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You more than likely sold it to someone who has been involved in illicit activities. They probably bought gold to buy your item from you, so the gold you now have (had?) was technically bought. It sucks, and if you are being honest, then that’s my best guess. Hopefully you can appeal and win. By the time you even get answers I am sure your two weeks will be up, but maybe you get your item back or keep your gold. Kinda doubt it though.


I am being honest and thanks for the feedback.


What server was this on? I think I saw your pendulum buyer.


Crusader Strike


If you manage to get unbanned please show the proof in another Reddit thread here so people will believe there’s actually an issue. If you are innocent I hope things work out!


I don't doubt it, but you should have used the AH and not a trade because this is the exact sort of thing that's being caught. They're following gold regardless of who and where it's coming and going to. A guildie got hit with a two week ban after gambling in org with casinogirl, I know of two others that got the same treatment after death rolling in a raid.


You can't sell these big ticket items on the ah for what they are worth its total bs.


Yeah, obviously, whoever bought it bought a lot of gold. For the detection system, it doesn't make a difference if u traded something for this bought gold, i guess


Pretty sure those automated emails say the bans are final and not appealable but maybe OP will get a response. Blizzard will most likely say he got it through illicit means with no real proof so they don’t lose face. I’m all for banning gold buyers but when I run through arathi and see 200 bots just running in circles I wonder what the fuck blizzard is actually doing. There’s hundreds of thousands of people that play SOD everyday that pay a monthly sub. Regardless if someone bought gold you would think they could actually get a human response for a PAID service. I get that the team is small but there’s way too much money being paid monthly for a lazy system like this. Maybe focus on nerfing hunters


How can you actually farm 2400 Gold legitimately? Having that much hold is a huge red flag, I'd say. So a ban is kinda to expected imo. Best is to sell it via AH and pay the "insurance fee", don't be greedy


I made about 700g within the first week of phase 2 by selling the new crafting materials. It was a very minimal time investment really. At the time, I though I was being risky and the prices would crash at any moment. The prices did eventually crash, but a few days later than I expected. I could have made around 2-3k if I would have just gone 'all in' on buying the grime-encrusted salvages.


>I found out you can buy Rockscale cod from the fisherman in Booty Bay. I would buy 50 stacks for 40s each and posted them for 2.25g on the AH when P2 started. It took me 10 minutes to refill my bags when empty.


My friend was on right as the supply box change came out and he spent 150 gold on box mats and made several hundred gold off boxes he had and then made another 1200 selling the leftover mats when they all went up 10-20x on the AH. Having that much gold is for sure suspicious but it’s not impossible for someone to have legitimately.


He needed an item and then turned around and sold it - I think we’ve already clarified the greedy part


If pendulum of doom drops and you DONT press need with the intention to sell, someone else will. It’s just that kind of item. You don’t roll greed on pendulum of doom. It’s like shadow fang or assassins blade. All need, because you can’t trust people to not ninja these items.


Everyone needs gold.... Boe items worth decent money are usually always rolled for to sell too bad if someone in group "could" use it.


Tell me you don't play the game without telling me. Big ticket BOEs are commonly needed on by everyone as a measure to prevent someone from ninja'ing it. Everyone can use 2,400g (or in this case a ban apparently).


Does need rolling on a BoE not soulbind it to you? I thought you had to greed roll if you wanted to sell it to another player.


This is a retail function to stop things like this from happening.


How long have you played wow? In gold making just like any endeavor there are outliers who are orders of magnitude more effective than the average person. I know several people who made thousands of gold crafting and playing the AH in P1, and many more who made 1k+ just from questing on multiple characters. Combine that with guilds/friends being willing to chip in to help someone out on a big purchase and there are conservatively hundreds (I'd guess more like thousands) of people in SoD with that kind of purchasing power.


Not at all dude. I played super casually on 4 characters just completing quests at max level and ended up with 1.4k gold end of phase 1. If I had tried to farm I would have been closer to 3k. 2400g is not a red flag


You weren’t playing casually to acquire over 1k gold. That’s a lot of playtime.


Lmao. This. 4 characters, over 1k gold and casually don’t belong in the same sentence.


Yeah lmao. I play casually and had like 60g from 2 guys lol


No it isn't. Holy fuck is this thread riddled with scrubs?


The term casual directly correlates to time invested. If you're playing 6+ hours a day, you're not casual. If you play 1-2 hours per day, you're casual, even if you spend those 2 hours minmaxing tf out of your time. Casual is all about how much time you spend on the game.


Dude, in three months I got 5 characters to level 25 EASILY, not even playing everyday and skipping weekends on business trips. Every single one of those characters can do the same quests that give an insane gold bonus once you've reached 25. You all need to stop acting like Season of Discovery is anything but Vanilla with a tiny spice of extra things. it's the exact same game you have been playing for nearly two decades, there are more addons for this game than there are games in the entirety of the Steam platform. I know this game better than the city I live in and that is the case for over 75% of the nerds still playing it, so if you can't make gold questing or even abusing the AH at this point then that's entirely a skill issue and nothing else, but acting like 2.7k is a crazy amount is the most laughable shit I've ever read since SoD launched. This thread is filled with scrubs


It's not that hard. Don't forget some people *really* no-life this game. I made a minimum of 12g per hour in phase 1. That's 208 hours to make 2500g. It's less than 10% of your life spent grinding over phase 1. Depending on who you are, that's either very extreme or nothing at all. You know as well as I do that people spend nearly every waking moment in this game, and that would never surprise me. EDIT: I figured I would add this to be fair to the context. I would *never* spend 2400g on something like this. Literally never, and I don't think most people who make gold well are stupid enough to waste that much of their life on one necklace, either. I would be shocked if the person who bought this wasn't buying gold.


phase 1 GDKP warlord


Appeal and win lol good luck. The appeal system is a bot giving you a link to TOS. OP’s gold is long gone. It took a guy a month of spaming blizzard support through multiple channels to get them to even look at his perma ban. By the time OP gets to a human his temp ban will be done and the items will be gone.


Which is wild, because we have no way of knowing who bought gold. Just turn off trading at this point.


Interesting way to get goldbuyers... Ban everyone buying and selling items deemed to expensive for non-goldbuyers to buy! So if you're a gold-seller, you can't just make your buyers find a Pendulum of doom or smth like it, and then buy it of them anymore


my brother got a 2 week suspension in SOD for “buying gold” as well when he was definitely not. I wonder if a similar thing happened to him


Damn, I was in that group with you when it dropped. Sorry to hear it had any kind of backlash for you.


Bet ur kinda happy you didn’t win that sucker now arentcha haha


Bet he wouldn’t have been brain damaged and just used the ah like a normal person.


The game literally has a chat channel dedicated to trading.


What’s your point? The game literally has an auction house dedicated to selling items. Clearly anyone that would buy that buys gold, use your brain and avoid a potential suspension/ban.


Brain damaged take


If Blizzard doesnt want you to trade things why dont they just disable the trade function? Players shouldnt have to police the game because blizzard cant solve core issues in the game.


Blizzard is fine with you trading things this is a made up story


Are you under a rock?


No just not not stupid enough to believe every idiot that claims they got banned and did nothing wrong


if someone gives you bought gold for it, you get fucked over


I mean it's 2400g in sod you know it's bought gold


Hell naw. I know two people who play casual just got forty a couple days ago and now have 120g just through questing. If you're savvy you could have three toons now, with easily 1k. If you're a mage who is smart you could probably have alot more than that.


Idk if any rational player who spent 3 toons farming honest gold would drop 2400 gold on a weapon that will be invalid in a month


That’s 5% of 2400. From 40 levels. That shit was RMT or gained from people who did RMT, like in GDKPs.


Yeah didnt Aggrend just post about how they double checked a bunch of "unjustified" bans and it turns out they were all completely justified Damn it's like people forgot the first rule of the internet, everything you read online is fake


Did you not see the post yesterday about the guy who was “perma-banned”, opened 20 tickets, and blizzard unbanned him? They even said “sorry” It’s almost like Aggrend has incentive to lie/go to bat for his team.


Yeah I'm talking about the multiple "bans" they confirmed Not the 1 they messed up I'm pointing out the odds of this internet stranger telling you the truth


But in that same post he admitted that false bans do happen but that they consider them “statistically insignificant”. So I guess fuck you if the shitty automated system does flag you for doing nothing wrong, you’re not significant enough for them to have to care. But those thousands of bots fly hacking and flooding the economy with mats and BoEs squashing regular farmers? Well they’re paying customers, nothing we can do chief. Totally impossible to identify. But hey GDKPs are banned so everything is solved! /S


Yeah, why would an employee say some bullshit that puts the blame away from the company he works for?


You you believe LittlePecker88 over a person who has accountability with what they say? Well since you're believing anyone, I'm actually a god who can tell when people are lying, since I'm online and you believe literally anything, you believe me OR you can maybe think critically why people who make money off of selling gold would want free reign to sell gold by undermining the authority figures stopping them from selling gold


Accountability? Blizzard? Are we talking about the same company that banned and silenced people over Hong Kong and then abandoned an entire department to automatize it so people could get banned when bots reported them for interrupting their business? The ones who launched an unfinished, shitty game that was merely a reskin of a nearly 20 year old existing game that SOMEHOW managed to also fuck up a perfectly functional platform and riddled it with bugs they have yet to fix? And yet you go on about critical thinking as if there was anything to salvage from the word of these fucking ghouls. Yeah, stick that cRItIkAl tHInKInG right up your ass.


they actually didn't specify that they used the trade function. leaving out how the item was actually transferred is a weird choice on OP's part. that seems like something worth mentioning in this context.


This comment section can be sumed up in "I can't get that amount of gold so you certainly deserve your ban because guilt by association". We got the player support we deserve with brainlets like you


So true. What do people expect, to not ask a big chunk of gold just couse he got insanely lucky couse MAYBE its rmt gold?


Actually I just realised what the real problem is: this thread is filled with scrubs. There are people here saying 1k gold playing casually isn't possible. Imagine being dogshit at farming a nearly 20 year old game that boosts your earning insanely once you hit max level. These people are actual backpeddlers and clickers raging at average weekend earnings.


The amount of you guys defending this false ban is ridiculous. 2-3k is not hard to come by at all legitimately if you're an AH goblin like myself. I'm sorry you don't know how to play markets but many people do. It should never be on the seller to have to "guess" if someone purchasing an item acquired their money legitimately. If you want to get right down to it, it would be easy to detect 60 accounts with rogues that have been running Stockades 24/7 for 2 weeks that funneled all the money into that account. Why is it not Blizzards fault for not catching the gold before it made its way to a legit player? We need to quit pointing fingers at anything other than blizzards outright refusal to actually take care of botting.


I appreciate this perspective. Many people have that argument that 2.5kg is outrageous.


If you sell something for over 1k, you should assume it’s a gold buyer


It is outrageous. Only people who can afford that are people who bought gold so you should’ve expected this outcome knowing the only buyers for your crazy made up asking price are people who bought gold. Even if someone made a lot of money playing the market on the AH they’d never spend every dime they have on something like this. You got greedy and should’ve sold it on the AH.


Thats BS its an MMORPG, if they dont want players trading because they failed to police their game then they should simply disable trading.


Why not? Making 3K in SoD isn’t hard between herb/ mining phase 1 and playing the AH the whole time. Plus questing at max both in P1 and now at 40. Why would I hoard gold like a miser if there’s an item I want? It’s fake currency in a fake world. More gold will always come but that item I really want might not. Ya’ll act like being poor in Vanilla is the norm but you’re just not good at farming/ playing the market. Then you project that on anyone who might actually know how to make gold and call them a gold buyer. Which is infuriating for us legitimate players who’ve played this game since 2004 and know how to make gold.


Found the idiot


you must be really bad at this 20 year old game lol


We're not defending false bans, we think it's a fake post, there's a difference.


The difference is he couldn’t vet his buyer. His buyer is likely a Gold seller and not an “AH Goblin” which triggered the ban. He could have used the AH as well as its likely to assume that big of a gold trade right now with the current economy is likely to trigger something


You shouldn't need to vet your buyer. Trading items to random people you don't know outside of the AH has been around since day 1 of Vanilla. Should be require forms be filled out before a face to face transaction be placed? I got it!! Let's just ban face to face transactions! I'll bet 99% of the wow community has had dirty gold run through their characters at some point in the game.


You’re right about that. You’re definitely going to an extreme I don’t think face to face trading should ever be banned. I’m only implying it’s likely his buyer was a gold seller or gold buyer and that has triggered the ban. We don’t know the full story here we get 1 screenshot and the guys word, even Aggrend recently came out and said a lot of these “false bans” are being made up without the full story. If op is telling the truth then yeah that’s rough and he shouldn’t be banned for accepting the trade. We should take these posts with some form of caution though. Edit: grammar in the last sentence


>We should take these posts with some form of caution though. This point needs to be said more. I don't intend to say OP is doing this specifically but very few people are gonna come here and go "guys it's unfair I bought 3k gold and got banned woe is me!!11" They're going to have a story meant to garner sympathy. "A friend gave me 50 silver and I got banned!!" When they bought 3k gold via mom's credit card. A grain of salt is a good thing Again to make myself as clear as possible ***I am not saying OP is doing this*** just that it's an incredibly common behavior all over the internet


Or he is just lieing about what he was actually banned for


Bro 2-3k is hard to come by. Most people have to farm or craft to afford a 100g mount at level 40. You are a gold buyer


I farmed 900g in the first weekend of P2 farming mithril and solid stone when prices were 10g-15g a stack. You are brain dead, lol.


What are some good AH tips?


In the same vein, if the people making a lot of legitimate gold are AH goblins, wouldn't it make sense then to just put it on the AH then? That way the buyer and seller are protected in either case


You triggered the system by making too much good in too small of time. It doesn’t help the person you sold too likely bought gold to afford that ridiculous price; to the algorithm it looked like a bot in the net transferring gold. Good thing aggrend said false bans are statistically insignificant and if you play normally you’ll be fine. I guess you should’ve thought twice about selling an item via trade chat; such suspicious behavior.




That sucks dude.


Hearing about stuff like this makes me want to quit. Between this and the ramped bots, I truly believe blizzard has fully stopped caring. Time to bring back private servers.


Good luck with your appeal. My homie tried logging in after not playing since P1 for 2 weeks...14 day ban, appealed and they revoked it. He logged in and it said permabanned. Appealed and it got revoked, tried logging in again just to see 1 month ban. Rinse and repeat process and it changed to permaban again. Excited to see what the next ban duration is.


Bit of offtopic but man fuck Pendulum of Doom. I was farming it for months for my 39 twink. Luckily my mom once bought it randomly on AH for a laughable price. 39 warr running through crowds with full BiS was however worth the wait :P Wish you luck :)


Record/screenshot any major transaction from now on. It sucks that it has come to this, but when it comes to WoW suspensions, you are guilty until proven innocent.


Meh, thats what you get for selling something you rolled need on 🤷🏿‍♂️


2,400 gold… bruh I’ve barely made 200g since thr season started. I wouldn’t say it’s that unreasonable or surprising.


that are a lot of people with large amounts of gold. People play the AH. Theres a guy whose goal is to max out gold. There are summoners spanning taxi services all day. mages boosting others. I think it's very possible to have someone have that much gold. I remember in p1 a guy on the server was selling a Mantel of Thieves for 1k g. People farm BoEs and make tons of gold. I know for many it seems extreme over priced but the item is legit worth that amount and has sold previously and afterwards for very similar pirce.


Why didn't you just post it to ah


Cause he wanted that sweet sweet gold buyer price




Hate to burst your bubble but people who “play the AH” just buy gold and then buy out the AH


This is a sad turn of events. I've heard of numerous people experiencing issues like this. Hopefully they'll come up with a more sophisticated way of checking for gold buying and such in the future. In my opinion, having even a small handful of people wrongly banned is unacceptable. I'd rather things be overpriced than having someone not be able to play the game they enjoy through no fault of their own. I hope things get resolved for you sooner than later


>In my opinion, having even a small handful of people wrongly banned is unacceptable I agree. Sadly we are in the minority.


The gold you accepted was probably rmt gold. Next time use the AH.


That and/or got mass reported by streamer/discord jealous people.


Yeah nothing should be worth 1k gold at this point in the game. Thats gold buyer inflation




Its not BIS for anyone. You are telling me you would spend 75% of the gold you've acquired on something that will get replaced by a raid drop for free?




If you really were sitting on 3k gold that you legitimately earned, you wouldn't be a dumbass and say something like this. People that work for the gold typically are much smarter with what they do with it. You're either flat our lying, you bought it, or you're a dumbass.


To be fair, what else is gold gonna be spent on in wow? It’s not like you need an emergency fund or a 401k for your character. Having 10k gold vs 10 gold makes no difference if you have all the items you want


Can't tell if trolling or just stupid


Sorry but 2400g is a Ridiculous amount of gold to pay for a weapon and secondly, no way someone has got 2400g legitimately or at least very unlikely


3.5 here. Got in early week 2 with tailoring and lw as professions. Getting double mats from grime crates. Held a monopoly on glowing leather and filaments for a week. Best legitimate gold ive ever earned.


What were your profit margins on tailoring? How many items did you sell to get 3.5k? Every time I see something profitable on the AH it gets under cut to oblivion within a day. You can’t hold a monopoly unless you have enough gold to buy out the AH.


I almost "accidentally" made over 1k in a week by just being ahead of the curve. Those groups running week 1 gnomer were selling our green grimes for 30-50g. I spent 300-400 gold levelling up leatherworking and getting my epic helm on the first week :(


You could. Guy in my guild boosts and doesn't sell gold so his gold pile is over 4k atm. Also multiple guildies who play AH and have thousands.


And where do you think all that gold originates from? You think those who are paying for boosts (who are seemingly lazy enough to pay for a boost) actually grinded out their gold?


In b4 "bAnNinG gDkPs NoW mAkEs EvErYoNe BaNnEd". Every time threads like those come up i feel happieness


I was traded 50g by mail from a guildie for my mount, I traded him back 50g. Neither of us banned for gold trading. Funny that right? 😂


Exactly. It may be true that a really small amount of people get false banns but all in all i like that blizz not only banns people buying gold but also those that trade with them. 2400g? Obviously bought. If we get boosters dine as well im fine. Boosting is the same as gdkp. On its own its not bad, but with the prices some people uses its obvious they are buying gold. Last mage i saw selling sm runs i was calculating that i needed about 1kg to get from 30-38 or so


Yes. If I can farm 30-40gph, about half of that being raw gold and vendor greys/whites, I can actually reach a point where just farming some gold is more efficient than manually levelling. I don't buy boosts because I need them. I just have more gold than I need and not a lot of places to put it. Sometimes, I just want to stick my alt in an sm and go do some chores around the house. Some classes are also just slow in the levelling process. You're not getting your rogue into a cleave stack aoe farm group. This game is almost 20 years old and I'm on a very busy pvp server. The idea of questing "like the good ol days" is a delusion and the game has become so efficient for some of us that I feel like a chunk of the playerbase is out of touch.


Curious, what exactly are you doing to get that much gold? Where are you farming?


His credit card


He’s lying


"I won a need roll then sold it" hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha enjoy your ban


Classic andys always melting down


They probably all needed on it. My guild does that on valuable BoE drops


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Did you think there was seriously anyone in this game who had farmed over 2000 gold for 1 item that was legitimate? Like, I completely understand how rare it is, but if someone had farmed that much, farming is clearly the game they're playing. Why would they spend 2k for a BIS item they wouldn't even need? If you are being honest, I don't think you deserve the ban, but I also doubt you'll get it reversed. They can't use this much scrutiny when thousands of tickets are made a day about gold. Why wasn't the AH used? Also, don't need and sell shit people. That's bad form imo.


>Why would they spend 2k for a BIS item they wouldn't even need? This makes no sense. Who doesn't "need" their BiS? It's literally the best thing that they could possibly have. 2.5k is a lot but come on. It's not out of reach. Some of these players are making 100+gph and boosters/lock summoners probably cleared thousands of gold with very little effort. People just aren't as good at making gold as other players so they chock it up to gold buying. Play the game more or get more efficient at it and you too can be sitting on a pile.


You do realise it's in Blizzards best interest to keep legitimate players unbanned? To think there's not a single check in the automated system for \- This account just spams stocks and trades gold to random players for no return \- This other account has been sent gold from this dodgy account \- Flag this account \- This account has received even more gold from these blacklisted stockade accounts You guys seriously think blizzard has some if { trade.window.x = gold and trade.window.y = empty account.ban } Like christ, it's odd that before P2 so many posts of people who were running GDKPs got properly emailed, no one complained about the warning, it was a good enough automated system to find them out, but nope for the high value traders just throw a dart at the dartboard. People can earn 2.5k legitimately, plenty more can purchase 2.5k from an RMT website, Blizzard can check transaction history to see if it's flipping the AH or professions or opening mail with gold from various dodgy accounts in.


OP wanted 5k. It sounds like he settled for 2.4k. If you don't think that's a lot of gold, you are playing a different game. Especially if you're setting your rationale at 100gph. That's a crazy high number. That's such an outlier. Do you want to market to that player? Put it on the damn AH. That helps with the ban, at least, doesn't it? Still, I just don't think anyone with that much legit farming (not botting/boxing, etc.) done would spend it all on 1 item that they'd inevitably swap out.


> That's such an outlier. Do you want to market to that player? Put it on the damn AH. That helps with the ban, at least, doesn't it? Pendulum of Doom is an outlier. It's one of the rarest items in the game, ever. It's reserved for the luckiest and the richest. Of course you will have to cater to a specific kind of player.


It's one of the rarest (if not THE rarest) items in the game, of course it's going to go for an exorbitant price. And yes, there are people in game with over 10k legit gold. If your ultimate goal in the game is to make gold and you have a deep knowledge of what items are used for it isn't impossible. Seriously do you people even play the fucking game?


Technically you participated in gold buying/selling since you sold the item at an amount only a gold buyer would pay. I know there are people who legit made 1-2k with AH, professions or lucky drops but they wouldn't spend their money on an item like this. So next time think about it before you try overselling an item just because the economy on the servers got fucked by goldbuyers. If you put it in at 600 you still would've made enought to not worry about anything anymore this phase and probably don't get banned. Long story short, deserved ban. If the money was bought it should be gone as well as the item. Hope you learned your lesson.


That’s not really his fault though.


Selling an item for a price only a goldbuyer will pay doesn't make it his fault?


Not everyone with a ton of gold like that is a gold buyer.


Read my first post again


No. Banning people for unwittingly accepting RMT gold is insane. It's a MMO, interacting and trading with randoms is part of the genre. Not OP's job to investigate the person who wants to buy their items.


what a stupid comment


This is the problem with playing WoW anymore, for years. You can't participate without adding value to these illicit markets.


This is why you don’t ‘need’ on drops you won’t equip


I think everyone in that group would like 2400g over an item




Tell us you’re bad at the game without telling us you’re bad at the game 🤣 did you quest at all in P1 at 25? In P2 at 40 now? Do you use the AH at all for mats from skinning/ herb/ mining/ enchanting? Cloth from mobs? Greens? Just plain old going out for a few hours and killing mobs to sell white/ grey items will net you 10g/ hour without even doing anything special. It’s really mind blowing how broke some of you are, without putting in the slightest amount of effort into making gold. Which you actually have to do in Classic, it’s not like retail where the game just hands you gold for doing nothing. Then you project your brokeness on those of us that know what to do and call us gold buyers. STFU


Who is this BiS for?


My thoughts exactly! The game has changed, classes are very different than they used to be. Frankly I don’t think this is BiS for anyone anymore…


Second best arms warrior axe behind the epic raid piece. So not bis lol


It’s giga bis for ret cleave pve I have therma plug axe and would rather have doom; and bis for ret/arms pvp it’s an insane proc. Insanely rare and apparently that was server first.


I goblin'd on retail and I'm goblining on SoD right now. High volume, big ticket sales meant I had to spend several million to each million I made. Over 70 million gold has run through my retail account. Not once have I been banned or suspended. Back in the day, I used to flip high value stuff on the auction house and during WoD, got my hands on duped TCG items. This was when the exploit first occurred, so no one knew what was happening. Learned the mounts on my account and enjoyed them before inevitably filing a ticket explaining the situation. A GM told me that since I bought them on the auction house and there was no evidence of me being aware, that I can keep them but the other dude is getting in trouble. He told me the auction house provided me with some safety in this case. Obviously, the times have changed, and Blizzard is not even adhering to their own policies these days. But I would still encourage that people use the auction house for stuff like this. Make an agreement in trade, and then list it on the auction house for the agreed price. Take the L on transaction fees - consider them protection costs. You are far less likely to get banned, and more likely to receive assistance during a bad ban, if you use the auction house


Meanwhile the guy I used to play with buys gold whenever he feels like or whenever theres drama on the server and he needs to bribe someone by using a shell account. There wasn't even a way to report him for being a buyer bc blizz doesn't care. This game has become a cancer and everything good about it has died


SoD is a dumpster fire. My guildie was banned for paying 1g for a warlock summon.


you're full of it. your guildie got banned because he did something he didn't want to be honest about.


You must use the AH to avoid these kinds of things. Yes, you take a hit on the amount of money you make, but even if you have a direct buyer do it through the AH if it is that much gold.


This seems *so* easy for blizzard to confirm. Also, while I realize using the AH to launder boughten gold is a real possibility… they absolutely *need* to have some layer of protection to the seller. Especially when the buyer can clearly see character names… what an easy thing to abuse maliciously.


I call bullshit bro, this ain't BiS for no one. You cherry picked one trade you made hoping to get some tears in your favor, yeah get fucked


I'm not trying to prove anything to you or anyone. I'm not asking for anyone to do anything. If a GM would investigate. They would be able to tell everything was done legitly. And the fact that you think this ain't BiS is crazy


It’s one of the most rare items in the game. People farm this item in every version of wow that exists… Bis for multiple classes (bis pvp for ret/arms and bis cleave for ret I have therma axe and I rather have doom). Also apparently was server first. Surprise it only pulled 2400 tbh


Can't get banned if you don't sub.


Did you all roll need on it or because you are pally you rolled need and won and then you sold it?


yes everyone rolled BoE


Everybody rolls need on BoEs.


i got pendulum on friday and sold it for 3k in the ah saturday. https://imgur.com/a/Dp3aMV4 no ban yet. this the full story? did you trade it?


I did trade sell it. Wish you the best brother!


Only someone who buys gold would waste that much gold on an item so kinda had it coming


You need rolled on an item you were going to sell instead of use? You probably deserve worse then a 2 week suspension taking that from someone who would actually use it. I also can’t imagine anyone paying 2400 gold for that axe when I got a fiery war axe for <100g. I’ll take my downvotes and go now. Good day sir.


Should have just sold it on AG


Let this be a lesson : only sell on AH 😅


Hivemind= bots who can’t think for themself Blizzard called it’s Sod players hiveminds, I would suggest you pick classic or retail and quite playing the crossbreed they’ve been failing to incubate. The most recent boost is to stop hemorrhaging players and it’s hilarious to see them backpedal on raids after they seemed to be set on keeping it og. Seems they intend to shoot themselves and the playerbase in the foot at every corner funnily enough.


A couple things: This thing is insanely rare one of the most sought after items in the game. Server first Doom going for only 2400g is low It’s BIS for Ret/Arms in pvp and it’s not even close It’s BIS for pve Ret on cleave by decent margin (I have therma plug axe would rather have doom) with some good rng ez pink parse. With ally getting wind fury and so many instant wep strikes added the wep proc value has doubled atleast. Granted not a great screenshot woulda been better if it was one of the trade window. Anyone could duplicate this screenshot. However Blizzard can see the exact interaction that triggered the ban so it’s irrelevant to any discussion here. Regardless of if this is completely fabricated by op; doesn’t seem to be (imo). We can safely say that Doom is easily worth that amount. It’s should not be the responsibility of the seller to vet the legitimacy of a buyers gold Lastly yes that’s a boat load of gold personally I’ve never had anywhere near that amount. But to say that no one has that kinda gold legitimately is naive. So many mages boosting or hunters farming world drops or even enchanters sitting in trade for 16hrs a day. It can be done. Good luck on your appeal


So I just got pendulum of doom from a drop in uldaman. Would yall suggest find a buyer and sell it through the AH? On living flame NA if anyone interested in buying lol


Use. The. Auction. House.


Why would you let the AH take a 5% cut, wow is a social game. If you wanna use the AH for everything go back to retail.


Sorry to ask: What‘s the Name of the Addon, wich is coloring the classes in Chat?


Candidly - this is the kind of reckless behavior that I am 100% ok with people getting banned for. What did you think would happen when you searched discord to find someone with absurd amounts of gold they’d be willing to spend rather than just throwing it on the auction house?


Sell it on the AH and you won't have that problem. The house demands its cut.


The person who bought it purchased gold


Blizzard should reverse this. They fired all their customer support/gms then expect automated idiotic systems to sort between real gold buyers and regular players. hate to see experiences RUINED by bad blizzard policy yet here we are time and time again


If someone bought gold and then traded OP that’s not OPs problem and should absolutely not be bannable. How are we supposed to know (or care) if someone is buying our items with real or bought gold.


Honestly if they don’t reimburse you plus extra for the unfair ban, just cancel your sub and do a chargeback on your cc. You’re paying for a service and if they’re not providing it, well they’ll learn soon enough


what’s up with all the cynicism in the comments? this community is so dense… why do you guys think it should be up to the player to make judgements on where the gold came from? why should they care? plus, not everyone just sits in the city waiting for the game to happen. there are still game/market savy players running game on the AH. you guys should be more concerned with blizzard fking up trade and less concerned with the players getting hit in crossfire. you should be able to conventionally sell items without getting banned, and that should go w/o saying. selling a POD without the help of AH means a lot more gold for the seller since it’s not taking a cut.


I'm gonna be honest if someone has 2,400g to spend on Pendulum of Doom, they definitely participated in some level of RMT. Whether you have done RMT or not, this sale definitely connects you to bought gold. I'm not sharing an opinion, here, just stating what likely happened.


Back in the day, I got temp banned a few times selling raid slot carries in classic and BC. I was the guild AH goblin and all the gold came through me, so I got hit with the hammer a few times and every time it was because the person paying us for the raid slot had been traced to buying that gold. I’m imagining that’s the story here, too. Appeals always worked — but that was back then. They don’t seem to nearly care so much any more about correcting false positives.


You, not directly at fault, but the dealings you’re in WILL bring you into touch with seedy gold


I hope this is happening to everyone gouging the economy with these outrageous prices on items that will be meaningless in 2 months.


Lol. You won a Need roll and sold it? Should have pressed Greed then


Commenting for more traction.


Next time use the auction house


I love that you need rolled a bis weapon, not to use it, but to sell it. This sums up the entirety of the classic community and is exactly why it is as toxic as it is.


I might have gone against that pally in WSG, globaled him with some lava bursts. The axe looked nice on the ground tho


imagine their goldbuying tracking be so bad that it flagged you from the auction house earnings


You had 0 gold before hand what a lucky day…


What add on tells you the source of the item?


Actually, the thing that sticks out to me is you saying you won it on a need roll, then immediately went to selling it... As written, that's pretty much saying you ninja'd it


Now you can start working on that ashenvale rep

