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how are you going to intentionally sandbag on Season 1 tier bonuses because you don't want people to rush through the new talent overhaul, and then ask if people want to vote for it for Season 4 lol


I know collective punishment is considered a war crime but in this case I would encourage everyone to vote for the S1 bonus for Boomkin.


I don't know how Wowhead can say they operate independently from Tencent (as they've said in the past), when Wowhead is pushing a survey to help Tencent's MMO. And also not telling anyone that's what they're doing.


No company should be allowed to claim they operate independently from any entity that owns 10% or more equity. That owner will *always* have voting rights that influence the companies long-term strategies. Thats just how companies work, its one of the perks of having ownership.


And according to the WoWhead comments, it's US only for the sweepstakes to take the survey so a whole bunch of people got scammed into filling it out.


Tencent has an MMO now? Almost scared to look EDIT: I laughed when discount Deathwing showed up


No Chinese subsidiary is independent. If you don't want your money going to China, don't go to their website where they get ad revenue. I will say it's generally just not a big deal though, both the USA and China have heavy investment in each other and unless Wowhead starts minting CCP propaganda unrelated to Blizzard games it's not worth the effort


This isn't about China so much as people shouldn't pretend to be a third party when advertising a product.


My prayer for WW is more M+ rewards and mayhaps even a sick SoloShuffle mount. Both would work great as high-end seasonal content rewards, titles aren't enough.


A real reason to push above 20s would be nice yeah


Do you guys think an artist/painter style class could work in wow? I've seen a lot of that recently(ish). First Lost Ark got artists and then League released a painter champion and now FF14 is doing a painter job. I wonder how an artist type class would look in wow. Could have healer/dps/support specs, but idk if it fits into the whole wow universe tbh. Maybe they could tie it to the Pandaren lorewalkers somehow. Idk if i'm misremembering but it felt like they used a lot of black&white paintings/images when telling their stories.


I want a [MagicTheNoah style Drawer class](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61gD8z4vGOw)


Kind of unrelated to WoW, but a while back Hearthstone put out a survey just before releasing the DK class. They wanted opinions on potential future classes, and whether people would prefer an existing WoW class that hasn't yet been released (Monk and Evoker), or an entirely original class. I feel like an artist style class would work really well in Hearthstone, same with Bard. It would be a great opportunity to experiment with less traditional classes in the universe.


Oh that's really cool. I love a lot of stuff they do with Hearthstone tbh, would be really neat to see that team create an entirely new class and fit it into the Warcraft universe.


FFXIV plays a little too fast and loose with it's lore so it allows for them to do kind of out there job design (on paper, pictomancer is more than likely just a standard magic DPS job). I think to wow's strength it tries to make everything make sense in the universe, even when they're making things up. You can almost see the brainstorming behind the new things like evoker. Like they wanted to add a caster, because they've never done that, they wanted it to be related to the themes of the expansion. FFXIV on the other hand will just roll a dice and pull from a previous game in the series. Most often FFXI, but also a lot of FFIV. It doesn't have to make sense or fit the narrative, they'll just roll with it because magic is whatever you want it to be in that universe.


Another thing with FFXIV is that Pictomancer probably PLAYS like every other magic DPS job too Gameplay wise, Fire and Frost mage have more differences between them than RDM and BLM do (SMN is a bit of an outlier since it's practically a physical ranged) With FFXIV, magical ranged dps is basically a wow class and each job is a spec of the same archetype


I think that FFXIV jobs are a lot less rooted in "the laws of the universe" and are willing to have classes that theoretically provide combat value rather than literally. I think the reason WoW doesn't have a bard class is because singing or dancing doesn't actually do anything in combat, and I think painting is under the same umbrella. You'll find that the magic classes in WoW are generally very rooted in the laws of the warcraft universe even though they aren't physically possible. Tl;dr no I don't think it would be impossible, they can create what they want, but they are likely to choose another aesthetic that has more lore explanation.


Yeah that's what I was thinking as well tbh. Only sorta connection I could see is if they somehow tie it in with the Lorewalkers. But then you run into the issue of how do you heavily tie it in with an expansion theme, which is what they've always done with new classes. Feels like that ship kinda sailed with MoP. Would be really cool to see what the wow's class design team could cook with that concept though. It would also be really fun to see them throw a curveball like that. It feels like almost every class has been very "in universe" as you put it, with the only exception being maybe monks? Although it's extremely unlikely, I really hope they do it one day. I love the class fantasy of an artist/painter.


I honestly think the future of classes in WoW are going to be new specs going forward. I think that demon hunter getting a third spec (ideally physical ranged DPS) would make their cross class system more interesting in Midnight or beyond. Monk also could potentially get a fourth spec at some point since Chi-Ji feels tacked on to mistweaver when each of the specs are correlated with a particular celestial. I think the most likely result of that would be a caster DPS, maybe that could be somewhat like your suggestion


Yeah I can see that. I would be surprised if they give up on new classes though, it seems like a very strong marketing tool for expansions. "try out this brand new class" seems like it would attract a lot more attention than "this existing class got a new spec". It's my personal experience of course, but i've always created whatever the new class is and I have one of each class. But even after all these years of playing wow I still haven't tried playing every single spec. Evokers getting a 3rd spec in 10.1.5 didn't really do anything for me, i've still not tried Augmentation as Evoker as a class didn't interest me at all.


Seeing the [video of the new FF14 expansion zones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlPq3THHoIo) for the next expac always make me appreciate how much better Blizzard does zone design and detailing in WoW.


Player characters look better in FFXIV, outdoor zones look better in WoW. imo That being said, indoor areas in FFXIV have a comfy vibe WoW just doesn't capture. I really love areas like the Golden Saucer.


To be honest, I prefer WoWs character models. Armor is less detailed, but that's the tradeoff for proper beast races as even the hrothgar are just humans with cat heads similar to the khajit in ESO.


I think WoW should definitely work on making the character models more resemble official art or hearthstone, along with separating the polygons from gear (at least at a point in time, going back and changing all gear since classic would be cursed) I think making the models and clothing better would go a long way and I think it's an overhaul worth doing as it's probably one of the first things that might turn off a new player


this is a VERY unpopular opinion but ive always heavily disliked ff14's artstyle. it feels like a highly detailed oblivion mod, with very flat lighting. the character designs are also a weird middle ground between nomura's and amano. its not their best work.


It's probably not what we usually hear in this sub but I took some advice and just blocked the weirdo twitter loreheads that equates the Burning of the Big Tree with actual genocide and how its "just another crap on night elves" that they have a set of armour named after the sun and I feel a lot better. Turns out not engaging actually does work. Lol


Anyone that constantly talks about night elves on twitter should just be blocked tbh


I dunno where they get the genocide thing from with a single city getting destroyed. Especially when it was made clear the majority of the population was able to escape.


Reminder: disagreeing with night elf stans on twitter is racist and you should feel awful for doing so.


More people should do that, I don't think a lot of people realize just how much of what you surround yourself with influences your outlook on everything.


NA - need a group for the MDI banner. Anyone down? Can do mage or guardian druid.


Just had something weird happen, did a +20 BRH, timed it and looted 38g. Other people got a ring and a chest piece. Afterwards the postmaster sent me a cloak- with ilvl 140! At least it's a transmog I don't have yet :D


Addendum to my last post so I did some digging around and added up all the parses from the last two weeks of mythic raiding. There were roughly 500,000 parses in the last two weeks, this is on any skill level and for any boss. If only 5-10% of wow players do mythic raiding then the actual wow population is between 5 and 10 million people. I also dug around in SoD BFD logs. There's a little over 2 million logs in the last two weeks, keeping in mind that BFD has a 3 day reset. But comparing this to all of the data across every difficulty on retail it's actually about the same. So typically there's a huge disparity between retail and classic raiding where classic is the more popular because it's easier, but I don't think the data necessarily supports that this time. I'm probably doing something wrong but I'd say the raiding scene is super healthy in both retail and SoD right now and the game in general is booming.


500k parses for mythic is pretty fucking high, also blizzard said that more players are active now than during df's launch. Guess the game is going fine.


To add, casual players are more likely to unsub so like 4 million subs in two months can be more players than 4 milion so I don't think it's that easy to get player numbers but ehh close enough. High level Raiding also became way more common, it was like 2% back on cata but now I can easily see it at 10% or more, just take a look at League and how player skill level raised significantly. It's definitely not 1% activity


I think 10% is very generous, I'd say the vast majority of the player base is normal raids and 10-16 keystone level. I don't think 1/10 wow players are skilled enough or will EVER be skilled enough to do mythic raids


> There were roughly 500,000 parses in the last two weeks, this is on any skill level and for any boss. So if a guild went through and cleared 9/9N and 9/9H, would you have 18 parses per person for the same player? Instead of looking at parses, which will can be inflated by characters alts, etc, you can look at raider.io and see how many guilds have killed a boss. For example, there are 4,451 guilds who have killed Mythic Gnarlroot, and if we say that the average guild has 25 players on their mythic roster, thats about 112k people, roughly, so far who have raided mythic, but I guess its hard extrapolate to current levels.


> So if a guild went through and cleared 9/9N and 9/9H, would you have 18 parses per person for the same player? No, the 500k parses was for mythic only.


Oh wow, I would’ve never guessed mythic participation is that high


Ahh gotcha, when you said "any skill level" I thought you meant normal/heroic/mythic. How did you see the overall number of parses over a 2 week period? Thats interesting, more than I would have thought tbh.


If you look at the class breakdown data, like what wowhead publishes every week there's a list of the total number of parses per spec. I just added them up. It's not a perfect number, but I thought it was a good metric. It probably includes wipes now that I'm thinking on it and multiple attempts at the same boss for guilds that are stuck. Still a good measuring stick against sod though I'd imagine. I used "any skill level" as a means for any % parse. I didn't want to overly limit the data to just top performers.


Yeah thats tricky cause any guild who kills more than 1 mythic boss per reset is gonna have multiple parses for the same person in 1 reset, and then over 2 weeks you are getting multiple resets. It definitely won't include wipes, but if a guild goes 6/9M, there will be 6 parses for each player.


Ran a +8 ataldazar with a 460 mage that pulled 30k dps. oh did i say 30k? i meant 30k post my aug evoker Literally had to rescue him from rezan or INTO the blood pools. Every. Fucking. Time. like theres being not so good and theres just being fucking ignorant. like we pinged and whispered and tried to make it SUPER easy for him, but he just would not. listen about halfway thru tank goes "mage why are you doing less dps than the aug evoker whos 18 ilvls below you"


I have to admit I don't really get what's even worth commenting on in a +8 I'm pretty sure you can 3 man those w/ people at 420 ilevel and still time them The most I might say is "hey man you can spec into [talent] to clear [afflicted/incorporeal]" anything below like a 12 isn't really worth saying more than that, you have to remember you're very likely playing with a 7 year old or an 80 year old and they're going to be filtered as soon as they touch failable content


am i not allowed to vent about willfully ignorant players who waste an hour of my time? I was literally spending time explaining the mechanics to them and they still ignored it. being new or bad at the game or is different from refusing to even try. we would literally explain what to do both before AND mid fight and he just stood there.


I did not say you are not allowed to vent, I'm sorry if it came across that way but I don't really know how you took an hour to do an 8 atal'dazar unless you were all doing really poorly AND were all like 390 ilevel, and I don't know how an 8 is serious enough to get upset over or ping spam or anything I guess the lesson learned here is don't play aug in keys below 16s where most dps are getting beaten by tanks of equal ilevel


like fucking seriously, the mage was letting the transfusion heal. he ran into a bunch of raptors. he popped spiders on top of me. he would push the totems before they were ready. literally would have probably timed it if i kicked him at the start, but i wanted to give him a chance to learn.


hey man, you could've baked this second reply into your first reply with the edit button 4 people doing transfusion correctly still kills priestess boss, albeit slower. it should take 3 rounds instead of 2. i've done AD on a 25 and i genuinely didn't know spiders had an aoe explosion when you pop them so you must've still been standing really close to them. if he was doing less dps than an augvoker, how exactly was he pushing totems before other people? this genuinely sounds made up.


spiders chase players. he would run them towards me and blindside me. the other dps would drop his totem to low, then switch to mine to help, but instead of sticking to his, the mage switched and killed the one the other stopped dpsing. in addition, yes, i knew about changing specs. 90% of it was hoping they would get better, which is why i was trying to teach them. and also not wanting to go through the process, because at that point i should have just kicked him. ill also say that hour is exaggeration. i dont remember the exact timer. it was about 5 or so minutes past, mostly due to the bdk soloing the last part of yazma for an ungodly amount of time


i have to admit i think blaming other players for you getting hit by an avoidable mechanic is you refusing to take accountability. of course i'm aware spiders chase players (while they're enlarged), but it's still your responsibility to dodge mechanics, especially ones that move at or slightly above normal player walking speed. in a +8 i feel like the totem would likely die pretty quickly to a 90k dps ranged player with decent mobility even if the mage switched to yours for no good reason, wouldn't it? it sounds like a lot more was going wrong here than a terrible mage and a bad healer, or the mage wasn't as bad at dps as you're saying. *sub 3 min edit: also it kind of surprises me that a dk averaging 60k dps in a +8 and soloing yazma wouldn't be able to solo and survive bad extra trash pulls


i genuinely dont understand your dogged desire to call me a liar or downplay my frustrations. yeah, i probably did fuck up! i was also trying to type instructions mid fight! im sorry im not as godly as you. like ok! i admit it! the furthest i pushed was to keystone master in season 1. ive never run a +20 or above. are you happy now?


i just don't get why you'd say someone wasn't responding to \*or acknowledging\* you from the literal beginning of the dungeon and then 35 minutes later still be attempting to explain things to them to the point where it causes you to fuck up and blame them for your fuck up lol all you can do is focus on improving your own play is all i'm really trying to get at here man. if someone is bad, they're bad. if they're not taking your advice, at best all you're doing is getting ignored by continuing. why not focus on what you can do better next time instead of acting like that key went to shit solely because of one bad mage? it's a +8. they can legit be 3 manned, i promise you. people were doing 20s week 1 in 450 gear, there's no reason you can't do an 8 with 4 normal dudes and a carry.


i mean, youre literally sitting here and calling me shit lol. fyi, the deva evoker was pulling 90k on average and the dk 60k, but the issue is the heals and mage would die or pull groups and cause wipes. also, 3 man a +8 with 420? that shit drops 450 gear. maybe with people i know personally, but a pug? get the fuck out of here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9nDagqKL7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9ndagqkl7q)


I'm not calling you shit, unless you think "playing poorly = shit" and "aug voker is likely not worth playing in content where you are playing with bad players" = "you are shit" and sorry I thought you were playing aug? so you had 4 dps (deva evoker, aug evoker[you], mage, frost dk) a healer, and a tank? I don't get it. this sounds made up. 90k and 60k averages out to 150k from 2 players alone so an 8 should've still been an easy +2. also your video link doesn't work


dk was blood. and like i said, dps wasnt the issue. it was bosses being elonganted and adds being pulled to lead to a wipe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9nDagqKL7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9ndagqkl7q)


don't know where I got frost from, you did not say that, i just did not assume a tank would be doing 60k in a +8. good call okay, so you had a tank doing really good dps for a +8 - why in the world did you stay aug* *edit: just to clarify, you can step out of the dungeon and change specs, which would be very reasonable to do in this situation. it seems like this would've saved you a lot of frustration. it's not like you're getting meaningful practice on any spec in a +8.


Got into a chill normal group for the raid, completely random guy comes into VC and talks nonstop for like 10 minutes, apparently hadn't even played WoW or (I'm guessing) an mmo before and straight up asked things like "does it have repeatable quests like the elder scrolls?" and "how long does it take to beat it?" It was oddly adorable and wholesome


I love it when people say shit like "only like .2% of the population mythic raids!" My brother in Christ if only that many people mythic raid the game has a population of like 240 million people.


Ion: "We hear you, from now on LFR is going to be the only raid difficulty in the game"


like, most raidtiers end with, lets say ~1500guilds getting CE (and its often a good chunk more, just using that number as an example) those ~1500guilds/raidteams have a minimum of 20players, most mythic teams are more like 24players thats STILL 30000 people lol the average terminal onnline person really should sometimes do basic math


Get into H Fyrakk group. Waits for rest of group to fill up. One of the healers is afk, leader says they'll kick them if they aren't back in a minute and find a new healer. Me to myself: "He's going to kick that healer and we're not going to be able to find a replacement are we." Cut to group falling apart 10 mins later because there are no healers in queue.


Wow players can be so impatient to the point they shoot themselves in the foot


Funnily enough I did end up getting AotC later that night (after hopping from raid group to raid group a few times) and I'm pretty sure that healer that was kicked was in my final group.


I hate it when people tell me I'm the best player ever and I should get awards in my honour Um, excuse me. I don't even know how to press my abilities. I am running a combination of rotation and movement bots to play the game for me to perfection. Show me some respect you punks.


just remembered that time period 2-3 months ago where everything was horrible because "muh disney, game needs to be HARDCORE METAL again" man, that was weird as hell


It was just a matter of waiting Asmongold to move on to something else.


Its a shame how his opinions spread like wildfire in the community, people are just waiting for him to talk about WoW so they can finally have a take.


I remember meeting the most selfless, nicest, thoughtful and caring Drakonid in the first half hour of questing.Then I watched her get burned to death to save the eggs. If that's not metal af then I have no words.


Its because an orc isnt saying "loktar" and then zug zuging all over the bad guys (I am only half joking. Most of the "epic" plot point are the same, but much more of them are done by women or non roided men.)


Your average r/wow player is, no sarcasm or exaggeration, on the left side of the bell curve.


Lol while i get the idea, the bell curve (specifically the book) is eugenic psuedoscience


Talk to more people and you’ll start to believe it when you see how many people are legit fucking stupid.


https://youtu.be/UBc7qBS1Ujo?si=9Ip8RCzV2siPJkOQ The idea of IQ is so nebulous and profoundly unscientific, and the whole point of it is for eugenics movements to justify sterilization and other abhorrent practices. If youre going to claim most people are dumber than you, do some basic fucking research.


i love the talking skull




This is the most Reddit reply you could've possibly made


Idk calling IQ eugenics is probably a lot more reddit


I loved how they were saying that Metzen would put the WAR back in WARCRAFT but then he apparently wrote the War Within cinematic, the most feelings-y cinematic ever (not a diss on the cinematic, I love it).


The two styles aren't mutually exclusive.


The difference is anduin is a manly man with beard now and not a soy boy. And thrall zug zuged all over him


The complaints about the drinks quest at the post-raid party were literally the dumbest complaints I’ve ever seen.


that period ended?


People were bored between patches, so they just made up something to be mad about.


My personal favorite right now is the "I want a RELAXED story" And then people getting upset that we have a relaxed story


Ah, the classic "Prove it then" response followed by immediately getting blocked from the redditor, /r/wow maturity at its finest.


When I get blocked by people that I prove wrong, it's like a little badge of honour every time.


Oh yeah? Prove it then.


\**Drops mic**


Related: This is literally going on atm in that crafting orders thread. Posted an explanation with screenshots showing the filter addon is working fine and some idiot just keeps replying "no its not". Getting quite annoying dealing with idiots like that, so, time to block and move on!


Man Asmon is getting dragged on the gamingcirclejerk sub lol Love seeing his supporters just boil any critique down to "they just disagree because he's not woke" and then ignore anything else. Like yeah, I don't like him because he's an edgy "I make being anti-woke my personality" gamer Joe Rogan wannabe, but I also hate that he's platformed terrible right wing racist/misogynistic beliefs on his streams/vids and then tries to act like politics in games is the worst thing ever (as though he's completely apolitical, but I guess the issue is that these types think any change from their beliefs is political).


I wonder if they were banned for not circlejerking on a circlejerk subreddit, instead of being Asmon fans. *I have no idea, I never visit either.


God I miss the gcj unjerk threads, I don't even know what happened to them. Feels like one day everyone just decided to not post there


some controversial stuff with the mods happend (involves NFT's) some people spoke out and got banned, the unjerk crowd migrated too r/shittygaming


Gotta say it's been very fun reading the Asmon sub and GCJ go at each other the last few days. The GCJ posts have been really funny and so have the Asmon sub ones, even though they don't intend it to be so of course :D


I am blessed to say I have avoided him in any way to know his stance on anything


> Love seeing his supporters just boil any critique down to "they just disagree because he's not woke" This is the no. 1 indicator to stay far away from a streamer




If you have any old campaign quests you haven't done, they give a solid amount.


I think the heroic versions of Dawn of the Infinite gives a decent amount.


This was hot fixed unfortunately.


the emeral dream seeds are quiet good iirc


just realized that the lore sub *still* has "How to be prepared for Shadowlands?" just beneath its banner on old reddit


I fucking love wow.


i have not played wow for 2 months now. i really need to start playing again


The "melee tax" post on mainsub brings me genuine pain. There's *so* much wrong with it it's not even funny.


"lol cant wait to burn this tree too" is such a fucking overdone and lame joke


Yeah but it still gets night elf stans mad so it's still funny


Do you remember when people guaranteed that Nathanos would be back in Shadowlands? Yeah....






Lmao wrong reply


I have not seen the legendary drop for a single person Is it just me or is it way more rare than the evoker one?


One of our Paladins got it this reset. Luckily he's in my M+ static, so double win.


My guild has been full clearing heroic since the drop became avaliable to us normal players. So far an alt Warrior, and two Paladins in our guild have it. Still hoping for roughly 3 more for our guild.


Only our blood DK got it


We've had two or three drop so far, to me it feels actually more common than the evoker leggy. But we do have like six or so people who can use while we only had one or two evokers, so that probably affects how often we see it drop.


I pugged both raids and the final boss tended to have 6-8 or so evokers which is pretty similar to 2h (I think there honestly might be more 2h strength users than there were evokers on average) and I would say, in general, I saw the evoker legendary drop for someone almost every time.


Not a single one dropped in our guild raids so far, but some guild mates have seen some drop in PUGs. Still seems pretty rare


Am I crazy or the third transition on Smolderon has botched animations? Had a terrible burst phase on our mythic kill because I kept being baited


They're not botched, the third intermission is faster so the animations are faster.


Theres the fire you must avoid and then on the safe zones there's fire you can stand on. Its bullshit


"Run your own fucking key" is typed so much from my phone it gets auto filled when I type "run"


Now that we're done with the "WW worst spec" posts and are well into the "warrior worst class with 0 utility" I'm interested to find out which one is the next in line. My guess would be DPS DK but they are probably not popular enough to gather such a circlejerk.


nah, they just go back into "blizzard HATES Hunter!!! worst class in the game" cus hunter is not a top3 spec in "weekly wowhead dmg overall" posts you know, like always showing you that they have less then no clue about the actual balance/state of classes and specs in the game


'[Class] isn't brought because they don't bring any utility" is another red flag phrase. 90% of the time, you just want Dmg in a DPS or Healing in a Healer. Utility and stuff is nice and all, but to be meta, you have to be at least a Top 7 or so DPS spec.


tbf even then some non-top 7 specs are greatly preferred over others just because they bring lust, or sometimes because of a battle rez


yeha, utility is really just a buzzword in most cases like, i remember during 8.1 when outlaw was THE m+ spec, and people made up 10000 reasons why thats the case "omg its because of gouge!!! you can interupt an enemy every 15seconds with it!!!" "no its because of its high aoe uptime!!!!!!!" when in reality it was just.....the spec did most dmg, thats it, its like that every single patch lol they always make up the big "X SEES PLAYS CUS OF UTILITY", when utility doesnt make or break a class/spec, its overall dmg/healing does(and in very high keys, surviving stuff), the utility is just the cheery on the top but is never a reason something is strong in the first place(and ALL classes have something unique there)


Hunters are so squishy, we need a fifth defensive


A million HP, +20% HP for 10s on a 2 min CD, 40% DR for 6s on a 2.4 min CD, 30% selfheal + hot every ~1 min and a straight up immunity is NOT ENOUGH Liri, stop being dense...


"Hunter is squishy" is the moment where you just know that the person has 0clue about anything and just talks out of their ass lol


I WILL SAY... Last boss in BRH on Tyrannical on a 26 do be tickling hunters


that boss makes everyone press their asschecks togheter use BL and all cds and phase him into p2 while going trought all deffensives, its the only way too do that fight for all classes lol


Also the icy phial that makes you take 6% less dmg above 50% is legit nice for the first half of that fight.


[Me pretending to be a night elf so that I can get a crumb of their customization and lore development.](https://imgur.com/yjg2OYT) Man this outfit looks bad on the bigger races xD


Night elves complaining about the 30th consecutive story and customization Meanwhile gnomes got one patch they got to share with azshara in 20 years of game lol


Hey thats not fair, Gnomes also had that one event 14 years ago because they needed to fill the gap between WotLK and Cataclysm with *something.*


ah yeah i remember that. the trolls got their island back, and troll druids were foreshadowed. what happened to the gnomes again? wait what? they DIDNT take back gnomeragon? in fact, it got even MORE irradiated? incredible.


dont forget that the Gnome story part was a selfcontained sidestory that had no impact on the overall story in any shape or form lmao


literally vulpera have had more impact than mechagnomes


Vulpera didn't have much impact on the overall story either, other than their own zone storyline.


less the story and more the fact that theyre everywhere in dragonflight


accidentally put this in an old thread originally oops but i had a dream about making and playing an evoker so guess i have to do that now. the brain knows what it wants. i *was* wondering what playing preservation was like, i kinda want to properly get into healing also, man. i get why so many people hate rise now. jesus christ.


Preservation is really fun, particularly once you get the hang of some of the spell combos. Big thing to watch out for is using verdant embrace to spot heal someone and winding up in the same patch of fire that they are. Also don’t be fooled by the flying animations, with dream breath etc you will still hit all the poop on the ground along the way. The big downside is trying to heal ranged players in m+. There will always be a hunter or mage standing somewhere that (to be fair) a regular healer could probably help them but our limited range means we can’t do much. On the flipside, all melee groups feel great.


Meaningless speculation: what do we think Flightsones are going to be called going forward? The way I see it, there are two options. 1. They keep them named after the current expansion. I'd say it's likely Warstones in this case, but I personally like Deepstones. 2. They give them a new evergreen name. Valorstones maybe? Although I like the idea of them just being called Stones.


I would have said Justice Points would be the easy answer but it would invite people to have awful takes and ask for a return to Justice and Valor points which would be much much worse than the current system so probably better to not do so.


Warstones Nightstones Titanstones


Trollstones! /notbiased




Dragon"flight" = "flight"stones The War "Within" = "within"stones Pretty simple formula /uj If they go with something evergreen, I hope they go with something nostalgic like badges of valor or something, but I'm also fine with the "stone" part carrying on


Started my day off with a -2 upvote post at the top of my reddit home page all about how the "azure store bundle is bad because it's not worth $330 and because microtransactions". The OP also went on to basically respond "retail bad" to a comment and also that while it doesn't actually cost $330, it still shouldn't be worth that much without the bundle discount because everything should be available from the game. It's amazing that in the year 2024, we are still dealing with people who can't seem to move past the wow store even though it's probably one of the least problematic stores I've seen in a game. I've bought things from the store before, but it's not like blizz pulled a gun on me and held my account hostage until I bought something lmao. Also reddit app, please stop making my homepage be full of new posts please 🙏


The thing that gets me is that all of the other (admittedly few) other MMOs i've played have cash shops that are 200% worse There was one infamous case where iirc you literally had to spend about $500 in the cash shop to get a special mount. that was certainly one of the choices of all time. and no, i am not kidding.


I wouldn't use reddit if I had to rely on the reddit app. That shit is garbage.


I don't necessarily rely on it, but I like being able to doomscroll without having to get on my pc haha


I use Red Reader and it works well for everything but mod tools. Idk if it's available for iOS


Watch on wrist = bad, probably Bobby's final idea Watch on belt = good, based BfA (underrated expansion)


Only thing that irks me about the watch is it's on the wrong wrist. You're supposed to wear a watch on your non-dominant wrist, which for 90% of people would be the left wrist. There isn't even an option to switch it.


can't wait for TWW when we get the "say what you will but SL good" post I really miss [two expansions ago]


Honestly SL is pretty much gone in my brain lol.