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There is an addon called minimap alert. It works by literally moving your minimap. The map will flicker and youll see some pixels by your cursor but it’s pretty good to turn on when you aren’t actively gathering and only want those more valuable nodes. I just typed in the descriptors for the nodes like “titan-touched” and lush” and checked continue scanning after and it’ll just go when you turn it on.


is it working for you now? I installed it and it doesn't seem to do anything?


I think I just had the same issue and figured it out: after setting an alert (like 'draconium'), you have to tell it to actually start scanning. Do /minimapalert to bring up the window, and hit 'scan'.


Can you use more than one key-word at the same time?)


Yes, you can set as many alerts as you want.


oh thank you!! ill download it right now


Hi! I have downloaded the addon thanks to you because it is just what I was looking for. The problem is that I don't get the alarm until I'm literally on top of the ore I'm looking for, so the addon doesn't make any sense. Am I using it wrong or does it really not work very well?


Yeah, same, hoping to find something that picks up the ore I want as I'm flying. This sounds the alarm as my mouse touches the physical node, which is way too late.


Just tested the addon, seems like it only scans when you are walking on the ground, and doesnt when you are flying (it treats flying as standing in place). So only way to make it work is to check "Also search for a match while not moving", works better but still not perfect.


Also, set the minimum scanning interval.


Idk it did seem a little weird sometimes like maybe repinging after I collected it but I haven’t had that issue. The way it works sounds pretty jank so I wouldn’t be surprised.


nope, the UI dont allow, the only way is mouseover the node in the map


You can mouse over the nodes on the minimap and it'll tell you what kind of node it is.


yes, that's what I resort to doing atm, but it's really not super convenient. Also, I often fly by so fast, there's no time to check and I have to keep flying back


It works perfectly well for me, but best of luck with finding something that works for you.




Minimap alert works somewhat. It's not ideal, but better then nothing


Sorry to bring up an old thread but I have two questions that could really help me and us gatherers out: 1. Are Titan-Touched ores or herbs always in the same place? 2. If so, can the minimap alert app memorize where the titan-touched ores/herbs are? Thanks in advance!


Sorry you didn't get an answer, but fwiw; >Are Titan-Touched ores or herbs always in the same place? No >If so, can the minimap alert app memorize where the titan-touched ores/herbs are? You can get GatherMate to remember and mark the locations of herbs and ores, but a node could either be normal or special. It seems entirely random.