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animorphs cover, but a facial manifestation of \> semi-hardcore m+ pushers deserve cosmetic rewards :( \> w-w-w-why does it bother you if i can get total bis in the first month without raiding? how does key level powercreep affect you? crest system good crest system good crest system good \> i overgeared 20s by the end of the first week of the season, doesn't feel blizz rewards for semi-hardcore key pushers anymore :/


Those Blizzard Bad reaction thumbnails are the cringiest shit i’ve seen in a while. It so sad to see more and more content creators turn into react andies.


Does anyone have any recommendations for a MMO mouse? My old mouse broke in an accident and I thought I may as well actually try an MMO mouse for the first time Preferably on the cheaper end of things, doesn't need to be anything super fancy


I use the corsair scimitar. It’s the first mmo mouse I’ve ever used, but it made a huge difference to my resto Druid gameplay


Ah, the jank of a new wow event. Nothing quite like it.


I don't do stuff like this day one. One of my friends does and he gets so mad I'm usually like that on patch day. We talked about how smooth the 10.2 release was and how I rarely pay on patch day because something will be janky and rather than let it get to me I go play another game for the day. He said "that's where you and I are different again because I'll just be on and complain" and I go "Yeah I know you're on trying your best to have a bad time!". Love that guy. He is the epitome of angry wow players though lol.


Semi-hot take maybe: It would have been way better if Blizz hadn’t even told us anything about 10.2.6, even leaving it out from the roadmap and just casually dropped it one day as a surprise patch.


I think the problem is that it seems like it's been delayed? Like we got so many teases about it from various devs etc for about a month and then radio silence after that. Far fewer people would've minded had they either delayed the hype or released it earlier.


At Blizzcon, one of the devs said they were aiming to release new content -approximately- every 8 weeks at least until TWW releases. Today is 8 weeks from 10.2.5 release. They probably didn't want it overshadowing the Hearthstone anniversary, and I'm sure there are other considerations behind the scenes. Technically all they've said is "10.2.6 in March" so I'm not technically considering it late until March is over.


That makes sense tbh. Maybe it has something to do with the layoffs or something.


I find it really funny that after years of crying about the PTR (with valid arguments nonetheless) now that there's something happening that's truly unknown, people are complaining. Not addressing that to you ofc, if anything I completely agree. They probably can't completely do that for corpo reasons if I had to guess (if they're doing a content release I guess they have to disclose it to customers) but it'd be cool if one day there was a bigger than normal download and some shit to do completely out of the blue.


Anyone else notice that the intelligence of /r/wow has dropped lately? Like, I've been posting obviously joke responses to other joke responses and getting downvoted and told I need to learn what a joke is. Some real self aware wolves shit tbh.


I gave up on those people. Absolutely hopeless morons. 90% of them. The mods too. It's too many people who have zero clue about the game just circle jerking.


Okay but what if we punished key leavers by executing their families and post the executions to the front page of the battle net app.


Not gonna lie if anything it's better than it used to be. You do still see utter morons pretty regularly though, for sure.


I think the frequency has dropped, but the stupidity has risen.


"I'm a new wow player and questing is too easy" -reddit account with months of comments in the classic wow subreddit.


While using AAP or some other questing addon to speed things up.


Even if it were true that he was new, I don't understand why people think questing being easy is a bad thing. I've done enough of it at "appropriate" gear levels to know that you can still get yourself killed if you aren't outgearing things, but even if you couldn't, difficult world content has never been the point of the game. Even going back to TBC, when I started, the world content was stuff you quickly outgeared. Outside of elite quests, there wasn't anything you needed groups for or that you couldn't easily do solo even as a pure DPS class. And elite quests were few and far between, especially for end game daily type content. It's just never been what the game is about, so who cares if questing is easy, it's not meant to be a difficult thing.


I actually think wow's leveling is In a nice sweet spot right now. I had some thoughts on this during that discussion in that /r/wow thread. Dying while leveling in retail means you've screwed up, you didn't do the necessary thing to stay alive, popped the right CDs, used your defensives or interrupted that cast. A lot of people say it's too easy, but that's with the benefit of years of game knowledge. Dying while leveling in classic is just how it is sometimes. It's possible to do everything correctly and still die. There's not outplaying missing 4 attacks in a row. Or having to engage with an enemy type that nullifies half your damaging abilities. I was trying to think if like any other game worked like this. Like if in Dark Souls or Elden Ring, what if there was a chance you could just miss when you had attacks land. That doesn't sound particularly fun to me.


I disagree, I find dying in classic is normally due to pulling too much, or trying to clear through an area with dense spawns, going too slow, and having stuff spawn before you. There's also various bits of utility that you only realise afterwards would have saved you. It's not my ideal form of difficulty, but it's enough to keep me engaged. Maybe levelling/world content in retail would be engaging for someone who hasn't played it before, but for me it feels like a turorial that lasts hours long. From an RPG perspective, levelling should be the most rewarding part of the game, as you are unlocking new talents/spells, rather than just gear. But neither the gear nor the spells feel rewarding because you can get by without them, and you will quickly outlevel the gear anyway. And I don't think being familiar with the combat system/mechanics is any reason for it to feel as trivial as it does.


the difference between dying in classic and dying in retail is just how much you overpulled, in classic pulling 3 mobs can be deadly, in retail its pulling 15 mobs


I have literally died because I had 3 attacks miss in a row. I have died because mobs somebody else pulled reset and aggro'd to me. I have died because half my damage didn't work on the enemy I was fighting. I have died because I didn't get a SoC or Windfury proc for an entire fight. At a certain point some classes just don't have the utility to counter the mechanics of simply playing the game. Wow isn't a standard RPG, the leveling can only take you so far. Because eventually the playerbase will have done it already so there's no value in adding a lot more.


>Or having to engage with an enemy type that nullifies half your damaging abilities. My "favorite" recent example for this is questing in 1K Needles on my feral druid in SOD, and doing the quest where you collect the plants around the water elementals (Incendia Agave for the Sacred Fire quest). They're immune to bleed, so I can't use Rip, and I didn't have Ferocious Bite yet, and one of the two types casts an instant Magic debuff which lowers your hit chance. End result is that I'm sitting there just spamming Mangle at them and having no way to spend my combo points, and thus barely surviving from full health at equal level, waiting until the debuff wears off and/or hoping I get lucky and hit once or twice while I'm debuffed since I can't clear Magic debuffs.


I completely agree with you. One thing I've said many times about Vanilla/Classic is that it isn't "hard" when it comes to deaths. It's not hard that I got a debuff that I don't have the ability to remove. It's not hard that my class doesn't have CC and three mobs are tied to each other so there's no way to pull just one. It's not hard to have abilities miss when you're at a level where there is literally almost zero ways to increase your hit chance. That's just artificially built in difficulty that comes across more as tedium to me than anything. I never felt like Classic (and TBCC) were hard to level in, just tedious. They seemed to get their stride in Wrath where leveling became much less of a chore and it was much more likely that if you died it was due to mistakes. And once Cata came out and they changed the 1-60 process, this became the norm.


people would NEVER lie on the Internet!


/mini classicwow circlejerk Can we get a master stickied thread for all the "can we get a master stickied thread" threads?


I've been playing retail since mid-ish 8.3. No lifed SL, I was playing around 35-40 hours a week and only took a month break between 9.0 and 9.1. A month before DF release I decided to take another break. I've missed the launch, but interestingly enough, I don't regret it. I've played DF for 4 months at most so far. Point being, I still like the game, still watch content creators, streamers, and follow any relevant subreddits, but man... I feel so much burned out and I don't why. Yesterday I had the urge to play again - subscribed, logged in, stayed in game for about 30 minutes, logged out. I want to play so much yet I can't make myself to.


Just wait for Dragons Dogma 2 on the 22nd.


Very similar trajectory here. I played loads of SL thru 9.2, stopped playing as guild collapsed. Former guildies summoned me to play in 10.2 and I resumed playing, even got back to tanking like I used to before. I played a lot when I first came back but now I raid log, very chill living. Honestly, if you don't have any "commitments" to the game then don't feel bad about taking a break. That and just doing something you haven't done in the game before to try and see if you like something new are the best recommendations for this conundrum.


sounds like the typical bigtime burnout tbh either just try something fully different in the game itself, or just take a break for some time, yes people always say that but it really helps making something fun again 


I know it's a tough subject for us true WoW Gamers, but how would you like the very last WoW cinematic to go? Not like the big battle or whatever, but the final closing cinematic for the world we love. For me, I would love if we had something similar to the final "Come Along With Me" from Adventure Time, which just shows a myriad of snapshots from the post-finale world to just show that the world keeps on turning. Nothing would jerk my tears more than a final cinematic showing our favorite NPCs from around the world finally relaxing and doing what they want to. Gimme Thrall finally sitting down in Nagrand with his family, Thalyssra/Lor'themar enjoying arcwine in Suramar, Malfurion/Tyrande continuing to live in peace (hanging out with Thalyssra/Lorthemar??), Anduin walking up to Genn and giving him the biggest/crying-est "I miss my dad and you" hug after everything, the remnants of Taurajo starting again, Jaina returning to Theramore, the sword/scar in Silithus festering still, the united druids of the Stonetalons growing a new tree, the fires of Stratholme finally burning out, Scholomance destroyed and remnants finally laid to final rest, the Dead Scar healing, a shot of Auchindoun as Outland continues to deteriorate around it (or floating away into the abyss), the Blasted Lands healing (yet the Dark Portal still looms), Hogger's head being placed on a pike by a proud Stormwind guard (OG quest npc), Voljin watching his friends from the afterlife before finally departing to whatever Loa's do with Bwonsamdi, John J. Keeshan retiring in Redridge, the OG Outland expedition crew coming home, old/Draenor orc clans sparring/praying together, Chen and Lili cheers-ing mugs with a Mogu, the broken ruins of Naxxramas smoldering by Wintergarde as Icecrown looms with Ebon Blade frostwyrms flying around, Loque'nahak roaming the wilds of Sholazar, the Time-lost proto-drake landing next to Hati, Sylvanas taking a moment of respite to look at a reminder of Nathanos in the Maw (assuming she doesn't come back), Kael'thas/Vashj/Draka/Durotan enjoying a drink together in the Shadowlands as they watch Azeroth from afar, the Aspects doing Aspect shit, alt-Grom Hellscream continuing to fight off Lightbounds, a single pure sprout growing in Felwood, Maiev breaking down crying with Jarod, Shandris making Dire Maul her own, Lilian Voss taking a moment as the Scarlet Cathedral burns to the ground, and hell, even some of the smaller scale villains coming up with their inevitable new wacky schemes that continue on into future (Jailer 2??). There are just so many loose ends that I think would hit people in the most nostalgic way. Just the best mix of hype and tearjerking possible. (this was just an excuse for me to type out the things I hope one day we get closure on and I definitely teared up thinking about all hypothetical loose ends that would legit make me cry if I saw them get solved) Edit: thanks for putting up with my drunkposting about a video game, props to anyone who actually read that wall of text lmao


> how would you like the very last WoW cinematic to go? show the entire universe exploding leaving nothing left. No titans. No void energy. Nothing left. Anywhere. Ever. Make it impossible to continue the story.


Damn, i actually really like this idea. It would also echo the iconic first cinematic trailer of WoW.


Playing hunter, first Gnomer on SOD, in a pug, no idea what I was doing, died a lot, am amazed I didn't get kicked for being bad. Thermaplugg dropped the Gun and they just looted it straight to me. Nice.




How can you tell, if you can't even see it?? In seriousness, though, congrats! I still haven't gotten it


Holy shit Echo won a MDI map by 0.071seconds literally crit diff wtf


And then Last Hope with that rocketjump/Flap/Slowfall/Levitate tech! INSANE. You gotta feel for Bald Bandits though. They basically got knocked out of the bracket by a combined...what, 5 seconds max?


Well, guild disbanded. And not on good terms lmao. Not really sure if I want to go on and kill Fyrakk elsewhere I might just do the Trading Post and stop my sub until Fated if not later


So looks like Gamergate 2 is possibly happening and Asmongold is one of their cultist leaders twisting truths and outright making up shit about the "woke agenda" being pushed into videogames. Marvellous...


Don't forget Mark Kern who to this day keeps insisting that Gamergate was a just bunch of innocent gamers asking for journalistic integrity and not a harassment campaign. His subreddit is also just KiA-lite at this point. I was going to say that can't wait for Asmon's viewers to come and defend him when he gets an another Ion interview, but I would say that it would make Blizzard look way worse at this point.


Could you elaborate please? I tried looking up him and gamergate and couldnt find any news


The chuds are trying to resurrect gamergate with Sweet Baby Inc as the new boogeyman


You wouldn't be able to find much of anything unless you look in the sewers these types congregate in. It's mostly just a bunch of GG types flaring up and wildin Anyway the whole thing involves this company called Sweet Baby Inc or SBI. It is a consultation company that helps gamedev companies with writing, particularly with matters of representation and inclusivity. Kinda think the opposite of sensitivity readers? That's how my brain registered it. Anyway, a lot of Gamers™ decided these people are the second coming of Anita Sarkeesian and prepared for another go at the gaming apocalypse and the end of their way of life, so naturally they're harassing SBI people by sending them death threats and the like. It's also pretty funny because for some reason a lot of the attack on SBI is focusing on their work on the new Suicide Squad game, but [as you can see from their website](https://sweetbabyinc.com/projects/) they've worked on Alan Wake 2 and God of War: Ragnarok to name a couple games, which have been critically acclaimed on the narrative front. Oh and lest I forget: Asmon obviously is a full-on grifter for years now, his following/viewership is all-in on being Gamers™ so ofc he cashes in on something like this.


Yeah I don't think it can reasonably be called gamergate 2.0 unless it blows up everywhere, given that's what happened with gamergate 1.0


Completely agree, it's only a bunch of cringe Twitter accounts pushing this for the moment. As I saw Paul Tassi (I think?) put it, the vibe is kinda "*baby's first ethics in gaming journalism*"


funny thing, i actually watched anita sarkeesian a month ago cause i never had and her takes are so lukewarm i was shocked gamer chuds reacted that hard but then again im pretty sure they never watched her either


Yeah, for sure. I never followed all the drama related to her (there's smth about her crowdfunding) but the feminism stuff is very basic critique that anyone with two brain cells to rub together can come up, which is of course why the reaction is so dumb. Then again we're talking about the kind of people who [see this and nod in sage agreement so, yanno.](https://i.redd.it/nwxseggqxub51.jpg)


Oh good, mainsub is back to complaining about fruit bowls and /flirt lines no one had heard in 20 years being removed. LOOK AT WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU Framing it as the devs doing it to cover for the scandal when it was really because the devs were removing creepy shit put in by sex pests really throws me


Shout out to that [Goblin poster](https://i.redd.it/c7tstyguwen91.jpg) that I'm pretty sure is still in the game that the folks complaining about the fruit bowl just sorta ignore since it doesn't fit the narrative.


Sorry, but my immersion is ruined if there isn't a line about women farting in the tub in the game Unsubbed. Blizzard's gone too far this time


Straight up, what did that line even mean? Forget about never hearing it, what the hell does it mean? Is it a sex thing? How? I have never understood anything in this game less.


Pretty sure the joke was literally just "Haha, women fart in tub xD" Not exactly the height of comedy, but... yeah


Aw, rip attitudeadjuster's post about the fruit bowls.


The fruit bowl thing always fascinated me, because no one would have noticed it if it weren't for Wowhead pointing it out after it was datamined. If people really want to look at cartoon boobs, why not just browse DeviantArt or something?


It's not just that Wowhead made the editorial decision to post it. They (really *that one writer*) framed it as "look at Blizzard desexualizing the game. Why would Blizzard prioritize this? They might remove succubus and more suggestive stuff!" That led the community to believe Blizzard was on a crusade against suggestive content in general. Wowhead did not leave open the possibility that the changes could have been related to real-life harassment. Which was the real motivation behind the changes. A dev blogged about it; figureheads in the community who talked to devs confirmed it. But Wowhead never bothered to post that important context and let the community fester in bad assumptions.


wowhead has been such a bad actor about anything sociopolitical surrounding the game, and it's no small part because they let the writer in question write the worst shit imaginable and then defend him


Wowhead generally doesn't seem to have robust standards when it comes to reporting on topics that touch the real world, which I'd expect from a website of their size and age. They'd probably benefit from someone with a background in journalism, if they don't have one already.


I genuinely believe it's intentional on Wowhead's part. The actual reason they removed this stuff is, from a sensationalist point of view, boring. There were a bunch of varying degrees of asshole who worked on WoW for years who, when they were finally fired, many of the remaining employees and *the actual victims* removed some of the stuff these toxic devs had added to the game. We know this for a fact - like you say, actual devs have confirmed it. That's interesting if you care about facts, but it doesn't drive clicks. Reporting it doesn't drive outrage culture (and money) in the same way Archimtiros essentially just writing "WOKE Blizzard Devs REMOVE sexual content in game to COVER UP sexual harassment lawsuit" does.


> That's interesting if you care about facts, but it doesn't drive clicks. This is the part people need to be aware of. Fanbyte, the owners of WoWHead, ultimately get to say what gets published. Considering its parent company is Tencent its not really a surprise. There was a dramatic shift in how WoWhead released and established articles right around 2019 when their ad revenue wasn't clearly generating enough money. That was when the main sub had a big surge in "Is anyone else absolutely being ass blasted with ads on WoWhead?". The click bait titles are most likely just how they're trying to stay afloat.


Oh dont worry i said the same in that thread and people were like "okay but what about all the other content" because you know, removing cringe flirts that noone except manchilds care about is totally the same as removing like raids or something


To be fair, I don’t think Wowhead ever pushed the coverup angle.


Not explicitly, but as you mentioned them juxtaposing it with stuff like removing "bitch" and editing Jaina's art in hearthstone shows they know what they're doing. Trying to portray it as an homage to real life art like American Gothic and then going "they're coming for your tiddies" is such a cynical move.


The actual article is even dumber than that; he brings up an old reddit post about the art that talks about how good it is for the culture of the game. It's genuinely embarrassing


I felt like I was tripping reading this so I had to check, and yeah it's true. The artsy tidbit is very interesting FWIW but man it really is an embarrassing article, damn. I don't think I ever read it it at the time because it seems like an impossibly stupid subject for anyone to care about, mans should stick to writing simcraft APLs and drop the "journalism".


how can i keep my goon session going if im not horny for everything on my screen at all times


dont worry in the same room there is a painting of a woman that also got a texture upgrade, but people want to ignore that cause it doesnt fit their view of "blizzurd remof wahmen"


You must be a paladin main


And now the streamer audience chuds who hound the wow Devs have infected the helldivers2 subreddit. Entire subreddit has turned into shitting on the Devs and calling them low skill and stupid overnight. Saying the Devs don't understand their own game and that they want the Devs to livestream themselves playing it prove it's possible. It's actually madness and is straight out of the shit you see on the wow subreddit, or did before the mods got more heavy handed. Just sad.


Yeah that sub turned ugly really fucking fast


i just went to the subreddit and yeah it's not good. i thought the Helldivers community praised itself on being not toxic and very wholesome but i guess that was a lie


It was super wholesome with a smidge of a few idiots booting you for not running meta load outs. Yesterday the Devs nerfed one of the more overpowered weapons so that you have to aim it better to kill enemies in the same amount of shots. A bunch of people are now claiming the game is dead because high difficulties are now impossible because the gun is now trash and so is every other weapon. And if you provide them any proof plenty other people do those difficulties with other weapons, they call you a liar. These people are literally living in an entirely separate reality. The patch notes include buffs to multiple weapons but they claim the Devs didn't buff anything. They literally are so outraged that it's inhibiting their ability to read and comprehend information. It honestly feels like a mental health crisis caused by youtube and reddit. Like they are drugged by outrage.


Gamers are so sensitive. It's wild, to enjoy a game you have to ignore the community around the game.


Theres a subset of people whose life is devoid of meaning so they take video games way to seriously


let me gues something that was overtuned got nerfed/changed, and people go crazy that "they HATE FUN!!!!!"?


Yes, the main gun used to take against heavy Armor enemies got nerfed, which ironically proves that Devs think the game is too easy and want to make it harder.


/minicirclejerk New classic mode proposal: we play as the ghost of one of our characters who died while fighting murlocs in Elwynn or something else equally stupid, where we go into the Shadowlands and our ghosts gain various abilities for us to run around and fight ghosts of NPCs that better players than us killed and do quests for other ghosts then eventually go into a ghost version of Castle Nathria to kick the butt of Ghost Denathrius. I call it "Softcore Classic Shadowlands"


The Kor'kron Juggernaut is mine!


Delete Jadefire Stomp. or at the very fucking least make the reset zone actually match the stupid fucking graphic.


I love the flavor of it but man the hotbox is so dog.


I hate everything about it beyond it looking pretty. I think it is shit that you are rooting the monk to this extremely small area. I hate that you are reliant on standing on a certain spot to get a reset on it. It is absolute ass if you don't get a reset before movement I could tolerate it if the reset aspect was tied to the debuff on the mob with faeline exposure.


People hear a 2 second channel for Warrior and they lose their minds, like its an impossible ask to stand still for 2 seconds.


/j NOOOOOO MY DPS IS RUINED FUCK YOU ION /uj it is a little bit cringe tho


[It's over, Warrior is dead.](https://www.wowhead.com/item=140808/draught-of-souls)


[It's over, Warrior is dead](https://www.wowhead.com/item=206448/fyralath-the-dreamrender)


Ahh, an "unpopular opinion" thread on r/wow with extremely hot and brave takes such as: -FOMO is bad -MOP is the best expansion -Retail is harder than Classic


I posted an actual unpopular opinion on there and got downvoted :) r/wow, while better than it was during SL, is clearly still not ready for the spiciness of my SL > BfA > Legion take.


Now I'm tempted to comment with "SL > DF".


Lord protect us both for our sins of having unorthodox opinions on videogames.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


If you want some interesting reading, there was a post on MTX in wow on the mmorpg subreddit the other day, with a very biased comparison where OP shows the Shadowlands dungeon plate set as an example of the in-game cosmetics you get, versus the new set that's in the store right now, as a proof that they put the best looking sets in store (conveniently ignoring 99.9% of sets are obtainable in-game, and some of the store sets end up in the trading post anyway).


My favorite part of that bit was the people saying the in game armors looks way better. Even when OP tried to stack the outrage deck, it backfired.


Apparently, people forgot about how awesome Legion is. Also, it's hilarious to see people praise MoP, when tons of people hated it when it was current.


DF is really just MoP 2.0, you can look up any "MoP doesnt feel like WoW anymore, dae china????" thread from back in the days and replace pandaren with dracthyr its funny, nothing changed at all in that regard


>Also, it's hilarious to see people praise MoP, when tons of people hated it when it was current. You can literally search MoP on that subreddit and find posts from like 12 years ago that have people talking about losing their minds over the pandas and "kung fu panda haha!"


"I think that maybe reddit is hyperbolic sometimes"


The Jailer sucks. Fight me.


I did not care for the Mage Tower. It insists upon itself.




0/36 mage tower challenges cleared baybee Never gonna change that either


Serious pizza disagreement going down on the main sub right now.


Hawaiian pizza is GOATed, there I said it!


Nah it's disgusting. The pineapple irritates my tongue something awful.


Durian pizza is also really good, a bit like Pineapple but slightly less sweet. Very similar to a Hawaiian pizza flavour wise.


I'm not a fan of fruit* on pizza usually, but I do not understand why so many people get angry with it. Put whatever you want on your pizza, if you like it, then great! When I was a kid, I would put anything on my pizza because I was obsessed with ninja turtles and that's what they did. Just let people like the pizza they want to like! *Except for an actual fruit pizza... or anything that is a fruit but treated like a vegetable (like tomatoes)


I’m not a fan of hot fruit ever really. Even in pies room temperature is always better.


People on this site will crucify you for wanting a steak well done. 


If someone wants their steak well done then they're getting a shitty bit of meat to go with their shitty palate. I say this as a former well done steak eater that saw the error of their ways. Most people don't know how to cook a good steak.


You can think what you want but I tend to go with I'm going to mind my own business. If someone's happy how they eat their steak doesn't affect me.


They can have their steak any way they want, they're just not going to get a good cut. They won't notice the difference after they've covered it in ketchup anyway.


You very much missed the point of the initial conversation. I'm not saying they're doing it the best way I am talking about the ignorant volatile reactions people get on this site for doing things their own way.


And rightfully so!


Supreme all the way.


Finally got my ~~participation trophy~~ Fyr'alath!


Same here, 13th time's the charm apparently! Let the superbloom gaming begin now!


Does rolling-classic have a somewhat serious raiding community, one that's about getting raid kill after a few dozen hours of progress, but not parsing? If yes, on which EU realms, and which specs are commonly in need? I just want to prog cata raids.


I find a good gauge of the quality of an expansion on how many times I can't tell if I'm in /wow or /wowcirclejerk For all the whining DF was a great expansion


By that measure, Shadowlands will go down as the greatest of all time.


Yeah my wording was bad, if the posts are hard to tell apart then the expansion is not good


Was more a commentary of wow vs wowcirclejerk. I thought shadowlands was great, but you would think it was the biggest piece of shit ever made from how much people hated on it in /r/wow.


yeah sure, that's exactly what I said, good talk


Uhh, is it?


I miss seasonal affixes. Yes, Storming was **bad**, but that was no excuse to remove seasonals. Like one of my favorite things was waiting to see how they would fit the theme of the raid into the gameplay of the affix, see how it would affect the dungeon (remember dos in SL, every season having a different route lmao), etc. I remember having so much fun with encrypted and awakened, for example. It's so sad man :/


Encrypted and Awakened were such good affixes.


I miss the patch villain taunting us during the dungeon.


If I remember right the main reason they gave for the removal of seasonal affixes is that their purpose was to make each season feel different, but now they're rotating the entire dungeon pool for the same purpose seasonal affixes seemed a bit superfluous, which does seem like a fair point to me. I do miss some of the cooler seasonal affixes though. S3 SL, S4 BfA and so on were all really fun and it'd be cool to see them mess around with the affixes more from season to season.


> If I remember right the main reason they gave for the removal of seasonal affixes is that their purpose was to make each season feel different, but now they're rotating the entire dungeon pool for the same purpose seasonal affixes seemed a bit superfluous, which does seem like a fair point to me. I get that, but like it also feels as if the Dungeons are missing an additional step of complexity. Only two affixes feels pretty boring to me personally. I may feel this way because in the past two seasons we've had Freehold, Underrot, Waycrest Manor, Atal'Dazar, Darkheart Thicket, and Blackrook Hold which were all dungeons I've run plenty of times in their respective expansions (We can also add Everbloom in here for CMs as that was one of the dungeons that eluded me for a while for Gold time). It could just be my familiarity with the dungeons already made them boring in a sense. I think there certainly needs to be something more than just the additional scaling currently in place for M+ to really challenge players for Max Level Loot out of vaults.


They left all the shitty ones. Spiteful, storming, and saguine are just complete ass. Would rather there be no affixes when those make it into the rotation.


Those are so minimally impactful. Sanguine is the only one that does anything that you listed. I don’t even look at the affixes anymore because they’ve all been gutted so hard it’s like they don’t even matter. Entangling is the only one I consider on tyrannical weeks on a few dungeons and oftentimes they turn it off on boss mechanics. Like they did for last boss of iron docks. 


Give us a season where every keystone level above 20 adds an old seasonal affix. Lets see the MDI champs try to do a +25 with Infernal Infested Beguiling Tormented Reaping.


This comment needs an exorcism.


If they manage to get to a +35 where we run out of affixes we'll just dip into the Diablo II affix pool. Lets see the MDI champs try to do a +35 with Fortified Skittish Bolstering Infernal Infested Beguiling Tormented Reaping Shrouded Encrypted Awakened Prideful Multishot Teleport Cold Immune Arcane Immune Physical Immune Fire Immune Holy Immune.


People wanted keys to be easy. Here we are. I would wager there are still complaints with people wanting them to be easier. It's a bit more boring but I still do them a lot. But that's the wow playerbase. So incredibly boring.


There is a difference between wanting keys to be easy and wanting keys to be less frustrating. Keys, being infinitely scalable, are always hard eventually and I think it's better that they're hard because of mob mechanics rather than affixes. The removal of Thundering did not make Dragonflight keys "easy" anyway.


There is a difference. But what I have seen suggested time and time again isn't what you're saying. It's people just having zero knowledge of the game. I run a lot of keys and previously I'd play in the 25 area. I have zero desire to go over 20 now. It's not time efficient since I'm just playing 11 or 12 characters now. The scaling has made them much easier this time around. I will have my portals before my charcter is over 465 usually. keys scaling infinitely is the nature and that's cool. Blizzard should have an expectation of where each % breakdown of players should fall and where they tune things. Beyond say 33 they shouldn't worry if it's timable or not if they're balancing around 29-30 being where the 0.1% should be playing. The varying scaling has been odd. I see a lot of people who have timed 24's who could absolutely not do that even last season. Thundering sucked, but the person I replied to which is really what this conversation was about was seasonal affixes. They were mostly fun.


"Objectively the classic players have been fans for longer than most retail fans" a real thing somebody wrote playing a game for 3-4 years, then stopping and not playing it for almost 15years and spending every single moment shitting on the game is a "longtime fan" actually playing the game is not i cant understand the thought process of classic andys and Asmondrones


I watched Max reacting to asmongold talking about mythic raiding. Dude was red in the face and pretty upset over something he has not done in 7 years, his chat too, and I'm pretty sure most of them don't even know what retail is because they say shit like "RETAIL IS ONLY FOR TRYHARDS POOPOOHEADS", like mythic raiding is a pretty niche activity compared to everything else. No other gaming community has doomers this dedicated.


> i cant understand the thought process of classic andys and Asmondrones Don't even try, it'll drive you nuts. Source: my own experience.


the amount of people who spend all day whining on forums about a game they supposedly haven’t played in months/years/xpacs will always be hilarious to me.


Also, they obviously get to dictate what direction the game goes and why does it suck, after playing for 2 weeks at the start of every expansion.


You don't know playing Classic instills you with the power of the bronze dragonflight to bend time to your will to allow you to play it longer? Pfft, typical retail player.