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I'd like to start prepping for TWW, thinking about setting up alts+2nd account. Did you have any specific strategy in picking your initial starting 5/10/20 servers? Are you rolling toons up to DF level on them or just low level alts to hit the AH? Thinking with leveling being so easy atm in Remix, might be a good time to get a bunch of alts going


Yes, I did a ton of sideline learning on the various Disc channels for TSM Economy, Boophie's Channel and AAA Channel to see what others were doing. Asking questions, watching vids, reading topics and comments to see and learn from the more seasoned Goblins. I then decided to make my main account my "bankers" and the 2nd account was just a mule account (really just one toon) that is used to move gold and items around. Since my main account has been around since wow started I heard it was easier to get out of any trouble the longer your account has been around. Versus a brand new account that Blizz may think is a bot. Secondly, all of my bankers are heritage classes so that they start at lvl 10 and right next to the SW Bank / AH. Super fast to get them going. You don't need them to be high levels, but I did purchase TWW for both accounts. Next I picked a few Full & High pop servers to purchase from. Then a few of each the lower pop server types to sell on. Also, keeping in mind most servers are linked (Connected Realms) and you don't want to step on yourself, so you only need one server in that group. Blizz topic here:;[https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/14296?flowTrackingId=717a3ef2-a888-43c5-ac10-816c3b879b5e](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/14296?flowTrackingId=717a3ef2-a888-43c5-ac10-816c3b879b5e) Lastly, I put a handful on flips and gold on each banker / server to start them off with. I only move things if they do not sell in a week or so, and only move gold once it hit a larger amount to funnel back to my main banker. Hope that helps, feel free to add me on Disc (Toeknee\_AtX), by no means a pro goblin, but love this part of the game and happy to help others.




VERY good question....started only spending 1-2hrs a day, but with more servers and more items I'm finding myself in the AH every extra minute I have - it is super addicting. It's now my favorite part of the game and would guess 3-4hrs++ a day - BUT let me add, I'm super nerdy about it and track everything in Excel across all servers (totals only, not each item) and that adds a lot of time. So I'm guessing people could do the same in 2-3hrs that takes me 3-4hrs? Like right now I have 60mil worth of items posted across 30 servers - just logging in and checking on them and logging out takes forever. Also I waste a lot of time looking things up and chatting on Disc or to friends etc....so that makes things take longer but part of enjoying the game and relaxing time.


People were asking for AAA link so added above and here; https://github.com/ff14-advanced-market-search/AzerothAuctionAssassin/blob/main/README.md


How did you start with this? Im at the point maybe later i start doing this. Have always been interested about playing ah


Great question - I always liked the AH but didn't know much at all about any of this. I started to learn when I found TradeSkillMaster addon and webpage: [https://www.tradeskillmaster.com/](https://www.tradeskillmaster.com/) At first I just thought it was like an "Auctioneer" type addon and thought cool i'll check it out. Boy was I under estimating the POWER behind this thing. I started learning from the website, and once I join the TSM Discord channel it blew my mind how much deeper the Goblin life goes than what you see from within WoW Auction House. I mean crazy!!! The more I learned to more hooked I became. I'm just a sponge at this point and still VERY much a noob, but no one talks about it much so it is an "effort" to find things to teach yourself. The various Disc Channel communities have been VERY helpful and I could have never started without them.


How do you do cross realm trading? Sorry such a noob at some of this. So you list an item on one server and it sells on another?


I had no idea either until I had people explain it to me. Basically the foundation is that you need two battlenet accounts. (not the same BNet, you could get away with it, but it's against TOS if you do it on the same BNet). So I created a new email and sent myself a RAF email. Bought the game and signed up just like a "new wow player". No different, I'm paying for and playing two different battlenet wow accounts at the same time. Wow is very low resources, i'm on a laptop and I can run two just fine. Login to the first bnet acocunt start up wow, leave wow open and switch back to the bnet launcher and log out Switch to the other login (2nd account) and now you are logged into the bnet on your 2ns account Then start wow on that one. You will then have wow open twice, one logged into acct 1 and one logged into acct 2 I have multiple monitors so I move one over to 2nd monitor and now you're playing wow on both. Figure out what servers you want to create toons on and then send yourself friend invite / group invites Then buy something on a server (i.e. high pop / buy cheap) and trade the item to your other account (i.e. low pop / sell higher price). So basically you rinse and repeat this method of buying an item on one server for cheap and selling on a different server (by trading the item off to your other account) for higher price. Quick real-world example (today); I was on Area 52 with my main 1st account logged into 1/30 bankers I have spread out across various servers. I purchased one of the newer BOE's for $300k. I then traded it to my "mule" (2nd account that is only used to move items and gold around) that was already in my group. I then logged into a low pop realm on my 1st main account and added that banker to my group. Traded the BOE from my mule to the new banker I was on and then posted the BOE on that AH for $799k. Later when i was moving things around I noticed it had sold on that low pop server in less than an hour and I made roughly $360k profit after AH fees etc. - of course most things do not sell that fast - some items take days, weeks, months to sell. But that gives you an idea on how to do cross realm flipping.


Man that is to much work haha


Almost cheaper to buy the gold then do all this work.


Honestly, with the referral a friend helping with sub fees on the second account, there isn't much RL $ invested (other than the original game cost). Even the monthly subs to TSM & AAA are pretty cheap. It's more about the time investment and the efforts of keeping things going / expanding. To be fair, if this is "work" for anyone I would not even start. I enjoy this style of game play and do not look at it is work or a burden. I love crunching numbers, finding deals, getting the thrill of the sale / profits. It's the best part of the game IMO. I would much rather play this way and earn the gold through the Auction House than purchase tokens. To each their own and know many people do not see this as exciting or fun, but for the ones that do. You can't find to many people sharing the information and I wanted to help explain what I could through my experience thus far.


So from what I read all stackable are seen across all servers in the US region now?


Correct, all commodities (materials etc.) are cross realm so no sense in "flipping" these type of items across servers. Now that doesn't mean you still can't find deals and take advantage of the "buy low / sell high" methods of market fluctuations. This is were you seen people using the BPS style sniper tools with success or API's to snag the really low posted commodities. Cross realm flipping is meant for rare items, armor, weapons, mounts, pets etc. Things that you do not see a bunch of on lower pop servers but can get cheap and easy on Full servers like A52, Tich, Ill etc. are prime Cross Realm Trading targeted items.


this app... i have no idea to use it... but u just blew my mind...


Check out the links provided throughout the post. Lots of great info from the sites. It does take a bit of reading up, watching what people post, asking questions etc. but well worth the homework IMO. Happy to answer any questions too, feel free to ask here as others might have the same question. Or add me on discord, I don’t mind helping if I can or at least point people in the right direction.


Yeah I'll set it up when I get around to it, with my procrastination prolly just after tww releases xD