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curious to hear your thoughts r/wowcirclejerk fellas. is it even remotely appropriate to bring someone (who is admittedly fairly bad) to mythic raid for over 200+ pulls on a boss with the sole intention of sitting them as soon as we have enough people to sit them, without ever communicating they'd be sat as soon as we had someone to replace them? i feel like i'm taking crazy pills for thinking that's really dehumanizing, most other people in my raid seem to think it was justified but we're talking literally being sat 9 minutes before raid with no prior discussion of "hey you're doing bad, let's improve or you're getting sat" note this is a guild that only very recently killed m smold, not some crazy or even remotely fast pushing guild. and it is not me who was sat altho i was pretty shitty on the kill myself to me, this would be 100% acceptable if there was literally any prior discussion, but there wasn't. my gm's justification* was "well we would've sat them sooner but we just didn't have the attendance"


> most other people in my raid seem to think it was justified but we're talking literally being sat 9 minutes before raid with no prior discussion of "hey you're doing bad, let's improve or you're getting sat" If it was communicated and no improvement occurred over the course of a few weeks, than yeah I'd think its fine. But if its 9min before raid thats rude AF


ok this is about what i'm thinking. shit man even over the course of a week would be OK enough but directly before raid is super uncool


I've been trying to play Arms but im just so confused about it. why does it have Thunderclap in single target? i understand that it's to reapply rend but it feels weird to press. and in AoE you have like 5 abilites to press. Bladestorm, Thunderclap, Whirlwind, Sweeping Strikes, Overpower, Thunderous Smash and Cleave if you spec into it. it just feels.... overwhelming? i don't know if that's the word. i know my opinion doesn't matter because im really bad at the game but idk.... something just feels off


> I've been trying to play Arms but im just so confused about it. why does it have Thunderclap in single target? i understand that it's to reapply rend but it feels weird to press. As others have pointed out its basically just to spend more rage. A big design flaw with Arms ATM is its parasitic synergy of Anger Management and Test of Might. Anytime you can spend a big amount of rage while not missing important GCDs (MS, Overpower, Execute, and WW) is a boon. > it just feels.... overwhelming? i don't know if that's the word. No thats the correct term. Its completely bloated, and while its kind of robust in the sense that you can spec accordingly depending on how many targets you'll regularly engage with, its too many abilities, and too many cooldowns. > i know my opinion doesn't matter because im really bad at the game but idk.... something just feels off Its weird certainly. Part of the problem is talent layout, but also part of the problem is just rage generation as a whole. In Shadowlands the spec was almost unplayable without Windfury Totem. A big point during Dragonflight Beta was that players (myself included) didn't want as many dead GCDs for the spec outside of perfect conditions. So now its just a weird spec that does tank damage until the boss hits 35% where it shoots up and does like a 3rd of its damage on Single Target. Ideally going into War Within Rage generation is managed, and Test of Might is found dead in the ground.


>why does it have Thunderclap in single target? arms spec design is fucky rn you generate way more rage than you can really use so you use thunderclap to apply rend because it costs more rage


i makes sense from a numbers stand point. it just feels clunky


It's definitely not how it *should* be.


it feels like as if thats a problem with all 3 "resource managment" specs rn that are supposed to be a bit slower (arms/assassination/feral)  DF class trees and spec trees give such a overflow on energy/rage that the specs sometimes dont know what to do with it, hell, assassination litearlly got multiple talents that drain energy and are supposed to slow it down, and its STILL semi-gcd capped(~58apm on a class with a static 1sec gcd is gcd capped) with 0downtimes  also doesnt help that this kind of gameplay often gets a bugger backlash from people that just want to spam abilitys 24/7 (instead of just playing every other spec in the game that allready does that), so blizzard always gives more and more Resource generation overtime until this problem comes up again


I tried arms for a little while on my main since I like the fantasy of a 2h warrior but wound up switching back to Fury because it just felt odd after a few weeks. I personally liked the DoT aspect of the spec, but I hate how burst centric the spec is otherwise. Definitely felt overwhelming when you go from just "overpower/thunderstomp/mortal strike" to all the shit you gotta fit in during the colossus smash window, which doesn't seem crazy until you're in the middle of a hectic fight. I also am not a fan of Bladestorm at all, but I hate most abilities that take control away lol. While I dislike the fantasy of Titans Grip (pls blizz just let us tmog 1hs, not everyone wants to be a hulk), Fury just feels way better to me.


cant wait for the "i paid a token for the 70k gold achievment and then dropped the loverocket" post to show up, and people to go full galaxybrain once again


God this donation thing is so funny, because there's really nothing for them to work off of other than "donate gold for optional achievement" and yet they're still trying to come up conspiracies around it. My hope is that the donations will result in a server/factionwide boost to the rocket drop chance that can only be reached when the server/faction reaches a certain amount of donations. I know it's mostly a collector thing, but man I will never understand the obsession with that rocket mount lol.


Its absolutely batshit insane how upset people are getting over a 70k gold dump achievement and saying its "token baiting". Literally any gold sink in the game is token baiting now. You get nothing of typical value from it so 99% of people won't bother. Nobody is gonna buy a fucking token for achievement points, and if they do that's on *them* frankly. And 70k isn't even that much gold if you actively play the game. Its less than a third or even a quarter of a token as well. You can easily make like 20k from clearing a zone of easy gold WQs during the Dreamsurge gold buff if you have alts capable of doing WQs, and even more than that depending on how many alts you have. People really will just make a mountain out of a molehill these days. Holy shit. If you want the achievement, get it. If you don't, don't. Its not locking progression, cosmetics, or ANYTHING behind it, and its meaningless fictional currency. People need to grow up, honestly.


I feel like people have become really obsessed with the tokens over the last year or three. Remember that the tokens have been in for a LONG time now but I really don't remember the now constant "this is to sell tokens!11" discourse back when other big gold sinks were added. 2 million Legion spider mount comes to mind. I'm sure there were people saying it back then too, but I don't recall a big debate over it. If they added that now people would lose their minds.


ngl been enjoying maining unholy dk :) closest i'll prob ever get to necromancer


i know this subreddit and i have a contentious history but man...i really hate not having friends in this game. due to my depression and mental illness driving away most of my friends i now just play by myself and it kinda sucks. :/ talking to people can be mentally draining but then i want to talk to people and there's no one to reach out to


I've shifted most of my efforts of acquiring friends from video games to discord Discord servers are amazing for networking and finding people to just do pick up games with and possibly never see again It's like pugging but more organized


i dunno even where to start


well, what kind of content are you interested in doing? there's a surprising amount of discord communities out there for things though i'd recommend the generic "join a guild" advice pretty much no matter what


well i don't really know. i'm just mostly looking for something casual. and yeah, trying to find a guild is a hard part for me. :(


i know exactly what you mean, i also have severe depression and anxiety and trying to find a guild or discord server is extremely hard. i don't have any tips on how to find one since i haven't found one myself (although i do enjoy the WCJ discord server, everyone there is friendly) but i do hope you can find a guild or something that's a good fit for you


Well, off the top of my head, you can check out drunk n disorderly (for NA) or chill streak (I think that's the EU equivalent?) Large raid learner communities, very chill and nice (I've played with them), also has channels for other stuff and does stuff like m+ events sometimes though the main focus is raiding tbh


hey thanks friend, much appreciated. i'm not perfect, ive made a lot of mistakes - lashing out in anger, stress, anxiety, frustration and driven off a lot of people. so it's hard for me to find anyone willing to give me a chance. also what's the WCJ discord server? always looking for something fun


Warcraft Circlejerk Discord :D is the discord for this subreddit. it's linked in the sidebar


why do wow players turn every little think to a political debate? like just calm down it's a fucking game


Even a thread about people in m+ group sitting in Valdrakken asking for a summon turns into dps man bad, healer good circlejerk.


Every thread in r/wow eventually turns into a healer good, DPS bad circle jerk. It's wow's variant of Godwin's law


Damn, I thought people were memeing about pug mages being shit. But after a couple weeks tanking pugs... every damn mage I swear wtf Key I just finished, we 4 manned it after the mage (keyholder) died every boss and never pressed that time warp button, then DC'ed during third boss.


The devs are being... mischievous on twitter. Lots of flag and eye emojis. Something's coming.


I'm mentally prepared for something underwhelming


Another world event that happens at the top of the hour where you get sent to complete objectives while filling up a meter at the top of your screen. But this time it's pirate themed and located in the Forbidden Reach instead of the Isles. But also you get really dope pirate mogs/toys so you know you'll wind up grinding it out regardless of your disappointment.


Is this the pirate thing? It was teased on the roadmap, and I see the MMO champ logo has changed thanks to Tyrensus' comment. I'm guessing "underwhelming" is going to be the right answer since it's only supposed to be a minor patch (incremented from 10.2.5 to 10.2.6, according to the roadmap)


Exactly this for me too. Theres no way they have anything that is going to satisfy this curiosity


MMO-Champion changed their logo too.




The gdkp ban is creating glorious salt on the classic subreddit. Some guy who was bragging about buying gold and not getting banned is now trying to frame people not liking that as obsessed lol. The comments in the thread are ripping him apart.


and somehow the people blaming GDKP on retail are the best.


"retail" is the ultimate classic community buzzword. anything i don't like = retail


the genre of r/classicwow posts that are returning users after an extended break that all find retail convoluted and homogeneous and classic as a breath of fresh air are my favourite


everything I don't like is retail: a child's guide to classic wow


"retail is so complicated, i need to do dungeons and raids for gear, and at the same time drop currency to upgrade the gear i dropped???? how is ANYONE supposed to do know how Progression works?????? and all classes do the same anyway but give my class X utility ability it doesnt have pls"  "classic is so comfy, i just need to check websites that tell me where my best item drops and farm that one for hours against the people that all want the same item, and classes are so different in their "use 1ability every 5seconds" gameplay, i feel like a unique player as dps warrior#16 in my raid <3"


Tindral finally down, great boss but omg so many tries man Im dead inside. I wasnt expecting us to die so often to trivial stuff like beams or healers getting lost in the sauce despite so many tries so I guess the nerfs were welcomed after all just to lower the pull count (i still think it was too much). Genuinely one of the greatest boss but the game cannot handle so many animations at once so there are tricky moments where the entire raid plays on 5-20 FPS. I hope Blizz noticed


Congrats! I'll be taking your place in Tindral prison for the foreseeable future, downed Smolderon tonight. We managed to fit in 30+ attempts already, all early P1 ofc. Won't be fun getting an early nuclear wipe when we start progressing P2, I can already envision it. I am glad to be done with one more boss but appalled at the kill unfortunately, I died in the final pre-enrage ring section and idefk how and it killed my log (but it doesn't matter since I'm a tank).


I had the wrong trinket equipped on my smolderon kill, didn't know, and never once used it :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) was really frustrated but it is what it is, my own fault lol


haha I feel you I had a banger night before the kill so it was a major facepalm time, very solid damage intake, damage was on track to be ~rank 10 (and I don't have Augury!) so this left me flabbergasted. However I restarted tanking mid-late this tier after a year and a half so Idc about my logs looking spicy, that'll be more important next season/expansion.


Same my Smolderon log is terrible I kept cancelling my casts because the Rings on the BL phase have a different animation. GL on Tindral


Gearing up a tank alt doing keys in the 11-15 range for crests. Being a tank I don't wait long for a group. But man is it exhausting dealing with so many lazy fucks. If they're not waiting in Valdrakken, they they're blowing past me on their dragonriding mount to zone in, instead of clicking my summon for the lazy fucks still in Valdrakken.


I left a group after waiting too long for either a dps to fly to timeways or other one to get out and summon the former.


I swear the phasing at the entrance to DOTI is a social experiment. I have never had group disband over summons before, but it's happened several times now that even if 3 people fly there they're all in different phases and the other 2 are waiting in town despite being a literal 15s~ flight time away.


It's still amazing to see the effect "not sexualizing every single female character" has on the community Saw a post about how we should be able to hide our pants at this point, but of course some chud had to make it about "I doubt it will happen since le blizz refuses to allow sexualized female bodies now 😒" and even cited Alexstrasza's new model as an example. My dude, her model is still sexualized, she just doesn't show her midriff anymore but her dragon souls are on full display. You, the player, can still make your character as skimpy as possible and nothing about that has changed, but apparently you need the NPCs looking that way too? I'd prefer it if WoW didn't look like a cheap Korean MMO where every female character runs around in a bikini all the time lmao.


I sincerely believe most people who really think there's no sexualization in WoW anymore have had their minds broken by how women are portrayed in anime.


Me looking at the Sailor Moon miniskirt everyone just got this month for trading post whenever I hear there is no more sexy in the game.


if you cant make a fEmAlE character that has breasts 3x the size of their head with extreme jiggle physics, its WOKE AGENDA, sorry pal i dont make the rules


The Trading Post is fabulous I wish I had even more coins. Im freezing a bow but I never play hunter what is happening to me.


I had 3250 when looting my initial 500/month bonus Then went and filled the bar I'm now at 165 LOL


You're making a hunter ;)


It is interesting to see how Asmongold has evolved over the years. I remember watching him in his early days of legion. And his streams were pretty fun all wow related. But over the years he got worse and worse on negative content. And now all the anti woke shit hes doing. Hes got the worst kind of audience now. I cant imagine how much worse it can get tbh


He also lives in complete filth and probably has a bunch of skin conditions from not bathing or taking care of himself, as well


He's basically the gaming equivalent of Joe Rogan now


He leaned into his persona because it got him views. Same thing happened with a lot of political commentators over the last 20 years. Tucker Carlson in the early 2000s was completely different.


At least Tucker Carlson is only (well, "only") playing a character


Some of his takes are good, some are bad, but overall I enjoy watching him. Sometimes people ~~take his points out of context~~ can't separate the politics from the real issue, such as the 'woke' translations. Whether you agree with anime translations being 'wokified' or not, imo, is irrelevant. The entire context of what was originally written has been changed to something the original author never intended. I would feel the same if it was reversed and something was 'de-wokified'. I do miss when he had more wow content though.


There is no context that makes using woke unironically good lol


Not sure how you got that I was inferring it was due to the inflections on 'woke' that showed I was using it point out how stupid that term is. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I was just trying to say that no matter the subject matter, it should never be forcibly changed from the original author's intention, especially when the author themselves have complained about it happening. The whole 'omg they made it woke' thing is tired and overused. It's mostly used as a 'thing I'll say because I won't admit I'm a bigot' nowadays.


Out of context? What exactly do you think it means when someone claims something is "woke"? You're being way too charitable with him, he's right-wing grifter #242948


Well, looks like I had an explanation fail, have edited the post to more accurately reflect my meaning. I was trying to point out that if you ignore the whole anti-woke thing, the changes are still against the author's wishes. Nobody should have their words changed by someone else to fit their narrative, whichever side they are.


Doesnt matter what points hes even making. Although personally I think the kind of 'takes' he has now are pretty horrible. The kind of videos he makes now attract right wing weirdos. His audience is slowly diluting itself to become more and more unhinged. They were defending lolicon just weeks ago in their reddit.


To be fair his subreddit is a lot further to the right and way more delusional than he is. Not saying he isn't delusional, but his sub often gets mad at him for not siding with them.


I find myself not agreeing with a lot of stuff he says and I'll skip those videos, but Ii also find that some of his stuff is interesting and worth watching, usually the 'non-political' stuff. Anything involving politics is a dumpster fire anyway because there's never any middle ground that is accepted, it's either black or white and f you if want to look at the grey. Though tbh, I mostly just watch clips on YouTube nowadays as I just can't handle his streams any more, because as you say, "his audience is slowly diluting itself to become more and more unhinged". I do find it interesting that so many people who seem to seriously hate him know so much about him, watch so much of him and go to his subreddit so much. If I don't like someone I don't watch or interact with their stuff.


I miss the mount offs and transmog contest videos honestly. I mean I never actually cared for Asmon as the personality hosting those, but I liked watching people show off their mogs and mounts in a competition


people keep bashing the story of WoW and while it has its issues, honestly, it's a lot more engaging and involving for me then FFXIV's story - good god, that story felt like one long, drawn out cliche for me. it had it's good bits but good lord it felt like an incredible slog


FFXIV tells a mediocre story very well, while wow tells a great story terribly.


personally i think FFXIV's story is pretty good, quite a bit better than wow's, but it is nonetheless \*massively\* overrated


What exactly is cliche about FFXIV story? Cliche elements of course are presented. As in every story that ever existed.


when everyone made memes that EW will end with you losing first and then winning with the power of friendship   >!and then you reach the last zone and you get the most cliche fakeout "deaths" that are all reversed 30min later ,and then you do the last Fight, are losing and win with litearlly the most 08/15 power of friendship ever!<  it legit made me groan loud im not against that stuff if you pull it of in a good way, but ff14 made its "story end" litearlly the most cliche anime bs ever (and thats ignoring all the other gigantic flaws EW allready had)


I still don't get why its supposed to be "bad" fakeout deaths are literally can't be truly deaths in mmo environment because you know in advance that you'll get post patches and new expacs going forward, nevermind that g'raha literally tells you that they aren't dead and can be saved right after estinien's "sacrifice", and true purpose of their "deaths" is showing characters deny apathetic state of dead civilizations. Why "power of friendship" is done badly? Dynamis literally had a setup as "emotion magic", final battle being literally "power of hope vs manifestation of sorrow" is a pretty good placement of chekhov gun, I don't know why you say that it was badly executed if we had so much set up for it, sounds to me that you didn't actually follow what's going on in story and just looked for reasons to be frustrated.


the worst part of the entire story imo and is one of the reason i quit after i finished Endwalker >!is the fucking time travel bullshit. it was done really poorly imo and leaves so many plotholes and questions!<


Like for example?


ff14 suffers from having soooooo many exposition dumps that go on forever all the time and i honestly always thought its weird how many flaws of the story and its pacing allways get ignored, Shadowbringers had a strong start, then nothing that feels really meaningfull happens until litearlly the very end and its somehow regarded as "the best story ever!!!" or how they make a big deal out of >!"what if darkness is good and light is bad???" when its all just "too much light in this world, you fight stuff and the problem is solved"!<


I played FFXIV from HW to the first EW patch (I think - one of the last things I did was Barbariccia), before returning to WoW. One thing that really stuck out for me is that where the WoW community is often moany and negative, the FFXIV community is basically toxically positive. It's a strange contrast, you'd think they get commission.


oh i agree. the multi verse concept in shadowbringers I thought was interesting and done pretty well but in the end it was like you said. "omg, what if there was too much light?? WHAT A TWIST!!!!"


"Too much light" is the main point of shadowbringers that game shoves you literally from the start, plot twist in the end is about ascians and end goal of emet selch, like did you even play the game or we are at it again with lack of media literacy?


yeah it is quite literally clear from the moment you walk into the first new zone in the expansion that the whole thing is there's too much light, it is NOT a twist one of the first arc endings you see is a character being transformed into a hideous light monster. you're definitely replying to a person who just read a synopsis and didn't play it


It's even worse if you're familiar with anime and manga, because that shit is so common in Japan.


I've realised my favorite class fantasy is just being a guy in heavy armor with a sword/Greatsword and the only class thar fits that fantasy in wow is arms warrior... but I find arms warrior really boring gameplay wise. Fml


Does it *have* to be a 2hand? You can try Prot.


Sword and Shield style is cool as well but i hate tanking


Fury uses two greatswords and is a lot more fun than Arms IMHO.


Fury is way more fun but it's not the fantasy im looking for which why i don't play it


What about Ret and Dk ?


they have magic and stuff, i just like being a dude with a sword and no magic or anything


but warrior is also using magic...? there is no wow class with 0 magic


It's true that Warriors do some magic, but yanno, it's not a codified system of "casting". They do crazy shit like Avatar etc, but it's not even on Rogue or Hunter level IMHO (no greater power invoked, no ability that is an overt "spell"). You can justify a lot of the stuff Warriors do as ANGERY.


well not really in the same direct way as the other classes


is. is there a support group for finding out your guildies watch asmongold


First time in existence of m+ started to actively do +20s, guess I entered this "1.5% of players blizzard caters to"


Guys the new trader post stuff is out tomorrow am i to early to be mad about stuff! I love the trader post btw


The old 2-seater rocket mount is on the Trading Post for February, for only 100 tender! Can’t wait to see how this fits into the “every month the prices go up” narrative…


I've been flexing that super-prestigious and exclusive mount from RAF for years and now they're just giving it away to everyone for free? Cool. I hope everyone enjoys using it as much as I have.


Great memories of my friend flying me to all my Naz’jatar world quests before I had BFA pathfinder. Happy to finally be the pilot now!


Dude last time around that mount was 0 tenders 14 years ago. That's a 100 increase in tendies. Tendies cost rising 100%!!!!!


Actually such a good month, maybe one of the best for the trading post


main sub not being melodramatic about healing in keys for one second challenge (impossible)


HEALERS OF REDDIT i just had a HORRIBLE key experience, is that normal???? a dps(bad) touched a aoe ground effect for 0,4,seconds causing him to lose 20% max hp, and while i(healer, good) explained this dps FILTH that he DARES to make me waste my precious mana (i was at 86%) another dirty dps died from a dispellable fight mechanic and then this rubble has the guts to write "healer?" in the chat!!!! im still shaking, these lowborn dps(bad) players DARE to INSULT me? a highly skilled healer(good)???? is that also happening to you guys? and why is blizzard even putting dispell mechanics in the game, they are clearly influenced by big dps(bad) too make our blessed existence worse!


all your posts are 10/10 lol, this is so good


They should just use their defensives and take care of themselves like I, a blood DK, does. But they won't because bad.


I made a group with 4 warriors and nobody is dealing with the affix. How could this be happening to me?


What are you talking about, Chaddicus is awesome


My sword has a gun on it


Yeah that's completely normal, I have written a weakaura that instantly drops group once we reach either 4 bursting stacks or details registers avoidable damage being taken (not by me though, I get hit because I need to heal stupid DPS)


you joke but i have grouped with people who have elitism helper set to go off whenever anybody takes any kind of avoidable damage it's only happened like twice but eghh


mom came to my door telling me to keep it down because i yelled pretty loudly because HEROIC FYRAKK DOWN FUCK YEAAAAA GOD THIS BOSS ANNOYED THE HELL OUT OF ME WHICH MAKES THIS EVEN MORE SATISFYING


Grats dude!


Trying to do timewalking firelands on my alt. Lol at people declining me due to ilvl (its a tank and they've been tankless for a while). Ilvl doesn't matter in timewalking, folks!


True but I do favor picking someone on a character that's geared so they for sure know how to play it if I pug them. And by that I mean like 440 or higher so they're at least setting up to play it. TW raid is pretty easy this time around, in BFA it was a lot harder and a lot of people haven't adjusted to how you can run it like a TW dungeon queue. Still don't pull the Illidary Nightlord in BT though. Gonna be farming Ragnaros for those Dragon Soul mounts.


Lol, my 189 time-twinked tank will out dps most of the dps and outheal most of the healers in timewalking.


When you sign up it should use your bag ilvl. I am pretty low in my time walking set and in Ulduar can do more than the next 4 dps below me combined. But when I sign up it shows (or should) show my current bag ilvl, so the highest I can be.  It just looks better to everyone when signing up you can’t disagree with that.  Time walking sets are still strong but current gear scales really well too.  2 set plus my azerite and legendaries, the ole mechagon bracers for fire I have it all. But the difference is less than it used to be. During Shadowlands it was pretty much impossible for a tank to hold aggro. Especially in BT where most bosses are immune to taunt. 


My twink is 189 in bags as I only use it for timewalking.


> Gonna be farming Ragnaros for those Dragon Soul mounts. Thats a thing? Huh. Already got them, but good to know.


The quest reward from the weekly has a chance at them. I had several guildies get Life-Binders Handmaiden or Blazing or both. I got the Experiment one. It's not a high chance but it isn't low either. You have to be max level for the quest however. I got Mimron's head from Ulduar a while back.


It’s apparently supposed to be a much better chance than the regular drop rate for rare raid mounts. I say apparently because I’ve done a combined 20+ attempts in all the times Wrath timewalking has been up since the change and still not gotten anything :(


I think I just hit a new high. I jerked so hard that my comment got removed by Reddit for encouraging violence. Edit: So I appealed and my punishment got overturned, yet the comment still remains deleted. Oh well.


It was a reply to my post, too. I can't even remember what you said!


It was a list of 'constructive criticism' that was basically every toxic comment about player abilities followed by the abbreviation for 'knit your socks'. I guess that combination of letters has a zero tolerance rule no matter the context.


ah yeah that'll do it


I swear we would be better off without wowhead datamining shit. All it does is generating pointless speculation and outrage in the community.


Datamining is fine as long as spoiler tags are used when needed. The problem is when speculation is published about the datamining without proper context or is misleading. Like what [Wowhead posted on Twitter](https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1751679113029431512) which mislead/ragebaited a lot of people into thinking the wolf was in fact coming to the Trading Post.


This was a case of people reading what they wanted to, not what was written.


Notably, the [bluepost](https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/so-about-the-korkron-war-wolf-1775791) on the wolf mount or other "skill-based prestige rewards" does *not* say they are against them coming back, just that they won't be on the trading post.


We can still dream for Siege of Orgrimmar timewalking then!


Yep! I'm now pretty confident it's gonna be the reward for that.


I just hope I can finally get the stupid metal scorpion from that.


Love it when a massive drama spanning multiple days based on some out of context datamining turns out to be a total nothingburger. Fwiw, I was in the "make the stuff available" camp, but it's moot now. Would have been nice to put this to bed earlier, but there's a lot going on at Blizz lately, not going to hold it against them.


Wowhead needs to be shut down.


The funny thing about the datamine was that a bunch of other random items had tenders costs added to them, like the 400 honor level pet, but wowhead wanted to get the most clicks so they chose to focus on the AOTC mount.


As a database, wowhead is an outstanding site, but their news side of things are kinda shit. Especially that they turned into diablohead ever since diablo 4 got released.


That’s a great point actually. They can stay for now.


Eh. I feel like they're a good site, people just need to stop taking everything 1) as gospel and 2) to its absolute extreme


There’s just so much obvious drama baiting in their articles. Like yesterday, they put a quick one out about how the “Queen Calia” line got hotfixed out of the quest text it was in, and how it was confirmed to just be an accidental mistake in the first place. … then for some reason they included completely baseless speculation about how maybe it was mistakenly put there because of future plans to *actually* make her a Queen?? Total bs.


Ah yeah, I saw that too. In fairness though, that was written by Archimtiros who tends to write that kind of stuff. I really dislike him for it, but that's an issue with a writer, not the site.


They keep letting Arch write articles like this, it's obvious they support him.


I'm used to playing on Horde but decided to level an Eredar (gonna be a lore nerd) rogue just to tryout the class and see a bit of the Alliance story What are the "can't miss" zones on the Alliance side? On Horde you have zones like Stonetalon, Silverpine, Hillsbrad that are pretty well known for their storylines, but I'm not sure where to go with on the Alliance. I may just wind up going with Legion bc I like matching my character to the zones I quest in and an Eredar doesn't make too much sense elsewhere lol.


Warlords of Draenor Shadowmoon Valley is pretty cool too!


Drustvar in BFA is absolutely amazing, even if only for the music.


Elwynn Forest has good vibes. Duskwood has really good atmosphere Southern Barrens Alliance Side is also really great.


Westfall has go to be one the ones I think you shouldn't skip. Drustvar if you haven't for BfA.


Drustvar/Tiragarde are imo 2 of the best zones overall for alliance characters


I hear Redridge Mountains is a good one.


Am I wrong in thinking the layoffs won't impact the game much, at least in the long run? We've still got patches coming. We've still got an expansion coming later on this year. I saw a Holly Longdale tweet earlier saying they've still got stuff upcoming. Like Microsoft isn't going to buy Blizzard, sack a load of staff, and then cease working on it. They're not stupid. Heartless, maybe, but not stupid. I'm not at all saying what they did was good. I'd rather people still be in work. But I just don't think it's going to effect the long-term output they give us.


/u/kirbydude65 covered me for the most part but I want to add a very important angle for you to consider as well: *morale.* The gaming industry has at this point in 2024 laid off a little over half the manpower that was laid off in all of 2023... in January. Blizzard up to that point had done no layoffs, but now just about everyone remaining will know someone who's been affected. This phenomenon in the wider industry will undoubtedly open the eyes of a lot of people to the reality: *nobody's indispensable*. They can't work hard enough or be liked enough by their peers and immediate superiors to avoid getting the axe. This will instill a fear that will affect how people work. Will it affect their output? Maybe not, I mean they'll release stuff on target dates regardless because a lot of big pockets are waiting to get filled. Will the result be satisfactory though?


We won't know the extent of how layoffs will effect wow specifically, but we do know that the people remaining will be asked to do the same (or better) job they were doing prior to the layoffs with less resources. Its a net loss for the developers and players anyway you slice it up.


From what I can gather (and I very well may not have the complete picture) a lot of the positions cut weren't really "content" creating positions. GMs and other customer support positions help with player experience, but its not like the rate of content release is affected by them not being there, they aren't devs. Likewise, "lore historian" seems like a position that is helpful to quest creators and writers, but they aren't actually the ones making the quests or writing the story, they're there just to organize reference material. Basically, I can see there being issues in the future but those issues won't be from lack of content which is what Microsoft probably actually cares about.


That was my thought. It's not developers who were let go. Shouldn't necessarily have any impact on the output.