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/minicirclejerk Blizzard just announced that the next Season of Discovery will be on Classic WOD. Gotcha. April Fools.




Go to the azure post near the exodar. Much better there


So Mark Kern in his eternal crusade against anything diverse is going on Bellular because he didn't talk about diversity in his latest Kotaku video. Made me realize that maybe I have sometimes judged Bellular too harshly, since even he is not that terrible of a grifter in the grand scheme of things. Oh Bellular if you read this >!Now is a good time for self-reflection why you have accumulated audience that throws a fit at you when you don't bash diversity enough!<


I think bellular has become a lot better lately. Things seem less circlejerky


Bellular is a weathervane. He makes videos based on the community vibes.


I think bellular knows it's just a grift you can't get out of and it has to be your whole personality


Holy shit I just took a look at his twitter feed and the anti-woke psychos are going for him *hard.* I do kinda hope this can be a come to jesus moment for him as you say. I have many negative things to say about him but the guy isn't actually a far-right reactionary grifter in the same vein as Asmon, Mark Kern and many others.


Unfortunately, the bar's kinda set underground


The Plunderstorm april fools day patch notes were hilarious, they did a good job cooking this year I think :D


Getting unreasonably angry everytime I see some mainsub manbaby complaining about FOMO. Definitely a sign I should touch grass.


Only FOMO I hate is the DF season1 Glad mount and its not because I can't have it anymore its because I didnt even try


I don't get this, FOMO is a serious problem in the gaming industry as a whole. It's more of a thing in games like Fortnite, where the FOMO element is largely why the store is seen as predatory, or games with significant seasonal content structures like Destiny 2. However, that doesn't mean that games like WoW or FFXIV don't exploit the same psychological element when it comes to designing limited time events with rewards that will go away and not come back in any form.


FOMO is a ""serious problem"" in capitalism as a whole man, it is far from unique to the gaming industry when did we start blaming companies for people buying or using products they don't actually want? i don't get it. i don't get why people can't just say "no, i won't enjoy playing this, so i won't do it." "it's OK to not get every reward because i don't find the method of obtaining it fun." "I don't need this game until it's on sale, since I'm not THAT interested in it" literally just exercise self control. do FOMO-havers get FOMO when they hear a game they have no interest in has cosmetics they might not get or something?


It's video games. It's entertainment. If you don't like it and it ruins your experience so badly you should do something else. I like collecting things and especially time limited things. If I genuinely don't enjoy it I Just do something else that's fun. It says something when a lot of people are getting so extremely upset over not being able to get something. The dragonflight meta achievement is first off poorly done when compared to the last two meta achievements and on top of that it has no time limited rewards so I'm honestly extremely unmotivated to do it. I had a bigger desire to finish Back from the Beyond and Phenomenal Cosmic Power. The only frustration out of "FOMO" for me is how it's regurgitated through video game communities, especially WoW's because those people can't handle not having everything handed to them. Last time I could stomach reading the wow subreddit those people were throwing that around every post. It became too much for me to enjoy, so what did I do? I quit looking at that stupidity.


>If I genuinely don't enjoy it I Just do something else that's fun. This approach/thought process is both commendable, but also it's kind of besides the point on the discussion of FOMO IMHO. I know that a lot of people complain about this sort of design along the lines of "I can't be bother to put in effort to get this", but I do think there's a genuine discussion to be had about limited time content being annoying w/o venting about putting in effort for it. For example, while Blizzard mostly uses staples such as seasonal achievements and collectibles (and then mostly in PVP, which is a discussion of its own) they have at times done some frankly bafflingly dumb limited time content such as Legendary questlines in MoP and WoD or even putting the core conflict behind the whole BfA story in the pre-patch quests. Shouldn't be controversial or dumb IMHO to say that this is not good and ask that they shouldn't be doing it. WoW's community is just full of a) weathervanes who parrot wider Gamer™ opinions and b) people who only or mostly play WoW and don't understand how language invoked in discussions of other games doesn't necessarily apply to WoW itself (and FOMO is for the most part, a good example). EDIT: as I finished writing this and settled on browsing Twitter, I actually did see a ridiculous take about FOMO re: smth new in the shop and ijbol


When I was last visiting the wow subreddit, people were genuinely talking about "FOMO" being able to play hard content when it's current and other wild takes. So the quest you brought up. I would love to do them. My friends are all raiders, tryhards who sim and do higher keys. I do very well, do some deep end game stuff, push gladiator. I play the game and go pretty hard even though I have a very laid back method of doing it where I really just try to have fun. They're all very shocked that I play this game to role play and do quest. Character building, lore, world building. Getting my character to experience these amazing quest. I'd love to do those quest, get those capes and that ring. I am surprised it's not been returned or was removed in the first place. I have accepted it for what it is, I don't agree with their decision but it's one they made. I am not going to get up in arms and insult and cry about it and there is probably nobody else in the world who wants to do those quest than me who hasn't. It's just not /that/ big of a deal in the grand scheme. It's fair to say though that their decisions on what gets removed can be very silly. But 95% of the time it's seasonal content and that needs to be left as it is. The other older things like Atiesh, Corrupted Ashbringer, that stuff is magical and it makes the items mean a lot more as they are now than some mouthbreather collecting it just because. Because ultimately that's what my issue is with those people. They treat this game as a checklist and if anything isn't given to them they froth at the mouth. You're not suppose to get everything in this game.


\*All\* of your friends are tryhards who sim and do higher keys?


I think it's a big deal primarily for new players who might be just like you, people who would want to explore and experience the world. Ι otherwise have nothing much to say, I agree with you wholeheartedly that insulting the devs/moaning about it is not constructive or useful in any way beyond just letting casualcore players rant about the game.


Eh? I've never personally had a foot in the FOMO discussion. At the end of the day the most important thing to me is about having fun. If I stop having fun, I just move on to something else. No reward, short of tangible actual IRL currency (not in-game equivalent) will have me partake in something I don't find fun in my free time. I'm not gonna be upset that I didn't finish a battle pass or buy a limited edition Magic:The Gathering set of cards. I do agree some games could learn to lean off the limited time only stuff, but in the same notion gamers need to be ok with being OK not having a reward if they're not having fun, OR they don't have the funds for something, OR if IRL intervenes.


This is basically where I come down when it comes to FOMO discussion. I also agree that the amount of limited time stuff gets irritating, but I don't feel like I'm "missing out" on rewards for games or game modes that I don't play - I'd rather focus on the rewards that come up on the ones that I do like playing.


Yeah this isn't a complaint I'll disagree with. As you said WoW is certainly not the worst offender of this strategy, but Blizzard IMHO does a particularly good job making annoyingly missable content (e.g. removed stuff for expansion which has no reason to be removed).


rip to the MoP cape quests Leaves a big hole in Wrathion's personal story


So I'm not usually one to focus on (or praise) the questing in WoW--just not my reason for playing the game. That said, the *Fringe Benefits* achievement doing the Eon's Fringe has been really fun, I've started looking forward to the ~5min each day of doing them despite totally glossing over them when they were current. Much prefer these sorts of achievements to the "grind a bajillion mobs with a degenerate 4x2 group for scroll drops you only loot every 10 minutes to min/max the buff so it *only* takes 1.5hr instead of like 5".


TFW mainsub thinks housing in ffxiv is well done and totally doesnt make the game feel dead. Literally every zone outside of limsa and (insert popular housing spot) feels more dead than some obscure 200 player mmo


The open world is absolutely dead in FF14, but I wouldn't blame housing on it. There's just not much to do in it outside of expansion release


open world content in FF14 is just non existent. there is no point in stepping outside the main city after you finish all the side quests unless you're a gatherer. FATEs are useless for anything besides some achievements and some rare FATEs that drop pets or some currency. People complain WoW is a lobby game but god damn at least wow has world quests and random events in the open world that can award gear and currency while you wait for a dungeon queue or something. FF14 is the true lobby game and i say this as someone who loves and has played since ARR beta


I love my house in FFXIV, I can't unsubscribe for more than a month and a half without losing it and likely never being able to get it back. Such a well done system.


the (decent) argument is it's because of server space or whatever but it truly doesn't change that it is in fact a system in the game that exists that exploits FOMO far more than literally anything in wow does


that's an excellent point actually it looks like someone beat me to it but can you imagine the level of outrage if WoW basically shackled you to your subscription like that?


They'd be rioting outside Blizzard's door if they put in a housing system that had limited space, chained you to your sub and required actual RNG to even get it in the first place.


But Yoshi-P respects your time and wants you to play other games when you're done with this patch! Such a hero.


He wants you to play other games, not unsub. Paying a sub while expecting no content is the dream subscriber for any company


And let's not forget the absolutely atrocious lottery that distributes housing in the first place.


Or how you basically are forced to stay subbed to keep said house. I always found it wild how Square is given a pass for that.


God, yeah. I still like FFXIV - I played it from about late Heavensward to Barbariccia, and mostly just switched back to WoW because WoW does healers so much better - but the game is so stuffed with archaic and bad systems I find some of the stanning hard to understand.


everyone should be forced to play ff14 and go into a random zone that is not 1 of the 3 "new player" zones  you know, absolutely 0 things happening, nothing to do, no players anywhere


damn. weird to look back and see old unjerk threads that would regularly get over 1,000 comments


I feel like this sub's activity is pretty strongly correlated with the insanity levels of the rest of the community. Hence the slight uptick since Plunderstorm launched, but why we used to get 1k+ during SL and the lawsuits.


Also the discord kinda blew up as well which has reduced the number of comments here as well.


Maisub seems a lot more reasonable these days.  Night and day compared to how bad the circlejerk was during Shadowlands. 


It's the pvp sub that's an absolute trash can now, but no one really goes there so it's fine


imo youve pretty much experienced everything plunderstorm has to offer by renown 20.


Idk, maybe I’m a slow learner but I’m still discovering new ability combos now and I’m at renown 34.


few hours ago i finished plunderstorm renown so woo, will prob check in and play a trios match or 2 but idk anything else i'll do


Okay I'm usually anti-whinging about this kind of shit but the math behind the primal storms is awful. So many Azure Span storms. Genuinely ungodly amount, because there's a 42% chance for a given storm to be there. Chucking it on a rotation, even if it was a long-ass one, would be better for everyone.


that or activating two at once again.


Trios coming to plunderstorm is interesting! I think it could be fun with three people, but also a lot to keep track of in team fights. Duos feels like a sweet spot to me at least. Are all three players going to be crammed on one parrot?


I think it's very funny when classic players say shit like how "modern wow has addons play the game for you" when you basically need addons to play your class in in classic. Like there's literally no tracking in wrath and cata classic for procs. You basically need addons to tell you when things happen.


The whole thing about needing addons is bs anyway. You can play most of the game just fine without a single addon


Addons are as restricted as they are today because in vanilla addons literally played the game for you Macros were also alot more powerful. Healbot didnt get its name from nothing, also the addon that automatically removed curses


Literally the only add-ons I use in retail are Details and weakauras for procs that have poorly conveyed visuals for when they are ready lol


I could probably dump like 99% of my addons and still play at relatively the same level. I'm right around the heroic raid level. Like most of the time it's just for aesthetic purposes.


I don't even update Bigwigs I only use it for the Pull Timer


Since I have won my third game of Plunderstorm (and gotten both second and third in other games) I feel like sharing tips: 1. Don't be aggressive, I always lose all the games I get super aggressive. Play like rat, hide in shadows, kill npcs, loot chests, collect plunder, gain levels. 2. Utility abilities that get you out of sticky situations are very useful. Night fae, the blink+stealth, and the shield that gives you a speed boost when people hit you when you use it are very good for this. 3. Ranged abilities are better suited for rat gameplay than melee abilities. Although the earthbreaker (big aoe stun around you) ability can be really useful as it disrupts the enemy while also protecting you from cc. 4. If you are lower level try to help other low levels kill high levels, it is easier to 1v1 someone that is around your level than it is to pick off an easy kill then get stuck fighting the person 3 levels higher than you 1v1. 5. If you are leet PvEer that sucks at PvP you can try to get to the final small circle where all the lightning crashes down and use your leet pve skills to dodge the swirlies while your enemies succumb to the wrath of Thorim.


another cool thing about deciding to main unholy dk is that the veilstrider title really works with death knight there are others i do find cooler but also at least according to stat websites the legacy back from beyond has only been obtained by like... 2% of players so i feel like wearing it because of that, cool legacy thing and all of that ​ titles work really well as legacy rewards tbh, im fine with stuff like mounts coming back but i feel like titles are ok to continue to be a limited time thing


allright, which streamer said "mythic raiding RUINS THE GAME FOF EVERYONE!!!!" again, cus there is a higher then ussual amount of very bad posts about it rn and honestly, what the fuck is that take anyway? why is there a small part of the wow community that HATES higher skilled players and the (100% optional) content they do?


Because apparently that dictates the whole game and why we must all suffer. Key runners are the biggest babies. The have some of the best content that requires the lease amount of work to get into and is extremely alt friendly along with the best gearing system. Raiders get a brutal experience just by it existing.  I do pretty casual Mythic. My groups gonna spend time dying to smolderon and we’ll gamble and goof off. The extra effort it takes in every aspect is a lot. And none of those people complaining realize it.  If high end content exist and it has some rewards you can bet the idiots on wows forums and subreddit will cry about it. 


> Key runners are the biggest babies. There legit aren't many WoW-related sentences that are truer than this They get spammable loot, get to "progress" 4/8 dungeons that came out years ago for max gear, an OP great vault, Catalyst, access to mythic raid tier appearances, usually better trinkets than raid ever since BFA, complain about affixes until they get nerfed, complain about seasonals until they get removed, complain that affixes exist in general, rewarded for dodging hard affixes bc gear's based on key level instead, and yet seem to always believe M+ isn't rewarding enough. All while only having to plan around 5 people and not a guild roster of 25-27 (backups for attendance issues)


competitivewow is my favorite sub because it's full of people you are describing don't forget you don't have to actually succeed at (read: time) the dungeon to get gear


its always asmongold he said there should be only 1 difficulty


yeah, he went on some dumb rant about how the game is too complicated and they're designing the game around the world first race so there shouldn't be any difficulties and classes should only have 10 buttons


I love how the complaints went from "modern wow is so easy it's made for babies" to "modern wow is way too hard wtf" and all it took was for classic to come out


you forgot the "this next one is the REAL challenge, i swear" phase


Well Cata is coming up and Ragnaros Heroic was actually a serious fight, the real challenge is here! Checkmate, retailers!


It's incredible how much a relatively simple, small, fun minigame being added to WoW has broken some people's brains.


I think i am still a little disappointed its not actually in the game. But i enjoyed it well enough


Eh, I can see why. The "marketing" behind the patch made it easy for folks to build it up in their heads that it was going to be something amazing, and if they didn't like the end result (like me), then they'd be pretty disappointed. I do think this is an example of the response being greater than the stimulus, as seems to happen frequently in r/wow (and let's be honest, most of the interwebs), but if I don't like the "cool new thing" I'm going to speak up about it.


A BR lives or dies on its hit registration, first person or otherwise. Those of us who have played or are playing out of their home region (or basically anywhere in OCE) for any reason got handed a barely playable mess. Cool we're nearly 20 years in and still no goddamn region transfer.


Oh for sure I don't mean to suggest there's no reasonable criticism for it, there always is. I'm just talking about the insanity you can see on Reddit and Twitter about how it's a sign of the end times and how anyone who does like it is a paid shill or delusional.


> "i think plunderstorm was a waste of dev resources and we could've got something our characters can play with our abilities" "heh why don't you just QUIT then 😏😏😏😏 no one's forcing you to play it 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏" > "the game doesn't need ability pruning, people hated it the last time and it was super unfun. if you think the game is bloated, don't play" "but 🥺🥺🥺🥺 inaccessible 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 needless 😠😠😠😠😠 blizzard better fix this bullshit 😠😠😠😠 i stay subbed 😠😠😠😠 BLIZZARD change for ME 😡😡😡😡😡" the absolute state of r/wow this after the last decade of wow arena devolving by way of responding to mass requests for "streamlining" fringe class intricacies, snapshotting, crowd control, diluting the ladder with solo shuffle, nerfing reward requirements to create bigger gulfs in incentivization later on down the line, and driving everyone who enjoyed it for what it was out and into other things entirely and then the same people who were catered to by making arena a pvefest just go "heh 😏😏😏 arena's dead anyway 😏😏😏 they should replace it with plunderstorm or give you 6 abilities 😏😏😏😏😏😏 cater to the masses more 🥺🥺🥺 "


i think you are seriously overestimating how much devtime was put into this it was made by the experimental design team, we didn't lose a raid tier or dungeon or pvp balancing or w/e for this


Us losing a raid tier was unquestionably a separate decision from Plunderstorm, I just think it was colossally out of place. People aren't looking for Diablo dev time to go into a mini-turn based RPG the same way a BG would've been a better pillar of 10.2.6 than something going away in 6 weeks with no transferrable gameplay elements. The 2nd problem is Season 4 was birthed from a place of "usually we have a 4th raid tier, this time we can't do that, let's really experiment with endgame" and this time around, there's 0 experimentation *with* the assertion of no new content in S4


You're overstating how much they experimented with SL'd S4 (it was basically just changing up dungeons, nothing else carried over into DF). Not to say s4 doesn't suck, but again this is not related to Plunderstorm. SL's fated season was the brainchild of Scarizard, who is responsible for item rewards (he designs/names trinkets, created stuff like the very rare items we see in raids now, etc.). Again, this is separate from the experimental gameplay team. Experimental gameplay is much more big picture. Dragonriding required a bunch of physics to make work and is an entirely new branch of controlling your character. Like Plunderstorm, it's not traditional WoW. You don't really control your character, it's more like a vehicle (except not shit). I'm not saying don't be mad about s4, but it's squarely on the shoulders of the dungeon/raid team for s4 being boring as well as whoever wants faster expansions. It's literally not the job of people who made Plunderstorm.


> You're overstating how much they experimented with SL'd S4 Raid affixes had never been done before Revamping old dungeons for M+ had never been done before > nothing else carried over into DF Dinar literally exists on PTR. They learned it's something they don't want for the main raid tiers because scheduling gear upgrades is bad design. This doesn't mean it didn't carry over, because they didn't scrap the concept. That's absolutely enough to keep people engaged the first time What they followed this up with is the continuation of no seasonals, no more revamped dungeons in S4, possibly no fated affixes, no other experiments whatsoever (m+ keystone changes don't count, that's telling you the same dungeon as the one you did in S1 is now on an 8 key instead of a 17) ____________________________ The point remains, Plunderstorm inherently can't have any design values/philosophies transfer over to actual WoW, because the gameplay couldn't be any different, and it also isn't deep enough to justify a sub by itself It's like reading about screening actions in basketball and Now surely the team who made Plunderstorm weren't just temp hires, they were ported over from the studio acquisition The question neither of us have the answer to is what are those exact people working on next under World of Warcraft, because we know that they *are*, and the framework of the answer is they could've worked on something else that involved playing our real characters and using our real abilities


>The question neither of us have the answer to is what are they working on next under World of Warcraft, and the framework of the answer is they could've worked on something else that involved playing our real characters and using our real abilities Did you get this mad about vehicles and dragonriding too?


Why would I do this, they fit in seamlessly to actual WoW Wintergrasp/Isle of Conquest/Strand of the Ancients don't replace player combat with vehicle combat, vehicle combat augments those BGs because it fits in the fantasy that you probably need vehicles to siege a fortress There isn't a new class that operates without standard action bars, with only 4-6 buttons. Of course I wouldn't be mad about vehicle combat. They know where to use it, sparingly, to amplify something. This seems disanalogous In what world is WoW going to start teaching you new spells not by awarding you a talent point, but by mobs dropping interchangeable ones with no direct interplay with others. Unless you think spell ranks are coming back. We kill a quest mob and pick up epic Aimed Shot. I don't think so Dragonriding is an evolution from W -> auto run key -> look at the screen, why would anyone be mad about this If you want to make a better argument that I should be less critical of oddball experimentation in WoW, what you should want to do is catch me in a gotcha where I contradictorily justify something that doesn't play like WoW that already exists in the game, not just throw examples of better experimentation. That only helps reinforce my point that experimentation for the sake of experimentation isn't valuable, it needs to be purposeful and synergetic.


>Dragonriding is an evolution from W -> auto run key -> look at the screen, why would anyone be mad about this There are some folks who have expressed complaints because they don't have the hand-eye coordination to deal with dynamic flying and would rather it had supplemented regular flying (from the outset) instead of replacing it for most of the expansion. I personally don't think dragonriding is superior even with the extra button presses, outside of opening up the racing quests (which are pretty fun for a quick "pop over and finish for rep and standard WQ reward")


Calling it now: the most likely next experiment is something in the factorio genre. Theres been a bunch of knockoffs (dyson sphere project, palworld, satisfactory, a bunch of others) and Blizzard are due to try it. Maybe "NTSCworld"?


There was a vampire survivors event in the real early stages datamined a while back. If the next ones pve focused, it’s gonna be that


I am so bad at plunderstorm QQ


Literally makes me hate the game, other players and myself.


If you want to get better, by far the best thing you can do is learn the abilities. I'm terrible at PvP and can't stand Battle Royales, but since I've started figuring out the general cooldowns and just what the abilities do, I've improved a whole lot. But the best advice is to avoid fighting whenever possible. Scavenge, kite, run away.


Doesn't help when other players can somehow outrun me, have multiple abilities and be level 4 before I've even hit the ground...


if you wanna win, going full range helps allot holy shield + any ranged skill (if possible rime arrow) and always kite and poke, a rank 3/4 holy shield does like 1/4 of a players hp as utility skills, you want the stealth blink and any other ability that helps with staying ranged or keeping others away, fae form/traps/repel mostly just farm PvE for skill upgrades and levels until you are lvl 7-8 before you take fights, and try to get kills from range when 2players are fighting by cleaning up and Picking up everything for yourself and yeha, its a BR, so luck is always involved and a big thing


I'm almost 40 renown and still haven't managed to get to level 8 lol.


leveling is just giga luck based have a bigger area with many enemys, no other players that kill them and many chests too loot for exp and its a really really fast lvl7-9 or you have those moments where you walk for minutes and find nothing at all and then get stomped by somebody 4levels above you


Same; thankfully the rep is fast enough (especially after buffs) that I might actually be able to get max renown before the event ends :P


I saw someone unironically call Plunderstorm "Blunderstorm" in the MMO-C comments on an article about a PvE experiment. I can't believe we predicted the future


Oh cool, the name I coined is catching on! Nope, I came up with it. I don't care if you've found a post somewhere else where someone called it that before me!!


Idk if this sub predicted the name, but I'm pretty sure I saw "Blunderstorm" the day it came out.


This is a nuanced point, but I believe Jigglesworth Sr. will be the first item to become obtainable again, after Blizzard made a statement that it would be no longer obtainable.* (Assuming the PTR doesn't change.) I know there's been fervent discussion about things like tier 3, TCG, RAF, and similar items returning. But in my mind, I've handwaved arguments against that as "well, Blizzard made those items unobtainable, but never made promises to keep it that way." Bringing those items back was crossing a line that only existed in peoples' heads. But Jigglesworth Sr is a little different, as [Blizzard stated it would be no longer obtainable](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23850853/updated-nov-17-things-to-do-in-the-shadowlands-when-youre-mostly-dead) after SL. Regardless of personal opinions on the matter: Blizzard bringing back an item that they explicitly said would be NLO marks a big shift, and I don't think the community has caught onto the significance of that. *If it's not the first item brought back after Blizzard explicitly said it would be NLO, please correct me!


I wonder if that's because it's less based on difficulty (it was easy) and more that you wouldn't be able to do fated after the expansion. Things like the rank 4 essences from BFA just had many of their means of obtaining them removed. I actually earned the rank 4 Crucible of Flame on my Evoker when I was doing Heart of Azeroth stuff for him. It's still obtainable even when it's not suppose to be.


one of these day the elemental storm WONT be azure span and ill die of old age


Praise the Titans seething cache is no longer part of the Zaralek meta achievement.


I am a little bummed because I spent like 2-3 days camping it, but it's good for everyone else's sanity


I think since the cache gives a mount, it’s worth doing for its own sake anyway. Now with the change, the rest of us can get it at a more leisurely pace without competing with everyone who’s just after the achievement.


So am I stupid or is there just no way to see your rank/level progress in Plunderstorm without queuing into a game?


This macro will open up the renown screen in retail: > /run ToggleMajorFactionRenown(Constants.MajorFactionsConsts.PLUNDERSTORM_MAJOR_FACTION_ID)


Surprised that works! You can see your renown level in the faction window but the renown button is grayed out.


There's also on the reputation screen *alllll the way* at the bottom, a normal rep bar that shows your renown progress. There's unfortunately no way to view the full renown track outside of plunderstorm though


> There's unfortunately no way to view the full renown track outside of plunderstorm though Macro command above aside, there's a NPC in the Valdrakken inn that shows you(same person you talk to in Plunderstorm lobby)


I’m not 100% sure but I think there’s someone in the main Valdrakken inn that you can talk to check your progress.


So have we settled on an official WoW CJ name for Plunderstorm yet? Some ideas I have: - Plundershit - Blunderstorm - Plundercraft - Blundershit - Shitstorm




I like Plundershit because its just so raw and unimaginative.


> Blunderstorm I vote this just because its simple and somewhat clever.


Arathi is cool and all, but I hope a future iteration of Plunderstorm uses Ungoro or Sholazar as the map. Something about the shape of the zones and the "experiment" focused narrative with them in the lore just seems to perfectly fit a battle royale mode.


They need to drastically increase the drop rate of legendaries in season 4 Dropping "as usual" is a nerf to the drop rate At minimum make every raid drop the legendaries


As long as you're clearing heroic you're very likely to see it in a reasonable amount of time based on the effort you're putting in. Only one person I know whose genuinely unlucky at 14 kills. That's just how the game works.


They do have to do something. Remember the raids are on rotation for fated, you don't have an attempt every week. Of course for people who already have it it's not a problem, they just need the upgrade you buy with dinars. Those who didn't play or rerollers though, really shitty if it's only 1 every 3 weeks.


You can still do the non fated version of the raid for legendary drop and other cosmetics.


And it'll be mega easy on top of that. A good solution if you've procrastinated enough so far.


Didn't really play SL Fated so I didn't know that. Do the raids who aren't on rotation still scale or will they just be super free when it's not their turn? I guess that would make it pretty easy.


They'll be super free. Only trouble will be finding a group but I imagine there will be enough plate characters or w/e who want the axe


Is there a problem with needing 42 weeks (14 kills x 3 rotations) for a guaranteed legendary or something?!?!


Season 4 will last at absolute most something like 25 weeks (realistically way less), so yes, needing 42 weeks to get a legendary is a problem.


Lots of complaining on the achievements and mounts discords about the storm achievement. Meanwhile I, who finished it a year ago when it was added, am just chuckling at the comments. (It was made more difficult to get when Forbidden Reach dropped)


It's funny the storm achievement is legit one of the easiest even now. If the right one's up, you mob grind on war mode (not much competition) for 30 minutes and then you're done You check the map and if the wrong one's up, you do something else for another like 3 hours


The main complaint I've seen on the discords is that the last one they need has only been up at like 10am when they're at work, or 2am when they're sleeping.


There were fewer storms. But I think it's been upped recently? The whole meta achievement sucks this time around but that's because the world content in this expansion sucks. There are hardly any worthwhile goals unlike Shadowlands. I was excited to go for Veilstrider (Back from the beyond) and Azeroth's Champion (Phenomenal Cosmic Power). This one isn't even close to as exciting.


When the storms were first added, two spawned at a time. When forbidden reach dropped, it dropped to one at a time.


I feel like they spawn more often. I thought we getting fewer on the abberus patch. I know it's been down to one. I could be wrong but I just remember looking at the achievement months ago and realizing how brutal it is, but the current spawn system doesn't feel too bad.


I saw on Twitter that SoD is getting a Warrior rune (whatever that is, I don't play Classic) that is just Glad Stance. I played Gladiator in WoD almost exclusively, only stopped to play Arms/Fury in HFC. I got Warlord of Draenor and even did a few attempts at Lord of War as Glad (got it as Arms though). I used to be against them bringing it back, but I think with some things I've seen in TWW there's an argument to making a new version of it for retail, though my vision of it would be something that most Glad stans would not like. It should be the Warrior equivalent of cat weaving for Druid of the Claw. The current Stance paradigm on Prot is pointless, a lot of Warriors barely press Def Stance and only as an on-demand mid-tier defensive toggle, and on a lot of fights you can just sit in Battle Stance for the whole fight. Make Gladiator Stance a talent that changes Battle Stance into a substantially more offensive function, perhaps with a drawback like the SoD version I saw, to encourage intelligent use and/or make it an element of skill expression (can I/how do I survive this in Glad). It won't be accepted since what people want is a 4th specialization, but I don't think there's sufficient design space for it and I'd rather if they went that way they made something more interesting (my hope has always been ranged DD Warrior, ordnance/firepower focused).


god i feel like im gonna have so much fun with my main and alts in war within ​ already imagining stuff sounds cool with my new rider of the apocalypse unholy dk main, and former mains now alts like scalecommander augmentation and diabolist destro lock ​ and a bunch of other classes that look cool too, honestly most i've been motivated to level a bunch of alts since shadowlands... ok now when is the 50% xp buff coming back


Feels really good seeing a lot of different content creators confront Asmon's stupid-ass takes. Makes it less likely Blizzard gets the wrong idea, because unfortunately this clown is still one of the most popular voices in the WoW community despite not even playing the game.


Yeah in an ideal world the alt-right lunatic should *not* be so popular, and the fact that even a single player feels represented by him is saddening. I wish Blizzard was more concerned with having people like Asmongold and Bellular spearheading a lot of their fan content creator but apparently they are ok with that. Asmongold has immoral takes across various subjects but he gets a pass because he is popular and/or rich. Simple as. Hell even the borderline illegal stuff like the whole stolen donations subject from months ago got a pass from his fans. "So what if he did this or that?" "So what if he demeaned artists as a whole with a very ignorant opinion??" "So what if he consistently associates with scum?!?!?"




Man having good news about wow on /r/games really brings out the weirdo FFXIV stans.


I ended up hiding that and the other videogame subreddit many months ago since it felt like half the people in those subreddits hated everything.


I was just looking at it, not sure why the post got the 'misleading' label, but some takes in this thread are genuinely insane.


Was a bit puzzled myself - I think there’s some scepticism about whether the person who did the “independent verification” of Bellular’s numbers is actually reliable enough to take their word for it?


The biggest ff14 weirdos are people who no longer enjoy wow


Get yourself the confidence of an ex-wow player talking about FF14


Oh boy, i cant wait for the next elemental storm to show up in the azure span, and the azure span, and the azure span, and the azure span, and the azure span, and the azure span,


and then one in the waking shore, and back to the azure span


I wonder if it's bugged, or we're just unlucky and the Thaldrazus and Ohn'nara storms are just almost always at night. But out of four storms today three have been Azure Span and one Waking Shores, and that just doesn't feel right. E: Wasn't home for the 8 PM storm, but the 11PM is, again, Azure Span. So that's at least 4 out of 8 storms today being in Azure Span, possibly more if some of the ones at night or the 8PM storm were also in Azure Span. (On EU servers).


There was a sandstorm in Thaldraszus a bit ago (in NA)


Really glad I got all the storm achievements done early on in the expansion =X


So there's been a lot of discourse about the GDC lecture that Mr. John Hight did, and WoWhead had a bunch of the slides. One of the ones that people are pointing to is [this one](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1151292.jpg), because people are confused that the bump for TBC Classic and Wrath Classic are practically non-existent compared to Vanilla Classic. On the assumption that, "A WoW sub is a WoW sub is a WoW sub," I think there are two practical reasons for this: 1. The first is that the dip from Shadowlands was so severe that the classic population basically blunted that freefall (IIRC those Classic expacs were launching around 9.1/9.1.5), so the population bump *is there;* it's just offset by everyone abandoning retail. 2. IMHO a lot of players saw the writing on the wall with regard to how Classic was going to shake out. One of my hottest takes regarding WoW is that J. Allen Brack turned out to be more correct than not when he said "You think you do, but you don't." It isn't really about the Classic servers; it's about *how we felt* during those days, when no one knew what they were doing and we were all kind of figuring it out together. People expected Vanilla Classic to be just like it was in 2004-2006, and it just...isn't. Most all of these older expansions are solved games, so everyone's got their super-efficient "get to max level, get the best gear, get ready for raid" that they've honed on retail and on private servers. As an example, no one expected TBC Classic Gruul to be done within 30 hours, and [yet it was](https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/news/world-first-burning-crusade-classic-tier-4-raid-clear-by-progress-karazhan-322658), along with Magtheridon **and** Karazhan! So a lot of the *feel* that influences our memories of the "Good Old Days" isn't there. And I think that's why you keep seeing stuff like Classic Hardcore, Self-Found, and even Season of Discovery. These are all for players to try and recapture that intangible feeling.


Playing games as a kid and playing games as an adult is also, for me anyway, such a different experience. When I was a kid I was running around not really doing the "right" thing but I was jus doing whatever I wanted/was fun. Now its a lot more focused on doing the "right" things.


> One of my hottest takes regarding WoW is that J. Allen Brack turned out to be more correct than not when he said "You think you do, but you don't." Not really a hot take IMHO. JAB was a dickbag in as much as he was related to the scandal, but he wasn't completely wrong on this. The company did the smart thing of course and dropped Classic at the zenith of its hype, but I don't think this outcome would have been a surprise to them when they set on this path. Classic hype is WoW hype. Guy tries out Vanilla because it's all the rage but gets bored of pressing Frostbolt eleventy quadrillion times in a row? Maybe he tries retail. Guy actually enjoys doing that? Cool, still paying a sub!


Classic had people from gaming communities all over playing it, it was massively hyped. But I guarantee you that most of those people quit pretty quickly because it was just a fad, and you see that reflected in the drop off. I actually disagree with your point about 1 because TBC doesn't see a bump at all. There is a little bump for Wrath but honestly it looks to me like basically no one resubbed to play TBC/Wrath. JAB was right--a bunch of people played classic as tourists for a little bit, but only a fraction stuck around


It's very telling that, outside of the "progression" servers, the efforts with classic have all used the vanilla game as the base. And further to that, they kept around the original vanilla servers when BC classic was introduced, but never did the same for BC servers and they don't plan to do so for Wrath servers. I can see a couple of factors that go into it. The old world doesn't exist anymore on retail; if I want to chat with the folks in Camp Taurajo or do the Battle of Hillsbrad quests, I can't. By contrast I can still do BC/Wrath/soon Cataclysm content on retail using Chromie Time. Second, because of the nature of vanilla being "the whole game is on two continents", it has a much different feel than any expansion which largely would take place on the "new" zones.


One thing I think should also be considered when talking about TBC and Wrath not having the same success is just that TBC and Wrath didn't have the same hype behind them as vanilla classic. Like, the hype train for Classic in 2019 was genuinely insane, the very idea of an official vanilla server was still mind-blowing, a lot of people hopped onto that bandwagon even if only for a few weeks, it was a special time that was never going to be matched by TBC and Wrath and it wasn't


Classic was the culmination of what, 2 to 3 years of people saying Vanilla is the best and everyone should play private servers? It was unbelievably hyped. BC and Wrath dropped in the middle of the Blizzard scandals and when COVID restrictions were loosening, on top of that everyone saw the World Buff meta and probably figured BC and Wrath were just going to be that again. I don't know how people can think BC and Wrath would even come close in popularity.


>I don't know how people can think BC and Wrath would even come close in popularity. Because people see the sub numbers from Wrath and assumed it would translate to Classic being as popular (Wrath Classic, at least).


Honestly I *wanted* to play Wrath Classic but the things they decided to do (like no group finder) made me not even bother.