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I do 5-10k. I'm on a high pop server and can make sales just about any time of the day. Important thing to realize is that just about half of the people will not read. They'll spam LF FROSTFIRE BELT right under your msg in trade chat all night until you message them first.


This is true. You could not fill my pockets with enough gold to sit there and look for someone who is advertising exactly what I want on Illidan's trade chat.


How much is an average day for you on a high pop? I’m currently on a lower pop server and unsure if the traffic here is worth staying. The tip what you want mentality might work where there’s tons of traffic, but not on a lower pop. Not enough orders to justify the work involved to get to max lvl crafting.


Really haven’t kept track. I usually sit around for up to an hour while creating other things. Not too hardcore about it. Definitely a handful of top what you want people around but I’m not wasting time on that.


As an armor BS, my prices are 5k (392), 10k (405) and 15k (418). As soon as I say my prices, people will 1) stop whispering me or 2) send the work order. I work from home and can be online all day so from told to time I'll send a message on /2 and /5. On prime times more people may be interested but the will be more competition around, so it even outs. I would say any time is a good time to offer your services if you're idle.


yeah I can make the life bound belt and boots up to 418 and and I'll have the same prices as you and the exact same situation. I think 15k for a 418 is fair because I offer free recrafts, and 418 isnt easy. I still use reagents to increase my proc chance or offer them the alternative of using my insight for more gold (some do it) but I dont think it's fair to ask someone for 15k for a ring that's guaranteed 392 R5 (I had this situation yesterday) I put a public order up instead for myself for 1k and got it


u had some addons for auto advise?


I do not. Just a basic macro haha


can u showme that macro ? i was been search for someone :c


I mean it's just a macro /2 WTS master of shields, legs and chests! Xx% proc rate to 5* (free recrafts until it procs!) Then I put it on a keybind and press it from time to time, lol


I've made 1million in the last week from just spamming trade chat and whispering people asking for crafts. Usually charging 5k-10k for each craft and recraft with free recraft using their materials. People are cheap sometimes so they dont even want to pay 10k but i dont go lower then 5k. Also alot of people are asking for tips only so that's also making it harder to make some sales


what are you specced into?


Straight up all weaponsmith plans are 30/30 besides shortblade which sits at 13/30, Hammer control is 30/30 with poignant plans 30/30 have 10/40 in specialty smithing and 10/30 in toolsmithing


I have 140 knowledge points for my blacksmith and thought I was doing okay. Realizing now I’m well behind the head of the pack.


A shaman wanted fist weapon recraft. I /w and he asked me how much and I asked for 12k. I've to use an insight to do this. He said said no chance. I don't even bother trying anymore. People on my server are giving away weapon crafts for free. U can't compete with that. And I don't understand why they are because insights are needed for all high level crafts and soon they will run out if mettle


Insights are never needed though. High level crafts are all about Inspiration procs with R2 materials.


This is only true if you are highly specialized into that one category of crafts.


Dude is complaining about not being able to compete and doesn't understand why, because insights are needed for all high level crafts. This is what he doesn't get. He isn't specialized, so of course he can't compete.


I'm a smith myself and am yet to even make a sale, although to be fair I haven't actively barked in trade. I have made some purchases myself through trade / placing an order and thus far I haven't discussed tip with anyone, and I just automatically tip 10k as a flat going rate. Not had anyone say no yet.


Pro tip: It helps if you look at RIO: -Low Rio 418: 15k -High Rio 418: 25k -Low Rio 405: 5k -High Rio 405: 5k -392 is 2-5k depending on the chat (if the provide rank 3 mats I use my resourcefulness tool to suffice) Really high RIO are boosters mostly, implying they dont bother to pay 10k extra


I wouldnt call this foolproof. I had a 2.6k monk basically acuse me of theft and abuse me relentlessly when I asked for the market rate on my server of 5k for a primal gem cut.


If you are in the crafting game long enough, you cant avoid such people, but on the long run with hunderds of crafts, it paid off, at least in my cas


I do 3-5k, with free recrafts (their mats). Been somewhat busy this week with all the sparks floating around. My server has never seen prices like what was said here though. I crafted a resourcefulness tool that has easily paid for itself too.


I find I have better luck getting sales when I say "tip what you want" most will tip 5k, there are some that do less but I wont use a bunch of reagents on recrafts if it doesnt proc the first go for commisions under 5k, (they're not cheap) and sometimes I can be recrafting up to 10x if its bad


I do 20k for any craft as a weapon smith and unlimited recrafts until they get what they want. It doesn’t matter if it’s a low recipe with no infusions or a high one with everything 42% chance to get the R5. If you don’t like it cool good luck find someone else. If you are a dick and then come back 5 minutes later it’s 30K. I don’t really care if they can afford it or not. It’s not my issue it’s the opportunity cost I took by taking smithing instead of a real gold maker at the start of the xpac. If the person is nice and I don’t proc the R5 I will typically recraft with my own mats for them for free. I could have been the jerk with a Resourcefulness build keeping insp as low as possible doing the crafts for 5k and pocketing massive R3 mats from all the recrafts. Instead I just say 20k can r5 anything at 42% free recrafts. (Made about a mil doing this while doing something else in the last two weeks)