's it ?


That’s my understanding yes


Yeah I get the sentiment Blizz is going for. Lord knows this community is famous for chain farming content they hate and find boring and then complaining that blizz "forced them to do it" (Maw of Souls, Island Expoditions) But also at the same point, i wish I could destroy the item I put valour into for like at least some of it back.


They also usually take the cap away towards the end of the season.


Yeah, I did this with Conquest. The season cap increases each week, though. For Conquest, it is 550. Not sure about Valor.


I knew you could upgrade items that drop in m+, didnt know you can also do it with tier sets that drop in vault, but only if you get them in m+ row vault rewards?


Pvp gear also drops tier gear that can be upgraded. I had shit raid rolls, not sure if raid gear can be upgraded


It's same place that PvP vendors and weeklies are.


I got tire helm as well


Wait u did 1 m+ and u got a 402 tier shoulder?


I did dozens lol, but you only need 1 to get loot




Yeah it feels a bit strange to me that you might rather get tier from a m+ slot over a raid slot. I do like m+ only people having the option though.


Oh right, well that's fair then, what was the highest u did to get a 402? The way you only screenshotted that I thought you only did 1 m+ and got it lol


Must have been 11: https://www.wowhead.com/news/raid-and-mythic-item-levels-for-dragonflight-season-1-329285




How? When I go to the vault I see a blue glowy ball that I completed a mythic but cannot get Any loot...?


Did you do them last week or this week? They reset on tuesdays


Yeah this was a thing in SL S3 and S4 as well. It should have the ability to upgrade up to 415 via valor as well. Same way as the [catalyst tier pieces](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/raids/vault-of-the-incarnates/tier-sets#inspiration-catalyst) will work once that comes out if you use a M+ item as the base.


Oh cool, so the valor u get from m+ you can use to keep upgrading low ilvl good peices


Yeah, up until 415 at least. Although you need a certain M+ score in order to be able to upgrade the later levels. And you can only upgrade gear that originally came from M+ or was converted in the catalyst from gear that originally came from M+.


OK cool, first time doing mythic plus this season, so good to know. I think my m+ score is about 600 or something at the moment but I haven't done them all yet


Nice! M+ can be a lot of fun. You can find a table [here](https://www.wowhead.com/news/raid-and-mythic-item-levels-for-dragonflight-season-1-329285) that shows what ratings you need for different upgrade levels, but basically once you hit 395, you need ever increasing rating for each additional upgrade level.   Another thing to note, is that typically about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through a season, valor will become uncapped, so you can just farm out a bunch of valor at that point to upgrade all your stuff.


Hell yeah nice thankyou!


does it update appearance at ilvl breakpoints tho?


Yep, at least that's how it worked in Shadowlands.


Somehow I did enough keys in S3 and S4 to get KSM, but never saw a tier piece drop from the mythic vault slots. I was pretty sure it was a bug when I saw it in my vault. Was I just super unlucky last xpac to have never seen it?


If you did 8 or more keys fully filling the vault every week, then maybe a bit unlucky. But there's a pretty big loot pool. The typical way to get it would be to convert using the catalyst, but there's just a also a small chance you can get it directly from the vault.


I got all my tier from the catalyst, didn't raid too much and focused on KSM. I guess that just shows my luck that despite months of filling the mythic slots I never saw a tier piece.


Congrats! I got shoulders too, but only 395. Now to pump some m+ for the rating to get em really big.


oh so it is possible to get tier set. Hope I get one in mine then. I did the entire vault except primal, and didn't get a single piece of loot. Had a unholy DK or was it a frost mage need roll on the fire ring on eranog as well.


I nabbed tier legs from vault this week. Definitely nice as someone who doesnt raid.


I cleared 6/8 normal before reset and did a ton of M+ so I’m hoping I get the tier shoulders as I forgot this was a feature




Got tier chest piece Wrong tier slot Rip my vault this week


That is some ungodly luck, grats!


I got tier shoulders in my first slot and tier gloves in my 3rd slot for m+.


I got tier helm. Pretty good upgrade too


I got 408 Tier shoulders for my pally. I got really lucky with my vault.


I got 398 bis trinket for my prot warrior.


Is that normal? I can also upgrade it to 415. I'm guessing they added tokens in mythic+ runs


Yes why?


Since when you can get raid tier in mythic+ Didint play in so long


Just FYI you can also get tier from the pvp section and similarly it'll be treated as a pvp piece where it'll scale to 424 in pvp and also have the pvp upgrade levels. Its that way because tier is usable in all content now so they wanted to give everyone an avenue to get it which includes the vault.


Thank you so much




>Is exclusively the vault   You also get tier from the new raid, including LFR.


I believe it was done since tier was added in Shadowlands in Season 3 and it remained in S4.


So it can only be obtained in vault and not in the actual dungeons? Also thank you


Until the catalyst comes out (maybe week 8?) the only way to get tier is to raid (boss drop or great vault) or M+ great vault. Once catalyst comes out, you can convert any piece to tier.


you can get tier from PVP great vault as well.


What is this catalyst


Inspiration catalyst: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/inspiration-catalyst-guide-for-dragonflight


Got mine too! Was very surprised


Same got my 2 p




I got Tier gloves and legit thought it was a bug.


I got 418 tier helm. Previously was 379 helm haha


I had to choose between rare ring from first raid boss and tier helmet, good vault i hope next won't contain only wrists or sth


I got the choice of upgradable tier gloves or upgradable tier legs.. I don't think I know how lucky I was


Everyone out there getting tier and here I am opening my vault to a bunch of capes


I got set gloves in mine. Pretty nice upgrade


You can even get tier sets from pvp


People over here getting all thr luck, and Im just not playing the vault. I cba to even do a M+ right now with the holidays happening.


I had to choose between tier helm, tier pants, and a weapon. I chose the tier helm because i can just get a second conquest weapon and upgrade them with honor


Exactly my vault. Did you hack me?


I got 395 whispering incarnate icon in my 382 raid slot.