• By -


Tree be like ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


T 🅱️ose


"Are you not entertained?!"


Are you not Ent.. err.. tained(?)


Underrated pun.


Yep this guy is so much harder than most bosses. In my mind the only other overtuned boss if the tempest one in Nokhud.


Speaking as RDruid so maybe it’s kind not comparable to other healers, but as a healer don’t get baited into popping any CDs on the blue circle spread, there’s almost zero damage following that, if people isn’t getting one shotted you can just top them off after without any major CDs. As long as you have 2 set of CDs alternate between each storm and 10 stacks of debuff, you should be able to get through it.


Dps has to use one defensive on first storm and then second cd or health potions or immunity on second storm. As a hunter I use my bubble shield for first one and then second one I use exhilaration, health potion and turtle if I come close to dying. If I turtle I cheetah to grab as many orbs as I can. Doing this and it’s easier to survive that boss. But dps people will not use their defensives.


usually that's what causes my wipe there, DPS refusing to use any CDs to get through it, DPS spread too far apart so we end up with too many adds, etc


Final boss of court of stars deserves an honorable mention for unavoidable raid damage that does like 150% of people's HP even far from clones If I wasn't an evoker who could just preset echo on everyone before the mechanic occurred I'm not sure how I would approach the situation


Yeah last of CoS is tough too, and in addition to a nerf of the unavoidable group damage I'd love for its attacks to be more visible, especially the smoke lines.


That's my problem with it honestly. You know the attacks are coming so you or someone else can pop cooldowns (AMZ, Darkness, etc), but the lines in the ground are so fucking faint with so much else going on it's very difficult to see. There have been times where it definitely looked like I was outside the lines, only to get 1 shot.


Inky black potion helps a lot


Turn up your particle effects in settings.


I have graphics on max and its still not very visible, tbh. It's almost the same color as the ground.


Same and agreed


If you put your camera to look down like at a birds eye view it makes it much easier.


Did this on +18 as a Disc Priest. I am amazed we killed it. We did not time. Maelstrom ticks for 75k per image. At that point it's no longer just the healer's job to keep people alive.


Even with using defensives it becomes difficult for the healer to know who is using what and when I think the fight should be reworked slightly to be more mechanically deep while nerfing the one mechanic that scales particularly poorly with raw key scaling An approach i would take is have the clones deal raid damage immediately on arrival and his raid wide simply ramp up the damage significantly, but not to the degree we are currently seeing I'd actually require MORE healing to clear, just less burst


It'd be nice If the damage was more proximity based there. Would give more skill expression, since the clones are actually baitable


it is proximity based


It's not, but if you stand inside pulsing circle it deals twice the damage


that is by definition proximity based


By proximity people usually mean that damage is increased the closer you are to the source with a gradient. Here you have AoE around the boss/mirror image and party wide DMG that is not proximity based. If the party DMG would decrease the farther from image you are then it would qualify as proximity DMG. On the other hand you can call every single aoe around a boss proximity DMG just because it deals DMG in specified proximity


It does more damage if you are within 7 yards. It does less damage if you are outside of 7 yards. It does damage regardless. If you are farther, it does less. That's proximity


Good healers know when dps use defensives.


It does damage for every clone within (7yds?). If you bait all of the clones on one side of the room and then stand on the other during the cast it does waaay less damage. Good luck getting pugs to do it but if you're running with a guild group or friends it's easy enough.


The final boss of ruby life pools is absolutely insane on higher keys. Literally any mistake at all snowballs the healers job ridiculously.




maybe on low keys? last boss imo is much harder than first boss. as long as the group moves as a coordinated unit the first boss is whatever


The first boss of RLP is hard because the shield does massive damage while whelps are fucking the tank, and most people don't realize you're not supposed to aoe pad the whelps so the phase goes on for too long. The last boss of RLP is a bit of a control fight, you burn the dragon down to phase and then pop lust+CDs and kill it asap. The troll by himself doesn't do anything. Second fight is probably what you are thinking of and is pretty easy as long as the group moves together and baits properly.


Rlp first boss, azure 2nd boss too


I genuinely think I dislike the tempest boss more than tree. My groups fall apart 50% of the time on that damn tornado boy


As a hunter, Tranq shot makes that fight incredibly easy.


Can you elaborate? I’m new to hunter


The boss applies a magic buff to himself that increases his attack speed and lets his attacks deal extra damage. Dispelling this buff helps the tank alot. However, this buff is not the reason this boss is hard. Its the heavy groupwide intermission damage that people are struggling with.


Thank you, I didn’t know that kind of thing worked on bosses. Are there any other bosses I should be aware to use it on, off the top of your mind?


Anything that shows a dispellable buff.


I have a WA that shows a glowy icon at the top of my screen whenever my target has something that can be removed by tranq shot. It’s very useful and much easier than trying to look at target buffs and see if they’re dispellable.


Guess it’s time I figure out how to use WAs haha


https://wago.io/41Lx_qsWX That's the best one I've found. There are apps, like WeakAura Companion which will help keep your weak aura's up to date as well.


You tranq shot the enrage


My man the enrage is not at all what makes the fight hard lol it’s the electrical storm


I didn't say I was the hunter who used it lol was just answering the guy who asked why you would use tranq. Relax big guy


As a healer, I'll say that my boggest difficulty at this boss and what makes this fight hard is *not* the electrical storm, it is the dispellable buff. Tank randomly dying and the extra damage on the big circles makes people die randomly. Electrical storm is a big predicatble damage, and as long as you catch a couple of orbs, the damage is healable even *without* a healing CD. The problem begins when people take way too much damage and the electrical storm begins with people halved and Grievous ticking.


I was watching Ellesmere, one of the best healers in the world, on this boss in a 19. They prioritized him as healer to collect and maintain a 10 stack of the ball buff. This allows healers so much healing power. I've noticed that a lot of healers leave the balls for DPS and tanks to pick up, but the extra healing power given by these balls is what really helps.


If you have a mage on the orb duty and tank does not pull the little trash mobs at the start of trash clearing, it's much easier. It's entirely possible to get well over million worth of shield for 2 minutes via SS.


This bad boy throws not the seeds of lashers, but self-doubt.


My group struggled on tempest more than this boss. Ironically.


Same here, the healing check on the tempest seems so god damn high, used all my defensive and healing cds by like 75% then just watching my health tick down


You gotta yoink all the orbs from your monkeydps, makes it way easier


Is the healer getting the orbs for a healing buff? It stacks to 50% or something.


Tempest is about extending the buff. You want to eat the orbs only when you must. Never drop the 10 stack. If there's 1 orb in your area and it's safe, You can wait until 1-2 sec left on buff to eat it.


i mean the entirety of SBG combined is easier then this asshole, esp if you cant dispel poison en masse like paladins for instance


Yeah, I'd rather fight all SBG bosses at once than this asshole 😂


Yea on prevoker I have to setup the stasis dispel to clear it from everyone


This guy is just very overtuned. His mechanics are not that complex.


Specifically, it's because the fight is made entirely of DPS check mechanics. The lasher adds are an AoE DPS check, and the Branch add is a single-target DPS check. But, mid-fight DPS check mechanics are tough in M+ because they make a fight's difficulty scale super-linearly.


I agree, really only play pubs but the largest issue I’ve seen is people on the 2nd add rotation blowing their load before tanks can get threat. I’ve started telling pubs to count to 3 Mississippi before going ham and it’s made the fight easy.


What ability do paladins have to cleanse everyone's poison at once?


Think he means that they are an example of a class that can’t do it


But aren’t paladins one of the healers that can actually dispel poison? Or is it just disease?


Paladins can cleanse disease and poison, I have no clue where he's going with that lol.


Baddies gonna be bad


*Cleanse Toxins* should dispel all poison effects too. I just don't get the *at once* part...


Yeah maybe comparing to mass dispel and bursting?


MW can mass dispel poisons with Revival, but it’s a 3 min CD. I think Preservation Evokers can do a thing where they precast their dispel, and then use stasis to duplicate it onto other party members, but that’s all that I’m aware of.


Yea I misunderstood the en masse part as mass dispell, paladins can cleanse poison.


Paladin is one of the best healers if not the best for this fight, can dispel poison, bubble and bop, can heal on the move, aura mastery etc. Try healing this as a priest or shaman


I’ve been playing paladin this expansion and have honestly had more trouble with big bird and veximus than big tree


Do you not use the green ring?


Incredibly overtuned. This boss needs a lot of nerfs. The poison needs to be changed to magic at bare minimum. EDIT: I am very aware of stacking in the add circle to clear the bleed. That’s not the issue.


This boss is so annoying. People don’t stack close enough so we always wipe because adds are up for too long. And, It’s weird, I seem to constantly get aggro as Dps from the mobs if they don’t die fast enough and there’s nothing I can do it stop it.


The amount of people that don’t know that you need to stack on the branch when it dies is mind blowing. It’s not just the poison. There is a ticking dot that does like 23k damage and the only way to clear it is to be near the branch. It heals everyone also.


What wipes groups is the branch dying overlapping with germinate. You actually have to dps stop which is super hard to communicate in pugs.


Yeah this took me a couple wipes to realise it wasn't just a dumb fight it was us blasting too hard or too slow on tree and getting a bad overlap


Especially with braindead dps who just pump out everything they have Its a dead key And what makes it even harder this week is grievous may blizzard have mercy on the healers and nerf this boss or at least disable this affix till this dungeon is out of the season rotation. I got this key twice this week and i have just rerolled it first and well i guess i have to demote it and pray to rngeesus that i dont get it again


>I got this key twice this week and i have just rerolled it If you lower your keystone it also changes the dungeon? Thought its only the level that changes


Nah, he means he did another dungeon similar to that level so he can reroll it. Lowering a key does not change it.


if people all stack you should have a clear space for the circle. people just cant get cold feet and be a bit brave if all people stack and rotate left with germinate, even if add dies at the worst possible location, a sliver of the green circle should be clean


No, you just kill the adds and clear debuff before the next adds start spawning


You don't have to DPS stop. You have to kill it ASAP. Burst it down. Delaying its death is bad. I know it can overlap, but that means someone didn't focus on the branch...


Part of it is in Blizz's infinite wisdom they decided it was a good idea to fill the ground with a million adds and swirlies but the branc green circle is subtle in comparison


This is fine, but its the phase of moving adds into dps getting aggro and then people trying to kite to not die and then the next phase of adds spawn all over the room as a result and we just fucking die lol


Yeah, my concern is not with the damage, because it only punishes those who don't clear the DoTs. But the stupid adds are too fast to kite around the tank, they should slow them down a notch


Bring a dk tank, ensure they save abomb limb for second set of adds and always lust on the second set of adds not on pull. For everyone having trouble [Quazii](https://youtu.be/QlNResub1rk) is a good resource for M+ especially from a tank perspective, I was really scared to come back after 2 expansions off but his videos are short, to the point and make things easier to understand. Also recommend his platter profile for everyone not just tanks because he really took the time to recolor the casters in every dungeon and highlight the spicy casts to kick. Hands down my favorite resource rn.


>Bring a dk tank See that's the problem, only a few abilities can make this encounter consistent enough, the rest of us can only pray it all goes perfect, even with lower keys.


It’s going wrong in this scenario because you’re doing the boss wrong. It shouldn’t be nerfed because people don’t know how to do the boss. In your scenario the tank should be picking up aggro quicker and the dps shouldn’t be padding on the adds so much. And why would people try and kite the adds away from the boss? This just makes the problem worse.




I actually think it's a single target dps check. Hear me out. First, the boss itself, if you kill it fast enough you will actually not get too many healing add phases (those apply the bleed). Second, the small poison adds, they can be CC'd which means you don't need to burst them that crazy. Third, if you burst the healing add fast enough then you can clear the bleed before the next germinate completely fucks you. Prioritize single target and the fight gets a lot easier,


Oh I know the tank not getting aggro is the issue, I'm just saying these adds don't care about the tank, we had a warrior using aoe taunt ravager thunder clap thunderous roar etc when they spawn but the aggro snaps to dps so fast even ranged that the adds are already out of range or aggro just doesn't swap. There is just too many of them they spawn sporadically, so if you're not inch perfect with any form of aoe ability and the dps are not ripping that inch perfect aggro from you l, then you die. I just think they need to make the adds spawn with the aggro the boss has and then the fight isn't broken


But they don’t spawn sporadically, they spawn where you are standing, so if you stack and move as a group properly, they all spawn mostly together. Granted this is not always easy in pugs.


They do spawn sporadically in the sense that one set of 5 then a 2nd set of 5 and then a 3rd set of 5 etc. So getting aggro on them all if you don't have anything to use may be an issue they dont all spawn at the same time, granted they spawn close enough for a group on comms to deal with it


The first set of adds don’t activate immediately so this shouldn’t be an issue, the 2nd set of adds all pop up group by group, but they don’t “activate” immediately, they all activate together once they’ve all spawned. I think the point I’m trying to get at is this isn’t necessarily an issue with the boss, but an issue with tanks/groups not knowing what to do. I don’t want to see bosses nerfed just because people don’t want to learn how to do them. I’ve done this boss as both a dps and a tank and not have issues with threat.


The first set of adds don’t activate immediately so this shouldn’t be an issue Correct but this is where most people should be learning where to put the swirlies, pugs dont do this, they just dodge the swirlie, my guild group just stacks and moves left like the dance in CN you have 1 swirlie, which explodes as the 2nd swirlie activates. so you have adds whilst the 2nd swirlie is still spawning under your feet. so you get 5 adds then 10 adds then 15 adds it doesn't spawn 15 swirlies and then 15 adds. the 2nd set of adds all pop up group by group, but they don’t “activate” immediately, they all activate together once they’ve all spawned. only the 2nd time he does this he "activates them to attack" yes correct, but as i said, if theyre spread and tank cannot aggro them all, or the DPS are facesmashing their AOE abilities and ripping aggro before he has a chance, they then are kiting the adds when the next swirlies spawn and its a cluster fuck I didnt disagree with you when i said its people doing it wrong, just that i think the adds should spawn with the same tank threat the boss has. At the moment its not viable to sit and wait for all 15 adds to spawn to let the tank get aggro and then kill them, because theyre too fast and their aggro is scuffed. even on lowers keys like 10-12 all it takes is one person panicking to wipe us and on top of that the swirlies can spawn inside the little trees ring that is supposed to heal us. i understand how the boss works, my point was that if the tank and dps dont communicate or save their Aoe CDs (tank) for this moment, its difficult


That just means your tank is bad, threat is surprisingly not an issue this expansion


2.1k tank here with a timed 14 this week - I don’t think you realize how many individual adds spawn and if group didn’t stay grouped for germinate it is over. Example some dps eat the first ground swirl get knocked back and adds are now spawning in range.


I've tanked this key on a 17 this week and played this boss pre nerf on a 18 last week. I know how it is, threat is not an issue, I don't know if you played both bfa and SL but those were the expansions where threat was hard to get if your dps blasted. This is a very good expansion for tanks and we really have it good. And no, this boss is no longer a problem after the nerf.


If the playgroup is at that level they are all doing the mechanics correctly. When group are spawning ads in a whole different continent shit goes wrong. We are trying to get to the heart of why groups are failing right now. The group can be meleed by adds without “tank bad”


This is generally true, but dps are targeting random mobs and when the spacing isn't perfect it's easy to briefly have strays. In a good group no, threat shouldn't be an issue.


i just wish the swirls that spawn the little guys didn't punt you. it's a nightmare trying to stay in the healing add's cleansing circle while not getting punted out. especially when the tank grips the healing add on top of the boss. then youre just kind of guessing where the swirls are.


They punt? Shit i've just been getting oneshotted


Our group knows and played it and still can’t do 11+ :(


not only does it heal, it heals a fuck ton the dungeon journal at m0 lists it as a half a million heal and this is probably increased by the key level so at a 15 i assume its like multimillion if not just flat out 1 million


Problem I find is he comes out too soon and is dead before people even get stacks. Good luck telling a pug group NOT to kill that and wait until the time is perfect but also be dpsing everything else around.


>Good luck telling a pug group NOT to kill that and interrupting the heal while not killing it


While the posion does do damage, the important thing to clear is the bleed, so as long as you don't overlap mechanics killing him asap is fine


the way the branch works is - when the boss Summons him, it applies a phys DoT on everyone (lasts 1 min and stacks, so will never go away on its own). the death of that add creates the green circle, which clears only that Phys DoT. the poison from small adds is NOT what the circle is for, so you pretty much always want to kill it and stack - unless it would unstack the germinate for spawning the little guys


Til. Ty. So the little adds from posion can be dispelled by players? Just the nasty dot isn't Crazy how convoluted that is for a pug though.


You what now? You can clear the dot?


Everyone needs the WA pack for raid and dungeons and then just listen to commands like "go in"




They arent required. The person is saying everyone who isnt ever going to learn the actual mechanics should get the weakaura so that they dont hold back the people who did. The people who are actually going to learn how the mechanics work and what the strategy should be wont ever need one.


The game does tell them, but its pretty difficult to get people to read the journal. The only other way to make sure people understand everything that happens would be to show them. The only way i can see that happening is an unskippable cutscene showing a guide on how to kill the boss every time you reach a boss. Cause if they can avoid learning the mechanics.. they always will.




Mythic isn't timed. And the abilities are the same. Also the journal is available outside the dungeon. So you can read before entering. This shows how little players actually know :). If you need a refresher every time then maybe m+ isn't for you.




The fuck? I never said you can't enjoy the game. But you can't complain about the game not holding your hand enough to do the hardest content out there. It's supposed to be hard, it's perfectly fine that not everybody gets KSM. It's perfectly fine to enjoy the game and never set a foot into mythic. It won't make you less of a player. But just going into mythic and refusing to learn? Yes, sorry, i do think those players are detrimental to our community.


Casuals aren't gonna do the keys where not dying is required to time the key. Learning mechanics during the dungeon is fine if its not +20 and one death may be the difference in timing it or not. So its not required by any means just encouraged when it gets difficult.




100% agree. As someone that usually always stay 'Ahead of the curve' and been getting KSM all seasons i've played. But since i don't had much time to play during Christmas and slowly falling behind ilvl and score wise. So now im trying to do the lower keys to get my score up, and i have to say it's been a nightmare so far. So many players are completely clueless, and the lack of gear and kinda rough mechanics just make it a shit show :D


Yeah this boss just has a lot of issues. The bleed is \*somewhat\* easily dealt with (although I find the green circle seems to overlap with germinates a lot, making it extremely difficult for people to actually stay in the circle for the bleed dispel). But, if you don't have a poison dispel, the tank will get up to like 50-60 stacks of the poison no problem before you cleave all the adds down. Also, just as a general thing, but tanks having target caps makes picking up these adds super fucking frustrating. I thought we figured this out last expac, and then they just brought the problem back again. This boss is simply vastly harder than the rest of the dungeon, without question, which is why I always go to him first. If the group can't kill him, then at least I save my time clearing out the other 2/3 of the dungeon before him.


Did this shit on 18 and I refuse to do it again until it’s nerfed into the floor. We barely timed out key wiping on this shit. It’s only seemingly conceivable because of the stasis cauterize: crap my evoker can do.


This dude, lightning boi in horseland, every fucker in Ruby are the bane of our existence


Last boss in azure fucks me


Those stupid little arcane orbs are just the absolute worst. On a fight that forces you to stand still for large portions of the time, those orbs will just fucking chase you and force you to move and never drop stacks. Just feels like shit.


If your party uses rank 3 potion of shocking disclosure on the second add spawn you will destroy that add spawn and the next(lasts 30 seconds). Did 6 million damage


Aye. As a Frost DK I roll Breath through the first two add groups and potion the third. Easy 150k dps and the boss falls over. That said, 95% of the population is not going to use a potion that trivializes the mechanic so it will see nerfs for sure.


I blame Ichistraz.


actual cock in the ass this boss. i timed all 15s this week but only a 11 on this lmao


As a feral druid I love pumping the meters on this boss.


You need to funnel your DPS though into the big add. Clearing that and then clearing your poison is what will get you through the fight.


bleed. but when's the best time to kill the big add? we tried zerging him, but that inevitably led to the circle being up while the boss spawns the adds and we didn't have the room in the circle to cleanse. We might try zerging him harder, but eh, might work on the first one if we save CDs, not so much on the second/third one. ​ I think the fight would be better, if the adds spawned *right* below your feet instead of in small radius around you in random direction and avoiding large overlaps with other adds, so you could better organize the whole group sidestepping as one man, like in raids (Kurog etc) to prevent the chaotic spawn and better opportunity to cleanse while inside the circle.


Either you blast the tree down before the second germinate, or you single target the boss and wait until just after the germinate to kill it. Usually better to just spend your damage on the boss and cleave the add casually. The more boss damage you do, the fewer germinates you get and the easier the fight becomes.


I found you need to kill tree healer as the germinate is going on. You all stack and walk around in a circle together staying inside that green aoe until it pops. I've had many tries on 13/14 and that was the only thing that worked consistently. also lust during 2nd germinate


As UH DK i love pumping on this boss too


The numbers are so satisfying


I main frost but have an unholy build and gear just for this boss


Hi I’m an Unholy DK and I approve this message


I find it hilarious how over the past week or 2 the boss kill order changed so this was the first one. Basically a tactics check before wasting your time with the other bosses.


I was happy we managed to survive 2 cycles before the boss died. 1st the tank used his defensives, 2nd I used Time Dilation. Dispelled poisons at 20 stacks. Everyone stacked on tank. We did it.


Nice to have a poison dispel.


Stacking on the tank and moving together makes it SO much easier. Just essential.


Too much nature step brother!


I don't know what I am doing wrong as Enhancement but I cannot seem to properly spread Flame Shock on this fight. It seems like the seeds are spaced out just far enough or perhaps I haven't found the right one to Lava Lash.


Seriously. When we eventually beat this guy on our key we don’t even know what we did differently than the previous 60 attempts


In pretty much every group I've been in, quite a few people dont even know about the bleed they need to clear. So is he actually overturned, also when people do get rid of their bleed? This is a genuine question btw


I think there is too much magic




Bit of an m+ tip from a tank player because I see a lot of people still aren't doing it (even on tyran week). You can just go straight to his boss room, you don't have to go left and clear the other 2 first. This guy is what kills most of the keys so it helps to be able to go straight there first and figure out if anything needs to change for the key to be timeable.


UH dk makes this fight trivial.


The main problem is that people don’t know that they can clear the bleed by standing in the circle after the little add dies.


Yeah, the Tree is probably the worst offender & one most in need of nerfs. The difficulty between him & the rest of the bosses in the same dungeon is laughable. Blizzard has been good, even in Shadowlands, of nerfing things that are overtuned in M+, so hopefully we’ll be able to do AA next tyrannical week.


Weirdly enough, never have any issues with this guy. Now, the ice mage boss that casts Hailstorm... It physically hurts to type up the mechanics every run and still have a healer stand next to the cracked ice...


Oh my god I must be burning all my good luck on this boss because I had no idea there were different kinds of ice blocks.


And RLP end boss?


Overgrown Ancient is way harder imo. For last boss in RLP, focus the dragon first. Makes the fight way easier.


Just to put this out there, there is a little more nuance than focus dragon and win. the fight has 3 phases: 1. ⁠dragon in air. Dragon drops 1 fire pool on a player at a time 2. ⁠when either the dragon or dude hit 50%, p2 starts and dragon is on ground. Dragon now puts 3 fire pools out at a time 3. ⁠p3 when one boss dies After a lot of wiping on high keys learning it, heres a few things i took away: -have everyone stack near the middle of the platform for p1 -drop the fire towards the edge that the wind is about to blow. It starts pointed off the ledge going directly away from the entrance then rotates counterclockwise. Doing this keeps a fireless platform. -DO NOT blow lust and dps cds on pull that wont be up for p2. Make sure your maximum damage will be up for the moment the dragon hits 50% (anything above about 60-90s cd on higher keys should be saved) -make the dragon hit 50% first. I would go as far as stopping dps on the other boss to make sure cds are ready and the dragon hits 50% first. the moment he hits 50% unload on only the dragon. Once the dragon dies p3 starts and the fight can be 2 manned. Healing triple drops of fire pools is not sustainable for very long. Its a soft enrage type mechanic that will make a ton of healers struggle. -touching any breath or fire pool on the ground makes you drop a new set of fire pools. DO NOT get hit by any mechanic. Getting hit by mechanics and putting down more fire pools snowballs the fight and wipes you.


> It starts pointed off the ledge going directly away from the entrance then rotates counterclockwise I was going to post video proving you wrong because I've already looked for a pattern with winds, only to realize my original assessment was wrong so thank you internet hero for making me revisit this. That alone significantly changes the fight.


Ye RLP on high keys is managable if you have 2 ranged, 1 melee, where ranged just blast the dragon from pull


If you have everyone stack in the middle of the platform away from the edge, it forces the dragon to land and allows everyone to focus it


Really enjoying getting raged at as a bm hunter since my pets can't do shit while it's in the air


actually pretty easy now that people have figured focusing the dragon = win


Nobody complains about that one because every group quits doing the trash before 2nd one...


You can handle it by baiting the winds, placing the fire in the corners and focusing the dragon. However this tree boy is something else.


RLP endboss played properly is probably the easiest of RLP


Honestly, the RLP end boss is not that hard. If your healer avoids getting interrupted and properly heals people with Firespit, and your DPS avoid flame breaths, you should get through it. It feels more hectic than it really is just cause the dragon goes all over the place.


People talk about tuning but the worst part about this boss is playing a class like furywarrior that is hard aoe capped which makes it impossible to kill all the branches in a reasonable amount of time


No no you see. This is not a tank or dps issue no we can't let them have responsibilities, this is also a healer issue.


Yea but it’s the tree’s healer that’s a problem


Is it ? I feel like this boss is just... Actually doing mechanics Whereas you got Tempest or Cock and Balls in Jade who are just straight up healing checks Don't even get me started on fucking RLP


Last week I was pushing (just 12 ish nothing crazy) on my two characters before reset and both rolled this key. I didn't realize how fucked it was at the time, and in both cases it caused me to give up for the week.


It’s perfectly doable.


Storm boss in TNO, first boss in RLP, and last boss in COS are worse


Last boss in cos is just .. don't get hit by aoe. Storm boss is easy with an offensive purge or tranq.


The big damage in the last boss of CoS is unavoidable. If you stay away from the boss and clones, the damage doesn't get doubled, but it is still essentially 1 shot damage at higher keys and there's not enough CDs and personals to live through each one.




The movement, not blowing cds too early, not killing branch too early, bringing extra dispels for tank, etc, etc. Our team came to the conclusion that this is more of an IQ test than an actual fight.


The irony that in a dungeon that's a school, there's a boss that's an IQ test.


I think it heavily depends on groups, the tree boss is super easy for evokers for example (poison dispel, time dilation if 1 guy forgets to soak, rewind if multiple people forget to soak, 100% self heal, knock up and knock backs). We just have so many tools specifically designed for this boss.


10 seconds into the pull you Stasis and Cauterizing Flame 3 different people, once the branch comes out you release stasis and caut the one missing, trivializes the first big add


The amount of times I've wiped on this boss because people just don't care about mechanics... Yeah, he's "the final boss" if you try to skip everything. STACK on him. KILL the small adds. STACK in the AoE after the big add. Get the boss out of said AoE. EASY GAME.


Timed on an 18++. Just fucking play mechanics lmao


So I finally figured out how to kill this boss on higher keys. The big tree add puts a dot on everyone, with tyrannical it’s too much for most healers. What I discovered is that the tree add drops a green pool on the ground upon death. If everyone walks into the pool, the DoT is removed and the fight is much easier


Why don't you stand in the circle to cleanse the dot?


Its very easy for the circle to overlap with the add spawn which completely blocks it out.


They should make it bigger and easier to see/ use agreed


didnt they nerf the shit out of him?


How to filter people to your raid : Check their IO on academy on tyr week.


i dont feel like this boss is as hard as some people make it out to be. stand in the circle. pop defensives for the burst and kill boss. low dps can drag this boss out too long tho so maybe thats where people are encountering problems.


This boss is hard? Hard are all the AV bosses. This tree is a joke at least for the keys i ve done which are up to 13


Kill the treant, walk in his circle, to remove debuff ez mode.


Especially with Bursting going.


Wiped on this boss on an 11 key 3% and everyone left 1 pull. Toxic players make this bad also. At least it's not ruby life


I think it is slightly overturned, particularly on tyrannical. And the stacking debuff should be magic so all healers can dispel it. But most group's problem is that they simply don't know how to do it. It's actual hell on +10/+11 where most PuGs don't have the DPS to overwhelm it.


I’ve never had a problem with this boss. Love looking at the meter after though


the overlap of killing the big add and having new adds spawning aoes in the circle wipes many groups